Erotic Stories

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20 True Erotic Stories

True Erotic Stories Based On True Sexual Experiences

The stories below are based on true sexual experiences told by their protagonists.
Names have been changed to protect their identities. These stories contain
language that may be considered offensive by some people. Discretion is advised.

All rights reserved. Is strictly prohibited without written permission from the
copyright holders under the penalties provided by law, the partial or total
reproduction of this work by any means or process, including photocopying and
computer processing and distribution of copies authorization by rental or public

©Ifalaye Books.
Friends With Benefits
A Man In Uniform
Sexy Teacher
Take The Train
Dirty Laundry
Newton, Einstein and More
The Gift
While The Husband Is Away
A Second Affair
Sporting Wood
Bourbon Street
Our Fantasy
Long Day at The Office
Fire and Ice
Driving Me Crazy
Encounters of The 1st Kind
Second´s Best
Business Trip
When I Watched
The Second Chance
Friends With Benefits
She walked into his apartment knowing what she wanted to do. She wanted
him…Badly. She could almost imagine the feel of his mouth on her neck. Exquisite.

They walked to the living room, and sat down on the couch. Tom reached for the

“It’s great,” he replied."

I’m…I’m really glad that you came over here, Michelle. You’re my best friend…You
know that?”

“Yes…And you’re mine,” Michelle said, wrapping a trunk-like, protective arm

around her slender frame.

She melted into his arms, enjoying the close embrace. She felt her face flush with
color and warmth. But, would he take the hint?

His hand slipped up and down her back. He gently caressed her shoulders,
running his fingertips down to the small of her back, trailing little circles on the soft
skin beneath her shirt.

She could feel her heart beat sharply in her chest, and she dug her fingers into his
shirt as she pressed against him tightly. She pulled back for a second, and looked
into his beautiful eyes. One eye the color of the sea; the other the color of the night
sky. Tom could almost lose herself in that stare…

Was it her imagination, or did his face just inch closer to hers? Who cares, she told
herself. Lean in closer yourself and see what he does. Yes, he definitely moved his
head closer… And even closer still… And… Involuntarily, her eyes closed as his
soft lips met her own.

She pressed against him, sliding her arms up and wrapping them around his neck.
She pushed some of her weight onto him, pressing him against the couch as she
kissed him. His hand still moved up and down her back, though going lower slowly,
and farther around her sides.

Before long, she felt his hands touching her breasts. Her nipples stood up, almost
as if on command. His fingertips ran slowly over them, and she felt the muscles in
her legs quiver to be stretched wide. She began to grind her body against his,
pressing herself hard against his chest as she continued to kiss him.

Her tongue rolled along his lips, and traced his teeth as the ball of her tongue ring
scraped along, creating a clicking sound. She took her tongue, and began licking
downwards. She lingered on the neckline, tracing each inch with her wet

She leaned back for a moment, grasping his shirt and pulling it high over his head.
She rubbed her hands along his chest, feeling his taut, tight muscular structure. He
was a fine specimen of a man, six-foot-three and two hundred sixty pounds of pure
masculinity. Michelle leaned down once more, and continued her oral exploration
of Michelle’s chest.

Her tongue slid down along the crease in his muscle, then looped around to
encircle his nipple. She lingered there, quickly sliding her tongue back and forth
over the hairy stub. Michelle let out an ecstatic moan, and arched his back some,
pressing Tom on top of him. She slid down between his legs and rested on the

She ran her lips up and down the inside of his thigh on top of his pants, and then
she reached up to unbutton them. Slowly, she pulled them off of him, but left the
underwear on.

She resumed her frantic kissing of his thighs, while rubbing his stomach and legs
with her hands. She then reached for his underwear, running her hand up and
down his member from it’s cottony sheath. She pulled at the side of the briefs, and
the complied by falling to the floor. Again, she kissed the inside of his thighs,
though this time brushing her face against his member, and letting her hair fall
between his legs, caressing him gently.

Then, suddenly but slowly, she stuck the large prize into her mouth, sliding a full
five of it’s eight inches into her. Michelle grunted as she did, and his muscles
twitched involuntarily. It was his first time, but he knew what to expect.

He enjoyed her bobbing up and down on his member, and held her head to help
her timing. Her mouth was soft but firm, and felt perfect wrapped around his large
cock. Being tall had its advantages, and he bent over slightly, reaching behind
Tom’ rear and softly touching the outside of her succulent pussy lips.

He ran his fingers around the outside, and then slowly slid one large phalange
inside of her. He moved it in and out as her back arched against his hand. He
could tell she enjoyed it as she moaned around his penis, and her sucking of him
became more vigorous. He lifted her small body, and laid it length-wise along the
couch. He was on his knees before her, and he slipped his hand between her legs.

She spread them obediently, letting his fingers slide in and out of her. He bent
over, and placed his face tightly against her hairy muff. His tongue slid out and
onto her clitoris, and she moaned in ecstasy.
Quickly, he ran the soft, strong muscle against her flower, and she trembled with
each passing. He moved up, and began sucking her breast. He put one leg
between hers, so that he was half on the couch. For a minute he sucked and
caressed, slowly inching his body onto the couch between her eager legs.

When he was upon the couch, he raised up, gliding his hands south to touch the
tender pink flesh of her vagina. He grasped his huge penis, and inserted it into her
tight, begging lips. He thrust it in evenly, slowly, smoothly, hard.

Deeply, he penetrated her warm flesh. She moaned, and he lied still for a moment,
letting her tightness adjust to his manliness. He didn’t want to hurt her. She bit her
lip, and began grinding against her, to which he responded in kind.

Slowly and deeply, he pressed in and out of her wet lips. He began to speed up
slightly, but kept the hard pounding of her flesh. She moaned deeply with each
inward thrust, as the head of his cock beat against her cervix. He leaned forward
and kissed her face, her neck, as his body rose and fell atop of her. She wrapped
her legs around his back, intertwining her feet and locking her body to his as she
arched her back against his powerful thrusts.

She ran her hands up and down his chest, digging her fingernails into his virgin
skin. He leaned back again, raising her rear from the couch with his arms. The
lower half of her body raised, Michelle resumed his vigorous pounding.

In and out, in and out – she tried to count the strokes, but quickly lost count as she
lost herself in the erythematic pulses from between her legs. She could feel herself
tighten against him as he beat his body against hers. It felt perfect. He slowed,
then pulled out entirely. “On your knees, love,” he whispered in her ears. She
complied, sliding in the floor and laying the upper half of her body over the couch.
He came from behind her, and entered swiftly this time. His hands stayed on her
hips as he pounded into her vagina more fiercely than before. His thrusts had
intent, venom to them.

He released her hips and leaned forward, grabbing her shoulders. He could feel
himself nearing climax, but didn’t want this wonderful lovemaking to end. As his
sudden release, Tom acted in kind, moaning out his name over and over again as
her vagina pulsated against his penis. His thrusts slowed, but were still hard as he
pressed into her, draining every last drop of precious semen into her.

He pulled out, and collapsed on the floor. Tom melted into his arms, reaching up to
the coffee table to grab a lighter. A joint she had rolled earlier was the reward for
the evening. She lit it up, taking a deep inhale of the sticky smoke.

She offered the joint to Michelle. “You know,” he said, “I think I’ll try that.”
A Man In Uniform
"I'm sorry Officer, was I speeding?" The pert blonde asked as soon as her window
was rolled down. "License and registration please, ma'am. And yes, I'd call doing a
clean sixty-five in a forty-five a bit excessive." He stared down at her, his black
round-rimmed hat riding low on his forehead. She smiled up at him, but could only
see her own reflection in the wide mirrored lenses of his sunglasses. "Of course.
I'm really sorry... it's just been a long day at the office."

"License and registration, ma'am." He repeated, his lips set firm. Swallowing
nervously she leaned over and gave the Officer ample view of her long bare legs
as her short black skirt rode high.

She opened the glove compartment and collected the necessary paperwork for
him, and then dug in her purse for her license. She handed these over with perfect
manicured nails, the color of fresh red apples.

"I'll be right back. You just sit tight as I run these." She watched him walk back to
his squad car in her side view mirror. He was tall, broad, slender...and an ass to
die for. Quickly she reached up and undid a few buttons of her white silk blouse.
She didn't have large breasts, but there was a nice soft curve for him to view if he
took the opportunity. She didn't need a ticket; her husband would kill her!

She sat up a little and took the pins from her hair, letting the long blonde curls fall
down around her shoulders. God, was she being too obvious? "It would seem we
have a little problem here, ma'am." She jumped; she didn't notice that he had
walked back. But there was a quick smile on her glossy lips as she turned to look
up at him.


"It would seem you have had one too many warning's. Could you please step out
of the vehicle ma'am?" Behind his mirrored lenses he saw easily the sweet curves
of her pale, pert breasts. He could even see the tiny rose tattoo on the upper left
swell. Her legs parted slightly when he stepped back so she could open the door
and get out, and if he was not mistaken, he saw a quick glimpse of pink flesh. The
Officer swallowed hard and pushed his glassed up higher on the bridge of his

"I...I...don't understand? Too many warnings?" She said as she stood now in front
of her closed car door and she placed her hands at her sides in a passive manner,
wanting to cooperate fully with the Officer. After all, the sky was starting to darken,
and she noticed that the sun had already slipped behind the tall pines that lined
either side of the road. A barren road it would seem...
"Yes ma'am." He was staring down at her, one large tanned hand on the belt at his
waist, the other holding a ticket book and her license and registration. His face was
stern, his lips...damn they were sexy lips...were set firmly.

She blinked and looked down at the tips of her black high heels. Her bottom lip
came between even white teeth before she looked back up at him, hating that she
couldn't see his eyes. She arched her back a little, "Okay, okay. So, um..."

"Could you please come with me ma'am?" His hand left his belt and reached for
her upper left arm, already walking with her before she could utter a syllable.

She thought she was going to have a seat in his car, while he did whatever he
needed to do with her and her warnings, but he walked between the two parked
cars and headed for the darkness of the pines. Her heels slipped a little on the slick
needles but he held her effortlessly with a strong hand, telling her to be careful.

"Wait...wait...what are you..."

"Just be quiet ma'am. It is for your own good. So many warnings. They cannot go
unpunished." Her bright blue eyes widened as she suddenly realized he was
walking her away from the highway, into the thick copse of pines, alone. She dug
her heels in. "No! Wait! You cannot...!" She was whipped around suddenly and
brought up hard against his chest, and she saw her own frightened reflection
staring back at her as her hands fell flat upon the pockets of his uniformed shirt.

"I can. And I will. You would do well right now, ma'am, to remember that." He said
softly, menacingly.

She blinked and opened her mouth to scream but quick as lightning, his palm
smacked over her lips and the papers he had been holding went flying. He backed
her hard up against the rough bark of a large pine; his tall frame pressing eagerly
against her own smaller one. He kicked her feet apart with his black boot and
reached down with his free hand to lift her skirt and cup her hot, shaved pussy.

Her nostrils flared as she breathed hard in and out and her hands went to his
shoulders to try and push him away. "Cease you little bitch! Don't you think I can
feel your wet, slick pussy?" He shoved his middle finger up in her and automatically
did the walls of her pussy wrap around him. "Ahh, I know you want my cock. You
want my burning, hot cock to fill you full, don't you? Don't you!?" He fucked her
hard for a full minute with his middle finger as his thumb tormented her swollen clit,
his other hand still clamped over her mouth, as she tried shaking her head no.

"Too fucking bad. You're going to get all of me, every single inch shoved in that
burning, tight pussy of yours. God, you are so wet! It's dripping down my hand! You
fucking slut!" He reached for his belt and quickly undid it, letting it fall to the ground
before he undid his pants and freed his engorged cock. He was huge, unbelievably

Tears came to her eyes and he didn't care to see them. He turned her around and
shoved her against the trunk of the tree and in one fell swoop, he entered her hard,
to the very base of his cock. His hand had left her mouth and he grabbed a handful
of her blonde hair, yanking backwards hard as he fucked her good.

"You like that? You like the feel of me deep inside you? You want me, god I know
you do. No're such a little whore...unbuttoning your blouse for me.
You hoped I would have noticed. You wanted me to fuck you...and now I'm making
your fantasy come true. Ain't it sweet my little cum whore? That's right, cum you
bitch!" And she burst like a dam, moaning and screaming against the tree as her
orgasm shook the whole of her body. "God Damn!" He shouted and pulled free of
her, turning her around and forcing her to her knees. He took his cock in hand and
started jerking himself off, holding her in place with his other hand to her shoulder.
"I guess next time you'll think about speeding. You'll think hard, bitch, and
remember me well." He groaned deep in his chest and shot his hot load in milky
white jets all over her face and hair, watching as it hit her open mouth to fall and
dribble down her chin and chest.

When he was through, he told her to stay put as he collected his belt and righted
his uniform. He pushed his glasses back upon the bridge of his nose and collected
his ticket book, leaving her registration and license lying on the ground.

He stared down at her as she clumsily tried wiping his cum from her face. "I'll be
watching you." Then he turned and started back for the highway, where his cop car
waited for him.

She stood suddenly, on shaking legs, and yelled at him, "We're having pork
tonight! Hope that's ok Dave!" She saw him wave his hand in the air, in what she
considered agreement, and she smiled and gathered her things. Dave hated it
when dinner was late...she better hurry.

Sexy Teacher
I am going to narrate about my teacher whom I enjoyed this with. Believe me she
was a real beauty and I was lucky chap to have her. This goes back to the school
time when I was in class XII. Our computer teacher was a newly married lady
around 24 years of age, 5' 7", extremely fair, with excellent figure. I was always
waiting for a computer, so that I could have a glimpse of her and fantasize about
her in night.
She generally used to wear a saree or Salwar Kurta. She was extremely beautiful
and in saree she just appeared to be a real beauty as one could see her nice slim
waist and her big breasts in her tight matching blouse. I always used to stare her
while she is taking a class. My fantasy did not come true when I was in school
time. It came true when I left the school and met her after 2 years, when I was
doing my engineering in computer science.

I left the school but she was still in my dreams and in my fantasies, but I never met
her, as I did not know where she lived. Nor did I go to school specially to meet her,
as I felt awkward to go to school just to meet the teacher.

One day, I was driving my bike in the evening and I found her in the market. She
was there with her husband for shopping. I wished her well and talked about the
school days. She asked me what I am doing and she was glad to know that I am
studying computers at the college. She told me that I could contact her, if I need
any help or suggestion regarding books or project during the studies. I took her
contact number and gave my mobile number to her. During this casual talk, I came
to know that her husband engaged in a shipping firm and had to travel a lot.

I went to home and through her contact number I got down her address. She lived
in our nearby place (around 5 kms from my home). I waited for 15-20 days and
called her up and I asked her that whether she could suggest me some good
books on programming and she told me the name of books on the phone. So, after
every two three days we used to talk on phone and talk about computers. Of
course we talked about general things too. So, once I asked her that I need help in
making the project for my semester end and she happily agreed. It was summer
vacations and she was free. I went to her home and I carried some fruits and
chocolates for the couple (in fact for the teacher) and discussed the project with my
teacher. Her husband was also impressed by my nature and my behavior. I used to
go to her home in the evening around 5 pm and her husband came at 6:30, so we
all had tea and snacks together. One evening her husband told her that he will be
going to Singapore for an official tour and asked me to take care of my teacher.

I always used to stare my teacher, while she was explaining the project or working
on the computer. She had long black hairs and her dress up sense was quite great.
I loved the way she matched up the color combinations choosing her dress. She
had smooth silky arms, a nice sexy waist and big round breasts. So, while her
husband was away, I used to go to her home in the morning and helped her with
her household chores, get the things from the market etc. One day she told me that
I should do lunch with her and I agreed. So after the household chores were done,
she asked me to wait and went to take a bath. I was watching the TV and reading
the newspaper. She took a bath and came out and she was looking awfully
beautiful in the pink gown and the towel tied down on her head. I was literally
stunned by her beauty and could not move my eyes from her. She asked me "What
happened?" I replied back, Madam you are looking very beautiful and your
husband is really a lucky person that he got married to you. She just smiled and
said nothing.
While we were taking the lunch, she asked whether I have a girlfriend in college
and I told her that I do not have any girlfriend. She asked me the reason and I told
her that there are few girls in my college and I do not have special feelings towards
anybody. I asked her about how the life changes after marriage. She told me that it
is a big responsibility and one has to adjust with many things after leaving the
mom's home and all that. I left after the lunch and she asked me to join her at the
dinner, as she feels lonely while taking a dinner. I promised that I would be at her
home at dinnertime.

While having a dinner I was staring at her as usual and she asked again. What are
you thinking? I just replied back, madam you are very beautiful and smiled. She
smiled back at me. After dinner, we were watching a movie on a TV and she told
me that she has got a pain in her back and If I could help her by rubbing some
Iodex (a medicine) at her back and I happily agreed.

She lied down on the bed and I was rubbing Iodex at her back and she seemed to
enjoy it. After 3 to 5 minutes I asked her if she is feeling better. She replied back
"yes" and also asked me to rub a little up, so I did but it was touching with her
blouse. I told her that her blouse might get stained due to medicine. She turned
back and told me "Ok I will take off the blouse" and she started undoing her blouse.

Oh My God!, I could not believe it, she took off her blouse and she was wearing a
black bra and I could not take off my eyes over her beautiful breasts that were
captivated in her bra. She asked "What happened", I once again told that she is too
too beautiful. By now, I have gained some confidence as it was a clear indication,
that she too is interested. She once again lied back and asked me to rub the Iodex.
I began rubbing it all over her back and asked If I could massage her shoulders
and neck. She said "that it would be fine", so I slowly put my arms over her neck
and began working down her shoulders, gently pressing them.

Also, I was massaging her back in between. She had a silky soft back and
shoulders, too sexy to resist, but I was bit afraid. However, while massaging her
back, I unhooked the bra and she did not said a word. I was gaining confidence
and I pressed her shoulders a bit hard and she said "Aahh" and I told her that it will
help her relax. She then turned around and looked towards me, her bra strap was
loose (as I opened it before) and she took off her bra.

Her beautiful breasts were in front of me and I could not resist myself. My eyes
were shining. She told me that I was too shy and I was a big fool and I asked her
"Why?", She smiled and said "Such a beautiful lady is standing in front of you and
you are not doing anything to please her, come on, don't be shy". I at once
grabbed her breasts and started pressing them hard. I could not believe my luck.
She loosened her hairs so that they fall on her back till her waist length. She came
near to my face and our lips were hardly an inch apart. I kissed on her lips and
began smooching her. I took her in my arms and began kissing her wildly. While
kissing her on my neck, I told her "Wow, Madam, you are very sexy".
She told me that do not call me madam; that was in school, call me by my name
"We are good friends now". I whispered in her ears "Shashi, you are very
beautiful". She undid my shirt and began kissing on my shoulders, and chest. I was
loosing control over my self. I was busy kissing her and pinching her breasts and
my cock was getting tight in my pants. I began kissing her big beautiful breasts and
started sucking them hard. Her hands were busy opening my trousers, she opened
the button of my jeans and opened the zip and she could sense my tight cock in
my underwear. I held one end of her saree and started pulling it. She was turning
round and round the saree was coming off. I was mesmerized by her beauty. Once
the saree came off, we cuddled together on the sofa and I took her petticoat off
and she was wearing black panties underneath.

She put her hand inside my underwear and grabbed my tool. Then she took off my
underwear and my 6" inch cock was fully erect to please the beauty. She laid
comfortably on the sofa and I slid down her panty and took it off. She had a
beautiful creamy thighs and I kissed them every inch. Her pussy was shaven and
clean. She told me to get the condoms from one of the drawer and I was back in
less than a minute. She asked me to wear the condom and I did as she instructed.
Then I began exploring her pussy and inserted my index finger in her pussy and
rubbing it gently. She was enjoying it. Then she parted her thighs and asked me to
come over. I got on top of her and inserted my cock in her cunt. Wow that was a
lovely feeling, her cunt was a bit warm and my tool moved in. I put my lips on hers
and began fucking her. She tied my round with her legs and asked me to increase
the pace and I followed. I was kissing her on neck and our bodies were shaking.
She asked me whether I have done sex before and I told her no, but I have
watched many erotic movies and she told me to get one next time so that we could
watch together. She clamped her legs, so her pussy was bit tight. I bit her gently on
her shoulders.

Then we went into the bedroom and she asked me what I would like to do with her.
I shyly told her that I would like to fuck her in doggy style and she was ready to do
that. So on the bed, she got on her knees and asked me to come. I hold by her
shoulders and rammed my cock inside her. I began giving her solid jerks. Then I
came down and hold her by her breasts and started giving her more powerful
shots. I pressed her breasts really hard and she moaned
"AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh easy, please be bit gentle on my breasts"

She had quite big breasts 36C and I really enjoyed playing with them. I fucked her
for about 15 minutes and I told her that I am about to come. She took hold of my
penis and removed the condom and started stroking my penis hard and I came on
her face. She cleaned my penis with her tongue. Then we sat together, softly
kissing and touching each other and she told me that her husband do a very plain
and decent kind of sex. Just fuck her from the top and nothing else. So, I was
getting late for home.

Then she told me to come early in the morning, so that we could have fun again.
So while her husband was away, we daily had sex two to three times in the day.
When her husband came back, we used to meet in the afternoon and had a nice
time. Then sometimes we watched adult DVDs together and imitated some of the
positions. I even fucked her in her ass and in the shower.

Alas, after 3 years, her husband got transferred to some other place and she left. I
still think of her often.

Take The Train

From as young as can remember I loved to touch myself, the feeling it gave was
better than any comfort blanket. By a certain age I began to wonder if it was more
of an obsession than a liking. And, to this day, I still wonder. The bit that I like more
than anything now though is the risk, a controlled risk. I have control and I take the

The last risk I took was a very enjoyable one. It started one the journey to work.
The same time, same train and of course the same bored commuters.

The 8.05 train opened it’s doors and we all shuffled on, most people trying in their
institutionalised manner to get the same seat they had occupied for the last 30
years of their working life. Man with briefcase with rip in it sitting on the second
seat to the left of the toilet, woman who obviously only owned one colour of
blouse’s sitting three seats up from him, olive skinned builders mate standing even
when there was available seats. As the journey got closer to the city people started
leaving at their respective stations and the ‘tinned sardine’ effect lessened.

It was a warm sunny day and it even looked cheerful through the tinted
windows. The air-cooling was a delight. I had woken with a spring in my
step and a glint in my eye that only I knew the meaning of. I jumped in the
shower, slipped into my bland, just above the knee skirt and sheer as I
was allowed blouse, stroked the cat, gulped some juice and shut the
door. I knew, subconsciously, what mischief I was going to get up to
before I’d even reached the station.

I stood for a while in the carriage smiling to myself, a warm feeling growing in my
stomach. I knew the time between stations and how long I had left of the journey. I
slid my hand into my bag to check and with a little clink I knew what I wanted was
there. I walked casually to the toilets. The thought of what I was doing and the
oblivion of the other people on the train turned me on enough to make me catch
my breath.

A man with a ripped briefcase looked up at me, then looked away in haste just in
case I smiled, or god forbid, spoke to him. I shut the door behind me. My heart
beating faster and breath quickening. I grabbed my [vibrator] eggs from my bag
and pulled up my skirt. Leaning against the wall I slid my panties down slowly over
my knees. There’s something about the feel of a bra strap or a pair of lacy panties
being gently loosened or pulled off that sends me into a spin, one of those ‘hold
your breath’ moments. I was already wet and so hot. I parted my lips and gently
pushed the playthings deep inside me. It was nearly too much. With concentration I
managed to hold back the rush of electrifying currents that headed for my pussy.

I pulled my panties up and rearranged my skirt ready to re-enter the carriage. I

must have had SEX written right across my back. I walked back to my seat, every
step making me moan silently in my throat, and sat down as gently as I could.
Sitting opposite me were two men. One a city gent of middle age and a younger
guy, maybe mid to late twenties. I swear he could smell me.

I leaned back in my seat as if contemplating the day and slowly opened my legs,
just enough to give him a peep of my inner thigh. It worked in an instant, he
couldn’t look away. I was having trouble controlling my breathing now and knew it
wouldn’t be long before he would get the full show.

The rhythm of the train increased my pleasure and my nipples protruded through
my blouse. I leant my chin on my hand so that I could smell myself and began to
slowly and very discreetly gyrate. I knew the middle-aged city gent was now
entranced too, he unlike the younger one was more discreet pretending to read his
morning paper.

The rhythm of the train increased my pleasure and my nipples protruded through
my blouse. I leant my chin on my hand so that I could smell myself and began to
slowly and very discreetly gyrate. I knew the middle-aged city gent was now
entranced too, he unlike the younger one was more discreet pretending to read his
morning paper.

I could see the bulge appearing in younger guy’s trousers and it was driving me
crazy with want. I’d come too far now to even care who was watching, I opened my
legs further and my pussy lips swelled with pleasure. I could feel the buzz growing
and the juices beginning to flow.

City gent could take no more and hurried to the toilets to seek his own relief but
younger guy stayed and sat, his eyes glued to my hot pussy. I felt the first spasm
run through my body and wiggled a little more. The balls vibrated as they rubbed
together deep inside me. The second came hotter and even more intense. I
whispered hoarsely ‘watch baby’. Slipped a hand inside my blouse and pinched my
hard nipples. I felt the juices exploded from inside me as I shuddered
uncontrollably, I opened my eyes to see his hand reaching to touch the wetness on
my thighs and the other hand wrapped tightly round his stiff dick.

The train pulled into my destination.

I winked as I got off and walked past his window with a wry smile wondering if he’d
be on the same train home.
Dirty Laundry
I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just gotten in from undercover work in
Morocco. The agency sent me there to uncover the truth behind the ambassadors
kidnapping. I would tell you more about my investigative work but the more
interesting story unfolded back home at a local laundry mat.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just gotten in from Morocco; couldn't
sleep that night. My battle with insomnia was winning. My clock is just ticking ever
so slowly, creeping upon midnight. So what else is there for a single agent in the
city to do but laundry?

There I am in the 24hr Wash-N-Go when I saw him. He was tall with a beautiful
physique and a shaved head that flattered him in a Bruce Willis sort of way. His
body gave me this instant urge to just reach out right there and touch him. I caught
myself staring and then suddenly I realized he had noticed. He began to laugh.
WHY WAS HE LAUGHING? I looked down and noticed I was holding granny
panties up in the air with polka dots. GREAT. So now there's no way I was going to
say hello. I smirked, turned red and just looked away continuing to shove my
clothes hastily in the washing machine.

Twenty minute wash, set. Time to dry, this was going to be a drawn out
embarrassment. My eyes kept drifting in his direction. Should I say something? No.
There was no time in my life to start anything. I was only back for a week before
going to Nepal in search of some missing gold coins. I felt extremely drawn to him;
it was like nothing I have ever felt before. I put him out of my mind and put my
clothes in the dryer and set the timer for 1 hour and started for the exit. Next thing I
know I was on the floor staring up at the ceiling with this man, this beautiful man
staring down at me asking me if I was OK. What just happened? He held out his
hand and said "That was one nasty slip", "looks like you slipped on some spilled
fabric softener that was left on the floor". I grabbed his hand, and I felt my heart
start to pound with just the touch of his fingers. He had this smirk on his face as we
both looked down and I realized my granny panties had flung out and were clinging
to me. SHIT!

"My name is North" he said. I just had this blank stare on my face. "Miss?" he said
again. "Oh, yeah... I'm Agen... I'm Angie" I stuttered back. I could feel the heat on
my back traveling up my neck. He's just a guy, why am I acting like this? We
started to make small talk when we overhead on the TV in the corner and the Law
and Order intro came on. In unison we chimed "BUM BUM." (the sound from the
law order show.) We started to laugh and just talk about the show and wound up
talking about everything else. I couldn't take the hum of the dryers any longer. "Hey
I live right upstairs, wanna come up for a cup of coffee?" What did I just ask? I
don't know this man from a hole in the wall, yet without hesitation he said "sure".

We went up to my apartment. He noticed all the artifacts on my walls and begins to

ask about my profession. Out of habit I blurt out that I'm a museum curator.
"Coffee's done" I said placing the cups on the counter. He sat down next to me, we
reached for the sugar at the same time. It was as if he was a magnet pulling me
towards him. "I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom" In my bathroom I'm
pacing and my heart is palpitating. I'm thinking to myself "You'll be OK just go back
out there and act as calm and natural as possible".

I don't know what came over me, it was like an out of body experience. I'm
watching myself jump and straddle him kissing his lips....oh god his lips! I started to
rip his clothes off. The urge to touch his skin was overwhelming. I didn't know what
I was doing and didn't care for that matter I just knew that I had to have this man
inside of me. I pushed him down on my bed. He lay there gazing at me as I slowly
take off my clothes. So many thoughts racing through my head. I had to taste him. I
straddled him, started to kiss his lips, his chest. My tongue lingered down his abs. I
made my way down and slipped him into my mouth. It was like nothing I have ever
tasted before. It felt hard and strong, I had to have more. I started to lick and suck
feverishly as if it were oxygen and I was losing my breath. I could feel it tightening
in my mouth and knew it was time to get down to business. I caught his eye when I
glanced up, it was then I felt his powerful grip on my waist hoisting me up on the
bed. He was over me now. I needed this man, I had to have this man. I felt his lips
on my neck on my shoulders. I was getting goosebumps. I closed my eyes, just
letting the sensations of his tongue explore my body. I could feel him ever so lightly
kissing my inner thighs.

Something was building inside of me just waiting to burst. He started to lick my

spot. I started to get real hot. I could my lower abs start to twitch in anticipation. I
knew he felt it too, he started to lick and suck at such a pace that my nerves didn't
know what was happening it was like a tidal wave of ecstasy washing over my
body. I couldn't take it anymore. He had to be inside of me.

I grabbed his face and kissed him long and hard. Everything about him tasted so
good. I rolled him over and I was on top. I leaned over and grabbed my spare cuffs
from the night table. Before he knew it he was cuffed to my bed and blindfolded.
He started to say something. "Sssh, I just want you feel," I said. I straddled him so
my back was facing him. I slowly guided him into me and began to ride him slowly
at first building up to such intensity that I could hear him moaning and feel him
getting harder. No I needed more. I slowed it down a bit. I uncuffed him and said "I
need it from behind, now". Without hesitation there I was on all fours gripping the
metal of my bed for dear life as he thrusted ferociously into me. I started to cum
and I felt this numbness just take over my body, the sweat just dripping off of me.
Just as I was about to collapse I felt him explode inside of me and another wave of
numbness took a hold of me. We dropped to the bed, both panting, not saying a
There we were in a fog. It was about 30 minutes before I remembered the laundry.
We got dressed and made our way back downstairs to the laundromat. As we
begin to take our clothes out and pack it away he glances over and all I could say
was "I'll be back to do another load in 2 weeks". I walked out the door not knowing
how much truth there was in what I had just said, but I had a feeling we would be
crossing paths again.

Newton, Einstein and More

It takes but a small amount of light to highlight a well turned calf encased in liquid-
looking gossamer. The glisten from the fabricated corral reminds me that it is
asking for attention. Attention that I am oh so willing to give. Staring is rude, it's
said, but why else would a shapely gam chose to adorn itself in an artificial
covering? Would you think me rude if I admire your diamond jewelry? Your hosiery
is but another adornment, a choice made to catch my eye, to show off, to tantalize.
It is always appreciated.

So who is the greatest inventor/scientist of all time? Let's explore that.

Newton first described gravity. The story goes it came from a conk on the head
while lying under an apple tree observing nature. That's for the textbooks. I think he
was watching the ladies of London as they walk along the streets. He noticed how
a persons calf, when perched upon a lifted heel, strains against a force that is
trying to reduce its work. I'm sure he followed, with his eyes, as mine do, the curve
of their ankle and how it twists, ever so little, to help keep balance atop the narrow
platform. This twist allows the straining muscle that outlines the lower leg to slightly
protrude, forming a beckoning to all that will notice. Its position shows one-and-all
its purpose, but first to notice was Sir Isaac Newton.

How would you like to be forever associated with the theory that leads to nuclear
holocausts? Dear Albert had just that problem. But in his spare time he thought
about time. Time is not a constant. Was AE the first to notice how time stands still
as a pair of bare legs saunter by? Time is frozen or slows to a crawl as my eyes
follow the ripple of flesh that runs up and down a leg that is moving along in front of
me. I'm sure Mr. Einstein noticed that seconds are added to each observers life do
to the happiness, the increase of hormones that come from observing the turn of a
knee and ripple of a once hidden thigh. And time rushes on when I, or as Albert
surely observed, catch a glimpse of delicious looking skin as a skirt rustles as
knees are crossed. One can't look quickly enough. Add to that, a rare but possible
event in AE's time, the sound of nylons as they cross. Ahhh.

That brings us to Carothers. The inventor of nylon! And he knew what he had right
away. He pulled a glass rod from a beaker and a strand of nylon was born;
shimmering and sensuous all in itself. He crossed the strands and saw their fragile
and revealing textures. A short year latter came a fashion show with legs galore!
No more rare silk; it's soft but not the sheen of beautiful nylon. And it's very
expensive. Now all women can be encased in the seductive thread of glistening
nylon. Once out of the bottle, so to speak, Wallace Hume Carothers knew the
future of girl watching would never be the same.

The hex of nylon crossing over and around painted toes as they peak through the
texture gives me a quickened pulse. I see the arch as it's supported by the fine
threads. The shadowed area underside begs to be able to present its story. I yearn
to see it and then follow the lines that are naturally in nylon on to the foundation of
each beautiful leg. No heel doesn't improve with nylon, so easy now to caress with
probing finders even the oft overlooked, rounded base. Oh, thank God for the
delicate lines that nylon includes. They are so easy to follow up now, from her
wonderful foundation. I've said what the curves of a calf can do so let's continue
along the "back side". Caressing the back of a knee is so sensuous, but encase it
in nylon - Oh-la-la. When fit well, the slightest movement changes the stretched
cover and reveals different feels and looks with every move. I'd linger but I'm on a
mission, so up we go!

This was, for years, the traditional point we'd find the line of cloth that covers the
heavenly softness that calls me. To raise the hem any higher, and flirt with the
possibility of revealing the lace tops that encircle the legs nylon encasement, would
say, "I'm easy". No respectable person wants that repetition. To showcase is one
thing, to give it away is quite another. Then comes 1959.

Pantyhose was introduced in 1959 by a quirky, disturbed chemist. It wasn't

until1965 that it was paired (pun intended) with man's best friend; the mini- skirt!
Now respectable legs, encased in the glossy allure of nylon, didn't end at an
artificial stop. Now I can imagine myself, with my partner standing in front of me,
while I begin the search with my fingers that which my mind has already outlined
above. I can lay my head against the thin cloth that separates the world (as I sit
and you stand) from your nylon covered, soft and tasty mound. I would trace the
thin yet perceptible lines with my finger nails, tracing the small dip that causes all of
the wonderful highlights, tension and smoothness that accents your natural

The skirt, though, gives little protection against my insistent hands. My finger tips
slowly slip under the fabric that barely, yet with adequate modesty to the rest of the
world, cover the prizes I know you have there. Here is where others part from my
taste. The panty is a barrier, for sure, but such a thin one that I can still feel the
outline of each encased treasure of flesh. I usually sneak into your stash of hosiery
and put the tiniest hole; a perch waiting for my smallest finger tip or, when the
occasion permits, a couple of teeth. But I won't use this small advantage so soon.
While pressing my face against your skirt and holding and separating that
magnificent bundle of flesh I can detect the scent of YOU increasing, even through
the taught, protective, sparkling nylon encasement. By day all see you as the
proper lady you are, but when nighttime falls and you present yourself to me,
shroud in nylon from navel to toe tips, I give thanks to Allen Gant Senior, the
inventor of pantyhose.
The Gift
Jocelyn Stringer was not always a favorite around the high society party circuit.
She was as cool as an Alaskan river and as crisp as a freshly pressed Sunday
school shirt . She knew everyone and everyone knew her. She was held in the
highest esteem by the ladies of Charity for Life, Gift Givings and many more of the
wonderful causes she supported. Although not always socially adroit, her work
went unmatched.

Today was a big day for her. She had enticed a large corporation into giving her
millions of dollars for her latest charity drive for the homeless. She had just finished
her speech and was claiming a well needed flute of champagne when she was
surrounded by the Ladies of Hope, like a group of twittering sparrows. There were
congratulations all around and a lot of mutual backslapping. They were a happy

A waiter appeared as if by magic holding a tray of canapés and the ladies burst
into a frenzy feed. They all nearly choked, when the mayors wife stage whispered,
“I bet that Paulo has something better to eat than these ghastly canapés.”

The ladies gasped in unison and then burst into childish laughter. The mayors wife
continued mischievously whilst eyeing his disappearing form, "Does he always do
your events Mrs. Stringer?" Jocelyn Stringer felt a flush rising and excused herself
immediately, finding herself a shady corner of the garden to cool down.

Whether it was the sun, the champagne or all of the excitement she didn’t quite
know, but before long she felt herself drifting away, as the sounds of the guests
rippled away into oblivion.

“And as I said! No one adores my wife more than I do.” Stanley William Stringer the
Third, confessed to the gathering of colleagues at his and his wife’s twentieth
wedding anniversary. There was a smattering of compulsory, polite clapping before
the band struck up. What no one in that sea of diamonds and pearls could possibly
know was just how he showed his adoration.

Of course there was the obligatory diamond necklace all the way from Africa,
handcrafted by the best craftsmen De Beers could muster, a shimmering pond of
dancing light, sure to make even the most hardened estate dame groan in orgiastic
admiration. But there was after the party, an even greater gift, and one which she
had ordered for herself.

As the last of the guests left, Stanley Stringer felt his blood tighten in his veins. His
beautiful wife looked at him sternly, an edgy cast to her eye, and kissed him pertly
on the cheek.

“Thank you darling…for a most wonderful evening.”

“As always it is my pleasure.” He said boldly taking her hand and leading her up
the winding staircase in complete, distracted silence.

Opening the double mahogany doors to their bedroom he bowed, allowing her to
enter, her cool blue eyes swimming in the dancing candlelight. Picking a single
rose from one of the ten vases which held twenty red roses each, she sighed,
“You’ve outdone yourself Stanley.”

Stanley Stringer felt his throat dry up. Fingering his collar he asked gently, “Are you
ready?” He was eager for her to be ready. Eager to begin. He had never lost the
nerves, even after all of these years. He had not made love to his wife in the last
eight of those twenty.

Jocelyn freed her blond tresses from their tightly wound bun and allowed them to
fall, like snow. Shaking her head lightly from side to side, she reached in and
removed her brassiere. Unclasping one more button on her blouse had completed
her look from staid, stable and comforting to that of soft, sultry and seductive.
Stanley caught his breath as she leaned forward to lay the rose on the solid
redwood dresser. Her full breasts hanging softly in the flickering candlelight,
covered only by the most delicate silk. Her nipples raised, half erect, expectant.
Her usually pursed, thin lips, soft, wet and full.

She sat at the dresser, picking up the antique silver hairbrush her grandmother had
left to her. Turning to him, her eyes now glinting, determined. “Ready.”

Stanley reached into the inner pocket of his dinner jacket, his hands clammy, his
heart knocking urgently at his chest. He watched her stroke her hair in the mirror
before he held a red scarf across her mouth. She nodded and he pulled it across,
forcing her mouth open, and knotted it tightly at the back of her head.

“Tight enough?”

She grunted, nodding her head, a trickle of saliva escaping to freedom and running
a silver line down her chin. He watched transfixed as it made its way onto her neck,
her eyes admonishing him in the mirror.

Stanley made his way to the en suite bathroom and cautiously opened the door.

Jocelyn sat watching him in the mirror, his rotund form cast into light from the
bathroom. He stepped away and shuffled his way to the leather wing back chair in
the corner. He had told her that Winston Churchill had once sat in it. She surmised
that Winston Churchill might choke on one of his big fat cigars if he were here

She began to wonder what was taking so long, as the minutes ticked by into a
state of uneasiness. The air felt hot and humid, the silence strangling the air. She
was motionless, the brush hanging at her side, as she tried to make out Stanley
hidden in the dark corner, only an occasional flicker of flame dancing off his shoes
telling her that he was still there. She was about to remove the gag when there was
movement from the bathroom.

She felt her stomach grimace with anxiety as he approached her. His thick black
hair slicked back, two brooding eyebrows joined at the middle hooded his steely
dark eyes. His jaw clenched at the sides as he stared into her eyes in the mirror. At
his sides hung two powerful arms, and from one hand, like a poisonous snake,
protruded a long blue silver blade. She tried to turn so as to look at him but he was
upon her, panther like, his hand in her hair, pulling her head backward, so that her
back arched, her breasts pushed tightly against her blouse, her nipples as sharp as
stiletto heels.

With one swift movement he slit her blouse down the middle, the cold blade
millimeters from her skin. He held the blade to her throat whilst one rough hand
callously took turns at alternately squeezing her swollen breasts. Her neck was
stretched backwards, the marble skin taught, her eyes bulging with the strain, as
she tried to avoid being cut. He took hold of her wrists with one thick paw and
raised her arms above her head. She was compelled to face him in the mirror as
he ran the blade in circles around her nipples and down between her breasts to her
stomach, the patience and indulgence with which he did this causing her to
shudder with fear.

Stanley stared transfixed from his cocoon of shadows, his penis beginning to swell
in his pants. His nerves gone now he was able to relax into a state of warm lucidity.
As if in a dream he watched as the stranger pulled his lovely wife of twenty years to
the bed and threw her down on it, his tight black clothes barely holding his rippling
muscles at bay.

She lay on the bed, her heaving breasts exposed to the air, her skirt flung up to her
thighs. He stood above her, like an eagle, his head cocked to one side before he
pulled his T shirt off and over his head with one hand. She lay completely
motionless, watching him, knowing that one move on her part would cause him to
react, swiftly. She felt the danger spitting off him like sparks off of steel.

Her eyes traveled from his strong neck down to his chest, a sheen of sweat coating
his skin like lacquer. His earthy aroma filled her nostrils as her gaze slid past his
flat stomach onto the bulge at the front of his trousers. He tugged at his front and
the buttons popped open soundlessly, as if in a dream. Her buttocks clenched at
the sight of his pubic hair, his hand reaching in to pull his phallus out.

He held it in his hand, a swollen angry python, its skin shiny, dark olive, menacing
as was the rest of him. He stroked it slowly, its head filled with pulsing purple
blood. He looked directly into her eyes, a smile playing at his lips. Unconsciously
she crossed her legs, her mind swimming with embarrassment. His smile broke
then. Devious, calculating, cold, as he removed his trousers in one sweep.
Stanley watched as he stood before her, his tight buttocks shining like granite in
the soft light of the room, his strong back rising up into broad shoulders cut with
dark shadows where the muscles wrestled with each other. Stanley's zipper was
open, his erection poking out like a nosy old woman from behind a curtain. His
hand fiddled in his underwear as the stranger got on all fours over his wife, his
balls hanging like two ripe peaches between his thighs.

Jocelyn gargled behind her gag. Her head shaking from side to side as to be rid of
it. She felt the knife creep into her underwear like a cold hearted thief, its sharp
blade slicing the elastic away with ease. He ripped them from her. His powerful
manhood hanging over her like a malicious threat as he wound the panties around
her wrists and bound them to the headboard. He forced her legs apart with both
hands. She was surrendered now, her glistening flesh panting at his astonished
eyes. She felt a small victory surge within her as she noted his shock at her
bareness. No one in the world would have expected this of prim Jocelyn Stringer.

He stared intrigued for an instant before a greedy knowing washed over him. His
stiff finger finding her entrance and sliding into its warmth with ease. He ran it the
length of her before retracting it, tracing the outline of her lips, upwards and around
in slow circling motions, never once touching her where it ached. Slowly, gently,
around and around, swirling, dipping into her almost lazily until her hips raised with
angst, before pulling out of her, his eyes riveted on her as she murmured into the
gag, her eyes watering with frustration.

Stanley grew impatient now, his erection bobbing up and down like a cork on the
ocean. He tugged at his sac with one hand and rasped his erection with the other.
His eyes never leaving the scene. It was almost as though this beast had them
both in his grasp, as Stanley felt himself rise, only to fall as if in spiritual bondage
with his wife.

Jocelyn became aware that if she raised her hips to coerce him, he would continue
to withhold his favors. With a firm resolve she relaxed her entire body, allowing him
to caress her as he wished. He soon tired of her complicity and reached deep into
her sending a sharp breeze up her spine. She hated how this peasant knew her so
well, how finely he plucked at her strings. She longed to be rid of the gag so she
could spit at him, but instead screamed at him with her eyes. Her hands were
swelling, her wrists catching fire. He placed his thumb on her swollen jewel, whilst
his finger arched inside of her, reaching that empty place, so foreign to men.

His gentle melding of the two causing it to slowly fill with a thick syrupy essence.
She smelt the roses entwining their fragrance around his animal smell. She drew it
in through flared nostrils, imagining herself a wild mare streaking through the fields
as her master stallion gained upon her. With his free hand he pinched her nipple,
twisting it slowly, agonizingly. She felt herself rolling, growing into a big purple
ocean swell as he calmly stroked her soul with his fingers. His free hand tightening
its grip.
She gazed at him now, as though from a shore across a misty bay, and she
thought that she wanted to reach out and brush the one stray lock of hair that had
fallen across his eye away, so that she could see it. His brow was slightly furrowed,
no more the cocky, arrogant young bastard. He had found something, a buried
treasure, and he was opening it gently so as not to disturb the beauty that lay
within. She felt herself expanding, getting heavier, a gentle warm rain trickling
down her spine, her nipple sending waves of blood red pain into her brain, until she
burst, a spray of brilliant Jasmine exploding from within her, in a deluge of sweet

In the corner Stanley stoked his penis fervently, the heat rising within him. His eyes
glazed over like an opium addict in a whorehouse, as he watched her liquid gush,
from the safety of his chair.

She saw him come above her now, angry rolling thunder, as he picked up the
blade and cut the cloth from her mouth, his engorged cock filling her, his buttocks
pumping like steel pistons as he rode her. She clasped him to her, wrapping her
legs around him, her nails slitting his flesh. His balls slapping into her, her juices
sucking at him, her velvet lips worshipping him.

She was there now, rough hands tearing at her nipples, her flanks, her neck, and
from afar she heard herself command him, to fuck her like a wanton slut, harder,
deeper, harder!

He felt the knot come undone, his penis pumping, retracting, pumping, filling,
squirting, as she cried out obscenities to him, her eyes rolling back in her head,
rich plum stains bursting through her skin. And from the corner came a desperate
cry as they all three crackled and spat like electric lightning in a summer sky, each
lost to their own delirious frenzy.

She felt the slumbering heat between her legs as she arose dazedly from her
reverie. She looked about sharply as someone grasped her arm.

“Are you alright my dear.” Stanley asked, his concern visible.

“I….I’m fine…I just got lost for a minute.” She stammered.

Stanley looked relieved and guided her with his hand.

“You should really get back to your guests, they’ll be missing you!”

As she left him to finish off a very long, weary day, he called out to her, a smile
dancing in his eyes. “By the way, it is your birthday soon you know.”
While The Husband Is Away
After My wife Joanna and I had our first threesome with Larry (a guy that lived in
our apartment complex) I was increasingly interested about her true feelings and
fantasies about what had happened. Larry had become a close friend in a short
amount of time and we both enjoyed his company. I had always fantasized about
Joanna with another man and when I asked Joanna if she wanted to have a
threesome with Larry she said it would be fun!

The first threesome with Larry she hadn’t gone all the way with him because, I
think she was worried about what I might think about it. Even though I had assured
her and reassured her that I wanted to watch her make love to another guy. (When
we first got married I had been such a jealous jerk, I’m lucky she ever agreed to a
threesome in the first place). I will write about the first threesome at another time
but the story I’m about to tell was an extreme turn-on to me.

One day while Joanna was working and Larry and I were sitting out at the
apartment complex swimming pool. We were talking about the threesome we had
and how much fun it was and talking about the next time. I told Larry I would really
love to watch him make love to her without her knowing that I was watching. He
said that sounded fun to him because he wanted to screw he in the worst way but,
how could we arrange it.

I was a local truck driver here in Southern California at the time. On many
occasions I would take a load up to Utah as a favor to my dispatcher, so I thought
that could be my story to Joanna. If she thought I was out of town would she play?
After all now she had the green light.

Larry’s apartment had the exact floor plan as ours with a big walk-in closet about 5
feet from the bed. I told Larry he could invite her over and I could hide in the closet
and watch them from there. We were both turned on by plotting this evil deed and
we worked it out to the last detail.

When Joanna got home from work that night I told her that my dispatcher had
asked me to take a load up to Utah on the weekend and I had agreed. She as
always seemed disappointed that I would be gone for the weekend. She said, “I
thought we had plans with Larry this weekend.” I told her that I had called Larry
and told him I was going to be gone and he had suggested that they get together
for dinner on Saturday night. I reassured her that I thought she should go because
I didn’t like her spending the whole weekend alone.

She thought about it for a moment and said, “Ok, that sounds good.” I said, “If you
want to fool around with him after dinner I won’t mind.” She stood looking at me for
a minute then said, “The only reason I had our first threesome with him was
because you wanted me to. I just did it because you wanted to watch.” “You
seemed pretty excited about it while we were doing it,” I said, smiling at her. “I was
but, that is because I know you were enjoying it.” “Ok, I just wanted you to know I
don’t mind.” She gave me a real sexy kiss and said, “You’re a pervert.”

Saturday morning came and I went to the yard where my work was and parked my
car. Larry picked me up and brought me back to his apartment. It was a beautiful
southern California day and we were inside of all places. We drank a few beers
and went over some details about what he was going to do to Joanna should she
let him. The phone rang at about 1PM and it was Joanna. Larry tilted the phone so
I could listen to the conversation.

“I was thinking of going out and sitting by the pool and wondered if you wanted to,”
she said, in her innocent voice. Larry looked at me and I nodded my head. “Sure
that sounds good. I will be out in about 10 minutes,” he said, hanging up the

We walked into his bedroom and he got on his trunks and told me he was going to
see if he could cook her dinner here. He left to go to the pool to meet Joanna and I
sat on the end of his bed and watched him walk to the pool. I had a great view of
the pool area and Joanna and Larry. I got so horny just watching them sitting and
talking and wondering what they were talking about. I wondered if Joanna was
thinking about what I said. I wanted to relieve myself but I didn’t, wanting to wait for

The early evening finally got there and Larry returned to his apartment. I wanted
every detail of what they had talked about. He said she wants to come over and
have dinner and watch a movie. I called Joanna on the phone and let her know I
was in Utah and going to get some sleep. I asked her what she was going to do for
the evening and she said she hadn’t decided yet. I smiled and told her she should
go visit Larry. She said she would think about it. I told Larry what she had said on
the phone and all we could come up with was she didn’t want me to get jealous.

About an hour later after it was dark outside Joanna knocked on Larry’s door and
he let her in. I was peeking through a small crack in the bedroom door. She looked
absolutely stunning with her long blond hair puffed up and her little pink mini skirt
on with a short sleeve pink blouse with no bra. Her erect nipples were pushing
against the material begging to be sucked. I could feel my cock getting hard
against my short pants.

She gave Larry a hug and said, “Thanks for inviting me over.” He stood there
looking at her and said, “You look so sexy. Are you sure I can’t take you out on the
town and show you off?” She blushed and said, “I think we can have a lot more fun
here.” My heart started pounding in my chest and ears. I felt so many emotions
running through my body at one time. I felt jealous and anxious and somewhat
betrayed. I was cold and shaking and even dizzy. I realized it was all these
emotions that was giving me one of the hardest erections I had ever had in my life.
They finished a light dinner and moved to the sofa in the living room. They were
facing the TV and his bedroom was behind it. The light from the TV lit them up and
I knew they couldn’t see me because it was dark. “What movie do you want to
see,” I heard him ask her. “It doesn’t matter to me. What ever you want,” she said,
settling back on the sofa. “I have a sexy one in my room I can go get?” he said in
more of a question than a statement. “If that’s what you want to watch.”

Larry came to the room and grabbed an X-rated video from his dresser. He winked
at me and I gave him the thumbs up. He put the video in the VCR and it started to
play. They were making little comments about the acting and laughing at some
parts. Then they both got silent and I could feel the tension between them. Finally
Larry asked her if she wanted to go in the bedroom and she agreed.

I moved to the closet and left the door cracked. Larry tuned on the stereo in his
bedroom to a light volume. I was glad he did because I felt like the whole room
could hear my heart pounding. Joanna laid on her stomach on his bed. Larry sat
down next to her and started rubbing her back and shoulders. She moaned and
said, “That feels so good.” “How would you like a whole body massage,” he asked
her. “How much do you charge?” she asked playfully. “I will have to tell you when
I’m done.” “That sounds fair to me,” she said, rolling on her back.

Larry started slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Joanna just laid there looking into his
eyes smiling at him. Larry opened the blouse and exposed Joanna’s cream puff
tits. Her nipples were hard and standing strait up. Larry slowly started massaging
her tits. He leaned over and took her left nipple in his mouth and began sucking on
it. Joanna moaned and raised her head off the bed so she could watch him. He
moved to the other side and gave it equal attention. He ran his tongue from her
nipple up her neck and into he waiting mouth.

Joanna started sucking on his tongue and running her hands through his hair.
Larry rolled her onto her side and unbuttoned and unzipped her mini skirt. She
rolled onto her back and raised her hips off the bed to allow him to remove her
skirt. Larry stood next to the bed and slowly slid her skirt off. I don’t know who he
was teasing the worst Joanna or me. Joanna sat up and took her blouse off and
threw it on the floor. Larry had her roll over on her stomach, with her feet toward
the closet I was in. I thought I could see a wet spot in the crotch of her panties but I
couldn’t tell if it was just a shadow.

He reached on the night stand and grabbed some lotion he had there. He filled his
had and let it warm before he put it on her back. He started massaging the lotion
into her back and she moaned and told him how good it felt. Before he got more
lotion he took hold of her panties by the waist band. She raised up so he could
remove them easily. He slid them off and turned around and tossed them right in
front of the closet door where I was looking out. I opened the door a little more and
retrieved the panties. They were a pair of pink satin bikini panties. They were
soaked clear through with Joanna’s pussy cum. I raised them to my lips and tasted
the creamy treat.
I looked back out at Larry and Joanna and he was massaging her legs with lotion.
He had her legs spread and I could see her pussy clearly. She seemed to be more
swollen and wet than she was the night of our threesome. Joanna rolled onto her
back and took hold of Larry’s shorts and pulled them down. Larry was standing up
and took them the rest of the way off. Joanna sat up and took Larry’s cock in to her
mouth and started sliding it in and out of her mouth. Larry pushed his hips out to
give her full access. She slid her tongue down his shaft toward his balls.

She took one of his balls into her mouth and was sucking gently on it while jacking
him off. I could see Larry’s pre-cum dripping on her shoulder. After she finished
licking his balls she ran her tongue back up his shaft and slid his stiff cock in her
mouth. Larry moaned loud when she did that. She pulled him on the bed onto his
back. She sucked his cock like an expert. I couldn’t remember a time when she
had sucked me like she was sucking Larry. Larry said, “I’m going to cum if you
keep that up.” Joanna made a mmmmm sound from around Larry’s cock.

Larry started tensing up as his orgasm built. Joanna cupped his balls in her hand
and squeezed them softly as he started cuming in her mouth. He was moaning
loudly as he released his first load of the night into her mouth. He came so much
Joanna couldn’t swallow it all and some was running down her chin. I was jacking
off like a mad man and shot my load all over Joanna’s already soaked panties. My
cock didn’t soften one bit, even after that powerful orgasm. It took me a minute to
get my composer so I could look back out at what they were going to do next.

Larry had Joanna pull her knees back to her chest, I think more for my view than
anything else. She had so much pussy cum running out of her there was a wet
spot on his bed. Larry ran his tongue up from her ass to her clit and started sucking
on it. Joanna started moaning loud as he worked on her clit with his lips and
tongue. He would slid his tongue from her clit to her pussy opening and ram it in as
far as it would go. Then using his thumb and fore finger he pulled the skin back
from her clit. He sucked on her clit directly and she came undone when he did that.
I saw and heard her explode in a orgasm like never before. Her pussy was
convulsing and she spread her legs even wider and let her knees fall to the bed.
Joanna let out a scream of ecstasy which startled me. I couldn’t believe it, she had
never screamed like that with an orgasm before. Larry put his mouth over her
entire pussy and sucked as she finished cuming.

Larry moved up and held his mouth about two inches above Joanna’s. He opened
his mouth and the pussy cum he had sucked out of her started dripping on her lips.
Joanna stuck her tongue out and licked it off her lips then raised to his and started
sucking and licking his lips and chin. She has always loved the taste of her own
pussy cum. They both settled for a moment and I thought it might be over until I
saw Joanna take hold of Larry’s cock and massage it until it was hard again. She
pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She rubbed the tip of his cock around
in circles on her swollen wet pussy lips. I can still hear the awesome sound of her
stirring her juices with his cock. I felt my heart pounding as I watched my wife slid
down the entire length of Larry’s long cock.
She moaned loud when she hit bottom and his balls were against her ass. I
couldn’t believe she was able to get him all the way in being as long as he is. She
started rocking back and forth on his cock in a slow seductive movement. In all our
years of marriage I hadn’t ever seen her move like she was now. Larry reached up
and started massaging her tits while she rode his cock. When she would rise up,
her ass would flex making her pussy squeeze his cock. She was actually milking
his cock with her pussy! By the look on Larry’s face he was really enjoying this.

She picked up her rhythm and started moaning louder and louder. Larry was
bucking her like a wild horse. I was jacking off and taking it all in making vivid
mental images that I cherish to this day. Larry and Joanna came at about the same
time. I saw his balls tighten up and he let out a loud grunt as he released his load
deep inside my wife’s willing pussy. I watched as her pussy contracted around his
cock and she let out her own little grunt. She collapsed onto his chest totally out of

I watched as both of their climaxes simmered down. Her pussy would contract,
then his cock would do the same. A huge amount of their juices mixed was running
out of her pussy, down his shaft to his balls. I had a hard time not making noise as
I shot my second load all over her panties. I leaned against the wall to catch my
breath. I thought I was going to wake up at anytime and be disappointed that I was
only dreaming.

I might have dozed off for a second or two and was startled by the sound of
Joanna’s voice just outside the closet door. I didn’t dare move for fear of being
discovered. She said, “Did you throw them over here?” I looked down at the cum
soaked panties that were still around my cock and realized that was what she was
looking for. “NO,’ I heard Larry say almost sounding alarmed. “I tossed them over
on the other side of the room I think.” She walked away from the closet to the other
side of the room. Larry came over by the door and I slid the panties through the

He picked them up and pulled the funniest face when he felt how wet they were
with my cum. I had to stifle a laugh because of that look. I hadn’t really thought
about that when I was blowing my wad into them. He said, “here they are,” holding
them up. She walked toward him to retrieve them. When she got to him he held
them behind his back and kissed her on the lips. “Can I keep these for a souvenir?”
he said, kissing her again. “What are you going to do with a pair of my panties?”
Joanna asked, smiling at him. “I’m just sentimental I guess,” he explained. “Ok, if it
means that much to you,” she said, laughing.

Joanna finished getting dressed and Larry walked her to our apartment. After
taking a desperately needed piss I sat on Larry’s bed with my thoughts of what I
had witnessed. There were spots of cum all over his bed and a few of her long
blond hairs I saw. I laid back and feel a sleep until Larry woke me up. He had been
gone two hours when he woke me up. He told me when they got to my apartment
she wanted to make love one more time on her bed. I didn’t ask Larry to go into too
much detail because she had worn him out so bad.

She never did tell me about her adventure with Larry that weekend even though I
had quizzed her. All she would say about it is “I’ll never tell.” The following
weekend Larry came over and we had our second threesome with him. But that’s
another story.

A Second Affair
As I had boarded the plane for the flight home, I noted that it was almost empty of
passengers and soon found adjoining empty seats in which to lie down but as the
plane prepared for departure, I found I was too distraught to sleep. My sudden split
with Lorrie had left me rather saddened and depressed.

Meanwhile, as the plane prepared for departure, a beautiful, blond, flight attendant
proceeded to explain the aircraft’s safety features and I watched with disinterest.
Actually, the woman was rather the thing that held my interest.

A few minutes into the flight, I felt myself losing my composure and tears came to
my eyes. It was at that moment that the flight attendant came by asking if I was
ready for a drink and I was caught in the act. "I’m sorry," I said as I struggled to
regain my composure and respond. The flight attendant smiled as she departed
and soon returned with my mineral water. I drank as I returned to my melancholy.

Sometime later, the flight attendant came and sat down in the seat next to me. "Hi!
I’m Ginny and it’s a long flight. I could use some company. Are you up for it?" she
said. I lied and said I was.

So we talked. Ginny was an expert at drawing me out and she soon knew the
whole story of the source of my melancholy. She kept on the subject of me for the
next three hours even as I tried to extract her story! Gradually, my depression
abated and I regained my composure so that by the time we arrived I was feeling
tired but happy. Lorrie had become a pleasant memory.

As I departed the aircraft, I said goodbye to Ginny and went home. For the next
several weeks, I was deeply engrossed in a new project and life was filled with
work. Then, just as the project reached a slow, protracted phase, I was walking to
the dry cleaners when I saw her - Ginny!

She recognized me immediately and we fell to talking. Then, when I suggested we

go into the coffee shop instead of standing in front of it, she grew cold and distant!
"I think not!", she said with no explanation. I stooped to pleading.
Finally she reluctantly agreed and we soon sat in a booth, facing each other. I
asked, "What did I say or do that turned you so cold when I suggest the coffee
shop?" Ginny responded that she wasn’t much on men" and remained cold and
distant. "What don’t you like about me? I responded. "You really want to know?"
She responded.

After some more jockeying, she asked, "What do you really expect from you and
me?" and I responded, "I expect to get to know you and understand you and
friendship." "Nothing more?" she asked. "Of course there’s more. I just don’t know
how much until we get to know each other better." I responded.

"You’re not just trying to get me in the sack?" she asked and I laughed at her
directness. "You’re a sexy and desirable woman. Of course I’m interested in getting
you into my bed but I’m also a gentleman and I keep my passions within due
bounds." I responded. This time she laughed.

"You don’t know me." she spoke and I replied, "I’m trying but you’re not making it

It was at that point in our conversation that I felt a certain warmth come between us
- we were friends! Talk became easy and we sat for over an hour exploring our
new friendship. She spoke openly.

She told me she had a seven year old son, Tad, who would always be first in her
life. He was the only thing good to come from her "had to" early marriage and
subsequent marriage. She had hated menperhaps still did! Don’t expect too much
of our relationship. There would be no sex and no strings! The bitterness and
hostility she had hidden so well surfaced in all it’s ugliness. Still, she needed a
friend and so did I.

We agreed to go to dinner on Friday before her flight. It would be a quick date at an

informal restaurant. "Bring Tad", I said. "I think not," she replied. The date was
rather fun as Ginny’s natural hostility eased a bit over dinner. We danced a few
dances and she was home before nine o’clock. As I left her at her door, she said,
"Thanks for a lovely evening. You’re trying hard and I appreciate that.

We dated frequently after that and after several dates, she brought Tad along. This
time, she had left the baggage she carried behind. The hostility was gone and for
the first time the ugliness of her hostility was gone. She was incredibly beautiful! It
was then that our relationship changed friends still but I wanted more.

Still, an agreement is an agreement I kept my wants to myself! We continued to

date and Tad frequently came with us The boy and I became friends! Ginny
remained friendly and we kept to our agreement as summer turned to fall and I
sensed something between us. Something ugly! Of course, there was nothing I
could point to just something that I could not explain.
It was after Tad’s school carnival and we had returned to Ginny’s home where she
put Tad to bed and we sat in the kitchen to talk. Ginny seemed hostile! "We agreed
that if either of us wanted to call our relationship off it was over I want to call it off!"
she said.

I was stunned and asked, "Why." "I don’t want to see you any more. I guess I’d like
to see some other guys." she replied. There was really nothing left to sayit was an
agreement and I had no alternative as I said, "I’m sorry. I thought we were good
together. Goodbye!" and left.

As I returned to room, I wondered why I seemed to be so unlucky in my choice of

women. Of course, Ginny was beautiful and she could attract any number of men
some that were probably better choices than me. Still, it hurt!

I soon got my life back together and life went on.

It was an evening the week before thanksgiving when Tad called me. I recognized
his voice immediately and asked, "Tad! How are you? Does your mother know you
are calling me. The boy was taken aback and responded, "No. My mother’s not
feeling well. She needs help. Would you help me?" I’ll be right there! I said.

It was an evening the week before thanksgiving when Tad called me. I recognized
his voice immediately and asked, "Tad! How are you? Does your mother know you
are calling me. The boy was taken aback and responded, "No. My mother’s not
feeling well. She needs help. Would you help me?" I’ll be right there! I said.

Within the hour I was at Ginny’s home and Tad met me at the door. "My mother’s
in here." he said as he led me to her bedroom. "Hi Ginny, it’s me." I said as I
entered the bedroom. The room was a shambles of empty bottles, dirty dishes, filth
and scattered clothes. "Go away," she said and I responded, "Like hell I will. It was
Tad that called me and I intend to help him. Now, get your lazy out of that bed and
get dressed. We’re going to get you moving again." She did not respond.

After repeated attempts to get her out of bed, I splashed her with a pitcher of ice
water and she flew up at me with a fury like I’d never seen before. "You bastard!,"
she screamed and struck me with her fists. I held her arms and withstood her feet
kicking me as her anger slowly abated. Then, as the anger left her, she slowly
melted into my arms and I was supporting her. She spoke, "I’m sorry. I’m just not
doing well." she said. "Yes, I can see that." I responded as I placed her in the
shower and turned on the cold water. She reacted quickly and I saw the anger
again. "Get the shower temperature adjusted and get out of those pajamas.

Tad and I’ll be cleaning up the mess in your room. It was nearly an hour later when
Ginny came into the kitchen, fully dressed and primped and looking as beautiful as
ever. Tad ran and hugged his mother as I looked on. "Coffee," I asked after a
decent interval. I’d like that," she responded. Then, she remonstrated Tad, "Why
did you call Pete. You could have called "
Tad interrupted to say, "because he’s my friend!" It was at that point that I
interrupted to say, "Look, it’s no big deal. You needed help and he called me ."
"Dammit, it is a big deal! I’ve been months trying to get over you and now you’re in
my life again." she spoke. "That’s funny," I replied, "I’ve just spent months trying to
get over you. What is it with us crazies?" I said, "Something’s not right here." "We
had an agreement " she said and I interrupted. "We made a mistake. Damn the

Suddenly, Ginny flew into my arms and we embraced as she pressed her lips to
mine. "Tad, Go to your room," she said and the boy was gone. Our tongues met
and danced a firey dance in our mouths as we held each other close. Then, after
an interval I suggested, Perhaaps it’s time for a new agreement." Ginny spoke
quickly, "Damn the agreements. Just don’t hurt me! please?"

Then, there was a hour of pleasant kissing and light caresses and intimate
conversation as we waited for Tad to go to sleep. Then, after another cup of coffee,
I said, "I’ve waited a long time for this and I want you to be sure so I’m going home
and give us a time to reflect." Ginny protested, "But I’ve got a flight tomorrow and I
won’t be home until Wednesday. "Think about me while you’re gone and we’ll get
together on Wednesday." I replied.

She said, "My plane arrives at 1651 so meet me at the airport at 1652 It was about
4:55 p.m. when I saw Ginny hurrying down the passage in her uniform and toting
her overnight case. Tad and I stood waiting as she arrived and immediately kissed
me, then Tad with a warm greeting.

She was smiling as we entered the car for the drive to their home and she said to
Tad, "Honey, Tonight I want to be alone with Pete. I’d like you to stay with with the
sitter." Tad seemed to sense the situation and readily agreed to it. "First, dinner" I
said. After a quick dinner at Tad’s favorite McDonalds we dropped Tad off at his
sitters and went directly to Ginny’s where her room mate kept me company while
she changed for the evening. The room mate eyed me with amusement as she
said, "I thought you were history around here." I replied, "History sometimes
repeats itself."

Then, Ginny came out of her room dressed to the nines and carrying her overnight
airline bag. As we left her home, I asked, "Where to dinner? dancing? show?" and
she responded quietly, "Why don’t we go to someplace nice quiet and we can
order champagne like a nice hotel room.

The look in her eyes said the rest I called ahead and reserved a suite at
Grouveneur; then, drove slowly as I enjoyed the company of the beautiful woman
at my side. Half an hour later, we had left the car with the valet and registered for
suite 1605 before taking the elevator to our room.

The room was plush with all the comforts, ideally suited to our purpose. As we
entered, Ginny suddenly became quiet not angry or upset! I sensed it immediately
and quickly dismissed the bell hop who had accompanied us to the room before
taking her by the hand and leading her to the window where we could look out to
the lights of the city. "Are you all right with what we’re doing?" I asked.

She responded, "I’m OK!" and I knew she wasn’t. "Look, I want you to be ready
when we do this. If you have any reservations at all, I can wait." I said only half way
meaning it! She turned and kissed me on the lips A soft, meaningful kiss that sopke
of intimacy but not passion. "Why do you put up with me and my problems?" she
asked and I responded Hey!

We all got problems but your body’s one in a million!" I laughed as I spoke, " and a
mind to go with it too!" Ginny turned and went to the closet where she pulled the
dress over her head and hung it on the hanger.

Then she removed her half-slip and shoes all in my plain view. Her face was
devoid of expression as she undressed for me and I had no idea what she was
thinking as she went into the bathroom and closed the door. I removed my
trousers, shirt, shoes and socks and turned back the covers on the bed. After
turning out the light I took the rose from the vase on the table and placed it on her
pillow as I climbed into bed. In a few minutes, Ginny emerged from the bathroom.

She was dressed in a black teddy with a black bra and panties visible through the
shear nylon of the teddy. She was beautiful more beautiful than any woman I’d
ever seen! I said so In a second or two she had crawled into bed and under the
coversher body tense and looking grim.

Finally I understood- she was scared! "Look Ginny, we don’t have to do this unless
you want to. We can stop any time if you want. I can only enjoy us together if we
are truly together." I assured her. "I’m sorry," she said, "I want to more than
anything but I’ve got things in my past . " We talked and kissed and caressed as
Ginny talked out her troubles. "I want you to do meeven if I say no. I want you to
take meyou deserve it!"

She said with determination, "We’ll still be friends in the morning, I promise," So
the conversation went and the hours passed as we sipped champagne and talked.
Then, suddenly and totally unanticipated, I felt her come close to me and kiss me
on the lips, passionately and our tongues met in a dance of love.

I felt the heat of her body through the thin teddy as we embraced. She became a
tigresswild and passionate! I responded by opening the teddy and snatched away
the bra to expose her perfect breasts.

The rest was wild foreplay as we engaged in cunnilingus and fellatio as wild and
uninhibited as I could never have imagined before. I touched her everywhere and
caressed her from her toes to her hair as she meowed and showed her approval in
a hundred ways.
Finally, it was Ginny who climbed over me and positioned herself over my erect
and willing cock. It was she who lowered her well lubricated orifice over my pole
and proceeded to fuck me. Again, she was insatiable and I worked to meet her
thrust for thrust. Of course, the action was too soon over We had both experienced
our peaks at the same time and the afterglow was exquisite! Ginny was again
strangely quiet and I expressed concern. "I never knew it could be so good," she
said. "Oh! That was only the first time and it’ll get better next time." I replied.

For the first time, we were lovers, complete and open with each other. There was
no baggage - simply the here and now! We talked intimately and made plans for
us. In scarcely a half hour I was recovered and ready for a second coitus which
Ginny sensed and rolled into position for the encounter.

There was no long foreplay, none was needed. From on top I entered her. Later,
Ginny said, "You were right, it gets better." and rolled to spoon with me before we
slept. The following days were glorious days filled with love and laughter and
kindred spirits. Even though my work had become demanding, there was always
time for Ginny and Tad.

We made plans A month passed; then, two months as Ginny and Tad moved from
their shared townhouse to my house which was larger and with a yard suitable for
Tad. For appearance, Ginny had a guest room next to Tad but she spent her nights
in my master bedroom.

Then, as we gained confidence in our relationship we began to plan our marriage.

A date of March 5th was set for the wedding to give us ample time to plan it. It was
on the 29th of January that the two men appeared at our door with the news that
Ginny had died in an accident at work.

Today I wonder, "Is it better to have loved and lost or to never have loved at all?"

Sporting Wood
Lilly was your average high school princess type. Beautiful long blond hair, blue
eyes and the perfect 36-24-36 body. She had the innocence of an A+ student from
a small town and none of the sexual experience one would hope to have.

You see Lilly was a very popular but a shy girl. She was captain of the
cheerleading squad, class president, valedictorian of her class and of course
homecoming queen. She was the girl that seemed to have it all.
Her boyfriend was the star quarterback of the football team and all the girls had
eyes for him. He and Lilly had dated all through high school and were always
together except when there was the occasional weekend party.

Lilly's parents were very conservative and would never allow their little princess to
be involved in any weekend shenanigans. Lilly being the straight-laced girl she was
would never go against her parents' wishes. Time after time Lilly's boyfriend had
been seen at these parties with other girls, but no one had the heart to tell poor
Lilly of her boyfriend's indiscretions.

Graduation day finally came and Lilly couldn't have been happier. She
had thought about this day all year and dreamed about the time she
would be able to spend with her boyfriend before going off to college.
After the graduation ceremony was over Lilly's boyfriend approached her
and her parents. He kissed her on the cheek and apologized for not being
able to see her that evening. He explained that his parents had made
plans to take him to dinner and celebrate with the rest of his extended
family. He handed her an envelope and disappeared into the crowd.

Lilly could hardly contain her delight and couldn't wait to read the note from him.
Surely it was a steamy message for a late night make out session, after all it was
graduation night. When Lilly's parents' car finally came to a halt in the drive, Lilly
bolted into the house, up the stairs to her room, throwing the door closed behind
her. In one giant leap she landed on her bed, feet kicking in the air as she lay on
her stomach and tore into the envelope. It was a card with a pink rose on the cover
which brought a huge smile to Lilly's face. She opened the card and began to read

Dear Lilly,

Congratulations on your graduation and being the valedictorian of the class. You
worked hard and deserve every honor bestowed upon you. You looked so happy
up there today, with your beautiful smile radiating like the bright sunshine. We have
been together for a long time and I care about you very deeply. In the fall we will go
off to college and be separated from one another... during this time I am sure you
will grow from the experiences you will have and we will become a distant memory.
I'm sorry to be writing this in a card but I could think of no better way to tell you.
Your best friend Sara and I have fallen in love and plan to move in together right
away. I'm truly sorry if I have hurt you, but she was willing to give me what you
weren't and we fell in love. We both wish you luck in your future and want nothing
but the best for you. Again we are sorry it had to happen this way.


Lilly's eyes filled with tears as she felt the sting of betrayal. She was absolutely
heartbroken and spent the rest of the night locked in her room crying her eyes out.
The next morning Lilly was awakened by the phone ringing. "Hello," she answered.

"Hi Lilly!", "It's Joanne," the caller replied. Joanne was Lilly's cousin. They were the
same age but had grown up in different cities. Joanne and Lilly had always been
very close, more like sisters really. She was calling to congratulate Lilly on the
previous day's achievements. Lilly replied with a solemn " thank you."

"What's wrong Lilly?" You don't sound very happy", asked Joanne. Lilly explained
about the card and began to cry again. "I'm so sorry Lilly, that's terrible." "You need
some time away to relax and get your mind off of things. Why don't you come up to
the cabin?", Joanne encouraged. "A bunch of friends and I are going up for the
week, sort of a get away and relax after graduation week. C'mon it'll be fun, what
else do you have to do?", said Joanne.

Lilly thought about it for a minute and decided, to go. She knew her parents would
not mind because she was going to stay with family and she thought maybe the
time away would help her forget about the pain she was feeling inside. "Sure why
not? It might be fun.", said Lilly.

"Great! I'll pick you up about eight tonight then." stated Joanne. Lilly spent the day
packing for the trip. She was somewhat excited to get away and spend time with
her cousin, but could still feel the pain lurking inside her.

Joanne arrived at eight o'clock that evening as promised. She said hello to her aunt
and uncle as she helped Lilly load her bags into the car. Lilly's parents saw the girls
off and told them to have a good time. Lilly was quiet most of the car ride, thinking
about all the times she had caught her boyfriend in little white lies and was too
naive to see what was really going on. Lilly started to become angry. Angry that her
boyfriend and best friend did this to her, angry that she was too naive, angry that
her parents had sheltered her too much. She was eighteen years old, a high school
graduate and hadn't experienced anything most girls her age had. She made up
her mind that this summer would change all that. They finally arrived at the cabin
and Joanne introduced Lilly to her friends. "Lilly, this is Allison, Brent, Kami, Jake,
my boyfriend Matt and his cousin Josh."

"Pleased to meet you,", said Lilly. She took a very long look at Josh. He was a tall,
rugged guy with dark hair. His body was ribbed with perfect cuts like he had been
carved from granite.

His face was handsome with dimples and a strong jawline donning the days growth
of hair in the form of a full bearded shadow. His eyes were the deepest of blues,
like sparkling sapphires. He was dressed like a lumberjack... sleeveless flannel
shirt and blue jeans with big work boots. He was like no other man Lilly had ever
seen. He was, so strong, so handsome, so mysterious. The meeting of Josh had
aroused feelings in Lilly she had never felt before. She knew she must learn more
about him. That night as they sat around the fire, Lilly could not keep her eyes off
of Josh. She watched as the flame from the fire, flickered across his face, lighting
up his eyes and smile. Josh had noticed Lilly too. He was awed by her beauty, and
daydreamed about having her for his own. To taste her sweet flesh and feel her
body writhe in motion under his touch. If only she weren't so reserved and quiet, he
thought. He would have to find a way to approach her.

The next morning Lilly woke before most of the others. She had always been an
early riser and found solace in the early morning calm. She made her way down to
the water's edge and sprawled out on a large boulder there. She was enjoying the
smell of the fresh morning air, the sweet sound of the birds' song and she delighted
in watching the wildlife scurry about. She was so consumed by her surroundings
she almost didn't hear Josh walk up beside her. "Good morning." he said. "Oh
good morning.", replied Lilly.

They began conversing about all the things they loved about the morning. They
talked with such ease that before they knew it three hours had passed. "Lilly,
Josh," Joanne called. They turned to see Joanne making her way down to them.
"Come on you guys, we're going four wheelin'," said Joanne. "We only have four
machines so we'll have to double up" Joanne stated. Lilly and Josh followed
Joanne up the hill and into the garage. Everyone was getting their gear on and
discussing what trails to take. Since they had all paired up already Josh asked Lilly
if she would like to ride with him. Lilly was feeling a bit more at ease around Josh
after their lengthy conversation, so that she decided she would. This would give
her more time to be close to him and explore these new feelings burning inside

Lilly hopped on the back of the quad behind Josh. Her long slender legs parted and
wrapped around his strong body like she was preparing to climb a mighty oak. She
could feel that desire within her grow stronger as she stretched her arms around
his rock hard abs in an effort to hold on tight. Josh could have not been more
pleased to have Lilly's beautiful body glued to his. He felt his manhood becoming
aroused. The quads took off in a fury creating a huge dust cloud, which hung in the
air like a thick fog.

Josh shot off quickly in an effort to try and catch up with the others. Lilly's body
jerked back and she almost fell off the back of the quad, which made her grasp
Josh's body even tighter. Josh, feeling the additional squeeze slowed down a bit,
he wanted Lilly to feel safe with him. Lilly's body relaxed and she delighted in the
security she felt with her body clinging to his. They rode for awhile, trailing back
some to avoid the massive dust storm in front of them. When they came to a fork in
the trail they had no way to tell which way the others had went and they could not
see or hear them in the distance. So they decided to pull of the trail and wait for the
others to return for them.

Lilly hopped off the quad and started to wander through the Queen Anne's lace
and Goldenrod, which was abundant along the trails. Josh watched as Lilly's hips
swung side to side while she walked, appreciating every curve of her exquisite
form. He couldn't help but be aroused by her beauty after feeling her close to him
riding the quad. Her long legs spread open and stretched behind him, her beautiful
perky breasts pressing into his back. He could feel the heat radiating from her
sweet virginal valley as they rode together. The entire ride it seemed was nothing
but a fantasy for Josh, he was so consumed by his lust for Lilly he could take it no
more, he must devour her innocence.

Lilly had stopped near a small grouping of trees and began to lean against one.
Josh approached Lilly from behind watching her, she was still preoccupied with
looking at the wildflowers. He extended his arm as he crept up on her and once
within distance of her he slid his hand down the seam of her shorts, grabbing a
handful of her young firm ass. He pressed his body into hers, wrapping his other
arm across her chest and shoulders. His lust- filled lips found their way to Lilly's
neck. Her body trembled with his touch and gave her a warm gushing feeling that
she had long been denying. She was so shocked by Josh's assertiveness, she
couldn't speak. Josh lowered his arm from her shoulder to her breast and began to
knead it firmly, giving Lilly another new sensation. She liked it and wanted to feel
more, so she closed her eyes and began to give into her lust. The flame of Lilly's
passion had been lit and Josh knew exactly how to fan it into an inferno.

Josh continued to grab and paw at Lilly's ass, sliding his hand further forward with
each pass. He could feel the heat radiate from Lilly's hot pussy through her shorts
and right into his hand. Lilly still had not spoken a word but he could feel her body
giving him permission to continue what he had started. He turned her towards him
and softly licked and teased at her plumping lips. Lilly was still, as she allowed
Josh to command her body what to do next. She slowly parted her lips enough that
his tongue could penetrate her sweet mouth, darting in and out with precision. Her
head began to swoon as the burning desire began to take over her. She followed
what Josh's tongue was doing and their kisses ignited into the hottest, most
passionate kisses Lilly had ever experienced. Josh's hands began to wander Lilly's
body and strip it of it's clothing. First he unbuttoned her shirt and exposed her
ample breasts to the gentle breeze. Taking them into his hands and squeezing
them gently, he suckled and caressed each pink nipple with his moist lips. The
warm sun was shining brightly, illuminating her now glistening wet nipples. Josh
moved down to Lilly's shorts, he could hardly wait to set his eyes upon her sweet
snatch and it virgin offerings.

He reached to undo the button but Lilly stopped him. "No wait!", Lilly exclaimed.

Josh looked up into Lilly's eyes, "Please let me taste your beauty," he begged. He
kissed her pussy through her shorts and nuzzled it, then looked up at her again.,
"Please," he said somberly.

His words melted away Lilly's hesitation. She remembered her vow to make this
summer special and she no longer wanted to deny herself the desire she felt for
Josh. She nodded slowly and threw her head back, succumbing to the call of the
wild and he began to pleasure every inch of her body. Josh slid Lilly's shorts down
and kissed her panties, breathing in her scent. He licked the damp silk fabric for a
hint of what was to come. It sent a wave of shivers through Lilly's body and
instantly she began to shake. Josh sensed the animal that had begun to run wild in
Lilly's veins and slid her panties to her ankles. He sat her down on a fallen tree and
freed one of Lilly's legs from the lacy sheath. He started stroking and caressing her
already swollen pussy lips. She moaned and laid her body back Lilly could see
Josh's manhood straining behind the confines of his jeans, wanting to burst free.
Just the sight of it excited Lilly even more and droplets of her sweet wetness began
to emerge.

Josh's tongue was ready and waiting to receive every drop as he parted the outer
petals of her perfect flower. He plunged his tongue into her sweetness and slowly
slid it along her lips to the top where he found her eager love button waiting for
him. Lilly groaned in recognition of his findings and he began to ravage her pussy.
Licking it, sucking it, kissing her thighs and licking his way back to her warm pussy.
He tongue fucked her, to heights of pleasure she had never known. She tried to
wriggle away but Josh grabbed her hips and pulled her back into his mouth. Lilly
felt powerless, she had been caught under his spell. Her head still swooning, she
began to cry out like a wolf in heat as Josh ate her pussy like it was an all night

Lilly rode the waves of her orgasms, cumming over and over again... her body
shuddering with each new wave. Josh stuck his finger into Lilly's wet hole coating it
with her sweetness, then slipped it into her mouth making her taste what he had
done to her. Lilly looked up into Josh's eyes as she took his finger into her mouth
licking it and sucking it clean Josh could take no more.

He stood before Lilly and guided her hand to his own wood that had sprouted. "Pull
my cock out," he told her. Lilly swallowed hard as she unzipped his pants. His cock
was so hard it was pressing against the zipper and once she unbutton his pants it
flopped out right in Lilly's face. Josh thrust it forward pressing it into Lilly's lips."Put
it in your mouth," he said. Lilly obeyed and opened her mouth Josh grabbed the
back of Lilly's head and slowly slid her mouth down onto his cock. He moaned in
ecstasy and Lilly started stroking and sucking his cock like she was an old pro.
Josh could feel the heat from the sun on his balls as they grew tighter and tighter,
bringing him that much closer to releasing his thick load into Lilly's throat. He could
take no more or he was going to cum for sure so he told Lilly to stop. Lilly looked
up at him a little confused as to why he made her stop. She didn't want to stop.

He held out his hand and told Lilly to stand up. He touched her face and kissed her
gently and passionately, igniting the flame within Lilly once again.

"Turn around ," he instructed. Lilly turned around so that her back was against
Josh. Josh placed his hand on Lilly's back and pushed it down. Her beautiful firm
ass rubbing on his cock almost sent him over the edge, but he maintained control
and took his cock into his hand and slid it up and down her slick slit. He positioned
himself and entered Lilly's hot virgin pussy. Lilly let out a scream as he pushed his
massive hard on all the way into her. It was so tight it was as if his cock was being
strangled, so hot he thought he might melt inside her. Lilly was dripping wet now,
her sweet juices surrounding him, tinged pink from the shredding of her innocence.
Josh worked his cock back and forth in her wetness making Lilly moan and groan
in pleasure. His massive trunk filling her up completely, she began to buck up
against him, wishing he would fuck her harder. Josh, feeling Lilly's silent cue,
started slamming his cock harder and deeper into her until he felt his pole getting
coated again. He reached between her legs, finding her clit and rubbed circles
around it till his finger was lubed well. Then he plunged it into her ass as he
continued sliding in and out of her.

Lilly liked the sensation of her clit being rubbed while Josh was inside her, so she
reached for it and started making her own circles around it. Around and around and
around with Josh still fingering her ass, she felt a surging feeling at her core around
and around... and "Oh Yes!," Lilly screamed. "Oh Yes, harder! Fuck My Pussy!,"
she shouted. Josh began to feel a major orgasm build as she squeezed his cock
tighter and tighter and tighter he couldn't maintain it any longer and exploded
inside her. Lilly's pussy squeezed and milked every last drop from him.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed. His body collapsing on top of hers. Neither one moved for
what seemed like forever, not wanting to break chain that they were now bound by.
When they both had caught their breath, Josh reluctantly stood up and pulled out
of Lilly.

He grasped his jeans, pulling them up. Lilly turned around and gathered her
clothes, and tried to regain her composure. Neither spoke a word to one another.
They only exchanged some awkward glances. Just as they finished getting their
clothes back on, they heard quads off in the distance getting closer and closer.

Joanne pulled up, "What are you guys doing?", she asked. "We didn't know what
way you all went, so we pulled off and figured we would wait for you to come back
for us,." Josh replied. Lilly didn't speak a word. "Oh well, we are headed back to the
cabin to grill some food. "You guys hungry?", asked Joanne. "Boy are we ever!"
,said Josh as he turned and looked over his shoulder and winked at Lilly. She
smirked and winked back, knowing that her hunger for Josh could never be
satisfied, nor his for her.

Bourbon Street
You’ve surprised me with a trip for Valentines Day to New Orleans to stay at “The
Cornstalk”. You happen to know this is one of my biggest fantasies and wanted to
fulfill it for me. We arrived about 2pm got our room, had some early dinner out so
we decided to go see the French Quarter Nightlife.
We've just passed a bar on Bourbon St. called the Absinth Inn, it’s the place I’d told
you about earlier so we go in to check it out since I hadn’t been there in many

It's dark & dank, there is a band playing inside and as we walk in we hear the sultry
yet jazzy blues seeping through the smoke filled tavern. We are sitting down at a
table watching the band.

I’m wearing a black skirt and top without a bra or panties. As you’re leaning over
kissing me you notice other guys looking at us and instinctively put your hand on
my upper thigh.

About 2 minutes later you see the guy at the next table looking down my top. You
asked him what he’s looking at and he says a great pair of tits. I’m wondering if you
will take that as a compliment or kick his ass. You jest with him jokingly asking if he
would really like to see them, and he returns a quick “yes”. So you take my breast
out right in there at the bar and I suck on my nipple for a just bit, stop kiss me
deeply and wink back at him as if to say “sweet tit dude”!

I asked you if you were going to offer to share some of it and you said “nope”. But
as your lips hit my ivory mountain, your hand went up my skirt. Mmmmmm as you
are doing this you realize how horny I am and how much you want me and it can’t
wait until later. Especially after finding that I’m wet very WET indeed. You then turn
to the guy and tell him I’m soaking wet giving him a evil grin and you kissed me
deeply & passionately letting him know I was yours.

I then slip under the table and unzip your jeans, there's a tablecloth so no one
knows what I'm doing except you and this dude. Mainly because you keep lifting up
the cloth so he can see. The waitress comes over and asks you if you want a drink.
What are u having handsome and you smile that wickedly sexy smile of yours “MY

Your shaft in between my hot wet lips you are fondling my breasts under the table
as you order 2 double shots of southern comfort over ice. She quickly brings it and
you take long slow sips as I continue to suck your throbbing cock as I’m doing this
you realize how much desire I have for you. When I am done sucking you dry and
you with the shot I have just gotten up and you tell me to go by the bathrooms and
wait for you there. I go down the long hall, pee and as I come out you are standing

I tell you how hot you make me as I pin you up against the wall. Then with out a
word you spin me around Ohhhhhh My, bending me over as you start fingering me
deeply as you unzip your pants. GIVE IT TO ME…while you're pushing me to my
knees shoving your hard cock in my mouth. You want some more I see? Yes so
CUM for me!
I start sucking flicking the tip with my tongue on each stroke wrapping my tongue
around the dome ever so softly then plunging back down the entire shaft.

You stand behind bending me back over and plunge deep and fast into me. Fuck
me right here and fuck me hard and fast. I wondered as you did if we were going to
get caught? But I don’t think either of us cared less right at this moment I am
SOooo HOT and you are SOooo HARD as you blow your load deep into me.

You have more to give me so we leave the bar and head back to the room. On the
way back I see some people approaching us...and pull you into a doorway. Oh Yes
baby, you kiss me and say SHhhhh, I want more right here right now! Take it then
baby, and I kneel down and begin ravaging your sweet cock again.

Faster and deeper I take you with each stroke I tighten my lips around you as I
hear you moan gently. I hear you talking dirty to me very softly which drives me
crazy and you know it. Your fingers are entwined in my hair as you’re saying things
like - suck it babe Not bitch because you know I bite, suck this hard cock. I'm also
playing with your ass and push you against a moss-covered wall. I pump your cock
faster and faster and you are enjoying this completely. I hear you saying “OH YES”
but keep on going.

I want you to give it all to me…Then I’m secretly hoping you’ll take me back to the
room and tie me up on that big four poster mahogany bed that has so much so
much satin & lace it just like needs some naughty in it! Just then you shoot your hot
load I swallow most of it but save just enough kissing you very deeply making you
taste yourself on my sweet mouth.

You take my hand and lead me down the alley and back to the room. We walk in
and there's candles lit all around, purple and red rose petals strewn all around and
exotic oils beside the bed on the nightstand. You do not even notice them as I do
because you are looking at me with an evil grin.

You strip me nude and lay me back on the bed and I don't say a word. You then tie
my hands to the bed; I just let u do with me what u want. With my hands tied you
stick your cock at my mouth for me to taste it.

As you do you finger me deeply and forcibly, then starting to lick me and nibble on
my clit, Mmmmmm Ohhhhh My! Then as you are eating my sweet pussy you finger
my tight ass OH yeah!

You then take your cock out of my mouth and get between my thighs and plunge
your cock into me fast and hard …OH YES! My nipples are hard and you see they
need sucking for a bit then you untie my hands flip me and retie my hands.
Are you going take me now I ask, “yes I am” you say. SO HOT SO SENSUAL you
set yourself behind me and pull my hips up to your raging cock. I WANT YOU SO

With your hard cock in my pussy you take the lube and squirt some on your hand
and fingers rubbing and probing my tight ass, Oh it’s the kind that when there’s
friction It gets HOTT! And you plunge a finger deep in my ass OH BABY!

You can feel my mounting desires but I am still at your will, and then stop totally.
Turning me around and sticking your wet cock in my mouth and make you taste

Mmmmmm, “I love you” I hear and reply, “I love you too”. You then take me in the
ass fast and hard playing with my clit as you do. Sending your sweet load deep in
my ass riding me to beat old glory.

Oh yes, we have a toy we need to try baby; “I NEED TO CUM SOME MORE” don’t
you? Yes….

Where would you like this toy at right now, you asked?In my pussy, rub my clit &
nipples…Yes give it all to you and me do!I need you to cum for me…god I want to
cum all over you! As you plunge that toy deep in my pussy you’re starting to feel
my muscles getting tighter and you know I’m going to explode all over us both as
we cum together for the ultimate orgasm

If we died tonight at least we could say we’ve experienced the total “Fantasy”
package deal for Valentine’s Day.

Our Fantasy
It's early afternoon and you are in town buying a new outfit for our night together.
Something very soft and feminine and flowy, because you know how I love a
woman; my woman, in a summer, kind of short flowing type dress that is short
enough to have my imagination at each breeze but just long enough to ensure
modesty. something that accentuates your form to it's fullest.

I have arranged for us to spend the evening in this great little cottage on the beach.
It's quiet and secluded and the beach is private. The day is hot and the weather
clear. I have also made dinner reservations for us at this very quaint and VERY
private restaurant up on the coast highway overlooking the ocean.

I am busy preparing your room for you so when you come home and need to get
ready for our evening, everything will be at your fingertips .even me. I can see you
coming down the drive and I meet you at your car door with a fresh cup of coffee I
have just roasted the beans for and freshly ground so the caffeine is non-existent.

The perfect relaxing cup of coffee. I open your door and offer you my hand and
help you out straight into my waiting arms and present you with a kiss that melts
you. A kiss so inviting you know the rest of the day will be a dream unlike any you
have ever imagined. Very very gently taking your top lip between mine and
caressing it ever so gently with my tongue the full length of your lip. Then the same
slow tantalizing attention is paid to your bottom lip before I slowly and sensually
devour both of your lips with my wanting moist lips. I slide my lips up ever so slowly
and gently across your right cheek and whisper in your ear."Hi gorgeous I missed
you!" Then I place my hot wet lips on your neck just below your ear and kiss you
three wet, slow, times before stepping back, grabbing your packages from the car
and taking your hand to walk into the house.

I can tell I stunned you just a tad, as you notice the sliding glass doors are open
and the salt air and summer breeze fill the house welcoming you home for the day.
As you enter you see fresh flowers (red, yellow and pink roses) in a vase on the
table. You hear the hot tub running and you see red rose petals in a path leading
you to the bedroom where the bed and pillows are covered in large soft cotton
towels. I can see the quizzical look on your face and before you can ask I answer
."for your massage, Hon." (I give great massages by the way.)

I take your packages from you, hand you a towel and say "Change in to this Love,
I'll get you some wine and when I get back we'll get started on your massage." I
wink and walk away.

When I return you still have panties on so I say "Nope Hon, I need you naked."
With a mischievous smile. You look at me quizzically but comply and crawl onto
the bed. "On your belly Hon" I say before you can ask me. I drape a towel over
your beautiful buns not before planting my hot red lips on them, and grab my
essential oils and start at your shoulders. I use the oils liberally so my hands will
glide over you with just the right amount of friction to warm your muscles and skin.

I glide my hands over your shoulders and down your back. My maleness is at the
top of your head and you can tell the sight and feel of your naked body has made
me hard already. I lean down so my hands slide under the towel and run across
your buns. My hard cock pokes you in the head through my shorts and makes you
smile. My fingers move between your ass cheeks and slide back and forth several
times. I can feel your muscles start to relax and your hips becoming receptive as
my fingers move closer and closer to your anus. I slide my finger on top of your
hole and gently slide the tip inside. At first you clench your butt muscles tight
before you realize how good it feels. I hear a small moan escape from your lips and
I can feel your breath hot and quick on my leg. I hear a small "No don't" escape
from your lips just before I sink my finger up to the knuckle in your beautiful ass.
"OOhh yes," you say as I slowly work my finger in and out of you with one hand
and rub your cheeks with the other. Not very deeply inside you just enough to
stimulate you as the oils make entry very easy. I feel your hand reaching up my
shorts legs to grab my rock hard cock. As you take me full in your small hand I pop
my finger from your ass and back away very quickly. You moan and release your
grip on my cock as I move to the bath room to wash my hands.

"Are we done?" you ask most disappointedly. "Oh no Honey we are just getting
started. Roll over on your back." I say through the sounds of running water.

I just smile and don't say a word. When I come back to the bed I cannot help but
stop and gaze upon your beautiful nakedness. Large full breasts with rock hard
nipples. Long blonde hair splashed all over the towels, beautiful soft painted lips
parted just a bit with your beautiful eyes closed. Yes indeed a beautiful specimen
on womanhood before me.

I can't help myself from looking between your long thin legs. The patch of pussy
hair nicely trimmed and shaved over the lips. I really liked this as we both know
how sensitive this leaves your lips for my tongue and own lips exploring every inch
of them. I can see a small drop of moisture straining to break free from between
the very top of those luscious pussy lips and I almost come right then and there
just marveling in your beauty. The oil I use makes your skin shine like golden ivory.
"What a lucky man I am" I say to myself but I didn't realize you could hear me. A
smile crosses your face as your eyes close and let me drink in every ounce of your

As I oil my hands and gently start running my fingers over your forehead and
cheeks I can see you relax under my movements, As I run my fingers over your
chin and around your luscious lips I can not help myself but to bed down and kiss
then ever so gently with my own wanton lips. You taste of wine and oils. So sweet
and so tender are your lips, I get lost in the feel of my tongue gently sliding
between them as your own tongue gently dances with mine.

Reluctantly I take my lips from yours and move my fingers over your neck and
throat. So gentle yet firmly that I can feel each breath you take and I can see you
smiling under your closed lips. I slide my hands down across your shoulders and
the top of your chest. I notice a small skip in your breathing as I come closer and
close to your breasts. I slide my left hand down between your beautiful breasts and
notice that your nipples are so hard they are about to scream for attention. I cup
your right breast in my big right hand and hold it up so the nipple is the top of the
mountain. And with my left hand I take that luscious little nipple between my thumb
and forefinger and squeeze hard at first. So hard your eyes snap open then just as
quickly I release it and run the palm of my hand across the nipple and your eyes
close and you moan softly. I can't help myself and have to place that exquisite
nipple between my lips and suck in tenderly into my appreciative mouth. The
warmth of my mouth shocks you a little and you moan another small moan. While I
play with your nipple in my mouth my oily hands move to your left breast and
massage and admire it also so it doesn't feel let out. I can smell your excitement
and I can hear you rub your legs together trying to run the juices that have started
flowing between them around and excite you more. It seems like a reaction rather
than a conscious effort. I reluctantly let that nipple plop from my lips and move to
your left nipple and take it into my hot wet lips and push your breasts together so I
can taste both nipples at the same time. My cock is so hard I just have to move it
around in my shorts before I shoot all over myself.

I take your titties from my mouth and hands and run my hands underneath them
and run them down along your sides then back across your stomach and your belly
with my thumbs several times in a motion that made your belly start to quiver with
anticipation. My hands moved down ever so slowly to the top of your pubic hairs
and those curly little suckers seem to collect all the oil I could place upon them. I
place a puddle of oil in your navel and move down on the bed so I am standing by
your feet. I take your left foot into my hand and rub every toe individually and the
bottom of your foot too. You giggle a little but withstand the ticklishness it provides.
I slide my way to your calf muscle and work it until it is loose and relaxed before
moving to the back of your knee. I step between your legs and open them so I can
put my body between them as I run my hands over the soft tender skin of your
knee. I slowly work my way up your leg. The farther I go the more your legs spread
and the more vulnerable you become to my passionate stares straight into your
wet spread lipped pussy. GOD I was in heaven. I saw the wetness all over your lips
and between the tender folds of skin. I could see the muscles there involuntarily
clenching and releasing a drop of pussy juice each time. As my hands came to the
top of your thigh you opened your eyes and saw the lust in mine staring hungrily at
your exposed sex and flowing juices. I knew how bad you wanted me to touch you.
To sink my slippery fingers so deep into you that you could find the release your
aching vaginal walls screamed for.

But I didn't! I ran my oily hands up along the outside of each of your pussy lips and
back down again. As I near the top where the folds of skin come together and your
clitoris stands proud begging also for my touch, I pull your lips apart and push them
back together again so slow and so softly your breath almost stops. But when you
breathe again you take huge gulps of air. Your eyes open and close as if you can't
make up your mind but I know it's because you don't know what to expect. I see
your hands wrapping themselves up in the towels and the sheets on the bed as
you grasp them squeezing and releasing your grip time after time with the rhythm
of my manipulations.

I can't help myself and drop my head to take that little clit between my clenched
teeth and suck it gently into my mouth and very quickly and very sternly I run my
tongue all over it. You are groaning loudly now and your legs are opening and
closing around my ears, your hands are now on your breasts pinching and
stretching your nipples. I can tell your orgasm is very close so I, just as quickly, pull
my mouth from you and take my hands away and move down to your right foot. I
can tell how disappointed you are you REALLY wanted to come. As I work each
toe individually just as I did your left foot and then the calf, I could see you knew I
was working my way back up to you again. You had just relaxed enough to breathe
halfway normal when I reached your knee. I saw your hands reaching down
between your legs and running your long slender fingers over the folds of your
pussy and then back to your clit and rubbing firmly then gently. You stop for a
second, look directly into my eyes, reach down and insert two fingers as deep as
they will go into your sopping wet pussy, move them in and out a few times never
taking your eyes from mine. I can see your juices covering your fingers and you
have this mischievous grin on your lips as you take your fingers from out of
yourself and place them in your mouth and lick them clean.

I couldn't help it but I came right then and there standing between your legs
rubbing your thigh with oil. You knew it too you could see my face flush and feel my
hips jerk on their own. You were so proud of yourself. It was kind of like you were
saying to me mentally, "I'll get you for teasing me so bad!!!"

But I wasn't deterred. As a matter of fact NOW I was hell bent on teasing you half
to death. You were sitting with your elbows holding you off the bed from the waist
up bent over looking at me. You spread your legs as wide as they would go as if to
offer yourself to me completely as if to say ."Here it is I can take what ever you can

For a moment I just stared. God how beautiful you were laying there like a woman
in heat. You were perspiring and it was running down your face and between your
breasts. Your legs were spread so far apart I was sure it had to hurt. Your pussy
was open and gaping and your juices were literally running from you onto the bed.
As my hand slid up to the top of your thigh you laid back and closed your eyes as
though surrendering yourself to me.

I very gently took my finger, ran it between your outer lip and inner lip several times
gathering the juices there and then took that finger and ran it across your mouth
lips before you took it into your mouth and sucked my fingers like they were my
cock. My other hand was rubbing my thumb at your open pussy sliding in and out
along the bottom wall putting lots of downward pressure there. I took my hand from
your mouth and placed that thumb beside the other and worked both of them in
and out of your gaping love hole. You were moaning and breathing really quickly.
Your hips were moving against my hands with a mind all their own. I took one
thumb out and placed two fingers of my right hand as deeply inside you as they
would go. I moved them in and out very slowly at first your eyes clenched shut as I
picked up speed.

What you couldn't see was with my other hand I reached underneath the towel to
something I placed there before you got home. As my fingers worked in and out of
you I brought this object up and placed it against my moving fingers. As I turned it
on you could hear the soft buzzing but you were to enthused at what you were
doing to take notice.

I very quickly removed my fingers from you and inserted the long vibrating object
into your unsuspecting pussy in one quick move. Your eyes shot open and then got
really big as you realized I just inserted into you a vibrator. And it was vibrating at
full tilt. You clenched the sheets between your fingers and pushed yourself down
so hard against the vibrator it was buried deep, deep with in you in a breath. I
worked the vibrator in and out of you very slowly and very deeply I started to
quicken my pace a bit as I placed my free hand against your ass cheeks, I ran my
finger all around in the juices you were expelling on the bed and as I saw your
orgasm building I slid my middle finger all the way to the hilt in your beautiful
receptive ass. At first I don't think you knew what to think. When I looked up I saw
your fingers flying over the top of your pussy rubbing your clit like a mad woman.
Your head was moving from side to side, you were moaning and groaning as the
most intense orgasm of your life started washing over you. Juices gushed from
your pussy and a scream started deep with in you some where and you covered
your mouth with a towel so as not to embarrass yourself. Your fingers were flying
on your clit and my hands were moving in and out of you in a fury.

The orgasm took a hold of you in a way you weren't expecting. Instead of the usual
rhythmic contractions of your vaginal muscles, this came from much deeper with-in
you and you pushed it out of you almost like you were trying to push it out and
away from you. Juices went every where and you collapsed and relaxed all in the
same motion.

I wasn't sure but I thought you may have passed out. I took my finger from you and
I turned the vibrator of and it just slid out of you with almost no resistance. You
were breathing rapidly and your legs just sagged open and you lay there silent.

I took the towels and cleaned up all your juices and all our mess. I laid a couple
towels over you so you would get cold in the cool afternoon breeze. I couldn't help
but lower my lips to your sweet, sweet pussy and kiss it deeply and fully, I then
kissed your mouth and you didn't respond so I thought maybe you had fallen

I let you rest for an hour or so before I came and carried you to the bathtub I have
made ready in between segments of your massage. There are more rose petals all
over the water and just a few soft bubbles on top (I figured you could make as
many or as few bubbles in your bath as you desire. There is a strawberry incense
burning in a corner somewhere that mixes with the smell of the rose petals just
ever so gently not to over power but to stimulate. I refresh your coffee and bring a
small glass of wine (just incase you desire it) and then leave you alone to your

This is your time. The time just for you to use as you wish and desire. You know I
am busy doing one thing or another or nothing at all but thinking of you and loving
you with my most precious desire by giving you what you admire most. Time and
trust! Time for you and you alone and trust that no matter how long you take or
what ever you need or desire this day is yours and I will love you with perfection.

I hear you call to me from the bathroom and I rush to you your large cotton hooded
robe fresh from the dryer all warm and cozy wrapped in the smallest amount of
your personal perfume. Wrap you up tenderly, refill your wine glass and leave you
to ready yourself for our evening dinner.

While you prepare, I do also. I take my shower and dress in a comfortable but taste
filled outfit and dinner jacket with no tie and no socks, and meet you at the
bedroom door to see you just finishing up putting your last ear-ring on and heading
for the door. A quick hug, a tender kiss or two, my acknowledgement as to how
ravishing you look and you can see that twinkle of desire in my eye that I have
been trying to keep under control all afternoon Not easy to do for me because
every time I kiss you or touch you it excites me. Always has always will.

The ride up the coast to the restaurant is quiet between us. My hand on your thigh,
the wind blowing your hair across your smile that you can't seem to control. The
wind blowing the hem of your skirt up across your beautiful legs filling me with the
thrill of thoughts of our late evening together. I can't help but admire your beauty
and your elegance. I can smell your freshness across the seat and see the
excitement as your body betrays you with the erectness of your nipples through the
shear fabric of your dress. We both blush as we realize we are both thinking the
same thing at the same time.

The restaurant is dimly lit as we wheel into the parking lot and see the sun just
beginning to set over our shoulders. I walk around the car and open your door
(something you have FINALLY gotten accustomed to after all this time.) and offer
my hand. My gaze as always goes from your beautiful full lips across your
exquisite form to your ebony legs all in one fluid gaze then quickly back to your
eyes just so you know I appreciate you so much. A quick gentle hug, and a small
tasteful kiss (just to let everyone who sees this ravishing and provocative woman
know that she is well loved and well taken care of) and we head into the restaurant.
Public displays of affection hhhmmm I love them.

Our dinner, as usual is merely an excuse for us to be together in a quiet romantic

setting. You see it's not the food we seek here but the atmosphere. A quiet table
near the back where we still can see the sunset but are afforded our own privacy
for love. They know us here after all this is a weekly gesture for us.

Great wine, good food, conversation between lovers that are and will always
remain best friends. My hand running up and down your thighs hidden there in the
dark where we are the only ones that know what is going on under our table. I feel
your hand brush my excitement and I feel the very soft wisps of curl under your
skirt as I realize there are no obstacles there for me to mull through this time!
Seems heaven has come to visit us again here alone in our love.

As we leave the restaurant and I open your door I take you into my arms and kiss
you long and deep and completely. I take your hand and lower you into your seat
and before you can react I am standing between your thighs looking down at you
as the sea breeze blows your skirt up just enough for me to see your lips wet and
glistening in the moon light. You look down at yourself then up at me as the color of
red blushes your face. You quickly look around to see if anyone can see what we
do and when you feel comfortable that it is just the two of us sharing this freeing
experience, your embarrassment turns to courage. You look down at your exposed
legs and wetness then look straight into my eyes, spread your legs just a little
more, run your hand up your thigh and your fingers between your lips and offer me
your wetness. I bend down so you may run your beautiful fingers across my lips
and then into my mouth as I suck your love juices from your fingers one at a time.

I was surprised by your boldness and we both noticed the bulge in my pants and
just as you reach for it, I step back, take your hand so as to help you slide your
legs around and into the car shutting your door when you are safely inside.

All the way around to my side of the car my face is blushing and my mind is
running itself up and down those beautiful legs of yours fantasizing how badly I
wanted to drop to my knees right then and there and love your womanhood with
my mouth so desperately. I can still taste you in my moustache and smell your
heady personal fragrance and my mind reels at the thought of you and how
blessed I am to be in the company and to be loved by such an exquisite woman.
There really is a God!!

As I sit down in the drivers seat I can sense there has been a change in the mojo
here. You now seem more in control of this situation and every time this happens I
find myself wondering just how this works. Not that I mind .I am not a control freak I
even enjoy a woman .(MY woman) to be in control (or out of control for that fact)
every now and then. But when my hands are busy and my attention needed for
something as important as driving, I feel a little underwhelmed. But there is nothing
I can do I started this I have to live with it.

As I pull onto the old coast highway and head away from the house instead of
towards it, I see this smile come across your face and your hand reaches over and
twirls my hair just above my neck. You know this drives me crazy and just ensures
your control and upper hand (so to speak) in this most curious situation.

"Feeling brave tonight are we Hon?" you ask looking across at me with this
mischievous grin on your face. I just smile and lay my hand on your thigh very high
up where you hadn't bothered to pull your skirt down to cover your beauty yet. Or
maybe you had, and just raised it again when I wasn't aware. Just to ensure that
you would continue with the upper hand in this situation. I just adored looking at
you clothed or naked or any where in between. I considered you a blessing the day
I met you and have every day of my life since.

To my surprise I felt your legs spread open and watched as you lifted your right leg
up and put your foot on the dash. Then you swung your left leg over towards me as
if to open your gates of heaven ( my heaven anyway) to my wanton gaze and
daring fingers. I blushed, smiled, look straight into your smiling eyes and touched
your moist wet lips. My god what a feeling that is. A woman could never know the
excitement and privilege a real man feels when he runs his fingers through her
most private spot and feels her moistness and receptive movements. The intimacy
and trust that is exchanged surely would run a mans mind for a week. Every sexual
dream, every intimate want, every unfulfilled desire was at my fingertips at this
moment. And the most wonderful think was I knew you felt it too. Just as strongly
and just as intimately.

I run my finger ever so slowly and gently down over your left pussy lip and oh so
tenderly up along your right one till I feel the little nub standing so proudly from the
top of your lips as if calling for my touch. I saw your head lean back against the
seat as you surrendered yourself to my exploration.

Touching you, as has become such an appreciated blessing for me, not ever
wanting to take one touch or one second for granted, my heart swelled almost as
much as my cock, straining at my trousers for air and attention he so unashamedly
yearned for. I could see your nipples straining at the fabric of your shear dress and
I could see the dryness on your lips as you sucked for air ever so diligently as your
need for it increased with each drag of my finger across your clitoris. Little sounds
of excitement would escaped your lips and I could feel your hips reaching out for
my fingers in their own rhythm. As I ran my finger down and between your lips then
deeply inside you I heard you gasp and your legs slammed together them open
again just as quickly. Your hand came down and covered mine and I felt your
finger join mine inside of you. God I was so turned on!!! You looked over at me and
shot me such a glance of wantonness I almost came right then and there. Without
even being touched. That look went straight through my eyes to my erectness and
touched me in a way most men could never dream about.

As I couldn't contain my excited ness and drive at the same time I pulled into this
little turn around spot and stopped the car. A smile crossed your lips but we were
much too intense by now to stop, or worry about who or what was around. In a
convertible we were so exposed to the gazes of other that we could fulfill our
wanton desires in a complete fashion and that wasn't my intention anyway. My
intent was your satisfaction. Because I would be just as satisfied.

I leaned over towards you in a way that I could caresses you more completely. We
were quite a sight you and I. Tucked behind the hillside in our little red convertible,
you with one foot on the dash and me leaned halfway over toward your shoulder.
Your head back against the seat and your eyes slamming open and then shut and
then open again but I knew you were seeing nothing.

I'm not sure what excited you so quickly tonight. Whether it was the caressing at
dinner under the table, or the massage that had left you relaxed and fulfilled. Or
perhaps it was the thought's you had been harboring all day with only you know
what and what kind of desire. All I knew was that the woman I loved was
responding to my every touch and wish as though she had read my mind and heart
and was blessing my every fantasy I had ever dreamed of to come true at one
I brought my finger to your little stiff guard at the top of your lips and felt the
wetness and matting of your fine hairs against my fingertips. I rubbed back and
forth and as I did I felt your hand take mine show me to use two fingers and dive
them deep inside you as far as I could reach. You showed me just how to touch
you and just what rhythm you needed before you said (I'll do that") and started
rubbing your clit yourself. It was so sensual to me that we could share love in this
way. No shame, no restriction, just total love, trust and devotion.

It started somewhere in the pit of your stomach. I sensed it as you started feeling
the orgasm building with-in you. I very quickly took my fingers out of you and
replaced them with my other hand so that I would be able to kiss your searching
lips with mine. Your eyes flew open as though you felt betrayed then as my other
hand came back to you there and you realized what I was doing, the last wall of
surrender came crashing down as did the most intense orgasm of your life. Not just
one but two then three then I felt both your hands on my hands and heard your
whisper "{Please stop I can't stand it! If you don't stop now I may never stop!} As
much as I liked that thought I quickly and immediately stopped, with drew my hand
and started kissing you on the neck and the cheeks as you slowly regained your

Your summer dress was now wet from your juices and as you tried to lower it on
your legs you looked at me and we both started laughing. ("What for?") we said at
the same time. I started up the car and turned us around and all the way to the
house you hung onto my arm and kissed it and me tenderly as if offering me
contentment of understanding. I know I was grateful! Awestruck was more like it!

Long Day at The Office

The day was dragging on, more so today than most others. No one was around
except the guard downstairs at the front desk. A slow, typical weekend shift. I’m
working the help desk, assisting people with computer problems. And my luck,
there’s not enough calls to keep me busy. Barely awake, I started wondering what
my girl was up to so I figured I’d give her a ring. Maybe she’ll bring me some lunch
or something to ‘eat’.

There’s no answer. Damn. Now what? Oh well, I might as well prepare myself to
go get something to snack on. So I go downstairs to grab a soda out of the break
room. I say hello to the guard as I pass his desk. A bag of chips and a soda; now
it’s time to go upstairs and get back to work. On my way back the guard said my
girl came and it looked like she had some food for me. Although he said he was
confused because she had a coat on, but it was hot outside.

As I went upstairs, I walked in to my work room. As I entered all I saw was a jacket
on the floor by my desk. I next noticed my food on my desk. I called her name, but
got no response. She must have slipped to the bathroom. I sat down and started to
nibble at my lunch she brought me.

Next thing I know my heart is racing about 100 miles an hour because I
felt a hand on the back of my shoulder. “Who the HELL”, I yelled as I
spun around. She was hiding behind my colleague’s desk.

Ok. She got me. But more than once, because as I calmed down and was about to
stand up and give her a kiss to tell her thanks for the food, my eyes adjusted on
what she was wearing. She was wearing my favorite see-through purple bra and
panties. The one with the split down the middle. Low and behold she was holding
one of her toys in her hand. She sure knows how to get my attention!

She leans over to reach the toy on the desk behind me. As she does, I get a whiff
of her lightly perfumed skin while her hair drops past her shoulders and brushes
against me. I’m already in a state of awe.

Almost speechless, I sat there and felt a bulge growing quickly in my jeans. It’s
almost immediately noticeable and she notices. She reaches down to caress me
through my jeans and as she does, she looks deep with in my eyes with a slight
smirk on her face. She was being devilish and knew what she was doing.

She leans over and gives me a quick peck on my lips and then moves around to
my neck. Then she moves up to my ear. Just thinking I was just complaining about
it being a long day. Now it’s just a "hard" day. And do I ever mean hard. She is
working on my neck rubbing her hands on my chest, slowly taking my buttons apart
one by one. As she’s working her way down my chest, she lightly drags her nails
over my flesh making my hair all over stand up on end. Now she starts kissing
down my chest as she’s removing my shirt. Her moves are effortless and so
smooth that the shirt drops in my chair before I realize that she’s completely
unbuttoned it already. Or maybe because as her lips come to the top of my belly
that last thing on my mind was my shirt.

She starts her soft wet pecks around my navel while her hands work the buckle on
my belt. Her lips move lower and lower. Now my button is unfastened and down
goes the zipper. Massaging my cock now she teases me like she doesn’t want to
go down. Why does she tease me like that? Because she knows it’s going to drive
me crazy and that excites her.

I can tell she’s getting wet, because she can’t keep her hands away from herself.
She’s pulling at her nipples and rubbing herself through her panties. I can even see
how moist she’s getting in her panties because when she pull her hand up, there is
a glisten to her fingers that she then licks off her fingers. Now I see why she like
buying crotch-less panties.
I love the way her breast feels on the inside of my thigh, but I’m so ready for her to
put my cock in her mouth. I’m trying to slip it in, but she won’t let me. Finally she
grabs me by the base and after a couple of strokes, licks the tip of my dick with the
tip of her tongue. Then she entices just the head with her lips giving me a tickling
sensation. Some satisfaction, but I’m ready for her to go all the way down. Finally
she does. She’s so good at this that my toes curl and my body is tense, but relaxed
at the same time. Every so often she’s stops to lick my balls and my ass.

Now she been stroking for a little while, she’s got spit dripping between the end of
my pole and off of her lips, and she looks up deep in to my eyes. She has a twinkle
in her eye, like she’s planning something. But the excitement is running through my
blood now. And I’ve been watching her play with herself while pleasuring me. I just
gotta have a taste. Just as she was about to get back to work I couldn’t hold back. I
quickly grab her and picked her up by her waist and sat her on my desk.

I quickly thrust her on the desk while moving all the contents and throw her legs
over my shoulders. Then I sit in the chair. Who’d have though… Perfect height for
me to ‘roll’ right in to position. I wasted no time either. I could almost taste her
before my tongue ever touched the moist, dripping lips that currently had my
attention. As my lips finally touch her, I felt her arch her back and grip the desk. As
my tongue split her slit and work past her pussy’s throbbing hole up to the knob of
her clit she moaned in excitement and grabbed the back of my head as if to pull me
in deeper in to her purring kitty. As I go to the clit, I stop there just to flick it a couple
of times with my tongue and stick it inbetween my lips to suck on it. Never once did
I stop flicking it with my tongue. Now she’s excited and you can hear it.

You can hear it so much that’s I’m worried that the security guard is going to hear. I
try to mumble “SHHH, the guard” while my face was buried deep between her
shaking and shivering legs. She didn’t care she said. Hell, let him watch as far as
she cared as long as I didn’t stop what I was doing. I knew I was in the right spot
because she wanted to relax her body to enjoy it, but her body wouldn’t let her
relax. She was digging her nails into my head now and trying to reach down to my
back. But every time she leans up to scratch me, I suck and flick even more forcing
her to throw her head back and yell in a mad fit again.

This continued for a while and just as I thought my jaw was going to give and lock
up or her legs were going to pop my head like a grape, I could taste that all to well
known taste. I felt her pussy pulsing and swell up, and her legs get even tighter. I
couldn’t hear her moans because all sound was cut off by her legs being wrapped
around my head. Her body was jerking like she was gasping for air. You could feel
her moving like she couldn’t breathe. Then all of a sudden her legs swung open
and flew straight into the air as she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me all
that way in. Finally, what I started to taste a second ago started to flow. She came
so hard that in the excitement I didn’t realize she filled my mouth with her juices. It
was running down my chin and the crack of her ass all over my desk. As she
regained her breath I would lick her from the back of her ass to the tip of her clit.
This made her gasp twice on each stroke and her legs quiver even harder each

She can’t take any more, her clit is bright pink and throbbing in excitement and
sensitive as ever. She cries out, stop… I can’t handle any more. You’re going to
make me cum again. Why did she tell me that? I figure my tongue and jaw could
handle a little more. So I start tongue fucking her and playing with her clit with my
finger. Knowing it’s sensitive to the touch so I can just rub it with my fingers and
she’ll have another orgasm. But this time with a different sensation, it’ll make her
cum harder. She loves it when I do that, but hates it. Because she knows when I’m
done, she’ll want to just lay down, but she hasn’t gotten me off yet.

I play with her kitty now as she keeps saying, “No baby, I want to get you….” Yes, I
know the spot to keep her from talking. And I keep letting her talk, but never finish
what she wants to say. Needless to say, this time it doesn’t take nearly as long to
get her off. I’m licking her ass, fingering her pussy, and rubbing on her love bubble.
She never stopped dripping cum once she started, but now she’s flowing like
Niagara Falls. Yelling my name and saying stop, but pulling me in closer, playing
with her clit and driving my fingers deeper.

Then asking me to put three fingers in. I put three fingers in and my fourth just
seems to slide in to her ass at the same time. Now I’m licking her clit again, but this
time just licking. My fingers keep finding that spot that makes her kind of whimper
instead of moan. I start stroking harder and deeper. Then with my free hand play
with her clit as she spreads her legs apart. She’s trying to look down to keep an
eye on what I’m doing but I keep brushing that one area. It’s almost like it’s a
button on an automatic PEZ dispenser. I push it and back goes her head. Now I
feel pressure around my fingers. So tight I think it may crush them. Not like it
wasn’t already tight enough. But with all the cum she’s got, they still flow in and out
of her smoothly. This time when she screamed, I knew there was no way the
security guard down stairs doesn’t hear what’s going on up here.

This time when the orgasms finally stop, she pulls my hand out and pushes me
away. I kind of roll back in my chair. Her body is shaking. She says she’s had
enough. And it’s my turn. She slides off my desk dragging her sweet juices with
her. Now the juices are running down her leg and off the edge of my desk. I can
only imagine how that’s going to feel around my cock.

She puts one leg up on my chair. As I try to get in on more taste from that
passioned fruit of hers, she pushes me back in my chair as in I’ve given her
enough, now she’s going to give me. She grabs the back of my chair and then
straddles me. Pressing against my nose as she drops down slowly, covering even
more of my face with the succulent, dripping fluids. Whipping it on my chest and
finally to my cock. She reaches down and inserts me slightly. I feel her flex her
muscles around my head. And then she drops down pushing me deep with in her.
She relaxes her muscles just for a second and then grips my shaft tightly again.
She starts rocking back and forth at first slowly, but then picks up the past and
goes faster and faster. So violently that we almost fall out of the chair.

Now she’s riding up and down to keep us from tipping over. But every time she
feels my legs tighten up she stops. She just cold turkey stops, looks at me, smiles
and gives me a kiss. To top it off, she acts like she’s too tired to continue. She
knows what she’s doing. She doesn’t want to let me cum yet. And my cock is
throbbing and ready to explode in her. But she’s holding back. Each time I feel like
I’m going to die inside of her and its going to be more intense than the last one.
She wants me to beg for it like I had her doing, but I don’t want to give her the
satisfaction. Really, I want to beg for her. And she knows it.

She has me by the back of the neck as she is riding. She starts to break a serious
sweat while going buck wild. I feel her whole body tense up. Or is that me tensing
up. I really can’t tell. I know my toes are curling and I wish I was laying flat instead
of sitting in this chair so I could stretch out and enjoy every bit of this. But I can’t
stretch out. Wow! This is so different. It’s like my body is closing up. Like I’m
wrapping her up with all my passion.

I usually stretch out, but all I can do is embrace her as I explod. I don’t know why or
how she did it, but I have never felt something like this. “Oh my god!” I said to her.
“I have never come that way”, I exclaim in excitement. She just smiles at me and
asks how much longer I had to work. I let her know maybe about an hour. She was
cool with that and grabbed her toy off of my desk. She let me know that she would
be on the floor fucking herself while I worked and at times would try to ‘distract’ me.
That just made my whole “long” day worth it’s time. I was able to answer the
phones with a smile on my face.

On our way out at the end of my shift we past the guard’s desk where he just
looked and smiled. I could see it in his eyes where he wanted to ask or comment
on what he had heard. Discretion kept him from asking me anything. But it didn’t
keep me from saying to him, “It’s only you and I in the building, next time you better
call up your dime piece and we’ll make it a four way round!” This made him loose
all control and break out in laughter. My lady smacked my in the arm and say, “You
so crazy!’ as we headed out the door to our cars. And this is where this story
ends…. Or maybe it’s where the real story begins.

Fire and Ice

We're taking a nap together at the beach house All the windows are open. The
breeze blows in. We smell and hear the beach. The seagulls are calling. I'm in
jersey shorts and a t-shirt. My hair is back in a pony tail. You're wearing shorts and
no shirt. We are both on our left sides. Your arm is around my waist.... Ok. Scene
I wake up, but you're not moving yet. I slide away from you gently, trying not to shift
the bed. It's hot in the house. My clothes are sticking to me with sweat. I go to the
kitchen and get a glass, fill it with ice, and put water in the glass. I go back to bed. I
slip in next to you and put your arm back around me. You still haven't moved. You
sleep so well so rarely, I don't want to wake you. The sun is just starting to go
down. I watch the sky turn pink and cuddle in closer to you. I drink a little and suck
a piece of ice into my mouth. Your arm squeezes me. I turn my head. You're still

I set my glass on my hip. The T-shirt material starts to absorb the condensation
from the glass. Usually, this would bother me, but I am so hot. The cold water feels
good. The water reaches your arm and you move it off me. I close my eyes.
Hoping if you think I'm still asleep, you might go back to sleep, too. I hear the
clinking of your fingers in my glass. Cold water drips across my arm as you put a
piece of ice in your mouth. I hear it hitting your teeth. You squeeze me again.
"Have a nice nap?" you say. Your breath is cold on my neck. Still sleepy, I just say,

You kiss the back of my neck. Your lips are cold. We just lay there. Your head is on
my shoulder. We watch the sun go down. You start to kiss my shoulders. You take
another piece of ice and put your hand up the back of my shirt. Ooh! I jump, but I
don't move far. It feels good. You turn me onto my stomach and pull my shirt up. I
put my arms up and you pull it off. You toss it behind you. You undo my bra and
slide the ice over my skin. I just look out the window at the sky slowly filling with
stars. I almost fall asleep again when I feel your hand slide under the waistband of
my shorts.

You slide the ice between my legs. I laugh. You slowly push the ice cube in and
out. I close my eyes. You lean over me and kiss my eyelids, moving down to my
lips. Our lips meet and I turn over onto my back. The ice is inside me. It chills me to
the bone. Your ice-cold hand is on my stomach. You slowly pull my shorts down.
My hand sneaks into your waistband. You smile while you're kissing me, making
your lips tight against mine. My palm is flat against your body and it slides down.
Under your shaft until the base is between my middle and ring fingers. I continue to
rub you up and down this way. You spread my legs, draping my right leg over your
body. You hold your hand up, fingers pointing down at me. I almost jump out of my
skin when the first freezing drop hits my clit.

I clench onto your cock. You jump, too. We start to laugh, but neither of us stops. I
put my other hand into the glass and take a piece of ice. I pass it to my right hand. I
press it to your cock and stroke up and down. You stop moving and your body
tenses up. I can see the veins in your neck. You reach down to your hips and push
your shorts to your knees. My feet meet them there and push them the rest of the
way. With my leg back down on the bed, you reach around my body and grab my
ass. You pull me onto my side and drape my left leg over you. Your cold cock
slides smoothly into me. Mmmm!
We both rock our bodies together, grinding slowly. I press my lips to yours and
slide my tongue into your mouth. You have another piece of ice there. I can't
believe how long this ice is lasting. It's a sign that this is what it was meant for!
Your left hand is on the back of my neck. Your right is on my ass, your fingers
gripping me tight. You lean towards me, forcing me onto my back. You hover over
me and pull out. I run my hands over your slippery cock. Up and down, over and
over. We just look into each other's eyes.

You lower yourself to me again, slowly. You slide in and pull back up and out
again. You do this over and over. I start to get sensitive, aching for you to stay
inside me. My legs wrap around your hips and I pull myself up to you. You stay on
your hands and knees. My arms wrap up around your shoulders. I'm hanging on
you. I squeeze my legs, pulling your cock into me. I squeeze and release, pulling
you in and out. You kiss me.

I let you go and fall back to the bed. You lay down next to me. We fall asleep
again. When I wake up, the sun is on my face. I turn and you're not in bed. I smell
coffee and hear the whir of a fishing reel out on the pier. I smile and get up.

Driving Me Crazy
You might say I'm a bit older than average to learn to drive, I've just never got
around to it... turns out I was damn lucky to leave it this long because I met the
most incredible sexy man I've ever seen on the day of my first lesson.

He pulled up outside my house on a fairly bleak Thursday afternoon, I was so

nervous as you can imagine (cast your mind back to your learner days) but
immediately he put me at ease. He had the most incredible sexy voice, which
coupled with the position of authority made him almost irresistible from the word

He was one of those guys whose hair goes grey young, but this wasn't grey, this
was silver. Kind of average to look at until you got to his eyes.. The most intense
blue eyes imaginable. I found it hard to look at him too directly, as meeting his
gaze took my breathe away. He was beautiful.

At first we were quite sedate. Well, I was concentrating hard, but after a while I got
chatting with him, we relaxed in each other's company and the conversation started
to flow. He told me he wasn't married, never had been and was single. I was the
same. And in time he began to really loosen up in my company.

I can pinpoint the moment when our talk turned to more than flirtation. I'd
mentioned having a large mirror in my bedroom and he laughingly teased me
about being a bit naughty and enjoying "watching the action". I couldn't help but be
so turned on, I was longing to take it further but the lesson had come to an end.
Needless to say, when I got back home I had to make myself come with my
favourite vibrator, imagining his hard cock inside me.

So, this all went on week after week. The two of us mercilessly flirting, getting more
and more explicit. Talking about sex has always turned me on and this was driving
me insane. The tension in the car was reaching fever pitch. Although the problem
was we couldn't act on it until I'd taken my test for fear of him losing his job. Which
strangely made it even hotter. Finally the day came for me to take my driving test..
Fortunately it all went according to plan and after I'd finished I made my way to the
building were I knew he was waiting... he was outside leaning against the door.

Those eyes boring into mine as I told him I'd passed. I can't help but throw my
arms around him and I can feel his breathe on my neck so fast and hot... our
bodies totally crushed together with nothing between us but the material of our
clothes. Of course we're still around his colleagues so nothing can happen here. I
whisper "thank you" into his ear and allow my lips to linger against his cheek. I
suddenly realise that he's growing so hard against me, I pull back slightly from his
strong embrace and look deep into those incredible piercing blue eyes.

"Take me home?" I whisper. He seems unable to speak and his lips are drawing
closer and closer to mine. One of his friends walks towards us and the moment
breaks, although we both know only for a while.. This can't be stopped. And so we
make our way back to the car and drive to my home in virtual silence.

When we arrive I invite him in. he needs no persuasion. The moment the door is
closed behind us he throws me up against the wall. And finally the kiss that I've
waited for for months is about to happen. He stops sheer millimeters from my lips
and softly whispers "I've wanted you from the moment I met you" and then it
happens.. His lips brush mine gently at first but then the desire takes over him and
his mouth crushes mine, his tongue fiercely parts my lips and entwines with mine.
He's hard against me again, I can feel his erection pulsing against my stomach.

Then we can't hold back any longer and we literally tear at each other's clothes.
We're still standing in the hallway and I can't stop myself from ripping his shirt open
to reveal his strong chest, I run my fingers down through the hair, softly grazing my
fingertips over his nipples. I drop to my knees now and undo his belt and trousers
letting them fall to the ground where he expertly kicks them and his shoes off. I
finally let myself look at him, he's rock solid now, his hardness straining to be
released from the material of his boxers. I reach under the waistband and touch
him for the first time, he's throbbing, silky to the touch but so damn hard, like satin
covering steel. Now the time has come to look at him, I tug the material down over
his thighs, he's absolutely beautiful, a tiny teardrop of semen appears on the
sensitive tip, I look up at him, he's leaning back against the wall with his eyes
closed and an expression of total lust on his face. I delicately lap at the throbbing
head with the very tip of my tongue, he tastes so good, and before I can help
myself I take the full length of his thick cock into my throat, at this he moans with
pleasure, this only serves to spur me on, I suck at his penis, licking softly at the
underside of it at the same time. One hand circles his erection and the other cups
his hot, heavy balls. I gently press my fingers against the sensitive strip behind his
balls, this gives him even more immense sensual pleasure and his moans get

By now my pussy is so wet and open and my clit is pulsing. He begs me to stop,
he'll come if I don't. So I stand up and look into his face, I can't risk not having him
inside me. His pupils are dilated with lust and he whispers " where's your bed?",
not wanting to wait any longer I drag him up the stairs to my bedroom.

We fall together onto the bed kissing madly now. He's already stripped me of most
of my clothes but now he gets to work on my bra, when it falls away he hungrily
takes in the sight of my breasts, my nipples have never been this hard, and he
reaches down with his mouth and sucks each in turn into his mouth. He gently
bites at them, which makes them even harder, it feels like electricity running
through my body.

I watch him as he plants delicate kisses down over my stomach and down to my
thighs. By now I feel dizzy with lust. My skin feels on fire wherever his touches
mine. Finally he gets to my pussy, I'm completely waxed and he softly says "god,
you're beautiful."

He delicately eases my pussy lips apart and breathes in the scent of my arousal,
and then with the tip of his tongue he caresses my clit. My whole body is writhing
with ecstasy now, it's almost pain it feels so good. My fingers are entangled in his
silken silver hair as he sucks my clit into his mouth, expertly lapping at my pulsing
clit. His fingers slide into my wet hole, sending me into paroxysms of pleasure. He
curls his fingers upwards inside me, I've never felt anything like this and I can't help
but cry out as the first orgasm flows through my body. He's groaning as well as he
loves the feeling of making me come and drinking my sweet juices. It takes a while
for me to stop trembling and relax back onto the sheets. He crawls back over my
body and gazes into my eyes. We both know that the time has come to fulfill the
desire we've both felt for so long.

He rolls between my thighs, and I feel his thick hard cock pulsing against my open
pussy. We look deeply into each other's eyes, and it happens. The very tip at first
slips just into me and then with a cry he slides his full length inside me. I greedily
suck him into my tight wet pussy. I can feel every inch of him throbbing, embedded
deep inside. We have become like one person. He starts to move, slowly at first,
barely moving. But then as the wanting takes over he starts to thrust harder, faster.
I lift my hips off the bed to meet this onslaught. Every frenzied thrust hits my gspot
and soon I feel another climax building.

He's no longer the gentle sweet man who was my teacher, he's an animal.
Pounding himself into me harder and harder until I can hardly take it anymore. I
can feel him tensing, his balls which have been slapping against me are lifting,
hardening. He's getting so close now. The sweat on his skin drops on to me.
And finally I know it's going to happen. He's almost screaming now in ecstasy, this
beautiful man I've wanted for so long is losing control on top of me.

And now the moment is upon us, he pumps so hard, arching his back and pinning
me to the bed as the first wave of his orgasm surges through him, he cries out my
name, and then I feel him tense as his hot semen jets into me, so much come has
been building up waiting for this release that even as he's still coming it's spilling
out of my pussy everywhere. I can smell his cum and it tips me over the edge, my
final climax rages through us both and then as one we lay wrapped in each others
arms back down onto the bed... when we've recovered he gently looks into my face
and with a soft kiss it's his turn to whisper to me, "Thank you."

Encounters of The 1st Kind

I am reminded of the gracious and simple story of "O" and I would be certain that
we are either capable of engaging carefully in the spirit of that game. Dinner at the
Grossi (Grill) would be fun.

Let me begin: We arrive at a fashionable hour, you elegant, demure, conservative,

neat - skirt tailored subdued, a silk blouse; it is obvious yet only to the discerning
eye there is no line nor crease in blouse or skirt; you are dignified, quite. As for me
the contrast is sharp, yet not ridiculous. I am aging, there is discomfort, an
unfamiliarity on my part both from the surroundings and with my dinner companion.

We converse quietly – you acknowledge the staff with a confidence borne of ages,
I am unsophisticated, questioning and somewhat crass. We have now exhausted
all small talk, you have sipped the Widow Cliquot and I, with indifference of either
bouquet or tradition, am on to my second glass.

The conversation progresses quickly to the matter of this unlikely tryst. I was your
late husband’s ever so ‘umble faithful retainer', solicitor, financial confidant,
accountant, and partner. I have arrange this meeting so that we could discuss the
details of the estate for I am executor and you are neither trustee nor sole
beneficiary. It is obvious, particularly to the staff of most noted establishment, that
you are uncomfortable and somewhat at a disadvantage. I am excited at the
thought of your discomfort and the power that is mine, and before this night is out
you will be mine also.

We begin a courteous discussion of the matter over which I have power. You are
cold, a shiver, subtle yet perceived, attracts the attention of the Waiter; he inquires
about Madam, he is concerned for you and repulsed by you choice of companion,
yet he does not judge you, he is simply concerned. I take your hand firmly and
move it to my lips; you are startled and attempt to withdraw. I hold fast, I look at
you with malevolence “You and I madam will need to reach an agreement on
certain matters of ‘state’, should you wish to benefit from your husbands death. I
am a patient man and the sight of you by candlelight, your breasts just so, are and
have been of interest to me for sometime”, I lean across the table you hand is held
fast, you tremble, I continue in a whisper, ”You will excuse yourself, ask the waiter
– has expressed concern for your well-being; where the Powder room is. You will
then sigh, touch his arm and thank him softly. Follow his directions and when you
are there you will remove the delicate silk panties that you wear and return to this
table and hand such to me. I expect that you will be discrete in this matter madam
as you future financial security is dependent on your good behavior.”

You feel me relax and you withdraw your hand sharply. You are breathing rapidly,
your head is swimming, you stand and you are unsteady. The waiter is concerned,
is by your side. You look at him and then at me, “I need to use the bathroom” your
voice is shaky, uncertain, ”Madam I will show you, please this way” - “Yes, no ,
what…” you are uncertain what he has said and yet you control the panic that is
beginning, those small waves that could engulf you, send you into the darkness.
You take his arm and follow him to the door, he gives you directions and you move
forward as if in a trance, this is some nightmare, some extraordinary dream sent to

You reach the room and find comfort and safety; your composure is returning your
breathing is slowing; you look at yourself in the mirror, that oversized ‘reflecting of
your hopelessness’ mirror. Someone has written on a napkin, you stare, you begin
to shake “abandon hope all ye that enter here”, a cry, a melancholic whimper fills
the void, you realize that it is you, in your despairing, your abandonment, you turn
the napkin over as if the offending words will no longer elicit pain nor express
power. You are transfixed, you stare for the offense is not yet total, not yet
complete, ‘Hope springs eternal in the human heart, but only for the brave’ is lightly
penned in mascara , smudged words, abandoned words, these offending
blasphemous words oh exquisite torture how have I come to this. You hold the
napkin loosely in your hand.

The waiter is concerned, enters the room quietly. “Is madam feeling unwell, can I
be of assistance”, he places a hand on your shoulder. You would throw yourself
into his arms; you would be safe and comforted. Yet you are a creature of beauty
and grace, of centuries of careful education and attitude. Your composure, your
sense of duty and your sense of integrity would not allow you this moment of
weakness of self-pity, an indulgence that bears no proper fruit. In an instance you
are composed, elegant, regal, “I am fine thank you, it has been an emotional time
for me my husband die recently and I am dining with his partner, nothing more”. He
saw the propriety of his situation and quickly and graciously retreated leaving a
beautiful and composed woman to contemplate her life.

You looked deeply into the mirror and with an obedient and gracious move you slip
your silk panties, imperceptible that they are, to your knees and quietly stepped
from such. You felt the softness of the material between fingers and moved to
caress cheeks for the sensation was exotic, the texture, the smoothness, the
feather weight, you understood the faint odor that was of and about woman; you
inhaled slowly so that your may build the arousal and you remember an happier
time, a time for play e’re so sweet and seductive play; a time of laughter and
sweat, of moist beginnings and prolonged endings; you feel yourself aroused and
some of your power, the power that women have over some men, begins to return
and you knew what you must do. In that instance you accept the training of ages,
you finally recognize that your situation and the intense discomfort that you are
experiencing was of your own making, you who had been well schooled in
humanist philosophies, the nature of choice, the freedom to think and you
determine that the choices, so far entirely predictable, had not and were not
appropriate. You remember your father – “Life is just a series of experiences”, he
had said as he caressed you, “they are neither good nor bad, they are just
experiences”, and s is you had resolved in that instance to play the part of an
obedient and careful woman; you determine that you would enjoy and relish the
part that you will assume for it will be your choice and your choice alone.

You returned to the room, the place is enchanting, you remember the beautiful
paintings of Florence in the Mural Room, ah such memories. The waiter is
concerned, acknowledges your return, the fragrance of fresh bread and olives, the
Terrina Di Salmone e Porri so rich almost decadent, t awaits increases your
arousal, your sensuality and you begin to relax into the sights, the sounds, the
fragrance that is Grossi, the feel of breasts against silk, gentle, stimulating.

You approach the table and the waiter is concerned, is beside you, he adjusts your
chair and replaces your napkin just so and with a professional and ever so deft
touch. The back of his hand grazes breasts and you return a polite yet reproachful
glance and then return to the matter in hand. You smile and reach across the table;
imperceptibly you place a small soft and now moist scintilla on the table in front of
me. The waiter is concerned, refreshes your glass and without a glance is
positioned to remove the delicate package from the table. You move quickly, you
hold his wrist fast. It is not his place, is concerned, nor his station in life. He retreats
with a gracious nod and we are left alone. I look at you and at the pax romana, that
delicate offering that is acentre of my plate. I lift it to my nose as if a napkin and I
too breath slowly and deeply, slowly and deeply the scent of a woman. I glance at
you dismissively and place that small moistened white flag deliberately in my
pocket. I glance yet again and you acquiesce, the game, the terms and conditions,
the surrender has begun.

The waiter is now subdued, returns quietly, he removes our plates, he is deft yet
now strangely servile, he is conquered. He returns promptly with a t-bone, rare and
very tender for me and the Saltimbocca Al Romana for madam. We decline the
salad and opt for char-grilled vegetables. You submissively request that I select a
’98 Freycinet Riesling, and extraordinary wine, delicate, subtle; I consider the
suggestion and dismissively request such for madam. I have a glass of house red,
being somewhat uncertain of the shiraz or merlot. You smile, a knowing smile,
educated, sophisticated, classic.
We eat in semi-silence, the casual remark, the movement of napkin to lips, the
masterful probing of foot between thighs, you smile, demure and submissive, and
the probing continues. With each precise and calculated movement we begin the
leisurely campaign of your capitulation. The meal, the oh so exquisite meal ends,
the wine has made you light headed, you are relaxed, you understand the nature,
form and the rules of and for the submissive. I reach across the table, I lift your
face so that candlelight playfully dances in your eyes, my hand leisurely traces the
outline of your face, I sit closer, I request that you do likewise. Slowly I turn my
hand over, you feel my nails on your face, on your neck, on your breasts. I seek
and find a nipple under delicate silk, it is soft pliable, I take it gently between two
fingers, you feel nails against breast, nipple between fingers, I squeeze, carefully at
first, then with a sudden firmness that takes you by surprise and you draw breath
quickly thus increasing the pressure.

The waiter is now subdued, returns and I, without changing my composure nor the
placement of my hand, order the hot lemon soufflé with espresso ice-cream for
madam and a small eclectic cheese platter to accompany fragrant tea. You do not
object, and so we progress.

The pressure is pleasure and pain and pain and pleasure and you attempt not to
breath further for fear that the movement, any movement will lead to further
capitulation. You are aware of a toe, a sharp nail, you are motionless, you will not
acquiesce at this early stage for the rules of acquiescence are strict;, s acquiesces
quickly is abandoned for lack of discipline and s does not acquiesce is broken
against the will of her master for her defiance. For the qualifications of a master
and those who would serve are the same, and they differ, not in kind, but only in
the number of their subjects, for they are by common definition linked.

The waiter was subdued and is now aroused, returns with soufflé, cheese and tea,
Earl Grey, freshly fragrant, cups hot. He is clearly affected by the cause of your
pleasure and pain and his composure diminished. He is no longer deft nor can he
stop his gaze, fingers to breast to face to breast. Your nipple has responded to the
pressure and he is slave to you and you to me.

He retreats unable to speak and the pressure is increased. You arch your back and
you lean forward instinctively placing pressure on breast and on toe. And suddenly
and as quickly as it had begun my hand is removed and I pour tea. With an
indifferent and purposeful flick of a toe that pressure is removed also. You are on
the verge, and not so for the rules of acquiescence are strict.

The words of Aristotle become your conscious, your focus: “For some are of the
opinion that the rule of a master is a science, and others affirm that the rule of a
master over servants is contrary to nature, and that the distinction between servant
and freeman exists by law only, and not by nature; and being an interference with
nature is therefore unjust and yet there are those that willingly place themselves in
bondage. A servant, in these circumstances, is a living possession. The master is
only the master of the servant; he does not belong to her, whereas the servant is
not only the servant of her master, but she wholly belongs to him. Hence we see
what is the nature and office of a servant; she who is by nature not her own but
another’s man, is by nature a servant”. Her father has said that “an 'un-owned
servant' is, in fact, servant to her own desires, or a servant to her own nature.” You
are and had been ‘UN-owned’, as you tasted heaven, lemon mingled with coffee,
you are absorbed in the fragrance of the tea, and yet you remembered the
fragrance of an earlier acquiesce and you blushed.

We conclude our meal in silence save for the sound of fork and spoon, spoon and
china. Payment is made quickly. You stop briefly, the Waiter is circumspect, you
thank him for his kindness, lean forward and softly kiss him on the cheek and we

Second´s Best
John Kirschmann was a happy man that morning as his wife had awakened him
early with the overtures for good sex. It’d been a while since the sex had been
good and John had been a bit concerned with his wife’s apparent lack of interest.
However, he loved and adored his wife as much as the day he had married her
some eight years ago.

John was generally contented with his lot in life. He adored his wife and family; had
a good job in a profession he enjoyed. He loved his son and daughter and he was
comfortable with their nearly paid for home.

Oh, he knew that he spoiled his wife, gave in to her wants and extravagances. But,
it gave John pleasure to please his wife and provide for her. He had reservations
but raised no objections when she decided to go to work in real estate sales. Then,
when she wanted the little red sports car, John reasoned that she had bought it
with her own money.

So John Kirschmann awoke that morning a very happy man as he felt his wife’s hot
breath and tongue on his already stiff cock. Betts hadn’t done that in years and he
reveled in his good fortune, never once wondering about the reason for her sudden
lusty attitude. As she ministered to his cock with her mouth and lips, he wanted to
return the favor and pulled her over him so that they were soon locked in a 69
position, passions were rising fast.

As John felt the light caresses from her lips and the suction from her mouth, his
passions rising, he maneuvered his tongue expertly into her already moist slit and
around her exposed clit in response. Minutes passed as the two lovers followed
familiar paths to fulfill their needs. John had learned to love the taste of her
lubricant as it flowed from her vagina in response to his tongue’s ministrations.

Of course, the mutual oral stimulation, while it might lead to a peak of sorts was not
their primary goal. When they kissed a deep soul kiss, John thought he tasted
himself in her mouth even though he had not ejaculated. Their hands were
constantly moving in light caresses as John and Betts continued to stimulate each

Betts was on top and leading the love making, something she hadn’t done in a very
long time. John had been the one to initiate their love making recently and again he
reveled in his good fortune. Then, suddenly, too suddenly for John, Betts rolled off
him and drew him over her.

John recognized her moves immediately and moved over her into the missionary
position where he felt his cock being positioned over Betts waiting vagina. He
looked into her eyes and they had a strange detached look even as his cock sank
into her waiting pussy. The look alarmed him.

Then, in response to his wife’s urging, he was soon fucking and the look was
forgotten. It was the best copulation that John had experienced since the children
were born - Betts seemed eager and vibrant in her actions and she brought out
long forgotten feelings that John continued to revel in.

After a few minutes, John felt his pending ejaculation and voiced it to Betts who
simply renewed her own participation in the act and brought him off in a flurry of
chaotic feelings.

As they lay together after the act, John realized that Betts hadn’t gotten off. She
hadn’t peaked and again he was alarmed. He talked to her about this matter and
was told simply, it was OK - sometimes women simply don’t do it.

Then it was time to arise, meet the day and be off to work, kids to school, etc.

John spent a busy day at the office, more than once wanting to call Betts at work
but respected her admonition to never call her at work. At 5:30 he arrived home to
find the kids at home with no adult present. Alarmed, he called Betts office and was
told that she didn’t work there any more - they had no idea where she might be.

For the next week it was pandemonium as John tried to care for his kids and
household as well as work and explain his wife’s absence to family and friends. Not
knowing where she was or when she’d return he made up a story about a business
trip and though it was an unlikely story, it was his best effort. He worried. His work
suffered. His kids were tense and concerned.

It was in the middle of her third week absent from their home that John returned
home to find her there, caring for the kids and cooking dinner as though nothing
had happened.
Seeing her there, John was filled with mixed emotions. Part of him wanted to throw
her out and be done with her while another part of him wanted to take her back and
make things right again. “Where the hell have you been?” he asked.

Betts offered no excuses or explanations saying simply, “I had to get away.” and
offered no explanation as to where she’d been or what she’d been doing. She
seemed to be saying, “I’m back. Take me or leave me.” John thought of the kids
and the family and friends and deep down, he still loved her.

That night, they slept together in the same bed but Betts was too tired. Days
passed and life got back to normal as John accepted her lack of explanation and
he found that he still loved her. She remained close to home, with no outside job,
and performed her household duties well. It was nearly a month before John was
able to get her to fuck him and then, it was the old business as usual.

Another year passed, then two, and Betts had accepted another real estate agent’s
job. She did well at the job and made good money which she used to trade in her
red sports car for a new one. She bought new clothes and dressed to the nines.
She was honored as salesperson of the month. John soon fell into the comfortable
routine as before and continued to treat Betts as a queen but somehow, the old
spark was gone. He found friends at work and in the community where he was
both appreciated and liked. It was still a good life.

Then, suddenly, as before, she was gone. Betts and some of her clothing and her
little red sports car simply disappeared. A call to her workplace turned up nothing
and a check with the hospitals and police were fruitless. As before, John was sick
with grief and made the same lame excuses to family and friends. A week passed.

After a week, John went to his company lawyers and got a referral to the best
family relations lawyer available where he carefully outlined his situation and
needed advice. Another week passed and John had an order for separation from
his wife; sole custody of the kids; a restraining order barring her from their home
and from approaching he or the kids. At the same time, he canceled all the credit
cards and bank accounts that his wife had access to. Proceedings for a divorce
were started.

It was a sad and busy time for John and trying one for his kids. It was also a sad
time because, deep down, he loved Betts and part of him still wanted her back.

It was during that second week, as he spent considerable time in the law offices of
Hendley, Swink and Gross, family relations counsel, that he noticed a rather plain
looking legal secretary who seemed to take special notice of him. Actually, she had
been assigned to his case and was about to interview him regarding his home and
family life. Then, she approached him. “Come with me, Please.” she ordered and
John followed her to the cubicle where she was to interview him.
At noon, the interview was still in progress as the two people involved talked more
and more from a personal point of view with their own bias. John learned that the
woman’s name was Nan and that she also had two kids about his own kids ages.
Her husband had left her for a homosexual group home where he remained
unemployed and with no visible income. She got no child support and no help with
the kids; yet the courts had granted her ex visitation rights to the kids.

At noon, John had suggested they go to lunch together and she reported that she
only had half an hour and that they’d have to take up the rest of her interview the
next day. When John arrived at 11 o’clock he found Nan busy with some legal
emergency and waited patiently until nearly 11:30 at which time Mr. Swink came
out and apologized for the delay and suggested that there would be a deduction for
legal time on his bill to cover his inconvenience.

A few minutes later, Nan hurried up to him and directed him back to her office
cubicle where her desk looked exactly as it had the day before. She quickly turned
on the recorder and recommenced the interview. As the noon hour passed, the
interview continued and at 12:30, Mr. Swink came out and suggested that perhaps
Nan would take John to a nice lunch at company expense. “Take your time. Nan,
you’ve been working too hard. Take a couple of hours.”

So, it was arranged and they went off to the Sand Dollar restaurant for an
expensive dinner. As they ate and talked and enjoyed the respite from their busy
day, they became more intimate in their discussions. They talked about single
parenthood and the dating scene which neither seemed to particularly care about.
They talked about their lives and related to each other as only single parents could.
On their return to the law offices they had become friends and completed the
interview after the usual office hours.

Over the next weeks, John and Nan saw each other frequently; first in a
professional capacity and then as friends. When John was invited to Nan’s little
apartment for dinner he brought his son and daughter and after introductions they
were all friends. It became an easy relationship. Then, when the discussion of child
care came up it was determined that Nan was strapped for money to pay for child
care. Further discussion brought out a plan - a plan for both single parent families
to live in John’s big house and employ a full-time housekeeper and child care giver.
With the money Nan saved on rent, she could start a college fund for her kids.

It was one month to the day when Nan moved into John’s big house. Nan would
have the guest bedroom at the rear of the house. The two girls would occupy the
adjacent children’s room and the two boys would occupy the other children’s room
neat John’s master bedroom. They would share the work and the child rearing

Within a week, a routine had been established. John arose first, showered and met
the day before preparing coffee and breakfast. Nan prepared dinner simply
because she was an excellent cook. The kids learned to live well together. There
was not even a hint at sex by either Nan or John of further intimacy. Soon, the put-
to-gather family was functioning well.

It was a warm Saturday morning, when all the doors and windows were open, that
Nan and John sat at the breakfast table enjoying an extra cup of coffee and
discussing the plans for the kids activities for the day when it happened. When
John looked up he saw his ex-wife, hair in tangles, dirty and smelling of body odor
glaring at him and demanding, “Who the hell is this?” as she looked spotted Nan.
What’s going on here?”

When John arose and walked to his office in the den and returned with the brown
manila envelope, Betts was walking to meet him with a look of fear in her eyes.
John said simply, “You don’t live here any more. You are forbidden from seeing the
kids and you’re out of here.” As Betts screamed, “You can’t do that.” her eyes grew
wide with fear. John said softly, “It’s already done.”

As she left the house Betts was sobbing hysterically and screaming, “I’ll get a
lawyer and we’ll see.” Then she was gone and luckily the children hadn’t seen her.

That afternoon, John received a call from Betts father requesting a meeting and
John agreed to meet him immediately at a coffee shop across town. It was a good
intermediate point between them and usually quiet. It was a painful meeting as
Betts father asked for details and offered what he knew. Betts could not be trusted.
She was not a good mother for the kids. He still loved her but he could never be
friends with her again. She had hurt him and showed no remorse. Her father
offered no rebuttal in her defense.

With Bets back in town, times began to get rocky as she sought lawyers to fight
John. He was deposed by several lawyers seeking to bring court actions and his
work suffered from his absence. There were frequent telephone calls - some
anonymous. John became tense and unfairly took it out on his kids for minor
offenses in the home.

At the same time, Nan had become more attentive. She had prepared nice meals
and kept the house shipshape and kept herself open to any of John’s
communications. She was a solid support for John and he recognized it. He
apologized frequently. It was when he received a court summons to a custody
hearing regarding his ex-wife’s claim that he was an immoral influence on the
children and she wanted to remove them from John’s home that he was outraged.

At this point, he took leave from his job and fought his anger and frustration as he
prepared for the custody hearing. It was at the hearing that he felt himself losing
control. He heard lies about his moral conduct. He heard Nan’s name drug through
the mud. He heard lies so preposterous that it seemed inconceivable that anyone
would believe them. Still the lawyers pressed their case.
Then, it was his turn and his lawyer stood to refute each and every claim that had
been presented. He spoke, Yes, he and Nan did live in the same house but
occupied different bedrooms. Yes, she was a single parent and she needed the
accommodations that she could afford. And the list went on. Still, John fumed.

As the closing arguments were presented and the case drew to a close, the judge
announced that he would review the arguments and render his decision on the
following Monday. In the meantime all the courts orders were to remain in force.

Monday, five days away... five days of indecision and fear that he might lose
custody of the kids. John was soon on the verge of a breakdown as he waited.

After their return from the hearing, Nan had prepared a delicious dinner with
candlelight and soft music only to have her efforts go virtually unnoticed. As she
worked, she felt the anguish and the pain nearly as much as John yet she carried

That night, she lay in her bed awake most of the night as she heard John moving
about in the master bedroom. By Sunday night things about the joint household
had grown grim. The children had sensed the gravity of the situation and were
quietly worried. Nan had persevered best as she provided support for all the others
but by Sunday night she was exhausted and in need of support herself.

Sunday night, everyone in the joint household retired early and sought sleep. The
children, seemingly least affected, were soon were sound asleep. John was
exhausted from his anguish as he waited for the court’s decree, he lay awake and
tossed and turned - then, with no hope of sleep, he arose and got a book to read.
He had no interest in the book - it was only a diversion.

Then, he began to sob to get release that he so desperately needed. Down the
hall, Nan, also exhausted and sleepless, heard a child’s call from the girl’s room
and responded to offer comfort and a glass of water to John’s daughter. Soon, with
Nan’s soothing comforting the girl was fast asleep. As she closed the door to the
girls room and started back to her own she hear John, quietly sobbing and turned
immediately to investigate.

In answer to her quiet knock, John bade her to come in and turned to greet her.
One look at the man she had come to love and admire told of the pain and anguish
he felt and of the deep concern he had for his kids and his future. With a strength
she didn’t know she had, Nan moved to offer support. First, she remade the bed
and got John a glass of milk and a sandwich which he accepted with thanks. Then,
she led him to the bathroom where she washed his face.

She then led him to his bed and after getting him positioned, she tucked him in
much as one would tuck in a small child. John lay quietly now and she kissed him
lightly on the cheek and moved to leave. As she reached the door, John called out
quietly, “Don’t go.” Nan hesitated; then, turned and returned to the bed where she
simply turned back the covers and slid up behind John, spooning him and holding
him close. She felt his body heat through her pajamas and his nervous trembling
as she offered her body warmth for support.

Together, they found strength and soon John’s trembling had stopped. Neither
knew exactly when they found sleep but it was already morning when Nan
awakened and, seeing the time, rushed to get the kids up for breakfast and school.
She felt refreshed and renewed after her sleep and with her fresh smile, ready
laugh and soon had the kids relaxed.

Then, with them off to school, she went to awaken John - he barely had time to get
ready for the court date. John also awoke with renewed strength and energy and
found his tensions eased. At 10 o’clock he sat in the Judges chambers with the
assorted court officials, lawyers and, of course, his ex-wife. He wished Nan could
be at his side. As the judge opened the case and got the court’s business in order,
John again felt the pit of fear in his stomach. Then, the judge began to read his
decision and John heard that the divorce decree granted.

Then, he heard the judge state that Betsy Kirschmann would be required to pay the
amount of two hundred dollars a month towards the support of the children. Finally,
the court would grant full custody of the children to John Kirschmann for a period of
three years. After that time, if his ex-wife had faithfully lived up to the court’s order
and demonstrated that she was a competent parent it might reconsider.

Suddenly, the ordeal was over. He could get on with his life and family. He felt the
elation of his victory but no real joy, his ex-wife was suffering and he realized that
he still had feelings for her. His lawyers were engaging him in last minute details. It
was total chaos. Then, he escaped to the waiting area of the courts building and to
Nan who was waiting there.

As John approached her, Nan had the sense of victory in his demeanor and rushed
to meet him. They embraced and she felt his elation flow into her. They talked for a
few minutes and John spoke, “I’ve got to get to my job. That’s if I still have a job. I’ll
see you tonight.” Then, as they parted, John spoke again, “I love you Nan,” and he
was gone.

The day passed too quickly as John worked diligently at his job. He quickly
prioritized his work and handled the most demanding first. It was satisfying and
when he happened to glance up from his task, he noticed that the office was dark,
closing time long since past. Then, recognizing his error in not calling Nan to tell
her he’d be late he made the belated call. Nan accepted his apology and urged him
to hurry home. It was nearly 9 o’clock when John arrived home laden with guilt and
hurried into the house expecting to be chastised.

The living room was dark and the house quiet with the only light coming from his
upstairs master bedroom. Then, as he entered the bedroom, he found it dimly lit by
candles and Nan lying on the bed in a sheer chiffon negligee. Momentarily
stunned, this was not what he had expected.

He stopped to survey the woman on the bed. Shoulder length black hair, blue
eyes, pale completion and full lips. He remembered her 5'-6" frame, well rounded
hips and ample breasts and wondered how he’d ever thought she was plain. He
moved towards the bed as he felt his body quicken and respond to the womanly
emanations he was receiving from Nan.

He knew that he loved Nan - that had developed over the past months but until he
had stood at the bedroom door, moments ago, sex had not been part of the
equation. It certainly was as he approached the bed! As he approached closer, he
saw the same desire and needs in her eyes that had thundered over himself only
moments before.

He heard her say that the kids were spending the night at her folks and that dinner
was on hold in the oven. In her eyes was an invitation to join her on the bed and he
did. As John lay down next to her on the bed he carefully observed Nan’s bare
skin, now only slightly covered by the chiffon negligee and matching pale green bra
and panties.

The thrill of the moment matched anything he had ever experienced before and he
felt like a high school kid on his first date. He tried to recall any similar moments
and realized there were none in his former relationship. When John turned to kiss
her on the cheek, she also turned and their lips met in a friendly, warm kiss that
spoke of so much more, When Nans tongue entered his mouth, he was ready and
their oral digits performed a fiery dance of passion that expressed their growing

As they kissed, their bodies drew closer in a tight embrace and they felt the heat of
each other’s bodies through their clothing and unlike the previous evening brought
out new lust and new demands. Nan felt John’s cock pressing against her belly
and wondered briefly how it might compare with her only other experience with a
man’s organ. Now, their hands roved freely over each other’s clothed bodies and
they continued to communicate their needs through body language and through
their eyes. It was when Nan started to move her lips downward across his chest
and navel that John realized what she was doing.

Nan heard about the ‘deep throat’ technique, she’d never tried it and after a
moments consideration decided to try it. She took the crown of his cock into her
mouth and wetted the entire length with his saliva; then, she bent her head back
and positioned the cock for penetration into her throat and with all in readiness, she
took a deep breath and rammed the massive organ past her tonsils and into her
throat before taking it all in. As she withdrew the cock from her mouth it was with a
sense of accomplishment. She hadn’t gagged. As John realized her intentions, he
knew that he must return the favor. He had often performed cunnilingus on his ex-
wife and under her guidance and direction he had become quite accomplished. He
moved over and spread the negligée open; hen removed her panties with some
help from Nan. Then, he applied his lips to the womanly slit, first at the bottom,
then, over the vagina and up to her clit which remained shrouded under her labia.

With his thumbs he parted those nether lips and with an experts touch he brought
the most exquisite pleasure to her. When she felt John’s lips on her pussy, she
knew she was in for a first. Her ex-husband had always refused to do it for her.
She also sensed that John was good at it and gave her best to their sixty-nine
action in return. In only a few moments she realized that she had under estimated
how good and felt an orgasm beginning to develop.

Hoping to keep pace with John, she sought to restrain her peak but it was hopeless
and she quickly surrendered to the feelings that overwhelmed her and gave up on
servicing John’s cock. It was simply too much and her mind as she was on

John was keenly aware of what was happening to Nan and he did his best to
encourage it. When her mouth dropped away from his cock, he was so involved in
her situation that he hardly noticed. Then it was over and each of the lovers lay in a
lessened state of arousal as they prepared for the next phase which was already
developing in them. They kissed and communicated their love with their eyes.
There was an urgency to continue their quest for satisfaction.

Nan rolled on her back and spread her legs - an invitation to John to climb over her
and into the missionary position. A last look into her eyes and John saw only
passion, unsuppressed passion and a wild look that spoke of her needs. He only
hoped he could satisfy those needs as he positioned himself to put his recuperated
cock into her waiting pussy.

As Nan rose up to meet him, he sank his tool deep into her vagina. He reveled in
the warm, velvety smooth friction that he received from her well lubricated love
canal and drove himself deeply where he felt his crown against her cervix . A
glance into her eyes told him she had experienced pain and he stopped his
movement. Nan spoke softly, “It’s been a long time. Please be gentle with me.”

Hearing this, John lost all his urgency and was overcome with tenderness - the
kind that lovers alone possess. He waited and worked with Nan as they became
familiar and learned each other’s needs. Then, came cooperation and finally, unity
in their actions, sometimes gently, sometimes violently but always in cooperation.

Their coitus was no longer just fucking but an instrument of expression of their love
and devotion to each other. As John had quit his domineering attitude, an attitude
that he had always needed with his ex-wife, he found Nan more and more
assertive and continually bringing new pleasures to their act.

Then, responding to some new and uncontrollable urge, John began to drive
himself into Nan’s waiting pussy. The intensity that had brought pain minutes ago
disappeared as her muscles relaxed and she pursued the thrusting with vigor.
When the crown of John’s cock crashed into her cervix she only released an
animal grunt of satisfaction and her eyes, wild with passion, sought only more.

Over her, John began to wonder if he had the stamina to keep up with this woman
he loved. He fucked wildly and with a reckless abandon that was strictly animal in
nature. Then, with John at the end of his endurance, he felt Nan’s orgasm thunder
over her and her body go limp in response. As she cried out, she felt the first spurt
of John’s hot juice. Then, another and another in quick succession.

She lay relaxed in the glory of their peak. Moments passed as John lay over her
with his now nearly flaccid cock still embedded in her vagina. They lay silently,
eyes closed, reveling in what they had done together.

Gradually, the envelope of peace and serenity settled over them and they bathed
in their pleasure. In due time, Nan asked the age old question of lovers after their
act, “Was it good for you?” John answered in the time honored fashion, “It was the

They talked and moved apart to better accommodate aching muscles but still more
intimate than they had ever been.

It was three weeks later that Nan and John were married. Their boys served as
Best Man and Groomsman and their girls served as Maid of Honor and
Bridesmaid. There were only a dozen guests at the small church wedding and the
reception was held at a small Italian Restaurant where the dinner was served with
Chianti and the entertainment was the opera singer that usually only worked on
Saturday nights. Everyone agreed it was a wonderful wedding.

Business Trip
I was on a business trip in a nearby state and having finished the job I came for, I
decided it was too late to drive back so I was just going to catch a bite to eat and
hit the sack. I found a nice restaurant and had placed my order when the hostess
seated the sexiest little blond at the table near and facing me. I tried not to stare
but see kept looking at me and I could not take my eyes off of her beautiful blond
hair and sexy eyes.

I noticed she had a cute little petite body that looked as if it were made to be made
love to. I finally broke the ice and we began a small conversation. I told her why I
was there and she told me that she had decided to just eat out and retire early. I
was halfway joking when I suggested since we were both alone and both going to
bed early, that we should go to bed together.
To my great surprise she said that was not a bad idea, but I could see that she was
a little scared too. I gave her my name and phone number to my hotel room and
just said "If you change your mind." and left to my room for the evening.

She called me about three hours later and we talked for about a half-hour,
then she asked if I wanted to come over. I said sure and she gave me her
address. I took a shower and made myself squeaky clean all-over. Her
place was only twenty minutes away and I was there in no time. I called
her on the intercom and she buzzed me up. In the elevator I got a little
nervous as this was a first for me in a long time.

As I got off the elevator she was standing in the hallway wearing a beautiful blue
silk kimono. She took my hand and stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. Her tongue
just brushed my lips and gave me a nice tingle. As we went into the apartment she
asked if I'd like something to drink as she was having a little wine while she was
waiting for me to arrive. I said the wine would be fine and she poured me a glass
and told me to get comfortable as she would be right back.

She came back into the living room wearing nothing but a smile, she had the most
beautiful and firm breasts I had seen in a long time with large erect nipples starting
to perk up complemented with a most gorgeous round ass. My cock quickly
became hard and I couldn't wait to taste all of that sweetness.

She knelt down between my legs and started to rub my cock through my shorts
squeezing and stroking it, she reached up unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts,
and took out my hard cock and started to lick up and down the shaft running her
tongue around the head. I was taken to new levels of ecstasy as she started to roll
and fondle my balls and sucked them one at time into her hot, moist mouth. Rolling
them around with her tongue, my cock was so hard I thought I would explode.

She sat back and said "let's get rid of these clothes" and proceeded to undress me.
Once I was completely nude, I pulled her up into my lap and started to kiss her,
she tasted so sweet as our tongues dueled. Running my fingers up and down her
ass crack and rubbing her little rosebud asshole. She was squirming on my lap
with my cock rubbing and leaking pre-cum. I bent my head down and captured a
nipple and licked, sucked and nibbled as she moaned in my ear.

She reached down between us grabbed my cock and started to stroke me with a
steady movement. I rolled her off my lap and lay her down on her couch and licked
my way down to her hot pussy, licking the wet juice from her wet pussy. She pulled
her legs back to her chest and I spread those sweet lips and licked and sucked her
like there was no tomorrow.

She moaned and rolled her head back and forth. I then slid two fingers into her
tight ass as I engulfed her pussy and her little pink ass. Her pussy lips started to
throb and pulse so I backed off until I had just her clit in my mouth and continued to
flick it with my tongue. She exploded sweet cum bouncing off the roof of my mouth
and sliding down my throat and I enjoyed her very, very sweet tasting cum.

I continued to lick and suck until there was nothing left, then climbed up and kissed
her. Her tongue dove into my mouth dueling for a taste of herself, I picked her up
off the couch and carried her into the bedroom. As I laid her down she grabbed my
raging cock and said "fuck me, fuck me now!" I pulled my cock right up against her
pussy, now oozing cum again and pushed up trying to get me inside her. I leaned
over and slid just the head inside,

She put her legs on my shoulders and pushed her hot little ass back against my
balls and moaned fuck me, stick your big cock deep in my pussy. She was so
aroused and tight I thought I was in heaven.

I started to thrust in and out of her with long deep strokes all the way in and all the
way back out. I felt that familiar tingle in my balls and stared to really pound into
her pussy. She started to moan and roll her head saying "I'm cumming, fuck me.
That's all I could take.

I exploded burying my cock deep inside her. I felt my cock being milked by her
sweet, tight pussy and she came all over both of us. I started to stroke her ass
again as I slowly came down and slipped out of her cum filled pussy. But I wasn't
quite finished, I got down and licked and sucked her pussy until it was nice and

We showered, cuddled and slept only to wake and do it all over again. As the sun
rose, I left to catch my flight home. We kissed good-bye and exchanged numbers
and I HOPE she'll call.

When I Watched
A few years ago I moved to England and started living with my Aunt Mandy. My
Aunt had a caretaker as she was elderly and disabled. Her caretaker, Jayde was
absolutely gorgeous. She made me feel good, and gave me the impression, maybe
falsely, that she fancied me. A lot of flirting went on, and she'd often take me into
fetish clothing shops or adult bookshops on our walks out together when my Aunt
was resting.

Some people could have seen she was leading me on, but I was too flattered and
enamored to realize. Being a guy with strong emotions and a highly sensual
nature, I realized I was falling for her, but I felt could do nothing about it, as she
was so closely involved with caring for my Aunt.
After weeks had past, she suddenly stopped flirting with me, for no reason I ever
discovered, and became much cooler. It was too late for me, because by this time I
was very attached to her, and every meeting we had would put shudders of desire
through me. This situation began to hurt me, because she'd still be flirtatious with
other blokes. Mechanics, workmen, people in Mandy's social circle, etc., etc.
Anyone, it seemed, except me.

Guys would hone in on her, chatting her up and sniffing around her everywhere we
went. She would just let them, and ignore me when they hung around her. Don't
know what I'd done to deserve these mind games. She'd even begun to watch my
reaction as she flirted with other men. Then she'd ask subtle things afterward. I
could tell she did it to see what effect it had had on me. It was turning me on in a
way, I can't deny.

One of my most hot memories of her was when my Aunt Mandy needed a new
computer. Jayde got a man named Jim to come over, a PC tech, who worked with
her company's computers, and was supposed to be good at getting one and set it
up for her. Jayde, Aunt Mandy and I were playing scrabble in the lounge when Jim
first turned up at Mandy's house. He immediately started flirting with Jayde, giving
her loads of suggestive banter and innuendo, which she giggled at, wrinkling her
nose like a schoolgirl.

I tried to stop it unsettling me and making me wish I was Jim, getting Jayde's
attention in that way, but I couldn't help feeling jealous, which I hid as best I could.
Maybe Jayde guessed at my discomfort and enjoyed that, I didn't know. It was the
first time I saw her bare feet, too, strangely enough, when Jim turned up. I have a
deep fetish for women's feet. She slipped off her socks after she'd let Jim in, and
as she padded around the carpets, getting things for him and showing him into the
study, I saw they were gorgeous.

My heart was lost to her totally, the moment I saw her shapely feet, with her toe
rings and ankleband. The cutest little feet I've ever seen. I didn't know whether
Jayde knew much about my secret fetishes, but I knew she'd at least once looked
at my web surfing history. I visited mainly housewife sex sites, wife story sites and
foot fetish sites. I dunno if she meant to be teasing me, but she was playing up to
Jim too, and flirting back to him, and letting us see her pattering up the loft ladder
in bare feet, and loudly giggling at his suggestive, dirty remarks to her, in front of
me and Aunt Mandy.

When I brought Jim and Jayde some coffee in the study, Jim was sat working at
the computer, showing her things on it, etc. She was knelt down by him, resting her
arms up on the desk. Of course, Jim had a good eyeful of her firm cleavage in that
position; he could see down her top and it was driving me mad.

She pretended to be all businesslike and normal, but I knew what they were doing.
I saw the worry on Aunt Mandy's face too. After a while, it was time for me and
Aunt Mandy to go out for the afternoon. Jayde had arranged beforehand to stay
with Jim and lock up the house when it was her clocking off time. Aunt Mandy and I
wouldn't be back until the evening; and it so irked me to leave her alone with Jim,
who obviously would love to have his wicked way with her. I had to go, however,
Aunt Mandy expected me to.

However, when we got to the cinema, I couldn't relax, wondering what was going
on back home. By chance, Aunt Mandy bumped into a friend of hers, and I was
able to make a feeble excuse to leave them to chat, and go for a drink on my own,
and see Aunt Mandy back home later.

I didn't go the pub, at all. I raced away and jumped in a cab, and told him to take
me straight back home. I had to know. Even if I could just peep. The curtains were
all shut when I got home, and the house was dark, but the study light was on. I
sneaked around the back, carefully put my key in the back kitchen door, and snuck
into the kitchen. They were obviously still in the little study; and creeping round the
door into the hall, I saw the study door was slightly open, and light was streaming
through, into the dark hallway. Voices were heard. Jayde's voice, and Jim's voice.
Jayde's voice was squeaking and sighing, and Jim's voice grunting. Oh, no! They
weren't, were they?

I had to see. My heart in my mouth, I crept up to the door, and peeped in, doing my
best not to be seen or heard. There was the sight I'd been dreading! Jim stood,
facing the window, standing over that big, old photocopier, with his pants down,
and his hairy ass pumping back and forth. Jayde's tight jeans and panties were
draped on the chair at the desk; she'd took them off. Even worse, Jayde's bare
legs were clamped around Jim's waist, and her hands came round his back,
stroking and clawing at his starched white shirt. Yes, Jim was fucking Jayde!

"Hoohh, Hooooh, Ohhhh!" she cried, and giggled as well, as he humped her. He'd
sat Jayde on the photocopier and was fucking shagging her! I shrank back, in utter
shock, into the darkness, away to the kitchen, I my hand around my suddenly erect
cock, and wanked desperately at it; hating Jim like anything, but I couldn't stop
myself being unbearably aroused by the fact that beautiful, sexy, beloved Jayde
was being a little tart; betraying me, and degrading herself by letting beardy, pervy
old Jim between her legs!

Right there in Mandy's house, where I lived! "So That was the deal ,was it", I
thought. She wouldn't shag me, but she would shag a fucking beardy old perv like
Jim?? It wasn't fair. Even though Aunt Mandy had said she wouldn't care if I did
have a fling with her, Jayde still wouldn't treat me like she treated other men? It
was sick, and I felt so hurt and angry, but it was so seedy and horny nevertheless,
that I just had to try and accept it by enjoying my submissive position.

I soon poured out my hot sperm into a tissue, while hearing Jim shagging Jayde,
and the noises they made echoing all round the bungalow! "Hourgh, Ugh, Ourgh!"
Oh, why? Why did she do this when I wanted her so badly?
I hid in the bedroom, peeping out through the gap in the door, and waiting till they
went, but they didn't go yet; there was more. It was only half past three, and Jayde
wasn't really due to go until five. They started laughing again, and I heard them
talking. Jayde said, "I'll show you that CD, just hang on, Jim mate." I saw Jayde
come out, with her top rolled up, and the rest of her naked; and I felt a rush of
intense desire, seeing her gorgeous body. Her round, ripe little boobs with perfect
nipples, and her dark triangle of pubes, and her horny little bubble bum, like a
peach, as she went in the lounge and got something from her bag, and then went
back to Jim in the study.

Soon, Jim began saying, "What a top woman you are, Jayde! Those pics are
getting me hard again!" I had to sneak out again, and have a look. What was going
on? Well, peeping in from the dark hall again, I now saw Jim was sat down at the
computer again, with a great big erection. Oh fuck, his dick must have been 9
inches long, which was even bigger than my own which I was always proud of.
Jayde was crouching next to him, clicking the mouse and showing him a load of
pics from a CD of hers. She was reaching with her free hand to caress his knob
now and again, as she showed him the pics.

"Oh, God"! I thought, when I glimpsed the pics on the screen. The first ones I
glimpsed showed Jayde dressed as a schoolgirl, at some biker rally or party she'd
been to, and the revellers were all in fancy dress, messing about and doing silly
things; but Jayde was having her bare ass caned! Yes, an old rocker dressed as a
schoolmaster had her bent over, knickers down, and whacking his cane across her
bare bottom! I was shocked and stunned, but oddly excited. It was just so strange
and dirty for me to see, I couldn't help feeling highly aroused. In other pics, some
bull dyke of a woman, among other people too, were licking at Jayde's bared tits,
or fondling her bottom. The guys were stripping her off, showing her tits to the
camera, and in one pic, two guys were even pulling her bumcheeks apart,and one
guy had a feather tickling her asshole!

Jim said, "So, do you take it up there then, Jayde?" She giggled, and said, "Well, I
have sometimes; not really though." Jim said, "Well, how about if I let Mandy have
the computer for half price, If you give up your sexy little bottom for the rude
desires of this dirty old man?" He slapped her bum, making Jayde yelp and say,
"No, I couldn't!" But Jim wrestled her down, over his knee, and began smacking her
bum, to make her agree! She was laughing and yelping, as he held her down and
really smacked her quivering bum hard, pausing to open it and look at her bumhole
before carrying on the spanking. Jayde's sexy bare feet waved and flexed in the
air, as her bare little bum got smacked!

"Ooohhh! Owwww!" she went! I saw her fanny and asshole, when he opened her
bum. Her creased, broad, dark starfish, which I'd always wanted to see, along with
her half shaven, sweet pussy mound. They were on view, but not for me. The pair
of bastards! He was going, "You will, you will! You will give me your bum, Jayde,
won't you?" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Won't you, Jayde?" Eventually, she gave
in. "Yes, I'll do it!", she went, "You know I will! I just wanted to be spanked first! Hee
hee hee!" Suddenly, Jayde got up again, and positioned herself at the computer,
with Jim sitting behind her. She put some lube or something on to his cock, letting
her fingers reach back and tease his shaft as they applied the coating of whatever
it was. Then, she bent forward, her arms reaching right back. She grabbed her
buttocks, and spread them wide, wide open. Then she slowly settled herself with
her bumhole touching the end of Jim's Dick!

"Aaaah, yes, at last!" Jim exclaimed, "Up your ass, Jayde, come on!" She began
wiggling her bum, down onto his Dick; and she giggled, "Hee hee hee!", as his big
purple knob buttonholed itself just inside her twitching brown bumhole! "Oh, no,
Oh, no..", I thought, feeling sick but grabbing my crotch again in jealous
excitement, as Jim sat there grinning and introducing his big veiny prick up the ass
of the woman I adored! My heart was almost breaking to see this, but my cock
throbbed hard despite it!

She soon had his shaft almost completely up her bum, and they began a slow,
lewd movement, Jim sitting in the chair and Jayde crouching over him, slowly
moving herself up and down. Her bumhole was being dragged slowly up his shaft
when she began the upstrokes. She carried on showing him the pics of the kinky
things she'd done with others at wild parties etc., as he bummed her. How horrible
it was for me, to see sweet kind, caring Jayde, laughing as she took Jim's big
horrible Dick right up her ass!

She giggled and encouraged Jim, as he enjoyed her ass and lusted at the dirty
pics of her. His Dick throbbed there like a nasty monster, and Jayde paid homage
to his massive cock with her sweet little bum. Whenever a particularly rude pic
came onscreen, Jim's cock would twitch, and the veins would show prominently for
a second, before Jayde crouched again, engulfing his manhood in her gorgeous,
sacred asshole! He was going "Aaaah, yeah! I knew I'd get you and your bum one
day, Jayde!" and his hands roved over her body, often squeezing and pulling her
tits, or spreading her ass to watch his own Dick invading her bum, so eagerly!

The pics were shocking. Some showed Jayde indulging in BDSM with people, tied
to bondage frames and whipped, and having nipple clamps and electric wands
used on her and everything. Another set showed her being gangbanged, really
romped hard around a room by a group of guys, and spunked all over. The photos
at the end of this set, showing her smiling face in the centre of a circle of cocks, are
still clear in my memory today. Still more showed her in lesbian spanking games
with a gang of women, using canes, whips, belts and paddles, and all kinds of sex
toys on each other. I had to back away for a minute, to compose myself and try
and stay quiet.

When I looked again, I was just in time, to see Jim orgasm! He growled, "Now then
little dirty Jayde, I'm just about to fill up your bottom!!" Jayde went "Oohhh!" in glee,
and looked at him over her shoulder, bucking her bum slightly up and down, and
encouraged him, sticking her little witchy chin out and flashing her sexy eyes,
saying "Uurgh, go on then, do it up my ass! Bloody lovely, mate!" And he did. Jim
growled again, and his shaft pulsated, embedded right up Jayde's bum. Jayde's
sexy toes curled in pleasure on the study carpet!

Big dirty Jim was shooting out all his lust deep up her chocolate starfish, and Jayde
actually encouraged this dirty old man to do it to her! She smiled back at him,
squeezing her bum tight on his Dick, and she lustily said "Oooohhh, Jayde rides
again and Jayde's addicted!" She slowly gyrated her ass around, milking out all his
hot load into her bum, and his cock pulsed and throbbed, spurting it all up Jayde's
bum! At that, I just had to go, and slipped out into the dark garden outside again.

There I frantically wanked myself off in both misery and sexual ecstasy! Soon, the
bathroom light went on, and I heard them in the shower, with Jayde still giggling as
Jim did whatever other dirty things he did to her! I went the local pub, and calmed
myself with a stiff drink or five. I only returned when they'd gone, after six o'clock.

Of course I couldn't tell Aunt Mandy what I'd seen, and she'd never believe me
anyway. All was strangely normal again afterwards. Jayde always pretended
nothing had happened, and played the sweet, respectable caretaker ever after. At
least, until the next time I saw her being naughty!

The Second Chance

It was just past 1:30 in the afternoon when I arrived home from work. It had been a
beautiful Spring day and I thought to surprise Millie, my beautiful wife of six years,
and maybe make love before we went out to dinner. The thought had me in high
spirits as I drove into the driveway next to a strange car. “Perhaps, Millie’s got a
friend over,” I thought and my spirits dampened at the thought that the friend would
probably rule out any love making in the afternoon.

Then, as I walked into the house, I found all quiet and checked the back yard to
see if they were perhaps swimming. Then, I heard it - upstairs. They were in the
master bedroom. Still unaware, I climbed the steps to find Millie coming out of the
bedroom excitedly pulling on her robe.

Still slow to understand what was happening I saw the horrified look on her face
and wondered what was wrong. That’s when the man emerged from the door to
the master bedroom also in a hurried state of half-dressed. It was then that the full
force of realization hit me! It was then that my world was turned upside down.

Then, stunned by my realization, I stood at the top of the steps as this excited man
rudely tried to elbow his way past me. Pushing me was the worst move he could
have made as it focused my wrath on that slimy bastard that had just rocked my

I reacted instinctively as my thinking was still in chaos in my gut reaction was quick
and violent as I shoved my knee into his groin and then into his nose as he
doubled in pain. His nose had broken with a distinct 'snap' as the blood gushed
forth. Then, with him lying in pain on the floor, he began to feel the full force of my
rage as I pummeled his ribs and his stomach and vented my feelings with both my
feet and my hands. Twice he attempted to ward off my blows but his attempts
simply drew forth more rage.

After a few moments, reason began to take control and my rage abated as I heard
my wife yell, "Stop it. You'll kill him." Then, as the man lay helpless on the hall floor,
I moved back and thanked the almighty that I hadn't killed him!

Then, I turned to my wife and felt the full effect of her betrayal as my stomach
turned over and I was sick. "Why?" I asked. Millie, seeing me in control of my
faculties, spoke, "I'm so sorry Bill. We can work this out. I know we can." Then
seeing her words having no effect spoke again, "I love you Bill. . . I love you!"

"Who is this bastard anyway?" I angrily asked and Millie responded quietly, "He's
Craig Hill, my supervisor at work. . . ." Then, she went to him to inspect the extent
of his injuries.

After a cursory exam, she turned to me and said that we should call an ambulance
but good ole Craig insisted that he'd drive himself to the hospital - he didn't want
any publicity! It suited me fine but Millie was concerned for his safety and spoke
up. "Well, why don't you drive ole lover boy to the hospital then," I said and was
rewarded with a cold hostile look from her.

Five minutes later, Millie and her lover were out the door, on their way to the
hospital in ole Craig's car, Alone, I went to the bathroom to puke my guts out. As I
retched and spit and reviled myself for some unknown misdeed that I must have
committed. I couldn't think clearly. I could not develop a plan for facing Millie when
she returned. I had loved her. She had been my whole reason for living. Then, after
today, maybe I hated her too. On leaving the bathroom, I lay on the big bed that
had so recently been the location for my cuckolding and tried to bring back my
sense of reason unclouded by blind emotion.

It was after 5:00 p.m. when Millie returned and came directly upstairs to me.
"They're going to keep Craig overnight. He's got some broken ribs and a broken
nose." she said as their eyes met. I saw only fear in those big blue eyes of hers
that I had so often adored. We faced each other in silence as we contemplated
what we might say. She spoke first, "Bill, I'm so sorry. I was wrong. I didn't mean to
sleep with Craig. . . It just sorta happened. You were never supposed to know."
Then, she reiterated what she had said earlier, "I love you Bill!"

"How many times have I been made a fool of? How many times have you fucked
some guy since we've been married? Why", I blurted out angrily

I looked at her and I wanted to take her in my arms and lover and pretend it never
happened - but it did happen! I wanted to feel her close and adore her but the
thought of another man's cum probably still in her belly was there. Then, I heard
myself saying, "You loved another man on this very bed today and now you say
you love me. What am I to believe?"

Millie began to cry as she said, "There was only Tuesday and today although we'd
been flirting for months. It wasn't love with Craig. It was just the excitement and the
thrill. . . It's only you that I love." Then, on hearing this I responded, "You mean I
don't provide you with excitement and thrills like he did." and her only reply was,
"You weren't here."

As I felt my anger and rage again surging out of control, I knew I must leave her or
I'd regret something. I said, "I'm sleeping in the guest room. We'll talk in the
morning." Then, as I left her crying in the master bedroom, I departed; first to local
café for dinner and then for a long walk. It was nearly midnight when I went to
sleep in the guest bed.

After passing a restless night, I arose at my usual 5:30 time and showered and
shaved in the guest bathroom before going to the kitchen for breakfast. There, I
found Millie putting the finishing touches on bacon and eggs with toast and orange
juice; fully dressed and ready for work. We greeted but limited our talk to essentials
as neither of us seemed sure of what we wanted to say.

That day at work was a total loss to the company as my mind dwelled on personal
problems. I started to pick up the telephone a dozen times to call Millie at work but
then, each time, thought better of it.

I reprimanded myself over and over - if only I hadn't left work early and gone home,
I'd never have known! I began to blame myself only to realize that my acts had
changed nothing.

That night, on my return home, as usual, Millie met me at the door and attempted
to embrace me. I pushed her away. Much as I wanted to hold her and adore her, I

Millie had prepared a good dinner; one of my favorites. Then, as she served it she
tried to make conversation. After a bit she spoke,"I was fired from work today.
Seems Craig doesn't want any reminders of his indiscretion around when he gets
back to work." I acknowledged what she had said and continued to eat in silence.

A week went by; then two, as Millie and I lived under one roof, separate and apart.
She performed all the wifely duties in the household and slept in the master bed. I
remained in the guest bed. Slowly, with each passing day, I learned to hate her
more and more even as I loved her every bit as much as before.

It was the first snowfall of the year and I was driving my car to work on icy streets
when it happened. It was only a flash in my memory as the big eighteen wheeler
commenced jackknifing into my lane. There was no place to swerve to avoid the

The next thing I remember was looking at the ceiling in my hospital room. The
warm sun was streaming in the window and my mouth was dry. I tried to speak!
Moments later, a nurse was bent over me and saying, "You're awake. Your wife
just stepped out for breakfast."

As I slowly turned my eyes to the window, the storm had passed. Strangely, the
trees were budding out and spring was evident everywhere. As I lay confused, at
the disturbing events I tried to move. Only my eyes moved as no other part of my
body seemed to respond. . Then, I felt sleep approaching again and all faded to

When I awoke a few minutes later, Millie was bent over me, kissing me on the lips
and caressing my arm. "Welcome back." she said as I was further confused. I tried
to speak but my dry mouth made ineligible speech impossible. "Wa-wa," I called
out and a nurse came with a glass and a straw.

Finally, I could ask, "What happened? " It was the nurse who said, "You've been in
an accident and received some traumatic head injuries. You've asleep for nearly
seven months." Then, she stepped back to allow me time to digest the news. Now
appraised of what had happened, I felt sleep approaching again and fought it to no

When I awoke a few minutes later, the nurse was there with water and mouth wash
and my medications. She spoke, "Your wife has been here night and day for the
past six months. She has held your hand and caressed your arms and kissed you
every time she came or left the room. You guys surely must have a strong
marriage to have devotion like that. "

Then, on hearing this, I recalled her indiscretion and how she had made me a
cuckold. I felt the hatred again as though it were yesterday and what I really
wanted was to hold her and adore her and love her . . .! In spite of everything, I
wanted her like it used to be!

So, I was awake. My physical healing was completed and physical therapy was
needed to restore me to my old self. Six weeks of intense therapy after which I
should be back to normal.

As I started my therapy regimen, Millie was always there as I dealt with my

love/hate problems. She never pressured me or demanded affection in return for
that which she bestowed several times each day. I grew stronger. At four weeks, I
was allowed to go home and return to the hospital only for out-patient care.
When we returned to the house Millie directed me to the master bedroom with the
admonition that she'd be in the guest room so I could be more convenient to the
bath facilities. It felt good in the big old bed and I quickly stopped using the walker
in favor of a cane after my first night.

Millie was constantly there, tending to my needs. She drove me to therapy in the
morning and home in the afternoon. Soon, I was watching her as she went about
her chores and it was apparent to me that she was surely more beautiful than I
ever remembered her. Her body was even sexier.

I wanted her. I wanted to touch her and to feel her close to me and adore me; yet, I
often wondered who she was shagging when I was not around. After while, each
glance at her beautiful and sexy body was enough to get me aroused.

"Why did I still hate her so?" I kept asking myself. There was no answer. . . . Why
did I wonder about other men when she was constantly by my side?

It was Independence Day when my life changed again. There were no fireworks or
parades, not for me at least. It was early, around five thirty, which was my usual
hour for awakening and a habit I had not been able to break. As I luxuriated under
the warm covers, I sought only to go back to sleep and enjoy my favorite pastime
toying with my aroused cock and enjoying the erotic sensations. As usual, my hand
felt so good there. It was then that Millie came into the room.

As she did, I peered up from the bed to find her looking sexier than usual in her
sheer nylon chiffon negligee with matching bra and panties - She had obviously
arisen early to prepare for this moment and I wondered...

Then, she spoke, "Look, it's becoming pretty apparent that you'll always hate me. I
guess I deserve that! But, I'm still your wife and I can still perform my wifely duties
and I can deal with that thing in your hand far more effectively than your fingers
can." Then, as she moved to drop her negligee and slide under the covers she
smiled as she said, "I might even enjoy it."

My first instinct was to push her away but that was quickly over-ruled by stronger
instincts. I soon relegated my hatred to the back recesses of my mind as I
reminded myself that she was indeed my wife and she had a duty. I need only fuck
her and take my rightful pleasure - I didn't have to like her!

My second instinct was to move close to Millie; to feel her soft, smooth flesh and
caress her and as I moved closer. Sensing my move, she offered a welcome
embrace and drew her body close to mine. I felt our old intimacy as years of
experience together in a loving relationship had developed and I was lost.
Suddenly, I wanted to caress every inch of her flesh, softly and carefully, as my
hands moved over her with a featherlike touch. She felt good . . . it'd been so long!
Then, as we kissed, her tongue slipped between my lips and insinuated itself in my
mouth to engage my tongue in a familiar dance of love. After this familiarization, we
lingered, enjoying the intimacy we had so long been missing.

There was no sense of urgency as we lay enticing each other and I felt a curious
and unfamiliar calm descend over me. The strong feelings that I had developed of
late seemed to have diminished and that my hatred that had been with me since
that my wife's infidelity had abated.

Invigorated by the loss of my mental baggage, I began to feel a sense of urgency.

My lust began to build and I felt old familiar needs that could not be long denied. It
was like old times. When I moved to kiss and suckle her breasts, I felt her ready
and waiting. . . Then, as my lips began to lightly suckle her taut nipples, she offered
little words of encouragement.

Gradually my laving and suckling increased in intensity as she grasped my cock

and began to gently massage it. My passions soared. I could wait no longer.

Millie, sensing my overpowering needs, suddenly moved and drew me over her
into the classic missionary position and brought her lips to mine in a powerful kiss.
"Do me now. . ." she said in an excited tone.

It might have been perfect but I felt the need to adore my woman some more. I
continued to caress and fondle and kiss her only to be chastised for my delay; "I
want it now!" she said in an agitated tone.

With that, I grasped my cock and directed it towards her waiting cavern. It went into
her well prepared and lubricated pussy with ease. Then, as I felt the soft, damp,
velvety smooth friction between us I was momentarily overcome with pleasure.
This was the wife I knew and loved. This is the only woman who could provide
such pleasure.

As I became completely embedded with my cock against her cervix, I hesitated

and remembered that such deep penetration often caused her pain; I withdrew
slightly and looked into her eyes. It had been a long time since I'd seen lust and
passion in those eyes - too long!

Then, as our eyes met, I saw them moisten and tears form and was about to ask
when she smiled and said, "Welcome back."

As we lay completely joined, it was Millie who was fist to move. The muscles in her
pussy seemed to be milking my cock and drawing my essence into her. Then, it
was my turn to move and I began the age old rhythm of coitus.
As we moved together, the sense of urgency returned and we increased the tempo
of our love making. Soon we were driven by a compulsion that drove us beyond
reason and we sought only the satisfaction that our mutual orgasm could provide.

It was an old, familiar situation as we allowed ourselves to fully surrender to our

feelings. When I felt the old familiar sensation in my groin, I said simply, "I'm going
to' cum," and Millie replied, "Do it!"

Then, the culmination came in an overpowering mixed bag of erotic sensations,

feelings, passion and love as we made our peak together.

Then, as we lay together in the afterglow of our sensational lovemaking, I felt

peace and serenity descend over us as it had so many times before.

We were a happily married couple again.

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