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Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

Vol. 33, No. 3, pp 225Y231 x Copyright B 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Complex Decision-Making in Heart Failure

A Systematic Review and Thematic Analysis
Aimee V. Hamel, MN, RN; Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD; Carolyn M. Porta, PhD, MPH, RN, SANE-A;
Niloufar Niakosari Hadidi, PhD, APRN, CNS-BC, FAHA
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Background: Heart failure follows a highly variable and difficult course. Patients face complex decisions, including
treatment with implantable cardiac defibrillators, mechanical circulatory support, and heart transplantation. The
course of decision-making across multiple treatments is unclear yet integral to providing informed and shared
decision-making. Recognizing commonalities across treatment decisions could help nurses and physicians to identify
opportunities to introduce discussions and support shared decision-making. Objective: The specific aims of this
review are to examine complex treatment decision-making, specifically implantable cardiac defibrillators, ventricular
assist device, and cardiac transplantation, and to recognize commonalities and key points in the decisional process.
Methods: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science were searched for English-language studies that
included qualitative findings reflecting the complexity of heart failure decision-making. Using a 3-step process,
findings were synthesized into themes and subthemes. Results: Twelve articles met criteria for inclusion.
Participants included patients, caregivers, and clinicians and included decisions to undergo and decline treatment.
Emergent themes were ‘‘processing the decision,’’ ‘‘timing and prognostication,’’ and ‘‘considering the future.’’
Subthemes described how participants received and understood information about the therapy, making and
changing a treatment decision, timing their decision and gauging health status outcomes in the context of their
decision, the influence of a life or death decision, and the future as a factor in their decisional process. Conclusions:
Commonalities were present across therapies, which involved the timing of discussions, the delivery of information,
and considerations of the future. Exploring this further could help support patient-centered care and optimize shared
decision-making interventions.
KEY WORDS: decision-making, heart assist devices, heart failure, implantable cardiac defibrillators,
qualitative research

T o live with heart failure is to live with an uncertain

and complex future.1Y4 On a daily basis, heart
failure patients make concrete choices, such as when
progresses, treatment decision-making becomes a process
of evaluating choices where the outcomes are unclear
and the ramifications of the choice may be immediate
to take a diuretic or go to the hospital.5Y7 As the illness and/or unfold over time.3 Each heart failure therapy has
its own complex care needs and outcomes.3,8 Implant-
Aimee V. Hamel, MN, RN able cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) offset the risk of sud-
Nursing Student, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, Twin den cardiac death.8,9 Patients eligible for ICD not only
Cities, Minneapolis. face the decision to implant but must consider the ef-
Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD fects of shocks, the end of battery life and/or device
Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,
Minneapolis. failure and whether to replace it, and how and when to
Carolyn M. Porta, PhD, MPH, RN, SANE-A deactivate the device at the end of life.4,8 Ventricular
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota Y assist devices (VADs)Vimplanted as a bridge to trans-
Twin Cities.
plant for patients who are eligible or as the final or
Niloufar Niakosari Hadidi, PhD, APRN, CNS-BC, FAHA
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, destination therapy for those not eligible for cardiac
Twin Cities, Minneapolis. transplantation (HTx)Vare offered to improve survival
The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. and quality of life.10,11 However, destination therapy
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations and bridge to transplant patients may have to consider
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions replacement if there is an adverse outcome involving the
of this article on the journal’s Web site (
device and when and whether to deactivate at the end
Aimee V. Hamel, PhD, MN, RN, School of Nursing, University of of life.4,8,12 Patients eligible for HTx face the waitlist,
Minnesota, Twin Cities, 308 Harvard St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 deciding whether to accept a donor heart, and must
( consider the risks of immunosuppressant medication
DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000453 and organ rejection.8


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226 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing x May/June 2018

In recognition of these complex decisions, shared

decision-making and patient-centered care have been
identified as approaches to support patients.8,13 Pa-
tient centered care is defined as ‘‘respectful of and re-
sponsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and
values and ensuring that patient values guide all
clinical decisions.’’14 Ideally, physicians, nurses, and
other clinicians provide the information, resources,
and counseling necessary for patients and their family
members to make decisions in keeping with their
preferences, values, and desired outcomes.8 Clinicians
should optimize the timing of new treatments and the
discussions that go along with them, as well as revisit
decisions.8,15 Additional recommendations include
starting discussions earlier in the disease trajectory
and at a slower pace.4,11 Although prognostic models FIGURE 1. MEDLINE search strategy, run on June 2016.
can assist in optimizing patient selection and treat-
ment timing, they are challenged by individual level and/or cardiac transplant. The resulting article titles and
factors and outcome expectations.4 Supporting pa- abstracts were then reviewed for relevancy, followed by
tients requires recognizing that living with heart a more thorough review of complete articles. Finally, all
failure is not limited to discrete treatment options but applicable study reference lists and authors’ names were
also includes a series of transitions within and between searched for additional relevant studies.19 The first
therapies.4,8,16,17 Our current knowledge is predom- author (A.H.) conducted all searches and evaluations
inated by studies focused on specific treatments; thus, for inclusion.
little is known about the commonalities across com- To include all heart failure decision making stake-
plex treatments. holders, patients, family members, caregivers, and clini-
Similar treatment decisions, such as dialysis and cian data were included.8 Data that discussed only
transplant, are options for chronic renal failure patients. clinical decision-making were excluded because the
Through a review and synthesis of qualitative literature, focus was on the decisions made by patients. Studies
Morton et al18 (2010) identified themes present across including concepts other than decision-making, such as
multiple chronic renal failure treatments. Following quality of life, but that had a decision-making component
their example, this review aims to examine decision- were retained to ensure pertinent data were not omit-
making through the course of device treatments for ted.19 Studies that met inclusion criteria were then
patients with heart failure. assessed, by the first author, using the consolidated
criteria for reporting qualitative research.20 Studies
Methods were not excluded or ranked on the basis of this
Systematic Review of Literature
A qualitative literature review and synthesis relies on
Thematic Synthesis
a search strategy that is both structured and open,
providing adequate definition to discover studies The trajectory model for qualitative research provided
applicable to study aims, while permitting the re- an overall framework throughout data synthesis.19 This
searcher to make refinements as understanding of the model conceptualizes human beings as interactive with
topic develops.19 With this in mind, Ovid MEDLINE, others and objects in their environments and within a
CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science were searched temporal context.21 This model assists the qualitative
for studies presenting qualitative data. Studies were researcher in recognizing the biographical and tempo-
included if reported in English with no limits placed ral elements within the data.21 The model was also
on publication date. Each database was searched using used in selecting the treatments of focus. ICD, VAD,
the subject terms ‘‘heart failure,’’ ‘‘heart assist devices,’’ HTx were selected to represent progression through
or ‘‘heart transplantation.’’ This was combined with HF therapies. Trajectory and time concepts were con-
subject terms ‘‘decision-making’’ or ‘‘advanced care sidered throughout review and analysis. Synthesis of
planning.’’ An example search algorithm from MEDLINE the research findings followed the process described by
is included (Figure 1). Articles were searched without Thomas and Harden.22
limit to perspective (ie, patient, caregiver, clinician) or NVivo23 was used for data extraction, coding, and
type (clinical or patient). The resulting articles were analysis, which was conducted solely by the first author.
reviewed for complex treatments defined by ICD, VAD, Identifying data within a research article is a challenge

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Complex Decision-Making in Heart Failure 227

that is overcome by setting criteria for inclusion in the and abstract. Reasons for exclusion were as follows:
data set.19 For this review, all texts within the reference interventional studies (n = 7), non-heart failure studies
section of each article were considered data.22 Participant (n = 185), clinical decision-making (n = 40), quantitative
quotes and researcher statements about participant data study (n = 17), literature review (n = 68), editorial (n =
were also incorporated into the analysis. Finally, because 76), and duplicates (n = 16). Twenty-nine studies
data are not only confined to the results section, applicable remained for full-text review. Of these 19 were
data outside the results sections were analyzed.19 eliminated because they were an evaluation of an
The first step in the synthesis was line-by-line coding intervention (n = 1), did not include the population or
of the data.22 In the early stages, codes were developed subject of interest (n = 16), or were exclusively
from the texts. Subsequently, data were added to the quantitative (n = 2). Two additional studies were
previously identified codes, or new codes were added uncovered from the author and reference list
as needed. This continued until at least 1 code was searches, resulting in 12 studies included in this review.
attached to each statement, although many units of Quality varied between and within studies as assessed
data fit multiple codes. The resulting codes were sub- by the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative
sequently reviewed to capture the essence of related research (see Table, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
codes and reduce them to workable descriptive themes.22 Only 1 study11 discussed
the relationship between researchers and participants
Results or if there were others present during the interviews.25
Few studies described the researchers9,25Y28 or their
Systematic and Critical Review Results
qualifications for conducting the study.9,25,27,29,30
The initial search produced 438 citations (Figure 2), of All but 1 study31 reported their data recording methods;
which 409 studies were excluded upon review of title only 2 studies discussed field notes.11,27 Descriptions

FIGURE 2. Search and article review results. Adapted from Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, and The PRISMA Group (2009).24

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228 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing x May/June 2018

of study design were strongest, with all studies pro- part, clinicians tried to find a balance between impart-
viding sample descriptions and sampling methods. ing key information without adding to the difficulties
Findings of all studies were consistent with the data as for patients and caregivers. Although understand-
they were presented, and major themes were easily ing that education is a key element to shared decision-
identified. making and informed consent, clinicians were cautious
The studies reflected the views of 313 decision- about overemphasizing the risks and further compli-
making stakeholders, including patients (n = 173), cating the decision ‘‘when you are putting them in you
caregivers (n = 84), and clinicians (n = 56) (see Table, are not having an end of life conversationI. You are
Supplemental Digital Content 2, having a prolongation of life conversation. I don’t
JCN/A47). Patients and their caregivers participated in think there is any reason I can see to go thereI.’’9
the following decisions: post-ICD refusal (n = 18), post- Changing decisions. The subtheme ‘‘changing de-
ICD implantation (n = 45), pre-VAD decision (n = 15), cisions’’ illustrates the dynamism that factors in
post-VAD refusal (n = 29), including patients who complex decision-making. Some patients and care-
eventually agreed to VAD implantation (n = 10), post- givers described making an immediate decision that
VAD implantation (n = 68), including VAD as changed as they learned more or grew to understand
destination therapy (n = 53), and bridge to the severity of their illness. There were also instances
transplantation (n = 18). in which patients experienced stability in their
progression of their HF such that their treatment of
choice could be delayed. For others, illness worsened
Synthesis Results
such that the initial decision could not be carried out,
Three themes emerged from the synthesis of the ‘‘Iwhen we first started outIwe had hopes of a
studies: processing the decision, timing and prognosti- transplantIbut once the lung function was done, and
cation, and considering the future. Subthemes within the kidneysIthere was pretty much nothing. There
‘‘processing the decision’’ were transmission of infor- was no hope other than the LVAD.’’30
mation and changing decision. Timing of the decisions
and judging health status were factors that emerged
Timing and Prognostication
within the ‘‘timing and prognostication’’ theme. Under
The theme ‘‘timing and prognostication’’ described
the theme ‘‘considering the future’’ were subthemes life
the influence of time and how attempts to make pre-
or death and looking forward. Each study within a
dictions factored into the decisional process.
theme and subtheme was enumerated, and represen-
Timing encompassed judgments about when to
tative quotes were selected (Table).
carry out a decision and the pace of the process. It
also included the influence of time on participant
Processing the Decision
feelings about the treatment decision. Ideally, the
The theme processing the decision encompasses the time
decisions move at a slow pace, allowing careful con-
of initial presentation of the device therapy. Participants
sideration of the treatment options.11 However, in
recognized this as a discrete period,27 described as a
practice the process may need to be sped up or truncated
‘‘complicated decision context.’’30 Whereas most study
because of disease progression. ‘‘He had gotten really
participants did not change their treatment decisions,
sickIand they were like ‘This needs to be done like
some did describe doing so during this time. This was a
this week.’ Like ‘If you are going to choose to do it, he
time wherein clinicians discussed concern that they
needs to do it like right now.’’’30
would overly influence patient decisions or complicate
Prognostication defined patient, caregiver, and
the process by introducing difficult discussions.
clinician attempts to judge the patient’s health status
Transmission of information. When beginning a
and possible treatment outcomes in terms of process-
discussion about ICD, VAD, or cardiac transplantation
ing the decision and framing expectations for the
clinicians must impart information to patients and their
future. One study described patients having difficul-
family. Some participants felt this time was overwhelm-
ty understanding being ill enough to consider VAD but
ing and they could not process what they were being told.
not to proceed with implantation.25 Participants de-
Information was lost in attempting to exchange it
scribed assessing their health status and realizing
between people during multiple encounters. ‘‘The doctor
that the treatment was needed.9,28,30,32Y34 Others
would say stuff and I would hear what I thought the
judged that they could defer, ‘‘No way, I feel good,
doctor said. But me hearing it and then trying to tell her
I’m not going to die. I wasn’t in any pain or anything.’’31
[my wife]VI’m telling her what I thought I heard. So, by
the time it gets back around to the doctor, he’s confused
and we’re all confused.’’32 Considering the Future
Others discussed avoiding information that was Across therapies and among all decisional stakeholders,
fearful or they felt would sway their decision. For their the future was frequently considered and discussed.

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Complex Decision-Making in Heart Failure 229

TABLE Results of Thematic Synthesis and Representational Quotes

Themes Representational Quotes Studies That Included Theme
Processing the decision
Transmission of information ‘‘But that’s what I mean it wasVI mean they can explain Refs. 9,11,25,26,28,30Y34
and explain but now of course we understand everything
but at that point-and mentally you’reVit’s very difficult,
I just can’t explain it. It was a very, very difficult time, very
stressful time.’’ -female VAD caregiver33
‘‘I think my biggest concern is if I can convey the risks to them
too strongly, that they will choose or make an unwise
decision and not proceed with therapy. Some might get
overwhelmed ‘cause you tell them so many risks all at
onceIall they may take away is just the risks andIthat’s
what I’m afraid of sometimes, that’s the only thing they
hear.’’ -ICD clinician9
Changing decisions ‘‘I talked to my family after [declining]. And they 100% told me to Refs. 9, and 30Y32
get it. And so I’m just going to do it.’’ -male VAD patient31
‘‘Ieven though it’s good for you and you know it’s going to be
good for you, it just made me feel kind of lost and alone you
know. Like I just went through some trials with it.’’
-male ICD patient9
Timing and prognostication
Timing ‘‘He had gotten really sickIand they were like ‘This needs to be Refs. 9, and 30Y32
done like this week.’ Like ‘If you are going to choose to do it,
he needs to do it like right now.’ -female DT-VAD spouse30
‘‘Ideally, the decision process is slowed down at all costs.’’
-VAD coordinator11
Prognostication ‘‘If the conversation were differentII would probably be a lot Refs. 9,28,30, and 32Y34
closer [to accepting the device], but as soon as I hear
numbers, you know, this percentage and this
percentageIpeople in those percentages haven’t lived my
lifeIthat’s a turn off.’’ -man who declined ICD9
‘‘Iit [heart failure] was killing him. He had no strength. He
had no quality of life. He was just existing.’’ -female
DT-VAD caregiver30
Considering the future
Life or death ‘‘I have received twelve shocks from it. If I hadn’t had the ICD, Refs. 9,26Y32 and 34
I wouldn’t have experienced the things that I have. It’s as
simple as that.’’ -female ICD patient26
‘‘I am either going to die or we are going to put in a pump. It
was a very easy decision based on where I was because
there was no other alternative.’’ -LVAD patient32
Looking forward ‘‘As long as I see my kids grow up, go to college, have kids Refs. 9,26Y28,30Y32 and 34
and get married, just the basic life experiences with them,
I’m happy.’’ -LVAD patient32
‘‘Unless somebody shoots me and I’m bleeding to deathIand
nobody is coming to helpIother than that, I don’t intend to
turn it off at any time.’’28

Abbreviations: DT, destination therapy; ICD, implantable cardiac defibrillator; LVAD, left ventricular assist device.

Life or death describes patient, caregiver, and clinician would just lengthen the process that I don’t really
views of the decision as a binary one that did not want lengthened.’’9
require deliberation. For some, this made the decision Looking forward. Within the subtheme ‘‘looking
simple and clear. ‘‘There is no decision when they give forward,’’ participants discussed the treatment in terms
you the alternative. I am not ready to die.’’34 Although of its impact on their quality of life and outcome
most made the decision to prolong life, some did expectations. Experiencing life and being there for
accept death as an option over further treatment family were repeatedly discussed as things to look
when considering their future, ‘‘Imy life is sitting forward to.28,30,32 Participants also considered the life
here and watching TVIthat’s why I had the DNR in expectancy of the devices, hoped to maintain stability,
place and that’s why I didn’t have the defibrillator put and anticipated decisions that may come later in the
inI(Later in the interview)Ito take a defibrillator course of treatment.27,30 Others described the effects of

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230 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing x May/June 2018

in the review presented the views of patients planning

What’s New and Important
to move from VAD to transplant, the views of HTx
h This synthesis of the literature revealed commonalities patients who had made other decisions were absent.
across HF treatments. Recognizing commonalities This presents both an ethical dilemma and a significant
and key points could help nurses and other HF
clinicians optimize shared decision-making and
gap in the literature. Just as some defibrillator and
patient-centered care. VAD patients acknowledged changing their decisions,
h Time was a factor in the presentation of the treatment, likely those waiting for a donor heart reconsider their
decisional timing, and attempts at prognostication. choice as well. Some patients felt that their decision,
Patient made their decisions based on hopes for the whether they accepted or rejected VAD therapy,
future and described choosing between life and death.
h This study is an early step in exploring longitudinal hindered their likelihood to receive a donor heart.31,34
decisional changes and influences. Further research is needed to understand the deci-
sional process between bridge to transplant and receiv-
ing a donor heart. For example, there may be times such
one decision on another, ‘‘I received the LVAD as a as hospitalization, or prolonged waitlist time, when
bridge to transplant. I am medically stable and that is supporting and reviewing decisions in a systematic
good, but now I am not moving on the transplant list, manner would be beneficial to patients.
the LVAD is really a double-edge sword because I feel There are a number of areas of weakness in this
like it is keeping me from getting a heart.’’34 study. A common critique of qualitative synthesis is that
the data are not in their raw state but rather come from
data selected and interpreted in support of other
researchers’ aims.19 This review used established steps
Although the body of literature on heart failure decision- to offset this concern19,22; however, currently, there are
making is growing, there is still much to be understood a limited number of research in this area. This resulted
about this population’s decisional process. Patients in a number of authors represented multiple times in
often undergo multiple treatments as their disease ad- the data set, which likely led to repetitive findings and
vances. Patients who receive an ICD may later be im- reduced the robustness of the data. In addition, the
planted with a VAD and may in turn receive a donor data collection, analysis, and synthesis were conducted
heart. The decisional process across multiple therapies solely by the first author. A team approach would have
is currently underrepresented in the literature. The offset the risk of bias and possibly led to a more robust
study authors sought to uncover commonalities in the interpretation of the data.
decisional process across therapies through synthesis Beyond treatments, patients also make decisions
of findings from studies that were focused on specific about self-care, end-of-life choices, and care planning.
treatments. In addition, patients with devices, or their caregivers,
Common concerns and factors were present across may also have to decide whether to replace them or turn
therapies. Patients, caregivers, and clinicians considered them off. Synthesizing findings requires studies included
the possible outcomes of decisions. They evaluated to be similar enough to allow for integration.19,22 For
present health status to make prognostications about this reason, the focus of this study was narrowed to
what the treatment may mean for them in the future. the decision to start advanced therapies. However, it
Time was a factor in determining who made the decision must be acknowledged that, through doing this, a
and how the decision was made, as well as when and large part of the trajectory remains unexplored.
whether decisions changed.31,33 In addition, participants
in several of the studies described a dichotomy between
quick and reflective decisional processes.29,31,34 These
commonalities could represent key moments in which This synthesis revealed themes common across heart
to engage patients in discussions about possible treat- failure treatments that represent complex decisions.
ment options, as well as points at which patients and There are patients who deliberate and those who do
their family members need additional support. not, others who remain with their initial decision, and
Across the therapies, participants described the initial those who change their minds. The initial decisional
decisional period as stressful and overwhelming, impacting phase is one in which patients are considering the
patient and caregiver understanding of the treatments. immediate information being given, while attempting
This was further influenced by the health of the patient to judge their health status and future goals. As
at the time of presentation. This suggests that improve- patients move from the treatment initiation, they still
ments are needed to the support we are currently provid- reflect on their decision and consider the future. One
ing patients when first introducing a therapy. suggestion for improvement of the decisional process is
We found no qualitative research specific to cardiac that clinicians begin to consider a more longitudinal,
transplant decision-making. Although the studies included broader process. Future research should include the

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Complex Decision-Making in Heart Failure 231

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