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libspopc manual

Benoit Rouits <> 12/28/2001, 12/12/2008

= Introduction =
libspopc is a pop3 client library written in C and uses BSD-style sockets.
It uses sort of blocking sockets, but with a 15s timeout on read and write.
It is available on all Unices and MS-Windows NT/2000/XP with minor tweaks.
It may also work on MS-Windows 95/98/ME with some tweaks (old versions worked)
libspopc is free software, released under the GNU LGPLv2 License.
It is available on
libspopc offers low-level and high-level methods to acces a pop3 server. To
use low-level API, it is recommended to read RFC 1725 (see doc/rfc/). No
special knowledge is required to use the high-level API.
This manual tells how to use libspopc in both low-level and high-level methods.

= Building libspopc =

== on linux, *BSD (and other unices) ==

=== using the Makefile ===

The given Makefile allows to build libspopc in a simple way, on your terminal:
$ make
$ su -c "make install"
$ sudo make install
For the full version of libspopc, you need:
- GNU make (or old standard make, though not tested)
- a c compiler (gcc only has been tested)
- a libc (glibc and dietlibc have been tested)
- a librt provided with libc (for libspopc version >= 0.9)
- openssl and libcrypto (for SSL support)

=== use dietlibc instead of the system's libc ===

- install dietlibc and set the DIET macro to "diet" in the Makefile
- remove -pedantic-errors in CFLAGS

=== disable SSL support ===

- remove -DUSE_SSL from CFLAGS in the Makefile
- remove -lcrypto -lssl from LDFLAGS in the Makefile

=== disable use of semaphores if you do not use threads ===

- remove -D_REENTRANT from CFLAGS in the Makefile
- remove -lrt from LDFLAGS in the Makefile
== on MacOSX ==
libspopc should build easily on MacOSX, using the developer tools (gnu make,
gcc). Please tell me if you succeed to or not.

== on MS-Windows 95/98/ME and NT/XP/2000/2003/Vista ==

Libspopc builds successfuly on these flavours. The main trick is to import
libspopc sources in you IDE and create an appropriate "project" for it.
The archive contains a working project for the dev-cpp IDE (and
that should work for MinGW. This porject/Makefile enables openssl, so you have
to download openssl for win32 if you use them as is.
You also need at last MSVCRT.DLL and WSOCK32.DLL.

== on OpenVMS ==
libspopc builds successfully on OpenVMS. Use the in the
vms/ directory to build libspopc with or without SSL suuport. See how to use
this script in the vms_readme.txt documentation file. Note that currently,
the re-entrant code of libspopc is disabled for OpenVMS. If you have troubles
building libspopc, you can install an older binary package provided by Quadratri
x. See:

= Programming with libspopc =

libspopc provides 2 levels of programmation. One of them allow you to know
nothing about socket programming nor to have read entirely the POP3 RFC.
The second one allow you to deal with sockets and low-level POP3 queries. In
the latter case, you must have read rhe POP3 RFC and know a bit on network
programming. Use the one you prefer, but DO NOT MIX USE OF THE 2 APIs.

== The high-level API (the easy way) ==

=== declarations ===

To use libspopc, you have to include in your main program the libspopc header:
#include <libspopc.h>
Then, in you main function, declare a popsession* object. You don't need to
know what a popsession consists of, but if you are curious, see libspopc.h.
popsession* mysession;

=== starting the pop session ===

Since version 0.9, you must call libspopc_init() before starting to use libspopc
libspopc_init(); /* version >= 0.9 */
Now, to start a pop3 dialog with a pop3 server, use:
error = popbegin(char* servername, char* user, char* pass, popsession**
If no error occurs, popbegin returns a NULL pointer. Else, it returns an error
message and the session is not initialized. When the session is initialized,
popbegin will asks the pop3 server to give him knowledge of how many messages
are stored, and how many bytes, etc... You can know them by reading the popsessi
members with provided macros (see <libspopc.h>).

=== dealing with the pop server ===

Once the session has begun, you can directly ask what is the last mail id:
int last,total;
last = mysession->last;
total = mysession->num;
In the begining of a pop3 session, last and total emails are the same.
An email is accessable through its 'id' (from 1 to last).
Hence, you can ask everything you want on messages:
/* the size in bytes of message i */
/* the unique signature of message i */
/* the message header */
/* the message itself */
/* deletes the message on server */
You can perform automatic deletion after retrieving a message by asking it to
the session:
or stop it by calling:
Be careful if you use threads, then: avoid using 2 threads on the same session.
If you want to force cancelation of all previous deletions, ask before quit:
Deconnection is then made by a call to:
To start a new pop3 session, you will have to use popbegin(...) again.
=== ending with libspopc routines ===
Since version 0.9, you must call libspopc_clean() when you do not want to use
anymore libspopc routines. For example, before your program exits, you will
have to call the following routine:
libspopc_clean(); /* version >= 0.9 */
There are several other methods to deal with the pop server, see the complete
list in file libspopc.h in section "high-level methods".
See also example poptest2.c in libspopc example sources.

== The low-level API (the hacky way) ==

The low-level API is *another way* to dilog with a pop3 server.
If you choose to use this API, forget about the previous sections.

=== declarations ===

To use libspopc, you have to include in your main program the libspopc header:
#include <libspopc.h>
Then, in your main function, you have to declare some network-oriented
structures in order to use BSD sockets:
int mysocket;
struct hostent myserver;
struct sockaddr_in myconnection;
and some specific libspopc types:
int* mylist;
char** myuidl;
mylist will hold an array of sizes of any messages stored in the pop server.
(int)mylist[0] is a special cell which holds the number of elements in the list.
This list is indexed by the current session's message number.
myuidl will hold an array of unique signatures of messages stored in the pop ser
This list is indexed by the all-time messages ids. This allows you to
keep track of which message you have already read in a previous pop3 session.
(char*)myuidl[0] is a special cell which holds the number of signatures.
You can get it with well known function atoi() declared in <stdlib.h>.

=== connection ===

Since version 0.9, you must call libspopc_init() before starting to use libspopc
libspopc_init(); /* version >= 0.9 */
Now, you can prepare a pop3 connection:
mysocket = pop3_prepare(myservername,0,&myconnection,&myserver);
where myservername is a (char*) string holding the internet name of the pop3 ser
pop3_prepare will return -1 if a problem occured.
If no problem occured, you can connect to the pop3 server:
(char*)message = pop3_connect(mysock,&myconnection);
if message is NULL, the connection failed. Else, check the server's response:
As you can see in this sample, a call to pop3_disconnect will disconnect from
the server if connection failed, and free all data structures allocated by
pop3_prepare and pop3connect.

=== dealing with the pop server ===

For a complete description of pop3 methods, see <libspopc.h> in section 'pop3 qu
It is recommended to read RFC 1725 also, because of some
particularities of the pop3 protocol. Else, here are some tricks about them:

==== statistics ====

char* data;
data = pop3_stat(mysock);
printf("stat: %d mail(s)\n",stat2num(data));
printf("stat: %d bytes\n",stat2bytes(data));

==== listing ====

int* mylist
data = pop3_list(mysock,0); /* 0 means all messages */
printf("msg %d is of %d bytes\n",i,mylist[i]);

==== retrieving ====

char* mymessage;
data = pop3_retr(mysock,i);
printf("message %d:\n%s",i,mymessage);

==== disconnecting ====

data = pop3_quit(mysock);
printf("server says:%s",data);

=== ending with libspopc routines ===

Since version 0.9, you must call libspopc_clean() when you do not want to use
anymore libspopc routines. For example, before your program exits, you will
have to call the following routine:
libspopc_clean(); /* version >= 0.9 */
There are several other pop3 queries that you can see in <libspopc.h> and
explained in RFC1725. For an example, see examples/poptest1.c in libspopc
example sources.

== Download, Contribute... ==

=== Download ===

libspopc is always available at
The SVN development tree is freely accessible in read-only anonymous mode.
feedback, patches, questions and bug report can be sent to <>

== Authors ==
- Original and main author: Benoît Rouits <>
- Main contributors: see AUTHORS file in the libspopc sources.
- Contributions: see ChangeLog file in the libspopc sources.

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