Environmental Science & Policy: Nektarios N. Kourgialas, George P. Karatzas

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Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142

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Environmental Science & Policy

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A flood risk decision making approach for Mediterranean tree crops

using GIS; climate change effects and flood-tolerant species
Nektarios N. Kourgialasa,b,* , George P. Karatzasa
School of Environmental Engineering—Technical University of Crete, Polytechneioupolis, 73100 Chania, Greece
Hellenic Agricultural Organization—DIMITRA, National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.)—Institute for Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and
Viticulture, Agrokipio, 73100 Chania, Greece


Article history:
Received 16 March 2016 The aim of this study is to estimate flood risk in the Mediterranean island of Crete in Greece, using
Received in revised form 27 May 2016 Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The island of Crete, covering an area of 8265 km2, is one of the
Accepted 27 May 2016 most intensively Mediterranean agricultural areas dominated by fruit tree crops. In this study, the factors
Available online 6 June 2016 that are directly related to the creation of a flood are combined in a GIS environment in order to identify
the most prone flooding areas. These factors are: (a) the Flow accumulation (F), (b) the Rainfall intensity
Keywords: (R), (c) the Elevation (E), (d) the Geology (G), (e) the Land use (L), and (f) the Slope (S). The initials of these
Flood risk assessment factors gave the name to the proposed method: “FREGLS”. The above factors are presented in the form of
grid maps and are used in order to determine the final flood risk map. Subsequently, the flood prone fruit
tree areas of Crete can be estimated by applying a methodology based on weighting coefficients. The
Fruit tree areas
Climate change reliability of the final flood risk map is verified using historical flooded data. Additionally, the impact of
Flood-tolerant fruit trees global climate change scenarios A2 and B1, on flood risk in Crete is examined. Based on the above, this
study highlights the flood prone fruit tree areas in the island of Crete under current and future climate
conditions. Also, flood-tolerant fruit trees which appear to be economically important for Greece are
recommended, especially for the high flood risk areas of the island. The proposed methodology can be
applied as a decision making tool for flood risk mitigation to any river basin where tree crops are
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction flood events, which due to their short-time flow concentration, are
difficult to be predicted and treated (Camarasa Belmonte and
Flooding has always been a real danger not only for lowland and Segura Beltran, 2001; Kourgialas et al., 2011). In addition, flash
semi-mountainous areas but also for mountainous plains (pla- floods are very common in mountainous areas where rapid
teaus). Generally, most vulnerable to floods are low-lying areas and snowmelt or heavy rainfalls are quickly transformed into runoff.
adjacent to rivers and streams. The risk of flooding in a particular These events, due to the high capacity of transport, can be
area is mainly attributable to torrential nature of rainfall. characterized as the most serious weather-related hazards in many
Moreover, under the pressure of the population growth the mountain plateaus all around the world, causing considerable
continued expansion of building construction in the coastal zone, economic losses (Ballesteros et al., 2011).
have engendered conditions of immediate cause of flooding In the Mediterranean area, and especial in Crete, where small
(Thieken et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2011; Morelli et al., 2014). river basins and ephemeral streams are common, rainfall and
The main types of flooding that can occur in an area are: river runoff processes often lead to the generation of flash floods. These
floods, flash floods, urban floods, sewer flooding and coastal events happen suddenly with a minimal warning, causing
flooding. Especially, in small river basins with high slopes and low significant economic damages. Specifically, flash flood waves
permeability geological formations intense rainfall can cause flash move at very high speeds and could have a height from few
centimeters to few meters (Archer, 1992). These characteristics of
flood waves can destroy structures and tear out trees causing
* Corresponding author at: School of Environmental Engineering—Technical serious damages. These losses can be economically important
University of Crete, Polytechneioupolis, 73100 Chania, Greece. especially in an intensive agricultural area such as the island of
E-mail addresses: nektarios.kourgialas@enveng.tuc.gr,
kourgialas@nagref-cha.gr (N.N. Kourgialas).

1462-9011/ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142 133

Crete, one of the most notable horticultural regions of the eastern includes the prefectures of Heraklion and Lassithi. The
Mediterranean zone with significant areas of fruit trees. elevations in Crete range from zero to 2456 m MSL. In Crete
Floods in Crete are a relatively frequent phenomenon and it has lowlands (<200 m) cover an area of 2165 km2, 26% of the total area,
become more intense over the last decades (Kourgialas et al., semi-mountainous areas (200–800 m) cover an area of 4627 km2
2010). Various climate models for the region of Crete predict a which is 56% of the total area, while the mountainous area
gradual increase in rainfall intensity for the coming decades, which (>800 m) is approximately equally to 1473 km2 which is 18% of the
may increase the risk of flash floods (Nikolaidis et al., 2013; total area. The study area is one of the most important horticultural
Kourgialas et al., 2015). Moreover, the strong orographic effect in regions of the Mediterranean zone; mainly, dominated by fruit tree
Crete with a non-uniform spatial distribution of precipitation cultivation such as olive, citrus, vineyard and avocado (Fig. 1a).
generates at specific regions of the island an intensive spatial Specifically, fruit tree cultivation in Crete reaches up to 32%
variability of precipitation both in frequency and intensity. Taking (2608 km2) of the total area. Pasture, natural vegetation and forests
into account the above, the generation of flood risk map for the cover 56% (4600 km2), annual crops cover about 11% (950 km2),
island of Crete under current and future climate conditions while artificial structures (urban areas) are about 1% (107 km2).
certainly is a challenging task. Also, Omalos and Lassithi plateaus are the largest mountainous
In order to minimize the negative effects of floods, flood risk plains of Crete, which are both cultivated with fruit trees and
maps and mitigation plans must be developed, taking into account annual crops (Fig. 1a). In these areas as the agriculture has become
the geomorphological and hydrological conditions dominating in more intensive a proper flood management plan is a challenge. The
regions of potential flood risk (Liu et al., 2003; Chatterjee et al., island of Crete is separated into 120 different river basins (Fig. 1b)
2008; Prime et al., 2016). Several models, presented in the past, can and is characterized by a complex geological structure that consists
estimate potential flood risk areas for different scenarios using of limestones, impermeable formations, and flysch formations
various numerical approaches to simulate flow and flood inunda- (Water Resources Department of the Prefecture of Crete, 2014).
tion (Brocca et al., 2011). However, for ungauged and/or extended Annual rainfall reaches up to 700 mm/year in low areas, 1000 mm/
areas where hydrological – hydraulic simulation is expensive or/ year in semi-mountainous areas, and 2000 mm/year in mountain-
and time-consuming a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) in a GIS ous areas. Due to the complex vertical and horizontal topography
environment can be an essential tool. Floods are multidimensional of the island significant climatologically differences occur. Thus,
phenomena with a spatial dimension, which makes GIS particu- the western part of the island receives higher amounts of
larly useful in such applications (Zerger, 2002; Wang et al., 2011). precipitation compared to the eastern part. Generally, about 65%
Many MCA flood risk studies in GIS environment have been of the total precipitation in the island is lost in form of
performed worldwide, especially in the last fifteen years (Liu et al., evapotranspiration while 21% is converted to runoff and the rest
2003; Van Der Veen and Logtmeijer, 2005; Kourgialas and of 14% recharges the groundwater.
Karatzas, 2011; Chau et al., 2013; Papaioannou et al., 2015; Kazakis
et al., 2015) 2.2. Methodology
The combination of geoinformation techniques with multi-
criteria analysis (MCA) allows greater flexibility and accuracy in In order to estimate spatial variability of flood risk in the island
decisions with regard to the designation and the analysis of of Crete five different flood Risk Levels (RL) were considered (very
vulnerable to flooding areas (Makropoulos and Butler, 2006; high, high, moderate, low and very low). Specifically, the proposed
Chenini et al., 2010). Specifically, in GIS databases analytical/ RL are described as the probability of a flood event to occur within a
numerical tool and mathematical relationships among different hydrological year. Very high flood risk level indicates areas with 2%
layers of maps can be combined to a decision support system probability of a flood event to occur within a hydrological year (50-
yielding a flood risk map. For an effective decision support system year return period). High flood risk level indicates 1% probability
several criteria need to be evaluated which can be combined and (100-year return period). Moderate flood risk level indicates 0.5%
create the final flood risk map. However, the main problem in MCA probability (200-year return period). Low flood risk level indicates
is that the factors as well as their weights are subject to the 0.2% probability (500-year return period) and very low flood risk
judgment of the decision-maker. level indicates lower than 0.2% probability (>500-year return
In this study, in order to face this challenge we combined the period).
literature with a Delphi approach and, historical flood events to This classification is performed by considering the factors that
validate the final results. Another aim of this study was the influence the generation of flood events. The final map of flood risk
development of a flood risk map for the island of Crete taking into was created using the combination of six different thematic maps –
account all the particular hydrogeological characteristics of the factors, which are directly related to flooding events. This
island. Moreover, the flood prone fruit tree areas, based on current combination was achieved based on a linear algebraic function
and future climate conditions, were determined. Specifically, the assigning relative weights to each factor. Analytically, estimating
effects of the higher and lower emission climate change scenarios the final flood risk map, six different thematic map-factors such as
A2 and B1 in flood risk fruit tree areas were investigated. Also, this Flow accumulation (F), Rainfall intensity (R), Elevation (E), Geology
study highlights the tolerance to flooding of the existing fruit trees (G), Land use (L), and Slope (S) were created within ArcGIS
of Crete, suggesting new economically effective and flood tolerance environment.
fruit tree species that are recommended for high flood risk areas. The (F), (S), (E), and (R) factors have numeric values, whereas
The proposed methodology can be used as a flood decision making the (G) and (L) factors are expressed in descriptive form. The effect
tool to any agricultural river basin. of each factor is mapped as five different flood Risk Levels (RL) as
following: very high, high, moderate, low and very low. For
2. Materials and methods numeric-valued factors the Jenk’s Natural Breaks method was used
for indicating the five different flood risk classes. In the case of non-
2.1. Study area numeric-valued factors classification depends mainly on the
influence of the factor on the recharging flood process. For
Crete is the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and the example, impermeable geological areas as well as limited land
largest in Greece, covering an area of about 8265 km2. The western cover indicates a very high flood risk for (G) and (L) factors,
part Crete includes Chania, and Rethymnon prefectures, while the respectively. Next, for each of the proposed factors rating of the
134 N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142

Fig. 1. (a) Land uses, rainfall stations, and plateaus in Crete, (b) River basins in Crete.

flood Risk Levels (RL) a numerical value is assigned as follows: very capture the physical responses of those systems in modelling
high (RL) = 10, high (RL) = 8, moderate (RL) = 5, low (RL) = 2, very approaches (Pshenichny et al., 2009). Taking into consideration the
low (RL) = 1. above, Delphi process was used to quantify and collect the opinions
Considering that all the studied factors do not have the same of hydrogeologists, hydro-agronomists, and environmentalist
degree of influence on flood generation, a correlation analysis with experts, from different organizations on the island of Crete
different weights for each factor was applied. This analysis (Ministry of Agriculture, Technical University and Technological
considers the effect of each factor on all other factors. Thus, two Educational Institute, Institute for Olive Tree – Subtropical Crops
kinds of effects are employed: (a) major effect, that is, a change of and Viticulture, Water Resources Department of the Prefecture of
the first factor bears a direct effect on the other [assigned (1) point] Crete, and Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization). Specifi-
and (b) a minor effect, that is, the change of the first factor bears an cally, in this study the Delphi method, which can be characterized
indirect effect on the other factor [assigned (1/2) point]. The rate “as a method for structuring a group communication process so that
for each factor is calculated as the summation of the points of the process is effective in allowing a group of individuals, as a whole, to
major and minor effects. These rates are presented in Table 1. deal with a complex problem” (Linstone and Turoff, 2002), enabled:
The selection of the above mentioned factors as well as the (a) the confirmation that the six selected factors have the most
flood Risk Levels (RL) and the Factors Rates (FR) were based on the significant influence on flood risk assessment, (b) the identification
literature and the Delphi approach (Eimers et al., 2000; Yahaya of the weights and rates of factors, taking into consideration the
et al., 2010; Kourgialas and Karatzas, 2011; Kazakis et al., 2015). interaction between factors.
Specifically, according to literature surveys the aforementioned six The final percentage of each factor regarding its effect on the
factors can capture the necessary information improving the flood risk occurrence is computed as the ratio of the total factor
decision-making utility for flood risk modelling (Zerger, 2002). weight (calculated by multiplied FR and RL) to the overall total
Additionally, in complex hydrogeological regions/systems, such as weight (i.e. the sum of all the six factors weights). Following,
the Mediterranean area, hydro-environmental researches based on according to the weighted linear combination approach, each
expert judgments can improve the accurate estimation of factor is multiplied by its percentage weight and all factors are
numerical parameters and/or logical functions which in turn summed to yield the final flood risk map (FREGLS) for the island of

Table 1
Interaction between factors that influence the flood risk [Factors Rates (FR)].

Factor Changing Major Effect Minor Effect Factor Rate (FR)

Flow accumulation (F) (L) (S) 1.5 pts (1major + 1minor)
Slope (S) (F), (L) 2.0 pts (2major + 0minor)
Land use (L) (F), (R) (G), (S) 3.0 pts (2major + 2minor)
Rainfall intensity (R) (F) (L) 1.5 pts (1major + 1minor)
Geology (G) (L), (S), (F) 3.0 pts (3major + 0minor)
Elevation (E) (R), (L), (G), (F) (S) 4.5 pts (4major + 1minor)
N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142 135

Crete using the following equation (Kourgialas and Karatzas, surface runoff and greater risk to flooding (Kazakis et al., 2015),
2011): (Table 2). Geology formations through which the water flows can
X play a catalytic role in the runoff generation (Kourgialas et al.,
FREGLS ¼ xi wi ¼ FwF þ SwS þ LwL þ RwR þ GwG þ EwE ; ð1Þ; 2011). The larger the grain size and the more fractures (karst
structure) the lower overland flow. On the other hand, imperma-
where: nent geological formations can lead to high runoff rates increasing
xi = the map of each parameter i in turn the flood risk (Table 2).
wi = the weight of each parameter i In addition, using the appropriate algorithm in GIS environment
F = Flow accumulation factor, S = Slope factor, L = Land use factor (flow accumulation – Arc Hydro) the flow accumulation map was
R = Rainfall intensity factor, G = Geology factor, E = Elevation factor. generated (ESRI, 2008). This map indicates the number of cells that
All the above mentioned factors were georeferenced to the hydrologically contribute to each raster cell, where the higher the
Greek Coordinate System EGSA’87 (EPSG Projection 2100). accumulation of runoff in a pixel-cell, the greater the flood risk
Geometric resolution of the produced raster maps equal to (Table 2).
20  20 m2. Geoinformatic and filed measurement techniques In order to determine the Rainfall intensity (R) factor monthly
were used to determine and digitalize the aforementioned rainfall values from 86 rainfall stations, located on the island of
thematic maps/factors. Analytically, topographic maps (1:5000) Crete and for the time period 1960–2014, were used (Water
were used in order to create the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) – Resources Department of the Prefecture of Crete, 2014). The spatial
(spatial resolution of 20  20 m, vertical accuracy equal to 5 m) of distribution of these stations is shown in Fig. 1a. The map of
the study area. Using DEM, in GIS environment, slope map was Rainfall intensity (R) was created based on the Modified Fournier
produced applying a 3D Analyst tool. Topographic parameters such Index (Morgan, 2005):
as slope and elevation are inversely proportional to the appearance
12 2
of floods (Kourgialas and Karatzas, 2011), (Table 2). MFI ¼ ; ð2Þ
In addition, remote sensing methods (satellite images) and the 1
traditional field explorative geological mapping were used to
determine the land use map and the geological map for the Island
of Crete, respectively. Land use factor is associated directly with the MFI: the Modified Fournier Index, : the 12-month summa-
vegetation cover that controls both the amount of precipitation 1
and the time that it takes to reach the soil surface contributing to tion, p: the average monthly rainfall, and P: the average annual
surface runoff. Thus, dense vegetation cover can reduce the flood rainfall.
risk, while burned areas, without vegetation, can lead to increased

Table 2
Categorization—calibration and weight evaluation of the factors affecting flood risk areas on the island of Crete.

Factors Domain of effect Descriptive level (flood risk Proposed weight of Rate Weighted rating Total Percentage
level) effect (RL) (FR) (FR*RL) weight (%)
(F) 128.590–220.071 Very High 10 1.5 15 39 9.68
Flow accumulation 64.727–128.590 High 8 12
(pixels) 27.617–64.727 Moderate 5 7.5
6.041–27.617 Low 2 3
0–6.041 Very Low 1 1.5
(S) 0–7.56 Very High 10 2 20 52 12.90
Slope (degree) 7.56–14.83 High 8 16
14.83–23.00 Moderate 5 10
23.00–33.28 Low 2 4
33.28–77.16 Very Low 1 2
(L) Urban & bare area Very High 10 3 30 78 19.35
Land use Scrub, herbaceous, annual High 8 24
Permanent crops, Fruit Moderate 5 15
Agro-forestry areas, Low 2 6
Mixed forest Very Low 1 3
(R) 554–838 Very High 10 1.5 15 39 9.68
Rainfall intensity 377–554 High 8 12
(MFI units) 244–377 Moderate 5 7.5
151–244 Low 2 3
0–151 Very Low 1 1.5
(G) Impermeable layer & Very High 10 3 30 78 19.35
Geology flysch
Clays High 8 24
Sands & fine grain content Moderate 5 15
Gravels & conglomerates Low 2 6
Karstic area & limestones Very Low 1 3
(E) 0–263 Very High 10 4.5 45 117 29.03
Elevation (m) 263–547 High 8 36
547–930 Moderate 5 22.5
930–1.465 Low 2 9
1.465–2.458 Very Low 1 4.5
SUM 403 100
136 N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142

The MFI indicator expresses the sum of the average monthly considered as an acceptable estimation method for rainfall
rainfall intensity at a station. The MFI value of each station was intensity in the Mediterranean environment.
interpolated at the GIS environment using the deterministic In this study the climate change effect in flood prone areas for
technique of spline method. This method was selected based on the island of Crete was investigated based on the global emission
various studies which indicate that the spline method is the best scenarios A2 and B1 for the year 2050. Choosing this short
method for representing smoothly varying surfaces of phenomena prediction time the uncertainty of the final results was minimized.
such as rainfall and the most appropriate method for cases with a Analytically, based on different Global Climate Models (Echam5,
small number of data points, as our case (Goovaerts, 2000; Lloyd, IPSL and CNRM) that were applied in the study area (Tsanis et al.,
2005). The monthly data used to estimate the rainfall intensity is 2011; Kourgialas et al., 2015), prediction of the average annual
not always applicable for flood risk analysis. Nevertheless, taking precipitation for the island of Crete indicate a small decrease of 2%
into consideration: (a) the large number of meteorological stations for scenario A2 and 1% for scenario B1. In the present work, was
in the study area, as well as the extended time period of data- 55 chosen to simulate the higher and lower emission climate change
years, (b) the seasonal character of the rainfall threshold level scenarios A2 and B1 in order to capture their potential effects on
which can generate overbank flows in the Mediterranean region, flood risk areas. According to IPCC Third Assessment Report, these
where ephemeral streams and flash floods are common (Camarasa two extreme future climate change scenarios (A2 and B1), can be
Belmonte and Segura Beltran, 2001), and (c) the fact that the termed as following: A2 scenario indicates “a weakly globalized
proposed method does not require exact values for this factor but world with continuously increasing population. Economic develop-
classifies it into five categories of risk, the monthly data could be ment is primarily regionally oriented and per capita economic growth

Fig. 2. Flood risk maps for factors: (a) flow accumulation, (b) slope, and (c) land use.
N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142 137

and technological change more fragmented and slower”. B1 scenario tolerate and economically important fruit trees suitable for
indicates “a confluent world that promotes sustainable development cultivation in the very high flood risk areas of Crete.
on a global scale, rapidly shifting towards a service and information
economy based on clean and resource-efficient technologies”. These 3. Results and discussion
scenarios were considered to affect rainfall intensity uniformly
over the island. Based on this final map the fruit tree areas at high flood risk can
Daily synthetic data for climate change scenarios A2 and B1 be determined. Table 2 presents the classification of the six factors
were generated using perturbed statistical characteristics of the into risk levels, the proposed rating for each risk level, expressed in
observed data at each rainfall station. Next, in the GIS environment points, as well as the rates for the factors. Additionally, the
the maps of Rainfall Intensity (R) factor under climate change summation of all the factor weights yields the grand total weight
scenarios A2 and B1 for the year 2050 were generated. These maps, and the contribution of each factor to the flood risk, expressed as a
in turn, were combined with Eq. (1) in order to determine the flood percentage (Table 2). The six maps that were developed with the
risk areas under these future climatic conditions. Emphasis was classification method are presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Using Eq. (1),
given to the determination of the fruit tree areas located at very the final map of flood risk areas is generated by combining the
high and high flood risk level. Taking into consideration that these above mentioned factors (Fig. 4). The combination of the six maps
cultivations offer significant economic benefits to the local (flow accumulation, slope, land use, rainfall intensity, geology, and
communities it is very crucial to investigate the tolerance of these elevation) applied in the proposed methodology aims to identify
species to flooding. Also it is very important to recommend flood- the areas that are most prone to flooding on the island of Crete.

Fig. 3. Flood risk maps for factors: (d) rainfall intensity, (e) geology, and (f) elevation.
138 N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142

Fig. 4. Final flood risk map for the island of Crete.

Consequently, Fig. 4 describes spatial distribution of flood risk in ensured, minimizing the uncertainty inherent in the simulation
each of the 120 river basins of the island of Crete. Based on these results. All of the aforementioned information validate spatial
figures, very high flood risk areas are distributed as much in the reliability of the proposed methodology for the study area.
western part of the island as in the eastern part. Additionally, flood According to the verified final flood risk map, an area of
occurrence appears to be more intense in the lowlands of the 1605 km2 (19.5%) in Crete is subject to very high flood risk and
island. A characteristic example is the southern part of the 2330 km2 (28.3%) is under high flood risk. In addition, 1915 km2
prefecture of Heraklion, where the final map describes an extended (23.2%), 1463 km2 (17.7%) and 931 km2 (11.3%) can be characterized
very high flood risk area (Fig. 4). Specifically, this area (valley of as areas of moderate, low and very low flood risk, respectively.
Messara) is an irrigated area that is cultivated intensively where As mentioned above, the island of Crete is one of the most
groundwater over-exploitation has led to a land subsidence which important tree cultivation regions in the Mediterranean zone.
in fact increases significantly the flood risk level (Xepapadeas, Based on the final flood risk map, 792 km2 (30.4%) of fruit tree areas
1996; Paleologos et al., 2013). are located in very high flood risk areas. Furthermore, fruit tree
areas of about 1131 km2 (43.4%) are under high flood risk.
3.1. Validation and final results Additionally, 270 km2 (10.3%), and 415 km2 (15.9%) of the fruit
tree areas can be designated as areas of moderate, low or very low
In order to verify the final flood risk map, a review of historical flood risk, respectively. Thus, a significant percentage of 73.8% of
flooding on the island of Crete (for the last 100 years) was the fruit tree cultivation areas in Crete are under very high or high
introduced (Diakakis et al., 2012; Water Resources Department of flood risk. The above classification results and the flood risk maps
the Prefecture of Crete, 2014). Specifically, in Fig. 5a and b the (including map coordinates) can be exported by local authorities
locations of historical flooded points, occurred within a 50-year using GIS. Thus, maps of high flood risk areas with summary
return period, are marked with black symbols, while historical information could be offered to the farmers to raise awareness.
flooded points occurred within a 100-year return period are Moreover, using the proposed methodology, at very high flood risk
marked with green symbols. According to these figures, the areas of 792 Km2 economical effective and flood-tolerant fruit trees
majority of the historical flooded points are located in the western species can be investigated and suggested. This task is analyzed in a
part of Crete in comparison with the eastern part. Additionally, following section.
accordingly of the frequency of the total 125 recorded historical
flooded points 114 have 50-year return period, while the rest of 3.2. Climate change scenarios
them have a 100-year return period. To validate the final results it
was necessary to convey the connection between historical For predicting flood prone areas in 2050 under socioeconomic
flooded points and flood risk areas. To achieve this, the “Extract scenarios A2 and B1 all the factors of Eq. (1) except the rainfall
by Mask” tool in GIS environment was applied. Based on this tool, intensity (R) were kept constant. Fig. 6 illustrates the rainfall
the cells of the final flood risk map (raster file) that correspond to intensity (R) results for the year 2050 under the scenarios A2 and
the historical flooded points (mask data) were extracted. In this B1.
way, the extracted flooded points were identified based on their For scenario A2 the predicted flood risk results show that in
locations in the five different flood risk zones. Thus, the accurate 2050 the decrease of the expected precipitation gave a reduced
number of the flooded points that were located in each flood risk area of very high and low flood risk, while high, moderate, and very
area was defined. Based on the above, for the final flood risk map, low flood risk areas show a small increase, compared to the current
almost all the recorded historical floods with a 50-year return conditions (Table 3). For scenario B1 the predicted flood risk results
period (111 points) took place at the very high flood risk areas with show that in 2050 the slight increase of the expected precipitation
only three of them to be in the areas of high flood risk. On the other gave an increase in all flood risk levels except the high and
hand, all the recorded historical floods with a 100-year return moderate levels with comparison to the current conditions
period (11 points) were located within the identified areas of high (Table 3), (Fig. 7). In addition, regarding scenario A2 (higher
flood risk. emission climate change scenario), fruit trees within the very high
The good agreement between historical flood events and the flood risk areas are expected to decrease for the year 2050 as
final flood risk map appears to be not only at the low and semi- compared to the current situation. Nevertheless, for 2050 and for
mountainous lands but also at the two main intensively cultivated scenario A2 fruit trees within high flood risk areas are expected to
mountain plateaus of Crete, Omalos and Lassithi (Fig. 5a and b). In increase as compared to the present (Table 4). For scenario B1, very
this way, the uniqueness of the proposed parameterization was high flood risk fruit tree areas will increase in the year 2050, while
N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142 139

Fig. 5. (a) Validation of the final flood risk map with historical flooded points (Western part of Crete) (b) Validation of the final flood risk map with historical flooded points
(Eastern part of Crete).

high flood risk fruit tree areas will significantly decrease, compared high flood risk areas. During the past 30 years research has been
to the baseline conditions (Table 4). conducted on the effects of flooding on various fruit tree species
(Crane and Davies, 1989; Larson et al., 1993; Schaffer, 1998;
3.3. Flood-tolerant fruit trees, current species and prospects for the Schaffer et al., 2006). According to those studies, the primary effect
island of Crete of flooding on tree crops physiology and growth is related to the
reduction of soil oxygen. The earliest detectable physiological
In the present subsection some recommendations are pre- symptoms of flooding stress include decreased net CO2 assimila-
sented for selecting flood-tolerant fruit tree corps suitable to very tion, stomatal conductance, and transpiration. Prolonged flooding
140 N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142

Fig. 6. Rainfall intensity maps under scenarios A2 and B1.

usually results in a stoppage of root operation and tree growth, in a could be characterized those trees that are not tolerant to wet or
decrease of nutrient uptake, and often causes tree death. In flooded soil conditions. These trees may bear heavy damage after
addition, flood leads to a decreased flowering, yield and fruit few days of wet soil conditions (Schaffer et al., 1992).
quality for several species of fruit trees. Different fruit tree species A very important task of this study was to review the existing
have different flood tolerance depending on the growing season, literate related to flood-tolerant fruit species. Additionally, in this
the duration and the magnitude of flooding as well as on the age of study taking into consideration the above literature evidences, the
the plants (Schaffer et al., 1992). Specifically, flooding during the flood-tolerant fruit trees under Mediterranean conditions were
dormant season is much less harmful than during growing season. investigated and ordered. This was achieved considering that flash
In addition, some fruit trees are killed by less than one week of floods are common in the study area taking place mainly in rainy
flooding while some others can survive continuous flooding. On period (winter, spring and autumn) coinciding or not with the
the other hand, flash flooding with moving water may increase growing season of different fruit trees. Moreover, in order to have
growth of some flood-tolerant species. Furthermore, mature trees trustworthy results, it was assumed that all the investigated
tolerate flooding better than seedling or over-mature trees (Ismail Mediterranean fruit trees were at the same age (mature trees).
and Noor, 1996). Based on the above, in the case of the most common
Generally, flood-tolerant species could be characterized as the Mediterranean cultivated fruit trees the order of flood tolerance
fruit trees that could survive under excessively wet (high water is: quince, pear, apple, plum (flood-tolerant species), citrus, cherry,
table) and flooded conditions that last from several days to a few apricot, peach, and almond (moderately flood-tolerant species),
weeks. Moderately flood-tolerant trees could be characterized as followed by olive, vineyard and avocado (not flood-tolerant trees)
the species that could survive for several days of excessively wet or (Rowe and Beardsell, 1973; Schaffer et al., 2006). As mentioned in
flooded soil conditions. However, the stress of wet conditions may previous sections, the island of Crete is mainly dominated by olive,
reduce tree growth and fruit production, while root disease may citrus, vineyard and avocado cultivations. These cultivations are
result in tree damage or death. Finally, not flood-tolerant trees sensitive to flooding. Thus, for an adopting agricultural approach,

Table 3
Flooded areas under current and future scenarios.

Flood risk level Area (Km2) Area (Km2) Percentage change Area (Km2) Percentage change
Baseline scenario A2 Scenario A2 vs. Baseline scenario B1 Scenario B1 vs. Baseline
Very High 1605 1459 1.77 1710 1.27
High 2330 2392 0.75 2160 2.06
Moderate 1915 2000 1.03 1894 0.25
Low 1463 1437 0.32 1488 0.30
Very Low 931 956 0.30 992 0.74
N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142 141

Fig. 7. Final flood risk maps under scenarios A2 and B1.

this study highlights the fruit tree species that show tolerance to 4. Conclusion
flooding and are economically profitable which could be suggested
for cultivation in very high flood risk areas. Based on the above, The estimation of the spatial flood risk in a GIS environment is
fruit trees which could be effectively cultivated at the specific essential for an effective flood risk management. In this paper, the
climatological conditions of the study area, and could ensure at the flood risk in the Mediterranean island of Crete is identified using
same time adequate income to local farmers could be the quince, GIS. Specifically, the fruit tree areas which are most prone to flood
pear and apple trees. Specifically, the cultivation of quince trees, risk are indicated through the application of the proper
that its domestic production covers only 25–30% of the total methodology. The determination of flood risk areas is based on
demand in Greece, could ensure a good income to the farmers a classification of the flood risk in five categories ranging from very
(indicative price approximately equal to 15000 Euros/ha/year), high to very low. Thus, the fruit tree areas that are most susceptible
(Ministry of Agriculture of Greece, 2010). Thus, this cultivation to flooding were determined. The identification of these areas
could be a prospective horticulture for low and semi-mountainous resulted from the combination of the six thematic flood risk maps
areas of Crete where flood risk can be characterized as very high. for the region of Crete. The thematic map – factors used for the
Moreover, considering the flood tolerance of pear and apple trees present study were: (a) flow accumulation, (b) slope, (c) land use,
they also could be suitable for cultivation at very high flood risk (d) rainfall intensity, (e) geology, and (f) elevation. The results of
areas of semi-mountainous and mountainous regions of Crete, this assessment were verified by historical flood events within the
ensuring a very good income to the farmers (indicative price study area (including low, semi-mountainous and mountain
approximately equal to 40000 Euros/ha/year). plateau areas). Taking into account that Crete is one of the most

Table 4
Flooded fruit tree areas under current and future scenarios.

Flood risk level Fruit Tree Area (Km2) Fruit Tree Area (Km2) Percentage change Fruit Tree Area (Km2) Percentage change
Baseline scenario A2 Scenario A2 vs. Baseline scenario B1 Scenario B1 vs. Baseline
Very High 792 695 4.42 828 1.38
High 1131 1212 3.69 1049 3.14
Moderate 270 285 0.68 313 1.65
Low/Very Low 415 416 0.05 418 0.12
142 N.N. Kourgialas, G.P. Karatzas / Environmental Science & Policy 63 (2016) 132–142

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