List of Terms For Chapter One

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Government Key Terms

1. Democracy 38. Supreme Court

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2. 39. Legislative Assembly

Suffrage 40. Li eut en ant -Gove rnor

3. Communism 41. Mayor


4. Socialism 42. Councilors

5. Capitalism 43. By-laws

6. Fascism 44. Band Council


7. Governor General 45. Chief Electoral Officer

8. He ad of St at e 46. Constitution

9. Head of Government 47. British North America Act

10. P arl i am ent 48. Constitution Act 1867

11 . R i d i n g 49. Rule of Law

12.Member of Parliament 50. Not wi t hst andi ng cl ause

13. House of Commons 51. Statute of Westminster

14. Senate 52. Patriation

15. Executive branch 53. Party platform

16. Legi sl at i ve branch 54. Official party status

17. Cabinet 55. Regionalism

18. Direct democracy 56. Uni ve rsal fr anchi se

19. Representative democracy 57. Voter apathy

20. Constitutional monarchy 58. Chief Electoral Officer

21. Federal system 59. Polling stations

22. Prime Minister 60. Maj ori t y Gove rnm ent

23. Vote of non-confidence 61. Mi nori t y Governm ent

24. Caucus 62. C oal i ti on Gov ernm ent
25. Deputy Minister 63. First-past-the-post system
26. B ackb ench er
64. P opul ar vot e
27. Party whip
65. Proportional Representation
66. P ref er ent i al bal l ot
29. Shadow Cabinet
67. Interest groups
30. Public servants 68. C i vi l di sobedi enc e

31. Speaker of the House 69. Judicial branch

32. Sergeant-at-Arms 70. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

33. Mace 71. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

34. Leader of the Opposition 72. Convention on the Rights of the Child

35. Question period 73. B.C. Human Rights Code

36. Patronage 74. B.C. Human Rights Commission

37. Judicial System

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