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News and Views

w w w. T L E l i t e r a c y. c o m
Editor/Layout: Darlene Brown

Excellence in Literacy QELA Achievement Award D. Brown

Congratulations to Anita Dankwah for winning the QELA

Inside this issue: Learner Achievement Award which will be presented at
President’s Message 2 the Peter Gzowski Invitational (p.3). Anita has worked
diligently through the years to reach her goal of complet-
From the ED Desk 2
ing her high school diploma in order to pursue her dream
of becoming a nurse. She has demonstrated a great deal
Karen’s Office News 2
Anita Dankwah at SWL’s of perseverance and determination over the years to-
CDC-Vimont Graduation
wards her studies, putting in the extra effort to work
Margo’s Corner 2
with tutors from TLE when extra help was needed. Not only has she al-
ways been an attentive student but she has also shown a great deal of
school and community spirit through volunteering and participating in
Let’s Go Margo and 3
many events held by SWL and TLE. As she strives to reach her goals,
Aimee! through her continued efforts in her studies, I have watched her flour-
3 ish into the confident, successful, and lovely young woman she is today!
Volunteer Conference

TLE Annual General Meeting

Pilot Study 3
October 5th at 7 p.m. in room 222
Volunteers Wanted! 4

Contact Us 4
TLE Connections! D. Brown
We are connect parents to TRAINING
Dates to Remember 4 proud interesting websites,
to an- family literacy news
nounce and activities, work- Saturday Sept. 25th and
a new shops, information and Oct. 2nd
family literacy initia- resources. If you 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
tive for parents of would like to be a part
school-aged children: of TLE Connections
TLE Connections. please forward us Lunch is provided!
This initiative will help your e-mail address.
Everyone is welcome!
Message from the President
”If I can’t see it… eracy is still very fresh and excit-
TLE Board of Directors
is time there?” ing to me. So let’s enjoy our sim-
ple pleasures. Let’s party with
Hello everyone. 2009/2010
time---fast or slow, it is all we
Welcome back, it
have. Every year about this time
seems as if sum-
we have an election; this helps us President: Mona Arsenault
mer was just here and now winter
keep TLE, our organization, work-
is about to start. Time passes so Vice-President: Lazar Jevremovic
ing smoothly.
fast when we want it just to stop.
And so unbearably slow when we I will be sending a letter out to all Secretary: Christiane Dabbagh
want it to be gone. My birthday our members with information
has come and gone once again, and about this year’s election. Please Treasurer: Valerie Sauriol
I am so much older than I ever consider us for some of that free
Director: Enza Ciampanelli
thought I would ever be, yet lit- time on your hands.

TLE Literacy Supporters

From: Executive Director’s Desk

Our ACE Festival was
so successful last year
we are planning to
Volunteer Voice
 DOMINO’S PIZZA - VIMONT make it an annual event! That Join Mona for Volunteer Voice!
 means we are starting a com-
Enjoy a pizza and take some
mittee to begin planning. We
 NELSON PUBLISHERS time to talk about tutoring.
are looking for volunteers, stu-
 ORCHA BOOKS November 17th
dents, teachers, staff, etc. to
 6:30-9:00
be a part of the organizing
Conference room
committee. Do you have ideas?!

Karen’s News Margo’s Corner

Hope everyone had For Sept. 8th, ries very high returns: it improves
a great summer! If International livelihoods, leads to better child
Literacy Day, in and maternal health, and favours
you know when you
girls’ access to education. In short
plan on tutoring I line with this
newly literate women have a posi-
would greatly appreciate you year’s theme of tive ripple effect on all develop-
letting me know as soon as pos- “Literacy and Women’s Empow- ment indicators. This international
sible so I can schedule a room erment”, UNESCO’s Director- day aims to mobilize everyone’s
ahead of time! Welcome back!! General Irina Bokova conveyed attention to the urgent need for
Remember to RSVP to me for the following message: increased commitment to literacy,
especially for girls and women.”
all events and workshops! “Investing in women’s literacy car-


10th Annual
Let’s Go Margo and Aimee! Quebec Peter
For all our sports fans Gzowski
out there, did you Invitational (PGI)
know that Australian
football is played in Thursday, September 23, 2010
Canada? Recently, the Le Diamant Golf Club in Mirabel, QC
women’s Northern
The PGI, founded by the late Canadian
Lights Canadian team broadcaster/journalist Peter Gzowski, is
Northern Lights Canadian Team / 2010 defeated the United held annually in every province and
States Freedom for the first time ever. Congratulations territory. Over the past 25 years, PGI
has netted more than $10 million for
to our very own Margo Legault and her sister Aimee who literacy programs across the country.
are both members of the team and will represent Can-
ada in the 2011 World Cup in Australia. Way to go girls!!! Info.: Carolyn Marsh at 450-242-2360
LVQ Volunteer Conference PGI Brochure or see QELA’s website:
Literacy Volunteers of Quebec

This one day conference will be a professional development session on

learning disabilities. On the agenda: The Whole Life Approach to
Learning Disabilities in Adult Literacy Settings, developed by a group
of adult literacy educators from British Columbia. Mark your calen-
dars for Saturday, November 6th. This will be a very interactive, hands-on conference, with
plenty of small group opportunities to try out methods and tools. Spread the word!

Following the success of last year’s preconference, LVQ will be organizing another half-day train-
ing session on Friday, November 5th, the afternoon prior to the Learning Disabilities conference.
The preconference will focus on conducting effective meetings; board and committee members
and staff are invited to attend. The Meetings that Work workshop will be followed by a reception
to celebrate LVQ’s 30th anniversary, during which the Freda pin will be presented.

Measuring Non-Academic Outcomes D. Brown

LVQ will be working together with six literacy councils to pilot between up to five
tools that measure non-academic outcomes of adult literacy students. The goal of
this project is to review, select and pilot tools that assess non-academic progress in
adult literacy learners. The pilot phase of this project will take place between Oc-
tober 2010 to February 2011. TLE will be participating and is looking for volunteers
working with students to help with this important study. A training workshop takes place Septem-
ber 28th at Hotel Maritime downtown. If you are interested please contact Darlene or Karen.


Dates to Remember
Go to TLE online under EVENTS to view our
How to Contact Us Google calendar for details of all dates/events
Excellence in Literacy

Book Club Get-Togethers

*Meeting location TBA/Call TLE for info.
THE LEARNING EXCHANGE STAFF  Sept. 8: Little Stranger by Sarah
Darlene Brown  Oct. 6: Sarah's Keys byTatiana de
Executive Director Rosnay
 Nov. 10: February by Lisa Moore
Karen Mockler 2100 Blvd. des Laurentides  Dec. 8: The Reluctant Fundamental-
Administrative Assistant Vimont, Laval, Quebec. ist by Mohsin Hamid
 Sept. 21: TLE BOD meeting noon
Diane Richard Phone: 450-688-2933 ext. 3126  Sept. 23: PGI: Le Diamant golf club
Financial Officer Skype: TLETLE1
Fax: 450-663-1290  Sept. 25 & Oct. 2: Basic Tutor
Margo Legault Email: Training sessions (9 AM to 4 PM)
Communications Consultant  Sept. 28: LVQ Non-Academic Out-
comes training
 Oct. 5: TLE AGM 4 PM/Pizza!!!!
Errol Pinto
 Oct. 14: NPI Partners meeting/CLC
Laval 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

 Oct. 18 to 20: Spotlight on Learn-

ing conference/Toronto

 Oct. 20 to 22: PROCEDE confer-

ence/Chateau Montebello

 Nov. 5: LVQ Preconference and

We Need You!!! D. Brown 30th Anniversary reception

classrooms, read, do art pro-  Nov. 6: LVQ Volunteer Conference

WE are look- Learning disabilities 8:30 AM
ing for volun- jects, organize activities, as-
 Nov. 16: Family Literacy Committee
teers to be a semble book bags, participate Meeting 2:00 PM
part of our in our reading festivals, give
 Nov. 25-26: QPAT conference
Family Liter- away books, etc. It’s always a
acy team for lot of fun! I’m also looking for  Dec. 9: NPI Partners meeting CLC
Laval 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
2010/2011. Each year we meet a volunteer who can play the
guitar at our reading festival.  Dec. 21: TLE Holiday Party
to plan the events. Members
of the team visit Sir Wilfrid First meeting is planned for  Dec. 23—Jan. 9: Holiday Closure

Laurier elementary schools November 16th. Call Karen if  Jan. 18: Family Literacy Committee
within the community to visit you are interested. meeting 2 PM

 Jan. 27: Family Literacy Day

“Life is ten percent what happens Call Karen at:

to you and ninety percent how you 450-688-2933 ext. 3126

or see our website for more details:
respond to it.” ~ Lou Holtz www. TLE l i t e r a c y . c o m


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