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The heroes emerge from Scarwall with Serithtial.

The sun is dropping on the horizon when they

leave. That night, Vencarlo contacts Yasaraith. She finds herself standing back in Vencarlo’s
dojo, wearing the attire of Blackjack. Vencarlo stands opposite her.

“Yasa. I’ve secured the aid of one of Janderhoff’s sellspells to contact you in this matter, for
things grow dire in Korvosa. Queen Ileosa’s control over the city has grown, and now she holds
all of Korvosa in a vice of martial law. Cressida has left the Guard - she’s gone underground to
serve as the leader of a group of rebels based in the catacombs under the Grey District. While
she’s fathered a sizable force, it alone is not enough to dethrone Ileosa. We must return at once -
with Neolandus at our side and with your strength and skill and, hopefully, that magic sword you
went looking for, Cressida and I believe we’ll be able to ignite another attempt at rebellion. This
should give you just the opportunity you need to storm Castle Korvosa and confront that usurper

“In any event, Neolandus and I are returning to Korvosa at once. We have secured potions of
invisibility and flying - we’re planning on slipping over the southern wall into Gray District at
night and meeting Cressida at the Grand Cathedral of Pharasma. Bishop d’Bear is an ally. I
strongly urge you to do the same - once we are all in place back inside the city walls, we can
begin making plans to retake the city. Contact me or Cressida if you can, but if you cannot, I
hope to see you in Korvosa soon.”

After the dream, Zellara performs her final Harrowing.

Back in the city, when the PCs get to the Gray District, they are beckoned by an elderly cleric of
Pharasma, dressed in black robes. Her name is Keppira D’Bear. She has been expecting the PCs
and asks them to follow her. If they have questions, she is not inclined to answer them, not in
public. She leads them in to a temple, down some stairs into a cellar, whispers something under
her breath and a stone wall slides away. An amulet around her neck - her religious symbol,
glows intensely as she leads the PCs into the dark, winding tunnel. They eventually find
themselves in a larger room. Opening a door, they see their old friend Cressida Kroft studying a
map of Korvosa with a few tough-looking men.

She is more than happy to see them. She asks them of their adventures since they parted ways.
As they speak, they’re greeted by more and more people - fighters, soldiers, and shopkeeps alike.
Eventually they see some familiar faces - Neolandus Kalepopolis, Vencarlo Orsini, Grau Soldado
and Verik Vancaskerkin, the young Guardsman they arrested from All the World’s Meat, join
them. Cressida answers any questions they might have about the state of Korvosa, but tells them
the time for open rebellion is not yet there. There are several tasks that need to be completed
before she’s ready to have her rebels overthrow the Grey Maidens and retake the city, as well as
reveal that Neolandus is still alive in hopes of rallying the noble houses, arbiters and magistrates
that they have a legal ground to overthrow Ileosa. They need intelligence.

She suggests starting with the fact that she suspects someone new is posing as the hero
“Blackjack” in an attempt to gain support for Ileosa. Blackjack now fights rebels in the street,
but they’re not her rebels. Vencarlo suggests that this is probably nothing more than a stage
show, and that they should make an attempt to find this person and find out who or what he
really is.

It doesn’t take the PCs long before the “rebels” find them. If they wander the streets, visit the
Pale Lady, or fight with Grey Maidens, a group of a dozen “rebels seek to surround the PCs.
They threaten them, flash weapons, insult them, and demand they leave the city. “If you were
really here to defend Korvosa, you would never have left in the first place!”

Whether in a fight or not, the thugs shout various wishes at the PCs, but no more than once
per round. “I wish you’d go to hell!” Plane shift Will DC 22, PC is shifted to Hell. “I wish
you looked more like a pig!” Baleful Polymorph Fort DC 22, Will DC 22, PC is
transformed into a pig. Second save and they retain their alignment, special abilities, Int,
Wis, and Cha scores, BAB, base save bonuses and hit points. They also retain any class
features other than spellcasting that aren’t extraordinary, supernatural or spell-like. “I
wish you’d just up and die!” Finger of death Fort DC 22. On a fail, 110 damage. On a
success, 3d6 + 11 damage.

Once all the thugs are defeated, 2d6 rounds pass, or all the wishes have been used, Trifaccia
appears. SEND PICTURE TO GROUP. He is a slender man dressed in a black hood and long
flowing cloak. His face is obscured by a three-faced mask, and wielding a golden scimitar that
flickers with fire. He laughs loudly and clearly at the PCs, and as he does so, a crowd begins to
gather around. He salute the PCs with his fiery scimitar.

Any thugs left cry out “It’s Blackjack! Let’s get OUTTA HERE!!” whoop whoop whoop whoop

[In a shrill, nasally voice]

“Greetings, unnamed and unknown heroes of yesterday! I am Blackjack - have you heard of me?
I am the true hero of the people of Korvosa, for I defend the loyal citizens of our beloved queen
instead of fomenting chaos in the streets! As you can see, with the exception of a few clots of
filthy rebels, Korvosa is at peace now, and soon prosperity and happiness will smile over it again.
I daresay that peace first began to return not long after you vanished from our streets! We do not
want further trouble in our town, villains, ut since I know you mean to continue disrupting the
peace in my fair city, it looks like I’ll have to stop you. But instead of a fight that would end in
your humiliation, perhaps you’ll agree to a duel. Myself against one of you, with the winner
agreeing to take himself and his allies away from Korvosa for good?

If the PCs deny this challenge or step into the fight to save an ally, Trifaccia laughs and addresses
the crowd. “You see their lack of honor, folks? These miscreants are of the worst quality of

Upon defeating Trifaccia, he reverts

Cressida can draw the PCs a map, but Sabina is the one who can mark secret areas on it.

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