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Literature Review for Domain F

Arrianna Rosario-Eberhart

Ted 690 Capstone

National University


The following literature review is a reflection on the artifacts that were chosen for Domain F and
the research to support these choices.

For Domain 6, I chose to include my 5-year professional development plan as artifact

one. According to Costantino and Lorenzo (2002), “A professional development plan delineates

a teacher’s goals for short and/or long- term professional growth.” This 5-year plan includes my

completion of my Masters and credential, as well as various professional development trainings

and conferences that I will be attending over the course of 5 years. These trainings are done by

highly effective teachers and are also done internationally. It is essential as a teacher to not only

reflect on my lessons and methods of teaching, but also stay up to date on new research and

practices, as education is an evolving field. Another benefit of a professional development plan

from Costantino and Lorenzo (2002) is that it “can be a tool for empowering the teacher to

identify his or her professional goals, or it could provide the structure for collaborative decision

making that sets the direction for a teacher’s ongoing professional development.”

My second artifact is the agenda of a professional development training I went to in

February. This training was done through Building Excellent Schools which is a nonprofit

improving the academic achievement of underserved students. Building Excellent Schools (BES)

is the organization that helped my principal found my current school. During this training, I

attended a Designing Standards Based Assessment for English and also a Live Coaching and

Feedback training. This will be beneficial to me as I progress into a Grade Level Chair this

upcoming school year and coach two other 5th grade teachers. This training is also beneficial

looking at my five-year plan, because I want to become an administrator. I also included this

artifact because it shows my commitment to creating rigorous assessments and assessments that

met the standards. During the assessment training, I learned how to find grade level texts in both

fiction and non fiction and how to create rigorous questions that are multiple choice, short

responses, and essays. This professional development shows my commitment to not only attend

trainings for my future career goals, but also for creating rigorous content.


Costantino, P.M., De Lorenzo, (2002). Developing a professional teaching portfolio: A guide for

success. Boston, MA: Pearson.

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