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1. Physical education can be defined as an educational process that aims to improve human
development and performance through physical activity.
2. Physical education is the process of imparting systematic instructions in physical
exercise, sports, games, and hygiene.
3. Physical education is defined as a process of learning through physical activities designed
to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills, knowledge and behavior of healthy and
active living, sportsmanship, and emotional intelligence.


Some people are often mistaken in defining physical education. They often assume that
physical education with sport education. Simply put, physical education is defined as a process
of education through physical activity. The goal is the development of individuals who acquired
through experience of motion. In a broader context, physical education is defined as a process of
learning through physical activities designed to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills,
knowledge and behavior of healthy and active living, sportsmanship, and emotional
intelligence. Thus, Physical Education is not only aimed at physical development but also
includes the development of the individual as a whole. In school sense Physical education is an
integral part of the total education of every child in kindergarten through grade 12. Quality
physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health-related
fitness, self-responsibility, and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be
physically active for a lifetime.


Physical education includes physical activities programmes that make individual

physically healthy and fit. Good physical fitness programme making all body system efficient
and more stimulated. Physical activities includes various games and sports, mass demonstration
activities like calisthenics, rhythmic gymnastics etc. The following are the general aims of
Physical education:

1. Neuromuscular development.
2. Personality development.
3. Good personal habit.
4. Useful living.

1. Neuromuscular development

Neuromuscular system is the functional coordination between nervous System and muscular
system. This means better body movements. Physical education Programmes lead to the
development of skills. Good functioning of Body system and mental alertness come out through
very actuate and Skillful movement.

2. Personality development

One of the major objectives of physical education is personality development. Activities and
other educational programmes assist in needed behavioral changes in all individual. Physical
education not only improves fitness aspect of the personality but also worker for development of
social qualities. Physical education helps to create good personality individuals with all possible
socially acceptable behavioral qualities like cooperation, good character, self control, leadership
qualities, etc.

3. Good personal habits

Good habit always exists to lead good lifestyle. Personal habits like good utilization of
leisure time, timely taking food, appropriate sleeping duration, playing habits, regular workout,
not using alcohol, etc. Physical education makes individual aware about good habits, motivates
and adopt their habits.

4. Useful living

Healthy and fit human being is effective or productive only if, he or she is useful to mankind.
P. Educational activities tell the ways to make life more beautiful. Human being is called social
being only of he or she is productive for society. Loyalty for nation, wellness of others and
helping and cooperating teammates is essentially needed for development of nation.


To define physical education we need to say, it is an educational process that aims to

improve human development and performance through physical activities. It tender to take place
all school through formal lessons but it also includes informal activity such as play. Physical
education is a process of learning, the context being mainly physical. The purpose this process is
to develop specific knowledge, skill and understanding to promote physical competence.

Different sporting activities can and do contribute to this learning process and the
learning process enable participation in sports. Physical education is an area in which physical
activity is an area in which physical activity is valued and integrated into daily living on an
individual level physical education is an agent for health and wellness that can promote personal
responsibility and control for active lifestyles.


Physical education is a very developed area and it has a very wide scope. Today it is not
mere limited to various kinds of physical exercises. All the factors or activities which help in
developing an individual’s personality are included in it now it consists of all the areas of facts of
human activities. The following are the scope of physical education:

1. Games and sports.

2. Corrective exercises.
3. Basic stands and exercises.
4. Recreational programme
5. Rhythmic activities.

6. Coaching.

1. Sports and games

Sports and games widen the scope of physical education to extreme. It includes every fame
of football, cricket, chess, etc. In other words it includes any variety of games or sports eg: ball
game, combative. Physical education has its influence in every part of it. Any skill display
includes physical education. Physical itself clears its scope in this field.

2. Corrective exercises

Good posture makes individual work efficiently. This knowledge of correct and good basic
posture is presented effectively. By physical educationist even a wrong sitting can lead to bad
posture, many times work demands results in bad posture, physical education clears the basic
concept about the postures.

3. Basic stance and exercises

Every productive skill needs good and accurate position of the athlete. Physical education
introduces to us different exercises for different skills for better performance knowledge about
the stance, grip, action, and execution of the skills assists in enhancing the performance.

4. Recreational programme

Today’s worlds every individual needs to recharge oneself to become more productive even
after heavy workload. Physical educational process includes recreational activities as its essential
programme. After heavy workout every human wants to feel relaxed and recharge. Physical
education introduced many recreational activities that refresh the individual.

5. Rhythmic activities

It includes aerobics, folk dancer, etc. which mainly enhances the coordinative ability of an
individual. We cannot neglect the fact that many of these rhythmic activities are the integral part
of our Indian culture.

6. Coaching

The wide scope of P.E also covers coaching knowledge of physical education makes coaches
more empowered and efficient .Many basic aspects of coaching is easily understood by the
physical educationist and the theoretical subject as well as practical expects are widely covered
in physical education.


The means which are being used to realize the goals are called objectives are advances
and steps which relate the goals. These are main four objectives for physical education:

1. Mental development.
2. Physical development.
3. Emotional development.
4. Social development.

1. Mental Development

Through participation in physical education activities, the individual develops his mental
capacities as he learn the mechanical principles underlying movement as he acquired knowledge
and understanding of rules and strategies of games and sports and as he discovers ways of
improving his movements in gymnastics and dance.

2. Physical development

Through the carefully selected physical activities on individual who participates actively will
develop and maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness. The acquisition of
physical skills can development will be enhanced.

3. Emotional Development

The informal nature of physical education activity offers opportunities for self expression and
emotional mastery eg; Self confidence, self control, self reliance courage, determination etc

4. Social development

Participation in the physical education activity provides opportunities for the development of
desirable social traits needed for adjustment to the social life in general eg; Friendliness,
coordination, respect for the rights of others , good sports worship, honesty in group competition


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