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Sales Quotations

The sales quotation function is a pre-step to a customer order. It allows entering

and handling requests from existing and prospective customers.

Like the customer order, the sales quotation is built in two levels, an order header

and one or several quotation lines. The first step in a new entry is to enter the sales

quotation header. When the header has been entered with valid data and saved, it assumes

planned status. The second step in a new entry is to enter the line(s). When a quotation line

is entered, it also assumes planned status. The status of the order header does not change; it

is still planned. The customer type and customer in the quotation header can only be

changed as long as no lines are entered.

When you enter a sales quotation for a prospective customer, it is possible to enter

only basic customer information. This prospect will later be entered as a real customer if

the quotation, or any of its lines, is accepted and converted into a customer order. At the

later stage when the customer order is created, the new customer and additional

information are entered in the Create Customer Wizard.

On the quotation lines you specify the parts and quantities that the customer wants

to order. You can also specify the desired date of delivery, planned date of delivery, prices

or price breaks, discounts, and some other information for each quotation line. You can

choose not to enter any quantity and instead use price breaks, i.e. different prices for

different quantities. By right-clicking the quotation line, you can open the Price Breaks

dialog box and enter the price breaks (price breaks are not possible for package parts).

You can activate a planned sales quotation by releasing it. The status on the header

is updated from Planned to Released. In contrast to activating a regular customer order,

this function freezes the quotation instead of activating it. Once the sales quotation is

released, you can print it and send it to the customer. However, a printout of the sales

quotation can be ordered from any status. The printout will be marked as Preliminary if the

quotation header or any of its lines have not been released. If the quotation header has

released status when the printout is performed, the printed flag on the quotation will be

checked and the quotation date will be stored.

Note that changing a quotation with Released status changes the revision number

and sets the status to Revised when the quotation already has been printed and the printed

flag on the quotation will be cleared. A revised quotation must be released again. It is also

possible to release single lines. When single lines are released, the status of the header is

unchanged. Every time the quotation is changed and a new revision is created, the changed

data will be stored in the database and shown in the history tab and in the quotation line


New entries and changes to the following data will generate a new revision number

and new history information:



Expiration Date

Delivery Terms

Ship Via

Payment Terms

Wanted Delivery Date


Delivery Address



Quotation Line



Supply Code

Wanted Delivery Date

Delivery Terms

Ship Via

Promised Delivery Date



Delivery Address

When your customer has given you a positive response on your quotation, you

must convert the quotation into a regular customer order. Some additional order

information needs to be entered, such as order type, reason for winning the quotation,

wanted delivery date, whether the customer order should be created in Planned or Released

status, and quantities for lines with price breaks. The status of the quotation is set to

Closed, and the reason for winning will be stored on the quotation. The resulting order is

then ready to continue in the normal customer order workflow prescribed for the order


When the customer answers to your quotation and gives you a negative response,

you will note the sales quotation as lost. You must enter the reason why the quotation was

rejected and, optionally, to which competitor it was lost. The status of the sales quotation

header is set to Closed, and all quotation lines without a won/lost reason will receive the

same reason for loss and set to Lost. It is also possible to set separate quotation lines to

Lost. In this case, the status of the quotation header is unchanged. Note that only released,

or possibly revised, lines can be set to Lost.

Sales Quotation Process

2. Sales Quotation Line


Like the customer order, the sales quotation is built in two levels: a quotation

header and one or more quotation lines. The second step in a new entry is to enter the

quotation line(s).

The Quotation Lines tab is used to specify the parts and quantities that the

customer wants to order. You can also specify the desired date of delivery, planned date of

delivery, condition codes, prices or price breaks, discounts, and some other information for

each quotation line. You can choose not to enter any quantity and use price breaks for

different quantities instead. By right-clicking the quotation line, you can open the Price

Breaks dialog box and enter price breaks.

When a new quotation line is created, the system checks to determine whether the

specified sales part has been superseded by another part. If a replacement part has been

defined with a date of replacement earlier than or equal to the date the line is created, the

part on the line is automatically replaced with the replacement part. An information

message is displayed and the sales part number of the originally requested part is stored in

the Original Sales Part No field on the quotation line. If the sales part has a substitute

part, you are able to see this and also choose a part by right-clicking the quotation line and

open the Substitute Sales Part dialog box. When a quotation line is entered, it acquires

Planned status. The status of the sales quotation header does not change; it is still



 The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

 The sales part, service part, or package part must have been entered and saved.

 Assortment structures must be defined if you want to refer to assortments when

entering part numbers.

 If you are specifying a condition code, the part must have condition code feature

enabled on the part record in the Part Catalog/General tab.

 Supply chain parameters should be defined for the supply chain relation. For

external customers, this can be done in the Site to Customer Supply Chain

Parameters window, and for internal customers this can be done in the Site to Site

Supply Chain Parameters window. If you use the supply code Purchase Order

Direct, the supply chain parameters can be defined in the Supplier to Customer

Supply Chain Parameters window for external customers, and in the Supplier to

Site Supply Chain Parameters window for internal customers.

 To set the value in the Supply Code field to Production Schedule, the inventory

sales part must have been associated with at least one production line, at a site with

a positive schedule percentage. A production line can be defined in the Production

Line window in IFS/Manufacturing Standards.

For the superseded parts function:

 Replacement parts are entered in the Sales Part/Misc Part Info, Non-Inventory

Sales Part/Misc Part Info or Package Part/Misc Part Info tab windows,

depending on the type of part that is to be replaced.

For warranties:

 For the quotation line to inherit customer warranty data, the warranty data must

first exist for the sales part.

For the substitute sales parts function:

 Substitute sales parts must be connected to the appropriate sales parts in the

Alternate Sales Part Base Data window.

2.1 System Effects

 As a result of this entry, a sales quotation line is entered. The quotation line

receives status Planned. The supply code determines the retrieving rules for the

supply chain parameters. If a replacement part has been defined with a date of

replacement earlier than or equal to the date the quotation line is created, the part

on the line is automatically replaced with the replacement part and the sales part

number of the originally requested part is stored in the Original Sales Part No

field on the quotation line.

 If you have chosen substitute parts, the original quotation line is removed and new

lines for the replacement parts are created. The sales part number of the originally

requested part is stored on the new quotation line.

 When the quotation line is created, it inherits any default customer warranty

defined for the sales part.

 It is possible to cancel a quotation line as soon as it has been entered.

To enter a quotation order line:

1. In the sales quotation header, populate or query for the sales quotation.

2. Click the Quotation Lines tab, and then click New.

3. Either specify the sales part number, service part number, or package part number

directly in the Sales Part No field or search for it by using the List of Values. If the

part you want to enter belongs to an assortment, you can also look up its number by

selecting the line, right-clicking and then clicking Overview - Parts by

Assortment and Site Cluster. In addition, you can enter the customer's part

number in the Customer Part No field if a cross-reference is established between

your sales part number and the customer's part number. The description of the part

is then displayed in the Description field, including the sales unit, price unit, and

possible discounts.

4. Indicate the quantity of requested parts in the Sales Quantity field. The system

displays price per unit and the total price for the quotation line. Optionally, you can

choose not to enter any quantities for the quotation line and instead use price breaks

for different quantities.

5. You can save the quotation line now if you do not want to add or change any other

values. The system then assigns a line and delivery number. The quotation line

acquires Planned status.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

 In the Desired Qty field, you can enter the quantity of parts that the customer

actually wants to buy. This field is used if there is a difference between the quantity

of parts that the customer wants to buy and the quantity of parts that is actually

entered as sales quantity on the quotation line, e.g., due to a shortage of parts in

stock. Enter the desired quantity in sales unit of measure.

 To specify a condition code, use the List of Values in the Condition Code field to

select from available condition codes. This feature is only available for lot batch

and/or serial tracked parts, and condition code feature must be enabled for the part

record on the Part Catalog/General tab.

 In the Wanted Delivery Date/Time field, enter the date on which the customer

wants delivery of each line. The default date is the delivery date on the header.

 A default supply code is displayed in the Supply Code field. You can change the

mode by selecting the desired alternative in the list box.

 If you need a value-added tax report used within the European Community, enter

the applicable data in the Delivery Type field.

To cancel a quotation line:

1. Open the desired sales quotation and select the Quotation Lines tab.

2. Mark the quotation line you want to cancel.

3. Right-click, point to Status and then click Cancel Quotation Line.

2.2 Pricing

The main purpose of the pricing functionality is to simplify the process of

maintaining and updating of prices and price lists. Price lists are built from sales part base

prices. This means that you must maintain the sales part base prices. When a base price is

changed, it is possible to update all price lists containing this base price at the same time.

The price lists are defined with different quantity intervals.

Sales Part Base Price

The sales part base price is used as a base when calculating prices for different

quantity intervals in a price list. It should not be mistaken for being the price entered on

sales part. This price is used only for the update of part based price lists. The base prices

can be linked to IFS/Costing or entered manually. This means that, from the standard price,

it is possible to add contribution margin and other user defined variables to calculate the

sales part base price. The site has to be defined for every sales part base price, since the

costing information for one sales part can exist for many different sites.

Sales Price Group

Price lists are created for different sales price groups. A sales price group is used to

group a number of sales parts with the same characteristics regarding pricing. It is possible

to define more than one price lists for a sales price group. When defining what price list to

use for a specific customer, it will only be possible to define one price list per price group.

A sales price group is entered for every sales part. In case the combination of sales part

number and sales price group is the same for different sites the price unit of measure must

also be the same. This is to avoid sales parts with the same price group having different

price unit of measure for different sites when the it is used on a price list that is valid for

several sites. There are two types of sales price groups: part-based price groups and unit-

based price groups. The different types of sales price groups are used to create part-based

and unit-based price lists.

Price List

A price list belongs to a price group. This means that there are two types of price

lists: unit-based sales price lists and part-based sales price lists depending on the price

group type. Part-based sales price lists are based on sales part base prices. You can enter

different quantity intervals for a sales part with different prices by using sales part base

prices and different offsets for those intervals. The price list must not be in the same

currency as the entered base prices. The price is automatically calculated to the right


A unit-based price list is used for sales parts that are sold in a special unit. No sales

part numbers are specified on a unit-based sales price list. Prices are entered for different

unit intervals. Unit-based price lists can, for example, be used for paint that has different

sales part numbers for different colors, but all have the same price. If you use order date

when you retrieve prices from price lists, these may be out of date today. They may,

however, still be valid for the specific order. You should therefore change price lists,

current as well as old ones, only with great care.

A price list is searched when creating a sales quotation or customer order line based

on the sales part entered on the line. The sales part is always connected to a sales price

group, and a sales price list is always defined per sales price group and currency valid for

the price list. When connecting a price list to a customer, either in the

Customer/Order/Pricelist per Price Group tab or in the Customer Price Group window, it

is possible to select whether the connected price list is considered as preferred. It is also

possible to connect several price lists in different currencies to the same customer. If a

price list is preferred, it means that it can and will be used regardless whether there is a

match between the quotation, order currency and the price list currency. When the

quotation or order is searching for a valid price list, it follows a certain priority order.

1. Search the Customer/Order/Pricelist per Price Group tab for a connected price list

in a currency matching the quotation/order currency.

2. Search the Customer/Order/Pricelist per Price Group tab for a connected preferred

price list in a currency other than the quotation/order currency.

3. Search the Customer Price Group window for a connected price list in a currency

matching the quotation/order currency.

4. Search the Customer Price Group window for a connected preferred price list in a

currency other than the quotation/order currency.

3. Customer Price Group

A customer price group is used to group a number of customers with the same

characteristics regarding pricing. A customer price group is connected to a number of

combinations of sales price groups and sales price lists. A customer can be connected to a

customer price group and through this also to different sales price lists. Those price lists

can then be used on a customer order line to select the price that will be used.


An agreement is used to enter terms and information to be applied on future

customer orders. This information can be general such as validity period and delivery

terms. It can also be detailed about price and discount per part or discount per sales group.

If you use order date when you retrieve prices from agreements, these may be out of date

today. They may, however, still be valid for the specific order. You should therefore

change agreements, current as well as old ones, only with great care. When multiple valid

agreements exist for the same customer, site and currency, the system will per default

retrieve the agreement with the lowest ID to the customer order, and display this in the

customer order header. If an agreement is marked as explicit use, it will never be

automatically retrieved to the customer order header. Explicit use is primarily used to

manually select which agreement that should be used when creating customer order lines

from Service Management.

Customer Hierarchy

A customer hierarchy is a graphical method of grouping companies belonging to

the same group in a tree structure, which can be reviewed. The parent company will be on

the top level with all affiliated companies beneath in the required number of levels. The

hierarchies will then be used when searching for valid agreements or price lists. You can

connect an agreement or a price list to one customer, allowing all affiliated companies on

lower levels in the same branch of the hierarchy to benefit from that agreement or price

list. Any price or discount information can be retrieved from the customer hierarchy if that

information is lacking in the customer entry itself. The retrieval will follow the priority

order below.

During a hierarchy search, the system searches successively higher levels in a

single branch of the hierarchy until it either finds a price or reaches the top level. You

cannot limit the search to certain parts of the hierarchy. You can override the sales price

that is found by entering a sales price or a price list directly on the order line. A manually

entered sales price on a customer order line always has the highest priority.

Price on Customer Order Line

The price on customer order line is selected depending on the data entered. If the

customer is included in a customer hierarchy the system will search for a valid sales price

in the following priority order:

1. Price per part from Agreement per Customer.

2. Price per part from Agreement in Customer Hierarchy (level per level upwards).

3. Price from Price List per Sales Price Group on Customer.

4. Price from Price List per Sales Price Group in Customer Hierarchy (level per level


5. Price from Price List per Sales Price Group on Customer Price Group.

6. Price from Sales Part.

If a customer agreement exists in the customer order header, this agreement ID will be

the first agreement used to check when retrieving the price. If the price cannot be found on

this agreement, or if no agreement ID exists in the customer order header, the system will

search for valid agreements using the lowest ID.

The parameters considered when searching for the price and retrieving the price list


Sales Part, Site, Customer Number ID, Currency Code and Price Effective Date. The

quantity is not used as a parameter which means that a price list will be retrieved but the

price may not be found in the price list. Instead it will be picked from the sales part. The

quantity is only considered when fetching the price within the found price list. You can

directly upon entering the sales part view the price list. You are able to view and select all

other price lists in the List Of Values where the sales part is entered.

If the part entered on the customer order line is condition code handled, i.e., the

Condition Code check box in the Part Catalog/General window is selected, an exception

is made from this priority. Before searching the priority list above, the system will look for

a price entered in the Sales Part/Condition Code Pricing tab. If a price is found for the

specific condition code, it is fetched to the order line. If no price is found, the search is

continued according to the priority order above.

If the price on the customer order line has been manually changed and is different from

the calculated value, the price change is saved in a specific table.

3.1 Discount on Customer Order Line

The discount on customer order line is selected depending on the data entered. It is

possible to apply either a single discount or multiple discounts and this is decided in the

site entry. If single discount has been chosen only one discount will be applied. On the

other hand, if multiple discounts has been selected a discount both from the price priority

ladder (above) and from the discount priority ladder (2, below) can be combined. A

maximum of two discounts can be applied at the same time.

There are three variants:

(1) If a discount is connected to the price and Single Discount has been chosen this

discount will be retrieved. The system will not search for any further discounts.

(2) If a discount is connected to the price and Multiple Discounts has been chosen this

discount will be retrieved, i.e. if the price on the order line is retrieved from an Agreement

or a Price List the discount connected to that price will always be used. Since the discount

is copied directly from the price source the system does not actually search for this

discount; it is rather a reflection of the price search. In addition to this discount the system

will search for further discounts in the following priority order:

1. Discount per Part without price from Agreement per Customer.

2. Discount per Part without price from Agreement in Customer Hierarchy (level per

level upwards).

3. Discount per Sales Group from Agreement per Customer.

4. Discount per Sales Group from Agreement in Customer Hierarchy (level per level


5. Discount from Customer.

6. Discount from Customer in Customer Hierarchy (level per level upwards).

(3) If no discount is connected to the price the system will search for discounts in the same

priority order as (2, above).

If a customer agreement exists in the customer order header, this agreement ID will be the

first agreement used to check when retrieving the discount. If a discount cannot be found

on this agreement, or if no agreement ID exists in the customer order header, the system

will search for valid agreements using the lowest ID.

It is possible to override all the above values by entering a discount directly on the order


Price handling on Customer Orders generated from Work Orders

Prices and discounts are retrieved to the work orders through the use of existing

pricing rules found in IFS/Customer Order. Once retrieved, the prices and/or discounts can

be modified for the specific work order before generating the customer order. When the

customer order is generated, the specific price is explicitly sent from the work order to the

customer order, hence price handling is not done from IFS/Customer Order during

generation, rather the price from the work order will be displayed on the customer order.

Additionally when generating a customer order from a work order that is based on a Fixed

Price contract, we explicitly send the price 0 (zero) from the work order to the customer


Enter Quotation Competitors


The purpose of entering the competitors on the sales quotation is to have defaults

for the sales quotation lines. The competitors are entered in the Sales

Quotation/Competitors tab window. When quotation lines are entered after this, they will

get the competitor lines copied to them. It is possible to change the competitors on

quotation line level.


 Competitors must have been entered in the Basic Data for Sales

Quotation/Competitors tab window.

 The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a competitor competing sales quotation is saved as a default for

the quotation lines.


1. Select the Sales Quotation/Competitors tab, and then select New.

2. Enter the ID for the competitor in the Competitor ID column, manually or by using

the List of Values. The competitor's name is automatically filled in by the system.

3. Enter the ID for the competitive reason in the Compete ID column, manually or by

using the List of Values. The description of the competitive reason is automatically

filled in by the system.

4. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

 You can enter a short note in the Note column.

Enter General Quotation Information


In this tab window, you can view and enter general information associated with a

quotation. The information you enter here includes the following: a probability percentage,

i.e., the likelihood of winning the current quotation (expressed as a percentage and set to

100% as default); a Language Code, i.e., the language that will be used on the printouts;

the Request Received Date, which is the date on which the quotation was requested by the

customer; the Answering Date, which is the date on which the customer is expected to give

an answer; the Expiration Date, which is the date on which the current quotation will

expire; the Price Effectivity Date, which is the date that ensures that a valid price list is

used; and the Follow-Up Date, which is the date for following up on the current quotation.

Date Entered and Quotation Date, i.e. the date on which the quotation is printed

after being released, is automatically entered by the system. When the quotation has been

closed, the Closed status and the entered Lose Win Note are displayed in this tab. If the

quotation was lost, the Lost To and Reason ID fields will show to which competitor it was

lost to, and the reason why.


 The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, additional information is added to the sales quotation.


1. Populate or query for the quotation in question. Then select the Sales

Quotation/General tab.

2. Enter the information you want to add to the quotation.

3. Save when completed.

Enter Quotation Header


The sales quotation function is a pre-step to a customer order. It allows you to enter

and handle requests from existing and prospective customers. Like the customer order, the

sales quotation is built in two levels: an order header and one or several quotation lines.

The first step in a new entry is to enter the sales quotation header. The quotation number is

automatically assigned by the system when saving the header. However, you can manually

enter a quotation number before saving the header. The system uses your coordinator

group ID and the quotation number introduction specified in the Basic Data for Inventory

and Distribution/Coordinator Groups tab to produce the quotation number. When the

header has been entered with valid data and saved, it assumes Planned status.

When you enter a sales quotation for a prospective customer, it is possible to enter

only basic customer information. This prospect will later be entered as a real customer if

the quotation, or any of its lines, is won and converted into a customer order. At the later

stage when the customer order is created, the new customer and additional information are

entered in the Quick Customer Registration dialog box. The customer type and customer

in the quotation header can only be changed as long as no lines are entered.

You can view, define, and update delivery information for the sales quotation header in the

Delivery Information tab.


 The user should be connected to a coordinator on the Users tab, of the Basic Data

for Inventory and Distribution window.

 The customer should have a record in the Customer window, unless it is a

prospective customer.

 The supply chain parameters should be defined for the supply chain relation. For

external customers, this can be done in the Site to Customer Supply Chain

Parameters window, and for internal customers this can be done in the Site to Site

Supply Chain Parameters window.

System Effects

This activity has the following system effects.

 A sales quotation header is created. When the sales quotation header is saved, the

quotation number appears automatically (if not entered manually). The sales

quotation header receives status Planned.

 When you enter a sales quotation header, the default site and coordinator (if

defined), are retrieved from your user. When you have an existing customer, the

customer name, language code, currency, delivery address, document address, etc.,

are retrieved from the customer record. Delivery information is primarily retrieved

from any customer agreement, secondarily from the supply chain relations, and

finally from the customer record.

 It is possible to cancel a quotation order header as soon as it has been entered. Any

existing quotation order lines will be canceled at the same time.

 If the customer is Jinsui enabled, the Jinsui Invoice check box on the Sales

Quotation/Misc Quotation Info tab will become automatically selected upon

saving the sales quotation header record.


To enter a quotation header for a previously registered customer:

1. Select New.

2. Indicate the customer type in the Customer Type list box, in this case Normal.

3. Either enter the short name/number of the customer or indicate the customer by

using the List of Values.

4. If the coordinator for this sales quotation is connected to your user, the coordinator

ID appears automatically. You can enter or change the coordinator, either by

entering the short code or by using the List of Values.

5. Optionally, you can also perform the following steps:

 Enter a quotation number.

 Enter the number of the customer's request for sales quotation.

 Change the currency code retrieved from the customer record.

Note: If you want to create Jinsui Invoices for a Jinsui-enabled customer, the

currency should be same as the accounting currency of the company.

 Change the site, assuming that you are registered at several sites on the Sites tab of

the System Data for Inventory and Distribution window.

6. Save when completed.

To enter a quotation header for a prospective customer who is not yet registered:

1. Select New.

2. Indicate the customer type in the Customer Type list box, in this case Prospect.

3. Enter the prospect customer's name in the Customer Name field. Optionally, you

can enter address information for the prospect in the Sales Quotation/Customer

Address tab window.

4. Enter the currency code for the currency the customer is using, or indicate it by

using the List of Values.

5. If the coordinator for this sales quotation is connected to your user, the coordinator

ID appears automatically. You can enter or change the coordinator, either by

entering the short code or by using the List of Values.

6. Enter a language code in the General tab, either by entering the short code or by

using the List of Values.

7. Optionally, you can also perform the following steps:

 Enter a quotation number.

 Enter the number of the customer's request for sales quotation.

 Change the site, assuming that you are registered at several sites on the Sites tab of

the System Data for Inventory and Distribution window.

8. Save when completed.

Release Quotation


Use this activity to activate a planned sales quotation by using Release Quotation in

the Operations menu in the Sales Quotation window or the Overview - Sales Quotation

window. The status on the header is updated from Planned to Released. In contrast to

activating a regular customer order, this function freezes the quotation instead of activating

it. Once the sales quotation activated, you can print the it and send it to the customer. If the

customer then gives you a positive response, you can convert the quotation into a regular

customer order.

It should be noted that changing a printed quotation (e.g., changing the additional discount

percentage on the header) with Released status creates a new revision, sets the status to

Revised and clears the Printed check box. A revised quotation must be released again.

It is also possible to release single lines in the Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines tab

window. When single lines are released, the header status remains unchanged. Specific

quotation lines can also be released for planning by selecting the Release For Planning

check box on the line.

When you activate the quotation, any needed purchase requisition or shop order requisition

will be automatically created.


 A sales quotation header with one or several quotation lines must have been entered

and saved.

 The sales quotation header must be have Planned or possibly Revised status.

 Quantities or price breaks must have been defined for all quotation lines.

System Effects

When you release the sales quotation, the status on the sales quotation header is

updated from Planned to Released. All lines, except those in status Lost, Canceled or Won,

are also released. This means that the sales quotation is ready to be converted into a regular

customer order. The quotation is not included in the availability checks. Furthermore, no

order proposal can be created. If the Release For Planning check box is selected on a

quotation line, the line will be included in master scheduling calculations, planning data

calculations and supply/demand views. If the quotation has been revised and released

again, the status is changed from Revised to Released and the revision number is



To release an entire quotation:

1. Display the quotation that you want to release via the Populate or Query function.

2. Choose Release Quotation in the Operations menu.

3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box that is displayed. The status is updated

from Planned, or possibly Revised, to Released.

To release single quotation lines:

1. Display the quotation with the lines you want to release via the Populate or Query


2. Select the line or lines you want to release.

3. Choose Status/Release Quotation Line from the Operations menu.

4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box that is displayed. The status of the line is

updated from Planned to Released.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

 If you also want to release a quotation line for planning, select the Release For

Planning check box on the specific quotation line.

Print Quotation


A printout of the sales quotation can be ordered from any status. The printout will be

marked as Preliminary if the quotation header or any of its lines have not been released. If

the quotation header has Released status when the printout is performed, the Printed check

box will be selected and the quotation date will be stored. It should be noted that changing

a printed quotation (e.g., changing the additional discount percentage on the header) with

Released status creates a new revision, sets the status to Revised and clears the Printed

check box. In the Sales Quotation window or in the Overview - Sales Quotation window,

select the Print Quotation… function in the Operations menu when you want to print out a

quotation report. The quotation report can then be sent to the customer. You can

subsequently convert the quotation into a general customer order if the customer approves

the quotation.


The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

A quotation report is printed out. The printout will be marked as Preliminary if the

quotation or any of its lines are not in status Released. If the quotation has Released status,

the print flag is set, the Printed check box is selected and the quotation date (system date)

is stored.


1. In the Sales Quotation window or in the Overview - Sales Quotation window,

display the sales quotation via the Populate or Query function.

2. Choose the Print Quotation… function in the Operations menu. The Report Print

dialog box is displayed.

3. Confirm by clicking OK or Preview... before printing.

E-mail Quotation


Use this activity to e-mail a sales quotation to a customer as an attached Portable

Document Format (PDF) file. The file will be marked as Preliminary if the quotation

header or any of its lines have not been released. If the quotation header is in Released

status when the e-mail is sent, the Printed check box will be selected and the quotation

date will be stored.

It should be noted that changing a printed quotation, i.e., changing the additional discount

percentage on the header, with Released status creates a new revision, sets the status to

Revised and clears the Printed check box.


This activity has the following prerequisites.

 IFS/Print Server and IFS/Connect have to be installed.

 Print Server Archiving has to be enabled.

 The PDF_REPORT_CREATED event must be defined and enabled.

 In the Customer/Address/General Address Info tab the Comm. Method should be

set to E-mail and the receiver's e-mail address must be specified under the Value

for the respective customer name. The same customer name should be given as the

Customer Contact in the Customer/Address/Order Address Info tab.

 The customer type for the sales quotation should be normal.

 The sales quotation should be in Planned, Released or Closed status.

System Effects

The sales quotation(s) are e-mailed to the respective customer(s), using IFS/Connect and

the rules specified for the event PDF_REPORT_CREATED.


1. Open the Sales Quotation or the Overview - Sales Quotation window, and query

for the required sales quotation. You can select multiple quotation lines for multiple

customers using the Overview - Sales Quotations window.

2. Right-click the header and click E-mail Quotation and the E-mail Sales Quotation

dialog box will open.

3. Modify the e-mail addresses, if required, and click OK.

Note: When e-mailing multiple customers using the Overview - Sales Quotations window,

if at least one is a prospective customer the e-mailing option will not be enabled.

Enter Reason for Lost Quotation


When the customer answers to your quotation and gives you a negative response,

you will note the sales quotation as lost. This can be done by choosing Lost Quotation...

from the Operations menu, which will open the Lost Quotation dialog box. You can open

it from either the Sales Quotation window or the Overview - Sales Quotation window. In

this dialog box you enter the reason why the quotation was lost and to which competitor it

was lost. The status of the sales quotation header is set to Closed, and all quotation lines

without a won/lost reason will receive the same reason for loss and will be set to lost

status. Note that only released, or possibly revised, lines can be set to Lost. The release of

the demand of planning has to be reversed according to the supply code.


 The quotation header must have been entered, saved and released before you can

set the status to Lost.

System Effects

The status of the sales quotation header is set to Closed and the reason for loss is saved

with the quotation. All quotation lines without a won/lost reason will receive the same

reason for loss as the header and will be set to Lost status. No further transactions can be



In the Sales Quotation window:

1. Use the Populate or the Query function to display the appropriate quotation.

2. To set the quotation to Lost, Choose Lost Quotation... in the Operations menu. The

Lost Quotation dialog box will be displayed.

3. Enter the competitor to whom the quotation was lost , either by clicking the List

button and choosing a competitor from the list or by entering the competitor ID


4. Enter the reason for losing the quotation, either by clicking the List button and

choosing a reason from the list or by entering the reason ID manually.

5. Optionally, you may enter a short comment in the Lost Note field.

6. Click OK when completed. The sales quotation is set to Lost.

In the Overview - Sales Quotation window:

1. Use the Populate or the Query function to display the appropriate quotation.

2. Select the line with the quotation in question. Choose Lost Quotation... in the

Operations menu. The Lost Quotation dialog box will be displayed.

3. Enter the competitor to whom the quotation was lost, either by clicking the List

button and choosing a competitor from the list or by entering the competitor ID


4. Enter the reason for losing the quotation, either by clicking the List button and

choosing a reason from the list or by entering the reason ID manually.

5. Optionally, you may enter a short comment in the Lost Note field.

6. Click OK when completed. The sales quotation is set to Lost.

Enter Reason for Lost Quotation Line


When the customer answers to your quotation and gives you a negative response on

one or several lines, you will note these quotation lines as lost. This can be done by

selecting the respective line or lines and choosing Lost Quotation... from the Operations

menu, which will open the Lost Quotation dialog box. You can open it from either the

Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines tab window or the Overview - Sales Quotation Line

window. In this dialog box you enter the reason why the quotation line was lost and to

which competitor it was lost.

The status of the sales quotation line is set to Lost. Note that only released, or possibly

revised, lines can be set to Lost.

The release of the demand of planning has to be reversed according to the supply code.


 The quotation header must have been entered, saved and released before you can

set the status to Lost.

System Effects

The status of the sales quotation line is set to Lost and will receive the information for loss.

There is no change of the status on the quotation header. No further transactions can be

performed for the line.

In the Sales Quotation window:

1. Use the Populate or the Query function to display the appropriate quotation.

2. Select the Quotation Lines tab and select the line or lines you want to set to Lost.

3. Choose Lost Quotation Line... in the Operations menu. The Lost Quotation dialog

box will be displayed with the Quotation No, Line No and Del No automatically

entered by the system.

4. Enter the competitor to whom the quotation line was lost, either by clicking the List

button and choosing a competitor from the list or by entering the competitor ID


5. Enter the reason for losing the quotation line, either by clicking the List button and

choosing a reason from the list or by entering the reason ID manually.

6. Optionally, you may enter a short comment in the Lost Note field.

7. Click OK when completed. The sales quotation line is set to Lost.

In the Overview - Sales Quotation window:

1. Use the Populate or the Query function to display the appropriate quotation.

2. Select the quotation line or lines in question. Choose Quotation Lost... in the

Operations menu. The Lost Quotation dialog box will be displayed with the

Quotation No, Line No, and Del No automatically entered by the system.

3. Enter the competitor to whom the quotation line was lost, either by clicking the List

button and choosing a competitor from the list or by entering the competitor ID


4. Enter the reason for losing the quotation line, either by clicking the List button and

choosing a reason from the list or by entering the reason ID manually.

4. Create Order from Quotation


When your customer has given you a positive response on your quotation, you

must convert the quotation into a regular customer order. You can do so by using Create

Order from Quotation... in the Operations menu, either in the Sales Quotation window or

the Overview - Sales Quotation window. The Create Order from Quotation dialog box for

entering some additional order information will be displayed. You must enter order type,

reason for winning the quotation, wanted delivery date, whether the customer order should

be created in Planned or Released status, and quantities for lines with price breaks. This

information is mandatory.

Any quantity that is entered must be within the range for the price breaks, i.e., it is not

possible to enter a quantity for which there is no price specified. In that case, the price

breaks must be removed from the line or a new line without price breaks must be created.

A customer previously classified as prospective will now be reclassified as an actual

customer. The Create Customer wizard is automatically opened with the existing customer

data pre-entered by the system, and you will have to enter the additional information

needed to complete creating the customer. The prospect information on the quotation is

then replaced by the information for the newly created customer. If an additional discount

has been entered on the quotation header, the discount will be automatically transferred to

the customer order. The sales quotation is now ready to continue in the normal customer

order workflow prescribed for the order type.

According to this workflow, a credit inspection is performed for the order. First, the

system checks whether the customer is credit blocked in the customer record. Then, the

value of all outstanding orders, which are reserved but not yet invoiced, is totaled so that

they do not exceed the customer's credit limit. If IFS Financials is installed, all outstanding

invoices are included as well. If the credit limit is exceeded, the order is credit blocked. It

acquires the status Blocked and is stopped in the order flow. The order can, however, be

released manually in the Release Credit Blocked Customer Orders window. If there are

charges on the quotation header, which are transferred to the customer order header, a

warning message is displayed when not all quotation lines are transferred to the customer

order. The user must control these charges in this specific case.


The sales quotation must have been released, i.e., have Released status.

System Effects

The sales quotation is converted into a regular customer order, using all available

information on the sales quotation header. The status of the sales quotation is updated to

Closed. The customer order is created with Planned status. If you have chosen to create the

customer order in Released status, the customer order is then automatically released,

resulting in a status that depends on the order type.All quotation lines, except those with

Lost or Closed status, will generate new customer order lines with Released status. The

status of these quotation lines will be set to Won and each line will receive the same won

reason as on the quotation header. A reference to the originating quotation line will be

stored on the customer order line and the corresponding customer order line will be stored

on the quotation line.


1. Display the sales quotation via the Populate or Query function, either in the Sales

Quotation window or the Overview - Sales Quotation window.

2. Choose Create Order from Quotation... in the Operations menu. The Create Order

from Quotation dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter Order Type, Wanted Delivery Date, Reason ID for winning the quotation, a

short win note, and whether the customer order should be created in Planned or

Released status. Click the List... to use the List of Values to find order types and

winning reason IDs, or enter them manually.

4. If price breaks were entered on the quotation, you must enter the quantities in the

table in the lower part of the dialog window.

5. Confirm by clicking OK. Reload the sales quotation and the status is updated to


For a prospective customer:

1. Display the sales quotation via the Populate or Query function, either in the Sales

Quotation window or the Overview - Sales Quotation window.

2. Choose Create Order from Quotation... in the Operations menu. The Create Order

from Quotation dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter Order Type, Wanted Delivery Date, Reason ID for winning the quotation, a

short win note, and whether the customer order should be created in Planned or

Released status. Click the List... to use the List of Values to find order types and

winning reason IDs, or enter them manually.

4. If price breaks were entered on the quotation, you must enter the quantities in the

table in the lower part of the dialog window.

5. Confirm by clicking the OK button.

6. The Create Customer wizard is then automatically opened. Follow the instructions

in the window. Some information may be pre-entered by the system if it was

previously entered on the sales quotation.

7. Click Finish to exit the Create Customer wizard. The Quick Registered Customer

check box in the Customer/Order/General tab window and Overview - Customers

window for this customer will automatically be selected.

8. Reload the sales quotation and the status is updated to Closed.

Create Order from Quotation Line


When your customer has given you a positive response on one or more lines on

your quotation, you can convert these lines into a regular customer order. You can do so by

selecting the line or lines, either in the Sales Quotation window or the Overview - Sales

Quotation Line window, and choosing Create Order from Quotation... in the Operations

menu. The Create Order from Quotation dialog box for entering some additional order

information will be displayed. You must enter order type, reason for winning the

quotation, wanted delivery date, whether the customer order should be created in Planned

or Released status, and quantities for lines with price breaks. This information is


Any quantity that is entered must be within the range for the price breaks, i.e. it is

not possible to enter a quantity for which there is no price specified. In that case, the price

breaks must be removed from the line or a new line without price breaks must be created.

A customer previously classified as prospective will now be reclassified as an

actual customer. The Create Customer wizard is automatically opened with the existing

customer data pre-entered by the system, and you will have to enter the additional

information needed to complete creating the customer. The prospect information on the

quotation is then replaced by the information for the newly created customer. If an

additional discount has been entered on the quotation header, the discount will be

automatically transferred to the customer order. The sales quotation is now ready to

continue in the normal customer order workflow prescribed for the order type. According

to this workflow, a credit inspection is done for the order. First, the system checks whether

the customer is credit blocked in the customer record. Then, the value of all outstanding

orders, which are reserved but not yet invoiced, is totaled so that they do not exceed the

customer's credit limit. If IFS Financials is installed, all outstanding invoices are included

as well. If the credit limit is exceeded, the order is credit blocked. It acquires the status

Blocked and is stopped in the order flow. The order can, however, be released manually in

the Release Credit Blocked Customer Orders window.

If there are charges on the quotation header, which are transferred to the customer

order header, a warning message is displayed when not all quotation lines are transferred to

the customer order. The user must control these charges in this specific case.


The sales quotation must have been released, i.e., have Released status.

System Effects

The sales quotation line is converted into a regular customer order, using all available

information on the sales quotation header and line. The status of the sales quotation line is

updated to Won and the won reason entered on the sales quotation. The customer order is

created with Planned. If you have chosen to create the customer order in Released status,

the customer order is then automatically released, resulting in a status that depends on the

order type. Note that the status on the sales quotation header is unchanged.

The selected quotation lines will generate new customer order lines with Released status.

The status of these quotation lines will be set to Won and each line will receive the won

reason in the Create Order from Quotation dialog box.


For an existing customer:

1. Display the sales quotation via the Populate or Query function, either in the Sales

Quotation window or the Overview - Sales Quotation Line window, and select the

line or lines from which you want to create a customer order.

2. Choose Create Order from Quotation... in the Operations menu. The Create Order

from Quotation dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter Order Type, Wanted Delivery Date, Reason ID for winning the quotation, a

short win note, and whether the customer order should be created in Planned or

Released status. Click the List... to use the List of Values to find order types and

winning reason IDs, or enter them manually.

4. If price breaks were entered on the quotation, you must enter the quantities in the

table in the lower part of the dialog window.

5. Confirm by clicking OK. Reload the sales quotation and the status for the selected

lines is updated to Won.

For a prospective customer:

1. Display the sales quotation via the Populate or Query function, either in the Sales

Quotation window or the Overview - Sales Quotation Line window, and select the

line or lines from which you want to create a customer order.

2. Choose Create Order from Quotation... in the Operations menu. The Create Order

from Quotation dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter Order Type, Wanted Delivery Date, Reason ID for winning the quotation, a

short win note, and whether the customer order should be created in Planned or

Released status. Click the List... to use the List of Values to find order types and

winning reason IDs, or enter them manually.

4. If price breaks were entered on the quotation, you must enter the quantities in the

table in the lower part of the dialog window.

5. Confirm by clicking OK.

6. The Create Customer wizard is then automatically opened. Some info may be pre-

entered by the system if it was previously entered on the sales quotation.

7. Click Finish to exit the Create Customer wizard. The Quick Registered Customer

check box in the Customer/Order/General tab and Overview - Customers window

for this customer will automatically be selected.

8. Reload the sales quotation and the status for the selected lines is updated to Won.

Pick Quotation Lines from Sales Quotation Template


When quotation lines are added on a sales quotation, you can use a sales quotation

template. There are seven different ways to use templates in the system. The user can

choose to obtain the suggested quotation lines:

 From a defined template

 From the customer's latest order

 From the customer's latest quotation

 From the customer's orders during a period

 From the customer's quotations during a period

 From a specific order number

 From a specific quotation number


 A sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

 A customer order template must have been created in the Customer Order

Template window.

System Effects

Quotation lines are selected from the template and are added to the sales quotation.


1. Populate or query for the sales quotation header.

2. Choose Sales Quotation Template... in the operations menu. The Sales Quotation

Template dialog box will be displayed.

3. In the Method group box, choose the appropriate way to select quotation lines. If

Order No or Quotation No is chosen, enter a specific order or quotation by using

the list button.

4. Select the lines by using the Populate button. Now it is possible to adjust the


5. Click OK; the quotation lines are added to the sales quotation.

4.1 Enter Miscellaneous Quotation Information


In this tab window, you can enter miscellaneous information associated with a

quotation. All information you enter here is optional and includes the following: an

External ID, if there is any external reference to the quotation; an Agreement ID, if any

customer agreement exists; Region, District and Market to enter regional information; and

a Quotation Note, where you can enter notes and comments for future reference.


 The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, additional information is added to the sales quotation.


1. Populate or query for the quotation in question. Then select the Misc Quotation

Info tab.

2. Enter the information you want to add to the quotation.

3. Save.

4.2 Enter Complementary Part


The purpose of complementary parts is to help increase sales when receiving you

receive an order or quotation request, by suggesting complementary parts to be sold with

the part on the order line. When a customer order line or a sales quotation line for a parent

part is saved, a window will automatically appear with the parts to offer. The quantity

(default zero), sales part ID, and description are displayed. You can then update the

quantity to the desired quantity and click OK to create the additional order lines. To turn

the complementary parts functionality on and off, in the Customer Order/Order Lines tab

(or Quotation/Quotation Lines tab), right-click, then click Properties. Click the Customer

Order tab (or Sales Quotation tab), then select or clear the Complementary Parts check



This activity has the following prerequisites:

 Basic data must be entered for the parent parts and the parts to be suggested when

the parent part is entered on the order/quotation line.

 Parent parts are connected to complementary parts in Complementary Part Base

Data which can be reach via the Operations menu from the sales part windows or

directly from the Navigator.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:

 Additional line(s) for the complementary part(s) will be automatically added to the

customer order or sales quotation.


1. Open the appropriate window.

2. Enter the customer ID in the Customer field, either manually or by selecting it from

the List of Values. Enter values in the other fields in the header, if needed.

3. Save the record.

4. In the Order Lines or Quotation Lines tab, enter a customer order line or a

quotation line for the parent part.

5. Save the record. The Complimentary Parts window will open automatically, listing

the available complimentary parts. The sales quotation or customer order will not

be fully saved until you click OK or Cancel, or close this window.

6. Enter the sales quantity for the complementary part you want to add to your

customer order or sales quotation.

7. Click OK.

8. The Complimentary Parts window will close, and an order or quotation line will be

created for the quantity you indicated. The customer order or sales quotation will

now finish saving.

Enter Substitute Sales Part on Quotation Line


If you enter a quotation line with a part that is not available, you may want to use a

substitute part to replace it with or to fill up to the desired sales quantity. By right-clicking

the quotation line, you can open the Substitute Sales Part dialog box and choose a

substitute part. For a released quotation line, you must first cancel the line and then enter

new lines with the original and substitute sales parts. You must then release the sales

quotation again. A message indicating that the desired quantity is not available is displayed

when converting the sales quotation into a customer order with an order type with priority



 The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

 The sales part, service part, or package part must have been entered and saved.

For the substitute sales parts function:

 To display the information message about the desired quantity not being available,

an order type with priority reservations must have been selected when converting

the sales quotation into a customer order.

 Substitute sales parts must be connected to the appropriate sales parts in the

Substitute Sales Part Base Data window

System Effects

If you have chosen substitute parts, the original quotation line is removed and new

quotation lines for the replacement parts are created. The sales part number of the

originally requested part is stored in the Original Part No column on the new quotation

line. If you decide to enter the available quantity or some of the originally ordered sales

part and some of the substitute sales part, two quotation lines are created.


1. Right-click the quotation line and choose Substitute Sales Part... from the menu to

open the Substitute Sales Part dialog box. The upper part of the dialog

automatically displays information for the originally requested sales part.

Information for all substitute parts connected to the selected part is automatically

displayed in the lower part of the window.

2. Enter the quantity for the desired replacement part(s) in the Sales Qty column in the

lower part of the Substitute Sales Part window. You can choose to order the

available quantity or some of the original sales part and some of the substitute part.

3. Adjust the price on the substitute sales part if you want to give the same price as the

original part.

4. Click OK. The original quotation line is removed and new quotation lines for the

replacement parts are created.

4.3 Run Capability Check


Use this activity to run a capability check for customer orders or sales quotations. A

capability check is an advanced order promising engine which will calculate possible

delivery dates. It considers available capacity as well as available material for multi-

level, multi-site product structures as well as for single-level product structures.

Optionally interim orders can be saved to hold material as well as capacity, to increase

the chances of fulfilling the delivery date as planned. When running a capability check,

certain criteria apply. For further information on the specific criteria, refer to About

Capability Check.


 The customer order should not have been released and the sales quotation should

not have been won/lost.

 If available capacity needs to be considered as well, the Constraint Based Scheduler

(CBS) must be installed. Otherwise only the available material is considered.

 Inventory parts must have an MRP order code other than N or P.

 Manufactured parts are required to have buildable structures and routings.

 It is recommended to have the Availability Check disabled and the DOP Netting

field set to No Netting for the inventory parts.

System Effects

 A message will appear stating the effects of running the capability check.

 The planned delivery date will appear or be changed.

 If the entire sales stock is available a capability check will not take place and a

message asking you to change the supply code to Inventory Order, will appear.

 The system always sets a latest release date on the line.

 If an interim order is connected to the line, the interim order number is

automatically displayed on the line. If an interim order is connected, the Capability

Check check box is automatically selected by the system.

 The capability check is a rather complex calculation and it can be a time consuming

activity to run. When the capability check is running you cannot work with the

application; you will have to wait until you receive a message from the capability



Using the Customer Order and Sales Quotation windows:

1. Open one of the two above mentioned windows and query for the desired customer

order/sales quotation.

2. Select the order/quotation line that you want to run the capability check for, right-

click, point to Capability Check and then click Run Capability Check.

3. On the dialog box that opens up, select the reserve and allocation options from the

list and click OK.

4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for each line that you wish to calculate.

Using the Source Order Lines Manually window:

1. Open the Source Order Lines Manually window and query for the desired order.

2. Select the desired line, right-click and click Run Capability Check.

3. Repeat for each line that you wish to calculate.

View Configuration


Use this activity when you want to view the details for a configured part. It is not

possible to change any information. A configuration is a unique combination of

characteristics and options that is used in conjunction with a base part. The

configuration of a base part can be initiated in IFS/Customer Order, IFS/Shop Order

and IFS/Dynamic Order Processing.


IFS/Configuration Back Office and IFS/Configuration Characteristic must have been

installed. The part must have a configuration.

System Effects

No system effects.


1. Select the line of the desired part.

2. Select Configuration/View or View Configuration from the Operations menu, or

Click View Conf., depending on the window. View Configuration window will


3. Review the information you are interested in regarding the configured part.

4. When done, close the window.

5. Interim Order


Use this activity when you want to create an interim order from a customer order.

The interim order can then be used to view or review the manufacturing structure, roll

up item costs (potentially for use in cost plus pricing), and manually edit the structure.

If the customer order line or sales quotation line is canceled, the interim order is

removed. In an order itself, interim orders can also be used to test the bill of material

(BOM) of a configured part.


When creating the interim order from a sales quotation or customer order, the sales

part must have been configured, i.e., a configuration ID must have been connected to

the part. When creating the interim order from a customer order, the customer order

must be in the Planned status. A structure revision/alternative must be in the Buildable

status for the configuration of the inventory part.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an interim order is created and the information can be

viewed and reviewed. The number of the interim order is retrieved to the line from

which the interim order was created, and the cost for the part is transferred to the line.


From the Customer Order window:

1. Open the Customer Order Window.

2. Click the Order Lines tab, if your are want to create the interim order from a

customer order.

3. If the configured base part is in a package structure, right-click and then select

Package Structure.

4. Select the line of the desired part, right-click and then select

Configuration/Interim Order/Create.

5. At the prompt, click OK.

From the Sales Quotation window:

1. Open the Sales Quotation window.

2. Click the Quotation Lines tab, depending on whether you want to create the

interim order from a customer order or a sales quotation.

3. If the configured base part is in a package structure, right-click and then select

Package Structure.

4. Select the line of the desired part, right-click and then select

Configuration/Interim Order/Create.

5. At the prompt, click OK.

View Quotation History


The history functionality of the Sales Quotation shows all changes made to the

quotation. The Sales Quotation/Quotation History tab window shows who did what,

when and in which revision. Important changes generate detailed lines that show the

attribute that was changed as well as its old and new values. You cannot change any

information or values in this tab.


 An sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


1. Display the quotation that you want to view via the Populate or Query function.

2. Select the Sales Quotation/Quotation History tab.

View Quotation Line History


The quotation line history functionality of the Sales Quotation shows all changes

made to the quotation line. The Quotation Line History window shows who did what,

when and in which revision. Important changes generate detailed lines that show the

attribute that was changed as well as its old and new values. You cannot change any

information or values in this window.


 A quotation line must have been entered and saved on a sales quotation.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


1. Display the quotation that you want to view via the Populate or Query function.

2. Select the Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines tab.

3. Right-click the quotation line in question and choose Quotation Line History... in

the menu that appears. The Quotation Line History window will be displayed.

Cancel Quotation


You can cancel an entire quotation by using Cancel Quotation in the Operations

menu in the Sales Quotation or Overview - Sales Quotation windows. This activity

can be performed from any status except Closed or status Released where an order has

been created from at least one quotation line. If you only want to cancel a quotation

line, in the tab Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines right-click the appropriate line, point

to Status and select Cancel Quotation Line. You can also cancel a line by right-

clicking it and/or choosing Cancel Line in the Operations menu in the Overview -

Sales Quotation Line window. When a quotation line or entire quotation has been

canceled, its status changes to Canceled, and no further transactions can be performed.


For an entire quotation:

 The quotation header must be in a status other than Closed.

 An order must not have been created for any of the quotation lines.

For a quotation line:

 An order must not have been created for the particular quotation line.

System Effects

The status for the quotation or quotation line is updated to Canceled and no further

transactions can be performed.


To cancel an entire quotation:

1. Use the Populate or Query function to display the appropriate quotation in the Sales

Quotation window or Overview - Sales Quotation window.

2. To cancel an entire quotation, select Cancel Quotation in the Operations menu or

in the right mouse button menu in the upper part of the Sales Quotation window.

To cancel a quotation line:

1. Use the Populate or Query function to display the appropriate quotation in the Sales

Quotation window or Overview - Sales Quotation Line window.

2. Select the quotation line in question. Select Cancel Line in the Operations menu in

the Overview - Sales Quotation Line window or Cancel Quotation Line by

pointing to Status in the right mouse button menu in the Sales

Quotation/Quotation Lines tab window.

Change Delivery Address per Quotation Line


Using this activity, you can indicate a delivery address for a specific quotation line.

This means that you can have different delivery addresses for the quotation line and the

quotation header. If no address is entered for the quotation line, the delivery address

displayed on the quotation header will be used.

It is not possible to enter a different delivery address on a quotation line for a

prospective customer, only for existing customers with more than one address

registered. This also includes entering different values connected to the address, i.e.

ship via code, delivery terms, delivery lead-time, and changing the value for pay tax.

This is useful when you are making a partial delivery, for example, and you want to

deliver the remaining order line(s) to an address other than the one to which the

original delivery was made.

You can change the delivery address for quotation lines in Quotation Lines tab in the

Sales Quotation window.


 A quotation line must have been entered and saved.

 The quotation must be registered for an existing customer. It is not possible to enter

a different delivery address on a quotation line for a prospective customer.

 Defining an address for the quotation line that differs from the address of the

quotation header requires that more than one address has been entered for the

customer in the Customer/Address tab window.

 Supply chain parameters should be defined for the relation and the new delivery


System Effects

The delivery address for the quotation line is changed. The order line will later be

delivered to the indicated address. If supply chain parameters are defined for this

relation, the delivery information such as ship via code and external transport lead time

is updated.


To indicate a quotation line address in the Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines tab

window, perform the following steps:

1. To use an address different from the sales quotation header address, indicate the

number of the customer address that you wish to use in the Delivery Address

column for the specific quotation line. Do this either manually or by using the List

of Values.

2. Save.

Add or Modify Delivery Information per Quotation


In the Delivery Information tab in the Sales Quotation window you can enter

additional delivery information, such as the salesperson responsible for the quotation; the

delivery mode in the Ship Via field; delivery terms for the indicated delivery address; the

delivery type, which is used for tax reports within the European Community; payment

terms; an agreement ID if any customer agreement exists; an external transport lead time; a

label note, i.e., any additional text that will appear on the printout of the quotation; and a

pay tax indication, if the customer is obligated for tax payment (VAT or sales tax).

When you update the ship via code or the external transport lead time for the header in this

tab, the corresponding information is updated in all the lines with the Quotation Default

Address check box selected. You need to manually specify the external transport lead time

if no supply chain parameters are defined for this supply and demand relation.


 The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, delivery information is added or changed for the sales quotation.


1. Populate or query for the quotation in question.

2. Click the Delivery Information tab.

3. Enter the delivery information you want to add or change to the quotation.

4. Save when completed.

Enter Note


A note can be used, as means of passing on information to someone, who will process the

object later. Another area of use is to make personal notes and comments for internal

reference only. The major difference between notes and document texts is that notes never

are printed out.

A note can consist of up to 2000 characters.

You can link the note to the header or to each line separately. However, in some

documents you can link a note only to the header and in some only to the lines.

When a note is linked to a header, the Note check box on the header is marked. When a

note is linked to the line, the Note check box on the line is marked. Observe, however, that

check boxes do not always exist.


For entering a note in the header:

 The header must have been entered and saved.

For entering a note on a line:

 The header and at least one line must have been entered and saved.

 The appropriate line must be selected.

System Effects

An overarching note is entered and the Note check box in the header is marked when a

note is connected to the header. When a note is connected to a line the Note check box on

the line in question is marked. Observe, however, that check boxes do not always exist.


Entering a note in the header.

1. Place the cursor in the header. Choose Notes... in the Operations menu.

2. Enter your text and select OK.

Entering a note on the line.

1. Mark the line on which you want to enter a note.

2. Use Notes... in the Operations menu or enter the note directly on the line. You can

also double click in the column and enter the text in the editor. The possible

methods to use can vary between different windows.

3. Enter your text and select OK.

6. Conclusion

Sales Quotation process is studied in IFS application. In the Sales Quotation a

prospective buyer can see what costs would be involved for the work they would like to

have done. The process and field that are related to sales quotation is studied. The price

handling, competitors, creation and release of sales quotation is studied. In Sales quotation

not only the pricing is noted but reasons for winning or losing and other factors as

competitors information is fed in the IFS Sales Quotation


The IFS application gives in dept knowledge about the Sales quotation process so

that for further references the Quotation can be evaluated and better service to the customer

can be provided.

7. Bibliography

1. Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, Prentice -Hall, 1980

2. Greening, Jack (1993). Selling Without Confrontation. The Haworth Press, Inc..

pp. 23. ISBN 1560243260.

3. "American Society for Training and Development (AST)". Sales Competency

Project. Retrieved April200


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