Mountain Brook BOE Lawsuit

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Case 2:18-cv-00923-TMP Document 1 Filed 06/15/18 Page 1 of 20 FILED

2018 Jun-15 PM 02:46




Jacqueline Pratt Austin-Trucks and )

Christopher Smith Cole, as parents,)
and next friends of their minor )
daughter, J.C., )
) Case No.:
v. )
Mountain Brook Board of Education, )
Defendant. )


COME NOW Plaintiffs Jacqueline Pratt Austin-Trucks and Christopher

Smith Cole, as parents and next friends of their minor daughter, J.C. (“Plaintiffs”),

and respectfully file this Complaint against Defendant Mountain Brook Board of

Education, a/k/a Mountain Brook Schools and allege the following:


1. This action seeks declaratory and injunctive relief for violations of

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq. (“Title

IX”) and the corresponding regulations by illegally and intentionally denying the
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Plaintiffs’ daughter the equal treatment and benefits that must necessarily

accompany an equal opportunity to participate in athletics.

2. The Defendant’s denial of equal treatment and benefits constitutes

intentional discrimination against the Plaintiffs’ daughter based solely on her

gender. Specifically, the Defendant has discriminated against the Plaintiffs’

daughter in the following areas: (1) funding of athletics; (2) provision of

equipment and supplies; (3) scheduling of games and practice times; (4) travel; (5)

assignment of coaches; (6) provision of locker rooms and facilities for both

practice and competition; (7) provision of training or medical facilities and

services; and (8) provision of publicity.

3. This action seeks to redress the deprivation of the Plaintiffs’

daughter’s rights to receive the equal treatment and benefits which must

necessarily accompany an equal opportunity to participate in interscholastic and

other school-sponsored athletics. This action seeks a declaratory judgment that the

Defendant has violated the Plaintiffs’ daughter’s rights under federal law. This

action further seeks an injunction requiring the Defendant to immediately cease its

discriminatory practices and to remedy the effects of its discriminatory practices.

4. The Plaintiffs seek injunctive relief which, among other things,

requires the Defendant to provide the Plaintiffs’ daughter with treatment and

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benefits equivalent to those provided to boys participating in interscholastic

athletics at Mountain Brook Schools.


5. The Plaintiffs’ first claim arises under 20 U.S.C. §1681, et seq., and

its interpreting regulations. Cannon v. University of Chicago, 441 U.S. 677

(1979). Jurisdiction is conferred on this Honorable Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§

1331, 1343(a)(3), and 1343(a)(4).

6. Jurisdiction for the Plaintiffs’ second claim for declaratory judgment

and other relief is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201(a) and 2202.

7. Venue is proper in the United States District Court for the Northern

District of Alabama, Southern Division, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) and 28

U.S.C. § 81(a). These claims arose in Mountain Brook, Jefferson County,

Alabama which is within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court.


8. Plaintiff Jacqueline Pratt Austin-Trucks is the mother of J.C., a

sixteen (16) year old, a rising junior at Mountain Brook High School. J.C.

participates in varsity girls’ softball at Mountain Brook High School and has

endured the unequal treatment and benefits directed by Mountain Brook Schools

toward its female athletes. Jacqueline Pratt Austin-Trucks is over the age of

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nineteen (19) years old and is a resident of Mountain Brook, Jefferson County,

Alabama, which is within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court.

9. Plaintiff Christopher Smith Cole is the father of J.C., a sixteen (16)

year old, a rising junior at Mountain Brook High School. J.C. participates in

varsity girls’ softball at Mountain Brook High School and has endured the unequal

treatment and benefits directed by Mountain Brook Schools toward its female

athletes. Christopher Smith Cole is over the age of nineteen (19) years old and is a

resident of Mountain Brook, Jefferson County, Alabama, which is within the

jurisdiction of this Honorable Court.

10. Defendant Mountain Brook Board of Education a/k/a Mountain Brook

Schools is a public school district authorized by Alabama law to operate and

control Mountain Brook High School, where the Plaintiffs’ daughter plays varsity

girls’ softball. Mountain Brook Schools is located in Mountain Brook, Jefferson

County, Alabama, and a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to

this lawsuit occurred in Jefferson County, Alabama, which is within the

jurisdiction of this Honorable Court. Since the passage of Title IX, Mountain

Brook Schools has received and continues to receive federal financial assistance

and the benefits. Therefore, all programs at Mountain Brook Schools, including

athletics, are subject to the requirements of Title IX.

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11. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681, et

seq., provides in relevant part: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis

of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected

to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal

financial assistance.” 20 U.S.C. § 1681(a).

12. The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 made Congress’ intent plain

that “program or activity,” as used in Title IX, applies to any program or activity so

long as any part of the public institution receives federal financial assistance. See

20 U.S.C. § 1687. Thus, Mountain Brook Schools is subject to Title IX even if

none of the funding for either its girls’ or boys’ athletic programs comes

specifically from federal sources.

13. In 1975, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (the

predecessor Cabinet-level department to the United States Department of

Education) adopted regulations interpreting Title IX. See 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (the


14. With regard to athletic programs, 34 C.F.R. § 106.41(a) provides that

interscholastic athletics are included within the “program or activity” requirements

of Title IX: “No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation

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in, be denied the benefits of, be treated differently from another person or

otherwise be discriminated against in any interscholastic, intercollegiate, club or

intramural athletics offered by a recipient[.]”

15. 34 C.F.R. § 106.41(c) specifies ten (10) factors that are to be

considered in the determination of equal athletic opportunity:

1. Whether the selection of sports and levels of competition

effectively accommodate the interest and abilities of members of both sexes;

2. The provision of equipment and supplies;

3. Scheduling of games and practice time;

4. Travel and per diem allowance;

5. Opportunity to receive coaching and academic tutoring;

6. Assignment and compensation of coaches and tutors;

7. Provision of locker rooms, practice and competitive facilities;

8. Provision of medical and training facilities and services;

9. Provision of housing and dining facilities and services; [and]

10. Publicity.

Another factor to consider is a school’s “failure to provide necessary funds for

teams for one sex.” Id.

16. In December 1979, the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of

Education issued a policy interpretation of Title IX and the Regulations. This

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policy interpretation is found at 44 Fed. Reg. 71413 (1979) (the “Policy


17. The Policy Interpretation provides that, in order to comply with Title

IX and 34 C.F.R. § 106.41(c), schools must provide equal athletic opportunities in

three general areas: (1) awarding of scholarships (aimed primarily at problems at

the intercollegiate level); (2) participation opportunities (including both the number

of opportunities and whether the selection of sports and the level of competition

effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of members of both sexes); and

(3) treatment and benefits. See 44 Fed. Reg. 71413, 71414 (1979).

18. Under both the Regulations and the Policy Interpretation, compliance

in the area of equal treatment and benefits is assessed based on an overall

comparison of the male and female athletic programs, including an analysis of

factors (2) through (10) of 34 C.F.R. § 106.41(c) listed supra and an analysis of

whether the necessary funds are provided for teams of both sexes.

19. The Regulations require that sponsors of interscholastic and other

school-sponsored athletics (such as Mountain Brook Schools) take such remedial

actions as are necessary to overcome the effects of gender discrimination in

violation of Title IX. See 34 C.F.R. § 106.3(c).

20. The Regulations further require that sponsors of interscholastic and

other school-sponsored athletics comply with the Regulations within three (3)

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years of their effective date on July 21, 1975. See 45 C.F.R. § 86.41(d); 40 Fed.

Reg. 24128 (Jun. 4, 1975); 40 Fed. Reg. 39506 (Aug. 28, 1975). Now, almost

forty-three (43) years later, the Defendant still has not fully complied with Title IX.


21. The Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief to end Mountain Brook

Schools’ unequal, discriminatory, and unlawful treatment of their daughter J.C., a

female student athlete. Because of Mountain Brook Schools’ acts and omissions,

the Plaintiffs’ daughter continues to be deprived of the rights guaranteed to her by

the laws of the United States.

22. Failure to grant the requested injunctive relief will result in irreparable

harm to the Plaintiffs’ daughter in that her rights will be violated and she will not

be able to participate in interscholastic and other school-sponsored athletics on an

equal basis with her male classmates. Accordingly, the Plaintiffs do not have an

adequate remedy at law to relieve this harm.

23. This threatened harm to the Plaintiffs’ daughter, and other female

student athletes, far outweighs any possible harm that granting injunctive relief

might cause Mountain Brook Schools. Finally, the injunctive relief sought would

in no way disserve the public interest and, on the contrary, would prevent

discrimination based on gender and would promote the goal of full equality before

the law.

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24. The Plaintiffs allege that Mountain Brook Schools has failed to

comply with Title IX by not providing the Plaintiffs’ daughter with comparable

treatment and benefits to her male classmates participating in boys’ interscholastic

athletics at Mountain Brook Schools.

25. Generally, Mountain Brook Schools provides more outside funding to

boys’ athletics than to girls’ athletics in a manner that discriminates against female


26. Mountain Brook Schools funds girls’ softball in a manner that

discriminates against Plaintiffs’ daughter and other female athletes. Mountain

Brook Schools supports and distributes more outside funding for boys’ baseball as

compared with girls’ softball.

27. Mountain Brook Schools funds varsity, junior varsity, and freshman

teams for boys’ baseball, whereas there is only a varsity team for girls’ softball.

28. Mountain Brook Schools provides male athletes with requisite

equipment and supplies in a manner that discriminates against Plaintiff’s daughter

and other female athletes. For example, the girls’ softball team is required to pay

for some of their essential equipment and supplies, such as helmets, masks, bats,

and gloves.

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29. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against the Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes by providing boys’ baseball with matching, properly

fitting uniforms for practices and games, whereas the girls’ softball uniforms for

practices and games are mismatched or ill-fitting.

30. Mountain Brook Schools girls’ softball is classified as a 7A Area 6

program by the Alabama High School Athletic Association.

31. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against the Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes in the scheduling of games. In the 2018 season,

Mountain Brook Schools girls’ softball played twenty-six (26) games and lost

twenty-three (23) games. Fourteen (14) of Mountain Brook girls’ softball games

ended due to the application of the “mercy rule.” The team finished near last place

among all 7A high school girls’ softball teams in Alabama. In the 2018 season,

Mountain Brook Schools boys’ baseball team played thirty-six (36) games and

won their area. Additionally, in the 2018 season, Mountain Brook Schools

scheduled games out of state for boys’ baseball, but did not schedule out of state

games for girls’ softball.

32. In 2018, the Mountain Brook Schools girls’ softball team played

significantly fewer games than two (2) other teams in 7A Area 6. Oak Mountain

High School girls’ softball played forty-five (45) games and Spain Park High

School girls’ softball played fifty-two (52) games. Other 7A girls’ softball teams

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also played significantly more games than Mountain Brook Schools girls’ softball.

Hewitt-Trussville High School girls’ softball played fifty-six (56) games.

Thompson High School girls’ softball played fifty-five (55) games. Vestavia Hills

High School girls’ softball played fifty-five (55) games.

33. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against the Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes by providing boys’ baseball with organized, regularly

scheduled, and lengthier practices compared with girls’ softball practices which are

unorganized (and occasionally unsupervised for periods of time), irregularly

scheduled, and shorter in length.

34. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against the Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes in the provision of travel. Mountain Brook Schools

provides boys’ baseball with transportation to and from some games, but does not

provide transportation for the girls’ softball team to or from any games.

35. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against the Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes in the provision of coaching. Mountain Brook Schools

assigns one (1) head coach and two (2) assistant coaches to girls’ softball and

assigns one (1) head coach and six (6) assistant coaches to boys’ baseball.

36. Following the 2018 season, the coach of Mountain Brook Schools

varsity girls’ softball resigned. At the time of filing the instant Complaint,

Mountain Brook Schools has not hired a replacement coach for girls’ softball.

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37. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against female athletes by

providing boys’ baseball with a superior off-season conditioning program and

providing girls’ softball with an inferior off-season conditioning program.

38. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against the Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes in the provision of facilities. The locker room for girls’

softball lacks restrooms and running water and is furnished with aged metal

lockers and industrial tile flooring, whereas Mountain Brook Schools provides

boys’ baseball with a locker room featuring restrooms, wooden lockers, and

carpeting. In order for members of the girls’ softball team to use the restroom,

they must visit the public restroom near the concession area.


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Boys’ baseball locker room.1 Girls’ softball locker room.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

39. The home team dugout for girls’ softball is markedly inferior to the

home team dugout Mountain Brook Schools provides to boys’ baseball.

40. Spectator seating for girls’ softball consists of portable metal

bleachers, whereas Mountain Brook Schools provides boys’ baseball with

permanent stadium seating.

41. Mountain Brooks Schools provides boys’ baseball with a dedicated

field and discriminates against Plaintiffs’ daughter and other female athletes by

This photo has been redacted to remove any names of student-athletes visible on lockers or

Case 2:18-cv-00923-TMP Document 1 Filed 06/15/18 Page 14 of 20

failing to provide girls’ softball with a dedicated field. Girls’ softball plays their

games at a municipal recreation field to which they only have shared access with

other teams.

42. Male athletes at Mountain Brook Schools are provided with access to

superior, appropriate weight training facilities and weight training equipment as

compared with girls’ softball.

43. Mountain Brook Schools provides boys’ baseball with a concession

stand and an enclosed, air-conditioned pressbox for its games. Girls’ softball does

not have a dedicated concession stand and has an unenclosed, unairconditioned

press box for its games.

Boys’ baseball pressbox. Girls’ softball pressbox.

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

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44. Mountain Brook Schools provides boys’ baseball with a nine (9)

inning scoreboard. Girls’ softball does not have a dedicated, comparable


45. Mountain Brook Schools provides boys’ baseball with several

bullpens in which pitchers can warm up. Girls’ softball does not have any pitching

lanes in which the team’s pitchers can warm up.

Boys’ baseball has bullpens. Girls’ softball does not have bullpens.
Fig. 5 Fig. 6

46. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes in the provision of medical or training services. Training

or medical services are not consistently provided to girls’ softball players before

practice, after practice, before games, during games, or after games.

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47. Mountain Brook Schools discriminates against Plaintiffs’ daughter

and other female athletes in the provision of publicity. For example, Mountain

Brook Schools consistently provides less publicity for its girls’ softball program as

compared with its boys’ baseball program.

48. Boys’ baseball at Mountain Brook High School has the team’s games

recorded, girls’ softball does not.


49. In order to prosecute the causes of action alleged herein, the Plaintiffs

retained the undersigned attorneys to litigate the claims in this case. The Plaintiffs

are entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. See 42 U.S.C. § 1988.

TITLE IX (Unequal Treatment and Benefits)
(Against Mountain Brook Board of Education)

50. The Plaintiffs adopt and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation contained in the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set

forth herein.

51. Mountain Brook Schools, by its conduct, has intentionally violated

Title IX by knowingly and deliberately discriminating against Plaintiffs’ daughter,

and other female athletes, by failing to provide them with treatment and benefits

which are comparable overall to the treatment and benefits provided to male


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52. The imbalance in the treatment of female and male athletes at

Mountain Brook Schools, as detailed herein, demonstrates Mountain Brook

Schools’ intentional and conscious failure to comply with Title IX.

53. Mountain Brook Schools’ conduct has persisted despite the mandates

of the Regulations, particularly 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.3(c) and 106.41(d), and the

Policy Interpretation.

54. Mountain Brook Schools’ conduct violates 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.,

as interpreted by 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.31 and 106.41 and the Policy Interpretation


DECLARATORY JUDGMENT (28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202)
(Against Mountain Brook Board of Education)

55. The Plaintiffs adopt and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation contained in the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set

forth herein.

56. This Court should declare and adjudge that Mountain Brook Schools

discriminates on the basis of sex in the manner in which it sponsors, funds, and

administers its baseball and softball programs, in violation of 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et

seq., and regulations promulgated thereunder. Further, Mountain Brook Schools

should be ordered to cease such sex discrimination.

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WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Plaintiffs respectfully pray that this

Honorable Court enter an Order:

A. Declaring that Mountain Brook Schools engaged in a past and

continuing policies and practices of discriminating against female student-athletes,

including the Plaintiffs’ daughter, on the basis of gender in violation of Title IX

and the regulations promulgated thereunder (including unequal treatment and


B. Issuing a permanent injunction (a) restraining Mountain Brook

Schools and its officers, agents, employees, successors, and any other persons

acting in concert with them, from continuing to maintain policies and practices that

discriminate against the Plaintiffs’ daughter on the basis of gender, and (b)

requiring Mountain Brook Schools, immediately upon issuance of the injunctive

order, to adopt and implement a budget and plan which correct and remediate its

violations of Title IX. Such a plan should include, among other things, providing

Plaintiffs’ daughter and other female athletes with treatment and benefits

comparable to those provided to male athletes at Mountain Brook Schools.

C. Awarding Plaintiffs reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to

42 U.S.C. § 1988.

D. Granting such other and further relief as this Honorable Court deems

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appropriate, including but not limited to such damages as are available pursuant to

42 U.S.C. § 2000d-7.


Plaintiffs demand trial by a struck jury.

Dated: June 15, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Anil A. Mujumdar

Anil A. Mujumdar (ASB-2004-L65M)
One of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs

Gregory M. Zarzaur (ASB-0759-E45Z)
Denise Wiginton (ASB-5905-D27W)
Paul H. Rand (ASB-5595-O99N)
2332 2nd Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
T: 205.983.7985
F: 888.505.0523
E: / / /

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Mountain Brook Board of Education

32 Vine Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35213
T: 205.871.4608


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