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Prof. Dr. Madhavan

VethathiriDasan - Prof. Dr. Madhavan Ph.D.,


Science explores the existence which is external. If existence is external, is there

something internal that provides for the external? This is a matter of research thinking
and contemplation.

One of the recent times South Indian Saint Siddhar Vethathiri Maharishi, said GO D-eep
in your thinking to find the very cause of existence. This is a challenge to the present
scientists and scientific thinkers to come out with an acceptable theories and answer.


A Tamil poem of Sri Vethahthiri Maharishi on this idea goes something like this.

“Existence is apparent; but not real.

Existence is exterior; a showcase of interior.
Existence is an exhibit of duality.
Like inseparable north south magnetic poles.
The duality is Exteriors and Interiors.
For an apple, exterior is shape, color, weight etc.
But its interiors are taste, smell, nutrients etc.
For an atom its exteriors are the path of electrons,
Its interiors are the particles of nucleus.
Exteriors provide us the perception,
But the interiors give us the knowledge.
Exteriors are based on five sense organs of body
Interiors are based thinking of mind.
Every interior is an exterior to another interior.
GODeep in the search of the core interior
This is the origin of all exterior.
That is the Aadhi (origin)and the Antham (ultimate)
Where all search ends.”

The search of Reality is deep inside (like a lamp) and what we see out side is just a
projection of light. Without lamp light do not exist. The source of light is real and not the
light by itself. What projects out is easily perceived than what is hidden (which is mostly

What is inside comes out and what is outside gets in, all depends upon the pressure
difference between inside & outside. A flower blossoms; It is inside seeking outside. A
salt crystal dissolves in water; it is outside that enters inside. Both these actions were
hidden in side them and happened with right contact. The right contact if we search will
find as one that is nature or Almighty God. It is inside us as well as out side us and we
are all immersed in it.

Let us take a jug and immerse it in a water tank. The water inside the jug as well as
outside the jug is the same. Therefore what is inside is also the same as what is outside.
The jug does separate the water inside and outside by virtue of its shape but it cannot
separate the qualities of water in and out. The jug is a quantity aspect that differentiates
and the water is the quality aspect that unites. Thus exterior differentiate but interior

The matter or body is a hollow bamboo made out of energy particles of atom; so also
everything else in this universe. Then where is the difference? The difference lies in the
density of matter. Higher the density, lower is the penetration in to other matter. Lower
the density, higher the penetration into another matter.

Our thoughts and research must be finer and finer so that we can penetrate even the
smallest particle on earth. We need to train our conscious mind to a lower frequency for a
deeper understanding of everything either inside or outside. This is what exactly have
been done by our ancient saints and sages and gave so many insights into the origin,
evolution and ultimate of the universe through their intuition.

Use of Mathematics is limited by numbers. Anything beyond numbers like emotions or

intuitions is beyond the reach of Mathematics. So Mathematics limits the scientific
thinking and it is time to break away from traditional approach in the matters of science.


If you blow air inside a balloon, it expands. Its externality depends on its internal state of
affairs. The behavior of a person depends on what is inside his mind. Computer science
tells us “garbage in, garbage out”.

When the balloon contains just air it stays put on the ground. When it contains gas lighter
than air, it floats and rises up. Our scientific thinkers have to seriously check out what
they put inside their mind. If it is heavy air they stay put with the theories of the past. If
they change to a lighter gas – low mental frequency level of contemplation, sure they will
trip and fall on something out of the hat that answers many unsolved issues in Science.

It is therefore important to include the various Thinking methods and refined way of
thinking as a part of the curriculum in the College levels especially for those inclined to
research activities. This is equally valid for those who want to pursue deeper studies in
Psychology, Sociology and Metaphysics.

The entire universe is filled with waves emanating from their respective particles.
Particles represent quantity aspect of all things and waves represent quality aspect of
everything. Here the particles are exterior which gives the shape and size and the waves
are the path leading to the interior that gives its quality and character. The particles
dissolve itself into waves of character before it finally ends up into nothing. To understand
any thing it is easy to start from a known point. For us the known point is existence or
exterior. We start slowly breaking up the existence bit by bit to know the matters inside.
As we reach the ultimate of interior we realize there is nothing but space inside – the
powerful interior that produces the entire exterior that the universe represents.

The exterior of universe is the matter and the interior of the universe is non matter which
is the that really matters. The same thing is emphasized by a well known Tamil saint
Tiruvalluvar in his couplet that “The Wisdom is to see the real matter in the ordinary
worldly matter”.

Let us search for the interior to understand better, the exterior.

“May the Whole World enjoy Prosperity, Happiness, Wisdom and Peace”.
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