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Curriculum Vitae

Name Arghadeep Saha

Sex Male
Date of Birth 13th October, 1992
Nationality Indian
Country of residence India
Areas of 1. Monitoring and Evaluations
Specialisation 2. Social and Policy Research
3. Project Management
4. Stakeholder Liaison
Contact information Email:
Skype ID: arghadeepsaha72
Cell number: +91-9740853355

Summary of experience and expertise:

Arghadeep is a Masters in Development from the Azim Premji University, Bangalore
and a Bachelors with Honours in Economics from the University of Calcutta. He has a
keen interest in the dynamics of poverty and how it affects the choices that individuals
make. He has had extensive experience in managing and executing large scale multi-
stakeholder evaluation studies and has also worked on building rigorous monitoring
and evaluation protocols for complex social interventions. His interests lie in making
sure interventions work better through strong M&E protocols and ensuring use of
programmatic learnings and evidence in policy design.

Employment record:

Date from - Location Company Position Description

Date to
Oct 2017- Ranchi, Catalyst State Lead Liaison between the principal
Present India Management investigators from Stanford
Services Pvt. Ltd. University and the concerned state
(Shiv Kumar, departments. Ensure collection of
shiv@cms- reliable survey data and document the study processes and protocols.
Extract and report on the MIS data of
the concerned state department.
Feb 2017 - Ranchi, Catalyst Associate Designing and implementing robust
Oct 2017 India Management Consultant real time monitoring system, building
Services Pvt. Ltd. client capacities for internal
(shiv@cms- monitoring, quantitative analytics and designing of data collection methods.
Date from - Location Company Position Description
Date to
May 2016 Bangalore, Catalyst Associate Management of large scale
– Jan 2017 India Management Consultant evaluation studies, mixed methods
Services Pvt. Ltd. research, client liaison, train and
(Shiv Kumar, lead field research teams of over 30
shiv@cms- members, liaison with principal investigators from leading research
September Bangalore, Public Affairs Research Worked on their inaugral Public
2015 – India Centre, Intern Affairs Index (PAI) report.
November Bangalore Dr. Suggested methodological
2015 C.K Mathew improvements and analysed time
(mathew@pacind series data and used them to build
ia. org) an index using the range correction
method that ranked all Indian
states on the basis of themes such
as Corruption, Economic Growth,
Environmental Protection.
May 2015 Guwahati, Centre for Research Completed an ethnographic study
– July 2015 India Microfinance and Intern to explain the social benefits of
Livelihood – availability of microfinance and how
Initiative of TATA access to microfinance affects
TRUSTS community cohesion. The study
Partho Patwari helped identify how economic
(ppatwari@tatatr empowerment of impoverished and marginalized communities did not
necessarily translate into increased
social acceptance.


Date from - Date Name of College/ University/ Degree/ Diploma obtained

to Institution
2014 - 2016 Azim Premji University, M.A in Development
Bangalore (Specialized in Public Policy)
2011 - 2014 University of Calcutta B.Sc. (Honours) Economics

Language skills:

Language Reading Speaking Writing

English 1 1 1
Hindi 1 1 1
Bengali 1 1 2
Competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
Independent and Additional Coursework:
- Nov 2016: Completed a Short Course on “Statistical Methods in Measuring Health:
Outcomes and Measurement” at Christian Medical College, Vellore. The
course focussed on tests of Reliability, Consistency and Validity of quantitative
results with applications from Public Health and Clinical Trials.

- Sep 2016-Dec 2016: Completed a course titled “Data Analysis for Social
Scientists” from MITx with a Verified Certificate. The course covered
probability distributions from an applied perspective and also covered different
methodologies in evaluation research such as Randomised Control Trials,
Difference in Differences, Discontinuity Designs with real world applications in R.

Presentations and Publications:

Aug 2015 – May 2016: M.A Capstone, Azim Premji University, Bangalore
Authored Master’s Capstone titled “Indian Banks and Investments in Power Sector: A
Critical Appraisal”
• Collected qualitative information on governance systems in Indian banks
through in-depth interviews with retired bank managers, civil society activists.
• Collated and analysed quantitative data on banks’ lending to socio-ecologically
sensitive sectors such as power and how they’ve changed over a period of a
decade in correlation to their Non-Performing Assets(NPAs) from the non-
priority sector.
• The paper used mixed methods approach to first quantitatively establish the
rising problem of unregulated lending to risky and sensitive sectors. It then used
qualitative information to provide an informed understanding of why this had
been the case. The paper concluded by recommending adoption of global
standards such as Equator Principles as the first step towards the long journey
of making Indian banks lend responsibly.

Countries of work experience: India

Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), R, Stata.

Details of experience with Catalyst Management Services:

Name of the Impact Evaluation of National Rural Livelihood Project

Month, Year, and October 2017 – Ongoing
Location Ranchi
Client MoRD and World Bank
Thematic area Livelihoods, Economic Empowerment
Financial outlay USD 429000
Management Service Impact Evaluation
Main project features Vrutti(sister concern of CMS) along with Stanford
University and 3ie is conducting the Impact evaluation of
the National Rural Livelihood Mission across 9 states of
the country. The impact evaluation study has been funded
by BMGF. The other stakeholders in the assignment The
NRLM project is implemented through the SLRMs in
different states.
The core team will have state level coordinators in each
state who will be the point person for the extraction and
verifying the MIS data, the overall coordination and
management through the programme period and rapport
building with the SLRMs.
Positions held State Lead
Activities performed Liaison between the research leads from 3ie/Stanford
University and the concerned state departments. Ensuring
collection of reliable survey data and document the study
processes and protocols. Extracting and reporting on the
MIS data of the concerned state department.

Name of the Monitoring of Breakthrough's project on addressing early

assignment/project marriage through media and training strategies
Month, Year, and January 2017 – Ongoing
Location Ranchi, Hazaribagh and Gaya
Client International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie),
Breakthrough India
Thematic area Gender
Management Service Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
Main project features Breakthrough has undertaken a media campaign aimed at
reducing the incidence of early marriage in three districts
of Bihar and Jharkhand (Gaya, Hazaribagh and Ranchi).
The campaign consists of three components: mass-media
saturation at the district level (including TV, radio,
newspapers), training with NGOs at the block level, and
community mobilization through video vans, melas, street
plays and theatre. CMS has been assigned as the
independent evaluators of the intervention. In addition,
CMS also been assigned the role of an external MEL
expert who would be providing monitoring support to the
implementation of the programme and suggest
improvements in the programme content as well as
delivery on a real-time basis.
Positions held MEL Officer
Activities performed Designing of Monitoring Framework and a Quality
Assurance Protocol, carry out reviews of various
programme components, building capacities of the
internal monitoring team, Designing and implementing
outcome studies that use rigorous M&E methodologies to
see whether the programme is moving according to the
outcomes in the Logframe.
Name of the Impact Evaluation of Organic Cotton Farmers Training
assignment/project Programme by CottonConnect
Month, Year, and August 2015 - Ongoing
Location India
Client CottonConnect, C&A Foundation, 3ie
Thematic area Sustainable Agriculture, Livelihoods
Management Service Impact Evaluation
Financial Outlay USD 691000
Main project features C&A Foundation is funding a programme to be
implemented by Cotton Connect in India to train cotton
farmers for conversion to organic mode of production. The
objective of the programme is to train farmers in correct
organic practices, encourage adoption, and assist them in
getting certified as organic. To this end they are providing
farmers with training inputs, hand-holding and field visits
from trained staff, and financial assistance for the
certification fees. CMS along with Professor Andrew
Pinney of University of Reading is the external evaluator of
the intervention.
Positions held Project Manager
Activities performed Project Management, Train and lead field research teams,
Quantitative Analysis, Report Writing and Client

Name of the Monitoring and Evaluation for FoodTech India

Month, Year, and Sep 2016 - Ongoing
Location Karnataka, India
Client FoodTech India
Thematic area Sustainable agriculture
Financial Outlay USD 92588
Management Service Monitoring and Evaluation
Main project features A consortium of Larive International B.V. (leading partner),
Rijk Zwaan Export B.V., Broekman Logistics India, TNO
Future Consumer Enterprise Limited – part of Future
Group and Art of Living have embarked on an integrated
supply and cold chain infrastructure programme with an
objective to improve the market efficiency and
sustainability of the food chains for national and regional
markets. The intent is to reduce the food losses and
wastages. This is proposed to be achieved through
implementation of poly houses, setting
up of collection points, providing training to local farmers,
provision of value added services like sorting and grading
and provision of direct market access.
Positions held Team Member
Activities performed Secondary research and Tool Designing

Name of the Assessment of The Hunger Project's Strategy Towards

assignment/project Strengthening and Building of Leadership of Elected
Representatives in Odisha
Month, Year, and September 2016 – January 2017
Location Odisha, India
Client The Hunger Project
Thematic area Gender Rights; Women Empowerment; Political
Participation of Women

Management Service Programme Evaluation

Value/Financial outlay INR 13,62,089
Main project features Through its training program in different States of India,
The Hunger Project (THP) invests in public office holders
and builds their capacities towards being effective leaders.
THP’s strategy has two broad thrusts – the first involves
direct engagement with EWRs with a primary focus on
strengthening the capacities and leadership of elected
women and the other concentrates on building the support
and engagement of stakeholders, and creating support
structures for EWRs. These strategies are implemented
through the five-year tenure of the EWR through local
partners (CBOs) that have been trained by THP.

Positions held Quantitative Analyst

Activities performed Data Analysis and Report Writing

Name of the Evaluation of the Godfrey Philips Corporate Social

assignment/project Responsibility Programme
Month, Year, and March 2017- May 2017
Location Andhra Pradesh, India
Client Godfrey Philips India
Thematic area Health, Livelihoods, Education
Management Service Programme Evaluation
Main project features Godfrey Philips India Limited (GPIL) is a flagship company
of the Modi Enterprises, which deals with cigarette,
chewing masala, tea and confectionary within and outside
GPIL, under its corporate social responsibility programme,
is committed to improve the lives and livelihoods of women
and farmers in their areas of operation. The Vinukonda
Farmers Programme had the objectives of improving the
earnings of the farmers, raise awareness on WASH,
improve awareness on Child education among others. The
Ongole Women Graders Programme was implemented
with 650 tobacco grading centres and involved trainings on
WASH, child education, formation of SHGs and
encouraging saving
practices among women tobacco graders.

Positions held Quantitative Analyst

Activities performed Performed statistical tests on the data collected from
surveys, came up with insights and communicated them to
the client in non-technical language.

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