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Summary of the Philippine Literary Periods

Precolonial Period
 characterized mainly by oral tradition
 crude on ideology and phraseology
 literature shows our customs and traditions in everyday life
 self – expression
Spanish Period
 literature is classified as religious and secular
 liberal ideas and internationalism influenced Filipinos minds in understanding “liberty and
American Period
 firm establishment of English as the medium of instruction in all schools
 active arousal in the field of literature started to be felt in the following newspapers
 Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like news, reporting, poetry, stories, plays,
essays, and novels
 writings clearly depicted their love of country and their longings for independence.
Japanese Period
 Philippine literature in English came to a halt – writers in English turned to writing in
 Filipino literature was given a break during this period
 topics and themes were often about life in the provinces
Postwar Period
Before The Declaration Of Martial Law
 Philippine writing in vernacular became popular
 The writers had a better knowledge of their craft and enjoyed political activism
1970 – 1972 (Rise of Nationalism and Students Activism)
 Nationalism was emphasized by young and aspiring writers.
 Revolutionary form of literature attacked the ills of the society
1970 – 1972 (Period of New Society)
 Provided a venue in reviving traditional drama and in creating original plays.
1981 – 1985 (3rd Republic)
 Continues to reflect on social, political realities.
Contemporary Period
 Filipino writer has become more conscious of his art with the proliferation of writers
workshops here and abroad and the bulk of literature available to him via the mass media
including the internet

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