Sylvania Q-Line Series Industrial Reflector Fluorescent Spec Sheet 10-67

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sFcTroN r03 21

0rdering Number* N!mber* Totai Weight

10% Uplght 25% Uplight Watts Lbs.
Length Lanps aaked Enamel Ref ector Bzked Enamel Reflector Approx. Approx.

4' 2 4OW RS QTt!1.10,2404 QrM-25-24A4 100 2A

8' 4 4OW RS QTt\4.10,4408 Q 5-4408 2OO
IVt-2 42

4', 3.40W RS QTt\1.10,3404 QTtll 25-3404 150 24

8', 6,40W RS QTr\1-i0-6408 QTtul 25-6408 300 48

a' 2.75W tS QTt\1-10 2968 QTM-25-2968 180 4Q

8', 3-75W lS QTr\1-10 3968 QTrVr-25-3968 27O 47

4' 2'60W 80Oma HO QTM-10-2604 QTM 25 2604 150 26

8' 2-i00W B00ma HO QTIVI-10-21008 QTM.25 21008 25O 49

4' 2-100W 1500ma QTM 10 2V14 QrM,25-2Vr4 250 28

8' 2 200W 1500ma QTM 10 2V28 QTM,25-2V28 475 59

*Substltute"P'for"M:norderinCn!mbertoindicatePorce.inEnamel reflector finish. Add 2lbs p€r4'unlt

to obtain approximate weieht.

30' x 30" METAL LOUVER

(for 2-lamp unit only)
30" shielding lor low fixiure
brightness in both lengthwise and
crosswise planes. ldeal where rugged shielding is required.

for maximum protection
against lamp breakage in low mounting areas.


a tough, light weight and economical
shielding pa nelforareas where directglare must be controlled.
easily installed slide hanger grips the indented
channel at an), desired support location- SNAPPING
end plates snap firmly on in continuous rows, one end plate is sna pped
the end of channel- on end of lixture, the second end plate
can be easily installed becomes a channeljoining plate by
or removed. /sl KO breaking olf two tabs and inserting
is provided for the flat plate into the
branch circuit recessed groove in top of channel.
connection il required. lncluded with all tixlures.


JOINING SLEEVE snap-on fit provides exact alignment
ATTACHING CHAIN HANGER assures exact and level align- of reflectors in continuous rows,
provides quick chain mounling from Qwik_Grip Hanger ment of lixtures in continuous lncluded with all fixtu res
or directly from fixture channel. at no extta cost.


QT-10 2 Lamp RS430 ma QT-10 2 Lamp RS-43O ma

Nominal 10% Upllght Nominal 10% Upllghi


1A% 50% 80% 70% 10% 50% 80% 70%

s0 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 l0 50 30 i0 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10
30% 10% 30% 10%

32 26 22 31 26 22 30 25 22 3t 25 22 30 25 22 29 25 22 32 27 24 32 27 23 30 26 23 31, 26 23 31 26 n 3A 25 23
41 35 31 41 34 31 39 34 28 40 34 31 39 34 30 38 33 28 41 35 31 41 35 31 39 34 31 40 3s 31 39 34 31 38 34 30
49 42 37 48 42 47 46 4D 36 47 41 31 46 40 36 44 39 36 49 42 38 48 42 38 46 41 31 47 41 38 46 41 37 44 40 37
57 s0 44 56 4S 44 53 47 43 54 48 44 5s 47 43 51 46 42 55 50 45 55 49 44 52 47 44 53 48 44 52 47 44 50 46 43
64 56 50 62 ss 50 58 52 48 59 53 49 58 53 48 56 51 47 62 55 50 60 54 49 51 52 48 58 52 49 57 52 48 s4 50 47
72 65 s9 70 63 58 65 s9 56 66 61 s6 65 60 56 62 s7 54 70 63 58 68 62 57 63 58 55 64 59 55 63 58 55 60 56 53
78 7r 65 75 69 64 70 64 61 71 65 61 69 64 60 66 62 59 15 6s 64 72 68 63 68 63 60 68 64 60 66 63 59 64 60 57
83 76 70 79 74 69 74 68 65 74 69 65 72 68 64 69 65 62 80 /4 69 76 72 67 71 67 63 71 67 64 70 66 63 66 63 61
89 83 78 86 80 75 79 74 11 19 75 11 17 73 70 73 tA 6l 85 80 75 81 16 t2 75 71 68 75 71 68 73 70 67 69 67 64
s3 88 83 89 85 81 82 78 76 81 78 75 19 76 74 76 13 lr 89 84 80 85 81 17 78 15 72 11 75 72 15 72 1A 72 69 68

QT-25 2 Lamp RS"430 ma QT-25 2 Lamp RS"430 ma

Nom nal 25% up ight Nomlna 25% lJplisht


7A% s0% 80% 7D% 80?; 7A% 50% B0% t0% 50%

50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 s0 30 10 50 30 10 s0 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 l0
10% 30% 10%

30 25 21 30 25 21 28 24 20 30 24 27 29 24 21 28 24 20 3t 25 22 30 25 22 29 25 21 3A 25 22 29 25 22 28 24 2l
40 s3 29 39 33 29 37 32 28 39 33 29 38 32 29 36 32 28 41 34 30 40 34 30 38 33 29 39 34 30 38 33 30 37 32 29
48 40 36 46 40 36 44 38 34 46 39 35 44 39 35 42 37 34 50 43 39 48 42 38 46 40 37 47 42 38 46 41 37 44 40 37
ss 48 43 54 42 51 45 41 53 46 42 51 46 41 49 44 40
47 56 48 43 54 48 43 50 45 41 52 46 43 51 46 42 48 44 4I
62 55 49 60 48 56 50 46 58 52 47 s6 51 47 53 49 45
53 62 5s 49 60 53 48 5s 51 46 58 52 48 56 51 47 53 49 45
71 63 57 68 56 62 57 53 65 59 55 63 58 54 60 55 52
61 70 73 58 67 61 55 62 56 53 64 59 55 62 58 54 59 54 52
76 69 63 73 68 62 68 62 58 70 64 60 67 63 59 63 59 56 75 69 63 73 61 62 67 62 58 68 64 60 66 62 58 62 59 56
81 75 69 78 72 61 72 66 62 73 68 64 71 66 62 66 63 60 80 73 68 76 71 66 70 65 61 71 67 63 69 65 62 65 61 59
88 82 76 83 78 73 15 t1 68 77 73 69 75 71 68 70 67 64 86 B0 75 81 t6 72 73 1A 67 t5 72 68 73 69 66 68 65 63
92 86 81 87 82 18 t9 75 72 80 71 73 77 74 11 13 1A 68 89 84 79 84 80 16 16 13 70 78 74 71 75 72 70 70 68 66

This report ls based on the Zonal-Factor lnterilectance N4ethod in accordafce with ltS G!ide on Testlng Procedures.

sEC|ON 103.24 Printed in U.s.A 20lV GH r0,67

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