I. Initial Database

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Initial Database

A. Family Structure and Characteristics

Name OP Age Sex CS Education Occupatio Estimated Birth Special

n monthly Certificat needs
income e
Anton Father 61 Male Married College Self- 6,000- With Birth None
io J. Graduate employed 7,000 Certificate
Lydia Mother 54 Female Married College None ____ With Birth None
Marm Undergraduat Certificate
ol e
Micha 1 32 Male Single College City Hall ____ With Birth None
el Undergraduat Job Order Certificate
Marm e
Melvi 2nd 24 Male Single College None ____ With Birth None
n Undergraduat Certificate
Marm e
Manfr 3rd 19 Male Single College None ____ With Birth None
ed Undergraduat Certificate
Marm e
Jerwin 4th 16 Male Single 4th year None ____ With Birth None
Marm Highschool Certificate
Mary 5th 15 Female Single 4th year None ____ With Birth None
Grace Highschool Certificate
Mary 6th 13 Female Single 1st year None ____ With Birth None
Rose Highschool Certificate
Annal 7th 8 Female Single Grade 2 None ____ With Birth None
yn Certificate

Residential Address:
Block 1 Phase 5 A, Barangay Dela Paz, Cogeo

Length of Stay in the Community:

They are staying in the community for almost 20 years.

General Family Relation:

The relationship within the Marmol family is fine. According to the head of their family,
which is Mr. Antonio, whenever they encounter some problems they can easily work out
those things. They avoid having misunderstanding with each one another. Even though the
family has several problems regarding financial matter, the parents make an effort to resolve
it. For them, having a strong faith in God gives them a courage to fight back every
unpleasant conditions may take place to their lives.

We also noticed, that every member in the said family is respecting each other. They
didn’t used harsh language or technical words when they having a conversation. For them
respecting each other may give long-lasting happy family. There is love and harmony with in
their family

B. Socio-economic and Cultural Factors:

a) Income and Expenses

There is only one individual who can support the entire family; Mr. Antonio Marmol
earns 6,000.00 to 7,000.00++ a month. His salary is not fixed; it is depend on his customer, and
because he is self-employed there is no exact money that they are able to get in their own small
family business.

The expenses in every month is about 11,500.00, more percentage of this is use up in
their food, and the next is the rent of their house, the remaining expenses is spend in payment of
water supply and electricity.

The expenses are higher than their income, so there is no balance with their economic
situation. The salary of Mr. Antonio is not enough to support the needs of the whole family, as a
result, at times his wife help him to find some money to uphold their needs. Their other children
has no works, they cannot contribute any amount to sustain their daily needs.

b) Ethnic and Religious Background

Mr. Antonio, the head of the family is from Camarines Norte, while his wife, Mrs. Lydia,
is from Tarlac. Mr. Antonio transferred to Manila for good. When Mrs. Lydia was still single, she
lives in Quezon City. But when she was married to Mr. Antonio and they have their children, she
decided to transfer and live at Antipolo Rizal together with her husband. They continue to build
their family there. The Marmol family is all Buddish but they not often attend mass because they
are busy in managing their own business. However, they pray frequently because according to the
father they do not want to lost their communication with God even though they did not attend the
mass regularly. Their faith in God is strong that usually affects their relationship towards each
other. They keep away from practices that violate the commandments.
c) Relationship to Larger Community
The place wherein the family stays is very crowded. There are many people scattered out
in the streets and even in the sidewalks especially the children who are playing and running in the
area. Mostly, men are undressed from the waist up and they have tatoos. You can visualize how
life goes on in that type of community. But they respect the nurses and other people that they
meet in the streets. When we asked Mr. Antonio Marmol about their relationship to their
community as well as to their neighbors, he said that sometimes there are some fighting in their
area, he give advice to his sons and daughters to avoid in involving with those dispute in their
neighborhoods. He kept on expressing his complaint to his neighborhood. But for them those
conflicts are normal to occur in one community, they didn’t mind it anymore. Their community
is also into illegal practices like gambling and doing vices. They are actively participating in
community activities.

C. Housing and Environment

The environment in Phase 5 A, Barangay Dela Paz, Cogeo is uncontaminated but there
drainage is a slightly unclean. The house was constructed beside each other’s house. Their
surroundings have some garbage, which may cause for having unpleasant smell in some areas of
the community. The house is inappropriate to accommodate a family with seven children and
their parents; it is not spacious for other extra activities that may carry out inside the house.
Within their house, they have different animals like, dogs and cats. The environment of their
house is quite well but sometimes the interviewers can scent the smell of their pet, and it is
unpleasant. Because of these animals, their house contained a few insects: mosquitoes, flies, and
cockroaches. They have insecticide but it is not enough to prevent those insects.

The other one that we noticed is, their cloth is just hanging outside their windows and even in
front of their doors, or more specifically the cloth was placed around their house. The family has
many unnecessary types of equipment within their house, it occupies big space, and with that set-
up the space for the family members is limited. For this instance, the adequate amount of air is
not able to past through the house. The area is poor in ventilation and due to many things that are
scattered around their living area, is not enough for the family to move freely around their house.

D. Health Status of Family Members

Health History
Mr. Antonio was diagnosed for having a colon cancer last 1993, the doctor who
diagnosed his condition advise him to
undergo a operation but he refuses to do that because of financial matter and he was not sure for
the results of the surgery. He just took his medicine for the compliance to his disease condition.
But as of now he discontinues the medicine prescribed by his physician. He sometimes consults
his doctor regarding his condition, he decided to self-medicate, because for him he knows what
he is doing and when is the appropriate time to discontinue taking in drugs. So far even he is not
regularly take his medicine, his disease is not progressing but sometimes he complaint of pain in
his abdomen, physical and emotional stress aggravates the pain. He also has diabetes, but it is
controllable and not severe based to Mr. Antonio. His family have a problem in the heart, he said
that his son died last 2000 due to cardiac arrest. He and his wife is hypertensive that is why they
really avoid eating fatty foods to avoid some complications.

His two older sons has skin disease, Michael and Manfred take antibiotics and some
prescribed drugs and their doctor gives them a skin ointment, the name of the medicine is
propionate, it is apply to relive the itchiness of their skin and to prevent further irritation.

Mr. Antonio is not using any tobacco or cigarettes for almost 2 years but he admits that he
drinks alcoholic beverages occasionally. His wife has no vices as well as his three daughters and
younger son. His three older sons are alcoholic and they smoke, however all members of the
family are not attempting to abuse any kinds of drugs.

The nutrition of the family based from the basic sources is good and adequate to maintain
their normal body requirements. They are able to eat three to four times a day with snack between
lunch and dinner. Their diet is balance, composed of vegetables, carbohydrates and protein; it was
adequate for specific individual. They prefer to eat fish and vegetables rather that pork or any kind of
fatty foods. The diet is balance and the serving is adequate to meet the individual’s nutritional need.
So, the family is getting the right amount of nutrients in the serving of the food they eat because it is
correct choice of foods. The number of person that eats is proportion to the food they are eating or
being served. However, as the interviewer observed during the assessment, the younger children are
fond of eating chips and drinking soft drinks. Fruits are added to their meal regularly, especially to
Mr. Antonio’s diet. Their body weight and height is proportion to their age, respectively. Their
resistance against infection or other illnesses is quite good. Still, they are prone to diseases and
infections because of some factors like their surroundings. But even they got sick they can still
manage their condition, maybe their bodies were able to adapt to their environment.

E. Values and Practices on health maintenance

Sleeping pattern:

Marmol family does not sleep together at the same time. The younger members of the family
sleep from around 8:00- 9:00 in the evening because they easily get tired after their school hours while
some of the older members of the family usually sleep at 11 o’clock in the evening because they are busy
in doing things like having conversation with each other and also doing vices such as drinking alcoholic
beverages and smoking cigarettes.

The parents and the older son wakes up at around 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning to prepare some
foods for the other members of the family, they also do the marketing early in the morning.

The children have no time in taking naps during afternoon because they always play and hang out
with the other children in their neighborhood after they went to their respective schools.

Due to lack of adequate space for doing other things, they find it hard to have a good space that
they can occupy in able for them to have a good sleep every time they have some visitors. They said that
occasionally the older children sleep in the floor if the space is not sufficient for entire family.

Every so often because some members of the family sleep more than the others, they usually skip
meals and they do not eat in a regular intervals.

Eating Pattern:

The sleeping patterns of the Marmol family affect the eating pattern of the family. The other
members of the family are able to skip their breakfast. But they usually take midnight snacks. Before they
sleep the younger members of the family eats three meals a day. Their breakfast is usually consists of egg,
dried fish, rice and fish while their lunch is usually composed of fried fish, vegetables and rice. Mr.
Antonio does not eat eggs every breakfast since it is bad to his condition. They usually drink juice, soft
drinks and water. The younger members of the family often demand for soft drinks rather than water. The
parents does not tolerate their children for that thing, because they are aware that soda has a negative
effects in the body when it is consume in large amount. Mr. Antonio and his wife make sure that their
younger son and three daughters are not drinking any alcoholic beverages. The children eat junk foods
and chips during merienda time.
Because of their eating patterns, they tend to acquire the right amount of nutrients that an
individual must have. But still, the younger members of the family are prone to diseases and infections
because of their not totally good resistance. The source of income is also a great factor that affects the
eating patterns of the family.

Leisure and recreation:

Marmol family spends most of their leisure time together. Their siblings are always around, they
have the time to spend time together. But sometimes children are fond of playing in the sidewalks or to
their neighbor’s house. The family of Mr. Antonio has enough time to have some discussion with one
another. When there is a free time, the two older sons of Mr. Antonio drinks alcohol and at times they
use cigarettes.

II. Prioritization of Health Problems

1. Inadequate Living Space

Criteria DESCRIPTION Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of the Health Deficit- 3 The problem is a
problem Health Threat- health threat.
2 2/3 x 1 0.67 There is a
Foreseeable Crisis- 1 possibility to
acquire different
diseases, which is
easily to transfer to
other member of the
family, most
specially the
younger one due to
insufficient space.
2.Modifiability of Easily Modifiable- 2 The problem is not
the Problem Partially Modifiable- modifiable because,
1 every individuals
Not Modifiable- 0 has no enough
0/2 x 2 0 regarding any
diseases that may
occur, they doesn’t
care about their
spaces that can
affect the
performance of their
daily activities. The
family’s resources
are presently not
3. Preventive High- 3 Occurrence of the
Potential Moderate- 2 3/3 x 1 1 disease or illnesses
Low- 1 can be prevented if
they recognized the
importance of
having enough
space for the family.
4. Salience of the Serious problem The problem
Problem that need doesn’t need
Immediate immediate attention
Attention- 2 because in this
Problem not needing 1/2x 1 0.5 condition the family
Immediate Attention- is already immune,
1 and they can easily
Not a felt in need- 0 go with the flow in
this kind of
Total Score 2.17

2. Presence of vices in the Family

Criteria DESCRIPTION Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of the Health Deficit- 3 The problem is a
problem Health Threat- health threat.
2 2/3 x 1 0.67 Having the presence
Foreseeable Crisis- 1 of the chemicals of
those vices to the body
can have dangerous
effects to the body,
physical and
psychological, that
can lead to death if the
subjects are not able to
stop to do such
2.Modifiability of Easily Modifiable- 2 The problem is
the Problem Partially Modifiable- 1/1 x 2 1 partially modifiable.
1 Awareness of the
Not Modifiable- 0 effects of alcohol,
drugs and tobacco top
the family. The family
is aware of the effects
of these vices to the
body because they are
experiencing it
physically and
psychologically but
they try to ignore it to
avoid the feeling of
stress and hunger,
activity of the
community. They
consider taking
cigarettes or alcohol
as a past time activity.
They have and share
common interest on
doing this activity.
Almost all the other
people in the
Resources of the
community-they can
easily buy any kinds
of alcoholic beverages
and cigarettes in the
store in the front of
their house or
anywhere in the

3. Preventive High- 3 The problem is

Potential Moderate- 2 2/3 x 1 0.67 moderate in
Low- 1 preventive potential-
Length of the
problem- The parents
started at a very young
age in taking vices.
The problem has long
existed. The siblings
are just starting to do
such vices.
Presence of high risk
individuals- Their
siblings especially the
youngest are exposed
to that kind of action
and eventually, they
are exposed to that
kind of action &
eventually, they can
imitate those actions
and practices. They
can experience the
disadvantages of
doing vices, and may
lead themselves to
Availability of
resources- There are
absence of resources
to be used to stop this
kind of practices.
Health care
professional the
medications are
absent. These too can
help of the family to
stop the practices of
Resourcefulness of
the family to stop
such vices- Incapable
of doing steps to stop
such vice. They are
the one who are
encouraging their
siblings to do a vice.
They ignore the
effects of these vices
can do the body.

4. Salience of the Serious problem The problem is not

Problem that need yet and perceived-
Immediate 0/2 x 1 0 The family does not
Attention- 2 think that it is a
Problem not needing serious problem. The
Immediate Attention- parents advise their
1 children to stop or
Not a felt in need- 0 atleast decreased the
intake of alcohol or
use of cigarettes but
their sons refuse to
foolow their parents.
They believe that it is
just normal in
adolescence state that
is why they are not
controlling themselves
from using or doing
some vices.
Total Score 2.34

3. Poor Sanitation

Criteria DESCRIPTION Computation Actual Score Justi

1. Nature of the problem Health Deficit- 3 The
Health Threat- 2/3 x 1 0.67 threa
2 for h
Foreseeable Crisis- 1 illnes
live i
2.Modifiability of the Easily Modifiable- 2 It is
Problem Partially Modifiable- 1 Curr
Not Modifiable- 0 are n
1/2 x 2 1 disea
and t
3. Preventive Potential High- 3 The
Moderate- 2 prev
Low- 1 is a s
1/3 x 1 0.33 Ther
the p
4. Salience of the Problem Serious problem that The p
need Immediate imme
Attention- 2 in thi
Problem not needing alrea
Immediate Attention- 1 1/2x 1 0.5 easily
Not a felt in need- 0 kind
Total Score

List of Health Conditions and Problems Ranked according Priorities

1. Poor Sanitation 2.50

2. Presence of vices in the Family 2.34
3. Inadequate Living Space 2.17
III. Family Health Nursing Plan

Health Problem Family Nursing Goal and Intervention Evaluation

Problem Objectives

Poor sanitation Our goal is that,

- Inability to recognize After 4 days of 1. A.) Discuss Was the family
Cues: how hazardous the nursing some methods or able to perform
• Poor environment is due to intervention, they how to maintain methods in
sanitation in will able to have their maintaining their
their • Lack of time a clean and surroundings surroundings
environment • Lack of income harmonious clean. clean?
• Existence of to but resources environment
flies & other (Cleaning To live in b.) Enumerate to __Yes __No
insects that materials) them the illness
can cause • Lack of Objectives: and diseases they Were they able to
illness security After nursing can acquire of enumerate the
• The house has • Lack of space intervention, the having a bad illness and
many • Personal family should be environment diseases they can
unnecessary problems able to acquire of having
things that a.) give c.) Check the a bad
make it look importance of situation of the environment.
crowded having clean family of they are
• Presence of surroundings to able to maintain __Yes __No
waste in front live in their
of their house b.) Knows the surroundings Were they able to
dangerous effects clean & decrease decrease the
of having a bed the existence of possibility of
environment their & having mosquitoes
mosquitoes. in their

__Yes __No
IV. Health Teaching Plan

Objectives Contents Time Learning Resources Evaluation

Allotment Activities Needed
-to recognize -different 5-10 minutes Lecture- Materials: At the end of
the importance benefits of discussion pictures, nursing
of having a having a good pamphlets, intervention, the
good sanitation sanitation visual aids family was able to
recognize the
Manpower: importance of
10 minutes Student Nurse having a good
Psychomotor: sanitation.
-to practice -different
effective and methods on
proper having a clean At the end of
sanitation of the environment nursing
environment intervention, the
family was able to
10-15 practice effective
Affective: minutes and proper
-to be sanitation of the
considerate to -diseases that environment.
the needs of may occur if the
each members family will not
of the family by maintain the At the end of
preventing cleanliness of nursing
disease to their environment intervention, the
spread out. family was able to
enumerate diseases
that can be acquired
if they will not
maintain the
cleanliness of their

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