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What is peer pressure?

WE all want to be part of a group and

fe e l like we be long in our c ommunity.
Pe e r pre s s ure c an happe n whe n we
are influe nc e d to do s o me thing we
us ually wo uld no t do , o r s to p us fro m
do ing s o me thing we wo uld like to do .
•someone whom you would
think is an equal in age or
•a friend, someone in the
community or even someone
on TV
WHY do we have peer
The only reason…
Type s of pe e r pre s s ure

•Positive peer pressure

•Neutral peer pressure
•Negative peer pressure
Pos itive pe e r pre s s ure
• where peers support and
encourage constructive actions for
one another
• the type of age-appropriate peer
pressure that we want to
o Asexample, Our peer encourage us to study
hard for mid-term exam .
Neutral pe e r pre s s ure
• Occurs when peers pressure one
to go along with the crowd in a way
that’s not harmful to others.
• This type of pressure occurs
frequently in the teenage years and
should not be considered a
o For example, your friends invite you to go
for a party which many friends will go
Ne g ative pe e r pre s s ure
• to do something that places a
teen in danger or is hurtful to
others is definitely cause for
o For
example, your peer want you to steal
your parents’ money to buy pornography
Influe nce o f pe e r
pre ssure
• Friendship.
We can find friendship and acceptance,
and share experiences that can build
lasting bonds.
• Feedback and Advice.
Our friends listen and give us feedback as
we try out new ideas, explore belief, and
discuss problems. Peers can help us make
decisions. And also, our peers can give us
advice and do the right things.
• Socializing.
Our peer group gives us opportunities to try out
new social skills. Getting to know lots of
different people and help us to build a
• Encouragement.
Our friend can encourage us to study hard and
not to give up easily if there’s any problem. This
is a big encouragement.
• New Experiences.
Our peers might get us involved in clubs, sports,
or religious groups. Our peers might bring us to
experience something good that we had never
experienced before.
Influe nc e of Bad pe e r pre s s ure

• We may be stressed because of our

peers. Sometimes, they will influence us
to do something we aren’t comfortable
with or have never done before.
o Doing drugs, drinking, having sex before we are
• This pressure may be expressed openly
o “Oh, come on it's just one beer, all of us drink it!”
• Or , more indirectly.
o “Take this cigarette.”
Dear tee nage rs ,
Do y
ou w
t h is ? ant t
o be
lik e

r p e e r ?
o f y o u
e c a u s e
Although peer pressure has
it’s good and bad, we have to
accept the good and face the
bad .
If not, we will be influenced
by our peers to do something
which is dangerous and
Let’s face it!
• Saying "No"
We must learn to say “NO" to those things that we
don’t want to do or which is not right. Explaining to
people in a calm way why we don't want to be part of
something is one way of handling it.

• Take Ac tion
Sometimes we are able to tackle peer pressure
because we feel more comfortable in our
environment. Standing up for someone may help us
exercise our beliefs or rights. Both of these are ways
in which you may be able to create a positive vibe
out of peer pressure.
• Plan fo r pos s ible pre s s ure
s ituations .
Think ahead of how we can handle situations.
Decide ahead of time — and even rehearse —
what we'll say and do. Learn a few tricks.

• Hang with pe o ple who fe e l the s ame

way we do .
Choose friends who will speak up with us when
we're in need of moral support, and be quick to
speak up for a friend in the same way.
Cho o s ing frie nds is ve ry important for
us . We c an’t live witho ut frie nds but
we als o c an't have a bad pe e r
pre s s ure . Go od pre s s ure c an improve
us but bad one wo n't. Having a true
and g o o d frie nd is important. We
s hould c ho os e o ur frie nds c are fully.
Know who is the good peer
and who is the bad.
Gro up Me mbe rs
Chong Yan

Jason Tan

See Kha Sim

Siw Chew Wei

The End

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