Grade: Be Ready

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6 th

bimester 3 Unit 5

Be Ready
Teacher´s Material


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BE Ready
Guidelines for the Teacher
In the current skill- and knowledge-based world, we are being evaluated continuously in our lives: with
tests at school, entrance exams for university, evaluations in the workplace, and so on. It is important
for students to accept tests as a normal occurrence; children shouldn’t be afraid of exams. For this
reason, we have made the tests colorful and attractive-looking, and we have kept them short. The
purpose of the BE Ready tests is for students to identify what they have learned and what they still need
to learn better.

The BE Ready tests are given at the end of each unit. Each test is based on the material that students
have seen in the different sections of the course.
Each test is divided into two parts. The first part contains only language materials, and the second part
has a mix of subjects and language. For grades 1 and 2, you will find two pages for each part of the
test; for grades 3 to 6, there are three pages for each part.

We recommend that each part be given on a different day of class, so that the children start each test
fresh. If “working together” is an issue in your classroom, you can give one student the first part of the
test, and give the second part of the test to the child next to him or her.
In general, follow these steps:
1. Make sure students have pencils, erasers and colored pencils available.
2. Read all the instructions out loud and make sure everyone understands what they have to do.
3. Allow students to work on the assessment individually.

Check Yourself!
The Check Yourself! section is the self-evaluation portion of the test. Students reflect on and assess their
progress. You may want to have a brief class discussion when they have finished the test. Ask students

to mention the parts of the unit that are still difficult for them. The last two questions are related to
working in class and the universal understanding. Since there are no correct or incorrect answers, this
section is not graded.

After checking the test yourself, you can grade it the following way:
Overall score: The two parts of the test are each given a grade. The grades can be averaged or they

can be recorded separately, whichever you prefer.

Scoring for each page: The points on each page always add up to 10.
Score for the part: Add up the score for the pages and divide by the number of pages.
Items: In most cases, 1 or ½ point is given for each item. For example, if there are four blanks, and the
exercise is worth two points, take off ½ point for each item.
In any other case, take off ½ point or 1 point as you deem fit, for example if there are three items for
1 point, you can take off ½ point for one or two incorrect answers, and take off 1 point if all three
answers are incorrect. When in doubt, grade leniently.


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6th grade
BE Ready: Bimester 3 Unit 5 Grade:
Name: Date:

A Label the planets. (4 points)

Mercury Earth

Venus Mars

B Write what you know about the solar system. (6 points)

Answers may vary. Give 4 points for the correct use of grammar, 2 points for the

correct use of vocabularyand spelling.


Unit 5 · The Universe 3

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C Define each term. (7 points)

1. Terrestrial planets: The four planets closest to the Sun

2. Gaseous planets: The four planets farthest from the Sun


3. Dwarf planets: Smaller, round planets that orbit the Sun


4. Comets: Small celestial bodies


5. Constellations: Groups of stars that, when seen

from Earth, form a pattern. .

6. Galaxy: A group of stars, planets, dust, and gas.


7. Milky Way: It is a spiral galaxy with more

than 300 trillion stars. .

D Label the picture and write about the ways the Earth moves. (3 points)

axis of Answers may vary. Give 1 point for correct

use of grammar, 1 point for correct use of
direction of
vocabulary and 1 point for correct labelling.
Earth rotates on an imaginary axis.

This axis crosses Earth from the north pole

to the south pole. Earth takes 24 hours to
make one complete rotation. There are
24 hours in a day. This produces the
sequence of day and night.
direction of

4 Letting Others Know

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6th grade
E Complete the sentences with the appropriate articles. Underline the common nouns and circle
the proper ones. (4 points)

1. We live on a wonderful planet: planet Earth.

2. Saturn has dozens of moons. We have one: the Moon.

3. The Sun is a star.

4. A constellation is a group of stars

that form a pattern.

5. The constellation I like most is Leo. It has the

shape of a lion.
6. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It has a large system of rings.

F Complete the sentences with the correct word. (2 points)

1. The Sun is the brightest star in the sky.

2. It looks larger than the stars we see at night.

3. Most meteoroids are no bigger than a pebble.

4. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.


G Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. (4 point)

1. Astronomers use telescopes to study celestial bodies.

Telescopes are used to study celestial bodies .

2. Scientists have made many important discoveries about the universe.


Many important discoveries have been made about the universe .

3. Galileo observed the Moon through a telescope.

The Moon was observed through a telescope by Galileo .

4. Nowadays, scientists consider Pluto a dwarf planet.

Pluto is considered a dwarf planet nowadays .

Unit 5 · The Universe 5

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BE Ready: Bimester 3 Unit 5 Grade:
Name: Date:

A Find the volume of the following rectangular prisms. (4 points)

1. length 15 cm, width 10 cm, height 3 cm

15 x 10 x 3 = 450 cm3

2. length 8 cm, width 21 cm, height 9 cm

8 x 21 x 9 = 1,512 cm3

3. length 11 cm, width 4 cm, height 9 cm

11 x 4 x 9 = 396 cm3

4. length 16 cm, width 5 cm, height 12 cm

16 x 5 x 12 = 1,152 cm3

B Answer the following questions. (6 points)

1. What unit of measure is similar to meter?

A yard is similar to a meter.

2. How many inches are there in a 30 cm ruler?

There are 12 inches in a 30 cm ruler.

3. What are some multiples of the number 8?


Some multiples of the number 8 are: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 52, etc. Answers may vary.

4. Name 4 factors of the number 48.

Four factors of the number 58 are: 1, 2, 3, and 24, Answers may vary.

5. How many meters are there in a structure that is 1,250 cm tall?

There are 12.5 meters in 1,250 cm.

6. How many quarts are there in a 5 gallon can of oil?

There are 20 quarts in a 5 gallon can of oil.

6 Letting Others Know

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6th grade
C Imagine how the Big Bang theory actually happened. Make a drawing.
Explain the Big Bang Theory. (5 points)
Give 1 point for the drawing, 2 points for the cor-
rect use of grammar and 2 points for the correct
use of vocabulary. Possible answer. In the begin-
ning, all the matter and energy in the universe
Answers may vary.
was concentrated into a tiny place a thousand
times smaller than a grain of sand. Then, some-
thing caused the universe to explode. Since then,
the universe has been expanding.

D Answer the questions. (5 points)

1. Why is life possible on Earth?

Because the atmosphere contains just the right amount of gas to keep the planet at

the perfect temperature, not too cold, and not too hot, making it a hospitable place

for life to develop.

2. Why do we have day and night?

During rotation, one half of Earth always faces the Sun. It is day in that half.

The other half faces away from the Sun. In that half, it is night.

3. Why do we always see the same side of the Moon?

Because it takes the same time to rotate on itself as it orbits the Earth: 28 days;

so the other side is never visible from Earth.

4. What produces the change of seasons?


The rotation of Earth around the Sun.

5. Why do the northern and southern hemispheres have a different season at the same

time of year?
Because the earth is tilted, the Sun’s rays do not reach both hemispheres the

same way.

Unit 5 · The Universe 7

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F Complete the sentences using words from the box. (5 points)

physical cartographers topographical globes political maps

1. Globes are the most accurate way to represent the surface of Earth.

2. Cartographers have figured out different ways to represent Earth on flat maps .

3. Political maps show the borders of countries, states, cities, and towns.

4. Physical maps show landforms and bodies of water.

5. Topographical maps show the shapes and elevation of land features.

G Answer the question. (5 points)

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of GPS technology?
Answers will vary. Give 2 points for the correct use of

grammar and 3 points for the correct use of vocabulary.



Yes No
1. Can you use punctuation at the end of a sentence?

2. Can you use different systems of measurement?

3. Can you use synonyms and antonyms when you write?

4. Can you use new vocabulary?

5. Were you tolerant of others at home and at school?

8 Letting Others Know

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