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Mu Ru Yue, was a successor to her medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia. After being
murdered by her enemy, she reincarnated in the body of a recently deceased good-for-
nothing Miss in the Mu Family of the Martial God Continent, who had been beaten to
death. In the throne room, she smilingly received a marriage notice to have a change in
marriage to wed the infamous Ghost King from the Kingdom of Zi Yue. It was well-
known that the Ghost King was stupid and foolish, with a ghost-like appearance. But who
knew that he was actually the most two-faced person? Everyone laughed, thinking that a
good-for-nothing was well-matched to a fool, but not in their wildest dreams did they even
consider that she was actually a peerless genius in the making. When Mu Ru Yue looked
at the man, who had a handsome God-like look, she said, gnashing her teeth, “Ye Wu
Chen, you lied to me. How are you a fool at all?” The Ghost King chuckled as he
affectionately embraced her. “By your side, I’m willing to be a fool that you can freely
order around.”

The previous owner of Mu Ru Yue’s body had been poisoned. Because of this, her
meridians were blocked, hindering her cultivation, which eventually led to her being
known as trash. After being beaten to death, Mu Ru Yue, who had originally been a
successor to a medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia, reincarnated into her new body.
They want to seal my path? I will train to reach the peak of the realms! They give me a
foolish prince as my husband? I can make do with him. It would be easier for me to deal
with him, rather than with other candidates who would be thrown at me in the future. I
shall strive to become powerful enough that nobody will be able to mock or kill me!
Chapter 601: Departing To The Ouyang
Ouyang Ling Tian raised his brows slightly and asked, “I don’t know who has entered
your eyes?”
Ouyang Yun Jin stood up and introduced, “This is Mu Ru Yue, Lady Mu, that your son
had encountered outside the family. The vast amount of pills that was recently supplied to
the Ouyang family was from her. Your son has already got into an agreement with her. If
she helps our Ouyang family to become the leader of the Four Large Families, our Ouyang
family will be under her!”
A clamour rose abruptly. Everyone had an extremely unpleasant expression. It was as
though they didn’t expect that Ouyang Yun Jin would make such a decision.
“Hmph!” Ouyang Yun Shu snorted coldly as he shot a disdainful gaze toward Mu Ru Yue
and continued, “Eldest brother, it seems that you mind is getting increasingly muddled as
you live. Even though there is a mysterious alchemist behind this girl, who knows for sure
that the alchemist isn’t from the Dongfang family? This may be a plot of the Dongfang
family. Yet, you want to give her the entire ouyang family. Moreover, do you even have
the power to make such a decision?”
He didn’t in the slightest thought that those pills were manufactured by Mu Ru Yue as it
would be impossible for her to so with such a tender age.
In this case, there must be a mysterious expert backing her.
Mu Ru Yue narrowed her eyes slightly as she cast a cold gaze at Ouyang Yun Shu’s dandy
face. With a slight smirk, she commented, “It seems that the Ouyang family is just
“What did you say?” Ouyang Yun Shu’s expression changed drastically and yelled,
“Bitch, don’t you refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit! You want my Ouyang
family? You must be dreaming. Eldest brother’s mind is muddled but my father’s isn’t!
Thus, your scheme will definitely fail!”
Ouyang Yun Shu’s body shuddered after saying that.
He felt a tyrannical pressure locked down on him from before him.
Ouyang Yun Shu raised his head subconsciously. A sinister cold rose from his feet and
penetrated his heart, making him to shiver.
He had never seen such a horrifying gaze in his life until now.
That gaze was no longer human-like. It was as though it belonged to an Asura from hell. A
sinister cold light glimmered in the man’s purple eyes, decreasing the temperature in the
entire lounge…
Everyone’s gaze shot toward the man that wore a silver mask, greatly alarmed by him…
“Cough cough!” Ouyang Ling Tian coughed dryly as he examined Mu Ru Yue and said,
“Lady, I am really grateful for your help to my Ouyang family. My ouyang family will
definitely satisfy any requests you may have. But if you want my entire Ouyang family,
I’m sorry but I can’t do that!”
Ouyang Yun Jin expressed shock and was a little anxious as he rebuked, “This is an
agreement between Lady Mu and me. You can’t…”
Ouyang Ling Tian looked coldly at him.
Ouyang Yun Jin stopped saying any further at that instant, swallowing his words that were
already in his throat.
“Lady, please state your requests.” Ouyang Ling Tian shifted his gaze and said
Everyone’s gaze landed on Mu Ru Yue, anticipating what she would request.
The Ouyang family would never be passed to an outsider no matter what.
“I only have a request.” Mu Ru Yue smirked slightly and continued, “That request is for
your Ouyang family. If not, why should I risk myself to be in so much danger and put in
so much mind and effort into this? Other than that, I don’t think that your Ouyang family
will be able to give me any benefits.”
Chapter 602: Departing To The Ouyang
The girl’s words made everyone startled as though they couldn’t believe what they just
The Ouyang family couldn’t give her other benefits?
They didn’t know if they should say she was excessively arrogant or egoistic…
“Lady, don’t you think that you are being too much?” Ouyang Ling Tian’s expression
turned grim and continued, “How can my Ouyang family with thousands of years of
history be under you? If my deceased ancestors were to know about this, how can I have
the face to meet them in the future?”
Mu Ru Yue’ gaze darkened slightly. She then chuckled suddenly and replied, “You indeed
will be going to meet them soon. You can ask for their opinion at that time.”
Ouyang Yun Shu slammed his hand on the table in fury before pointing at Mu Ru Yue and
shouted, “You dared to curse my father! Eldest brother, this is the person you brought
back? Can it be you want father to die from his anger? Someone, toss these two out of
here! My Ouyang family will definitely not allow such swindlers to set a single foot in it.”
Even though he wasn’t able to eliminate this woman, he definitely wouldn’t allow her to
help eldest brother! Once father became disappointed with him, the young master’s
position would land on him.
Mu Ru Yue glanced at Ouyang Yun Shu and said with a slight smile, “It seems that your
Ouyang family doesn’t welcome us. Since this is the case, I will bid my farewell. But I
will give you a final advice so that you won’t blame me for not warning you. Head of the
Ouyang family, it will be really soon for you to meet your ancestors.”
Ouyang Yun Shu slammed his hand on the table and yelled out with a sinister expression.
His furious emotion was beneficial to him. He would be seen as caring for his elder
brother to not settle the scores of those two on Ouyang Yun Jin’s behalf and expressed that
he was filial toward his father.
Yet, Ouyang Ling Tian remained silent from the start. A trace of astonishment flickered in
his shrewd gaze.
‘I thought I have hid that matter properly that even Jin Er didn’t know about it. How did
she figure it out?’
Ouyang Yun Jin was slightly anxious. He naturally knew about Mu Ru Yue’s capability. If
he lost her, the Ouyang family would definitely be engulfed by the overly ambitious
Dongfang family.
“Lady Mu, please wait!”
An elderly voice suddenly broke his train of thoughts.
Everyone shifted their gaze toward Ouyang Ling Tian with puzzlement in their eyes.
Why did the head stopped the person that dared to curse him from leaving?
Mu Ru Yue’s steps halted slightly. With her back facing Ouyang Ling Tian, she smirked
slightly and asked, “I wonder what the head of the Ouyang family got to say.”
“Can the lady have a chat with me inside the room?”
Mu Ru Yue smiled slightly as she refused, “Head of the Ouyang family, I am not a person
that will come when called and leave when being chased away. Your family was the one
that wants me to leave, but now your family is similarly the one that wants me to stay.
Sorry, but I’m no longer interested in your Ouyang family. There is still the Nangong and
Moshang families as my candidates to cooperate with. They should know what is best for
them. Wu Chen, let’s go!”
She didn’t even give a glance at the crowd behind her while she said that as she walked
out of the Ouyang family.
Ye Wu Chen didn’t say anything after hearing what she said. He just glanced at Ouyang
Lin Tian that was in deep thought before turning around and leaving with Mu Ru Yue.
Mu Ru Yue called out spiritually to summon Mo Xi back to her the moment she was about
to step out of the entrance, disappearing from the crowd’s gaze…
Chapter 603: Departing To The Ouyang
“Mister Dongfang, why are you in such a state?”
In a luxurious restaurant, Ouyang Lin looked at the man beside her and bit onto her lips
before she said, “Why do you want to waste time on that woman that doesn’t treasure a
man like youself? I know that I am just a person from the side branch of the Ouyang
family so I don’t have much authority and power, but I will never betray you.”
She raised her head as she looked affectionately at the man sitting before the table.
She had developed feelings for this man that had a gentle demeanour after encountering
him five years ago. However, he already had Xiao Yue in his heart and was going to marry
Nangong Zi Lan as his wife for the family.
Her heart ached, but she understood that with her status as a person from a side branch,
she wasn’t compatible to such an outstanding man. She didn’t mind becoming his
Nonetheless, Dongfang Jun only treated her as a friend to speak his mind to. He didn’t
have any inkling intention on taking her in as his concubine…
Dongfang Jun suddenly stood and just wordlessly dashed down the stairs to exit the
Ouyang Lin was startled but she bit her lips and pursued after him…

There was a couple walking hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder in the street, attracting
everyone’s gazes.
The girl was in white robes with an impeccable appearance while the man had a silver
mask on his face, but had an incomparable noble grandeur.
They were looking at each other’s eyes, delivering their feelings for each other with their
It was as though they didn’t see anyone else other than themselves…
“Mu Ru Yue, where is Xiao Yue?”
A slender figure blocked her path when she turned her head toward that voice.
It was only for a short period of time, but Dongfang Jun had become such a sorry state.
His original clean shaved lower jaw had bits and pieces of beards growing out from it.
Pain was expressed in his eyes.
He originally wanted to kill this woman so that Xiao Yue would be able to return to his
side. Who knew a person known as Zi Shao would suddenly appeared when he went to
seek trouble with her at the Ghost King’s manor, not knowing that she had left the manor.
He naturally wouldn’t let her leave after meeting her today!
“I’ve been suffering terribly during this period of time. Can’t you just let us be together?”
Dongfang Jun continued furiously, “You are such a vicious girl to be so adamant in tearing
us loving couple apart. It can’t be that you are in love with me so you don’t want us to be
together, right?”
Passerbys had surrounded them at this moment.
They couldn’t help but to point toward Mu Ru Yue, who was at the centre of attention,
with disdain in their eyes after hearing Dongfang Jun’s words, discussing.
“This girl has an exceptional appearance but I didn’t expect her to be so vicious like a
poisonous snake.”
“That’s right, she wanted to obtain the man and just tossed the pitiful woman to an
unknown place.”
“Oh, I remember that person is young master Dongfang Jun of the Dongfang family. Tsk!
Tsk! It is just natural for Dongfang Jun to be loved by girls from his outstanding
appearance and noble status. But I didn’t expect that this girl would do such a crazy
“Furthermore, it is undeniable that Dongfang Jun was deeply in love with that girl to fall
into such a sorry state for her. This kind of man has already extinct from this world. He
should be the only one left…”
Dongfang Jun didn’t expect that he would be recognized and panicked a little. This would
definitely give rise to unnecessary misunderstanding if this was known to the Nangong
Chapter 604: Departing To The Ouyang
However, he no longer cared about anything anymore other than forcing Mu Ru Yue to
release Xiao Yue.
Dongfang Jun suddenly knelt before Mu Ru Yue, making everyone to widen their eyes
with disbelief.
“Mu Ru Yue, you can do anything to me but just release Xiao Yue! She is innocent. Even
if you are crazy in love with me, she isn’t the one to be blamed!”
The man that was bitterly pleading at this moment, touched the crowd’s heart.
Some girls even started to weep as they were touched by Dongfang Jun’s action. They,
however, glared furiously at Mu Ru Yue. Their gaze was as though they wanted to tear her
corpse into several pieces.
Ye Wu Chen’s gaze became increasingly dark. A sinister cold ray flickered in his eyes. He
lifted his hand gradually, but Mu Ru Yue held onto his hand at this moment. The sudden
soft sensation made Ye Wu Chen’s hand to shudder as he shifted his gaze to focus at the
side of the girl’s flawless face.
“Let me settle this.”
Her voice was as calm as the wind, making Ye Wu Chen to gradually lower his hand. But
his gaze toward Dongfang Jun was undisguised sinister and cold. He was like a
bloodthirsty sword…
“Mister Dongfang!” When Ouyang Lin ran over and heard Dongfang Jun begging, her
heart became a little sore, especially seeing that Dongfang Jun was kneeling down for a
girl that didn’t even treasure him. She glared furiously at Mu Ru Yue and advised, “This
lady, forcing someone to love you wouldn’t work. Since Mister Dongfang doesn’t love
you, why are you still pestering him? This will only make him detest you even more. I
shall give you a warning. Quickly release that lady known as Xiao Yue and return her to
Mister Dongfang. If not, the Dongfang and Ouyang family definitely won’t forgive you!”
Mu Ru Yue narrowed her eyes slightly. With a cold ray that flashed across her eyes, she
compromised, “Alright, I will let Xiao Yue out. If she is willing, I will definitely terminate
my contract with her!”
Dongfang Jun was elated as a complacent smile graced his face.
As expected, his method in making the crowd pressure her into making her stop
restraining Xiao Yue worked.
Suddenly, a silver light flashed past. A silver robe landed before the crowd under their
Silver hair danced along with the wind, brushing against the girl’s elegant and beautiful
face. she lifted her silver eyes as she looked coldly at Dongfang Jun that was jubilant.
“Xiao Yue, don’t worry. I’m here to take you away.”
Dongfang Jun didn’t in the slightest notice her coldness as he lifted his hand to hold Xiao
But before he could grip onto Xiao Yue’s soft small hand, the other abruptly pushed him
away. Dongfang Jun retreated a couple of steps from the sudden impact as he looked
astonished at Xiao Yue.
“Xiao Yue, she has already agreed to terminate your contract. You have regained your
freedom so there isn’t a need to continue rejecting me.”
In Dongfang Jun’s point of view, he strongly believed that it was due to that girl that Xiao
Yue was treating him so coldly.
She was being controlled by her, unable to make her own decision.
How could Xiao Yue that was deeply in love with him all those years wants to leave him?
But why was Xiao Yue still rejecting him then?
Dongfang Jun’s heart felt as though it was being squeezed as he looked expectantly at
Xiao Yue.
“Dongfang Jun, I’ve never met someone as despicable as you!” Xiao Yue raised her head
coldly before she continued, “My master is so outstanding and her husband makes a
heavenly pair with her. It can’t be that you think that you are stronger than my master’s
husband, right? Even if master was blind, she wouldn’t take a fancy to such a fake
gentleman like yourself!”
Chapter 605: Departing To The Ouyang
Dongfang Jun raised his head in shock as he looked with disbelief at Xiao Yue’s elegant
Xiao Yue snorted coldly and said, “When you just watched on as I was beaten up by the
group of people from the Dongfang family for powers, my heart for you died. How is
someone like you that could abandon all of his feelings for powers be worthy for my, Xiao
Yue’s, love? If my life could restart, I wish that I would never have given you my heart.”
Dongfang Jun’s complexion paled as pain and sorrow were expressed in his eyes.
Xiao Yue had never been controlled and really didn’t want to be with him…
The crowd were stunned by this new information. Who knew that the man that was
thought to be deeply in love be such a bastard…
“Bullshit!” Ouyang Lin yelled in fury, “Bitch, who do you think you are? It is your
blessings to gain Dongfang Jun’s likings. How dare you vilify him?! For someone like you
with such a lowly status, even a beggar won’t marry you! Who knows if you will give
birth to a monster that isn’t a human or beast!”
Actually, the humans similarly thought demon beast as lowly creatures just like how some
demon beasts disliked humans.
Demon beasts were only suitable to be used as tools in war for humans to fight in the
frontlines. They were similarly used to block dangers for humans.
Suddenly, a gale rose from the white robed girl that was standing quietly under the glow of
the sunset. A tyrannical aura like a sword that was incomparily sharp pierced toward
Ouyang Lin’s body.
Her body was sent flying backwards, colliding on a vendor’s booth on the streets. The
complexion of her delicate and pretty face turned increasingly pale.
The girl walked forth with her white robe fluttering. Her face was coated with a layer of
ice with killing intents bursting forth from her body.
Ouyang Lin looked fearfully at the white robed girl walking toward her. She bit on her lips
before asking with a shuddering voice, “You… what are you doing?”
It was unknown why the current white robed girl instilled fear in her.
She had never feared this much even from the head of the Ouyang family…
“Can you repeat what you just said?” Mu Ru Yue lowered her gaze as she looked glacially
at Ouyang Lin and asked, “You said that Xiao Yue isn’t compatible to Dongfang Jun?”
Ouyang Lin was so terrified that she scooted backwards away from Mu Ru Yue with terror
expressed on her face.
“How can my people be incompatible with someone? It should be Dongfang Jun that is
incompatible to her instead.” Mu Ru Yue smirked slightly and continued indifferently, “He
had just watched on as those people of the Dongfang family beat her to the point that she
almost died for his greed. Since the Dongfang family made her unhappy, I don’t mind
taking over the Dongfang family and giving it to her.”
Dongfang Jun was stunned as he looked in shock at Mu Ru Yue’s flawless face.
He finally understood why Xiao Yue would abandon him and choose to contract with that
girl. It was due to her having a matchless grandeur.
She didn’t mind taking down the Dongfang family and give it to Xiao Yue just to make
her happy?
How much guts did she have to say such domineering words?
Dongfang Jun had a complex feeling. He really couldn’t and was reluctant to give up on
such an outstanding girl like Xiao Yue…
Chapter 606: Departing To The Ouyang
“Xiao Yue, are you really unwilling to give me another chance?” He raised his head to
focus on Xiao Yue’s face as he pleaded with sorrow, “It can’t be that you have forgotten
how you took care of me when I was injured? Have you also forgotten about those
memorable days where we were together?”
Dongfang Jun was giving his final hope in moving this woman.
Xiao Yue closed her eyes gradually with her eyelashes trembling.
Scenes of her past flashed in her mind like a movie. It was so vivid. That man’s gentle
words and gaze were her only solace during the period where she was previously
separated from master.
But what was unforgettable to her was the scene where she was group assaulted….
It was at that moment that her feelings for him had been crushed…
Dongfang Jun looked at her elegant face with traces of hope appearing in his eyes. He
thought that there was still hope since Xiao Yue didn’t reject him straight away.
Yet, the girl that had closed her eyes in deep thoughts suddenly opened her eyes at this
“Dongfang Jun, I’m no longer in love with you. Why should I give you a chance then?”
Xiao Yue smirked as she smiled elegantly and continued, “I can live better after leaving
you. Why should I make myself suffer for you? I was just such a fool previously to bear
with being humiliated for a man. Currently, I won’t do anything that would damage my
dignity. Furthermore, since you vilified my, Xiao Yue’s, master today, you won’t even be a
stranger to me as you will be an enemy to me from now on!”
Dongfang Jun’s heart seemed to have been torn into pieces by a hand. It was unbearably
painful. His face was pale-white as he looked sorrowfully at the girl before him.
‘Is she really so heartless? Not even giving him a chance?’
“Mister Dongfang!”
Ouyang Lin climbed up to her feet and wiped off the trace of blood from the corner of her
lips as she looked Dongfang Jun with heartache.
Her Mister Dongfang was always so prideful. But he placed down his status to beg for
Xiao Yue to return to his side, but Xiao Yue didn’t accept his feelings.
How could her heart not hurt?
She bit on her lips before looking at Xiao Yue with determination and said, “Mister
Dongfang is a good man. He definitely isn’t how you said he was. You must have some
misunderstandings on him. If you lose a man like him, you will never be able to find a
second one!”
The heavens would know that her heart was bleeding as she said those words. But she had
no choice but to do it for her beloved man.
Even if every word she said was like a blade that pierced mercilessly in her heart.
Xiao Yue smiled. Her smile looked so elegant and noble, but it gave people chills.
“If that really is the case, I must be blind or that someone from the Dongfang family is
impostering Dongfang Jun.” Xiao Yue’s face became increasingly cold as she continued,
“It is your matter in liking Dongfang Jun, but not everyone will be able to accept him! In
my eyes, Dongfang Jun is just trash!”
Mu Ru Yue knew that Xiao Yue was indeed enraged as she, who had always been elegant,
said such words. Xiao Yue had already said it so clearly but these two people seemed to be
unable to understand human words and continued to pester her.
“Xiao Yue.” Mu Ru Yue patted Xiao Yue’s shoulder before shifting her gaze to the paled
Dongfang Jun and said, “Dongfang Jun, this will be my last time repeating. You aren’t
compatible to Xiao Yue!”
Dongfang Jun didn’t say anything, but Ouyang Lin couldn’t stand her words. Just as she
wanted to say something, she received a gaze from Mu Ru Yue.
Chapter 607: Departing To The Ouyang
‘This girl’s gaze is so freezing cold. It is as though it will be able to instantly freeze the
hearts of those that saw her gaze. I’ve never known that a person’s gaze could be this
Ouyang Lin shivered vigorously from the cold as an obscure fear could be felt from within
to outside of her body. When she got back to her senses, she was vexed. How could she be
frightened by this girl in front of Mister Dongfang?
Ouyang Lin saw a middle aged man leading a group of people toward her at this moment.
Her eyes lit up subconsciously.
“Lin Er, what happened?” Ouyang Dan swept a gaze and when his gaze landed on Ouyang
Lin’s pale face, he moved in a flash over to her and asked, “Lin Er, are you hurt? What
Ouyang Lin’s tears flowed out from her eyes uncontrollably after she called out.
She wiped off the tears from the corner of her eyes before she revealed a forced smile as
she said, “Father, I’m alright. It’s true. I didn’t suffer any grievance. Please stop being
Seeing his daughter’s pitiful appearance and hearing her forceful speech in pretending that
she was fine, a ball of fury surged in Ouyang Dan’s heart. He then asked in a heavy tone,
“Who hurt my daughter?”
“Father.” Ouyang Lin hastily pulled onto his hand and shook her head as she said, “Your
daughter is alright. It is just that Mister Dongfang suffered grievance instead.”
As a person of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Dan still recognised Dongfang Jun even
though he was just from the branch family. He then discovered a dazed Dongfang Jun
standing at the side after hearing what Ouyang Lin said.
“Mister Dongfang, what happened?” Ouyang Dan was greatly alarmed.
He wasn’t only a person from the branch of the Ouyang family, he was the leader of the
protectors of the Ouyang City. If something were to happen to Mister Dongfang, the
Dongfang family definitely would be enraged. Furthermore, the head of the Ouyang
family wouldn’t offend the Dongfang family for him as an insignificant member of its
branch family.
“Father, it is them that made caused Mister Dongfang to fall into such a state.”
Ouyang Dan noticed the couple standing shoulder to shoulder, following Ouyang Lin’s
Purple robes fluttered while the man’s body was encased with a frosty aura. He looked as
though he was looking at him but there wasn’t any of his reflection in his purple eyes.
The man was protecting the white robed girl at his side in his embrace. His silver
mask radiated a dazzling ray of light under the glow of the sunset, stunning
people’s heart.
This man was an expert!
Ouyang Dan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, “Mister, I don’t know what grudges to
have against my daughter and Mister Dongfang. It can’t be that you want to make an
enemy out of both the Ouyang and Dongfang family, right?”
‘Ouyang family?’
Mu Ru Yue glanced at Ouyang Dan as she said, “You can represent the Ouyang family?”
Ouyang Dan’s expression changed instantly. With his expression getting increasingly
sinister, he replied, “I’m the leader of the protectors of the Ouyang City. You must obey
the rules in our Ouyang family’s territory! Moreover, anyone that enters the Ouyang City
must be given a pass by the Ouyang family. I don’t know how the two of you entered this
place. Why haven’t I receive your passes?”
Ouyang Dan wasn’t to be blamed for not knowing how Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen
entered the city.
It was due to them sitting in the Ouyang family’s carriage when entering the Ouyang City.
Hence, Ouyang Dan naturally didn’t see them.
Seeing that the two of them weren’t replying him, he got even more certain of his guess.
He then said coldly, “The two of you that infiltrated the Ouyang City without a pass must
be spies from other places! Someone, capture and bind these spies. I want to interrogate
them thoroughly!”
Ouyang Lin was inwardly elated and become complacent.
‘This is your outcomes in daring to act so rampant within the Ouyang City!’
Chapter 608: Sullen Dongfang Jun(1)
Ouyang Dan’s gaze was strict as he looked coldly at the crowd and said severely, “I advise
that the two of you not to resist. Otherwise, the ones that will suffer will only be you!”
Mu Ru Yue’s expression was calm. It was as though she didn’t see Ouyang Dan’s action.
She raised her gaze slightly to look at the other’s strict expression and smirked coldly.
“This is your decision? Since this is the case, I will go with you. I just hope that you won’t
Ouyang Dan burst out laughing as though he just heard a laughable joke as he replied,
“Regret? I am only capturing two people. Why should I regret? The ones that should
regret are only the two of you. Someone, bring them to the interrogation room!”
Mu Ru Yue smirked slightly but didn’t resist. With a layer of coldness hidden in her eyes,
she said, “Wu Chen, since they are inviting us so sincerely, let’s make a trip to the
interrogation room.”
Ye Wu Chen looked at Mu Ru Yue with smiles in his eyes and a charming smile was
expressed. It was as though his eyes could only contain her in his purple eyes…

“Father, what did Lady Mu mean?’
There was only Ouyang Ling Tian and Ouyang Yun Jin in the studyroom of the Ouyang
family’s study room. Ouyang Yun Jin thought about that Mu Ru Yue said before she left
and gradually felt uneasy.
Ouyang Ling Tian sighed slightly before he replied, “Jin Er, do you still remember the
injury your father got many years ago?”
“Father…” Ouyang Yun Jin was stunned abruptly before he continued, “Are you referring
to the injury that you got from an ambush by that old man of the Dongfang family?”
“That’s right.” Ouyang Ling Tian smiled bitterly. With deep thoughts in his eyes, he
continued, “I’ve never recovered from that injury. It has already damaged all my internal
organs. My body condition has always been deteriorating after a long period of rotting.
Cough! Cough!”
He coughed uncontrollably with his elderly face pale-white.
“Father!” Ouyang Yun Jin hastily went forth to support Ouyang Ling Tian. With a tightly
creased brows, he asked, “Why didn’t you ever mention about it?”
Ouyang Ling Tian shook his head and replied, “If this was known to others, it would
definitely give rise to a major commotion. Thus, I’ve always been enduring the injury for
all these years. But it is currently impossible for me to continue hiding it. I could feel that
my life is withering away. Perhaps it will vanish with time.”
Ouyang Yun Jin raised his head to look at the elder before him.
It was unknown when father’s hair had all turned white. Wrinkles could be seen all over
his forehead. His face was no longer as rosy as in the past.
‘Father… He has really aged…’
Ouyang Yun Jin’s heart was a little sore.
‘Father has invested too much to the Ouyang family in his life and had overworked
“Father, since Lady Mu saw through your illness, she must have a way in curing you.”
Ouyang Yun Jin seemed to have thought about something that made his eyes lit up
momentarily, a trace of light flashed across his eyes.
A ray of hope also surged in Ouyang Ling Tian’s heart.
‘What Jin Er said is right. Since she could see through my condition, it means that she has
ways in treating me. But I’ve already offended that little girl from the start…’
Ouyang Ling Tian smiled bitterly and replied, “Jin Er, I’ve offended that lady. I’m afraid
that it will be really difficult in asking her to save me.”
“Father, Lady Mu isn’t a person that would be enraged from just words. If we show her
our sincerity, she will definitely agree to help. Moreover, father didn’t do anything to harm
her physically so you shouldn’t need to be this worried.”
More importantly, Ouyang Yun Jin knew that Mu Ru Yue wanted to deal with Ouyang
Yun Shu so she definitely wouldn’t give up on the Ouyang family.
Chapter 609: Sullen Dongfang Jun(2)
Hence, if father was to personally visit her and show her their full sincerity, she shouldn’t
reject in helping them again.
Ouyang Ling Tian’s gaze became serious.
‘Must I really lay down my status to beg a little girl? But if I don’t do that, I may really
‘Death means nothing to me. Yet, if I were to die, the entire Ouyang family will no longer
be able to resist against the Dongfang family and be eliminated from the four large
families of Realmless.’
“Alright!” Ouyang Ling Tian raised his gaze slightly and continued, “Jin Er, go and
investigate where lady Mu went. I will personally visit her!”
Ouyang Yun Jin smiled slightly and agreed, “Father, I will go and dispatch men to check
on that!”
It wouldn’t be an easy matter to search for someone in the ouyang City, but if it was the
Ouyang family that was the one searching, it would be within a snap of a finger.
Ouyang Yun Jin’s expression turned black after getting the report.
He slammed his fist on the table with all his might.
“Ouyang Dan!”
His expression became gloomy. It was like the calm before the storm. With a tremendous
aura bursting forth from his body, he commented, “It seems that the leader of the
protectors for this city should undergo a change…”
Ouyang Yun Jin narrowed his eyes slightly. With a sharp cold light that flickered in his
eyes, he suddenly stood up and walked briskly out of the room…

Ouyang Dan didn’t in the slightest know that a calamity was about to fall onto him at this
moment. He just looked coldly at the couple before him and demanded, “I will give you a
chance to confess. Tell me who sent you two here!”
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly and tilted her body to the side to lean onto her man’s warm
chest. She then asked indifferently, “Don’t you think that you should give us some water
before asking us this? It is the most basic courtesy.”
“Haha!” Ouyang Dan burst out laughing before he continued, “You want to drink water?
You must be dreaming! This is an interrogation room and not a teahouse! Little girl, stop
playing tricks. Otherwise, I will let you know that our Ouyang family definitely isn’t one
that could be easily messed with.”
Ye Wu Chen glanced sinisterly at Ouyang Dan’s presumptuous mocking smile. He then
lifted his arms to pull Mu Ru Yue into his embrace. He lowered his gaze to look at the girl
in his embrace and said with a gentle smile, “Mu Er, if you are tired, you can take a rest
first. I will be here.”
“Alright.” Mu Ru Yue stretched her waist and with a languid tone, she continued, “I am
indeed getting a little tired after waiting for so long. But they haven’t come yet. If they
still aren’t here after a while, I think we shall just leave this place.”
Ye Wu Chen smiled slightly as he used his slender fingers to brush his girl’s hair gently.
Devotion and deep affections brimmed in his charming purple eyes.
Ouyang Dan’s expression changed completely.
‘The two of them dared to say such brazen words before him? How can I tolerate that?’
He snorted coldly upon thinking about that. He then said with contempt, “Only the two of
you dare to say such brazen words after being caught into the interrogation room. You
want to leave? Sorry, but even if god comes, you won’t be able to leave!”
His voice was incomparably domineering with arrogance in his eyes. He had never placed
this youthful couple in his eyes.
“Father,” Ouyang Lin bit her lips as she swept a furious gaze at Mu Ru Yue and suggested,
“Since they aren’t willing to confess, how about torturing them into confession? We must
make them confess their misdeeds even if it was just from being tortured!”
‘Mister Dongfang is that outstanding, but these people judged that he wasn’t any good.
Since it is the case, I will make these people understand the benefits of having power!’
Chapter 610: Sullen Dongfang Jun(3)
Ouyang Lin smiled coldly with a trace of sinister light that flashed across her eyes.
Mu Ru Yue’s expression was still as calm as she was from the start. It was as though that
she didn’t hear her words. This made Ouyang Lin increasingly frustrated.
“Hmph! I will see how long you can pretend!” Ouyang Lin’s gaze turned slightly grim. An
intense ball of fury blazed in her heart when she thought about this woman disparaging
and humiliating Mister Dongfang.
“It can’t be you think that someone will save you, right? Didn’t you hear what father said?
Even if it is god, he wouldn’t be able to save the two of you! Only death awaits both of
you as spies that had the guts in infiltrating the Ouyang City!”
‘Once they die, that wolf’s contract will terminate. The wolf will then be unable to leave
Mister Dongfang after he forcefully contracted her.
‘Mister Dongfang won’t be in so much pain then.’
Ouyang Lin’s heart ached and smiled bitterly. She had done so much for that man and
even helped him thought of ways in getting that woman. But there wasn’t any sign of her
presence in his eyes from the start…
“Is that so?”
An elderly voice came through the door from outside the interrogation room.
Ouyang Dan was stunned. He then saw two people walking into the room when he turned
his head.
An elder in a flax colour gown that had long sleeves to cover up his arms was seen,
enveloping his thin and feeble body within the gown.
There was also a handsome middle aged man beside him. His gaze was as cold as blades.
His eyes was as sharp as an eagles as he swept a gaze that landed on Ouyang Dan.
“Head and young master, why have you come?” Ouyang Dan was slightly shocked.
‘Why have the head and young master come to this place?”
“Ouyang Dan,” Ouyang Ling Tian’s gaze landed on Mu Ru Yue and with his gaze slightly
darkened, he continued, “I don’t know what crimes they did for the two of them to be
locked up in the interrogation room.”
Ouyang Dan looked puzzled at Ouyang Ling Tian but he still explained, “It is like that.
Head, the two of them entered the Ouyang City without passes so I suspect that they are
spies from other places. Hence, I captured them to interrogate them. Who knows that they
aren’t cooperating and won’t confess their motives. I am just planning on torturing them
into confession but you appeared.”
‘Torturing them into confession?’
Ouyang Ling Tian’s expression darkened instantly. He was so tempted to just smack this
fool that only screwed up more than than accomplishing tasks to death!
He had already regretted after Mu Ru Yue told him that he didn’t have long to live. He
was thinking of ways on how to repair their relationships. Who knew that Ouyang Dan
would lock them up.
In this care, it would make this matter even more challenging…
“I will settle this debt with you later.” Ouyang Ling Tian cast a ice-cold gaze at Ouyang
Dan. He then walked briskly toward Mu Ru Yue with a smile on his strict face and invited,
“Lady Mu, I’m here to invite you to the Ouyang family as a guest.”
‘The head… smiled?’
Ouyang Dan and Ouyang Lin were stupefied as they doubted their sight.
The head had personally come here to invite this woman with a smile? What identity did
she have? What about her that was worthy for the head to personally make a trip to visit
Ouyang Dan’s face paled after he thought about what he had done previously. His body
started to sway.
‘I’m doomed. I had captured the guests of the Ouyang family. The head will definitely not
forgive me this time…’
Ouyang Lin was even more alarmed as compared to Ouyang Dan.
Chapter 611: Sullen Dongfang Jun(4)
She didn’t expect that the girl that she didn’t place any importance on was acquainted with
the head of the Ouyang family.
‘There must be a mistake!’
“Sorry,” Mu Ru Yue said with a light smile, “I think that this place isn’t bad so I don’t
plan on leaving. Of course, if there is tea or water, it will be much better.”
Ouyang Dan widened his eyes momentarily.
‘This girl rejected the head of the family’s personal invitation? How much guts does she
possess to say such words? Aren’t she afraid that the head of the family would smack her
Yet, there wasn’t any signs of anger on Ouyang Ling Tian’s face. It was as though he
didn’t hear her words.
With a light smile in his eyes, he asked, “Lady Mu, what must I do to make you leave with
me willingly?”
Mu Ru Yue shrugged her shoulders and with a slight smile, she replied, “Haven’t you
heard of a phrase that ‘it is easy to invite a Buddha but hard to send it away’? It is your
Ouyang family that caught me to this place. It can’t be that I should just let it go,right?”
Her meaning was that if you didn’t give me an explanation, I definitely wouldn’t leave this
Ouyang Dan suddenly received a gaze from Ouyang Ling Tian when he was stunned.
He shuddered vigorously. The elder had raised his hand to smack him flying before he
could say anything. “Ouyang Dan, it seems that you have too much guts to dare capture
my Ouyang family’s honoured guess. Who gave you the rights to do that?”
Ouyang Dan was smacked senseless.
It was as though countless mosquitoes had entered his mind, making him unable to come
back to his senses.
‘Honoured guests of the Ouyang family…’
Those words replayed in his mind over and over again, filling up his mind. Ouyang Dan’s
felt as though his head was about to explode. It was incredibly painful.
“No!” Ouyang Lin covered her lips and exclaimed. Her delicate face turned pale.
Ouyang Yun Jin impatiently shook his sleeves once that word came out of her mouth,
sending her body flying outwards.
“Ouyang Dan had misused his powers and hurt innocents. He will thereby be relieved of
all his powers and be cast out of the family! Ouyang Lin that is arrogant and willful will
similarly have her name eliminated from the Ouyang family’s ancestral hall. She will also
never be able to enter the Ouyang family again.”
Ouyang Ling Tian turned his head toward Mu Ru Yue and asked, “Lady Mu, are you
satisfied with these punishments?”
Mu Ru Yue’s brows rose as she swept a gaze at the those two that had stunned and said,
“Do you still remember what I said previously that I can go with you but I just hope that
you won’t regret?!”
“Don’t regret?
‘How can I not regret?
‘If my life can start over, I will never make such a mistake!’
Ouyang Dan gritted his teeth with his complexion was pale-white.
‘I didn’t expect that due to catching two people, it has led to me undergoing such a harsh
punishment to be cast out from the family.
‘Who in this continent will dare to keep them, father and daughter, after being chased out
from the Ouyang family?’
Ouyang Ling Tian waved his hand, signalling to his subordinates to drag these two
gravely paled father and daughter out of the room. He then shifted his gaze back to Mu Ru
Yue and asked, “Lady Mu, I want to ask you a question. Can you treat my injuries?”
Mu Ru Yue smirked and said indifferently, “I can!”
That reply made Ouyang Ling Tian’s heart to skip a beat. Slight excitement could be seen
on his elderly face, but he suppressed his stirred up heart and asked, “Lady Mu, I don’t
know what requests you may have?”
Mu Ru Yue chuckled slightly upon hearing that and replied, “My request is still the same
as before that I want the Ouyang family to swear their loyalty and devotion to me. I will
save you then! Otherwise, trust me when I say that you will at most be able to live for just
half a month!”
Ouyang Ling Tian became silent.
Chapter 612: Sullen Dongfang Jun(5)
He knew that Mu Ru Yue was saying the truth. If she didn’t save him, he definitely
wouldn’t live over half a month…
“Father, why are you still hesitating?” Ouyang Yun Jin became anxious as he persuaded,
“Have you thought that if you die, the Ouyang family will be taken over by the Dongfang
family that has always been eyeing covetously at us? Do you think that the people in the
Ouyang family will have good days after landing into the hands of the Dongfang family?
If that’s the case, won’t it be better to swear our loyalty and devotion to Lady Mu? It will
not only save your life, it will enable the Ouyang family to avoid that calamity.”
Ouyang Ling Tian’s heart shuddered and he remained silent for a while before he agreed,
“What you said is right. Lady Mu, I will agree to your request. Once you fully recovered
my injuries, I will pass the Ouyang family to you! It is due to not wanting my ancestors’
foundation to fall into the hands of the Dongfang family, no matter what.”
This was especially the case as the ambition of the Dongfang family was getting
increasingly vigorous. Moreover, the appearance of Dongfang Jun in the Ouyang City
definitely wasn’t simple.
That alchemist of the Dongfang family would certainly know about his body’s condition.
He believed that once he fell, the Ouyang family would fall into the hands of the
Dongfang family shortly after. It was the scenario that he wanted to avoid the most…
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly and proclaimed, “You will definitely not regret today’s
A confident glow could be seen on the girl’s radiant impeccable face, making Ouyang
Ling Tian to be dazzled by her. It was many years after that he really was glad that he
made this decision.
This decision had made it possible for the Ouyang family to climb up to the supreme
position in Realmless..

The night was as tranquil as water.
Rustling of the leaves broke the silence of the night when a night breeze blew.
Dongfang Jun was standing before a window with his hands resting behind his back. A
breeze made his hair to flutter, creating a captivating scene.
The man’s complexion was slightly pale and seemed to be thinking about something. He
looked sorrowfully at the night sky outside the room with a bitter smile on his face.
A gale suddenly blew in from outside. Dongfang Jun’s expression became serious and
shouted coldly, “Who?!”
Nobody replied him.
Only the night breeze could be heard.
Dongfang Jun frowned slightly. Just as he wanted to say something, a white figure flashed
inside the room.
His body was sent flying backwards, colliding hardly against the wall.
“Damn it!” Dongfang Jun wiped off the blood trail from the corner of his mouth and asked
glacially, “May I know who you are? What grudges do you have against me?”
But the other didn’t respond…
A night wind blew in from outside, making the night increasingly mysterious.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Fist like shadows struck mercilessly on Dongfang Jun’s body. Dongfang Jun hastily raised
his arm to block his assailant’s attack. He tried to see who was it that was assaulting him,
but the other’s speed was too fast that he couldn’t clearly see their appearance.
Dongfang Jun was really sullen.
The other obviously had a grudge against him, but he couldn’t identity who it was. If he
knew who was hitting him, he would definitely tear that bastard’s corpse into tiny
Dongfang Jun was socked in his lower jaw, making him seemed to hear a bone cracking
sound. His body was sent flying like a kite with a broken string. Blood flowed out from
his mouth, staining his robe red…
Currently, Dongfang Jun’s face swelled like a pig head from those punches, making it
impossible to see his original handsome appearance.
Chapter 613: Sullen Dongfang Jun(6)
A white light flashed and shot toward his groin. A heart wrenching shriek was then heard
under the tranquil night…

The next morning.
Ouyang Yun Jin placed his book down in the study room before he raised his gaze to look
at the white robed girl that had entered the room. With a smile, he greeted, “Lady Mu, you
are awake?”
“Mhm!” Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly. With a brandish of her hand, a piece of paper was
shot toward Ouyang Yun Jin. She then said, “Gather these medicinal plants.”
Ouyang Yun Jin smiled and kept the list of medicinal plants. He then shifted his gaze to
the girl. With a trace of light that flickered in his eyes, he asked, seemingly casually,
“That’s right, did you know that something happened to Dongfang Jun yesterday? The
rumours said that he was bashed up by someone and his tool in creating his legacy had
been crippled. Yet, he wasn’t able to see the face of the culprit in the end.”
He had focused his gaze on Mu Ru Yue’s expression while he said that.
Nevertheless, Mu Ru Yue’s expression remained unchanged. She then said as though that
matter didn’t have anything to do with her, “I don’t know if I should congratulate the
Dongfang family. It will prevent that bastard from ruining other girls.”
Ouyang Yun Jin remained silent for a while before he replied slightly helpless,
“Something had happened to Dongfang Jun in the Ouyang family’s territory after all. Even
though the Dongfang family won’t do anything to the Ouyang family, we still have to
account for him.”
“Account for him?” Mu Ru Yue smiled and continued, “It is meaningless to account for
him with the relationship of the Dongfang and Ouyang families. Since you are already fire
and water in the dark, it shouldn’t matter if it becomes open.”
Ouyang Yun Jin was stunned for a moment before he chuckled.
“You are right. There isn’t any difference from being in the light or the dark. It is destined
for the two families to be like water and fire after that old man of the Dongfang family
framed my father. However, the glory and losses of a large family of the four large
families will affect the image of the four large families so we didn’t want to confront the
Dongfang family openly. But this kind of facade is enough already as the ambitions of the
Dongfang family has been growing. They are planning on taking over the other three large
families. In this case, it doesn’t matter if we oppose them openly now.”
Mu Ru Yue didn’t say further. She just swept a gaze at the medicinal plant list in Ouyang
Yun Jin’s hand and said, “Send those medicinal plants over within five days. I also won’t
be responsible for what happens to your father after five years.”
She turned around and left the room upon saying that.
Faint sunlights entered the room and landed on the girl’s magnificent and beautiful face.
Her hair fluttered in the wind when the breeze blew past. She then stretched her waist
toward the sun with a light smile on her face.
Suddenly, Mu Ru Yue frowned and pressed her hand on her lower abdomen.
Cramps was instantly felt from her abdomen, making her complexion to pale momentarily.
“Mu Er!”
A purple robed flashed to land before her. He then raised his arm to pull her into his
embrace before he asked with worries and concerns, “How are you?”
“I’m fine.” Mu Ru Yue shook her head as she looked at the small protrusion of her belly.
With a trace of happiness on her face, she continued, “This little fella has been quiet since
I came to Realmless. There is finally some movements from him now. Wu Chen, I’ve a
feeling that this little fella is going to be born soon…”
He was their child. She would dote, cherish and protect him for all her life and eternity, no
matter what his origin was.
Ye Wu Chen heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what she said, but he didn’t dare to relax
completely as he said, “Mu Er, you have been working too hard lately. You can just make
me do that kind of matter that you did yesterday. There wasn’t a need for you to do it
Chapter 614: Sullen Dongfang Jun(7)
“I’m alright. No matter if it is me or our child, we aren’t that weak. He will be born
Mu Ru Yue lowered her gaze slightly with a gentle smile.
Ye Wu Chen suddenly held firmly onto her shoulders, forcing her gaze to focus on him.
Seriousness and resolutions filled the man’s purple eyes at this instant.
“Mu Er, a husband is someone that shoulders and deals with everything for his wife. If
you personally do everything, what use is there for me, then?”
Mu Ru Yue’s heart warmed as she looked at the man’s charming eyes. She then replied,
“Wu Chen, no matter if it was our previous life or this current life, I, Mu Ru Yue, has
never regretted meeting you! We will start finding ways on how to return to the Central
Region after settling the matters with the four large families. The Immortal Doctor
Banquet is about to commence soon. I must return before that. Moreover, we will most
likely be going to face against Zi Feng once we headed back.”
“Mu Er,” Ye Wu Chen tightened his arm as he embraced her body and continued, “Don’t
worry. I will certainly not leave you no matter what happens.”
Mu Ru Yue’s heart calmed down after hearing the man’s promise.
‘That’s right, this man will definitely not leave me no matter what enemies we would
encounter… Moreover, I also believe that he will accompany me for all my lives and

Everyone in the main hall of the Ouyang family was frequently casting their gazes outside.
A figure like snow entered everyone’s gazes shortly after.
Those that hadn’t see this girl before were astonished after they saw her devastating
beautiful face.
Her appearance was even more dazzling than the Eldest young mistress.
“Elder sister Mu!”
Ouyang Qian looked at Mu Ru Yue that was at the entrance of the room. With a lovely
smile on her youthful face, she continued, “Eldest sister Mu, you are finally here. Father
and grandfather has been waiting for you.”
Mu Ru Yue nodded and swept a gaze throughout the crowd. There wasn’t any emotions in
her calm gaze. It made Ouyang Yun Jin’s heart to tighten abruptly.
“Lady Mu, how was the refinement of that pill?”
Mu Ru Yue shifted her gaze at Ouyang Yun Jin and replied, “I’ve successfully refined the
Saint Revival Pill. It will enable the injuries of the head of the Ouyang family to fully
Everyone became greatly stirred up.
Several people knew that Ouyang Ling Tian was hurt that year, but didn’t know that he
was near his death. But even if that was the case, Mu Ru Yue’s brazen words shocked the
“Hmph!” Ouyang Yun Shu snorted coldly and advised, “Father, she may just be trying to
kill you by intentionally coming to this place. That pill of hers could be poison. Hence,
you must not consume it!”
Ouyang Ling Tian didn’t reply to him. He just raised his head to look at Mu Ru Yue and
asked with a light smile, “Lady Mu, may I have that pill?”
In Ouyang Ling Tian’s point of view, it was unnecessary to poison him.
His life was already ending so Mu Ru Yue didn’t need to use poison to take his life.
Furthermore, he was gambling all of his remaining life on her.
If she failed, he would just lose his life. But if she succeeded, it would fully recover his
“Father!” Ouyang Yun Shu’s expression changed drastically as he looked sinisterly at Mu
Ru Yue.
Mu Ru Yue seemed to not have glanced at him from the start. She just walked at her own
pace to stand before Ouyang Ling Tian. With a raise of her palm, a pill appeared in it,
giving off an exquisite glow.
“This is the Saint Revival Pill. It will be up to you whether you will consume it.”
Chapter 615: Sullen Dongfang Jun(8)
Ouyang Ling Tian looked at the pill in the girl’s hand before consuming it without any
hesitation. When that pill entered his mouth, it instantly liquified and spread throughout
his body after entering his throat.
Everyone focused their gazes on Ouyang Ling Tian at this instant.
If Mu Ru Yue was a spy from other families and was delusional in trying to take the head
of the family’s life, they must apprehend her as quickly as they could.
Suddenly, a trace of rosiness flashed past Ouyang Ling Tian’s pale face.
He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood that was giving off a fishy
Ouyang Yun Jin hastily went forth to support Ouyang Ling Tian’s body with worried eyes.
An angered yell was heard before he could say anything.
“I had already said that this woman doesn’t have good intentions and is delusional in
trying to kill father. Someone, quickly capture this woman for this young master!”
Ouyang Yun Shu pointed toward Mu Ru Yue and instructed coldly.
The others saw this situation and hastily went to surround that girl. Yet, her eyes was still
as calm as though she wasn’t aware of her current predicament.
A furious voice was suddenly heard, stopping everyone’s action.
Ouyang Ling Tian entered the crowd to stand before Mu Ru Yue. He then bowed deeply
toward Mu Ru Yue, directly ignoring Ouyang Yun Shu’s gaze, as he said, “Lady Mu,
thank you very much for curing my chronic illness. I will abide by my promise. The
Ouyang family will swear their loyalty and devotion to you from now on!”
Ouyang Yun Shu was stunned for a moment.
‘That brat has really healed father? How can she have that kind of ability? That alchemist
chief of the Dongfang family may not even have such capability.
‘What is even more unbelievable is that father wants the Ouyang family to swear their
loyalty and devotion to her!’
Thoughts ran rampant in Ouyang Yun Shu’s mind. He then took in a deep breath and said,
“Father, it is unnecessary to give the entire family to her even if she saved your life. We
don’t know anything about her. What if she pushes our family into an abyss? How will
you be able to face the Ouyang family’s ancestors then?”
“Shut up!”
Ouyang Ling Tian interrupted him coldly and said, “This is my decision. It isn’t up for
discussions. Otherwise, the outcome of Ouyang Dan will be the same as yours!”
Ouyang Yun Shu could only stop speaking upon hearing that in dissatisfaction. But what
he couldn’t stand was that his father wanted to chase him out of the family for an outsider!
‘It seems that father is getting senile!
‘I definitely won’t let the Ouyang family fall into an outsider’s hand.’
“Head, something bad happened.” A voice came through from outside the room.
Following that, a subordinate of the Ouyang family dashed briskly into the room and
reported, panting profusely, “Someone from the Dongfang family has come.”
“Dongfang family?” Ouyang Ling Tian’s gaze turned grim as he commented, “It seems
that the Dongfang family has come here really quick. They definitely will primarily
suspect our Ouyang family since something happened to Dongfang Jun in the Ouyang
City! But we will have to face the Dongfang family eventually so let’s just invite them in.”
“Understood, head!”
That subordinate cupped his fists toward him before retreating.
A well built figure that brought a sword-like aura with him was seen as he entered the
room briskly under the crowd’s gaze after a short moment.
That man was at most fifty years of age. There were some similarities in his appearance to
Dongfang Jun’s. His lofty and powerful body gave people an oppressing feeling when he
stood before the crowd.
Mu Ru Yue lifted her head slightly to glance at the middle-aged man before immediately
withdrawing her gaze.
Chapter 616: Sullen Dongfang Jun(9)
Ouyang Yun Jin narrowed his eyes slightly as he introduced, “He is the father of
Dongfang Jun, Dongfang Liang. He is also the head of the Dongfang family. Dongfang
Liang is a rather lecherous. He has countless concubines. He similarly has countless
offsprings. But he doted on Dongfang Jun the most. Hence, he has personally come to
seek justice for his son.”
Nobody knew what was the purpose in Dongfang Liang coming here, but they naturally
knew that it wouldn’t be good.
“Head of the Ouyang family, you should know why I came here today!” Dongfang Liang’s
expression was gloomy. But when he saw Ouyang Ling Tian’s current condition, he
‘That old man was severely wounded by father that year. His body’s condition shouldn’t
be good even if he didn’t die. Why is it that he seems completely fine today?’
“What matter will make the head of the Dongfang family personally come other than for
the young master of the Dongfang family?” Ouyang Ling Tian didn’t deny as it would be
too much of a sham to say that he didn’t know. He then continued, “But my Ouyang
family really wasn’t involved in that matter. The Dongfang family should go and find the
real culprit!”
Dongfang Liang snorted coldly as he rebuked, “Who other than your Ouyang family will
dare to make a move on someone under my Dongfang family’s wings in this place? That
person not only severely wounded my son, he even even broke his legacy! I definitely
won’t forgive someone that ruthless!”
“Head of the Dongfang family, do you think our Ouyang family is that idiotic to make a
move on the young master of the Dongfang family in their territory? I definitely won’t do
it within the Ouyang City even if I wanted to. Someone must be trying to set up my
Ouyang family to start a conflict between the Dongfang and Ouyang families.”
Ouyang Ling Tian replied with light smiles.
He indeed didn’t know who did that, but if he knew, he would definitely thank them.
That brat of the Dongfang family had finally been crippled. How could he not be elated?
The enemy of his enemy would naturally be his comrade so he also wanted to know who
did it.
Dongfang Liang became silent upon hearing that.
What Ouyang Ling Tian said wasn’t illogical. The Ouyang family wouldn’t be that foolish
as to make their move on his son in their territory. It would be akin to telling the Dongfang
family that I had beat up your son.
He had suspected the Ouyang family due to their bad relationship initially.
‘Who other than the Ouyang family would do this?
‘Will it be the Nangong family or the Moshang family?
‘The Nangong family has a marriage alliance with the Dongfang family. If they did this,
they will similarly hurt Nangong Zi Lan that was deeply in love with Jun Er. Thus, the
culprit shouldn’t be from the Nangong family.
‘With this elimination method, the only possibility is the Moshang family!
“That’s right, this definitely must be done by the Moshang family!
‘He wants to start a conflict between the Ouyang and Dongfang families so that he will
gain leadership over the four large families by waiting for both parties to be severely
wounded before commencing his attack.’
Thinking about that, Dongfang Liang was drenched in cold sweat.
‘This is too scary! The Moshang family that has always lived in seclusion and usually
didn’t bother with world affairs had such a terrifying scheme that even he nearly fell for!’
“Head of the Ouyang family, I was too rash.” Dongfang Liang cupped his fists and
continued apologetically, “I’m sorry for my actions today. I currently have matters to
attend to so I will have to bid my farewells. I will come again another day!”
He turned around and left the room upon saying that.
Seeing Dongfang Liang’s distant departing figure, Ouyang Ling Tian couldn’t help but to
smirk. He chuckled lightly as he mused, “The Dongfang family has started to shift their
suspect onto the Moshang family. It seems a good show is imminent.”
Chapter 617: Sullen Dongfang Jun(10)
Ouyang Yun Jin frowned slightly as he asked, “Moshang family? Father, do you think that
matter was done by the Moshang family?”
He sided more toward it being Mu Ru Yue avenging for the Sky Wolf Xiao Yue over the
Moshang family. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be anyone else that would do that other
than that girl.
“Hur hur!” Ouyang Ling Tian chuckled before he replied, “I don’t know who did that, but
I’m sure that it wasn’t the Moshang family.”
Ouyang Yun Jin was startled as he asked, “Why?”
“The logic is really simple.” Ouyang Ling Tian raised his gaze before he continued, “The
Moshang family is different from the other three large families. Everyone in that family
loves to live in seclusion. It will be a really rare occurrence to see people of the Moshang
family roaming in the continent. They are even more unwilling to have grudges against
anyone or get into a fight. They just want to train in seclusion. With the Moshang family’s
character, they definitely wouldn’t be able to do such a matter! Moreover, there are too
many loopholes in this matter. If they wanted to set the Ouyang family up to start a
conflict between the Ouyang and Dongfang families, the Moshang family will definitely
be quickly suspected upon. But they shouldn’t be that foolish to expose such a mistake.”
“About that matter…” Ouyang Yun Jin swept a gaze at Mu Ru Yue that had a calm
expression before shifting his gaze back to Ouyang Ling Tian.
Ouyang Ling Tian smiled and said, “This should just be pure vengeance. That person
definitely didn’t have any schemes. It is probably due to Dongfang Jun offending some
girls, making that girl want to cripple his member. Of course, those matters didn’t have
anything to do with us. Yet, if the Dongfang family started a conflict against the Moshang
family, we will gain another ally…”
There wasn’t any good people in this world as everything ran on benefits.
How could he not be elated to just wait for the fish to come before capturing it easily?

Dongfang Liang didn’t dally in the Ouyang City. He just brought Dongfang Jun that was
half dead back to the Dongfang family. However, he had concealed the matter about
Dongfang Jun’s member being crippled. If the Nangong family knew about this, the
outcome would be easy to predict.
Dongfang Liang frowned as he looked at the man on the bed inside a room and asked,
“Jun Er, you really didn’t see who hurt you?”
Dongfang Jun shook his head and replied sorrowfully, “That person was too fast. It was
impossible for me to see that person’s appearance clearly.”
“Do you have any idea as to who would do this?” Dongfang Liang’s gaze became
increasingly sinister.
‘I definitely won’t forgive that person that terminated the Dongfang family’s bloodline, no
matter who it is.”
An ice-cold, but impeccable appearance flashed in Dongfang Jun’s mind at this moment.
But he quickly denied it.
‘That woman definitely shouldn’t have that kind of tyrannical powers as that expert could
beat me to a pulp without me being able to clearly see their appearance, including
crippling my family jewels.’
“I don’t know. I also don’t think I’ve offended that kind of expert. That person should be
someone from the four large families. The Nangong family shouldn’t have done this. Can
it be the Ouyang family?”
Dongfang Jun’s body shuddered when a chill creeped up his spine..
‘That’s right, it is possible that it was by the Ouyang family. They definitely could be this
ruthless if they wanted to seek vengeance for that girl.’
“It isn’t the Ouyang family.” Dongfang Liang shook his head as he explained, “If the
Ouyang family wanted to make a move on you, they would do it after you left the Ouyang
City. They aren’t that brainless to make their move on you when you were in their
territory. Hence, I have another hypothesis that it is the Moshang family that wants to start
a conflict between the Ouyang and Dofang family. They will then just wait for both parties
to weaken before going in for the kill to become the leader of the four large families. Jun
Er, don’t worry. Father will certainly avenge for your grudge in having your member
Chapter 618: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(1)
Dongfang Jun’s expression became gloomy as he clenched his fist tightly before saying
each words heavily, “Moshang family! I will definitely make all of you pay the price!”
It was similar in making him lose his happiness by cripping his legacy. What reasons
would he have from now on to continue trying to get back with Xiao Yue?
Thinking about that elegant and beautiful girl, Dongfang Jun’s heart ached subconsciously.
“Jun Er, you must marry Nangong Zi Lan no matter what. Once she marries into the
Dongfang family, our family’s position will then be stabilized.” A sinister light flickered in
Dongfang Liang’s eyes as he said that seriously.
“But father, how will the Nangong family allow Zi Lan to marry with my current
condition? Won’t that be equivalent to make her lose happiness for her entire life?”
“That is why we mustn’t let the Nangong family know about this matter.” Dongfang Liang
paused for a moment before continuing, “I will give a secret technique of our Dongfang
family to seal the mouths of the Ouyang family. It will be impossible for the Nangong
family to know about this if only the Ouyang family didn’t spread that information. As for
the Moshang family, it is needless to worry about them as they should not be that stupid to
do that. Otherwise, it would be the same as confessing what they did.”
Dongfang Jun didn’t say anything, but he had wordlessly agreed to Dongfang Liang’s
The Ouyang family would naturally accept the secret technique of the Dongfang family
given by the head of the Dongfang family. It would also serve as a compensation to
Ouyang Ling Tian.
Actually, even if they didn’t say anything, the Nangong family wouldn’t continue the
marriage alliance with the Dongfang family. It was just that everyone wasn’t voicing their

Leaves were fluttering downwards within the Ouyang family’s courtyard.
Mu Ru Yue smirkled slightly as she focused her gaze at the man beside her and asked, “I
heard that Ouyang Lin died?”
“Mhm.” Ye Wu Chen seemed to have replied without much thoughts. It was as though he
didn’t listen to her question.
The smiles within Mu Ru Yue’s eyes intensified as she continued, “She died from
humiliation. Wu Chen, I believe that you were involved in this.”
Ye Wu Chen withdrew his gaze after hearing that.
His purple eyes locked onto Mu Ru Yue’s. With a peculiar light in his eyes, he explained,
“She dishonoured you…”
He definitely wouldn’t let off anyone that dishonoured her. He just didn’t make his move
since Mu Ru Yue had plans at that moment.
But it didn’t mean that he was willing to let that girl off.
“Wu Chen, there’s no need to soil your hands with those kind of people’s blood.” Mu Ru
Yue gripped gently onto the man’s hand with happiness in her eyes.
Ye Wu Chen smiled charmingly as he replied, “Don’t worry. There wasn’t a need for me
to do it personally. I naturally had someone to do it for me. My hands are used to embrace
you and not to be soiled by those people’s blood.”
Mu Ru Yue’s heart shuddered but she then chuckled as she said, “Wu Chen, the powers of
the Ouyang family has currently been increasing with time. There are numerous experts in
the family from the nurturement of pills. Even Yi Shao Chen’s army are already well
known. We just need to find of ways to leave Realmless now.”
Even though it was easy to enter, it would be difficult to exit.
They needed to find a way to leave this place…
“Elder sister Mu, father is looking for you to discuss something with you.”
Yet, a clear voice like a chime was heard behind them at this moment.
Mu Ru Yue turned her head to look at Ouyang Qian and nodded slightly as she agreed,
“Alright. I will go and find him.”
Faint sunlights enveloped a middle aged man’s tall and straight body inside the study
room. His gaze was currently focused on the invitation on the table with a slight frown.
Perhaps it was due to feeling that someone had come that he gradually lifted his head to
look over with a smile on his face.
“Lady Mu and Ghost King, you are here?”
“Mhm.” Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly and asked, “What matters do you have with me
Chapter 619: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(2)
“It is like this,” Ouyang Yun Jin’s gaze became serious. With a peculiar light that flashed
across his eyes, he continued, “There will be a four large families’ event in the near
“Four large families’ event?”
“That’s right, the purpose of that event is to choose the successors of the four large
families even if the families didn’t have close relationships. This was due to needing a
leader to lead all of the families to fight against foreign invasion. The one that was always
in the lead was the Dongfang family so…”
“So you want to take this opportunity to become the leader?”
Mu Ru Yue smirked slightly with her tone was calm as a breeze.
Ouyang Yun Jin smiled and replied, “You are right. This is a chance for our Ouyang
family to stand on top of the four large families. It is impossible for me to let such a
chance slip away. Mu Ru Yue, if you just plan on taking over the Dongfang family, it
won’t suffice as even if the Dongfang family is the leader of the four large families, there
were constant conflicts within the four large families. You need to make the Nangong and
Moshang families to acknowledge their allegiance to you in order to become the supreme
leader of the four large families.”
Mu Ru Yue remained quiet for a while before she asked, “I understand. Where will the
four large families’ event be held?”
“It will be hosted at the Dongfang family half a year later.”
Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly and notified, “Young master Ouyang, I will be leaving the
Ouyang family for a period of time. I will be heading there directly half a year later.”
Ouyang Yun Jin was stunned slightly, but he didn’t say anything and agreed, “I will be
waiting for you at the Dongfang family at that time.”
Mu Ru Yue didn’t say further after giving a final glance at Ouyang Yun Jin as she turned
around and left the room.
Mu Ru Yue raised her head and stretched her waist toward the breeze. With a slight curve
of her lips, she said, “Wu Chen, Mo Xi told me that his grandfather wants to meet me a
few days ago. Thus, I want to make a trip to the Demon Beast Mountain Range.”
His grandfather felt the connection between the two of them after they contracted. There
was still half a year to the event so she could use this opportunity to make a trip to the
Demon Beast Mountain Range.
Ye Wu Chen shifted his gaze toward the girl beside him. With a gentle smile under his
silver mask, he replied, “I will go with you.”
The Demon Beast Mountain Range was too dangerous. How could he let her head there
by herself?
Mu Ru Yue just agreed as she knew that it would be useless trying to persuade Ye Wu
Chen in allowing her to solitarily enter the Demon Beast Mountain Range.
“Let’s go. We need to head to the Dongfang family in half a year. There isn’t much time so
let’s depart now…”

The Demon Beast Mountain Range was located at the East of Realmless where numerous
demon beasts roamed about. That place was the most dangerous out of the entire
realmless. Tyrannical aura could be felt indistinctly in the Demon Beast Mountain Range.
Yet, there was three figures walking in the Demon Beast Mountain Range.
A faint smile graced the was devastatingly beauty face of the girl in white robes with a
devastating beauty. There was a man in purple robes by her side with a silver mask on his
face. The faint sunlight that shone through the motley tree branches to shine onto the
man’s pencil-like straight slender figure, elongating his shadow on the ground.
The man possessed a pair of charming purple eyes. It was so beautiful that it would make
people be deeply captivated by it.
Lastly, there was a handsome and adorable looking youth.
The youth was wearing an embroidered robe. His skin was so fair that it looked
translucent. His lips was slightly purse up. His bright black eyes were as dazzling as the
stars in the night sky.
Perhaps it was returning to his hometown that he was no longer as timid as initially. A
lovely smile was expressed on his face.
But what would make people curious was that the three of them had been walking
unhindered. Not even a single beast sought trouble with them…
Chapter 620: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(3)
An elder was sitting cross legged at the depths of the Demon Beast Mountain Range.
Sunlight was enveloping his body. It was as though he was being coated with a layer of
gold sands.
His snow-white hair fluttered with the breeze when a breeze blew past. The elder seemed
to have felt something as he abruptly opened his eyes and commented, “That brat has
finally returned. But he has brought some guests with him. Someone, open the entrance
door to welcome our honoured guests!”
He stood up while he said that. A white robe soared to the sky and quickly vanished from
the back mountains…
“Little Yue, we are here.”
Mo Xi blinked his eyes as he smiled adorably and said, “Grandfather must be waiting for
me inside. Let’s quickly head in. I can’t wait to introduce Little Yue to grandfather.”
Mu Ru Yue shook her head helplessly.
She had already prepared to terminate her contract with Mo Xi when she decided to come
here. Mo Xi had initiated the contract to save her life previously. But she had too many
enemies so she didn’t want to implicate him further.
Moreover, she was certain that the old man of the Mo family had wanted to meet her
regarding the contract. There wasn’t any grandfather that will allow his grandson to be in
“Let’s go.”
Mu Ru Yue’s brows raised. Her expression softened as she looked at the two men at her
No matter if Mo Xi was being tied to her with contract or not, that youth would always be
her friend.
“Little young master, you are finally back!”
A crude voice was suddenly heard before them. A well built man landed before them from
the sky.
The ground of the entire mountain range shook for a moment.
That man rubbed his head. He laughed openly as he welcomed, “These two should be the
guests that the head had mentioned. I am Xiong Shan (Bear Mountain). You can just call
me Boss Xiong. Little young master, the head is waiting for all of you inside.”
Mo Xi smiled jubilantly. That smile of his was even more dazzling than the sunlight.
“Uncle Xiong, quickly bring us to meet grandfather. It has been ages since I met
grandfather after he tossed me out of the Demon Beast Mountain Range.”
Mo Xi grieved a little upon saying that.
Grandfather wanted him to train solitarily so he tossed him to such a terrifying place. If he
didn’t meet Xiao Yue, he wouldn’t know what to do…
“Everyone, please come with me.” Boss Xiong chuckled before he turned around to head
toward the mountain…
The Demon Beast Mountain Range was several tens of thousands meter deep as the old
man of the Mo family leaved at its depth. Thus, even if it were people from the four large
families, they wouldn’t dare to venture casually into the mountain range.
Hence, nobody saw the ancestral hall at the feet of the mountain…
There was an elder that had both of his hands relaxing behind his back outside the
ancestral hall. His white robes fluttered in the breeze, making him looked immortal like.
Deep thoughts was expressed on his face, but nobody knew what he was thinking.
“Grandfather, I’m back…”
A clear voice finally made the elder to come back to his eyes. His face relaxed as he
turned his head toward the youth that was walking over toward him under the sunlight. A
smile appeared on his elderly face.
“Mo Er, you have finally returned. How was life outside? Did you make any
Mo Xi pursed his lips as he said pitifully, “Those humans were really horrifying. Everyone
seems to want to eat me. I’ve also killed several of them accidentally. Grandfather, I really
didn’t do that on purpose…”
It was those people that were too much.
“If…” Mo Xi shifted his gaze toward Mu Ru Yue before continuing, “If it wasn’t for Little
Yue, I most certainly would have been eaten up by those people. I heard from Ouyang
Qian that there were several human trafficking traffickers out there. They will use
incapacitating agents to knock people unconscious before eating them. Furthermore, it was
you grandfather that tossed me out to that kind of place.”
Chapter 621: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(4)
“Ouyang Qian?” Mo Lin frowned as he asked, “Who is that?”
Mo Xi cast a gaze at Mo Lin as though he was looking at an idiot as he replied,
“Grandfather, you are really stupid. Of course, Ouyang Qian is a human.”
Mo Lin remained silent for a while upon hearing that as three black lines instantly
appeared on his forehead.
‘No kidding!’
He took in a deep breath before he shifted his gaze toward Mu Ru Yue. He then said with
a gentle smile, “If I had guessed correctly, you should be Xi Er’s contractor?”
He was silently sizing up the girl before him while he said that.
‘It is undeniable that the girl is indeed really outstanding as usually people will either act
respectfully toward me or fear me. Yet, this girl’s expression is calm. It is as though she is
treating me like an ordinary person.
Mo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly as he focused his gaze onto Ye Wu Chen who was
standing at the side. His breath tightened momentarily with a trace of seriousness that
flashed in his eyes.
‘This man is really powerful!
‘Who on earth is he?’
“That’s right.” Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly before continuing, “Mo Mo had initiated the
life sharing contract with me to save my life.”
“Lady, you should have guessed the reason why I called you here.” Mo Lin smiled slightly
before continuing, “I hope that you can terminate your contract with Xi Er. The life
sharing contract is the most unfair contract. Moreover, he definitely mustn’t contract with
a human as my, Mo Lin’s, grandson.”
Mo Xi’s complexion paled abruptly as he looked at Mo Lin with astonishment. He got
back to his sense after a long time before he rebuked anxiously, “Grandfather, I don’t want
to! Can you please don’t make us terminate our contract?”
‘I don’t want to terminate the contract with Little Yue!’
Mo Xi pursed his lips with his feeble and weak body trembling slightly. With glistening
tears hanging on his eyelashes, his bright eyes filled with plead.
Seeing his grandson’s current state, Mo Lin’s heart softened and almost agreed. But when
he thought about the various cons of the life sharing contract, he hardened his heart again
as he prompted, “Lady, what will be your decision? Are you willing to terminate the
contract with Mo Xi?”
Mo Xi’s heart shuddered as he focused his gaze on Mu Ru Yue’s impeccable face with
expectant filled large eyes.
‘Little Yue certainly will not terminate the contract with me!’
Mu Ru Yue closed her eyes slowly. When she opened it again, resolution was filled in it as
she agreed, “I accept your request in terminating the contract with Mo Mo.”
It was Mo Lin’s turn to be stunned.
‘Doesn’t all humans want strong demon beasts to be their tools in battles? Moreover, they
are under the life sharing contract that is greatly beneficial to her?’
Mo Lin initially wanted to tempt her with benefits. If that didn’t work, he would then use
force. Who knew that the girl would agree so readily before he could even state any
“Lady, you really accept my request?”
Mo Lin didn’t dare to believe what he just heard at this moment as her response was out of
his knowledge. Xi Er’s parents were brutally killed by those humans due to them refusing
to contract with them after all.
Even though Mo Lin didn’t hate all humans due to that, he was unwilling to allow
members of the Mo family to have any connections with those sinister and cunning
humans. It was due to that he hastily summoned Mo Xi back and wanted this woman to
terminate the contract.
“Yes.” Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze as she continued indifferently, “Mo Mo was forced to
contract with me to save my life. We can indeed terminate the contract now.”
Mo Lin blinked his eyes as this time he was sure that he didn’t misheard that Mu Ru Yue
was really willing to terminate the contract with Mo Xi…
Chapter 622: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(5)
“Little Yue!”
Mo Xi finally snapped out of his shock. With the complexion of his fair face becoming
increasingly pale, he looked pitifully at her with tears rolling out of his eyes.
“Little Yue, are you abandoning me?”
Mu Ru Yue’s heart was sore, but she understood that it would only be detrimental to Mo
Xi if they continued being under that contract…
If her soul was dissipated one day, she wouldn’t be able to regain her soul from that life
sharing contract. Mo Xi would then similarly vanish from this world with her forever.
“Little Yue, please don’t toss me away, alright?” With a grieved-filled gaze, Mo Xi said
carefully, “You can just tell me what I did wrong and I will definitely change from doing
that. I won’t make you unhappy or pester you. Can you please… please don’t abandon me
Mu Ru Yue lowered her gaze slightly before she turned her back on Mo Xi.
She then tried her best to make her voice sound as calm as possible, but she still couldn’t
control her trembling throat as she replied, “Mo Mo, haven’t you always want to return
home? Currently, you have returned home so you won’t need to go out to face with those
people anymore. Isn’t this what you wished for?”
She slowly closed her eyes to sweep her mental powers into her mind to find the imprint
that was binding them together. Once she found it, she gradually erased it before opening
her eyes again.
It was as though the string that was connecting them had been severed as Mo Xi could no
longer feel the other’s spiritual aura.
This kind of feeling was as though he was abandoned in the middle of a sea without any
sense of safety…
“Wu Chen, let’s go.”
Mu Ru Yue’s eyelashes trembled slightly as she said that calmly.
Ye Wu Chen nodded wordlessly as he focused on Mu Ru Yue’s back. His heart ached
slightly. He would definitely not let Mo Lin hinder with the contract between Mo Xi and
her with a statement from her.
However, Ye Wu Chen knew that it wasn’t due to Mo Lin.
If she really wanted Mo Xi to stay by her side, nobody would be able to force her to
terminate the contract. But now, it was indeed by her own decision…
“Little Yue!”
Mo Xi’s heart felt as though a hand had shredded it into pieces as he looked at the two
departing figures. It was so painful that he couldn’t breath. He felt as though he had been
abandoned at this instant. He doubted that he would feel that kind of reliance in the vast
‘She can’t!
‘She definitely can’t just toss me here!’
Mo Xi charged forth like a man person, but his path was blocked by a robust figure. Fury
surged in his heart at this moment. With a tyrannical aura bursting forth from his body, he
yelled furiously, “Get out of my way! I want to go and find Little Yue!”
Boss Xiong’s enormous body was sent flying before crashing hard onto the ground.
Just when Mo Xi wanted to chase after Mu Ru Yue, his arm was gripped by a large, rough
hand, making him unable to move.
Mo Xi’s body shuddered and with tears in his eyes, he questioned his grandfather with a
shaky voice, “Grandfather, why did you want Little Yue to terminate the contract with me?
Why did you want to separate me from Little Yue? Can you let me go and find her?
Grandfather, I am begging you… Father and mother had left me since I was young. It
can’t be that I should let Little Yue leave me too, right?”
Mo Lin’s heart shuddered when he heard him mention his son and his daughter-in-law. He
then sighed and explained, “Xi Er, grandfather is doing this as it will be the best for
“I don’t care!”
Tears flowed out of his eyes as he resisted with all his might to regain his freedom, but he
still couldn’t escape his confinement in the end.
“What if something happens to her after breaking the contract with me? Grandfather, if
Little Yue dies, I will hate you!”
Chapter 623: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(6)
Mo Lin’s heart was sore.
‘This is my grandson? He will hate me for others… This brat had only left the Demon
Beast Mountain Range for a short period of time, but he now sided to other people.
‘How can my heart not hurt?
‘But I am really reluctant to scold him after pampering and spoiling this brat since he was
“Xi Er, listen to me. You are too weak now. If her physical body dies, she can be revived
with your help. But if her soul was dissipated, you will vanish with her forever. You can
only avoid disappearing with her when you are at the Supreme Realm. I will let you find
her once you reach that realm. I won’t mind even if you entered a contract with her then.”
It would be the True Realm above the four Yellow, Mystic, Earth and Heaven realms. The
Supreme Realm would be above the True Realm. Thus, it would take a long time for one
to break through to the Supreme Realm.
Even if it was Mo Lin, he had only broken through to the Supreme Realm…
“Alright,” Mo Xi pursed his lips slightly before he confirmed, “You must stay true to your
words. You will let me find Little Yue once I have broken through to the Supreme Realm.
If… if you are lying to me, I will never forgive you in my entire life.”
Mo Lin chuckled as he replied, “When have I ever lied to you? Xi Er, grandfather promise
that once you break through to the Supreme Realm, I will let you find her. As for the
safety of that little girl, you won’t need to worry as with that man by her side, nothing in
Realmless can hurt her.”
Mo Xi heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that with resolution filled bright eyes.
‘I must break through to the Supreme Realm as soon as possible so that I will be able to
leave the Demon Beast Mountain Range to look for her…

“Mu Er.”
Breeze was blowing in the Demon Beast Mountain range. Ye Wu Chen tightened his arms
to pull the girl by his side into his embrace. His slender fingers brushed gently at her hair.
With a gentle expression, he suggested, “Don’t worry. You will reunite with him sooner or
later. If you really are reluctant on leaving him, how about I snatch him back for you
Mu Ru Yue couldn’t help but to giggle. With that smile, her sorrow from separating from
Mo Xi completely faded.
“Wu Chen, you should be the only husband in the world to want to snatch back another
guy for his wife.”
Ye Wu Chen lowered his gaze slightly as he looked seriously at the girl in his embrace as
he said, “So what if that will make you happy? Don’t even mention one, I will snatch a
hundred men for you. But snatching stays snatching. You must only be my wife. They also
aren’t allowed to get too close to you. Otherwise, I will still get jealous.”
“Wu Chen, Mo Mo will be much safer if he stays here. I am unable to be certain of my
own safety now. I will come back for him once I have sufficient strength. Nobody will be
able to stop me from bringing him away at that time.”
A light flickered in Mu Ru Yue’s eyes as she said that resolutely.
She had left him here as she wasn’t strong enough and was unwilling for Mo Mo to risk
his life with her. Once she was strong enough, she would bring him away with her.
This was her promise to him…
“Let’s go. We have wasted too much time on the way. We perhaps will be right on time if
we head to the Dongfang family now.”
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly.
In order to fight against Nangong Zi Feng, she would have to possess as much assistance
as she possible could; she would need all four of the large families under her, this time!
This would also be the first step for her to rise in power in this place!

With a trace of struggle in her eyes, Nangong Zi Lan pushed open the door to the study
room and entered it in the end. With a slight purse of her lips, she inquired, “Grandfather,
how is the investigation of that matter coming along?”
Chapter 624: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(7)
Nangong Lie looked toward Nangong Zi Lan before he sighed and said, “What those
people told you was right. Dongfang Jun and Xiao Yue were indeed a loving couple but
Xiao Yue was dumped by Dongfang Jun at the end…”
Nangong Zi Lan’s complexion paled. With tears in her eyes, she shook her head with all
her might. She couldn’t help but to stagger a little as she said, “How can elder brother Jun
be that kind of person? He had personally risked his life for me to capture a white tiger
cub and give it to me as a gift.”
What she couldn’t stand wasn’t that Dongfang Jun was in a relationship with Xiao Yue as
who didn’t have a past? If elder Jun loved her now, it would suffice for her.
If that was the case, she wouldn’t despair this much.
In her eyes, her elder brother Jun was so courageous so how could he dumped his most
beloved woman for his benefits? This was the point that she couldn’t understand and
accept no matter what…
“Zi Lan, I will need to tell you about that matter too.” Nangong Lie looked at Nangong Zi
Lan’s paled face, but he continued to tell her the truth even if he was reluctant, “Dongfang
Jun didn’t personally catch that white tiger cub. He had instructed others to do it. He then
pretended to be severely wounded to lie to you.”
Nangong Lie was enraged when he thought about that.
He initially didn’t seriously investigate about Dongfang Jun’s personality for his
granddaughter’s happiness. Moreover, the other had hid it too deeply so he didn’t find that
out. Yet, he had used all the powers of the Nangong family to investigate about him after
hearing what those people said this time. He finally discovered his true personality after
half a year of full investigation.
He didn’t expect Dongfang Jun to be that much of a bastard.
‘How can such a man be compatible to my precious granddaughter? My granddaughter
deserves a better man to cherish and dote on her. That man is certainly not Dongfang Jun!’
“Zi Lan…”
Nangong Lie stood up with slight worries. He wanted to support Nangong Zi Lan’s arm,
but Nangong Zi Lan was a step quicker as she dodged his hand. Her eyelashes were
drenched with glistening tears as she fluttered them slightly.
She said with a pale face in a shaky voice, “Grandfather, I need some time to myself to
calm down. These matters are way out of my expectations. Elder brother Jun that is so
perfect in my heart is actually that kind of person. More importantly, he deceived my
feelings. If it wasn’t for that matter that he got injured just to get that cub for me, I
wouldn’t have fallen in love with him…”
She slowly closed her eyes. Sorrow was expressed on her delicate and lovely face.
If it wasn’t for Mu Ru Yue’s warning, she perhaps would still be kept in the dark until she
marry that man. She would then know the truth after she became depressed…
“Alright, you should take a break. There is still some time before the gathering of the four
large families. I will call for you once that time comes.”
Nangong Lie sighed as he said with his heart aching.
“Grandfather, I will head out first.”
Nangong Zi Lan forcefully suppressed her sorrow before she turned around and left the
study room. Tears flowed uncontrollably the instant she stepped out of the room.
‘Dongfang Jun, you have been lying to me from the start! You really want to marry me out
of love? I believe that it will be the day that you swallow the Nangong family once I
marry you instead…
‘Luckily… luckily, I haven’t finalize the decision that will make me regret for the rest of
my life…
‘I finally understand why Xiao Yue was ignoring him previously at this moment. How
could she treat it as nothing has happened after her beloved man smashed her heart into
Chapter 625: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(8)
The Dongfang City was filled with people since the four large families’ event would be
held at this place. Martial experts could be seen roaming about in the streets.
Mu Ru Yue stopped her steps after she reached the entrance of the city to raise her head to
look at the city before her. A trace of faint light flashed across her eyes.
Suddenly, the sound of a horse galloping over entered the crowd’s ears.
A red robed girl was sitting on the galloping horse with dust rolling behind the horse. She
was whipping her horse with all her might as she yelled arrogantly, “Quickly get out of my
“It is Dongfang Ying of the Dongfang family.”
Everyone was alarmed as they hastily moved to a side.
There were only two people left at the entrance…
The two of them seemed to not hear the commotion behind them as they didn’t move even
a step. Everyone had cold sweat for them as they saw that the horse was going to crash
into them.
Dongfang Ying saw the two people before her but she didn’t stop the horse and just yelled
out as the horse galloped forth.
The horse’s thigh seemed to have been struck by something. The horse then collapsed,
making the girl fall flat onto the ground in a sorry state.
Someone accidentally let out a chuckle at this moment, completely enraging Dongfang
Ying. She swept her cold gaze through the crowd and with a brandish of her whip, it
circled round a person’s neck. With an ice-cold gaze, she asked, “You were the one that
That person was being strangled by the whip, making his face to turn bright red. Fear
filled that person’s eyes.
Dongfang Ying narrowed her eyes slightly.
She abruptly increased her strength into the whip, breaking the neck of that person. His
head then rolled into the crowd.
The entrance of the city became silent as everyone was so terrified that they didn’t dare to
say anything that it was pin drop silent.
She just killed a person due to him letting out a chuckle. Weren’t the people of the
Dongfang family too domineering?
Dongfang Ying brandished her whip ruthlessly and with a sinister gaze, she proclaimed,
“This is the outcome of those that dared to mock me! Someone, feed this corpse to the
dogs so that it won’t continue to soil my eyes!”
Her gaze then shifted to Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen upon saying that.
“Didn’t I tell you two to move out of the way? It can’t be that you are deaf and couldn’t
hear, right?”
Mu Ru Yue shifted her gaze at Dongfang Ying that had a cold gaze. She then replied with
smiles, “I’m sorry, but I didn’t hear any human talking to me. I only heard an animal
Dongfang Ying widened her eyes with disbelief.
‘This girl dared to say that I’m an animal?’
The rest of the crowd looked with disbelief at Mu Ru Yue as well. This place was the
Dongfang family’s territory. Moreover, even if Dongfang Ying was tyrannical in nature,
she was still the daughter of the head of the Dongfang family and the biological younger
sister of Dongfang Jun. Who would dare to say such words to her?
Was she sick of living then?
“You just called me an animal?” Dongfang Ying was so angry that her complexion turned
ashen with gloominess filled eyes. She didn’t expect that this girl would dare to scold her!
“Sorry, I don’t think that I’ve said that you were the animal, but you have admitted it
yourself.” Mu Ru Yue smirked slightly as she replied as calmly as the breeze.
Dongfang Ying’s expression instantly changed a couple of times before she brandished her
whip toward Mu Ru Yue’s head.
Some people couldn’t bear but to shut their eyes as they could already predict the scene
where the head of this beautiful girl would be decapitated…
Wasn’t she seeking death by opposing Dongfang Ying? With her tyrannical personality,
how could she let her off scot free?
Chapter 626: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(9)
When the whip was about to land on Mu Ru Yue, the man by her side moved in front of
her. Following that, it was unknown when and how he made his move but they saw that
Dongfang Ying was suddenly sent flying, crashing heavily among the crowd.
The crowd was stunned.
They didn’t expect that man to make a move on Dongfang Ying. If this was known by the
head of the Dongfang family, the outcome for those two would be that their corpse would
be shredded into tiny fragments…
“You dare to hurt me?” Dongfang Ying was so angry that her entire body shuddered. She
then climbed back up to her feet and then yelled furiously after wiping off the trail of
blood from the corner of her mouth, “Brat, if you are that capable, show us your
appearance. What are you trying to achieve by wearing a mask? I doubt that you are trying
to be mysterious and that it is just due to you being too ugly to be seen! Since that is the
case, I will remove your mask to reveal your appearance!”
She didn’t in the slightest notice the gloominess in the man’s eyes. With a brandish of her
whip, it headed toward the mask on his face. A trace of a smirk appeared on her face.
Why would he wear a mask if he wasn’t ugly? Hence, she must reveal this man’s ugly
appearance to the public!
A chuckle was heard from the side when Dongfang Ying just made her move as a girl’s
voice filled with mockery was heard, “So this is the nature of the Dongfang family. It’s
truly an eyeopener to me.”
A trace of gale was shot over from the side, changing the trajectory of Dongfang Ying’s
whip to the side.
Dongfang Ying withdrew her whip as she narrowed her eyes at the two people that were
walking over from the side crowd and exclaimed, “Moshang Fei! Gu Ying Ying!”
Mu Ru Yue couldn’t help shifting her gaze to those two people after hearing that.
A man was holding a handheld fan with a gentle smile. His embroidered robe enhanced
his nobility. A glow could be seen on his handsome face because of the sunlight.
There also was a yellow robed girl by his side.
The girl had a graceful and elegant demeanor. Her voice sounded as beautiful as a black-
naped oriole. A smile had graced her pretty goose-egg shaped face. Her eyes were slightly
inclined upwards with smiles in it.
It was obvious that she was the girl known as Gu Ying Ying that spoke just now.
“Gu Ying Ying, you want to meddle in others’ affairs?” Dongfang Ying turned grim as she
asked coldly.
“No! No! No!” Gu Ying Ying shook her head before she replied, “How can this be called
as meddling with others’ business? I just purely dislike every single person of your
Dongfang family. What do you think, husband?”
Moshang Fei smiled as he looked at the girl by his side. With a gentle gaze, he agreed,
“Whatever my wife says is always right no matter what. Since my wife dislikes them, I
will similarly dislike the Dongfang family.”
Hearing the man’s reply, Gu Ying Ying’s eyes curved upwards, brimming with smiles. She
then continued, “There isn’t anyone good in this Dongfang family. One is too pretentious
that it is too disgusting to see and the other loves to snatch others’ husband.”
Dongfang Ying’s expression changed completely.
When she saw Moshang Fei’s gentle smile, a ball of jealousy flames surged in her heart.
She then shot dagger-like gazes toward Gu Ying Ying.
It wasn’t a secret that she had fervently chased after Moshang Fei that year. Moreover, it
could be said that their status was compatible as they were from the Dongfang and
Moshang families respectively. Yet, Gu Ying Ying that had no status and background
suddenly appeared and obtained Moshang Fei’s love. This matter was something that she
couldn’t accept all along.
Currently, Gu Ying Ying was even indirectly humiliating her with oblique remarks.
In her point of view, Gu Ying Ying was the bitch that snatched another person’s husband
instead! She would have already become Moshang Fei’s wife if it wasn’t for her that
Chapter 627: Ye Wu Chen Is Too Ugly To
Be Seen?(10)
“Gu Ying Ying, what did you mean by saying that?”
Dongfang Ying had already tossed Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen to the back of her mind.
She glared furiously at Gu Ying Ying and asked, “I wonder who it was that snatched
whose man and is being oblivious about it.”
Gu Ying Ying smirked with smiles in her eyes as she asked, “Husband, tell me who it was
that wanted to steal whose man that year?”
Moshang Fei shot a cold gaze at Dongfang Ying before he looked back to Gu Ying Ying
with a gentle smile as he replied, “I’ve always been your man from the start. Dongfang
Ying previously stayed frequently at my place under the name of my fiancée by her own
accord. But I had never wanted to bother with her until you appeared.
“I don’t want you to have any misunderstandings about me. As for that kind of woman,
you can just treat her as invisible. She wants to steal a man? The key to that is whether I’m
willing to give her that chance.”
Gu Ying Ying smiled as she embraced Moshang Fei’s waist to prove her ownership. She
then cast a happy gaze toward Dongfang Ying that had an ashen expression. It was as
though she was boasting.
‘Who asked the Dongfang family to frequently make moves on the Moshang family for
the past half year? Some disciples that went out of the family were caught by the
Dongfang family and were severely beaten up. A vein of ore was also ruined by them.
Hence, I naturally must crack the girl from the Dongfang family down.’
Flames of fury blazed in Dongfang Ying’s eyes when she watched their intimate actions. If
gazes could kill, that damnable girl would have died with her corpse shredded into many
“Moshang Fei,” Dongfang Ying raised her head to look at Moshang Jun’s handsome face
before continuing, “You will definitely regret choosing her over me that year in the
‘Once father truly becomes the leader of the four large families and not just in name, I
won’t fear that Moshang Fei won’t come crying and begging for me to marry him!
‘I will make Moshang Fei personally kill this damnable girl at that time!’
She will suffer a much greater pain than I had suffered all these years when she will be
killed by the hands of her beloved man.. If I don’t do this, it will be hard to vanquish the
hatred in my heart…’
Gu Ying Ying pouted as she thought otherwise and rebuked, “He would regret choosing
you instead. My husband doesn’t like such a savage and tyrannical girl like you that
frequently kills people. Those people weren’t in the wrong so how could you kill them? Of
course, I, Gu Ying Ying, won’t bother with the affairs of others. But if it involves you, I
must meddle in them!”
Dongfang Ying snorted coldly as she replied, “This is my Dongfang family’s territory.
What is wrong with me killing anybody that mocks me in my territory? Those people that
blocked my path deserve to die! It is their own fault for being too weak so how can it be
blamed on me? There is only one outcome for anyone that doesn’t have powers in this
world, that is death! Thus, I don’t think that I’m in the wrong!”
Gu Ying Ying’s gaze darkened.
‘It would be a miracle for hubby to like her, who kills without any reasoning. Dongfang
Ying’s action was still overdoing it even if this world is one where the strong eats the
“Dongfang Ying, you are forgetting that the large families’ event is commencing now.
How will you know that those on who you don’t place any importance are nobodies?
Those two may be from the Nangong or Ouyang families.”
“Nangong and Ouyang families? Haha!” Dongfang Ying burst out laughing. With a
cynical smile, she continued, “Do you think anyone can participate in the four large
families’ event? Those that can participate are the direct line of descendants of all of the
large families. I have a thorough understanding of who those people are and these two
clearly aren’t them. Well, they can be an exception in being guards. However, I doubt that
those two large families will make an enemy out of my Dongfang family for just two puny
Chapter 628: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
Gu Ying Ying smirked as she didn’t agree with what Dongfang Ying had just said. She
glanced at Dongfang Ying’s arrogant expression as she ridiculed, “It seems that the nature
of the Dongfang family is only to such an extent…”
Flames of fury were spurting out of Dongfang Ying’s eyes.
Yet, Gu Ying Ying was a member of the Moshang family after all. Furthermore, she had
Moshang Fei by her side. She wasn’t Moshang Fei’s match!
“Gu Ying Ying, I will let you off today on behalf of the Moshang family. I will settle this
debt with you in the future.” Dongfang Ying glared maliciously at Gu Ying Ying before
shifting her gaze towards Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen. With a trace of ruthlessness that
flickered through her beautiful eyes, she snorted coldly and said, “Since you two have the
guts to block my path, you should have a taste of my fury!”
With a brandish of her whip, it struck toward the mask on Ye Wu Chen’s face again.
Flames of fury blazed in her heart, so she now required a way to relieve it. Since she
couldn’t do anything to Gu Ying Ying, she could only use these two fellows to relieve her
Moreover, this matter started due to them.
The man was standing silently in the breeze, not making any movement. His hand didn’t
even budge. But a tempest rose in his surrounding. He gave off a charming and enchanting
grandeur when his hair dancing in the wind.
Dongfang Ying was stunned for a moment, unable to regain her senses.
A power struck her mercilessly, damaging all of her internal organs before she came back
to her senses. Her body was instantly sent flying, spiralling through the air before crashing
heavily on the ground.
Dust filled the area, covering Dongfang Ying’s cold, but beautiful face. She spat a
mouthful of blood on the ground. Her complexion paled from the pain.
But what was more astonishing was that man’s might…
‘Is he really just a guard from a large family with that strength? What family is able to
possess such a powerful guard?’
Moshang Fei frowned slightly as he glanced at the silver mask on the man’s face with a
trace of indistinct light that flashed across his eyes.
‘This man… he isn’t simple…’
“You…. all of you just wait!” Dongfang Ying climbed back up on her feet and glared at
Ye Wu Chen but didn’t dare to make any more moves on him.
She didn’t even bother to pick up her whip as she dashed quickly into the City.
The crowd that had been suppressing their laughter immediately burst out laughing after
they saw that her figure had completely disappeared…
“The two of you,” Gu Ying Ying glanced at Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen before walking
toward them with a smile and advised, “You two have offended Dongfang Ying. She will
certainly not let the both of you off easily. But if she comes seeking trouble with you, you
can always come find me for help. As they say, the enemies of my enemy are friends.”
Gu Ying Ying had a light smile on her face. Her smile was really magnificent. It was like a
tender and lovely lily swaying gently in the wind.
“Thank you.”
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly. But inwardly she felt slightly guilty as the Dongfang family
thought that it was the Moshang family that had severely injured Dongfang Jun, when in
fact it was her.
The Dongfang and Moshang families were like fire and water in the past half year. There
would always be an intense battle whenever the disciples of both families met each other.
If this wasn’t the Dongfang City, Gu Ying Ying would’ve sworn that she wouldn’t have let
Dongfang Ying leave that easily…
“Husband, let’s go.” Gu Ying Ying shifted her gaze to Moshang Fei and with a gentle
smile, she continued, “I am curious as to how the Dongfang family will treat our Moshang
Chapter 629: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
Mosang Fei nodded but he glanced at Ye Wu Chen with a slight smile before he left.
He had a feeling that there would certainly be some interactions between this man and the
Moshang family in the future…

Clamours could be heard everywhere in the Dongfang City. It was unusually lively.
Mu Ru Yue followed the instructions that Ouyang Yun Jin told her before to find the inn.
Since they used up too much of their energies rushing to the Dongfang City, they all
headed to their rooms to rest up after they reunited with the Ouyang family.
But Mu Ru Yue seemed to have forgotten about Ye Wu Chen. With a guy that was filled
with energy like wolves and tigers by her side, it would be weird if she could really rest…

It was night. The sky was dark and quiet without any ripples.
The Dongfang family’s manor was filled with lights. The vibrant light seemed to light up
the entire night sky. A yell out, however, ruined the current tranquility and peace…
“It’s them!”
Dongfang Ying saw the two of them within the crowd. With a trace of maliciousness that
flashed past her eyes, she commented, “The two of them dared to appear in the Dongfang
family. But it seems that they are from the Ouyang family…”
However, the direct of descendants of the Ouyang family should only be Ouyang Yun Jin
and Ouyang Yun Shu. Ouyang Yun Jin only had a daughter, Ouyang Qian. Moreover, the
son and daughter of Ouyang Yun Shu both died due to illness a few years ago so the two
of them shouldn’t be the direct descents of the Ouyang family. But that man was too
powerful. If he was from the side branch of the Ouyang family, it would be impossible for
her not to notice such a man with such innate talent.
Suddenly, her gaze paused onto Mu Ru Yue’s face.
She didn’t pay attention to this woman’s appearance in the day so she just realized that she
had a devastatingly beautiful face. She had thought that Gu Ying Ying’s face was
exceptional. It seemed that someone was even more prettier than her now.
If the beauty of Gu Ying Ying was said to be captivatingly beautiful, this girl’s appearance
was like a cold bamboo with a superior grandeur.
There were several beauties in the world, but it was scarce to have a beauty with such a
grandeur. Even Xiao Yue that her eldest brother had fallen in love with was inferior to
“So this is the case!”
Dongfang Ying smirked coldly as she analyzed, “This girl should be from the branch
family of the Ouyang family. The man beside her is her man. That kind of appearance of
hers will indeed attract several experts to her. But if that’s the case, the Ouyang family is
too shameless to use a girl to lure experts to enter their family!”
With this explanation, it would be a logical reason as to why she didn’t know about this
man with such tyrannical powers.
“Ying Er, what’s wrong?” Dongfang Liang frowned as he followed Dongfang Ying’s gaze.
His gaze then landed on Mu Ru Yue who was within the Ouyang family, making him
stunned for a moment.
‘That girl is a member of the Ouyang family?
‘Ying Er is acquainted with her?’
“Father, she ordered people to hurt me during the day.” Dongfang Ying snorted coldly
before continuing, “If it wasn’t for Gu Ying Ying to be at that scene, I definitely wouldn’t
have let those two people off.”
Dongfang Ying gritted her teeth with hatred as she said that.
‘That matter is the most humiliating incident to me!
‘No matter if it is those two people of the Ouyang family and Gu Ying Ying, they must all
Dongfang Liang frowned and with a slightly cold gaze, he advised, “Ying Er, those two
people are from the Ouyang family. We are currently like fire and water with the Moshang
family already. We definitely can’t challenge two of the large families simultaneously at
such a critical moment. Everything must wait until your eldest brother marries Nangong
Zi Lan.”
His considerations were reasonable, but he didn’t in the slightest thought about whether
Nangong Zi Lan was willing to marry Dongfang Jun. Moreover, even if she did, how
could Nangong Lie easily forgive the Dongfang family after knowing that Dongfang Jun
was impotent, ruining Nangong Zi Lan’s happiness?
Chapter 630: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
He would have to face against three of the large families at that time.
“Father, your daughter understands.” Dongfang Ying bit her lips.
How could she not understand what Dongfang Liang said? But she was really unwilling to
let that girl off this easily…

When Ouyang Yun Jin was discussing with the other families, a figure blocked his path.
He frowned slightly as he cast a cold gaze at the pretty girl before him.
“Young mistress Dongfang, can I help you with something?”
To the Dongfang family, he naturally didn’t have any good impression on them and
disdain acting cordially with them.
Dongfang Ying snorted coldly and replied in contempt, “I wonder who is that girl to your
Ouyang family?”
When Ouyang Yun Jin followed her gaze, he saw Mu Ru Yue who was standing by the
side. His brows creased tightly as he naturally knew about the commotion that occured at
the entrance of the city in the day from other people.
But Dongfang Ying was openly provoking them at this banquet.
A girl’s indifferent voice was heard before Ouyang Yun Jin could reply, “I’m just a
Mu Ru Yue’s expression was calm and collected from the start. It was as though she didn’t
feel the animosity of Dongfang Ying toward her.
This exchange attracted several people’s attention. The people from the Nangong and
Moshang families shifted their gazes over to the confrontation of those two.
“Lady Mu?” Nangong Zi Lan was stunned. A trace of glimmer danced in her eyes, but she
decided not to go there after pondering for a moment.
“She should be a branch disciple of your Ouyang family.” Dongfang Ying smirked
slightly. With a sinister ray of light that flashed past her eyes, she continued, “I wonder
how powerful your Ouyang family’s disciples are. This lady, do you dare to accept my
Even though the crowd didn’t know what happened between the two of them, it was clear
that Dongfang Ying seemed to be seeking trouble with that lady. They started to
sympathize that girl.
That eldest young mistress of the Dongfang family was already a Xiantian Full Realm
expert even though she was willful and arrogant in nature. Dongfang Ying was also at
most twenty two years of age.
A twenty two years old Xiantian Full Circle Realm practitioner could be counted as a
talent in the Dongfang family. Someone had even predicted that Dongfang Ying could
breakthrough to the Mystic realm in at most half a year.
But that girl seemed to be of similar age to Dongfang Ying even though she was from the
Ouyang family. Furthermore, Dongfang Ying had said that she was a person from the
branch family.
How could the Ouyang family nurture a branch disciple with all their might?
Thus, it would be impossible for that girl to win against Dongfang Ying…
“Sorry, but I’m not interested.”
Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze calmly and said that as calm as a morning breeze, but a trace
of frostiness that coated her voice.
In her point of view, Dongfang Ying was too weak to make her be interested in battling
“So you are afraid,” Dongfang Ying smirked coldly as she mocked, “You can just concede
defeat if you are that afraid. I, Dongfang Ying, am always highly principled and wouldn’t
force people to do anything! A girl like you that can only rely on her man will never be
able to enter my eyes. But what is truly unimaginable to me is that the Ouyang family is
shameless to such an extent to use a girl’s appearance to attract powerful men.”
She shifted her gaze to Ye Wu Chen as she said that. With her cold smile intensified, she
continued, “It should be due to this man being too ugly. Otherwise, how can he be
attracted to you? A woman that doesn’t have any ability other than to hide behind their
man will certainly be useless in this world. Death will be your only path after he dumps
Chapter 631: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
Dongfang Ying became increasingly excited as she had relieved all of her grievance from
today at this instant. Yet, she was clueless that the man’s eyes were getting increasingly
A light black breeze rose form the man’s body. The strength of the breeze intensified to the
point that it formed a mini storm, making people feel suffocated from the pressure.
Dongfang Liang’s eyes became serious. He looked at Ye Wu Chen with a trace of
astonishment in his eyes before he immediately muttered irresolutely to himself.
‘Since when did the Ouyang family possess such a tyrannical expert? It seems that I will
need to reconsider that plan…’
Dongfang Ying was currently being suffocated, making her face turn bright red. It was as
though all of the air in her surroundings had vanished. She then yelled out with all her
might, “What a coward you are to keep relying on your man! If you are capable, battle me
then! Stop hiding behind your man like a tortoise hiding in its shell. This kind of man will
dump you sooner of later with you having such a weak personality!”
The killing intent bursting out of Ye Wu Chen’s body intensified. Just when he wanted to
make his move, a pair of hands held his ice-cold hand.
“Wu Chen, let me settle this.”
The girl’s voice gently brushed past Ye Wu Chen’s ears, making him withdraw his killing
intents gradually. But his purple eyes was still filled with gloominous. His gaze was like a
poisonous snake coiling around Dongfang Ying.
Dongfang Ying’s face paled. She could only bite her lips to prevent herself from
collapsing to the ground.
This man’s power was too strong. It was tyrannical to the point that with just the pressure,
it could make her as a person that never placed any importance on anybody feel an
unprecedented fear.
She could even feel that in her next breath, that man would use his slender fingers to
strangle her neck without any hesitation, ending her life…
“You said that I only know how to hide behind his back?” Mu Ru Yue smiled slightly, but
her smiles didn’t reach her eyes.
It was unknown to Dongfang Ying why a fearful feeling surged in her heart when her gaze
met with Mu Ru Yue’s. But she got back to her senses and said, “That’s right! If you want
to prove that you aren’t a girl that only knows how to rely on a man, fight against me. This
will let others know your capability as well!”
Mu Ru Yue looked calmly at Dongfang Ying as she replied, “I have mentioned that I’m
not interested to battle you as you won’t be able to withstand a single attack from me.”
The crowd became stirred up instantly.
No matter if it was people from the Dongfang family or disciples from the other families,
they all shot a gaze filled with disbelief at her. Even though they didn’t have any good
impressions of Dongfang Ying, she was still a talent that was at the Xiantian Full Circle
Yet, she said that Dongfang Ying wouldn’t be able to withstand a single attack from her?
Could she continue to be even more brazen?
This was the first time in their life to hear such brazen words!
Dongfang Liang initially wanted to stop them as this wasn’t the time to fall out completely
with the Ouyang family after all. But he was slightly displeased momentarily after hearing
what Mu Ru Yue said. He then withdrew his leg that he lifted to walk toward them.
Since she was that confident, he could just watch on the good show.
“Hehe!” Dongfang Ying chuckled. With a slight smirk, she ridiculed, “You said that I
won’t be able to withstand a single attack from you? It is useless just saying it. If you are
that capable, fight me!”
A sword floated before Dongfang Ying after a red glow flashed past. Her beautiful face
was clearly reflected on the blade.
Dongfang Ying gripped the handle of the sword before her tightly. With an aura as sharp
as a sword bursting off from her body, she kicked off the ground to soar to the sky and
charged toward Mu Ru Yue…
Chapter 632: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
The night breeze blew under the night sky.
The white robed girl was standing in midair with her robe fluttering. Her hair was messy
as it danced along with the wind. A faint glow could be seen from her impeccable face.
Yet, her ink black eyes were calm.
She didn’t move or even make any defensive actions. She just stood there waiting for the
sword to pierce toward her…
“Oh no!”
Nangong Zi Lan’s face paled instantly.
Truthfully, she didn’t know Mu Ru Yue well but she was grateful for her to tell her
Dongfang Jun’s personality. With just that point, she didn’t wish for that woman to die
under Dongfang Ying’s hand.
The crowd had fixed their gazes on those two people. In their point of view, Mu Ru Yue
would die without any exceptions…
“This is the outcome for offending me! Bitch, die for me!!” Dongfang Ying sniggered, but
didn’t in the slightest stopped her action.
When the sword was about to pierce Mu Ru Yue’s throat, some people already couldn’t
bear but to shut their eyes.
However, when the tip of the sword was in close proximity to the girl’s throat, it suddenly
stopped moving…
A jade-like hand had blocked before her throat, stopping the sword. But the palm that the
tip of the sword had contacted with didn’t have any wound. It was as though the sword
had collided against a tough metal…
Everyone was stunned as they seemed to be looking at an unbelievable sight as they
widened their eyes and stared dazedly at the white robe that was fluttering under the night
“You… how could you…”
Dongfang Ying’s voice trembled.
‘This girl has just used a hand to block my sword? More importantly, her hand wasn’t in
the slightest wounded under my sword attack…’
“Is that all you got?” Mu Ru Yue smirked as she continued indifferently, “You should put
more strength into it. That power was really too light. It isn’t even enough to tickle me.”
Dongfang Ying’s heart shuddered abruptly as she finally got back to her senses. She raised
her head with astonishment and with a terror filled gaze, she exclaimed, “Monster! You
are a monster!”
‘That’s right?
‘Who will be able to possess such powers unless she is a monster?’
Mu Ru Yue smiled as she suggested, “Since you have made the first move, shouldn’t it be
mine next? I had mentioned that I will just need one move to deal with you!”
That move didn’t even need a weapon!
Mu Ru Yue raised her palm to smack mercilessly toward Dongfang Ying. Dongfang
Ying’s body was momentarily sent flying from her strike, crashing heavily among the
“You… what are you doing?”
Dongfang Ying’s pupils contracted as she cast a terrified gaze at the girl walking briskly
toward her. Her body retreated uncontrollably as she yelled, “This is the Dongfang
family’s territory. You can’t do anything to me!”
Mu Ru Yue just smiled faintly, but didn’t say anything and just neared the paled Dongfang
Dongfang Liang’s eyes widened to the point that it was about to split as he yelled
But it was already too late…
A layer of flames coated Mu Ru Yue’s palm.
She struck her palm on Dongfang Ying’s chest. Everyone then saw Dongfang Ying spat
out a mouthful of blood before her head tilted after losing her consciousness.
Flames of fury burst forth from Dongfang Liang’s body. His anger almost burned off all of
his sanity as he stared at Mu Ru Ru Yue with bloodshot eyes and said each of his words
heavily, “You dared to kill a member of my Dongfang family in my territory? Even if it is
the Ouyang family, they won’t be able to harbour you!”
‘This damnable girl dared to kill my daughter before me? If I don’t kill her, how will I be
able to face the world from now on?’
Chapter 633: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
“Kill her?” Mu Ru Yue smiled as she continued, “Which eyes did you see that I’ve killed
her? Anyways, she was the one that kept using her innate talent as an excuse to seek
trouble with me. I am the type of person that fears trouble. I didn’t bother with her for the
first time but it didn’t represent that I will just endure it. Hence, I could only eliminate
future problems from her by crippling her power so that she won’t be able to seek trouble
with me again!”
The proverb said that three was the maximum number of chances. But to her, two times
was the max.
She could give a person a chance, but she wouldn’t give them a second chance! Moreover,
if she didn’t cripple her, troubles would just keep arising from her. Since that was the case,
why should she keep the trouble?
“Don’t you know what cultivation mean in a martial family?” Dongfang Liang’s eyes was
bloodshot with his aura intensifying. But when he saw the silver masked man standing by
Mu Ru Yue’s side, he hadn’t reach to the point where he lose all of his sanity no matter
how angry he was.
“Crippling a martial practitioner’s cultivation will make her suffer worse than death,
especially for a prideful person like Ying Er. What you did won’t be accepted by the
heavens so you will definitely fall to hell!”
“Hell?” Mu Ru Yue chuckled lightly as she continued, “No matter if it is heaven or hell,
there will always be a person by my side. Hence, even if I entered hell, we will work
together to create a position for ourselves so I don’t fear anything!”
‘With him by my side, what is there for me to fear?’
Ye Wu Chen’s gaze became gentle.
His killing intent had completely vanquish at the moment upon hearing what the girl said.
His entire purple eyes reflected the figure that always made him anxious…
“Head of the Dongfang family, you are in the wrong in this matter.” Moshang Fei smiled
as he glanced at those two that only had each other in their eyes before shifting his gaze
toward Dongfang Liang.
“All of us had seen what had happened clearly. It was Dongfang Ying that made a killing
move toward this lady first. If someone wanted to kill her, should she curry up favors with
that person or extend her head over to let them chop her head off? In my point of view,
this lady was already merciful enough to not kill her. As for cultivation… aren’t there
several innocent people that Dongfang Ying had killed by misusing her powers all these
years? Crippling her might actually be a good thing. Otherwise, she might offend an
expert that the Dongfang family can’t afford to offend one day. It isn’t impossible for the
entire Dongfang family to be annihilated at that moment!”
Dongfang Liang’s gaze became increasingly gloomy. He then snorted coldly and rebuked,
“Ying Er is my daughter while she is just from the branch family of the Ouyang family.
How can their status be comparable?”
The meaning of his words was that it was only right for his daughter to kill her and the
heavens wouldn’t accept Mu Ru Yue for crippling his daughter!
Even though Dongfang Liang saw Mu Ru Yue when he previously visited the Ouyang
family, he didn’t know her status. But he just heard what Dongfang Ying said previously
so he naturally thought Mu Ru Yue as a person from the branch family of the Ouyang
“Haha!” Ouyang Yun Jin raised his head and burst out laughing. With a smirk filled with
contempt, he said, “Head of the Dongfang family, it seems that you have a
misunderstanding. Lady Mu isn’t from the branch family of the Ouyang family. She is the
person that our Ouyang family vowed their loyalty and devotion to!”
His words were like an enormous rock that had disturbed the surface of the peaceful
ocean, instantly creating numerous waves.
The crowd’s first thought was how was this possible!
What kind of existence was the Ouyang family? Who was this girl to have the capability
to make the Ouyang family vow their loyalty and devotion to her then?
Ouyang Yun Jin must be purposely saying that to crack down on the Dongfang family!
Chapter 634: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
Ouyang Yun Jin didn’t continue to explain even after seeing gazes of disbelief shot toward
him. He just wanted to tell Dongfang Liang that Mu Ru Yue wasn’t a person that he could
make a move on.
If he wanted to hurt her, the Ouyang family would definitely resist against him with all
their might even if that might lead to their deaths!
Dongfang Liang’s complexion constantly turned between green and white. Just when he
was at a loss on how to settle this matter, a gentle voice was heard from behind him,
Dongfang Jun walked slowly toward Dongfang Liang under the crowd’s gaze. He had his
usual smile on his handsome face, but when his gaze glanced at Moshang Fei, his gaze
darkened a little.
‘Moshang family!’
He hated them inwardly after thinking about his current condition. But he didn’t express it
on his face. He had a fitting smile on his face from the start.
“Jun Er, why have you come out?” Dongfang Liang frowned slightly.
“I came here to have a look.” Dongfang Jun had a faint smile, but when he swept a gaze at
the Dongfang Ying who had collapsed on the ground, a trace of disdain flashed past his
eyes before he suggested, “How about we let someone escort younger sister back to her
room? We will then let the grandmaster have a look at her to see if she could be treated.”
Dongfang Liang nodded slightly and sighed.
He knew that this matter was initiated by Dongfang Ying. If he had punished that girl from
the Ouyang family now, it would give raise to displeasurement from the other families.
Thus, he could only endure it now!
But he had remembered this score and would return it back with interest in the future! She
would then understand that the people of the Dongfang family shouldn’t be messed with!
“Zi Lan.”
Dongfang Jun’s gaze landed onto Nangong Zi Lan. He spread his handheld fan as he
walked with a smile toward the girl in the crowd. With a gentle gaze, he explained, “I’m
sorry that I’ve been unable to personally accompany you since you came here due to being
ill. I will be able to properly accompany you to roam the Dongfang City in a couple of
Nangong Zi Lan’s heart shuddered.
Yet, Nangong Lie’s words kept sounding in her mind making her to retreat a couple of
steps uncontrollably. She bit firmly on her lips with resistance in her eyes.
“Zi Lan?” Dongfang Jun frowned as he asked, “What’s wrong? Have you become
unfamiliar with your elder brother Jun from not seeing him for half a year or is it that
someone told you something?”
His gaze subconsciously shot toward Mu Ru Yue as he said that.
“No!” Nangong Zi Lan hastily denied his words. She bit her lips slightly before shifting
her misty, large, and clear eyes at the man in embroidered robes by her side, requesting for
The man in embroidered robes obviously disliked Dongfang Jun’s action as he knitted his
brows and said, “Mister Dongfang, my younger sister has been a little unwell these days
so she won’t be able to go out with you. I ask for Mister Dongfang’s forgiveness.”
Dongfang Jun withdrew his gaze upon hearing that. With a courteous smile on his face, he
replied, “Brother Chen, your words are too heavy. Since that’s the case, Zi Lan should
have a good rest. I won’t disturb her then. If there’s time, how about brother Chen
accompany me for a drink?”
Nobody had noticed that Dongfang Jun’s gaze had darkened with complex rays of light
within it that others wouldn’t understand at this moment…
‘Nangong Zi Lan still became unaccustomed to me in the end.’
When his gaze glanced at Mu Ru Yue, it darkened slightly. A ball of fury unknowingly
blazed in his heart but he had suppressed it.
‘This girl not only forced Xiao Yue and me apart, she even said something to Nangong Zi
Lan making her lose her affections toward me.
‘If Nangong Zi Lan becomes unwilling to marry me, father will definitely reconsider the
candidates in becoming the young master of the Dongfang family. It will be too
detrimental to my situation when that happens…’
Chapter 635: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
His father had promised to make him the successor if he was able to obtain Nangong Zi
Lan’s love. Hence, he didn’t mind giving up Xiao Yue to successfully achieve the young
master’s status among the several candidates…
“Mister Ye and Lady Mu, it has been ages since we last met.” Dongfang Yun smiled but
his smile didn’t reach his eyes when his gaze landed on both of them.
Dongfang Liang frowned and asked, slightly displeased, “Jun Er, you know them?”
“I previously had some encounters with them.” Dongfang Jun chuckled before continuing,
“It seems that the two of them have some misunderstandings about me. I’ve prepared a
huge present for the two of them this time as an apology. Someone, bring forth my
A subordinate walked before Dongfang Jun and held out a box before him once he said
Dongfang Jun took the box and with a wave of his hand, he instructed, “You are
“Yes, young master!”
That person retreated quietly.
The crowd shot their gazes over to Dongfang Jun at this instant. They perhaps didn’t
understand why Dongfang Jun was giving them a present after Mu Ru Yue crippled
Dongfang Ying.
Mu Ru Yue was unable to shift her eyes away from the box ever since Dongfang Jun took
that box…
‘Love Hallucination Grass!’
That’s right, there was Love Hallucination Grass in that box! Mu Ru Yue could guess what
medicinal ingredient it was from just its scent.
Love Hallucination Grass was a hallucinogen. It was said that the consumer would forget
the person they loved the most and fall in love with the first opposite gender that they see.
Of course, Mu Ru Yue knew of other ways in using the Love Hallucination Grass as she
needed this medicinal plant as an ingredient for a Heaven Stage Mid Rank pill.
Who knew that someone would sent this medicinal plant to her this quickly…
‘But What is Dongfang Jun’s motives in giving us the Love Hallucination Grass?’
Dongfang Jun chuckled again when Mu Ru Yue was in deep thoughts and said warmly,
“Mister Ye and Lady Mu, it should be really taxing for you on your way to this city. The
Ouyang family doesn’t seem to bring any servant girl along. In this case, I’ve planned to
give my personal servant girl to both of you. I hope that the two of you will accept my
kind intentions.”
A trace of light flickered across Dongfang Jun’s eyes. With a hand gesture, he instructed
gently, “Wu Niang1, you are to attend to Mister Ye and Lady Mu from now on.”
A fragrance assaulted the crowd’s nostrils once he said that. An alluring girl walked out
from among the crowd, entering everyone’s sight.
That girl was beautiful and alluring with feelings filled eyes. Her hot body would make
blood vessels of men to expand drastically. It was especially the case when her dress was
too revealing, exposing her pair of snow white jade-like legs. Some of the men in the
crowd couldn’t stand such an erotic sight that they instantly got a hard-on.
“Don’t look!”
Gu Ying Ying pinched Moshang’s hand and said that domineeringly.
Moshang Fei chuckled and replied, “How can such a flirtatious woman be comparable to
you my wife? But Dongfang Jun is going down this time…”
It was impossible for that man to be a womanizer.
His eyes could only contain that white robed girl no matter where he was. Hence,
Dongfang Jun’s plot in wanting to seduce that man would most likely be flushed down the
Mu Ru Yue’s brows raised as she swept a glance at Dongfang Jun. When she saw the
sneer in his eyes, she connected the dots in him giving that medicinal plant, making a
sudden realization.
So that was his plan!
Mu Ru Yue’s expression chilled momentarily after knowing his intentions. With a cold
smile, a trace of chillness flashed across her eyes…

1. Wu Niang= dance lady for direct translation of the characters. ↩

Chapter 636: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
‘Can this be counted as he is giving a woman to my man before me? It seems Dongfang
Jun’s facade isn’t as good as I thought…’
The crowd’s gazes shot toward those people.
How could they not know what Dongfang Jun’s true intention was?
He didn’t given anyone except that couple a servant girl even though they were several
people here. It would be impossible for him not to be plotting something.
Moreover, that alluring girl seemed to be from a brothel. How could she be a servant girl?
They had never seen any servant girl dressed so flirtatiously and alluringly.
“Mister Ye.”
Wu Niang gradually lowered her body, exposing her snow white neck and even her well
developed cleavage.
Her voice was extremely charming. It was so sweet that attracted affections to her.
If they were called out by her, their legs would probably soften uncontrollably before
neglecting everything to pounce on her…
Some of the men cast envious gaze at Ye Wu Chen as this instant. They seemed to be
jealous of his ladies’ luck. He already had a remarkably beautiful wife. Now such a
flirtatious girl came over to him. From just looking at her, that girl’s bed skills should be
tremendously exceptional. She should be able to service the man to the point he reaches
As for Mu Ru Yue, she was neglected by the crowd.
No matter if she was from the Ouyang family, she wouldn’t be able to stop his husband
from taking in concubines. It was how this world works. No matter how powerful the wife
was, they must use their husband as their guiding principle. If they stopped their husband
from taking in other girls, they would be seen as a savage and have a bad reputation.
Moreover, the man was an expert.
He naturally would possess more girls than other ordinary men due to being an expert.
It seemed that a good show was imminent…
“Mister Ye?”
Seeing that the man had been ignoring her for a long time, Wu Niang was slightly
displeased. She usually just had to say a sentence to hook up with men. Wasn’t it the case
with Dongfang Jun? Moreover, Dongfang Jun had also complimented that she had an
exceptional bed skills, making him really comfortable with her service. This greatly
increased the confidence of Wu Niang.
But the man before her didn’t help her up when she greeted him!
Since that was the case, she must have him in her hands to let him enjoy the charm in
being in bed with her…
This was especially so when the man was using a mask to cover his ghastly face.
Moreover, his slender and upright body figure was passable. It would be the same for all
men no matter how ugly they were to her as she could enjoy them once she shut her eyes.
She didn’t know how his bed skills were and wanted to have a try…
“Aiyo! I’m so giddy. Mister, help me~”
Wu Niang lifted her hand to support her head as her tender, boneless-like body fell toward
Ye Wu Chen…
When her delicate body was about to enter his embrace, the crowd could already predict
the scene where the man embraced the girl. But Wu Niang was really gutsy to seduce
someone’s husband before his wife. She was being a little too much doing so.
Yet, Wu Niang was indeed doing it on purpose!
Firstly, she was displeased that Ye Wu Chen was neglecting her, raising her fighting
spirits. Furthermore, Mu Ru Yue was really beautiful, but she was too young and
inexperienced. How could she match up to such a mature girl like herself?
More importantly, Mister Dongfang had already instructed her to ruin this couple’s
relationship. He would then give her a life where she wouldn’t need to worry about food
and clothing.
Thus, if Ye Wu Chen was to hug her before his wife, with a woman’s self-esteem, it would
definitely be unbearable for his wife. She would then be able to accomplish about half of
her mission then…
Chapter 637: Giving A Woman To Ye Wu
Wu Niang was greatly confident that Ye Wu Chen would catch her as he should be gentle
on beauties as a man. He would support her just to care for a beauty when he saw one
about to fall.
Yet, the unexpected happened…
Just as Wu Niang was about to fall onto Ye Wu Chen’s body, the man that wasn’t even
looking at her dodged to the side without any warning.
Her delicate body fell directly onto the ground.
Everyone was stunned as they couldn’t get their head around this situation.
The beauty before them was so alluring and charming. Wouldn’t any man want to play
with such a beauty even if they didn’t love her? Yet, he just let such a perfect chance slip
More importantly, he wasn’t even willing to support her?
Wu Niang’s mind blanked as she didn’t understand how her killing move failed before this
She bit her red lips with displeasure. Could it be that she didn’t fully release her charm so
this man wasn’t moved by her?
“Mister Ye, what do you mean by this?” Dongfang Jun’s expression darkened as he
complained, “Wu Niang is the servant girl that I gave to the two of you. You shouldn’t
treat her like this even if she is in the wrong!”
Mu Ru Yue swept a gaze at Dongfang Jun that had an ashen expression. She sniggered
inwardly as she replied, “Treat her? I don’t know what my husband did to her? She was
the one that fell by herself. It can’t be that we must support her, right? Perhaps if it is
Mister Dongfang, you will definitely support her due to not having the heart to let her
Dongfang Jun’s expression changed instantly as he subconsciously glanced at Nangong Zi
Lan before withdrawing his gaze. He then replied coldly, “It is indeed her fault in this
matter so I can’t blame Mister Ye. I will let her service the two of you in a moment.”
Once she was able to near them, he would take that opportunity to make Ye Wu Chen
consume the Love Hallucination Grass. Ye Wu Chen would then forget this woman and
fall in love with Wu Niang instead.
He must let this damnable woman experience being unable to get the love from her
beloved man!
“Is it really to service us or is it to send her to service my husband in bed?” Mu Ru Yue
smiled, but chilling rays of light danced in her eyes, giving off a bone-piercing chillness.
Anyone would understand that Dongfang Jin was sending Wu Niang to service Ye Wu
Chen in bed even though Dongfang Jun didn’t say that clearly.
“Lady Mu, you can’t make a decision on this matter.” Dongfang Jun’s gaze became
increasingly gloomy as he continued coldly, “Your husband is your heaven so you
naturally must listen to him. Don’t even mention sending other girls to service him in bed,
he could always divorce you to marry others whenever he wants to!”
Dongfang Jun understood that Ye Wu Chen was deeply in love with Mu Ru Yue from his
gaze. But he wouldn’t be able to resist temptations no matter how much he loved her.
For example, he had several lovers when he was dating Xiao Yue and loved only her. He
even entered the brothel to relieve his needs.
It would be impossible for Ye Wu Chen not to love Mu Ru Yue even if he did it with Wu
Niang. Hence, he gave them the Love Hallucination Grass. Ye Wu Chen would then be
able to forget Mu Ru Yue and fall in love with another girl with the help of medicinal
That girl would definitely suffer a heart wrenching pain at that moment! She would then
have a taste of his pain from the moment he lost Xiao Yue…
Mu Ru Yue chuckled and asked, “Wu Chen, he said you will divorce me to marry other
girls. He even said that you are my heaven so I must listen to you. Is that right?”
Chapter 638: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(1)
The atmosphere became quiet at this moment as everyone gathered their gazes on the
silver masked man. It was as though they were anticipating his response…
A layer of aura burst forth from his body. There wasn’t a trace of warmth in his ice-cold
purple eyes. He swept a cold gaze at Wu Niang that was still on the ground. Black flames
suddenly burst out from his body.
The flames were shot toward Wu Niang, instantly enveloping her delicate body. She was
engulfed by the tidal wave-like flames before she could even exclaim.
This was his answer!
The man didn’t say a word from the start, but his actions were more astonishing than just
He didn’t place that alluring girl in his eyes from the start, but how could he bear to kill
such a exceptional hot beauty?
Nevertheless, Ye Wu Chen didn’t think that he was in the wrong.
Not only did Dongfang Jun gave them the Love Hallucination Grass, he gave this woman
to him. It wasn’t hard to guess what he was planning. How could he easily forgive the
woman that was being used by Dongfang Jun to ruin their relationship?
Since she was being used by Dongfang Jun for power or wealth, she should know that she
might meet with such an end!
“Ghost King!” Dongfang Jun’s expression changed abruptly as Ye Wu Chen’s actions was
akin to nakedly face slap him. How could he continue to pretend? He instantly yelled in
fury, “What are you doing?”
Ye Wu Chen glanced coldly at Dongfang Jun. He said in a sinister and frosty voice, “As
you have seen!”
“You…” Dongfang Jun’s expression turned ashen as he cursed, “So it seems that the
Ghost King is a wife slave!”
In this world, the most hated insult to a man was to be called a wife slave.
As a man, they needed to make woman listen to them, instead of being fearful of their
Dongfang Jun initially thought that Ye Wu Chen would stand up to prove that he wasn’t a
wife slave no matter what. Yet, the man just looked coldly at him and replied, “She is the
main decision maker in our family. My decision doesn’t matter.”
Even though the man’s voice wasn’t really loud, it entered everyone’s ears.
Some of them couldn’t believe what they just heard.
A man that directly admitted that he was a wife slave was a humiliation to men!
Just as Dongfang Jun wanted to say something, a cold voice sounded first, “Mister
Dongfang, has your ‘third leg’ recovered so you can stir up havoc again?”
Mu Ru Yue smiled as she glanced at the groin of Dongfang Jun. Her eyes told everything
without her saying further.
Several people in the crowd wasn’t a virgin so how could they not understand what ‘the
third leg’ meant? They first were stunned before they glanced toward Dongfang Jun.
Dongfang Jun’s expression changed completely!
He didn’t expect Mu Ru Yue to say such words at this moment. His eyes darkened slightly
as he asked, “Lady Mu, I don’t understand what you said.”
“What did I mean?” Mu Ru Yue chuckled lightly before continuing, “What I mean, of
course, refers to you already being a cripple. It can’t that since you have become crippled
that you could no longer undergo sexual intercourse, you want to destroy others
A tyrannical aura that seemed to be able to topple mountains and overturn oceans burst out
of Dongfang Jun’s body, directly pressuring over to Mu Ru Yue. Yet, Mu Ru Yue didn’t
react to it and just had a faint smile on her face.
“Mu Ru Yue, you dare to frame me?”
Chapter 639: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(2)
Dongfang Jun’s expression turned ashen. He was like a storm with his aura bursting forth
from his body. He rebuked, “Aren’t you afraid to be mocked by the world from saying
such vulgar words as a girl?”
“I’m just stating the facts. I’m not like someone that always does some low-class matters.”
Mu Ru Yue smiled lightly as she looked at Dongfang Jun without any fear and continued,
“Dongfang Jun, you should be clear as to whether I’m slandering you or not!”
Her main purpose in coming to this banquet was to isolate the Dongfang family from the
other families. Even though the Nangong family was reconsidering the marriage alliance,
it wouldn’t be sufficient for the Nangong family to treat the Dongfang family as their
She must make the Nangong family be displeased by his actions.
Moreover, Dongfang Jun was planning to continue the marriage while hiding his body’s
condition. It would be key point in making the two families fall out.
As for the Moshang family… It was completely the Dongfang family’s fault!
“Mister Dongfang is actually impotent? Tsk tsk! I really didn’t expect that…”
“He became like this and still wants to marry young mistress Lan. Isn’t this making her
lose her life’s happiness?”
“It may not be. This may just be a plot by the Ouyang family, trying to destroy the
marriage alliance…”
Several people agreed to the last statement.
How could Dongfang Jun be impotent? They sided more to the side that the Ouyang
family wanted to ruin the marriage alliance…
Mu Ru Yue smirked slightly and shot out a sword aura from her palm.
The sword aura cut Dongfang Jun’s pants, exposing the hidden ghastly sight…
Faces of some girls at the scene flushed as they hastily turned their head away from that
Dongfang Jun dazed. It was unimaginable for him to predict that Mu Ru Yue would do
such an outrageous action before the crowd.
Was she still a girl?
“You aren’t allowed to see!” Ye Wu Chen pulled Mu Ru Yue domineeringly into his
embrace, burying her head at his chest as he said that, slightly displeased.
Mu Ru Yue didn’t resist against Ye Wu Chen and freely allowed him to press her head
against his chest.
“Quickly look! Dongfang Jun is really impotent. He has been crippled by someone!”
An exclamation was suddenly heard.
Those girls curiously cast their gazes over to Dongfang Jun again with astonishment in
their eyes. Following that, their faces flushed again…
“Head of the Dongfang family, how dare you!” Nangong Chen’s gaze turned dark as he
said in fury, “You want my younger sister to marry an eunuch?! If she was to really marry
Dongfang Jun, her entire life’s happiness would be ruined! You must give us an
explanation for this matter!”
Nangong Chen initially didn’t have any means in terminating the marriage alliance. Now
that such an opportunity came, how could he easily let it go? Furthermore, Dongfang Jun
was incompatible to his younger sister just by his personality.
“About this…” Dongfang Liang was stunned for a moment as he was at a loss on how to
explain this matter.
It was the truth that Dongfang Jun was crippled by someone. Yet, the Dongfang family
kept the Nangong family in the dark, not terminating the marriage alliance. How could the
Nangong family not hate them for such a deceitful action?
“Mister Nangong, please hear my explanation…”
Dongfang Liang pondered for a moment before he hardened his heart to say, “I actually
didn’t know about this matter. It was all Dongfang Jun’s action. I can’t believe that I was
also kept in the dark for such a matter. If Mister Nangong is dissatisfied, I have a few
more sons that are all eligible…”
“Haha!” Nangong Chen raised his head and burst out laughing before he replied, “What
do you all treat my younger sister as? Zi Lan is our entire Nangong family’s precious
jewel. We usually can’t even bear to let her suffer in the slightest. Yet, you kept us in the
dark and wanted to trick her in marrying into your family! Who knows whether the next
one will also be an eunuch or perhaps accidentally becoming one? Head of the Dongfang
family, I believe that this marriage alliance between our families should come to an end!”
Chapter 640: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(3)
His voice was glacial as he glared furiously at the paled Dongfang Jun with undisguised
disdain in his eyes.
Dongfang Jun was startled. He didn’t expect that his father would abandon him at such a
critical moment. But he was even more fearful that Nangong Zi Lan would leave him as
he tried to explain, “Zi Lan, please listen to me. I…”
He stepped a foot forward in wanting to grip onto Nangong Zi Lan’s hand while he said
that, but he was blocked by Nangong Chen.
Sorrow filled Dongfang Jun’s eyes at this instant. But it was unknown whether it was real
or just a pretence…
“Zi Lan, I really didn’t intent on deceiving you. You must believe me that I’m sincerely in
love with you. I’m just too afraid of losing you so I wanted to hide this matter. Please trust
me that I will definitely become normal. Can you please give me a chance, alright?”
“Normal?” Nangong Chen chuckled coldly before continuing, “Dongfang Jun, are you
really ignorant or feigning ignorance? How can you become normal from that state? Our
Nangong family will certainly not allow Zi Lan to marry an eunuch. I advise you to kill
that thought of yours.”
He protected Nangong Zi Lan behind him, not in the slightest letting Dongfang Jun to near
Donggang Jun didn’t reply him. He just raised his head to look at Nangong Zi Lan instead.
With pleading eyes, he persuaded, “Zi Lan, you should believe that your elder brother Jun
will definitely treat you well. Have you forgotten that time where I didn’t mind risking my
life to catch that white tiger cub for you to make you happy? Are you really leaving me
due to some troubles between us? Can it be that I’m actually not important in your heart?”
In his eyes, Nangong Zi Lan was a kindhearted girl. She was also easy to be moved. She
would definitely discard her enmity and leap into his embrace from what he said.
As for him, he just need to spread open his arms to prepare to catch her…
But he was terribly wrong this time.
It would have been better for him not to mention about that white tiger cub’s matter.
Nangong Zi Lan’s delicate face became cold upon hearing that matter. She then said
coldly, “Dongfang Jun, you should know what you have done. I, Nangong Zi Lan, isn’t a
foolish and ignorant girl. Stop trying to shove your lies down my throat! I don’t want to
become a fool that bitterly loves a liar again!”
Dongfang Jun’s complexion turned pale with astonishment in his eyes.
‘Can it be that Nangong Zi Lan knows about that matter?
‘Impossible! I had done it so discreetly. How could Nangong Zi Lan know about that?’
Dongfang Jun gradually calmed down as he said pitifully, “Zi Lan, can it… can it be that
you have some misunderstandings about me? I can swear to the heavens that I definitely
didn’t do anything to let you down!”
Nangong Zi Lan chuckled upon hearing what he said. Her laugh wasn’t as lovely as
before. It carried disappointments toward him instead.
“Dongfang Jun, you still want to lie to me at this moment?” Nangong Zi Lan shook her
head as a layer of mist gradually filled her eyes as she continued, “You had lied to a
woman. And, now you want to lie to me under the disguise of loving me. If you didn’t do
this, perhaps we can separate cleanly. But your actions already disgusted me. Dongfang
Jun, what I hate the most in my life is to be deceived by your fakeness!”
Dongfang Jun’s stumbled a little as he couldn’t help retreating a couple of steps. He took
in a deep breath as he gradually shut his eyes.
‘So she already knows everything…’
Dongfang Jun really couldn’t stand it. Victory was already in his sight, but it was
completely ruined by Mu Ru Yue. That woman must definitely be doing it on purpose to
avenge for Xiao Yue…
Chapter 641: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(4)
“Zi Lan,” Nangong Chen looked slight worried at his younger sister. With a frown, he
extended his hand to grab onto her arm, pulling her behind him. He then shifted his gaze
to the deathly paled face of Dongfang Jun as he said, “Dongfang Jun, stop pestering my
sister. Our Nangong family is clear about all the actions you had done these years. Zi Lan
needs a man that loves and cherishes her sincerely. That man definitely won’t be you!”
Just as Dongfang Jun wanted to say something, a mockery filled voice was heard from
among the crowd, “I had mentioned that nobody in the Dongfang family is good. There is
Dongfang Ying that is tyrannical and arrogant in nature and Dongfang Jun that lies to
woman even when he is a eunuch. Tsk Tsk! I didn’t expect he was crippled. I don’t know
who did that. I must really thank that person!”
Gu Ying Ying smirked as she said, brimming with smiles.
Yet, intense killing intents burst forth from Dongfang Jun’s body from passing the limits
of being treated indifferently. He was like a sharp sword that pierced toward Gu Ying
“Bitch, it is all due to your Moshang family that landed me in such a state. Since that is the
case, I choose to die with all of you. Everyone of you should just die!”
“Ying Ying, be careful!” Moshang Fei’s expression darkened as he raised his arms to pull
Gu Ying Ying into his embrace. A sword aura shot out from his palm, striking toward
Dongfang Jun’s chest.
The enraged Dongfang Jun no longer cared about anything. He dodged in a flash to a side
to avoid his attack before continuing to pursue after that couple…
‘If it isn’t for the Moshang family, how could his legacy ended?
‘I definitely mustn’t let these two damnable bastard go!’
Their palms collided in midair. Dongfang Jun’s body rolled a couple of turns backward
before stopping. Moshang Fei, on the other hand, retreated a couple steps with a trail of
blood flowing out from the corner of his mouth.
“Husband!” Gu Ying Ying’s expression changed greatly as she asked in concern,
“Husband, are you alright?”
Moshang Fei shook his head as he wiped away the blood remnants from the corner of his
mouth. With a slight smile, he joked, “Don’t worry. It won’t be that easy to kill your
husband. Dongfang Jun should be the one that is severely injured as I had used all of my
powers in that strike instead…”
Gu Ying Ying bit her lips, not replying him.
If it wasn’t for her to humiliate Dongfang Jun with her words, perhaps her husband
wouldn’t be hurt. But she just couldn’t bear not to do it after thinking about what the
Dongfang family did to their Moshang family for the past half year…
“Mister Moshang, what do you mean by doing this?” Dongfang Liang glanced at
Dongfang Jun as though he was hating the iron for not becoming steel. Following that, his
expression turned grim as he said, “I don’t know how my Dongfang family had offended
your Moshang family for you to hurt my son!”
Moshang Fei sneered as he rebuked, “Head of the Dongfang family, have you seen it
wrongly? It was Dongfang Jun that made a move on my wife first. It can’t be that I should
just watch on as my wife is being killed by him, not resisting? Now, I finally understand
where Dongfang Ying’s tyrannical personality came from. So it is from family
Dongfang Liang was enraged from hearing that phrase ‘family inheritance’. But he knew
that it was his family that was in the wrong first so he could only forcefully suppress the
anger in his heart. He just shot a cold gaze at the other’s handsome and gentle face.
“Jun Er, back down!”
Dongfang Liang’s gaze darkened as he instructed coldly.
“Father…” Dongfang Jun heard his father’s words right after he climbed up to his feet.
His heart shuddered subconsciously as he called out with slight resentment.
“How much longer do you want to make a fool out of yourself?” Dongfang Liang swept a
cold gaze at him before continuing, “Immediately scram! Stop staying here to continue
humiliating our Dongfang family!”
Chapter 642: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(5)
Dongfang Jun clenched his fights tightly. With a slightly lowered head, he said, “Father,
your son will leave first then.”
The heavens knew how unwilling he was but he couldn’t go against Dongfang Liang’s
order. He could only look gloomily at Mu Ru Yue before heading to the back courtyard.
Dongfang Liang smiled forcefully after he left as he said, “Everyone, I’m a little
exhausted so I won’t be able to accompany you. You are free to go after this banquet ends.
I won’t be sending you off. But please don’t forget about the main large event that will be
commencing in three days time…”
He didn’t wait for the crowd’s answer upon saying that and just hastily left the room.
Smile filled Mu Ru Yue’s eyes. It was undeniable that her mission was successfully
accomplished. The Dongfang family will be facing against three of the families after what
happened tonight.
This situation placed her in a greatly advantageous position…
“Lady Mu.”
A clear voice was heard from before her. Mu Ru Yue raised her head slightly to look at the
girl’s slightly paled baby face. She then asked indifferently, “Can I help you with
Nangong Zi Lan pursed her pink lips. With a slight raise of her eyelashes, she used a
grateful tone as she said, “Thank you, Lady Mu. If it wasn’t for you, I would still be kept
in the dark by his facade.”
Mu Ru Yue’s eyebrows rose as she asked, “Don’t you blame me for making lose your
ideal partner?”
“Ideal partner?” Nangong Zi Lan chuckled bitterly. With sorrow in her large eyes, she
continued, “He isn’t my ideal partner. If I didn’t know his true face now, I will definitely
regret it in the future. Hence, you have saved my future life. That’s right, Lady Mu, how is
elder sister Xiao Yue?”
Mu Ru Yue looked at Nangong Zi Lan. She had a great impression her this girl.
“Xiao Yue s doing rather well. She had gotten out from her past. Nangong Zi Lan, give up
on Dongfang Jun. You will meet with a much better man.”
Nangong Zi Lan smiled faintly as she replied, “I hope so.”
How could she fall completely in love with a man after this matter? Who would know if
that that man wouldn’t be like Dongfang Jun to be playing with her feelings…
Mu Ru Yue didn’t say further as Nangong Zi Lan needed to think through these matters by
herself. It would be useless no matter how much people explained to her…
“Lady, I didn’t expect that you are a person from the Ouyang family.” Gu Ying Ying
walked over and said with smiles, “You are also quite impressive. I will see how
Dongfang Ying continue to act arrogantly after becoming a trash.”
Gu Ying Ying had the impulse to raise her head to burst out laughing upon saying that.
The heavens knew how long she had waited for this day…
“She reaped what she sowed.” Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly before continuing, “I won’t give
a person a second chance! She didn’t appreciate my initial kind intentions so I could only
do that…”
Gu Ying Ying extended her hand smilingly as she said, “Lady Mu, the enemies of my
enemy are my friends. I hope that for the next period of time, we will be friends!”
Mu Ru Yue looked at the extended hand before her and gripped it without any hesitation.
Her gaze wasn’t the previous cold gaze that would reject people away from her. Light
smiles filled in it instead…

At this moment, outside a secret chamber at the back of the Dongfang family, Dongfang
Liang pondered for a moment before pushing open the door and entering it. Instantly, a
green robed man appeared before him.
Chapter 643: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(6)
The man had an ordinary appearance. He was the type of person that would be neglected
among a crowd.
Yet, he had an unforgettable sharp sword-like aura. It was especially so with his eagle-like
eyes. It was as though he could see right through the dark…
“Lord Qing Yi (green clothes).”
Dongfang Liang lowered his head respectfully with reverence in his eyes.
Qing Yi raised his brows as he swept a cold gaze toward Dongfang Liang before
complaining, “Didn’t I tell you that nobody is allowed to disturb me when I’m in
seclusion training?!”
“But, my Lord, there are a couple of incidents that happened to the Dongfang family.”
Dongfang Liang hesitated a while before continuing, “There probably will be some crisis
that will occur in the near future…”
Qing Yi sneered as he asked, “Can it be that the crisis you are referring to is that the
Ouyang and Moshang families are planning to ally together to deal with the Dongfang
Dongfang Liang glanced at him nervously before continuing, “Perhaps… the Nangong
family will also be included!”
Even though the four large families weren’t harmonious long ago, it was still a rare
occurrence that three of the families allied to deal with one of the families.
It was due to him making a wrong move, losing a great ally of the Nangong family.
“The strongest within the four large families was only at the True Realm so they aren’t a
threat.” Qing Yi continued emotionlessly, “On the other hand, I’ve already reached the
Spiritual Realm. Hence, I don’t need to fear those people. I still lack a little insight in
breaking through to the Supreme Realm from the True Realm. It will be really difficult for
me to breakthrough without that insight. Yet, you broke my concentration when I was on
the verge in understanding that insight. Dongfang Liang, how do you think I should settle
this debt with you?”
Dongfang Liang’s heart shuddered.
Nobody could be clearer than him about Lord Qing Yi’s temper. But if he didn’t come to
find him at this moment, the three other families would perhaps ally to deal with the
Dongfang family in three days time…
“I know my mistake, Lord Qing Yi.” Dongfang Liang lowered his head before continuing,
“But there are two young talents in the Ouyang family. Those two talents could be counted
as superior. Didn’t Lord Qing Yi want to absorb the soul of talents to increase your might?
If you can obtain the soul of those two people, you may be able to successfully get an
insight into that realm…”
A sinister light flashed across Dongfang Liang’s eyes as his lips curled up into a sneer.
‘Once I successfully attract Lord Qing Yi’s attention onto them, even if I don’t make a
move on that, those two people that ruined my matters will definitely die without a
Qing Yi remained quiet for a moment, pondering. He then asked, “Did you speak the
“Lord Qing Yi, how can I dare to lie to you?” Dongfang Liang hastily explained, “One of
those talents was a man that possessed a tyrannical might. He should be about my
cultivation at the True Realm. As for the other talent, she isn’t as strong but she was able
to kill my daughter, Ying Er, with just a move. Her cultivation perhaps should be at the
Mystic Realm. Lord Qing Yi, I dare to swear that once you consumed their souls, you will
successfully be enlightened and breakthrough to the Supreme Realm.”
It was undeniable that Qing Yi was indeed moved. If he allowed such a great opportunity
slip, there probably wouldn’t be a second time…
“Dongfang Liang, you should understand my baseline. I hope that you aren’t lying to me.
Otherwise, you should know what your outcome will be!” Qing Yi’s gaze darkened
slightly as he warned coldly.
“Lord Qing Yi, how can I have the guts to dare lie to you? It will be the four large
families’ event in three days. Lord Qing Yi can personally attend it and be able to see for
yourself whether their souls are up to your likings at that time.”
Chapter 644: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(7)
Lord Qing Yi nodded after pondering for a moment as he agreed, “Alright. If you didn’t
lie to me, I will naturally help you to take over the other three families.”
Dongfang Liang was elated.
‘With this great God’s help, the other three families are already in my pocket.’

An arena was placed at the very center of the Dongfang City in a vast plaza during the
first glimmers of light. All of the large powers had already been seated. They were
currently discussing on which family would be in the lead after this event.
Yet, it was obvious that the Dongfang family was neglected as the side that was designated
to the Dongfang family was the quietest in the entire plaza.
Mu Ru Yue, who was among the crowd, frowned when she swept a gaze at the green
robed man standing behind Dongfang Liang. It was obscure to her whether she was wrong
in believing that the man wasn’t an ordinary guard.
“Spiritual Realm.” Ye Wu Chen raised his hand to hold Mu Ru Yue’s hand. He then
shifted his gaze to Mu Ru Yue before continuing, “That man is a Spiritual Realm expert.
But you don’t need to fret about him as I will always be by your side…”
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly before she quickly withdrew her gaze, no longer looking at the
Dongfang family.
‘It seems that the Dongfang family isn’t as simple as how it looks due to them possessing
a Spiritual Realm expert…’
“We will still be using the old rules.” Dongfang Liang surveyed the crowd before parting
his lips and announced, “Every large families can dispatch some elite competitors to
participate in this competition. But the number of competitors from each family is capped
at ten!”
He swept a gaze at Mu Ru Yue and smirked upon saying that.
Nevertheless, the girl’s calm and collected voice brushed the crowd’s ears with the breeze
as she said, “There’s no need to choose. Everyone here should just participate.”
The crowd was stunned.
What did she mean that everyone here should participate? Could it be that she wanted to
fight all of them by herself?
Mu Ru Yue continued to say as though to answer to the crowd’s thoughts, “All of you
should just enter the arena to let me have a look at your capabilities!”
The crowd was stirred up.
It wasn’t just from the people from the three large families this time as the disciples of the
Ouyang family also couldn’t believe what she said.
She was too egotistical. She wanted to face all of the disciples from the other three large
families by herself? Wasn’t she just a raving lunatic?
Did she think that everyone will be like Dongfang Ying?
That’s right, Dongfang Ying was very talented. It was precisely due to that she was
heavily doted upon by Dongfang Liang. Nonetheless, Dongfang Ying was too young no
matter what. If she was three or five years older, Mu Ru Yue would definitely be not her
However, there were so many talents present in this event. No matter if it was Moshang
Fei, Dongfang Jun and even Nangong Chen from the Nangong family, they were all at the
Mystic realm!
Moreover, how could they not possess at least one protective treasure or secret technique
as a disciple of the large families?
She wanted to deal with all of them by herself? She was even worse than a fool as she was
just clearly seeking death!
They could totally defeat that girl before even using those treasures…
“Lady Mu!” Ouyang Yun Jin’s heart shuddered as Mu Ru Yue’s action was too out of the
blue that even he completely didn’t expect that.
Mu Ru Yue raised her brows as she provoked them differently, “Nobody dares to enter the
arena? Why isn’t there anyone brave enough to enter the arena to accept my challenge?
No matter if you are elites or just ordinary disciples, you are free to group up and enter the
arena as long as you are from the other three large families!”
She kicked off the ground to leap onto the arena upon saying that…
Chapter 645: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(8)
The spring breeze was rustling.
The girl was standing against the wind on the arena with her hair fluttering. Her white
robed looked like a snow lily blooming in the wind. Her beauty was so breathtaking.
But what made people unable to shift their gazes was the girl’s lofty grandeur. She was
like the ruler of this world. She was the supreme existence that looked disdainfully upon
the world from the corner of her eyes!
It was really unbelievable for a girl to have such a grandeur…
“Alright!” Dongfang Liang sniggered before continuing, “Since you want to do that, I
don’t mind. But I have to warn you first that blades and swords don’t have eyes so you
may result in losing your life within this competition. You can only blame yourself for
being too weak when that occurs.”
Ouyang Yun Jin’s expression changed as he glared furiously at Dongfang Liang and
rebuked, “Head of the Dongfang family, what do you mean by that? Do you mean that this
competition allows killing? But Mu Ru Yue is greatly outnumbered. Don’t you think that
your request is too unfair?!”
Dongfang Liang sneered as he replied, “It is her own decision. Nobody forced her to do
that. Since she is brazen, she should have the capability to do so. She thinks that she will
be undefeated in this world after defeating Ying Er. Such a girl will give rise to
commotions sooner or later. My advice to your Ouyang family is that you should cut your
connections with her sooner or later. Otherwise, you may face with a calamity of
annihilation any moment. You will have more loss than gains if that occurs.”
Ouyang Yun Jin didn’t say further but his eyes were becoming increasingly gloomy. An
alarming tempest seemed to be dancing in his eyes…
Mu Ru Yue didn’t say anything from the start. She had a trace of confidence ray of lights
in her calm eyes. That ray of lights just fueled the anger in Dongfang Liang’s heart.
“Mu Ru Yue, do you accept my request?”
Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze to looked coldly at Dongfang Liang’s face before she agreed,
“I agree. But I hope… you won’t regret!”
‘I hope you won’t regret!’
Ouyang Yun Jin’s heart shuudered abruptly. He remembered clearly that Mu Ru Yue had
previously said such words to Ouyang Dan. The outcome from that was easy to tell that
Ouyang Dan regretted…
Could she have the same confidence as she had this time?
Suddenly, Ouyang Yun Jin felt that he wasn’t able to fully understand this girl. She was
like an endless puzzle…
“Don’t worry. I will definitely not regret.” Dongfang Liang sneered. He then shifted his
gaze to the green robed man behind him, calming him down. He then continued, “But I’ve
got another request. Assistance from demon beasts is forbidden in this battle!”
Dongfang Jun had told him that she was the owner of Xiao Yue last night. With Xiao
Yue’s capability, Mu Ru Yue would have an upperhand in this battle. Hence, he must
eliminate that possibility.
He definitely wouldn’t let her win!
A trace of haziness flashed across Dongfang Liang’s eyes as he sniggered…
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly and agreed, “I agree!”
This woman actually agreed to Dongfang Liang’s unreasonable requests…
Clamours could be heard from the crowd again. Even Gu Ying Ying and Moshang Fei
looked astonished at Mu Ru Yue with a trace of deep thoughts in their eyes.
‘What trump cards do she have to be so confident? If it was others, they definitely
wouldn’t choose this method to prove their might…’
Dongfang Jun snorted coldly as he moved in a flash onto the arena.
Flames of fury burned in his eyes whenever he thought about what happened that night as
he proclaimed, “Mu Ru Yue, since you are seeking death, I will grant you that wish!”
Chapter 646: Soloing A Group Fight And
Breaking Through To The Earth Realm(9)
Following that, the other families also entered the arena, surrounding Mu Ru Yue. The
crowd thought that Ye Wu Chen would also enter the arena to assist his wife.
But he did the opposite.
He didn’t move at all and just focused on the figure on the arena with smiles in his eyes
Dongfang Jun drew his sword, releasing a trace of glimmer from the sword. He then
kicked off the ground to pierce his ice-cold sword toward Mu Ru Yue’s throat.
His body curled up in mid air and charged toward Mu Ru Yue like a hurricane. Mu Ru Yue
finally took out her weapon at this instant…
She didn’t take out the Heavenly Flame Sword this time as she took out her phoenix
furnace instead!
Everyone was shocked at that moment…
The white robed girl was standing quietly on the arena while the breeze blew. An
enormous pill furnace had appeared in her hand. The blood red ray of lights that were
being emitted from the furnace shone on her impeccable face.
The phoenix furnace was multiple times taller than her. Yet, she was able to lift it off from
the ground with ease. This surreal sight deeply shocked the crowd…
“What is that?”
Dongfang Jun was stunned for a moment, hastily halting his steps. Astonishment filled his
Nonetheless, Mu Ru Yue didn’t give them any chances in recovering their senses.
She brandished her phoenix furnace, making those people that couldn’t draw their
weapons in time to be wiped out of the arena…
The crowd was alarmed momentarily, completely scared speechless…
There was only three people other than her remained on the arena. They were Nangong
Chen from the Nangong family, Dongfang Jun from the Dongfang family and Moshang
Fei from the Moshang family respectively.
The others couldn’t react in time so they were instantly defeated…
“Cough! Cough!”
Dongfang Jun coughed as he climbed back to his feet. His face was distorted at this instant
as he yelled out while charging toward Mu Ru Yue.
“Damnable girl, die for me!”
Xiao Yue dumping him, the pain from the ending of his legacy and the crowd’s cold
gazes… Fury blazed vigorously from the bottom of his heart at this moment. Dongfang
Jun only had a thought now.
It was definitely to kill this woman regardlessly…
“Not good!”
Seeing Dongfang Jun’s increasing aura, Ouyang Yun Jin’s expression changed drastically
as he commented, “Damn it! He has initiated the secret technique of the Dongfang family
to increase his power!”
The entire sword in his hand was coated with flames as it formed into a tempest to strike
toward Mu Ru Yue, enveloping Mu Ru Yue in flames.
Seeing that the girl had been completely engulfed by the flames, pity was expressed in the
crowd’s eyes.
Could the girl that just blinded their eyes from her brilliance die under the might of the
flames? It would really be a massive loss for such a magnificent girl to die just like that…
Ouyang Yun Jin’s complexion turned gravely pale. He wasn’t able to save her in time,
watching her be killed by Dongfang Jun.
Suddenly, the situation had a sudden change.
The flames on the arena gradually decreased. It was as though it was being absorbed by
someone. Everyone wasn’t able to shift their gazes away from the arena at this moment,
not even blinking as they watched on…
A ray of light that signified a breakthrough shone from the arena before they could
understand what was happening. The light gradually spread outwards, covering the
crowd’s eyes…
Author’s note: I don’t know if I had updated on the martial grading system. The grades
arranged from the lowest to the highest will be the Yellow Realm [9 stages of the Houtian
Realm and Xiantian Realms, ending with the Xiantian Full Circle Realm] → Mystic
Realm → Earth Realm → Heaven Realm → True Realm → Spiritual Realm → Supreme
Realm → God Realm respectively. All realms after the Yellow Realm are single realms
without any stages or grades.
This novel will end when the female lead reaches the God realm regardless of its content.
Chapter 647: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(1)
Earth Realm!
That’s right, it was indeed the phenomenon when a person broke through to the Earth
Not to mention others, even Ouyang Yun Jin was startled as he looked somewhat
flabbergasted at the girl on the arena after the flames died down. An undisguised shock
flashed past his eyes.
She had broken through!
A twenty years old Earth Realm expert would be counted as a peerless talent in Realmless!
Moreover, she had broken through under the pressure by Dongfang Jun…
Dongfang Jun’s voice was a little shaky as he widened his eyes in terror. His handsome
face distorted as he yelled out with a sinister expression.
Suddenly, the girl raised the phoenix furnace toward the sky, gradually expanding in size
before Dongfang Jun’s eyes. His pupils then gradually contracted.
The gigantic pill furnace was smashed down mercilessly toward him. The entire arena
became pin drop silent…
“Jun Er!”
Dongfang Liang stood up abruptly as he watched on with widened eyes. He then
immediately soared to the sky, attacking toward Mu Ru Yue.
“Bitch! You dare to kill my son? Die then!”
Fury burned off all of Dongfang Liang’s sanity at this moment. He just wanted to kill that
damnable woman under his hands!
Even though the current Dongfang Jun was really disappointing to him, he was still his
son that he previously loved with all his heart. Furthermore, blood was thicker than water.
How could a father remain unconcerned when he saw his son killed before him?
A tyrannical power pressured toward Dongfang Liang before he could even near Mu Ru
Yue, making him to rapidly retreat a couple of steps.
He raised his cold eyes to the source. A purple robe entered his sight…
The man was standing in mid air with his purple robes fluttering. His silver mask gave off
a glacial and mysterious feeling with his hair dancing in the wind. A sinister cold light
filled his purple eyes.
A faint wind rose in his surrounding. His aura was oppressing and a sinister cold feeling
was expressed in his eyes.
The man was noble and charming, but he gave people a mysterious vibe at this instant. It
felt as though he could easily end a person’s life with just the raise of his hand…
Dongfang Jun’s throat seemed to have constricted. That tyrannical pressure almost made
him to be unable to breathe. That kind of uncomfortable feeling forced him to retreat a
couple of steps, decreasing the pressure on his body.
“Mister Ye, your wife killed my son. Don’t you think you should give me a justification?”
Dongfang Liang’s complexion turned ashen as he yelled out while suppressing his fury.
Ye Wu Chen slightly raised his gaze as he looked sinisterly at Dongfang Jun that was
squashed1 by the phoenix furnace. He then lifted his hand slightly…
A transparent body was dragged from that corpse by him, struggling with all its might in
his hand. Seeing that transparent body, Dongfang Liang’s body shuddered as he widened
his eyes with disbelief.
“Is… is that a soul?”
Everyone was stunned as they looked astonished at the silver masked man.
He had forcefully pulled out a soul from a body? How powerful was this man to do such a
Glimmers danced in the green robed man’s eyes, but he didn’t make a move. He just
quietly watched on by the side. It was as though he didn’t have any intentions on
Black flames instantly blazed from Ye Wu Chen’s palm, enveloping the transparent soul in
his hand. A wail that was like ghosts and howl like wolves was heard instantly.

1. Miki: Adds squashed like a cockroach! ↩

Chapter 648: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(2)
Everyone couldn’t help but to tremble as they saw this sight, quivering in fear. Nobody
would have imagine that this man would be so ruthless.
Dongfang Jun’s outcome would be much more painful as compared to Dongfang Ying and
Wu Niang.
No ordinary people would be able to endure the pain of having their soul incinerated.
Dongfang Jun’s soul was rapidly burned to ashes, scattering throughout the plaza by the
“Jun Er!”
Dongfang Liang yelled out heart wrenchingly. Fury burned in his eyes as he glared at Ye
Wu Chen and asked, “Mister Ye, what do you mean by doing this?”
The man shot a cold gaze at Dongfang Liang’s gravely pale face. With a light smirk, he
replied, “Didn’t you tell me to give you a justification? This is my answer!”
He had said that sentence in an indifferent manner. Yet, it landed heavily into everyone’s
ears, making them look at the silver masked man with astonishment.
That’s right, that was his answer!
However, this man perhaps should be the only one that would say such domineering
“Mister Ye!” Flames of fury blazed in Dongfang Liang’s. With a sinister cold gaze, he
proclaimed, “You will definitely pay the price for what you have done today!”
Nobody that killed a member of the Dongfang family would be able to continue living!
“Haha!” Ouyang Yun Jin laughed as he reminded, “Dongfang Liang, don’t forget that you
were the one that said that blades and swords don’t have eyes so nobody is to be blamed
other than themselves for being too weak if something was to happen. Can it be that you
regret saying that now?”
Dongfang Liang’s complexion continuously switched between white and green as he
clenched his fists so tightly that they trembled slightly.
But nobody sympathized him!
There was a proverb that fits his case perfectly, ‘If you don’t seek death, death won’t come
to you’. He just reaped what he sowed today.
“Lady Mu,” Dongfang Liang took in a deep breath before looking coldly at Mu Ru Yue
before continuing, “I heard that you are an alchemist. I don’t know if you have the guts to
battle against the alchemist chief of our Dongfang family, Grandmaster Lin Yi (Forest
Who was Grandmaster Lin Yi?
He was the alchemist chief of the Dongfang family and had already reached the Mundane
Stage Peak Realm. He wanted this little girl to compete against him?
This was clearly bullying the young!
The crowd shook their head. Some couldn’t bear to watch on as Dongfang Liang’s action
was completely akin to face slapping himself.
Grandmaster Lin Yi wouldn’t win honorably even if he won, making the Dongfang family
become a laughing stock of the continent.
Mu Ru Yue’s brows raised as she smiled faintly and agreed, “Alright, I accept!”
Clamours rose from the crowd as they looked in shock at the girl’s face that had expressed
a candid smile. Nobody would be able to predict that she would have agreed so easily to
such a disadvantageous competition!
Of course, Mu Ru Yue would never agree to compete in such a meaningless competition if
it was the norm.
Yet, she had a purpose in doing so this time. She wanted to prove that she was strong
enough for all of the families to swear their devotion and loyalty to her…
Dongfang Liang’s heart skipped a beat after hearing Mu Ru Yue agreed so readily, but he
regained his calmness instantly.
It would be impossible for her to reach the Mundane Stage Peak Realm no matter what.
There wasn’t any other reason than her being too young. How could such a youthful girl
like her have such accomplishments? Moreover, it was the Mundane Stage Peak Realm.
Everyone knew that lots of time and energy were required when improving their
cultivation in either the martial or alchemy training. If she had focused all of her energy on
martial training, how could she have much accomplishments in her alchemy?
Chapter 649: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(3)
It was impossible to obtain fish and bear claws simultaneously so it would be impossible
for her to be that abnormal!
“Grandmaster Lin Yi1,” Dongfang Liang glanced at Lin Yi who was behind him and said
respectfully, “I will have to depend on you for what is to come next.”
Lin Yi nodded indifferently with a trace of disdain in his arrogant eyes. He didn’t say
anything as he walked away while saying calmly, “Don’t worry. I won’t lose!”
How could a Mundane stage Peak Realm alchemist lose to a little girl?
Ye Wu Chen gradually withdrew his aura, but the coldness in his purple eyes didn’t fade.
He brushed his sleeves before walking before Mu Ru Yue. With a slight frown, he said, “I
will still be able to make those people swear their loyalty and devotion to you even if you
had refused to compete.”
His voice was really soft, allowing only Mu Ru Yue to hear him.
Mu Ru Yue chuckled faintly as she replied, “But I don’t want to rely too much on you. Wu
Chen, I want to use my might to subdue those families! Of course, the Dongfang family
isn’t included in those families!”
Thinking about the injuries that Xiao Yue had suffered from, Mu Ru Yue’s heart tightened,
making her to gasp a mouthful of cold air. She then gradually closed her eyes…
She would pay back the pain that they brought to Xiao Yue to them multiple folds!
“Little girl, I originally didn’t want to bully the young, but what you did was too much.
You even killed a disciple of the Dongfang family so I can only lower my status to teach
you a lesson. I hope that you will understand that a granule of a pearl is impossible to
compete with the sun and moon in light!”
Lin Yi’s gaze darkened slightly as a cold and detached luster was seen from his elderly
In Lin Yi’s point of view, Mu Ru Yue was just an insignificant youth. He could easily
defeat her even if he didn’t refine a Mundane Peak Rank pill.
But Lin Yi planned to use all his might this time in order to greatly shock this girl.
She would then understand that she couldn’t just undervalue anyone she sees!
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly as she requested, “I need some medicinal plants so I will need
to trouble your Dongfang family to prepare them.”
“Why should we?” Dongfang Liang’s expression turned grim as he asked coldly.
“Of course, you can choose not to. But in that case, it won’t be that I’m unwilling to
compete but it will that you aren’t satisfying my condition. How can I refine pills without
medicinal plants?” Mu Ru Yue smiled as she continued, “You should know that I’m
always really poor so I don’t have that much money to purchase medicinal plants.”
The corner of Ouyang Yun Jin’s lip twitched slightly.
‘Any of the various pills that she gave to the Ouyang family can be sold at high prices. But
this girl still dares to say that she is poor…’
“Hmph!” Dongfang Liang snorted before agreeing, “You want to use that as an excuse to
not compete? It is a pity that since you had agreed in competing, you already lost the
rights to reject. Someone, give her a paper to let her write down the medicinal plants that
she wants.”
Someone gave Mu Ru Yue a paper upon hearing what he said. Mu Ru Yue’s brows rose as
she quickly wrote down several name of medicinal plants. Dongfang Liang initially
thought that what she needed was just ordinary medicinal plants. But once he saw the
names of those medicinal plants, his corner of his lips twitched uncontrollably.
Every single medicinal plants on that list was at least ten thousand years of age. Even if it
was the Dongfang family, they would have a severe heartache from taking out so many
precious medicinal plants.
“Grandmaster Lin Yi, please take a look.” Dongfang Liang passed the list to Lin Yi as he
knitted his brows before asking, “Can you tell what pill she is trying to refine from those
medicinal plants?”
Lin Yi took the paper. With a trace of doubt flashed past his eyes, he shook his head and
replied, “This is beyond my knowledge as I really don’t know what she wants to refine.”
Chapter 650: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(4)
Dongfang Liang’s heart relaxed upon hearing that.
It seemed that this woman knew that she wasn’t Lin Yi’s match so she had randomly wrote
down a bunch of precious medicinal plants wanting the Dongfang family to lose a lot of
their resources. It was a pity that even if that was the case, it would be really difficult for
her to escape the lock of her fate…
“Lady Mu, it won’t be that simple in trying to drain our Dongfang family’s resources. I
want you to promise me that if you are to lose in this competition, you will end your own
Ouyang Yun Jin stood up from his seat and yelled furiously, “Dongfang Liang, how can
you suggest this kind of request?”
Dongfang Liang sniggered as he replied, “Won’t it be too boring without a bet?”
Ouyang Yun Jin furiously pointed toward Dongfang Liang. But an indifferent voice
intercepted before he could say further, “Head of the Dongfang family, what if I win?”
Dongfang Liang was first startled before he laughed as though he had heard a hilarious
joke. He then replied, “If you win, you can deal with the Dongfang family as you like. Of
course, the prerequisite is that you win against Grandmaster Lin Yi.
What he meant was that she definitely wasn’t Grandmaster Lin Yi’s match.
“Alright, I agree!” Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze to look at Dongfang Liang laughing
expression before continuing calmly, “But I hope you won’t go back on your words. If he
loses, I will be able to do anything I like to the Dongfang family!”
Dongfang Liang sneered as he rebuked, “Grandmaster Lin Yi will never lose!”
Thus, that promise was non-existent!
Mu Ru Yue didn’t say further but the smirk on her face gave people an extremely strange
Somebody quickly gave her the medicinal plants that she wanted. This made Mu Ru Yue
sighed inwardly towards the Dongfang family’s collections. They were able to prepare all
of the medicinal plants in such a short time frame. Even if it was the Ouyang family, they
would definitely need more time than them.
Following that, she chose three medicinal plants and tossed them into the Alchemy Book.
If Yan Jin was to consume those ten thousand years old medicinal plants, he should be
able to breakthrough to the Heaven Realm…
“Who do you think will be victorious in this battle?”
“Do you even need to ask that? It will certainly be Elder Lin from the Dongfang family as
he is already a Mundane Stage Peak Realm alchemist after all…”
“It may not be the case as didn’t we all thought that Mu Ru Yue will lose without a doubt
soloing against the crowd? But who knew she would win and breakthrough to the next
Discussions spread throughout the plaza, but nobody was able to shift their gazes away
from those two that was standing on the arena.
Lin Yi finally took out his pill furnace under the crowd’s gaze. With an arrogant smile, he
glanced with slight disdain toward Mu Ru Yue.
Simultaneously, Mu Ru Yue spread some of her mental power on top of the medicinal
plants as though they would infiltrate into them…
Lin Yi snorted coldly before withdrawing his gaze. He no longer focused on Mu Ru Yue.
With a brandish of his palm, a medicinal plant was tossed within the pill furnace.
Surging flames burst forth from the bottom of his pill furnace, giving off a scorching
“It is as expected of Grandmaster Lin Yi. His alchemy standard is too outstanding. Did
you see his fluid, accustomed movements? Only an expert like himself will possess such a
That comment was from a disciple from the Dongfang family.
Chapter 651: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(5)
“That is only natural. How can someone thinks that she will be able to defeat the head of
the Dongfang family? She shouldn’t think that she will be undefeated due to winning
against the young master. In other’s point of view, she is nothing!”
“Can’t you see that Mu Ru Yue’s action is too out of practice as compared to Grandmaster
Lin Yi? She looks just like a newbie. I really don’t know how she could be that
courageous to accept this battle. I don’t even need to watch on as she will lose for sure…”
Ouyang Yun Jin frowned as he glanced toward Mu Ru Yue that had cold sweats on her
forehead with a trace of doubt that flashed past his eyes.
‘I have seen Lady Mu refine pills before. Her technique was spectacular. Why does she
look so out of practice now? There is just a possibility to this case. It is due to her trying to
breakthrough in her alchemy.
‘Can it be that she is trying to breakthrough in her alchemy due to breaking through to the
Earth Realm? But don’t alchemist need to have a quiet and tranquil environment when
they were trying to breakthrough to the next realm? Why is she trying to breakthrough
before a crowd?’
Of course, Mu Ru Yue wouldn’t put herself at a risk if it was the past. She would make Ye
Wu Chen guard her seclusion room as she tried to breakthrough in order to remain
undisturbed; just like when she was at the Medicine Sect.
But she was no longer the previous her.
Mu Ru Yue that possessed the Alchemy Book within her body could completely use the
book that was fused with her body to maintain her mental power at its peak condition.
Thus, she didn’t need to worry that her mind would be damaged from being disturbed by
her surroundings.
Cold sweats started to flow down from her forehead, but Mu Ru Yue didn’t have the time
to wipe them away. Her mental power was focused on the phoenix furnace with
seriousness expressed from her eyes.
An Earth Realm practitioner should only be able to refine Mundane Stage Peak Rank Pills.
If they wanted to forcefully breakthrough in their alchemy, their energy might not
If it was elsewhere, she would just use the energy in the Alchemy Book.
But she couldn’t now!
Perhaps she wouldn’t mind doing that before others, but she couldn’t not maintain her
wariness toward that green robed man from the Dongfang family.
The Alchemy Book was her greatest life protection so it definitely mustn’t be noticed by
Following that, the crowd saw a shocking sight.
They saw the girl raised her head to down a handful of pills, rapidly replenishing her
diminishing energy. The crowd was stunned for a moment when they saw her consuming
pills like candies. They scolded her inwardly.
Such a wasteful girl!
They had never seen anyone as wasteful as her!
What did she treat pills as? Candies? No matter how much pills she possesses, it should
still be insufficient to her with her consumption rate…
Lin Yi raised her head to look at Mu Ru Yue with astonishment but he didn’t say anything
and just continued refining his pill. But anyone could see that his white brows were tightly
As time passed, a faint fragrance permeated from Lin Yi’s pill furnace, making the crowd
startled subconsciously.
“Success in refining the pill?”
Everyone was somewhat in shock as they looked nervously at the Lin Yi’s pill furnace.
Lin Yi smiled slightly before gradually withdrawing his flames.
He had opened his pill furnace. At least ten pills shot into his palm from the furnace with
the help from the envelopment of his energy.
“What I had refined is the Mundane Stage Peak Rank Reconstructing Bone Pill. It will
enable an expert to reconstruct their bones without a change in their cultivation.”
Everyone knew that if a martial practitioner wanted to reconstruct their bones, their
cultivation would be nulled. Yet, the more they reconstructed their bones, the higher the
benefits they would reap in their cultivation. Hence, everyone couldn’t help but to shoot
their gazes at the pills upon hearing Lin Yi’s explanations, mouth-watering.
Chapter 652: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(6)
Even Nangong Chen and the rest glanced at him. Envy surged inwardly in their hearts
toward the Dongfang family from possessing a Mundane Stage Peak Realm alchemist…
Lin Yi smirked under the crowd’s gaze before shifting his gaze toward Mu Ru Yue. The
others also followed his gaze to look toward the white robed girl…
The flames under the phoenix furnace trembled. A bitter smell instantly permeated out
from the pill furnace. But Mu Ru Yue rapidly pulled herself together with seriousness in
her eyes.
Her complexion was gravely pale at this moment, cold sweat flowing profusely. The back
of her robe stuck to her body from being drenched in sweat, revealing the perfect curves of
her body.
Some of the men at the plaza dazed. It was undeniable that the girl was indeed really
beautiful, but she had a rather scary personality. She just killed Dongfang Jun from the
Dongfang family at will…
Suddenly, a sinister cold aura spread outward from the arena, gradually covering the entire
plaza. Those guys that were looking lecherously at her instantly withdrew their gazes and
focused on the phoenix furnace before her instead, unblinkingly.
Ye Wu Chen gradually withdrew his gaze and when his purple eyes shifted to Mu Ru Yue,
his eyes expressed warmth that would never be seen by others usually.
His gaze was like warm sunlight that enveloped the girl that was as dazzling as stars.
Mu Ru Yue’s brows creased tightly. She felt an increasing strain in movement with every
motions she made. She swallowed another handful of pills, making the rosiness of her
cheeks to gradually recover…
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Sound of collisions could be heard from within the phoenix furnace. It was as though the
gradually forming pills wanted to breakout from their confinements…
“It seems that her pills are forming.”
“Tsk Tsk! I didn’t expect that she would really be able to successfully refine pills. But her
standard is too inferior as compared to Grandmaster Lin Yi.”
“That’s right! But I don’t know what the grade of her pills will be.”
“Do you really need to think that much? No matter how high the grade of her pill will be,
she definitely wouldn’t be able to exceed Grandmaster Lin Yi’s! It is destined for the
Ouyang family to lose this battle!”
The disciples of the Dongfang family expressed confidence on their faces. In their point of
view, nobody within the four large families would be able to triumph against Lin Yi.
It was a pity that such a peerless beauty would be going to die soon after.
But she was the one that agreed in participating in this battle. Nobody was to be blamed
when she died…
“What do you all mean by that?” A disciple of the Ouyang family couldn’t stand just
watching on and continued mercilessly, “You guys aren’t convinced by Lady Mu’s
strength after she defeated your young master of the Dongfang family and even succeeded
in killing him? Since Lady Mu agreed to participate in this battle, she will definitely win!
Moreover, you guys were previously mocking that she wouldn’t be able to be victorious
against the competitors from the various large families. But what was the final outcome?”
“You…” The expression of that disciple of the Dongfang family changed.
When they were about to quarrel, a rumble was heard from the sky. Following that, a
lightning landed harshly.
“What…. What’s going on?”
The crowd was shocked by the sudden change.
Why was there lightning in clear sky?
“It is tribulation lightning!” Moshang Fei looked with a complex gaze toward Mu Ru Yue
as he continued explaining, “It is tribulation lightning from refining a Heaven Stage Pill.
But there are variations in tribulation lightnings. The Heaven Stage Low Rank Pill will
have an ordinary tribulation lightning. The Heaven Stage Mid Rank Pill will have a purple
tribulation lightning. The High Rank pill will have a silver tribulation lightning. Once it
reaches the Heaven Stage Peak Rank Pill, it will have the strongest tribulation lightning
that will usually be really difficult for experts to succeed in that tribulation. The tribulation
lightning that she had summoned had grayness within the purple lightning so it is the
ordinary tribulation lightning!”
Chapter 653: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(7)
Even if it was only an ordinary tribulation lightning, it was sufficient to give everyone a
scare for her being a twenty years old Heaven Stage Low Rank alchemist!
“Ordinary tribulation lightning! Heaven Stage Low Rank!” Lin Yi’s expression changed
drastically as he said those words with gritted teeth.
It was now not a wonder why that girl looked so out of practice and made a couple of
mistakes. She was actually trying to refine a Heaven Stage Low Rank pill!
It was a joke that he initially looked down on her at the start.
Dongfang Liang was completely dumbfounded as compared to Lin Yi with astonishment
in his eyes. It was clear that he hadn’t get his head around the situation.
‘This girl is a Heaven Stage Low Rank alchemist…
‘Can she dare to be more abnormal?!’
A joyous laughter was suddenly heard throughout the plaza. “Hahaha! I had already
mentioned before that Lady Mu won’t lose. Dongfang Liang, you have just been face
slapping yourself and those slaps are so loud. You face slapped yourself not only once but
twice. I will see how you will settle this situation this time!”
His laughter brought the Nangong and Moshang families back to their senses. They then
smilingly walked toward Ouyang Yun Jin and said sincerely.
“Young master of the Ouyang family, congratulations!”
“Haha! If our family have such a talent, we will wake up from our dreams in laughter!”
“Tsk! Tsk! I really don’t know where you were able to dig out such a treasure!”
Seeing those people with smiles toward him, an unprecedented refreshed feeling surged in
Ouyang Yun Jin’s heart.
‘How long has it been? How long has it been since I have been treated so respectfully?
Even though they are intentionally trying to get close to me on purpose, how can one feel
unpleasant from hearing such words?’
Ouyang Yun Jin was the same.
Perhaps the best matter he did in his life was that he found such a talent in the Kingdom of
Ling Yun and brought her back to the Ouyang family…
“This is really unexpected.”
Gu Ying Ying giggled. She couldn’t help but to think about their first encounter at the
city’s entrance. Who would know that this girl with unknown background was a Heaven
Stage alchemist?
Perhaps it would also be unimaginable for Dongfang Ying…
“Tribulation lightning?” Mu Ru Yue chuckled lightly before continuing, “It is a pity that
this tribulation lightning is too weak that it won’t be even able to harm the phoenix
furnace. It is redundant for me to personally resist against it.”
She kept her flames with a swipe of her sleeve upon saying that before she retreated a
couple of steps backwards. When everyone saw that she didn’t guard her pills and hide
instead, they were all slightly in shock.
Usually, when people refined Heaven Stage pills, they would definitely protect their pills
with all their might to prevent damages on them from the tribulation lightnings. But she
didn’t care about her pills?
Yet, the next scene stupefied the crowd…
When the tribulation lightning struck onto the pill furnace, the pill furnace just shook a
little before regaining its calmness. Following that, strike after strike of lightnings landed
on her furnace but it wasn’t in the slightest damaged…
“What… what is her pill furnace made up of? It is too abnormal!”
Ouyang Yun Jin initially thought that he already had great understandings about Mu Ru
Yue’s strengths. But from how he saw it today, that woman’s possessions were
unfathomable to him…
The tribulation lightnings seemed to know that it was impossible for them to break the
phoenix furnace as they disappeared after continuously striking for a while. Following
that, Mu Ru Yue took out the pills from the phoenix furnace. She couldn’t help but to
frown after counting the number of pills that were successfully refined. She then lamented,
“There is only five? It seems that my powers is still a little insufficient. I initially thought
that I will at least have ten pills at one go. But I only have five in the end…”
The entire plaza was pin drop silent!
Chapter 654: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(8)
Everyone stoned in their positions like statues. Leaves landed on their shoulders as the
breeze blew…
Mu Ru Yue finally realized that the atmosphere seemed a little off. She raised her head to
look at the stunned crowd before asking curiously, “Did something happen?”
Ouyang Yun Jin took in a deep breath. He usually had a good and calm temper, but he now
had a great impulse to restrain that girl to the ground and bash her up to a pulp!
She dared to say that her standard was too lousy from manufacturing five Heaven Stage
Low Rank pills? How would that reflect on Lin Yi that had only manufactured Mundane
Stage Peak Rank pills?
“Lady Mu, if it isn’t for my heart to be strong enough, I will have been scared to death by
you just now.” Ouyang Yun Jin smiled bitterly as he commented, “It is beyond my
imagination that you have broken through to the Heaven Stage Low Rank. Tsk! Tsk! You
as a twenty years old Heaven Stage Low Rank alchemist can easily be crowned as the top
talent in Realmless!”
This girl had such might at such a tender age. It wouldn’t be hard to guess how
accomplished her future would be…
“Young master Ouyang, consume this pill.” Mu Ru Yue eyebrow’s rose. With a flick of
her fingers, a pill shot toward Ouyang Yun Jin.
Ouyang Yun Jin was stunned for a moment before he asked curiously, “You are giving me
this pill? What is this pill…”
“You will know once you consume it.”
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly as her gaze landed on Ouyang Yun Jin.
Ouyang Yun Jin placed the pill in his mouth without any hesitation. The rest
subconsciously swallowed their saliva with his action, mouth-watering.
It was a Heaven Stage pill. It would already be awesome enough just to be able to have a
taste of it…
A trace of boiling feeling surged forth in Ouyang Yun Jin’s body the instant that pill
entered Ouyang Yun Jin’s mouth,. All of his powers was surging outwards, exploding
forth uncontrollably.
Following that, his previous firm bottleneck in power seemed to have been easily pierced
through by a bamboo stick…
“Heaven Realm!”
A trace of amazement flashed past the crowd’s eyes as they exclaimed uncontrollably.
Ouyang Yun Jin wasn’t too old as he was only thirty in age and hadn’t reach forty.
However, his innate talent wasn’t too good. The reason why he had become the young
master of the Ouyang family wasn’t due to his intelligence or power. It was due to the
other son of Ouyang Ling Tian being too terrible instead.
Ouyang Yun Jin’s innate talent was indeed significantly inferior as compared to his
daughter Ouyang Qing’s.
Hence, he was still just an Earth Realm Martial Practitioner.
But he had finally broken through the bottleneck in his power with the help of the Mu Ru
Yue’s pill to breakthrough to the Heaven Realm at one go…
How could this not shock the crowd?
This was especially the case with those experts that were at the Earth Realm in the various
large families as they shot scorching gazes toward Mu Ru Yue. If it wasn’t for Ye Wu
Chen to be here, they would have immediately pounced toward her.
“Young master Ouyang, congrats.”
Nanagong Chen smilingly walked forth and respectfully cupped his fists. He then
continued, “Young master Ouyang, I don’t know how your daughter has been? I’ve been
thinking a lot about her since the previous time we parted. Hence, I don’t know if I can go
and visit your Ouyang family?”
“Nangong Chen, how can Ouyang Qing be with you stinky brat?”
The one that said that was Moshang Ling of the Moshang family. He was similarly
Moshang Fei’s younger brother. Even though there were numerous disciples of the
Moshang family, they mysteriously didn’t have the ambition to become the leader of the
family. Since the Moshang family nominated Moshang Fei to be the successor, they all
supported him without any conditions.
Chapter 655: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(9)
Hence, Moshang Ling pressed his luck for his elder brother.
He glared viciously at Nangong Chen before he chuckled and said, “Furthermore, you
asked to be a guest? Is it too much work for you to just say your motive straightforwardly?
Young master Ouyang, I shall be honest with you. I have fancied your daughter Ouyang
Qing for quite a while already. If you don’t mind, I want to pack up my belongings to go
to your Ouyang family. I don’t mind being your live-in son-in-law. You only have a girl
after all and I have an elder brother above me.”
More importantly, he might be able to become a Heaven Realm expert after making a
connection with the Ouyang family.
Thinking about that, Moshang Ling inwardly was completely stirred up…
Dongfang Liang was stupefied. He had spent so much time and effort in trying to settle the
marriage alliance between the Dongfang and Nangong families. Now, even though
Nangong Chen didn’t explicitly said it, his words indicated that he was greatly interested
toward Ouyang Qing. Moreover, the disciple of the Moshang family wanted to become a
live-in son-in-law in the Ouyang family?
Dongfang Liang’s complexion turned ashened upon hearing what those people said.
Remorse and annoyance surged in his heart.
Actually, what Nangong Chen and Moshang Ling really wanted was Mu Ru Yue. But they
clearly knew that they weren’t compatible with such an outstanding girl.
Moreover, there was a sinister and terrifying man by her side. Who would dare offend him
at this moment?
Thus, both of them shifted their target toward the sole single girl of the Ouyang family,
Ouyang Qing…
“Cough! Cough!” Ouyang Yun Jin coughed drily before he replied with smiles, “I
understand the two misters’ feelings. But I’m an open-minded father. Everything will be
up to my daughter’s will. I don’t want to use her as a marriage alliance tool. But I am
willing to grant the marriage to whoever that get the likings from my daughter.”
Ouyang Yun Jin was more satisfied with both of them.
They weren’t fake gentlemens like Dongfang Jun nor were they people that do
underhanded moves. No matter if it was Nangong Chen or Moshang Ling, they were
dragons among humans.
This was especially the case with the Moshang family that had the motto of having a
partner in their entire life. He was even willing to be a live-in son-in-law in the Ouyang
family. If Qing Er was willing to marry him, it would naturally be the best choice…
“To everyone,” Mu Ru Yue swept a gaze toward those two from the two large families
before smiling and asked, “Do you all need the pill that I’ve just given to Ouyang Yun Jin?
Of course, I am only able to make Earth Realm experts breakthrough to the Heaven Realm
now. But there will be a day that I will be able to let the Heaven Realm experts
breakthrough to the True Realm. I can then even make True Realm experts breakthrough
to the Spiritual Realm. All I’m lacking now is just time!”
The crowd’s breath tightened as they looked nervously at Mu Ru Yue.
They didn’t have any thoughts about stronger pills yet. They just needed the Heaven Stage
Pill that she had refined. If they had those pills, the power of their families would
definitely rise to the next level.
But they knew that they must pay a price in order to get those pills!
Mu Ru Yue surveyed the crowd’s gazes before she smiled and proclaimed, “Submit to me!
I will then lead you on the path in becoming stronger. Submit to me! I will give you the
best of everything!”
The girl on the arena had raised her head slightly as the breeze blew. The candid sunlight
that shone onto her impeccable face, revealing her domineering appearance. She was that
dazzling. She seemed to have blind everyone’s eyes with her brilliance…
‘Submit to her?’
Nangong Chen and Moshang Fei became silent. This matter would implicate their entire
family so they couldn’t make a decision on such a matter by themselves.
Chapter 656: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(10)
Mu Ru Yue’s expression was as calm as usual, but the smile on her face was so dazzling.
It was like the radiance from a bright pearl.
“I am not trying to force you all in doing anything. I am just giving you a path. It will be
entirely up to you on what you will decide. But I can certainly tell you that if you follow
me, I will bring you to the highest realm, receiving the world’s worship and reverence!”
Her voice was as calm as the wind. Yet, it was like an enormous rock that struck hardly on
everyone’s heart.
Everyone’s heart shuddered instantly. It was as though their hearts were stirred up by what
she said…
The highest position? How many people had wanted to reach that place? But could they
really reach it? Could they then be able to bring their entire family toward glory?
It was undeniable that they were indeed moved. They had already seen Mu Ru Yue’s
might. There would definitely be one day where they reached that place if they were to
follow her…
“I will need to tell you all a matter beforehand.” Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze slightly
before continuing with light smiles, “If you choose to follow me, we may face with great
dangers and tyrannical foes. But the path in becoming an expert is always filled with
blood and killings. More importantly, you will need to overcome all obstacles to carve out
your own path to the most revered top position of the world. However, I can promise you
that you will never regret following me!”
‘You will never regret following me.’
The crowd looked slightly in shock at the girl. A peculiar feeling surged in their heart. It
made them want to believe what she said…
She had always done what she said.
She previously proclaimed that she could win solitarily against the disciples from the three
large families. The majority of them didn’t believe her. Yet, she had used her own strength
to stand victorious against the crowd.
She then warned Dongfang Liang not to regret at the next moment.
He did indeed regretted in the end…
Following that, not many people chose to believe that she would win in the following
competition. But what was the outcome? She had perfectly defeated Lin Yi as a tyrannical
Heaven Stage alchemist, making those people that underestimated her to be scared
How could people doubt her words when she said those words with such confidence?
“Alright,” Nangong Chen raised his gaze slightly before continuing, “I am willing to agree
to you, but I am unable to make a decision on behalf of the Nangong family. I will need to
head back to ask my grandfather. But I will do my utmost best to persuade him!”
Moshang Fei lifted his gaze slightly and with smiles, he seconded Nangong Chen’s words,
“I will also need to do that. Lady Mu, I will also do my best in persuading my family. You
can be rest assured…”
It was as though everything was in Mu Ru Yue’s expression as she didn’t reveal much
changes in her expression. She just smiled lightly and replied, “I will then be waiting for
you all at the Ouyang family!”
The gathering of the four large families had become a person’s stage in the end…
Dongfang Liang became slightly anxious as he shift his gaze to the green robed man at his
side and said urgently, “Lord Qing Yi 1, what shall we do…”
Qing Yi swept a cold glance at him before looking gloomily that Mu Ru Yue.
‘This little girl is a talent. But it is a pity that with her haughty personality, it is impossible
to recruit her under me. Since that’s the case, I will use her soul to increase my power…’
“Lady Mu, be careful!”
When Ouyang Yun Jin shifted his gaze, he coincidentally saw that green ray of light that
was shot toward Mu Ru Yue. His heart trembled for a moment from flight as he hasily
warned her.
Everyone momentarily turned their body toward the girl on the arena. The following sight
made their body shudder that even their breath stopped abruptly…

1. Qing Yi and Lin Yi are two different peeps. ↩

Chapter 657: Heaven Stage Pill And
Tribulation Lightning(11)
A dagger had suddenly appeared in the green robed man’s hand. With a flash of its sharp
radiance, his speed was so fast that people could only see a blurred green ray of light as he
charged toward Mu Ru Yue.
But everyone knew that Mu Ru Yue was in peril danger…
Could the girl that just dazzled the crowd be killed by that green robed man?
Yet, that man was too powerful that they couldn’t offer any help…
Suddenly, an oppressive aura came over toward the green robed man from his front,
making his body to tremble when he was forced to a halt in mid air…
A noble and charming purple robe had appeared before him with an elegant curve. The
man still had a mask on his face, but people could still feel that he had a sinister cold
“Spiritual Realm!”
This man was a Spiritual Realm expert!
Qing Yi’s gaze was slightly darkened with a trace of wariness in his eyes.
“Spiritual Realm?” Dongfang Liang was startled as he shrieked, “He is at the Spiritual
Realm? How can that be? His age shouldn’t be large, judging from his body’s aura. How
can he be a Spiritual Realm expert?”
‘The two of them are monsters!’
Just when everyone calmed down, they heard Dongfang Liang’s words. Grievance filled
their faces. Did the god made these two monsters appear just to purposely scare them?
“Who are you two?” Qing Yu’s expression was slightly dark as he continued, “I believe
that the two of you shouldn’t be from this realm. One of you is a young Heaven Stage
alchemist while the other is a tyrannical Spiritual Realm expert. I shouldn’t not know of
your existence with the two of you having such outstanding innate talents!”
A glacial light was reflected off from Ye Wu Chen’s silver mask as he looked sinisterly at
the man before him. He then wordlessly raised his hand.
A purple sword abruptly appeared in his hand.
A faint purple glow was emitted from the surrounding of his sword. It looked as though he
held a ray of light in his hand. Following that, his slender body moved in a flash to land
before Qing Yi.
“Your greatest mistake that you have done in this life is for you to be delusional in trying
to hurt her!”
The man’s voice was low and heavy, but it gave off a charming vibe. Yet, it made Qing
Yi’s heart shuddered as fear permeated his heart.
“You want to make a move on me?” Qing Yi took in a deep breath before saying coldly,
“Do you know who my master is? He is a Supreme Realm expert!”
If the distance between the Spiritual Realm to the God Realm was vast, the Supreme
Realm was already at the border of the God Realm. Supreme Realm experts could already
be said to be peak experts in this world that didn’t have god!
He initially thought that he would be able to scare Ye Wu Chen to retreat from his words.
However, Ye Wu Chen’s expression remained unchanged and a layer of coldness
enveloped his body instead.
The purple sword coated with lightning formed into a lightning dragon as it shot toward
Qing Yi. Qing Yi hastily moved in a flash to hide away from it. He then saw a spatial hole
before him.
“Since you want to be offensive toward me, I don’t need to continue being courteous!”
A glimmer flickered in Qing Yi’s eyes. Just when he wanted to make another move, an
anger filled voice was heard from above him, “Qing Yi, what are you doing here?”
That familiar voice made Qing Yi’s finger to tremble a little as he raised his gaze with
astonishment to look at the beautiful figure standing in mid air…
‘Why… why is she here?
Qing Yi was stunned.
‘Shouldn’t she be cultivating with master? Why has she appeared here now? Moreover,
how can master let her come here by herself with master’s protectiveness over her?’
Zi Shao’s gaze shifted from Qing Yi to the two people behind him. Rays of excitement
surged in her eyes momentarily…
Chapter 658: Gathering And Reunion(1)
“Who are you?” Dongfang Liang frowned as he looked coldly at the girl standing in mid
air before continuing, “How dare you treat Lord Qing Yi with such disrespect!”
Dongfang Liang held lots of faith on Qing Yi. It was due to him not only being an expert,
he was a disciple to a lord.
That lord was the number one expert of Realmless so how could people dare to offend his
“Master?” Nangong Zi Lan was stunned for a moment as she looked at that familiar face
with astonishment. She was clueless as to why her master had appeared here.
Zi Shao didn’t look at anyone other than the two people before her. Tears subconsciously
blurred her vision, gradually flowing down her face.
“Elder brother, sister-in-law…”
The magnificent figure descended in a flash to land before the two of them. Tears
drenched her delicate long eyelashes. Her heartfelt excitement was completely expressed
on her face.
Mu Ru Yue looked at a lost toward Ye Wu Chen. It was obvious that she didn’t understand
what was going on. But she unknowingly had the urge to get close to the girl before her…
“Zi Shao?” Ye Wu Chen’s purple gaze landed on the other’s face. He then asked
questioningly after remaining silent for a moment.
“Cousin,” Zi Shao wiped away her tears before a extremely brilliant smile blossomed on
her face. With a smile as eye catching as fireworks, she continued, “I… I missed the two
of you so much…”
Ye Wu Chen’s brows knitted tightly. He then raised his arms to protect Mu Ru Yue in his
embrace before he said with raise brows, “You aren’t allowed to take my wife away!”
If it was the past, Zi Shao would definitely be so enraged to the point that she stomped her
feet. But this time she just chuckled as she replied, “Elder brother, you are still the same as
before. The two of you are indeed my elder brother and sister-in-law. But I got to know
sister-in-law first. It was you who had forcefully inserted yourself between us, ruining our
close friendship.”
She pouted with grievance in her eyes.
It was undeniable that Ye Wu Chen’s words had dispersed the sorrow in her heart, making
her reminisced their past. All sorts of feeling welled up in her heart…
“Ye Wu Chen!” Mu Ru Yue’s long, shapely eyebrow wrinkled tightly as she raised her
gaze to focus on Zi Shao. With a tremble of her heart, she commented, “She is…”
“Yue Er!”
Zi Shao briskly walked two steps forward. Just as she was about to hold onto Mu Ru Yue’s
hand, Ye Wu Chen raised his hand to smack her hand down. He just swept a gaze at Zi
Shao’s resentful expression before lowering his gaze toward Mu Ru Yue and advised, “Mu
Er, she can follow us. But I don’t want you to get too close to her. Otherwise, she will take
you away to faraway places, making me search for you again…”
He didn’t forget that this girl always tried to bring his wife to faraway places daily in their
past life. Thus, he definitely mustn’t give Zi Shao the chance in getting close to Mu Ru
Yue this life.
“Ye Wu Chen!” Mu Ru Yue gritted her teeth as she glared at Ye Wu Chen and asked, “Will
you tell me who she is or not?”
Ye Wu Chen swept his gaze toward Zi Shao and replied, “She is a human trafficker.”
‘Human trafficker?’
Mu Ru Yue was stunned for a moment before three black lines instantly appeared on her
“Cousin, you really are too much!” Zi Shao stomped her feet in fury as she continued
aggrievedly, “If I knew this earlier on, I would’ve said bad things about you to Yue Er that
year so that she wouldn’t accept you as her partner. Instead, I did everything I could to
pair the two of you up. I even told her a lot of lies to help you. Yet, you are really too
“Yue Er, stop following him and leave with me instead. I will help you find a better
husband. Bai Ze is a great candidate. He is deeply infatuated toward you. How about you
marry Bai Ze instead to help me anger Wu Chen to his death?!”
Chapter 659: Gathering And Reunion(2)
“Zi Shao!”
Ye Wu Chen’s expression turned black.
‘This girl’s willful temperament hasn’t changed in the slightest after so many years. If it
wasn’t for Mu Er’s protection over her in their past life, she will definitely be scolded and
punished several times more.’
Zi Shao made a ghost face toward Ye Wu Chen, but she giggled inwardly. What she loved
to do the most that year was to piss off her cousin. It was due to him forbidding her to near
Mu Ru Yue after she had helped him get Yue Er. He even tossed her several times at least
ten kilometres away from them…
Thus, how could she give up on a chance in getting her revenge?
“Zi Shao, it seems that I should find someone to marry you off!” Ye Wu Chen narrowed
his eyes slightly. With a trace of sinister light that flashed across his eyes, he continued,
“You won’t have time to take my wife away in that case.”
Zi Shao’s expression instantly turned sorrowful. She then looked pitifully toward Mu Ru
Yue and said, “Sister-in-law, look at my brother… He bullied me. You should not sleep
with him tonight and sleep with me instead.”
“Zi Shao!”
Ye Wu Chen’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot. It seemed that they were really too
lenient toward this bizzare little girl.
Zi Shao stuck out her little tongue. She knew that if she were to continue, her cousin that
loved his wife as his life would definitely go after her with all his might…
“I’m just kidding. How can I really take her away? If grandfather were to know, he
definitely will…” Zi Shao knew that she had said the wrong words so she hastily shut her
It was due to her feeling the surge of a sinister cold aura bursting out from the man before
her. Of course, the target of that aura wasn’t toward her.
Zi Shao looked somewhat timidly toward Ye Wu Chen.
How could that horrible incident where the Zi family was annihilated be not a pain in their
heart that they could never forget? It was all due to that girl Zi Feng! If she were to know
Zi Feng’s location, she would definitely tear her corpse up into tiny pieces!
“Wu Chen,” Mu Ru Yue patted Ye Wu Chen’s shoulder before she shifted her gaze toward
Zi Shao’s delicate and pretty face and asked, “You are Zi Shao? A member of the Zi
family? The aunt that Jing Er had mentioned?”
Zi Shao bit her lips as she nodded slightly and replied, “Sister-in-law, I’ve let you
She wasn’t able to protect Jing Er well, making him suffer so much. If it wasn’t for her to
be out travelling that day, she wouldn’t have been able to escape from that calamity.
Nevertheless, her parents and relatives had all died under Zi Feng’s hand. How could she
have the face to continue living in the world? If it wasn’t that she wanted to rescue Jing Er,
she wouldn’t have hide at a place to train secretly…
A sorrowful atmosphere leaked out subconsciously from her body as she thought back to
everything that had occurred in the past. Following that, a pair of arms extended before
her, pulling her into her embrace.
Zi Shao’s body stiffened. Tears welled in her eyes as she shouted, choked with sobs, “Yue
Er! I…”
“You don’t need to say further. I had heard a lot about what happened from Jing Er. His
limbs were reconnected with your help. Moreover, it should be really harsh on you all
these years. Furthermore, Wu Chen and I wasn’t able to appear by your side earlier. Zi
Shao, even though I don’t remember anything, I have the urge to get close to you at first
glance. Our relationship in the past should be really good, right?”
Zi Shao bit her lips. Her teary eyes made her look so pitiful, attracting affections toward
her. She secretly wiped away her tears before she replied with a smile, “Yue Er, we were
partners that went through life and death situations. We both experienced a life and death
crisis at a dangerous place in the continent that year. I still remember that you didn’t
escape on your own when I nearly fell off a cliff into a deep mountain steam as you pulled
me up instead. If it wasn’t for you, I perhaps would have already died without a complete
Chapter 660: Gathering And Reunion(3)
If it wasn’t for that case, Senior Yue wouldn’t have been able to get to know Zi Huang. It
would then be impossible for the existence of that magnificent divine couple that everyone
in the continent knew appear.
Zi Shao sighed slightly. It seemed that some matters were really destined to happen…
When Ye Wu Chen’s gaze landed on both of them, the light in his purple eyes softened.
Warm rays of light from his eyes enveloped the two embracing figures.
“Zi Lan, is that really your master?” Nangong Chen was stunned for a moment before he
asked doubtfully.
He had seen Zi Shao before.
Even though she didn’t have a surpassingly beautiful appearance, she was still stunning at
first glance.
Her beauty was from her grievance and taciturn appearance…
But was that willful and lovable girl really the master Zi Shao that they were familiar
Nangong Zi Lan shook her head. With a slight raise of her fine and long eyelashes, she
remained silent for a while before replying, “She is my master, but I’m clueless as to why
master has changed so much. Moreover, why did she call Lady Mu and Mister Ye her
elder brother and sister-in-law? She seems to be much older than them…”
‘Can it be that they were the ones that master has been searching for all these years? If that
is really the case, what are the backgrounds of those two people…’
“I’m doomed!”
Qing Yi’s legs softened, nearly collapsing on the ground. But he forced himself to
continue standing.
Zi Shao wasn’t fearsome, but her backings was the one. It was the old man that was
mighty enough to shake the entire Realmless for a moment…
Even though he had always been self proclaiming that he was that old man’s disciple, that
old man had never once acknowledged him as one. That old man saw that the essence of
his bones was good so he just taught him a few moves a couple of years ago.
Hence, even if he thought that he could be counted as his disciple, he wasn’t.
But Zi Shao was different.
‘She is that old man’s bonafide disciple and is even his successor. If that old man was to
know that he wanted to kill his disciple’s family member, it will be insufficient to quell his
anger by killing me multiple times even if I were to have multiple lives…
‘No! I must think of a way to get away from this matter cleanly. This matter definitely
must not enter the ears of that old man.’
Yet, as the proverb said, ‘There wasn’t a need to fear god-like opponent, but you should be
fearful of pig-like comrades’.
Just as Qing Yi was bitterly thinking up a plan, Dongfang Liang’s disdainful voice was
heard, “Lady, do you really want to make an enemy out of my Dongfang family?”
Zi Shao came back to her senses. With a raise of her brows, she looked toward Dongfang
Liang with a fake smile and asked, “Oh? What if I say yes?”
“Haha!” Dongfang Liang burst out laughing and replied, “Lady, you seem to know Lord
Qing Yi really well so you should know that he is a disciple of the top expert of Realmess,
Deity Yun Yi, who is also a Supreme Realm expert! Can it be that you want to be an
enemy of Deity Yun Yi? You won’t have enough lives for him to kill at that moment.
Thus, I shall give you an advice. It is better for you not to meddle in others business. It is
more important in keeping your life.”
Just as Qing Yi wanted to stop him from speaking, it was already too late.
Dongfang Liang had said those words at one go without taking in a single breath. He
didn’t in the slightest notice that Qing Yi’s expression had already turned ashen.
“This… this man is the disciple of Deity Yun Yi?”
Clamours rose from the crowd momentarily as they looked flabbergasted at Qing Yi that
had a pale complexion. Worship and reverence filled their eyes.
Who was Deity Yun Yi? Even though nobody had seen him before, they all knew the
name of the top expert. How honorable would it be to be his disciple?
Moreover, Deity Yun Yi was a Supreme Realm expert. There were some experts that
trained for hundreds and even thousands of years but wasn’t able to breakthrough from the
Spiritual Realm to the Supreme Realm. When one became a Supreme Realm expert, it
would be a proof that he was no longer an ordinary human and be placed above the
common populace.
Chapter 661: Gathering And Reunion(4)
Qing Yi’s complexion constantly changed between white and green as he looked
alarmingly at the girl that was sneering. He couldn’t help but to shudder in fear.
‘Fuck! That fool Dongfang Liang!’
Qing Yi really had an impulse to kill Dongfang Liang with a smack now. But he knew that
it wasn’t the time for that kind of matter currently. He took in a deep breath to suppress the
fury in his heart as he walked briskly toward Zi Shao.
Following that, he revealed a flattering smile under the crowd’s gaze as he said, “Lady Zi
Shao, why… why are you here? Please don’t listen to the nonsense that these people are
saying. I didn’t say or do anything. I was just passing by and was going to leave
That’s right, he was just a passerby…
Dongfang Liang’s smile stiffened. If he still hadn’t notice the fear of Qing Yi toward that
lady, he was indeed a fool.
But her cultivation was clearly inferior as compared to Qing Yi. Why was Qing Yi that
fearful of her?
“My elder brother and sister-in-law are being bullied. How can I as their cousin not
come?” Zi Shao smirked and said with a fake smile, “But I didn’t expect to hear such a
great news. I’m really impressed in you having such a great title as the disciple of Deity
Yun Yi!”
Qing Yu chuckled drily as he replied after wiping off his cold sweat from his forehead,
“Lady Zi Shao, please don’t tease me. I really didn’t say anything. They were the ones that
guessed that by themselves. Lady Zi Shao, you definitely mustn’t tell this matter to Deity
Yun Yi. If not… If not, I will be killed!”
If Dongfang Liang was astonished previously, he was completely stupefied now.
‘Qing Yi wants that woman not to tell his identity to Deity Yun Yi? Otherwise, he is dead?
What… what does he mean by that?’
“Er…” Dongfang Liang’s lips twitched for a moment before he asked timidly, “Lord Qing
Yi, what… what do you mean by that? You are a bonafide disciple of Deity Yun Yi. Why
are you afraid of her?”
“Shut up!” Qing Yi glared at Dongfang Liang and shouted with a furious gaze, “Who told
you that I am the disciple of Deity Yun Yu? I definitely won’t do anything to increase my
reputation falsely!”
‘But you clearly said that yourself…’
Qing Yi mercilessly struck his palm toward the pitiful Dongfang Liang before he could
say further as he intercepted, preventing Dongfang Liang from saying the truth, “There is
no ‘buts’! Dongfang Liang, I will clearly tell you now that I am not the disciple of Deity
Yun Yi. Lady Zi Shao is his direct line of disciple instead!”
Those disciples that were direct in line would have more focus and nurturement as
compared to ordinary disciples…
Dongfang Liang’s body was sent flying, colliding against a wall. But he seemed to not feel
any pain as he froze at his spot, looking dazedly at Qing Yi’s malevolent expression.
‘I’ve heard wrongly!
‘That’s right, I definitely must have misheard!
“How can the Ouyang family have connections to the disciple of Deity Yun Yi? That kind
of status is definitely not one where their kind of people can come in contact with!”
Qing Yi raised his leg to kick Dongfang Liang’s body a couple of times fiercely. He then
said furiously, “Don’t you think of making me a scapegoat for what you have done! What
kind of people are the elder brother and sister-in-law of the disciple of Deity Yun Yi? How
can your puny Dongfang family afford to offend them? This is especially the case where
her sister-in-law is a twenty years old Heaven Stage Low Rank Alchemist. Fucktard! Do
you understand what a youthful Heaven Stage Low Rank Alchemist means? It serves as a
proof that kind of talent will certainly be able to reach the Heaven Stage Peak Rank or
even become a god that the common populace are impossible to get in touch with!”
Chapter 662: Gathering And Reunion(5)
Thus, if they wanted to offend that kind of talent, they must use every means into
obliterating her. Otherwise, they must think hard on how to turn hostility to friendship.
If not, once that kind of talent matured, they would be too terrifying.
Mu Ru Yue was still really young now. Perhaps there wasn’t a need to place importance
on her, excluding her status as a Heaven Stage Low Rank Alchemist. But what if it was a
decade or two later?
She would have sufficient might to wipe out the entire continent at that time.
He had a feeling that if she didn’t die now, she would undoubtedly surpass Deity Yun Yi.
Since he couldn’t kill her, it would be better to abandon Dongfang Liang and form a good
connection with her.
This was a preventive measure. If not, it would be impossible for him to sleep peacefully
in the future…
It would be a major test on heart endurance if he were to be enemy with such a talent. He
didn’t in the slightest want to imagine that the woman would suddenly descend from the
sky and end his life one day…
Dongfang Liang spat out a mouthful of blood with his face gravely pale. He was unable to
get back to his senses even until now.
“Lady Mu,” Qing Yi shifted his gaze toward Mu Ru Yue and said with smiles, “I’ve some
misunderstandings previously so I beg for your forgiveness for my mistakes. How about
letting me be in charge in dealing with the Dongfang family? I will certainly give Lady
Mu an answer that you will be satisfied.”
Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly. Yet, with glimmers that danced in her eyes, she replied, “But
if my memory serves me right, you seemed to want to kill us just now…”
Qing Yi’s complexion turned as white as paper as he replied, alarmed, “Lady Mu, you
have misunderstood. I just wanted to swap pointers with you on strength.”
“Is that so?” Mu Ru Yue smirked and with a fake smile, she continued, “So you want to
swap pointers with me… But your aura was so terrifying just now. I thought you wanted
to kill me with all your might. You really gave me a fright.”
She patted her chest lightly as she said that. It was as though she got a flight just now.
Qing Yi nearly cried as he persuaded, “Lady Mu, I really didn’t do it on purpose. I was a
fool to be deceived by Dongfang Liang’s lies.”
“Hmm… how about I give you a chance to redeem yourself?” Glimmers flashed past Mu
Ru Yue’s eyes as she chuckled and said that.
“Lady Mu, don’t even say one, I will do even ten!”
Qing Yi heaved a sigh of relief, but before he could really relax, the girl’s indifferent voice
entered his ears, “Be my puppet!”
Qing Yi got a fright as he sat on the ground with softened legs as he clarified, “Lady Mu,
does it mean that I will no longer have any freedom after becoming your puppet?”
Mu Ru Yue’s brows rose as she replied, “It is alright if you don’t agree. But… my man
and demon beasts will most probably not let you off!”
Two figures suddenly appeared from Mu Ru Yue’s body, forming two rays of light that
shot out from her body…
One ray formed into an elegant and sacred Sky Wolf while the other formed into a white
dragon that circled in the sky. Its eyes wasn’t as innocent and adorable as usual. He carried
a grandeur of a monarch instead.
“Head, it is that dragon that have robbed our Dongfang family’s medicinal plants!”
An exclaim was heard from the Dongfang family. Following that, everyone’s gazes shot
toward the Sky Wolf before Mu Ru Yue, gasping.
“Sky Wolf Xiao Yue!”
That’s right, she was indeed Sky Wolf Xiao Yue…
Furthermore, her power had increased qualitatively as compared to when she first left the
Dongfang family…
Dongfang Liang was a little stunned as he looked somewhat astonished at the Sky Wolf
that was radiating with holy light. The current Sky Wolf was prideful and elegant.
Captivating rays of light was emitted from her beautiful silver eyes.
Chapter 663: Gathering And Reunion(6)
Was she really the previous Xiao Yue that allowed people to bully her freely? The current
her looked like a mighty expert, making people feel that Dongfang Jun was definitely
incompatible with her…
Xiao Bai raised his head to give out a dragon’s roar, making the ground to quake a little.
He then lowered his gaze to look at the crowd before chuckling ruthlessly as he asked,
“Mother, can I massacre the Dongfang family? They bullied Little Wolf 1 so Xiao Bai
wants to kill them!”
“You can!” Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze slightly before continuing indifferently, “But we
need to settle the problem before us now…”
A bright glow radiated from the girl’s face under the sunset with her hair fluttering in the
“Xiao Bai and Xiao Yue are at the True Realm so they are a realm lower than you.
However, don’t forget that I am a Heaven Stage Alchemist so I will have the strength to
allow them in defeating you! Moreover, you all should have seen my phoenix furnace. If I
let them use my phoenix furnace, do you think you will be able to stand victorious against
them? Qing Yi, I’ve never provoke anyone intentionally, but since you came knocking on
my door, you definitely must pay the price. I will only let you pick a choice. It is to
become my puppet or be killed by their hands!”
Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze and said in an indifferent voice like a breeze that blew past the
crowd’s ears, emotionlessly.
Qing Yi clenched his teeth. He knew that she would definitely be able to succeed in doing
what she said. If he didn’t choose to be her puppet, she would still surely have means in
making him into one.
“I agree.” Qing Yi smiled bitterly.
Perhaps what he regretted the most in his life was to help Dongfang Liang. Otherwise, he
would have been able to live more freely and not become someone’s puppet…
“Alright!” Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly.
With her cultivation, it would be impossible to refine Qing Yi into her puppet when he
was fully conscious. She would have to either knock him out or if he gave up resisting,
becoming her puppet voluntarily, in order to make him her puppet.
‘There will no longer be a need to fear of my safety from possessing a Spiritual Realm
puppet even if Wu Chen isn’t by my side after returning to the Central Region…’
Dongfang Liang’s body trembled as he closed his eyes in despair.
Initially, he had put in lots of effort and persuasions in obtaining Lord Qing Yi’s help. Yet,
that girl had easily made him into her puppet voluntarily at this instant.
It was a puppet. He would be a puppet that would only listen to whatever his master orders
without the slightest resistance. If his master was to order him to die, he would pierce his
heart with a sword without any hesitation…
It was a wonder how that woman be that lucky. She was a family member to the disciple
of Deity Yun Yi. How could Lord Qing Yi submit to her if it wasn’t that case?
That’s right, in Dongfang Liang’s point of view, it was all due to Zi Shao that made that
prideful man choose to submit as he believed that with Mu Ru Yue’s cultivation, it would
be impossible for her to make him submit to her willingly.
Thus, all in all, it was due to her having greater luck than others.
As compared to him, he lost his son and his daughter had been crippled. Following this,
there should be an unavoidable massacre today…
“Dongfang Liang,” Mu Ru Yue walked toward Dongfang Liang. With a gradual smirk, she
purposely lowered her voice so that only the two of them could heard what she said,
“Haven’t you been searching for the culprit as to who has crippled Dongfang Jun’s
member? I’m really sorry to say this, but that person was me. Xiao Yue no longer loved
him, but he continued to pester and harass her. Since that was the case, I could only make
him lose his tool in making love…”

1. It refers to Xiao Yue. It is a nickname of Xiao Yue by Xiao Bai. I kept it as Xiao
Lang before but I changed my mind in wanting to translate it to english as it gives
more feels. ↩
Chapter 664: Departure(1)
Dongfang Liang’s body shuddered as he stared at the girl that was smiling faintly with
gravely white complexion. He hadn’t gotten back to his senses from what she said…
‘What did she say just now?
‘It wasn’t the Moshang family that crippled Jun Er? It was her instead?’
Dongfang Liang’s expression instantly turned sinister. He then suddenly raised his head to
laugh brazenly. His laughters echoed in the surrounding for a long time…
“Hahaha! Mu Ru Yue, I, Dongfang Liang has never been impressed by anyone before. But
you are the first! Only you can come up with such a sinister plot! I’m tremendously
His eyes turned bloodshot red as he stared at the girl’s flawless appearance while he said
Mu Ru Yue pouted as she rebuked, “When did I say that the one that crippled Dongfang
Jun is the Moshang family? It was all your misunderstandings.”
Dongfang Liang spat a mouthful of blood and stumbled a little with sorrow filled eyes.
‘I originally thought that it was the Moshang family that hurt Jun Er, but it is this girl
instead. Yet, I have offended the Moshang family due to that, obtaining an extra foe…’
“Xiao Bai! Xiao Yue!”
Mu Ru Yue gradually turned around with her back facing the sunlight. Her slender body
looked so dazzling while the breeze blew. She was shining as bright as the brightest
“The two of you can do anything you like to the Dongfang family.”
She raised her gaze slightly as a trace of light smile graced her face, which was indistinct
to sight.
“Mu Er.”
Ye Wu Chen raised his arms to pull Mu Ru Yue into his embrace, running through her hair
gently with his long, slender fingers. He then smiled charmingly and asked, “Since our
matters here are done, shall we head back to the Central Region?”
Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly before she replied, “I came here via Mu Rong Qing Chu’s
help. If we want to leave, we probably need to go through him. But I don’t know when he
will appear.”
That man had too much secrets that up until now, Mu Ru Yue didn’t know his real
But it was undeniable that he didn’t have any ill intention toward her…
Ye Wu Chen turned his head toward Zi Shao that had a grievance filled expression. With a
light frown, he offered, “You can come with us, but if you dare take her away from me
again, I will make it so that you will never be able to get close to her!”
Zi Shao stuck out her tongue as she giggled lovably.
She knew that her cousin was one that talks harshly but has a soft heart. He definitely
wouldn’t let her leave after so many years of separation. But that guy would never express
gentle expressions to anyone other than Mu Ru Yue.
This was due to him used to not easily showing his state of mind on his face to anyone
Even if it was before his parents, he was always cold and indifferent. Yet, he had
sacrificed his life in order to save the Zi family, but ultimately still failed to save them…
Zi Shao’s heart stung for a moment upon thinking back of that bloody scene. It was
fortunate that she wasn’t the only one from the Zi family that remains to exist in this
“Master,” Nangong Zi Lan looked toward Zi Shao and bit her lips before walking timidly
to her side. She then said after blinking her eyes, “Will you be returning to the Nangong
family with us?”
“I won’t be, “Zi Shao shook her head before continuing with light smiles, “I’ve found the
people that I’ve been searching for. Hence, I won’t ever be returning to the Nangong
It was as though Zi Shao could feel despondent from the girl as she continued, “Zi Lan, if
you have time, you can come and look for me. I will welcome your comings anytime…”
Chapter 665: Departure(2)
Nangong Zi Lan was stunned for a moment, looking at Zi Shao’s smiling face. She then
bit her lips and nodded slightly as she replied, “Master, I will definitely come and find
Zi Shao didn’t say further. She just raised her hand to wave behind her, vanishing from
Nangong Zi Lan’s sight without turning her head back…
Zi Shao would similarly leave Realmless with Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen as she had
already completed everything she wanted to do at this place. Following this, it would be to
settle the debts with Zi Feng…
The following matters were really simple. Every people from the large families would
dispatch people toward the Ouyang family, willing for the Ouyang family to lead the
families and serving Mu Ru Yue.
No matter what, Mu Ru Yue was a Heaven Stage Low Rank alchemist. With just that
status, it was astonishing. Furthermore, she had Zi Shao who was the disciple of Deity
Yun Yi by her side.
Hence, this matter was within the deduction from everyone.
As for the Dongfang family, it had already fallen. What happened that day shook the
world, but that family would lose the attention from the world one day…

A man was standing with his hand behind his back under the sunlight. His silk-like silver
hair fluttered along with the wind. His appearance was so handsome that it would dazzle
anyone that lay their sight on him. He looked as though he was an immortal that was
walking over on lotus.
A light smile graced the man’s handsome face. It was as though the calm of his eyes was
disrupted as his eyes was filled with smiles at the girl walking toward him from outside.
“It seems that you have accomplished the matter that you have come here for.”
Mu Rong Qing Chu glanced at Ye Wu Chen who was standing at her side, smiling slightly.
His voice was as gentle as the breeze that was brushing against the face. It was so pleasant
that would make people’s mind blank.
Anyone that saw this man was unable to neglect this cold but divinely handsome man. He
seemed to be eye of focus wherever he goes, instantly attracting everyone’s gazes.
“Mu Rong Qing Chu, you are finally here.” Mu Ru Yue’s lips curves up into a light smile
before continuing, “I’ve been waiting for you here for a really long time already. I don’t
know if we can depart from this place today.”
Flowers seemed to bloom around his surrounding the instant Mu Rong Qing Chu smiled
lightly. It looked like a flourishing blossom filled brocade, making him even more
dazzling to sight.
“The purpose in me coming here this time is to bring you back to the Central Region. The
Immortal Doctor Banquet will be commencing soon. It is also about time that you head
back to the Central Region. But we will have to use another route in heading back this
time. Are you guys prepared?”
Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze slightly and with a light smile, she replied, “Let’s go. I’ve
already experienced it once. Why should I fear it then?”
Moreover, she wasn’t alone this time…
But now, the only one that she worried about was Mo Xi in the Demon Beast Mountain
Thinking about the timid and weak youth, Mu Ru Yue sighed subconsciously. It was
unknown as to how long they would be separated for once she left.
“Lady Mu, “Ouyang Yun Jin was stunned a little before asking, frowning, “Are we going
to leave with you?”
“No.” Mu Ru Yue Shook her head as she explained, “We come from land called the
continent of the Central Region. The time flow there is different from the time flow here. I
naturally have uses for recruiting all of you. I’ve already prepared a sufficient supply of
pills that you will all need during the period when I’m gone. More importantly, I’ve
prepared the Immortal Pill for you all. It is common knowledge that as people age, their
physique will deteriorate. Hence, I will make it so that all of you will maintain your
current appearance and physique. This is the only way in getting the best result.”
“But…” Ouyang Yun Jin hesitated for a moment before continuing, “When will you return
after this departure?”
Chapter 666: Departure(3)
Mu Ru Yue remained silent for a moment before raising her gaze and replied, “I will let
you come and find me when I’m in need of help. But I will be taking Qing Yi with me
when we leave this time…”
She had naturally took in the four large families in order to deal with Nangong Zi Feng.
But they were too weak now. They would only be able to help if they become stronger.
“Ouyang Yun Jin, I will be making some people to come here to cultivate. Please take care
of them when they do.” Glimmers danced in Mu Ru Yue’s eyes when she said that.
It would be too dangerous for the Xiao family to stay at the Central Region as she couldn’t
be there to protect them all the time. Moreover, the Alchemy Book couldn’t contain that
many people.
Since that was the case, wouldn’t it be better for them to enter Realmless? They would
definitely be out of danger with the four large families around. More importantly, this
place would be beneficial in them increasing their cultivation rapidly.
“I understand.” Ouyang Yun Jin nodded slightly as he agreed, “Lady Mu, don’t worry. I
will definitely take great care of those people, preventing them from meeting with any
Mu Ru Yue nodded in satisfaction upon hearing his words. She then shifted her to the two
people by her side and said, “Wu Chen and Zi Shao, let’s go…”
She had left from the Central Region for almost a year. It was about time for her to head
back now…
Thinking about her family that she had been separated from, she became stirred up

The entry and exit of Realmless to the Central Region were well hidden. But it was
completely different from the door that she entered to enter Realmless. She finally
understood why Mu Rong Qing Chu said to be well prepared.
This place didn’t have wind blades from before…
It was a mirage instead…
In that mirage, two familiar faces appeared before her eyes. When she saw them, her heart
shuddered instantly. Her jaws dropped from being a little shock.
In the next scene, she saw numerous people had collapsed on the ground that was
completely covered in blood, staining her eyes red.
It was unknown to Mu Ru Yue why her heart suddenly squeezed hardly when she saw this
scene. Yet, when she wanted to say something, she suddenly realised that she couldn’t
voice out…
At this moment, the two figure that appeared in her sight appeared before her eyes again.
That divine immortal-like man sat cross legged while lightning in the sky struck
mercilessly toward the couple.
Even if the Phoenix furnace that was a divine instrument wasn’t able to withstand those
“Yue Er, are you afraid?” The man held the girl’s hand gently with a charming and gentle
smile on his face. Adoration toward her filled his entire eyes.
The girl chuckled lightly as she replied as domineering as the might of the lightnings that
were striking mercilessly toward them.
“Zi Huang, even if we have to go against fate, I will breakthrough this calamity this time!
It is just a heaven tribulation. Even the heavens can’t do anything to me so what can a
puny heaven tribulation do to me?”
The man chuckled lowly, raising his arms to pull her body into his embrace. With his
voice low and hoarse but tremendously captivating as he said, “Yue Er, how fortunate for
me, Zi Huang, to get to know you in my life? Even if we were to die from this heaven
tribulation, I don’t have any remorse with you accompanying me.”
The heaven tribulation landed from the sky, striking at the couple that were embracing
each other. Perhaps it was due to trying to lessen the harm to the girl that the man
protected her tightly in his embrace, using his broad back to face the countless strike of
heaven tribulations…
Suddenly, the purple pupils of the man’s eyes contracted as though he saw something
alarming. Dread filled his charming purple eyes.
Chapter 667: Departure(4)
Following the man’s gaze, the girl looked at it too. Stunned at first, she then ran frantically
with tears of despair running down her face.
“Jing Er!!”
She yelled, her voice filled with heart-wrenching hatred.
Mu Ru Yue didn’t know why her heart stung a little when she saw that girl’s sorrowful
expression. While she was at a loss as to what had happened, a dot not far in the distance
gradually grew bigger before her eyes…
Because of this, she could see a baby boy lying not far from the couple.
The boy looked about five years old. His complexion was gravely pale with no signs of
vitality as he laid there. Blood gushed out from his four limbs with no signs of stopping,
quickly staining the ground beneath him red with blood…
It wasn’t clear but his empty shirt sleeves and pant legs could be seen…
The couple was distracted and could no longer focus on the heavenly tribulations as they
ran hastily towards the boy. But just as the girl extended her arm close to the boy’s body,
her arm was destroyed by the heavenly tribulation.
Even so, they still saw a figure that shouldn’t have appeared here…
“Nangong Zi Feng!”
Killing intents burst forth from Mu Ru Yue’s body.
She understood what these scenes were now. Although she already knew what Nangong
Zi Feng did to Jing Er, it was even more painful when she personally saw it.
No mother could just casually watch on while her son’s limbs were amputated and tossed
to the ground. How could she remain rational when she didn’t know whether her son
would live!
She just knew that she had to kill Nangong Zi Feng today, regardless the price!
“Kill her!”
An icy aura covered Mu Ru Yue’s face as killing intent burst forth from her body. In a
flash, she moved to where that figure had appeared and slashed the Heavenly Dragon
Flame Sword downward with unprecedented fury!
The Heavenly Dragon Flame Sword sliced apart the image, making the bloody scene
before her disappear. Then, a beautiful, fairy-like figure walked toward her.
A mocking smile graced Zi Feng’s face as she looked in contempt at Mu Ru Yue and
proclaimed, “Mu Ru Yue! Elder brother Zi Huang is mine! He was mine in the previous
life, and he’s mine in this life too! You’re only a third wheel. If it weren’t for you, how
could elder brother Zi Huang abandon me and marry you? If it weren’t for you, I would be
his wife and Jing Er would be our son!”
“Mu Ru Yue, do you know what it looked like when that cute little thing was struggling in
my hands? Tsk! Tsk! You don’t know how tremendously beautiful his fresh blood looked.
It was so red that it was even more beautiful than red gemstones. I’ve hated him from the
moment he was born as he was the son of my beloved man consummating with another
girl. My heart always felt as though it had been stabbed by a needle every single time he
appeared before me, drenching my heart in blood. But nobody understood my pain at the
“Mu Ru Yue, why did you have to appear? It’s because you came that the Zi family was
annihilated and your son was implicated! If you had just let me be his little concubine,
nothing would’ve happened. So, the main culprit for what happened that year was you!”
Mu Ru Yue lifted her Heavenly Dragon Flame Sword as she charged toward Nangong Zi
Feng, striking downward. That moment, Nangong Zi Feng’s head had been decapitated,
rolling a couple times on the ground…
Chapter 668: Departure(5)
Ruthless rays of red light filled Mu Ru Yue’s eyes at this moment with a tyrannical aura
bursting out of her body. She took in a couple of deep breaths before she raised her gaze to
look at the body before her that hadn’t collapse to the ground…
Suddenly, the head of Nangong Zi Feng turned a couple of rounds before reconnecting
back to her neck. A mockery filled smile was displayed on her face. It was as though
mocking that she was too weak…
“Nangong Zi Feng, my hatred toward you is absolutely irreconcilable! It is due to you
leading to the annihilation of the Zi family and hurting Jing Er. I, Mu Ru Yue, swears that
I’m not a human if I don’t kill you!”
That bloody scene really irritated her eyes.
Her heart ached uncontrollably when she thought about the pain that Jing Er had suffered
from that year.
Yet, she as his mother was unable to stay by his side at his most painful moments, unable
to rescue him…
She really owed him too much in her past life…
The Nangong Zi Feng before her seemed to never die as no matter how many times Mu
Ru Yue swung her Heavenly Dragon Flame Sword, she remained unwounded with her
mockery smile intensifying. Her laughs initially started with a chuckle before laughing
Mu Ru Yue was so exhausted that she could barely lift her arm. Her hand that was tightly
holding onto the sword trembled slightly. Sparkling and translucent sweat flowed down
from her forehead and entered her eyes, blurring her vision…
‘Why can’t I kill her?’
Mu Ru Yue’s heart sank drastically as she heard Nangong Zi Feng’s egotistical and
rampant laughters. But at this moment, she seemed to have heard a voice that warmed up
her heart.
“Mu Er, what happened in the past had passed already. I will always be accompanying by
your side from now on and ever, never abandoning you in life or death…”
“Wu Chen?”
Mu Ru Yue was stunned for a moment with a trace of suspicion that flashed in her eyes.
Wu Chen was obviously by her side just now. Where was he now then? Moreover, how
could she see the past?
More importantly, it would be impossible for Nangong Zi Feng’s head to automatically
restore to its original state after decapitation no matter how powerful she was…
Mu Ru Yue’s stirred up heart gradually calmed down. She then narrowed her eyes slightly,
suddenly taking in a mouthful of cold air, before commenting, “Mirage!”
Damn it, she was fooled by a mirage!
If it wasn’t to see Jing Er’s miserable state, she wouldn’t have not notice this problem…
Once she said that, Zi Feng’s distorted smile gradually vanished with the surrounding
scene. It was as though it didn’t appear at all…
“Mu Er!”
An anxious voice was heard by Mu Ru Yue’s ears. She knitted her brows slightly before
slowly opening her eyes. Instantly, a handsome face that would make the world lose its
luster entered her sight …
The man’s lip was slightly pursed as his purple eyes focused on the girl in his embrace.
With a slightly hoarse sound, he asked, Mu Er, have you awakened?”
“Mhm.” Mu Ru Yue massaged her head due to having headache as she asked, “Wu Chen,
are Zi Shao and you alright? I was trapped within the mirage…”
As she said that, Zi Shao’s pretty face suddenly entered her sight. With smiles in her eyes,
she explained, “Yue Er, I have a protective talisman on me from my Master. When we
entered the mirage, master felt what was happening here and transferred some of his
power to my body, awakening me. Mu Er, what did you see in that mirage? You were one
that could see through any mirage with just a glance in the past.”
Mu Ru Yue lowered her gaze slightly as she replied indifferently, “I saw the Zi family,
heaven tribulation and… Jing Er.”
Chapter 669: Departure(6)
Zi Shao was stunned for a moment before a complex gaze flashed past her eyes.
‘That’s right, what else other than those matters will make her that frantic?’
She pursed her lips and was at a loss as for what to say when she thought that.
“But…” Mu Ru Yue shifted her gaze toward Wu Chen as she smiled and continued, “It
was Wu Chen’s voice that woke me up from my fury…”
If it wasn’t for him, she would be trapped in that mirage for all her life. She would be
constantly fighting against the image of Nangong Zi Feng until she died from
So this route in exiting Realmless was really dangerous.
It would show the person’s worst nightmare…
“Wu Chen, what did you see?” Mu Ru Yue blinked her eyes as she asked curiously.
Ye Wu Chen’s face stiffened slightly.
How could he tell Mu Ru Yue that he saw her eloping with Feng Jing Tian, leaving him all
alone behind…
But since he was certain that Mu Ru Yue wouldn’t do that, he instantly left the mirage…
“Nothing much,” Ye Wu Chen smiled charmingly. His lips then gradually neared her face
as he released hot breath as he said ambiguously, “I saw that you gave birth to a hundred
children for me. Mu Er, don’t you think we should continue to work hard?”
‘A hundred?’
Mu Ru Yue’s face turned black instantly.
‘Is he treating me as a demon beast? Even a demon beast can’t give birth to hundred
offsprings at one go…’
“Ye Wu Chen, you seem to be forgetting that there is one in my stomach that hasn’t yet
been born?” Mu Ru Yue swept a gaze at him and asked with raised brows
Ye Wu Chen’s smile instantly collapsed as he glared furiously at the obvious protrusion of
Mu Ru Yue’s belly and replied, “It is unknown how much longer he will be inside your
body. Once he comes out, I must teach him a harsh lesson for hogging your body. He is
also indirectly affecting me by making me unable to create more offsprings to my heart’s
“Ye Wu Chen!”
Mu Ru Yue’s face flushed.
‘Has he forgotten that Zi Shao and Mu Rong Qing Chu are present? How can he say such
words now…’
A faint smile graced Mu Rong Qing Chu’s face as his gaze focused on the two. He didn’t
say anything, but a complex light flashed across his eyes.
“Let’s go.”
Mu Ru Yue stood up from Ye Wu Chen’s embrace as she shrugged her shoulders before
saying, “We should still be able to make it in time for the Immortal Doctor Banquet if we
were to rush back now…”

The Xiao family was never peaceful after Mu Ru Yue left. People from the Immortal
Doctor Sect frequently came knocking on their door. Yet, due to some rules, they weren’t
able to casually make moves on them.
But what they did made everyone know that the Xiao family had offended the Immortal
Doctor Sect, making some of the families that were in a quite good relationship with the
Xiao family to stop making connections with them. Hence, the Xiao family was currently
in a bleak state.
Although the Immortal Doctor Sect couldn’t make a move on the Xiao family, it didn’t
mean that other powers couldn’t. Thus, the Immortal Doctor Sect used the hands of other
families to force Ye Wu Chen out…
An arrogant yell out was heard inside the quiet Xiao family’s courtyard today, shaking the
entire Empire for a moment.
“People from the Xiao family, quickly scram out for me!”
When Xiao Tian Yu heard the shout from within his room, a cold light flashed past his
eyes as he commented with a slight frown, “It is the Lin family again!”
“Husband, do we need to head out?” Madam Sheng Yue held Xiao Tian Yu’s hand firmly
with worry in her eyes.
Chapter 670: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(1)
Xiao Tian Yu nodded and said, “The old ancestor was severely injured by those of the
Immortal Doctor Sect, so we only have a few ancestors that can face the Lin family. Yu Er,
since our opponent is the most powerful person of this continent, we’ll be facing more
danger this time than in the past!”
Madam Sheng Yue remained silent.
Due to the Immortal Doctor Sect’s rules, experts weren’t allowed to make a move on
ordinary people below the Mystic realm. However, the old ancestor was a Heaven realm
expert, so he was naturally not protected by this rule.
Moreover, since the other ancestors’ cultivation were too weak to enter the Immortal
Doctor Sect’s eyes, they used other families to deal with them. Their purpose was to force
Ye Wu Chen to appear.
Previously, the Tao Tie had been key to saving them. Now that the Tao Tie had left, if they
were to return, they would just be asking to be caught.
Madam Sheng Yue strongly hoped that they wouldn’t return to the Xiao family at such a
critical time…
“Husband, let’s head out to see what the Lin family is up to!” Madam Sheng Yue slowly
stood up, her eyes focused on Xiao Tian Yu’s handsome face. “After finding and bringing
her back, I just want to give our daughter a warm hug and tell her that we’ll protect her
when she’s in need of help. Yet, it has always been our daughter who is protecting us. I, as
her mother, feel ashamed due to that. Thus, no matter what happens to us this time, I won’t
let anyone hurt my precious daughter!”
Xiao Tian Yu chuckled as he gently held Madam Sheng Yue’s ice-cold fingers and replied,
“Madam, since that is the case, let’s head out now! Unless the Immortal Doctor Sect
makes a move, the Lin family won’t be our Xiao family’s match even if the old ancestor is
Though he said this, Xiao Tian Yu’s heart subconsciously sank when he thought about the
Immortal Doctor Sect who was eyeing them covetously.
They also didn’t know what Wu Chen did to enter the young mistress of the Immortal
Doctor Sect’s eyes that made her so persistent in trying to get him…
No matter what, he wouldn’t let anyone destroy his daughter’s happiness!
Several people were standing in the wind in the Xiao family’s courtyard. At the very front
was an elder in green robes with a sinister and sly expression.
He was the head of the Lin family, Lin Feng (Forest Summit).
The people of the Immortal Doctor Sect already promised that if he could annihilate that
damnable Xiao family, they would make his Lin family an affiliated family of their sect.
Don’t look down on just being an affiliated family, several families desired to have an
intimate connection with the Immortal Doctor Sect.
If they were able to obtain the protection of the Immortal Doctor Sect, the Lin family
could do whatever they wanted anywhere in the Central Region…
Lin Feng’s gaze shifted to the incoming couple, Xiao Tian Yu and Madam Sheng Yue. He
then sneered as he commented, “The two of you are the mother and father-in-laws of Ye
Wu Chen? Once I capture the two of you, I no longer have to be afraid that Wu Chen
won’t appear. Then I can go back and explain to the Lords of the Immortal Doctor Sect!”
Xiao Tian Yu’s gaze became dark, a cold glint flashed in his eyes.
“Lin Feng, our Xiao family doesn’t have any animosity towards you. But since you are
being too much, don’t blame me for being impolite!”
“Haha!” Lin Feng couldn’t help raise his head and laugh brazenly, as though he’d just
heard a massive joke. Smiling cynically, he glanced disdainfully at Xiao Tian Yu’s
handsome face before continuing. “You think you can be impolite to my Lin family?
You’d better make those old fellows of the Xiao family crawl out instead! The two of you
aren’t qualified to enter my eyes! I advise you not to continue offending a power such as
the Immortal Doctor Sect, you definitely can’t afford to!”
He raised his head arrogantly as he swept a disdainful gaze towards his handsome face.
Chapter 671: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(2)
Suddenly, they heard an indifferent voice. It brushed past the crowd’s ears like a breeze.
“Is that so? Who were you referring to when you said they didn’t have the qualifications to
enter your eyes?”
Madam Sheng Yue’s body shuddered as she raised her head to look in astonishment at the
two figures that had their hands intertwined while they stood in midair, changing her
expression drastically.
‘They are back…’
But the situation was more critical than before. Currently, Madam Sheng Yue wished with
all her heart that they hadn’t appeared before her.
“Yue Er! Wu Chen! Why did you return?”
Madam Sheng Yue smiled bitterly as she lamented, “The two of you really shouldn’t have
Mu Ru Yue didn’t say anything as she pulled Ye Wu Chen down with her, she stood before
Madam Sheng Yue instead. She then swept a gaze at Lin Feng. Slightly parting her lips,
she asked, “People from the Immortal Doctor Sect?”
“Hmph!” Lin Feng sniggered before continuing, “It’s just as that lord of the Immortal
Doctor Sect said. I only needed to make a move on these people to force you two to
Mu Ru Yue lightly chuckled upon hearing this before threatening them, “Did they tell you
what your outcome would be once we returned?”
Lin Feng was startled for a moment before he sneered, “You want to make a move on us?
It’s such a pity that… the two of you will soon be captured by the Immortal Doctor Sect.”
Mu Ru Yue raised her eyelashes slightly. With an unwavering smile, she proclaimed,
“Whether we’ll be captured or not, you won’t be there to see it…”
“What do you mean by that?” Lin Feng’s expression changed drastically. Lin Feng’s heart
shivered when he glanced at the divine looking man quietly standing at Mu Ru Yue’s side.
That girl was nothing to him, but Lin Feng knew that the man was really powerful.
But since the Immortal Doctor Sect gave him this task, they must’ve made some
preparations. Thinking this, Lin Feng’s heart calmed down, he sniggered before saying, “I
am a person of the Immortal Doctor Sect. If you kill me, you will be opposing the
Immortal Doctor Sect! I doubt that you have the guts to do that.”
Mu Ru Yue shook her head helplessly.
‘Where did the Immortal Doctor Sect find such a bunch of fools. Of course, if they
weren’t foolish, how could they be deceived by the Immortal Doctor Sect?
‘Even if a person didn’t plan on killing them initially, it would be impossible for them to
not make a move after hearing what he said. Also, I don’t plan on letting him leave alive at
“Yan Jin!”
Mu Ru Yue raised her chin slightly and ordered indifferently, “Kill all of them. No
A black figure suddenly appeared after she said that. He stood mid air, his black eyes
carrying a domineering monarch-like grandeur, his aura as sharp as an unsheathed sword.
His aura surged forth from his body.
Following that, the man’s haughty laughter filled the sky. “Haha! This level of garbage
wants to seek trouble with the little girl? Since that is the case, this senior will wipe out
these trash!”
Mu Ru Yue retracted her gaze from the domineering, black robed man to look at Xiao
Tian Yu and Madam Sheng Yue. With a smile, she greeted them. “Father, Mother! I’ve
Although only a month had passed here, a year had gone by in Realmless…
She had finally returned to her family’s side after a year of separation…
Madam Sheng Yue helplessly sighed, “Yue Er, the Immortal Doctor Sect is trying to find
Wu Chen. You two really shouldn’t have come here…”
“Mother,” Mu Ru Yue raised her head to look at her mother’s elegant face. With her
expression radiating confidence, she continued, “I don’t have to be afraid of the Immortal
Doctor Sect anymore…”
Chapter 672: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(3)
Seeing her daughter’s extremely dazzling smile, Madam Sheng Yue’s heart trembled
slightly as her lips curved into a light smile.
Her daughter had finally grown up after experiencing so many things. She could now
finally stop worrying about her…
“Mother, where’s Jing Er?”
Mu Ru Yue raised a brow. She didn’t know how dangerous going to Realmless was, so she
didn’t take Zi Qian Jing with her.
She also didn’t know where that fellow was now…
Mu Ru Yue’s heart stung a little as she gradually closed her eyes and recalled what she
saw in that mirage. She definitely wouldn’t let him suffer any pain in this life!
“Jing Er went to search for you after hearing you were missing.”
Mu Ru Yue was startled for a moment before knitting her brows.
She prayed that Jing Er wouldn’t cross paths with Zi Feng, she had no clue what atrocities
that vicious and merciless woman would commit…
“Also, where is eldest brother and Yun Qing?” Mu Ru Yue surveyed her surroundings, but
didn’t see those two familiar figures. “The Xiao family is in such dire straits. Why are they
not here?”
After hearing her question, Madam Sheng Yue remained silent for a while before replying,
“I’m not too sure, but it seems that something happened to the Yao family, so Feng Er
accompanied Yun Qing and went back to the Yao family. I don’t really know what’s
happening there…”
‘Something happened to the Yao family?’
Mu Ru Yue didn’t know why she suddenly felt uneasy…
What would happen to them anyway if they returned to the Yao family at its current state?
It looked like she would have to make a trip to the Yao family while she was on her way to
the Immortal Doctor Sect…
Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to rest easy.

Doctor Mountain in the Immortal Doctor Sect was incredibly peaceful and looked just like
the human world’s fairyland. However, in the Immortal Doctor Sect, there stood a girl in a
snow-white robe. She raised her head to look at a nearby summit as she coldly asked,
“You Lan (Peaceful Orchid), have you located him?”
The girl known as You Lan remained silent momentarily before she lowered her head and
replied, “Young mistress, we have not discovered any traces of Ye Wu Chen. He seems to
have vanished from this continent…”
The girl in the snow-white robe furrowed her brows tightly before quickly relaxing them.
Icily, she said, “How can a large, live human being just vanish without reason? He must
have concealed himself. If you can’t locate him, then you don’t need to come back!
You Lan’s body jolted a little before she lowered her head and bowed as she replied,
“Your subordinate understands!”
She then turned around to leave the mountain range filled with clouds and mists upon
saying that.
The girl lowered her gaze after she left, hiding the sinister, cold glint in her eyes. “I will
find you, even if I have to excavate three feet deep across the whole continent to find you!
You are mine and can only be mine in this life! No one but I am compatible with you.”
She slowly raised her fine, long eyelashes, her black eyes had a peculiar, gentle
It seemed that trace of warmth was only for that person…

Zi Shao looked at the two people before her in the Xiao family. She remained silent for a
moment before suggesting, “Brother and sister-in-law, you two can go settle what you
need to deal with. You can leave Jing Er to me; I’ll go find him.”
Mu Ru Yue’s brows creased tightly before she nodded slightly and replied, “It seems that
will be for the best.”
She was really worried about Xiao Feng and Yao Yun Qing. She had to visit the Yao
family, so it would be great if she could pass on other matters to Zi Shao…
“Don’t worry. I’ll definitely bring Jing Er safely back to you. Otherwise, if something
were to happen to him, wouldn’t I be wasting all of my past efforts on him?”
Chapter 673: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(4)
Zi Shao smiled. She once crippled her cultivation to save Jing Er. Now, she didn’t want
him to suffer from the slightest pain anymore…
“Alright, since that’s the case, Wu Chen, how about we make a trip to the Yao family after
sending my parents to Realmless? I’ve been feeling uneasy whenever I think about them,
like something has happened to them…”
Mu Ru Yue furrowed her brows tightly. Her uneasiness continued to intensify until her
heart started trembling.
It looked like she needed to make a trip to the Yao family as soon as possible.

“Young mistress, it is time for your meal.”
Yao Yun Qing was in the fragrant pavillion, looking lifelessly outside when a maid
servant’s voice was heard. Her expression turned grim instantly and raging flames of fury
surged in her heart as she yelled, “You are to tell my second uncle that I, Yao Yun Qing,
won’t concede to them!”
The door was suddenly kicked open once she said that.
A middle-aged man in an embroidered robe stood at the entrance. His build was average,
but you could say his face was above average. His eyes, yet, were filled with a sinister,
ruthless glint of light as he looked coldly at the girl sitting at the window.
“Yun Qing, is it really worth doing this for a man?”
Flames of fury immediately erupted in Yao Yun Qing’s heart, but she suppressed it to
coldly reply, “Second Uncle, I didn’t expect that you would make use of how grandfather
is severely ill to summon me back urgently. This time, you could say I walked myself right
into a trap. But let me tell you this. You should give up on trying to make me marry Gong
Xin (meaningless) from the Gong family!”
Yao Lin (Handsome Rain) smirked sinisterly before commenting, “Yao Yun Qing, the old
man is severely ill now so he can’t help you at all. Your parents aren’t home either, so I’m
the only one in the family who can make decisions! Moreover, the elders of the Yao
family have already agreed to my plan. So what can the disagreeing minority do? You, as
a girl, can’t be the head of our Yao family. I really don’t know what weird medicine the
head ate before he passed the family’s authority seal to you, a young, silly girl!”
Yao Yun Qing’s expression gradually darkened. “Second uncle, what if… I am adamant in
resisting you? I, Yao Yun Qing, am already Xiao Feng’s wife and we had undergone
sexual intercourse. Do you still want to marry me to someone else?” she said coldly.
Yao Lin wasn’t angered by her response as he had already predicted it. With a sneer, he
sinisterly replied, “Yun Qing, second uncle doesn’t have a choice in this. Gong Xin is a
core disciple of the Medicine Sect and a disciple of an alchemist. If you marry him, you
will definitely receive countless benefits. Furthermore, he already fancied you long ago.
He swore that, if he could marry you, he would supply our Yao family with ten years
worth of pills. That’s ten years of pills! Aren’t you a member of the Yao family? As a
member of the Yao family, it’s only right that you make sacrifices for the family. I doubt
that you think otherwise…”
‘As a member of the Yao family, it’s only right that I make sacrifices for the family?’
Yao Yun Qing couldn’t help but burst out laughing upon hearing what he said. She replied,
“Second uncle, is this truly for the benefit of the Yao family and not just you instead? I,
Yao Yun Qing, would rather die than marry him!”
Yao Lin’s expression darkened . He shook his sleeves firmly and glared ferociously at the
girl’s beautiful face. He then narrowed his eyes slightly, a trace of coldness flashed in his
‘I didn’t expect this little girl to be so unamenable to reason. It’s her blessing to marry the
Gong family’s Gong Xin. She really doesn’t know what’s best for her!’
Chapter 674: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(5)
“Yao Yun Qing, don’t ask for a mile when I give you an inch. You should be glad you’re
still of some use. Otherwise, I’d have already smacked you dead! You’re only a girl, a
freeloader to the Yao family who raised you for twenty years. Don’t you think you should
repay the family with something? How can that man you brought back, who only has
outstanding innate talent, possibly compare to the medicinal pills that the Gong family
will supply?”
‘I definitely can’t let Yao Yun Qing marry such a talent, it’ll be too risky for me. On the
other hand, the Gong family is on my side, so they definitely won’t help this girl deal with
‘Most importantly, Gong Xin is lecherous by nature and already has countless concubines
in his courtyard. So even though he might be placing a lot of importance on Yao Yun Qing
right now, he’ll probably get bored of her someday. I will have received sufficient benefits
from him by then so it won’t be too late to end her life…’
“Yao Yun Qing, you will be married off in a couple of days so you should start preparing
yourself. When the time comes, I’ll arrange for a maid servant to take your place and
complete the bridal ceremony to prevent others from knowing you aren’t a virgin!”
Yao Lin shook his sleeves firmly before turning around to leave, leaving Yao Yun Qing
standing alone in the breeze…
She slowly closed her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering slightly as she muttered under her
breath, “Xiao Feng…”
‘I’m sorry, but I seems like I can no longer accompany you in this life…’

It was night.
The sky looked as though it had been painted with a splash of black. The dim moonlight
unknowingly melted into the darkness of the sky, making the night sky even heavier…
A black and lean figure lept like a fox through a window into the room.
Yao Yun Qing hastily opened her eyes and, just as she wanted to climb out of bed, a low
and hoarse voice was heard. “It’s me!”
Her heart shook slightly upon hearing the man’s familiar voice. Tears welled up
uncontrollably in her eyes as she looked with tear-misted eyes at the cold, but handsome
face before her.
“Xiao Feng… Why are you here?”
Xiao Feng looked at Yao Yun Qing as he said with a cold expression, “I’ve come to take
you away…”
The man was already pulling on her hand before she could say finish her piece, briskly
heading out of the room.
But just as they stepped out the door, countless torches suddenly lit up the whole courtyard
as numerous people surrounded them.
The crowd then broke their encirclement to clear a path. Then, a middle-aged man walked
briskly down the path, looking gloomily at the two who were intertwining their hands.
With a slight smirk, he commented, “Xiao Feng, if it weren’t for Yun Qing threatening me
with her life, I wouldn’t have let you go. But since I, her uncle, can’t bear for Yun Qing to
lose her life, I gave in in the end. Yet, I didn’t expect you would still dare to return. If I
hadn’t arranged people to keep watch over this place, wouldn’t you have taken a member
of our Yao family away?”
He had just complained that she was just a freeloader in the family. Yet now, she became a
member of the Yao family…
Yao Yun Qing’s expression changed drastically and she hastily yelled, “Xiao Feng! Don’t
worry about me and leave!”
Xiao Feng’s sword-like eyebrows knitted tightly, but he didn’t in the slightest loosen his
grip on Yao Yun Qing’s hand. His low tone voice was then gradually heard under the
tranquil night sky, making Yao Yun Qing’s heart shudder subconsciously.
“If I leave, we leave together!”
“Xiao Feng…” Yao Yun Qing’s choked on her sobs, she looked at the man’s handsome
face, her tears blurring her vision. In this moment, this man’s figure was engraved deeply
into her heart. It was that deep of an impression of him…
Perhaps the most fortunate thing that had happened to her after transmigrating to this
world was getting to know this callous man…
“Haha!” Yao Lin raised his head as he laughed heartily. He then sneered and looked at
them with contempt as he said, “Do you really think you can leave this place?”
Chapter 675: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(6)
Yao Yun Qing’s heart shuddered as she subconsciously held onto Xiao Feng’s hand. Her
heart then finally calmed down when she felt the warmth of his hand.
“Xiao Feng, I’m sorry. I’ve implicated you. You shouldn’t have come with me to the Yao
Xiao Feng didn’t say anything. He just swept a cold gaze toward the crowd before him as
he proclaimed, “I will take Yao Yun Qing away with me!”
His voice was as cold as usual. Yet, his broad back would give people a mysterious sense
of safety…
“Xiao Feng, I admit that you are indeed a talent in becoming a Mystic Realm expert at
such a tender age. There currently shouldn’t be many that could compete with you in
innate talent. But a talent is just a talent. Perhaps my Yao family wouldn’t be able to do
anything to you after a couple of decades. Nonetheless, it is as simple as crushing an ant in
dealing with you now!”
Yao Lin laughed brazenly with a disdainful sneer on his face.
In his point of view, the current Xiao Feng wasn’t a threat to him…
“Since you have come knocking on the door, don’t blame me for being impolite. Elder
Huang and Elder Qin, I will leave Xiao Feng to the two of you.”
Two figures appeared in a flash from behind him once he said that.
Yao Qun Qing’s pupils contracted upon seeing the two figures. She then shouted
frantically, “They are Earth Realm experts. Xiao Feng, quickly leave! Leave now!”
‘I definitely can’t let Xiao Feng die under their hands…’
Xiao Feng moved in a flash to stand in front of Yao Yun Qing instead as he looked coldly
at the two elders before him and said indifferently, “It is my responsibility to protect you!”
Yao Yun Qing’s heart unknowingly trembled as she stared at the man’s slender and
straight back standing before her, protecting her.
“Xiao Feng, I know that you want to be responsible for me. But I’ve also said that it was
by my own will to help you detoxify so you don’t need to be responsible for me. Please
leave! You have to leave now! I don’t need your responsibility and protection!”
Tears flowed down Yao Yun Qing’s face. Her voice shook uncontrollably when she said
Xiao Feng’s body stiffened a little before he relaxed his body instantly. He remained silent
as he looked coldly at the people before him.
No sign of fear was seen on his face even though he was facing with two Earth Realm
experts. Coldness covered his handsome face instead with an icy aura emitting from his
Elder Huang raised his head and laughed heartily. An earth yellow ray of light wrapped
around his palm as he charged toward Xiao Feng. With a gust of wind erupting from him,
he said with a sinister look in his eyes, “Stinky brat, you should pay the price for returning
Xiao Feng raised the sword in his hand.
A tyrannical power infiltrated his sword and struck directly at his internal organs. His
body was instantly sent flying a couple of metres back. A slight sweet taste momentarily
surged up his throat but he swallowed it back down…
Yao Yun Qing covered her lip with her hands while tears seeped through the gaps of her
finger, falling onto the ground like pearls. At this moment, her body was shuddering
“Xiao Feng, that’s enough! Quickly go. Stop caring about me and leave quickly now!”
XIao Feng seemed to have not heard her words as he just raised his head to look at Elder
Huang. With a flash of his body, his black figure soared through the air charging toward
Elder Huang.
A tempest rose from his sword. His grandeur became increasingly cold with his ink-black
hair fluttering in the wind…
Yet, Xiao Feng failed to notice a green ray of light had shot over from his side. Following
that, a leg had kicked mercilessly at his waist.
His body crashed heavily onto the ground, making him spit out a mouthful of blood that
dispersed like a blood mist…
Chapter 676: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(7)
“Xiao Feng!”
Yao Yun Qing’s expression changed drastically as she stopped caring about everything
else and dashed toward Xiao Feng. With tears in her eyes, she asked worriedly, “Xiao
Feng, are you alright?”
“Cough! Cough!”
Xiao Feng climbed back up to his feet and coughed drily. He wiped off the remnants of
blood from the corner of his lip. Then, he raised his hand to pull Yao Yun Qing behind him
as he cast an icy gaze toward the crowd before him.
“You’re overestimating yourself!” Elder Huang snorted coldly. His aura burst forth from
his body like a sharp blade as he charged toward Xiao Feng.
Xiao Feng’s body was launched and crashed to the ground like a kite with a broken string.
Blood constantly flowed out of his mouth.
However, he still climbed back up to his feet. He staggered a little before he raised his
gaze to look at the crowd before him as he repeated, “I must take her away with me
Yao Lin couldn’t resist bursting out in laughter as if he had heard a hilarious joke. His lips
curved up into a cynical smile and his gaze was filled with mockery as he glanced at the
man’s cold, but handsome face.
“You think you can take away a member of our Yao family by yourself? You are
overestimating your might. There isn’t anyone in this place that could possibly take her
His eyes were incredibly sinister and his gaze full of ridicule as he glanced at Xiao Feng.
Xiao Feng didn’t say anything. With a flash of his body, he soared to the air. However,
before he could even near Yao Lin, Elder Huang and Elder Qin halted him.
Tyrannical auras burst forth from their bodies, covering the entire night sky. Following
that, the man that was in mid air seemed to fall at high speed toward the ground as though
an enormous rock had crashed down on his body.
Dust and sand filled the area, covering the black robed figure.
Yao Lin sniggered as he walked forth. He arrogantly looked at the pale faced man lying on
the ground while he towered above him. He raised his leg and kicked him mercilessly…
Yao Yun Qing’s eyes turned bloodshot. But just as she was about to dash over to him, two
people suddenly appeared at her side, holding her back by her arms. She could only watch
on as Yao Lin kicked Xiao Feng.
A mouthful of blood was spat out from his mouth. It dispersed under the night sky, Yao
Yun Qing’s eyes reddened…
Her heart had never felt such a pain before.
The painful sensation was as though someone had pierced her heart with a sword,
drenching her heart with blood…
Perhaps Yao Yun Qing had a good impression of Xiao Feng from that start, but that was
only to a certain extent. Saving him was also due to that good impression of him.
Moreover, he was a man worthy to entrust her life to…
But now, seeing that the man got severely wounded for her, she felt a heart wrenching
pain. An unprecedented remorse filled her heart.
If she hadn’t return to the Yao family, perhaps this man wouldn’t have gotten injured. All
in all, she was the main culprit that had implicated him…
Yao Yun Qing covered her trembling lips, tears flowed out from her eyes. Those tears then
seeped through the gaps between her fingers and dropped to the ground like pearls…
“Stinky brat, who the fuck do you think you are? You think a person like you has the
qualification to marry a member of our Yao family? Yao Yun Qing must gain benefits for
the Yao family. As for you… I had already let you off once, but you dared to come
knocking on our doors again today. You just reaped what you sowed!”
Yao Lin continuously stomped on the man’s chest. It was as though he was relieving his
flames of anger and resentment that had filled his chest. Viciousness filled his eyes…
Chapter 677: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(8)
The man’s gravely pale handsome face was seen under the moonlight. He opened his eyes
a little feebly as he glanced over to Yao Yun Qing who was being restrained by those
people. He then parted his lips to say something, but he wasn’t able to voice out anything
in the end…
“Stop! Second uncle, stop it!!”
Yao Yun Qing’s body shuddered as tears freely streamed down her delicate and pretty
face. She bit on her lips before shouting with a shaky voice, “Second uncle, if you want
me to marry Gong Xin, you are to stop continuing to hurt him in the slightest. Otherwise, I
don’t mind resisting your decision with all my might even if that will lead to my death!”
She seemed to have used all her strength to shout out that last sentence as her legs gave
way, making her collapse onto the ground. Her complexion under the moonlight was as
white as snow, without a trace of rosiness.
As expected, Yao Lin stopped his movement with a sinister smile. He glanced at Yao Yun
Qing’s trembling body and agreed, “Alright, I will temporarily leave him with his life.
Someone, toss this man to the underground prison. Yun Qing, I hope that you will prepare
to be married in the next period of time. Otherwise, who knows what will happen to this
Yao Yun Qing’s body jolted a little as she closed her eyes in pain, freely allowing her tears
to flow down her cheeks. Her heart was shivering vigorously at this instant…
Two subordinates walked forth to lift Xiao Feng’s half dead body up before they quickly
vanished from her gaze…
Yet, the previous scene would forever be engraved into Yao Yun Qing’s memory. Fury
raged in her heart, but she forcefully suppressed it…
“Second uncle,” She raised her gaze to Yao Lin’s sneering face. With a glacial light in her
eyes, she threatened, “There will be a day where you will definitely regret profusely for
what you did today!”
Flames brightly lit up the area under the night sky. The vibrant flames enhanced the
beauty of the girl’s face. A glow could be seen from her pretty and delicate face…
“Haha!” Yao Lin raised his head and laughed brazenly. He then swept a gaze at her pretty
face before he smirked and replied, “I shall wait for you to make me regret then!”
He swung his sleeves downwards firmly upon saying that before he turned around and
disappeared into the darkness…

“Wu Chen, this place should be the north domain where the Yao family resides.”
Warm sunlight shone gentle rays of light onto the girl’s silky soft hair in the main street of
the north domain.
The girl currently had light smiles on her face. Her usual glacial gaze seemed to have been
slashed open, filling her eyes with brightness.
With her white robe fluttering, she looked like an immortal being or a person that came
out from a painting. She was that magnificent that even the description of being
devastatingly beautiful would be inferior to her appearance…
Moreover, there was a man in purple robes her her side. His sleeve of his robe fluttered
under the breeze. The side of his sleeve had a noble golden embroidery, enhancing the
calmness of his grandeur.
However, the most stunning feature of him was his appearance. He was flawlessly
handsome. He had a charming smile on his face with captivating rays of light within his
alluring purple eyes.
The couple was extremely eye-catching. It was really worthy to describe them as a divine
“The Yao family seems to be at that place. Mu Er, let’s head there.”
With a wave of his arm, he pulled the girl into his embrace before instantly soaring to the
sky. His purple figure formed into a ray of light that shot through the sky, rapidly fading
from the crowd’s gazes…
Some people rubbed their eyes while some didn’t dare to believe what they just saw. They
even suspect that it was just their imagination that they saw the divine couple.
The Yao family that was one of the four large powers of the Central Region was naturally
filled with an ancient vibe. Even its large entrance door didn’t look as excessively
luxurious as ordinary powers would have. It was simple and unadorned instead.
Chapter 678: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(9)
There were two guards on duty at the entrance of the Yao family. Two figures suddenly
descended from the sky while they were silently standing outside the entrance of the
family, briskly walking toward them.
There wasn’t any other impression than being stunned by their appearances at first glance.
But they could feel indistinct tyrannical powers radiating from their bodies when they
neared them. It was especially so from the purple robed man. Chills crept up from the
bottom of their hearts just by feeling the inkling power of his might.
“Who are the two of you?”
The guard who was on the left got back to his senses as he asked warily.
“Looking for someone.” Mu Ru Yue smiled with happiness in her eyes as she continued,
“I don’t know whether if Yao Yun Qing of the Yao family is currently at this place.”
‘Yao Yun Qing?’
The two guards were startled for a moment before the wariness in their eyes intensified.
“I’m sorry, but our eldest young mistress doesn’t meet with outsiders. Please leave.”
Mu Ru Yue’s expression gloomed drastically as she saw some signs of panic from those
two guards.
‘Can it be that something has happened to Yao Yun Qing and eldest brother within the Yao
“You just have to inform Yao Yun Qing that Mu Ru Yue is here to meet up with her.”
“Lady, the eldest young mistress won’t meet you no matter who you are. I advise that the
two of you stop asking for the impossible. She had passed down the order that she won’t
be seeing anybody for this period of time!”
The left guard raised her gaze to look at Mu Ru Yue as he said that in an impatient tone.
“You should just leave. We don’t dare to go against the eldest young mistress’s order!”
Mu Ru Yue’s expression turned grim gradually. With an icy gaze, she asked, “Did Yao
Yun Qing really said that? How about Xiao Feng? Is Xiao Feng at this place?”
The two guards was obviously stunned for a moment upon hearing her questions with the
panic in their eyes intensifying.
“Who… who are you to Xiao Feng?”
They had already investigated Xiao Feng’s background thoroughly. The strongest in the
Xiao family was only the elder that had been training in seclusion for numerous years. Yet,
these two youths’ might were outstanding. How could Xiao Feng be acquainted with such
“Who I am to Xiao Feng?” Mu Ru Yue chuckled lightly before she summoned, “Xiao Yue,
you are to tell them who I am!”
A wolf’s howl was suddenly heard, alarming and making everyone stun for moment.
Following that, they suddenly saw a silver wolf that appeared from behind the girl’s back.
Its silver eyes was filled with viciousness although it looked elegant and beautiful.
The white robed girl had a long sword in her hand as she stood on top of the silver wolf’s
thick fur coat. She seemed to have a light smile in her gaze, but her following words were
extremely glacial; it was bone-piercing cold.
“Xiao Yue, kill!”
“Yes master!”
Xiao Yue raised her head to howl before she raised her claw and struck it toward a guard
before her.
The guard that was struck was immediately sent flying backwards. Her razor sharp claws
then pressed harshly on his chest before she asked in an ice-cold tone, “Tell me where is
my master’s eldest brother!”
‘Eldest Brother?’
That man was stunned for a moment before he raised his head to look at the white robed
girl that had a cold but flawless appearance in astonishment. His heart trembled slightly.
‘This tyrannical girl is Xiao Feng’s younger sister?
‘Oh god! It seems that the Yao family has provoked some powerful foes this time…’
“Xiao… Xiao Feng has been locked up!” The man swallowed his saliva before he replied
in a shaky voice. He wished he would just faint at this instant.
The coldness of Mu Ru Yue’s gaze intensified. With a tinge of cold aura that surrounded
her body, she said, “I shall give you a chance. Tell me what happened!”
“This.. this is what had happened…”
That man no longer hesitated to narrate everything that had transpired recently to her.
Overflowing Killing intent and flames of fury abruptly burst forth from her body after
knowing that Yao Yun Qing was being forced to marry another man and Xiao Feng had
been severely wounded for trying to rescue her.
Chapter 679: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(10)
Tremendous powers exploded forth from her body. The attack had landed on the large
simple and unadorned large doors of the Yao family, instantly shattering it.
“Who is it that dares to run amok in my Yao family?!”
Yao Lin previously had already heard the wolf’s howl from Xiao Yue. Yet, the entrance
door of the Yao family had been shattered by a white robed girl with a magnificent
appearance before he could come over in time. Overflowing fury instantly raged in his
heart with the gloominess in his eyes intensifying.
“Where is Yao Yun Qing and Xiao Feng?” Mu Ru Yue cast a gaze at Yao Lin. With killing
intent glimmering in her ice-cold eyes, she continued, “Tell me where did you imprison
Xiao Feng!”
Yao Lin sneered as he asked, “Who is Xiao Feng to you?”
Mu Ru Yue continued to look at Yao Lin as she replied, “I’m his younger sister!”
“Haha!” Yao Lin couldn’t help but to burst out laughing as he commented, “So you are a
member of the Xiao family. Little girl, I admit that you are indeed really strong, but don’t
you underestimate our Yao family. It doesn’t represent that there isn’t any expert in the
family even if the old man is bedridden. It is impossible for you to oppose my Yao family
just by yourself. I shall advise that the two of you should not meddle in this business.
Otherwise, you won’t know how you will die!”
Suddenly, a sinister cold aura pressured over to Yao Lin, making his body to tremble
momentarily. A purple figure flashed over to him before he could react. Following that, he
felt a kick struck heavily on his chest, sending him flying backward!
Yao Lin’s body crashed into the courtyard with the back of his head colliding on a stone
chair. The pain made his expression to distort. He then shouted furiously, “Yao Yun Qing
doesn’t know what is best for her! It is her blessing to marry to Gong Xin. Yet, she dares
to resist against the marriage. More importantly, Xiao Feng infiltrated into the Yao family
wanting to take her away. I am already being merciful enough in not taking his life.
However, I didn’t expect that Xiao Feng’s younger sister will also appear here. Since
that’s the case, there isn’t a need for the two of you to leave. Someone, rip these two
people’s corpse into tiny pieces!”
His expression was distorted with malevolence in his eyes as he said, “That wretch girl
Yao Yun Qing still has some values. Gong Xin has promised to supply the Yao family with
ten years of pills in exchange for her. Only an idiot will reject such a good offer! On
another note, how can I allow the two of you to freely run amok at this place? Thus, I can
only make the two of you to disappear forever!”
It was especially so since that man dared to hurt him!
Hence, they must die!
Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze slightly. With a ice-cold glint in her eyes, she warned, “You all
better pray that nothing has happened to Xiao Feng. If not, I, Mu Ru Yue, will annihilate
the Yao family!”
The girl had raised her face slightly under the sunlight with her robe fluttering, enhancing
the brilliance of her appearance…
Yao Lin was stunned for a moment upon hearing the gir’s brazen but confident filled
words. Subsequently, he raised his head to burst out laughing. His rampant laughs went on
for a really long time under the sunlight.
“Haha! Just by the two of you? If you are that capable, you just have to snatch those two
people away from my hands. Otherwise, it will be Xiao Feng’s death day once that wretch
girl Yao Yun Qing has been wedded off. He is just like a toad that desires swan’s meat. He
wants to become our Yao family’s son-in-law? How can he qualify as one?”
He was still laughing for a moment before his laughs seemed to have been forcefully stuck
in his throat. He then turned his head to look in terror at the man that was standing beside
the white robed girl, making his breath tighten subconsciously. He had a feeling as though
his life didn’t belong to him at this instant.
The man was undeniably handsome but he carried a dangerous vibe with him. He was like
an Asura from hell. A terrifying chill could be felt by looking at his sinister and cold
purple eyes.
Chapter 680: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(11)
A tempest rose only in the man’s vicinity. His purple robes were dancing wildly along
with the tempest, carrying an indescribable shocking power with it…
“Spi… Spiritual Realm?”
‘That’s right, this man is actually a Spiritual Realm expert!’
Yao Lin was stunned in shock. His mind instantly blanked out with his complexion
gravely white.
Ye Wu Chen didn’t expose his real cultivation when he previously made a move on him.
Thus, Yao Lin knew the actual might of the man now. He possessed tyrannical powers.
A tremendous power was shot over like a storm toward Yao Lin. Yao Lin was then sent
flying before he could come back to his senses. He opened his mouth and spat out a
mouthful of blood with his complexion gravely white.
“Xiao Yue, I will leave this place to you. Wu Chen, let’s go and find Yun Qing!”
Mu Ru Yue swept a cold gaze throughout the crowd before returning her gaze toward Ye
Wu Chen. With a tinge of ice-cold smirk on her face, she continued, “It is to prevent your
hand from being soiled by these people’s blood.”
Ye Wu Chen gradually withdrew his aura upon hearing her words. Warm happiness surged
in his purple eyes. He was completely different from the previous Asura-like man.
“I listen to what my wife says…”
Mu Ru Yue smiled and raised her hand to pat Ye Wu Chen’s head as she said, “Good.
Let’s go and find Yao Yun Qing…”
She already was gradually releasing all of her mental power while she said that. The
crowd was once more stunned upon feeling the pressure radiating from the girl’s body but
none of them dared to move a muscle.
Mu Ru Yue didn’t hesitate to head to where Yao Yun Qing was after locating her…

“Yun Qing, it is not that I want to nag at you but your second uncle is doing this for your
own good. Gong family’s Gong Xin is young and handsome after all. You will definitely
benefit greatly by marrying him.”
Huang Ying looked smilingly at the girl in the room, but her smiles didn’t reach her eyes.
It was impossible to hide the ruthlessness in her eyes even when she dressed gracefully
and luxuriously.
“Second aunt, since you think that Gong Xin is that good of a man, why don’t you arrange
your daughter to marry him instead?” Yao Yun Qing sneered as she looked mockingly at
the middle-aged woman’s face that had been well maintained.
Huang Ying’s expression changed slightly before she replied with a fake smile, “Your
younger sister is still too young and hasn’t reach the time to discuss about her marriage.
How can she marry when you as her elder sister hasn’t marry anyway?”
‘How is it possible for me to let my precious daughter marry Gong Xin?
‘Not to mention about Gong Xin’s lecherous nature, even if he is a gentleman, I will
definitely forbid my daughter to marry into the Gong family.’
‘My daughter deserves to enjoy the best of this world and should marry to the best man.
Even though the Gong family has some relationship with the Medicine Sect, the Yao
family held equal power with the Medicine Sect.
‘Hence, the Gong family is far inferior in power as compared to the Yao family.
‘How can he be compatible to marry my precious daughter then?’
Yao Yun Qing sniggered. She then gradually shut her eyes and replied coldly, “Second
aunt, I will marry him for Xiao Feng so you don’t need to say further. How about taking
this time to properly educate your precious daughter instead!”
A trace of indistinct anger flashed past Huang Ying’s eyes. She then swung her sleeves
firmly downward as she stood up and exclaimed, “Yao Yun Qing, do you think you will
still be a young mistress after marrying into the Gong family?! No! You will be nothing at
that time! You should try to be on my good side during this period of time so that you
perhaps may receive some help from this family when you are being bullied by your
husband’s family in the future. Otherwise, you will be left alone to perish on your own!”
Huang Ying glared with all her might at Yao Yun Qing who had her eyes shut and stopped
responding to her before turning around to head out of the room.
Yet, at this moment, the room’s door was suddenly kicked open.
Chapter 681: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(12)
Huang Ying jumped up in fright and her complexion instantly turned deathly pale as she
yelled in fury, “Who is it?!”
Two peerless figures enter her sight when she was raging. While she was slightly dazed,
she heard Yao Yun Qing’s elated exclamation from behind her back.
“Yue Er, you have finally shown up!”
When Huang Ying, who was pondering who they were, heard her words, her expression
darkened. “Yun Qing, these are your friends? Why are they so undisciplined? I don’t know
how their parents raised them to be such savages, just barging into other’s home!”
Mu Ru Yue’s gaze shifted from Yao Yun Qing to the sneering Huang Ying. She narrowed
her eyes slightly and asked, “What did you say?”
“Hmph!” Huang Ying snorted coldly as she replied, “You didn’t hear what I said? I said
you don’t have any upbringing. You are far inferior compared to my daughter. It seems
that I really need to teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents to make you understand
what manners are!”
Coldness surged in Mu Ru Yue’s eyes as she walked toward Huang Ying. Huang Ying
instantly felt pressured internally and physically at this moment, making her unable to
voice out.
She wanted to cry out in fear, but she was unable to say anything no matter how much she
Huang Ying was only feeling regret at this moment. She regretted taking her rage from
Yao Yun Qing out on these two people, regretted blurting out such brainless words.
Mu Ru Yue infused some of energy into her palm before slapping Huang Ying’s face.
Huang Ying’s innate talent wasn’t strong so she was just a person at the Xiantian Full
Circle realm. Thus, she was sent flying out of the room by that slap.
Mu Ru Yue stepped on Huang Ying’s chest and twisted her feet a couple of times. A layer
of frost covered her face with a glacial aura enveloping her body.
“No upbringing?” She chuckled lightly and with a voice as cold as always, she continued,
“I will show you what my upbringing is!”
Dragons had reverse scales.
Her reverse scales were people that had a position in her heart…
Huang Ying spat out a mouthful of blood, staining her distorted expression red. She stared
furiously at Mu Ru Yue. Her heart seemed to have been filled with hatred as though ten
thousand ants were crawling in her heart.
Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze slightly before gradually withdrawing her feet. She then raised
her toes and kicked Huang Ying, sending her flying into the backyard.
The porcelain teawares in the room fell onto the floor, shattering instantly.
Following that, she just walked past Huang Ying to stand before Yao Yun Qing. With a
light smile, she said, “Qing Er, I am here to bring eldest brother and you back to the Xiao
Perhaps it was due to the feeling of safety after seeing Mu Ru Yue. The resentments and
fears that accumulated over the days burst forth. She wailed and leapt into Mu Ru Yue’s
embrace. She gripped tightly onto Mu Ru Yue’s robe and said in a shaky voice, “Yue Er,
quick… quickly save Xiao Feng… He has been severely wounded. He might not make
Mu Ru Yue glanced at Huang Ying who had collapsed on the ground. With a slightly
darkened gaze, she asked, “Where is Xiao Feng?”
Huang Ying bit her lips, refusing to reply.
She was the only one who knew Xiao Feng’s location. Her precious daughter, Yao Lan,
was greatly touched by Xiao Feng’s dedicated feelings toward Yao Yun Qing, and fell in
love with that callous man. Hence, she had secretly brought Xiao Feng out from the
underground prison. Thus, for her daughter’s happiness, she definitely mustn’t tell them
Xiao Feng’s location.
“Refusing to talk?” Mu Ru Yue’s brows rose as she continued, “Very good! I have
thousands of methods to make you tell me what I want to know. I just don’t know which
one you will choose.”
Chapter 682: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(13)
Huang Ying was petrified for a moment as her eyes widened in fear, looking at Mu Ru
Yue’s glacial expression…
“I’ve done some research on a couple of pills recently. There was one that can penetrate
the intestines of the consumer, killing them. That pill is the rather direct way of killing.
There is also the Bone Eroding Pill, Heart Penetration Pill, Burning Body Pill, Life Worse
Than Death Pill, Ten Thousand Ants Eating At The Heart Pill and lastly, there is the Bone
Changing Pill… Which of these pills do you want to try or do you want to try all of them?
Don’t worry, I have ways to keep you alive through this process. You won’t be able to die
even if you want to until you tell me his location!”
Mu Ru Yue had a smile on her face while she introduced those pills. But her words made
the hearts of people tremble in fright.
“No!” Huang Ying shrieked in terror as she exclaimed, “No! I will talk! I will tell you
everything! Xiao Feng has… has already died…”
Mu Ru Yue slightly narrowed her eyes as she focused her cold gaze on Huang Ying’s face.
She then suddenly smiled and commented, “Forget it, I won’t ask you anymore. Asking
you was just the simplest way for getting his location. Since you refuse to talk, I will just
have to find his location by myself. As for all those pills I’ve told you about, I will
definitely let you try all of them so don’t you worry.”
She had already given her one chance. Yet, she didn’t cherish it so she didn’t need to
continue giving her chances…
She shut her eyes upon saying that, gradually releasing her mental power again. Her
mental power gradually enveloped the entire interior of the Yao family until she felt that
indistinct weak presence. She then opened her eyes with a tinge of ice-cold aura that
flashed past her eyes as she said, “Wu Chen and Qing Er, I’ve found eldest brother’s
location. Let’s go to him.”
Everyone could distinctly feel the killing intent bursting forth from Mu Ru Yue at this
It was due to the presence of Xiao Feng being too weak. It was as though his presence
would burn out at any moment. A raging flame of fury that seemed to be capable of
destroying everything surged in her heart upon knowing that. Her ink-black eyes became
increasingly glacial.
“If something horrible happened to my eldest brother, I will make everyone that was
involved in this matter pay a bitter price!”
She didn’t mind massacring the Yao family for hurting her brother!
Huang Ying looked dazedly at Mu Ru Yue’s departing figure. A chill ran down her spine.
She knew for certain that they were doomed this time..
Currently, a fragrance smoke permeated in a young maiden’s pavillion, filling the room
with a light pleasant fragrance.
There was a young girl in a green jade garment top with a pleated skirt sitting beside a
bed. Her delicate and pretty face was focusing infatuatedly on the man on the bed.
She was also there at the scene yesterday but she just hid at the back, watching.
She, who lived in such a large family like the Yao family and had already gotten used to
them having no regards for others, was amazed by such a courageous man.
He had barged all by himself into the Yao family for his beloved woman, unflinching!
“Xiao Feng…” The young girl muttered softly. With a gaze filled with obsession, she
continued, “You really are a man like the wind. But your personality seems a little too
cold. However, if I can be married to such a courageous man, I will be so satisfied with
my life that I wouldn’t mind dying at that moment.”
Jealousy toward her older stepsister Yao Yun Qing, whom she never placed any
importance on, surged in the young girl’s heart at this moment. She had a man that loved
her so much!
As a girl, didn’t all of them aim to get such a good partner in their life?
The young girl giggled lightly as she raised her hand to caress the man’s handsome face.
She then said, “Xiao Feng, don’t worry. I will protect you and prevent father from putting
you on the spot. But you are severely injured now. I don’t know if the recovery pill that
father had previously given to me will work…”
Chapter 683: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(14)
She stood up and did thorough search of her trunk after saying that. She then took out a
jade bottle from it, pouring out a pill from it onto her hand.
“This is the Great Recovery Pill that I previously got from father. I hope this will treat his
She smilingly turned around to walk toward the man laying in bed. She then pressed the
pill against his lips but the man seemed to be resisting against it, refusing to part his lips.
The girl knitted her eyebrows slightly. She swept her gaze through the room before it
landed on the teapot on the table. She stood up and walked toward to it. However, the
teapot was empty, only a drop of water came out of it.
Her gaze immediately landed on the bottle of jade dew at the side. Her tightly creased
brows instantly relaxed as she commented, “There isn’t any water but I can still use the
jade dew as a substitute.”
She took the bottle of jade dew before heading toward the man lying on the bed again. She
lowered her body to force the pill into his mouth and started to pour the jade dew into his
The door was kicked open at this instant, making the young girl’s hand shake a little. She
was forced to stop pouring the jade dew as it almost spilled to the side of his mouth.
However, some of the jade dew had entered his mouth…
“What did you make him consume?”
Mu Ru Yue’s body moved in a flash to stand before the girl and held tightly onto her hand
as she asked with an icy expression.
“You… what do you want?” The young girl tried to free her hand from Mu Ru Yue’s grip,
but she discovered that she was unable to exert any strength from her hand. She bit on her
lips with a slightly pale complexion before she said in slight anger, “Lady, please conduct
yourself with dignity! I just want to save him. Who are you to question me?”
Mu Ru Yue’s expression gloomed slightly as she replied, “You aren’t an alchemist. How
do you know what can be consumed and what not? If something were to happen to him,
who will be responsible for that?”
“Are you saying that I am harming Xiao Feng?” The young girl’s expression changed as
the fury in her eyes intensified before she rebuked, “I definitely will not harm him! I am
trying to save him. Get out of this room now! Otherwise, if it delays Xiao Feng’s
treatment, I certainly will not forgive you!”
In her point of view, the girl before her was here to harm Xiao Feng so she definitely
mustn’t let her stop her from saving him…
A glacial aura abruptly burst forth from Mu Ru Yue’s body, spreading throughout the
room. Yet, Yao Yun Qing’s frantic yells were heard at this moment.
“Xiao Feng! Xiao Feng! What’s going on? Please don’t scare me!”
Mu Ru Yue hastily released that girl’s hand upon hearing what she said to cast her gaze
toward Xiao Feng who was at her side. Instantly, a blackish green handsome face entered
her sight.
The man was no longer handsome as usual. He had a painful expression on his face. The
complexion of his face was blackish green and his lips turned purple with his entire body
He suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of ink-black blood before collapsing
back to the bed again. It was as though he had lost all signs of vitality…
“Xiao Feng!!”
Yao Yun Qing’s eyes turned bloodshot as she yelled heart-wrenchingly.
The young girl stumbled a couple of steps as she bit down hard on her lips. She asked in a
shaky voice, “Why… why is it like this? I just made him consume the Great Recovery
Pill. Why did this happen?”
Mu Ru Yue didn’t have the time to continue bothering with that girl. She shot out five
silver needles from her fingers, penetrating into Xiao Feng’s body. The man on the bed
then groaned before losing all signs of vitality again…
“Are you trying to kill him? Stop!”
Suddenly, the young girl leapt crazily at Mu Ru Yue but a strong power sent her flying
backward before she could even near her, making her crash heavily onto the ground.
Mu Ru Yue heaved a sigh of relief after seeing all of the silver needles had penetrated into
the man’s body. She then swept an ice-cold gaze toward the young girl and asked coldly,
“What else other than the Great Recovery Pill did you make him consume?”
Chapter 684: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(15)
The young girl was stunned for a moment before she replied, “The broth of frozen jade
“The broth of frozen jade dew?” Mu Ru Yue’s gaze became increasingly cold with the
cold aura surrounding her body intensifying as she continued, “Did you know that the
broth of frozen jade dew and the Great Recovery Pill cannot be consumed together? They
will become a deadly poison when mixed! He would have died if I came just an hour
Mu Ru Yue’s heart palpitated upon thinking about that.
The outcome would be unimaginable if she was delayed on her way to the Yao family. She
would just be seeing his dead body then.
Perhaps this girl didn’t intent on harming Xiao Feng, but her ignorance nearly cost the life
of her brother. How could she just let it go easily?
“Nonsense!” The young girl stood up as she disagreed and rebuked, “The broth of frozen
jade dew is similarly a life saving remedy. How can it be poisonous? Perhaps nothing
would’ve happened to him if he had consumed the entire bottle of jade dew! If it wasn’t
for your appearance, I would’ve already saved his life!”
“The entire bottle? Haha!” Mu Ru Yue burst out laughing with her smile getting
increasingly colder as she continued, “If you made him consume the entire bottle, he
would’ve been an ice-cold corpse in just ten minutes! The broth of frozen jade dew and
Great Recovery Pill are indeed life saving remedies. But they are refined with medicinal
plants. There are two conflicting medicinal plants between them. They could save lives if
used separately, but will be fatal when mixed! I mentioned before that you aren’t an
alchemist, so you wouldn’t understand the components of these life saving remedies!
More importantly, you nearly killed my eldest brother with your ignorance!!”
Mu Ru Yue’s voice couldn’t help but to tremble as she said her last line.
“No! Impossible! I refuse to believe what you say. You are lying to me!” The young girl
retreated a couple of steps back, shaking her head profusely. It was impossible for her to
believe what Mu Ru Yue had said.
It was just too outrageous to her.
‘How could a life saving remedy turn poisonous?’
Mu Ru Yue shook her head helplessly. She knew that there wasn’t a need to continue
explaining it to this ignorant girl as she wouldn’t understand no matter what…
Yao Yun Qing intercepted the girl from continuing as she said, “Yao Lan, I am really
grateful to you for getting Xiao Feng out of the underground prison. But you nearly made
me lose my beloved man due to your ignorance! Of course, if someone did something
wrong and admitted their mistakes, perhaps they would receive forgiveness. Nevertheless,
you just kept refusing to admit it to the very end, always trying to push the blame on
others. As expected, you have become such a spoiled brat from your parents’ pampering
that you don’t even have the courage to admit your mistakes. With just this fact, I
definitely wouldn’t forgive you for nearly killing Xiao Feng!”
The young girl’s complexion turned pale as she said in slight anger, “Yao Yun Qing, why
are you here? Didn’t father make you stay in your room to await your marriage day? You
are already going to marry someone else so stop harassing him. Gong Xin is the man that
you will be with!”
Yao Yun Qing smiled, but her smile wasn’t as dazzling as sunlight when Mu Ru Yue met
her for the first time. Coldness filled her eyes instead.
“Yao Lan, your parents are already unable do whatever they want. They originally thought
that with grandfather being bedridden, he couldn’t do anything and that they could freely
meddle with my marriage after sending my parents away from the family. It’s a pity that
their plots have been flushed down the drain now…”
The young girl was stunned for a moment. It was as though she couldn’t believe what Yao
Yun Qing said.
‘What does she mean by daddy and mommy are unable to do whatever they want?’
She instantly shot an astonished gaze toward them with a trace of doubt flashing past her
Chapter 685: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(16)
A light cough was heard from her side when Yao Lan was in doubt. Yao Yun Qing’s body
stiffened as she turned her head to the man who already had his eyes opened. All sorts of
feelings welled up in her heart momentarily, making her at a loss of what to say…
“Xiao Feng, I’m sorry.”
She lowered her head slightly before continuing, ashamed, “If it wasn’t for me, you
“It is my responsibility!” Xiao Feng knitted his sword-like brows slightly as he continued
coldly, “Moreover, I’m alright so you don’t need to blame yourself…”
Yao Yun Qing pursed her lips.
‘Why is this guy treating me so well? Is it just because of him wanting to be responsible
toward me for taking my innocence?’
“Yue Er,” Xiao Feng shifted his gaze toward Mu Ru Yue as he asked feebly, “You are
Mu Ru Yue smirked as she replied, “I was gone for such a long time so it was time for me
to return. I’m afraid that if I came back any later, my sister-in-law would’ve been snatched
Xiao Feng’s body stiffened abruptly. He shifted his ink-black eyes toward Yao yun Qing.
He then parted his lips to say in a low and hoarse voice, “No… nobody can snatch her
Yao Yun Qing was startled and looked somewhat puzzled at the man’s handsome face.
‘Did he mean that… he won’t let me marry anyone else?’
A peculiar feeling surged in Yao Yun Qing’s heart upon hearing his words. Satisfaction
brimmed in her heart.
The young girl watched on dazedly at the two’s intimate interaction. Her heart seemed to
be squeezed hard by something, making her complexion turn as white as snow. Her entire
body swayed for a while.
Even though I was the one that brought him out from the underground prison, his heart
only has Yao Yun Qing…
Her heart seemed to be crushed ruthlessly by a hand, making the girl feel suffocated from
the pain. She obviously had only seen this man last night, but she was already deeply
captivated by his graceful bearing…
“Eldest brother, I’ve come to bring Qing Er and you back to the Xiao family.” Mu Ru Yue
smiled lightly as she continued, “But there is still a matter that needs to be dealt with
Mu Ru Yue shifted her gaze toward Yao Yun Qing as she said that. She then asked, “Qing
Er, how is your grandfather’s condition?”
The smile on Yao Yun Qing’s face instantly faded away upon hearing her question.
She smiled bitterly and replied, “If grandfather could still move, how could second uncle
be able to create such a commotion? My purpose in coming back this time was to see
grandfather for the last time. He is already at his limit. Hence, even if I would be walking
right into a trap for coming back, I wouldn’t regret it. Otherwise, I will live my entire life
in sorrow and remorse. Yet, the only mistake I made was bringing Xiao Feng back with
me to the Yao family…”
Her gaze shifted to Xiao Feng as she pursed her lips a little and said that softly.
Xiao Feng didn’t say anything, but a complex gaze flashed past his cold black eyes.
Mu Ru Yue couldn’t help but to smile at this somewhat awkward couple. She knew that
Yao Yun Qing held a position in her eldest brother’s heart. Otherwise, with her eldest
brother’s personality, how could he get involved in her matters just for wanting to be
responsible for her? He undoubtedly wouldn’t risk his life for her unless she had a position
in his heart.
He just didn’t want to give up on her even if he were to be severely wounded.
“Qing Er,” Mu Ru Yue’s gaze once again landed on Yao Yun Qing’s delicate and pretty
face as she continued, emphasizing each of her following words heavily, “I think I can
save your grandfather’s life.”
In this case, Yao Yun Qing wouldn’t lose her sole protective umbrella in the Yao family.
She then wouldn’t be bullied by anyone, as long as the old man of the Yao family lived…
Most importantly, that old man seemed to be treating Yao Yun Qing really well while Yao
Yun Qing similarly was reluctant in losing him…
Chapter 686: Xiao Feng And Yao Yun
Qing’s Crisis(17)
“What… what did you say?” Yao Yun Qing was slightly stunned as she looked dazedly at
Mu Ru Yue. Did she mishear what she said?
‘Grandfather is already beyond treatment and it isn’t an ordinary illness. But she said she
can still save his life?
‘I must have misheard…’
“I might be able to save your grandfather. But you must first bring me to him to be sure.”
Suddenly, Yao Yun Qing got back to her sense as she excitedly grabbed onto Mu Ru Yue’s
hands. She then replied in a shaky voice, “Is… is what you’re saying the truth? Can you
really save him? Yue er… I… I don’t how to thank you for this. If it wasn’t for you, I
perhaps would already be forced to marry Gong Xin. It is my blessing to get to know you
in this life.”
Ye Wu Chen frowned as he saw Yao Yun Qing holding tightly onto Mu Ru Yue’s hands.
With a wave of his hand, he pulled Mu Ru Yue into his embrace.
Yao Yun Qing was startled for a moment at the emptiness of her hands. She then pouted.
‘Yue Er’s man really is a vinegar jar. He doesn’t even allow me to touch her…’
“Qing Er, I’m not completely sure as I need to see his condition before making a
conclusion.” Mu Ru Yue lowered her gaze to look at the girl before her as she said with a
determined gaze, “Not to mention that we are acquainted, I will also help you as my sister-
in-law. I promise to do everything in my ability to save your grandfather even if I’m not
absolutely certain that I could treat him!”
Yao Yun Qing laughed jubilantly. Tears of happiness started to well up in her eyes while
she laughed.
She knew that if Mu Ru Yue were to say such words, she definitely had the confidence in
treating her grandfather. In that case, she wouldn’t lose the person that was the most
important to her in this Yao family…
“Yue Er, perhaps my following words may be redundant but I will still say it. No matter if
you will succeed or not, I still want to thank you for trying. I also understand that you
definitely wouldn’t treat him if I wasn’t Yao Yun Qing.”
She definitely wouldn’t casually save anyone no matter what benefits she may obtain.
It was all due to her being Yao Yun Qing and the fiancée of Xiao Feng!
Her face flushed upon thinking about that. She raised her gaze to look at the man on the
bed. Her eyes momentarily met with his deep gaze. Her heart skipped a beat at that instant,
she then hastily lowered her head.
“Yue Er, I will bring you to see my grandfather now.”
Yao Yun Qing pursed her lips with a trace of killing intent flashing past her eyes. If it
wasn’t for grandfather being critically ill, how could second uncle be so unbridled? If
grandfather was to regain his vigour, perhaps the first one that grandfather would deal
with would be second uncle.
Grandfather had already been disappointed with second uncle’s action all these years, but
he always wanted to give him another chance. It was a pity that he threw that chance away
by himself…

There were people laying disorderly on the ground inside the Yao family’s courtyard, all
howling in grief.
The silver wolf raised her head arrogantly. Her posture was so elegant and beautiful. Yet,
she bit into a person’s neck and swung her head to send him flying, carrying out a
“Damn it!” Yao Lin’s expression changed drastically. With a malevolent expression, he
ordered, “Everyone, take down that wolf!”
Xiao Yue swept a gaze through the crowd before it landed on Yao Lin’s face. She then
slowly walked toward him with elegant steps. Each of her steps seemed as though she was
stepping heavily on Yao Lin’s heart…
When Yao Lin retreated, an oppressing aura was shot toward the elegant wolf before
Xiao Yue was momentarily forced to retreat a couple of steps. Her silver eyes then shot
toward a white haired elder in yellow robes, who was standing in mid air. She then
narrowed her eyes with an ice-cold glint in her eyes…
Chapter 687: Treatment(1)
The elder was standing in mid air while surveying the crowd beneath him with a cold gaze
as sharp as a sword. His gaze was exceptionally sharp, making it impossible for anyone to
hide from his sight.
Yao Lin dashed toward the elder in a sorry state. His steps stumbled a couple of times,
nearly making him topple over. He yelled frantically, “Senior Hui Yi (grey clothing), save
The elder known as Senior Hui Yi swept a glance at him, but didn’t say anything. He
instead shifted his gaze toward Xiao Yue and asked indifferently, “I don’t know how my
Yao family has offended you. But why are you acting so impudent in my Yao family?”
Xiao Yue narrowed her silver pupils slightly. With a tinge of light that flashed past her
eyes, she commented, “Spiritual Realm expert!”
‘This old man is a Spiritual Realm expert…’
“Your Yao family has captured my master’s eldest brother. Can it be that we can’t come to
the Yao family to get him back?” Xiao Yue sneered with her beautiful eyes filled with
Senior Hui Yi’s gaze became increasingly cold. With his killing intent bursting forth from
his body, he replied, “But don’t you think that you are being too ruthless in killing so
many members of my Yao family?”
Xiao Yue chuckled. With ruthlessness in her silver eyes, she replied, “Ruthless? Old man,
aren’t you a fool in saying that a wolf is too ruthless? Our wolf race are ruthless demon
beasts so we don’t know what it is to be humane! Don’t mention massacring these many
people, I, Xiao Yue, won’t feel the tiniest bit of pity even if I were to massacre the entire
heaven and earth for my master!”
‘Wolves are naturally savage and ruthless creatures. This old man is either senile or an
idiot for questioning the humanity of a wolf! The least emotion that we have in our heart is
‘I don’t mind destroying indiscriminately in order to clear any obstacle that blocks my
master’s path!’
“Hur! Hur!” Senior Hui Yi chuckled lowly. Wth a killing intent infused voice, he said,
“Good! Very good! Since that is the case, don’t blame me for being impolite!”
A tyrannical aura burst forth from the elder’s body. The entire atmosphere became tense. It
was as though an enormous mountain had come crashing down on Xiao Yue’s body.
Xiao Yue’s legs gave way, making her lie on the ground. Self ridicule surged in her silver
eyes. If she had her previous cultivation, how could she be this oppressed?
Her cultivation had deteriorated to the True Realm even though her injuries had fully
recovered. Hence, she currently wasn’t strong enough to face a Spiritual Realm expert…
Another aura shot over from the side, dissipating the elder’s aura. Xiao Yue instantly felt
the pressure on her vanished, allowing her to stand back up to her feet.
The elder narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked coldly at the green robed man before
him. With an icy expression, he commented, “A Spiritual Realm expert? It is now not a
wonder why this wolf dares to barge into my Yao family. It is due to having the backings
of a Spiritual Realm expert. Who are you anyways?”
Qing Yi’s black eyes were muddled without any focus. He just looked indifferently at the
elder before he moved in a flash to the oncoming couple that was nearing them.
His voice was tremendously respectful as he greeted expressionlessly.
“Qing Yi, you can step down!” Mu Ru Yue nodded slightly. She then shifted her gaze to
the elder that was standing in mid air. A tinge of coldness could be seen on her flawless
“Yue Er,” A glimmer flashed past Yao Yun Qing’s eyes as she whispered, “This is Senior
Hui Yi. He is an expert as powerful as my grandfather within the Yao family. He isn’t an
unreasonable person even though he doesn’t acknowledge me. Let me have a chat with
him first.”
Mu Ru Yue withdrew her gaze and nodded slightly as she agreed, “Alright.”
She pulled Ye Wu Chen with her to step two steps back upon saying that, leaving her
previous position to Yao Yun Qing…
Chapter 688: Treatment(2)
“Eldest young mistress, you also an accomplice in this case?” Fury surged in Senior Hui
Yi’s heart. With his eyes turning glacial, he continued, “Don’t forget that you are a
member of the Yao family. The bloodline of the Yao family flows in your body. Yet, you
help outsiders to kill members of the Yao family. Don’t you think you are being a
disappointment to your grandfather that is bedridden?”
Yao Yun Qing smiled coldly as she met her gaze with the elder’s eyes, unfazed.
“Senior Hui Yi usually doesn’t bother with matters regarding the family so you naturally
don’t know what has happened recently. I, Yao Yun Qing, is still a direct descendant of the
Yao family even if I am a girl. I am similarly the granddaughter that grandfather dotes
upon the most. Yet, someone is taking advantage of grandfather being bedridden to sell me
to the Gong family in exchange for ten years of pill supplies. More importantly, they
captured my friend to threaten me. Can it be that I should lick their toes even when they
treat me in such a fashion? I, Yao Yun Qing, isn’t that contemptible!”
The girl’s voice was sharp and clear as she said each words heavily, striking deeply into
Senior Hui Yi’s heart.
Senior Hui Yi frowned. He just didn’t appear for this period of time. Yet, such a matter
occured. He couldn’t help but to shoot a grave and stern gaze toward Yao Lin who was
cowering at the side.
“You are to personally explain this to me later!”
He naturally had to protect Yao Lin, who was one of the direct descendants of the Yao
family, as they were before outsiders afterall.
“Eldest young mistress, you can come and seek justice from me even if Yao Lin was at
fault first. Why did you collaborate with outsiders to harm our Yao family?”
“Outsiders? Haha!” Yao Yun Qing suddenly burst out laughing. With sorrow in her eyes,
she explained, “Senior Hui Yi, did you know that my friend, Mu Ru Yue, is a disciple of a
grandmaster in alchemy? I had put in lots of effort to invite her to the Yao family to treat
grandfather. But… but second uncle he…”
Yao Yun Qing become stirred up upon saying that. She criticized furiously, “He ordered
these people from the Yao family to kill her after hearing that these people were here to
treat grandfather! I have been putting in so much effort in trying to save grandfather, but
second uncle has been doing his utmost to obstruct me. It is also known by all that he
wants to monopolize the power of the Yao family so he definitely doesn’t want
grandfather to recover!”
Yao Yun Qing certainly couldn’t tell Senior Hui Yi that Mu Ru Yue was here to rescue her.
If it was that case, they would be at a disadvantage. Moreover, Senior Hui Yi treated
grandfather as his brother so he naturally wanted him to recover. This was the only way
and reason for Senior Hui Yi to give in.
“Nonsense!” Yao Lin was so angry that his face flushed red. He looked anxiously at
Senior Hui Yi as he rebuked, “Senior Hui Yi, you mustn’t listen to her nonsense. I
definitely didn’t do those matters. These bastards just suddenly came and started
massacring the Yao family, killing a lot of our members. Senior, you should seek justice
for me!”
Senior Hui Yi’s gaze turned gloomy as he looked toward Yao Yun Qing and asked, “Was
what you said the truth?”
“Yes!” Yao Yun Qing nodded once with all her might. With slight glimmers in her eyes,
she continued, “Senior Hui Yi, Lady Mu is a disciple to a grandmaster in alchemy. If we
offended her, that alchemist would be unhappy. He had first let his disciple to come here
to check on grandfather’s condition. If she was unable to settle it, he would then
personally come forth. However, second uncle nearly killed her. If he really did, there
would no longer be anyone that could save grandfather’s life!”
Her words were to give Mu Ru Yue a way out even if she were to fail.
Thus, Mu Ru Yue would still be able to leave this place safely even if she failed to treat
her grandfather…
Chapter 689: Treatment(3)
Yao Yun Qing was clueless about Ye Wu Chen’s cultivation so she thought up of this plan.
Even though the green robed man was a Spiritual Realm expert, Senior Hui Yi was also an
experienced Spiritual Realm expert so the green robed man might not be able to defeat
Senior Hui Yi. It would then be too difficult for Mu Ru Yue to escape if she were to fail.
“Senior Hui Yi, please don’t listen to the nonsense that she’s spouting!” Yao Lin glared at
her as he persuaded, “How can this little girl treat father? She must be lying to escape
punishment! It is impossible for it to be true!”
Senior Hui Yi didn’t say anything as he was lost in thoughts for a moment. The
atmosphere became completely quiet. He then raised his cold eyes after a long time before
saying indifferently, “Alright, I will give her a chance. I hope that you aren’t lying to me!”
“Senior Hui Yi!”
Yao Lin’s expression changed drastically. Just as he wanted to rebuke, he was stopped by
Senior Hui Yi’s warning gaze.
He then glared furiously at Yao Yun Qing. He snorted inwardly.
‘This girl thinks she can deceive Senior Hui Yi this easily? I shall watch on until they
prove to be unable to treat father. They will probably die a gruesome death at that time…”

Strong medicinal scents could be smelt inside a simple and unadorned room, making
people frown uncontrollably.
The interior design was rather simple. An elder with a pale complexion was seen laying on
a large bed with carvings. His white brows were tightly knitted. If it wasn’t for the crowd
being sensitive to movements, they perhaps would be unable to feel his light breaths.
Mu Ru Yue rubbed her chin as she focused on the pale elder’s face. She then remained
silent for a moment before she asked, “How long has your grandfather been ill for?”
Yao Yun Qing was stunned before she thought back and replied, “It should be about three
to four years. But even though he was bedridden, he was able to sit up with great
difficulty. It was until about a month ago that he could no longer speak. I only found out
about that half a month later. Thus, I rushed back to the family. I just didn’t expect to only
be able to see grandfather once before being locked up by second uncle, unable to
accompany him for long.”
Yao Yun Qing swept a cold gaze at Yao Lin when she said that.
Yao Lin didn’t dare to be too presumptuous since Senior Hui Yi was present so he could
only glare at her.
“Has there been alchemists that came here before?” Mu Ru Yue smiled lightly with a tinge
of coldness in her eyes.
“There have been other alchemists!” Yao Yun Qing nodded before continuing, “Our Yao
family had pleaded for the alchemists from the Medicine Sect to come and have a look at
his condition. But those alchemists said that there was no hope in treating grandfather as
they couldn’t treat him.”
“Have there been any other alchemists?”
A glimmer flashed past Mu Ru Yue as she had figured out her grandfather’s condition.
“No,” Yao Yun Qing shook her head as she explained, “Even the Medicine Sect said that
there wasn’t any hope in treating grandfather. How could other alchemists be superior to
the Medicine Sect’s?”
Mu Ru Yue gradually lift her gaze. With a trace of coldness in her eyes, she said, “I
understand your grandfather’s condition already.”
Yao Yun Qing’s breath instantly tightened as she looked nervously at her and asked, “Can
grandfather be treated?”
Everyone’s gaze landed on the girl’s impeccable face at this moment, waiting for her
Yao Lin was the only exception as he had set his mind that it was just Yao Yun Qing trying
to deceive Senior Hui Yi. How could that girl have such capability?
It was as though Mu Ru Yue didn’t feel his mockery gaze as she nodded and replied,
“Your grandfather’s illness is really simple. It was just that he had come in touch with a
plant known as Chinese Redbud Tree1. The pollen from the flower of the Chinese Redbud
Tree would make a person’s body condition deteriorate gradually to the point where they
wouldn’t be able to move. You will need a Heaven Stage Low Rank Antidote Pill to get
rid of this pollen’s poison.”

1. Miki: I googled a little but this tree doesn’t seem to be poisonous at all. Novel magic
I guess? Anything can happen! ↩
Chapter 690: Treatment(4)
Everyone became silent upon hearing what she said.
Yao Yun Qing smiled bitterly as she commented, “Heaven Stage Low Rank? There are
hardly any alchemist at that level. They will only be in the Medicine Sect and the
Immortal Doctor Sect. Does this mean that we need to go and seek help from the Medicine
Sect again?”
She didn’t forget those disgusting expressions when she invited those people to treat
They were just alchemists. Did they need to look down on everyone that wasn’t? The Yao
family held the same powers with their Medicine Sect after all…
“Hmph!” Yao Yun sneered before continuing, “I had mentioned that it was impossible for
that girl to treat father. They must have fabricated about having a grandmaster! Senior Hui
Yi, you shouldn’t continue to be fooled by them. They are just lying to you!”
Senior Hui Yi seemed to have not heard what Yao Lin said as he looked toward Mu Ru
Yue and asked instead, “Do you have a Heaven Stage Low Rank Antidote Pill? If you give
that pill to me, I won’t continue to look into what you did today and our Yao family will
owe you a large favour!”
‘If this girl doesn’t have a way in treating the head of the family, I will definitely be
disappointed. Yet, her calm expression makes it seem as though she held everything in her
‘I am more keen on having to owe this girl a favour than to invite those alchemists from
the Medicine Sect that looked down on everyone…’
“No!” Mu Ru Yue shook her head before continuing, “I don’t have a Heaven Stage Low
Rank Antidote Pill.”
Yao Lin couldn’t help but to burst out laughing upon hearing what she said. He then said,
“Haha! I’ve already told you that Yao Yun Qing is lying to you. If she is really a disciple
of a grandmaster, how could she not have an Antidote Pill? Senior Hui Yi, I suggest that
we capture and kill this girl to avenge the deaths of the Yao family’s members!”
A sinister glint flashed past his eyes as he said that malevolently.
It would still be hard for him to appease his heartfelt hatred for that girl even if he were to
chop her corpse into tiny pieces!
“But…” Mu Ru Yue looked differently at Senior Hui Yi before continuing, “You can help
me in preparing the medicinal ingredients for the antidote. There are a couple medicinal
plants that requires to be at least ten thousand years old medicinal plants in the refinement
of the Heaven Stage Low Rank Pill. I don’t have that many precious medicinal plants on
She was unwilling to display before others that she could increase the age of medicinal
plants. Moreover, it shouldn’t be an issue for the Yao family to gather those medicinal
plants with their power…
Yao Lin’s smile stiffened instantly.
‘Have I heard wrongly? This girl is asking Senior Hui Yi to prepare the medicinal plants
for the antidote? Can it be that she really have a mysterious grandmaster alchemist
backing her?’
Senior Hui Yi nodded slightly as he agreed, “Alright, I will get people to prepare them. I
don’t know when you will be able to refine this Antidote Pill? Will you be delivering the
medicinal plants to your master?”
Mu Ru Yue shook her head and explained, “There’s no need for that. You just have to
deliver the medicinal plants here. But you need to bring them to me in two hours. I can
wait for a long time, but the head of the family won’t be able to. His limit will be tonight!
Thus, there isn’t much time to spare so you must get those medicinal plants here as soon
as possible. Otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences!”
‘Two hours?’
The crowd was stunned. Could it be that the girl would be personally refining the
medicinal plants? How could that be?! It was a Heaven Stage Low Rank Pill. How could
she possess such tyrannical cultivation at such a tender age?
Senior Hui Yi was startled for a moment before he agreed, “I will be able to get those
medicinal plants in an hour as long as the medicinal plants aren’t too rare!”
“Don’t worry. They aren’t rare medicinal plants. It is just that the age for some medicinal
plants are rather high so finding them will be a tad difficult…”
Chapter 691: Treatment(5)
She took a pen and paper from a person beside her upon saying that. She then wrote down
voluminously a row of words before passing the paper to Senior Hui Yi. She said
indifferently, “You are all dismissed. You just need to gather those medicinal as quickly as
possible. Qing Er, eldest brother and you should be exhausted after these few days. You
can go and rest up first. It will suffice for me to just have Wu Chen accompanying me.”
Yao Yun Qing snapped out of her shock. She grasped tightly onto Mu Ru Yue’s hand. With
a feeble light in her eyes, she said, “Yue Er, thank you very much! If it wasn’t for you, I
would be at a loss on how to deal with this situation. I won’t let the Yao family hurt you
no matter if you succeed in treating grandfather or not.”
Mu Ru Yue just smiled slightly, not replying to her.
She had previously said that she wasn’t fully confident in treating her grandfather. But it
was due to her not knowing the condition of the head of the Yao family. Now that she
knew the reason for his illness, it would be much simpler to treat him.
The Antidote Pill was the most common pill amongst the Heaven Stage Low Rank pills.
Hence, it made people curious as to why the Medicine Sect said that there was no hope in
treating the head of the Yao family…
The Yao family was indeed worthy of being one of the four large powers of the Central
Region. They were able to gather all of the necessary medicinal ingredients for refining
the Antidote Pill in less than an hour. Following that, Mu Ru Yue started to refine the
Even though Mu Ru Yue told Yao Yun Qing to rest, how could she sleep under such a
crisis? Hence, she didn’t leave and just paced outside the room with worry filling her eyes.
“Senior Hui Yi,” Yao Lin frowned in slight dissatisfaction as he persuaded, “How can you
leave father in the hands of a stranger? You will be deeply remorseful if she were to do
something to him. That girl had killed so many members of the Yao family so why would
she care about an old man? She is clearly in cahoot with Yao Yun Qing in wanting to kill
“Second uncle, what do you mean by that?” Yao Yun Qing’s expression turned grim as she
rebuked mockingly, “Grandfather had made me the successor of the family. You then
started to try and kill me, being delusional in trying to snatch the successor position away
from me. Did you think that you will be able to become the head of the Yao family after
you snatch away the writ tablet? You will still be nothing after grandfather awakens. I
definitely won’t pass the Yao family to someone like you even if I am not interested in
becoming the head of the family!”
Yao Lin’s expression changed completely. He didn’t know if his father’s brain had
malfunctioned in letting a girl govern the Yao family. Wouldn’t that be equivalent to
passing the Yao family to a person with a different surname?
“Yun Qing, you must speak with conscience. I’m indeed displeased toward you. But I am
not the only one that is being unhappy toward you. Who told you to be a girl? The Yao
family definitely can’t be passed to a girl! But when did I pursue after your life? If I did,
how are you still standing here?”
Only he knew about that matter anyways. He just needed to be adamant in denying her
Yao Yun Qing sneered before she shifted her head away from him, not saying anything
further. In contrast, Xiao Feng, who was standing by her side, was slightly discontented as
he looked coldly toward Yao Lin.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Senior Hui Yi frowned, impatiently. He then cast a cold gaze
toward the bickering people. With a gloomy voice, he continued, “You can explain it to
the head by yourself after he awakens!”
A slight chill rose in Yao Lin’s heart. He originally thought that there wasn’t any hope in
father recovering and was unable to speak. Hence, he had said some things that he
shouldn’t have before him.
If he were to awaken…
‘It is impossible!
‘That old man will never be able to get up again! Nobody will know what I had done…’
Yao Lin calmed down upon thinking that as he shot a complacent gaze toward Yao Yun
Qing. He had a cynical smile on his face. It was as though he was mocking the girl for
thinking that she was clever.
Chapter 692: Treatment(6)
‘I just need to wait for Mu Ru Yue to fail in treating father. I shall then see what excuses
they will come up with to fool Senior Hui Yi!’
Everyone was waiting anxiously as time passed slowly. An anomaly appeared in the sky
just when they were getting impatient. A thunder cloud had formed in clear sky.
A lightning descended, falling within the Yao family.
Yao Lin widened his eyes as though he saw an impossible scene. His body quivered as he
commented, “Grey tribulation lightning? Heaven Stage Low Rank pill?”
That’s right!
This kind of lightning would only appear when a Heaven Stage Low Rank pill had been
The crowd was stunned momentarily. They didn’t believe that the girl was really a Heaven
Stage Low Rank Alchemist…
This realization gave everyone a fright.
The tribulation lightning lasted for a long time before dissipating. The door was then
opened. Two figures in white and purple suddenly appeared at the entrance of the room.
The sleeves of the girl’s white robe fluttered slightly with her hair fluttering in the breeze.
Her robe was spotlessly clean, making it seem as though she didn’t undergo a lightning
tribulation. It looked as if she had just freshened herself up instead…
“Yue Er!”
Yao Yun Qing was elated as she moved in a flash to stand beside Mu Ru Yue before
asking nervously, “How is it? How’s my grandfather?”
A smile graced Mu Ru Yue’s face as she replied indifferently, “His luck overwhelmed his
Yao Yun Qing’s heart jolted as though a sudden clap of lightning had struck near her. She
covered her lips as tears of happiness flowed down from her eyes.
‘That’s great!
‘Grandfather has finally recovered…’
Yao Yun Qing became completely stirred up upon thinking about that with her eyes filled
with glimmering tears.
The heavens knew how long she had awaited for this moment…
“Father… he… he has recovered?” Yao Lin was stunned. A trace of panic flashed past his
eyes. It was just for an instant, but Senior Hui Yi had coincidentally noticed that.
Hui Yi frowned slightly, but he didn’t say anything. He glanced toward Mu Ru Yue and
asked, “When will the head awaken?”
A light cough was suddenly heard in the room when he was asking that.
Yao Yun Qing was the first to charge into the room. An elder that already had his eyes
opened entered her sight. With a voice slightly choked with her emotions, she asked,
“Grandfather, you… you are alright?”
“Qing Er, it must have been hard on you during this period of time.” Yao Jun smiled. He
didn’t even need to think as he already knew what would happen in the Yao family during
this period of time when he was unconscious.
He then suddenly narrowed his eyes as he shot a furious gaze toward the entrance of the
room, landing on a figure that was trying to evade his gaze.
Everyone instantly followed his gaze and looked at Yao Lin that was cowering with slight
“Stinky brat, come in here now!”
Yao Jun yelled in fury. His gaze was as though he wanted to tear Yao Lin’s corpse into
tiny pieces!
Yao Lin was so terrified that his legs gave way, directly kneeling before Yao Jun. With a
tears filled face, he pleaded, “Father, your son’s mind was muddled at that time. I didn’t
do that matter intentionally. Please forgive your son.”
Yao Jun raised his head and burst out laughing. Madness filled his smiles. He then closed
his eyes gradually with sorrow filling his elderly face.
“Such a good son! You are really a good son that I have raised!”
Everyone was clueless as to what had happened, but it was undeniable that the second
master must had done something that provoked the head of the family…
“Head!” Senior Hui Yi frowned as he glanced at Yao Lin who was trembling all over
while he knelt before Yao Jun before asking, “What happened?”
Chapter 693: Treatment(7)
Yao Jun opened his eyes and shot a glacial gaze toward Yao Lin.
“My great son had been doing a lot of things behind my back all these years. If I wasn’t
critically ill to the point of being unable to speak and even in a stupor state, perhaps he
wouldn’t have confessed to me what he had done.”
Sorrow filled his eyes as he continued furiously, “My third son that I was most proud of
had been killed by him. He killed his younger brother in order to prevent him from
snatching the head position of the family. If it wasn’t for the old madam being too weak
and the eldest daughter-in-law being too unworthy of respect, he definitely wouldn’t allow
my eldest son to live. But my eldest son has a great daughter. He then started to pursue
after Qing Er’s life after I passed the family’s power to Qing Er! If Qing Er wasn’t a girl,
she wouldn’t have been able to live for so many years.”
It was precisely due to her being a girl that Yao Lin didn’t deem her a threat, leaving her
with her life…
Everyone that had crowded around the head’s bed was stunned. It was like a bolt from the
blue. Yao Lin, who they had supported all along, did such an outrageous act?
If the third master was still living, they definitely wouldn’t have supported him. It was due
to the third master’s death, the eldest master being too weak, and not wanting the Yao
family to fall into outsider’s hand that they supported the second master to be the
successor of the family.
Who knew that his hands were stained with his brother’s blood?!
If they knew about that earlier, they would have supported Yao Yun Qing instead. They
definitely wouldn’t have chosen to serve a man that could kill his own brother and had
been trying to kill his niece!
The Yao family surely wouldn’t be able to progress far if it had been entrusted to a man
like him.
Yao Yun Qing remained silent.
She had once heard her father mentioned that she had an uncle. That uncle had
extraordinary innate talent with an outstanding aptitude. He had been greatly doted upon
by her grandfather. Yet, he had died in an accident when he was eighteen. He wasn’t able
to marry any wife or concubine before he died so he didn’t have any descendants. That
incident became grandfather’s most painful and regretful matter in his life.
However, what really stung grandfather’s heart was that it was his second son that had
killed his third son.
Usually, killing of brothers would only occur if they were of the same father but of
different mothers. But all three of them came from the same mother!
How could this not hurt grandfather’s heart?
“Father, I really know that I’ve done wrong. Please forgive me.”
Yao Lin’s complexion was gravely pale as he heavily knocked his head on the ground. His
forehead was quickly covered with bruises as blood streamed down from his forehead. But
he didn’t stop.
Yao Jun shut his eyes again as he hardened his heart and announced, “Yao Lin had killed
his own biological brother. He isn’t worthy of being a member of the Yao family. His
name shall be eradicated from the ancestral hall and he’ll be executed by a thousand cuts!”
He seemed to have used all his strength to say that as he lied back down.
If he was just running amok as per usual, perhaps he wouldn’t have minded as much. But
he certainly wouldn’t allow members of the Yao family to kill one another. Since he had
killed his brother, he must go to the netherworld to apologize to him!
The verdict of being executed by a thousand cuts struck heavily on Yao Lin’s heart. He
shrieked heart-wrenchingly, “Father, I don’t want to die! I really don’t want to. Please let
me go. I know that I’ve done wrong. I will burn paper offerings to third brother. I will also
go and see him every Tomb Sweeping Day. I promise to never repeat what I have done.
Father, please forgive me.”
Yao Jun’s body shook a little, but he stayed firm with his decision.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t given him any chance. It was just that he never cherished them. He
did such an unforgivable act. If he forgave him now, who knows how many innocent lives
would fall under his hands…
Chapter 694: Treatment(8)
Seeing that he remained unmoved, Yao Lin couldn’t help but to curse at him, “You
stubborn old fool, why did you wake up? Why don’t you just die? Who told you to favour
third brother so much? You are still siding with him even now by deciding to kill another
of your sons for a person that has already died! Furthermore, you placed your sight on Yao
Yun Qing after third brother was gone. Why are you so unwilling to give me those
powers? How can a girl be comparable to me? If you dare to kill me today, I will curse
you. I will curse that you will die from a terrible death and that your legacy will end!!”
He yelled heart-wrenchingly with a hoarse voice. His ghostly voice was heard by the
crowd for a long time as he was dragged away. His curses were heard further and further
away from them until they vanished…
Yao Jun opened his eyes. At that instant, it seemed as though he had aged decades.
Weakness was expressed on his face.
“It seems that I’ve really aged…”
If it wasn’t for him to have aged, how else could Yao Lin do such a thing under his nose?
“Grandfather,” Yao Yun Qing pursed her lips slightly. With a faint glow on her delicate
and pretty face, she said, “Please let me introduce you to someone. This is my friend Mu
Ru Yue. She was the one that refined the Heaven Stage Low Rank pill that saved your
Yao Jun looked toward Mu Ru Yue and his eyes instantly lit up. With a smile, he
complimented, “Such a young Heaven Stage Low Rank alchemist! You have such an
outstanding innate talent. May I know who your master is?”
Her master would definitely be a grandmaster alchemist to be able to tutor his disciple to
such a standard.
Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly as she replied, “My master dislikes me saying his name before
“So that’s the case.”
Yao Jun chuckled. He wasn’t displeased by Mu Ru Yue’s reply. He also knew that some
experts liked to live in seclusion, not being known by the world. This girl must had been
recruited by such an expert.
Perhaps her master should be a Heaven Stage Peak Rank Alchemist to be able to possess
such a disciple…
“Lady, I wonder if you will be able to stay in the Yao family for a couple of days?” Yao
Jun asked smilingly. His tone was respectful but wasn’t trying to curry favor with her.
He naturally must receive such a young alchemist talent properly.
“There’s no need for that. I’m hurrying to attend the Immortal Doctor Banquet so I will be
departing for it now. But…” A glimmer flashed past her eyes before continuing, “There
aren’t much issues with your body that just a Heaven Stage Low Rank pill could treat your
illness. There should be Heaven Stage Low Rank alchemists in the Medicine Sect. But
why did they say that you are beyond treatment then?”
Mu Ru Yue stopped saying anything further after telling him the main point. She believed
that Yao Jun would be able to understand what she was trying to imply with his
As expected, Yao Jun became quiet, not replying to her.
“Eldest brother! Yun Qing! I would like to send the two of you to a place before heading
for the Immortal Doctor Banquet. Father and mother will be waiting at that place for the
two of you. Your cultivation should’ve improved by leaps and bounds after leaving that
Mu Ru Yue smiled.
Perhaps what had happened during these few days had aggravated Xiao Feng that when he
heard her words, his cold eyes lit up instantly as he agreed, “Alright!”
Yao Yun Qing didn’t say anything but she similarly wanted to improve her cultivation. It
would be hard for her to survive in this world that revered experts if she didn’t have
sufficient power.
“Qing Er, you are leaving so soon?” Yao Jun was a little startled as he asked with slight
Yao Yun Qing shifted her gaze to the elder as she replied smiling, “Grandfather, don’t
worry. I will be back in a jiffy… ”
Chapter 695: Treatment(9)
The autumn wind rustled in the air, making the autumn leaves sway with it.
Two figures stood on the summit of a mountain. The man’s purple robe fluttered in the
wind. He had a charming handsome face that would make the world lose its luster. His
arm was embracing a girl’s slender waist with a perfect smile on his face.
Furthermore, the girl beside the man wasn’t in the slightest outshined by his handsome
appearance. They looked like a divine couple, making anyone that saw them envious.
“Wu Chen, we are reaching the venue for the Immortal Doctor Banquet. The people from
the Pill Tower have already reached that place and are waiting for me. Perhaps we will
encounter people from the Immortal Doctor Sect at that place. Thus, you should wait
inside the Alchemy Book.”
Ye Wu Chen frowned as he asked, “What about yourself?”
“Don’t forget that I was only at the Xiantian Full Circle Realm when we previously
encountered them.” Mu Ru Yue smiled slightly before continuing, “Hence, the Immortal
Doctor Sect would not be able to make a move on me unless I reveal my Earth Realm’s
Although Qing Yi and Ye Wu Chen were at the Spiritual Realm, there definitely shouldn’t
only be a handful of Spiritual Realm experts in the Immortal Doctor Sect so it was better
to be safe.
A large hand pressed against the back of Mu Ru Yue’s head as Ye Wu Chen leaned in to
kiss her alluring thin lips. It was as though he was tasting her lips for the last time.
Following that, he released her and warned threateningly, “You aren’t allowed to pick
flowers and trample grasses when I’m away! If you are in danger, I will exit the Alchemy
Book and come for your aid!”
He gave Mu Ru Yue a final glance after saying that before he moved in a flash to enter the
Alchemy Book…
Mu Ru Yue chuckled as she brushed her lips with her slender finger. That guy was still as
petty. But she loved to see her man’s adorable appearance when he was jealous…

The Immortal Doctor Banquet was held within the Immortal Banquet Sect. Only those
with an invitation could enter.
It was like a small scaled city within the enormous Immortal Doctor Sect. It had all
necessary facilities. When Mu Ru Yue entered the sect, she was brought to a place to rest.
Yet, she suddenly halted her steps at that instant as her gaze landed on a familiar figure…
The man had fire-like red hair. He looked enchanting but yet mysterious. He had
bloodthirsty red eyes. He looked gloomy even while he had a enchanter-like handsome
He shifted his gaze to look toward her as though noticing her gaze. When both of their
gazes met, a peculiar glint surged in his bloodshot eyes.
He parted his lips to say something, but when his words reached his throat, he swallowed
them back down…
“Feng Jing Tian!”
Mu Ru Yue was startled as she didn’t expect to reunite with this man at this place.
Moreover, she kept feeling a weird vibe from Feng Jing Tian.
He was like a bloodthirsty demon. There wasn’t a human-like aura coming from him…
Mu Ru Yue had tossed their past dispute to the back of her mind at this moment. When she
thought about all the things that Feng Jing Tian had done for her, a complicated feeling
surged in her heart.
“Elder brother apprentice.”
A young girl with a sweet smile walked to Feng Jing Tian’s side. When she followed his
gaze to look toward Mu Ru Yue, she was instantly stunned for a moment before she
commented, “Why is she here?”
Feng Jing Tian’s adam apple rolled a little before he finally decided to walk toward Mu Ru
Yue. A complex feeling surged in his heart.
It had been ages since he last met this girl. She looked increasingly captivating but it was a
pity that she wasn’t his…
Feng Jing Tian’s heart tightened in agony when his phoenix eyes swept a gaze at the
obvious protrusion of her abdomen. Even though he knew that this would happen
eventually, his heart still ached upon seeing that.
He was still unable to forget this heartless girl even after such a long separation…
Chapter 696: Treatment(10)
Feng Jing Tian stopped walking as he looked at the girl before him. He then asked
awkwardly, “How… how have you been lately?”
When Mu Ru Yue raised her gaze, the man’s eyes that were filled with mixed feelings
entered her eyes. She sighed subconsciously as she advised, “Feng Jing Tian, you should
let go of your feelings for me.”
‘Let go?’
Feng Jing Tian chuckled bitterly.
‘How can it be that easy? However, I already no longer want to get her. It is due to me
abandoning humanity and becoming a devil. I am incompatible with this girl…’
“Feng Jing Tian, I’m already married and is conceiving his son so you should not continue
wasting your feelings on me.” Mu Ru Yue’s brows rose as she said that indifferently.
Feng Jing Tian didn’t reply her. His eyes just focused deeply on the girl before him. It was
as though he wanted to engrave her figure into his mind…
“Elder brother apprentice,” A girl in pink garment walked before Feng Jing Tian. Her
smile was so sweet and lovely. When she shifted her gaze to Mu Ru Yue, she asked, “Xiao
Ru Yue, do you still remember me?”
When Mu Ru Yue’s gaze shifted to her, she stayed silent for a moment before saying,
“Xiao Jing?”
Xiao Jing subsequently vanished after the Third Master of the Xiao family dies. Mu Ru
Yue didn’t expect that this girl would be here and even called Feng Jing Tian her elder
brother apprentice.
Mu Ru Yue just didn’t get a good impression for the girl.
It was obscure to her why such an extremely uncomfortable feeling arose in her heart by
just talking to her. She didn’t feel such an uncomfortable feeling even when facing Zi
Thus, she concluded that it wasn’t due to disliking her that she had such feelings. It should
be due to other reasons…
“Do you need something?” Mu Ru Yue knitted her brows tightly with her tone indifferent
but cold.
Xiao Jing was stunned for a moment before commenting, “You seem to dislike me.”
“That’s right,” Mu Ru Yue smiled faintly before continuing, “Even though you had
personally killed your father, I just don’t have any good feelings for you. Even I don’t
understand why.”
Xiao Jing smiled lovably as she said, “In any case, we’re both members of the Xiao
Family. You’re too heartless to say that. Since we have met up here, how about we go out
for a drink? Elder brother apprentice, what do you say?”
Feng Jing Tian creased his long, shapely brows as he glanced at Xiao Jing with a
bloodthirsty and ruthless gaze. With a cold smile, he warned, “Xiao Jing, what are you
playing at? If you are that needy, I don’t mind telling master to summon you back!”
Grievance surged in Xiao Jing’s clear large eyes. She bit on her lip before replying, “I
understand. I won’t say anything else. It wasn’t easy to come out for a trip. Please don’t
tell stepfather. Otherwise, he will no longer let me out.”
Feng Jing Tian shot her a warning gaze. He then withdrew his gaze to look toward Mu Ru
Yue with peculiar feelings surging in his phoenix eyes again.
“I actually knew that you will definitely be attending this Immortal Doctor Banquet so I
That’s right, it was due to her that he came to this place…
Otherwise, why would he come and attend this gathering?
Mu Ru Yue sighed lightly and said in a complex manner, “Feng Jing Tian, you have
undergone such drastic changes since the previous time we met. A person that is becoming
a devil mustn’t be bloodthirsty. If so, it would be easy for your powers to run amok and
becoming a devil that only knows how to massacre. Yet, the innate talent of a person that
is becoming a devil is exceptionally high and will be able to improve tremendously in his
cultivation in just a short period of time. But once you become a bonafide devil, you will
no longer be able to recognise anybody! Feng Jing Tian, I hope that day won’t come nor
do I want to be your enemy in our final meeting.”
Chapter 697: Treatment(11)
A red glow flashed past Feng Jing Tian’s eyes. He then raised his head to focus his
bloodshot eyes at the girl before him.
“I definitely will not forget you nor will I ever hurt you!” His voice was filled with
resolution when he said that.
Mu Ru Yue was startled when she looked at his determined eyes for a moment. She then
smiled lightly and replied, “I hope so…”

The breeze blew on the mountain range filled with clouds and mists. A girl raised her gaze
to look at the sky above her with her sleeves fluttering lightly with the wind.
“You Lan, has she reached the Immortal Doctor Sect?” The girl said in an glacial tone as
cold as ice.
Yao Lan was kneeling on a knee as she replied respectfully, “Young mistress, the girl
known as Mu Ru Yue has indeed arrived at the Immortal Doctor Sect. But Ye Wu Chen
wasn’t by her side. She seemed to know a guy known as Feng Jing Tian instead. That man
seems to be looking at her with an unusual gaze…”
The girl sneered coldly as she said, “He definitely won’t be far from her since she is here.
You Lan, don’t make any moves on her now. I currently can’t expose too much of
“That’s right, young mistress,” Yao Lan seemed to have thought about something before
continuing, “Young mistress, the sect master has returned.”
“Mhm. I got it.” The girl nodded lightly, but there wasn’t any expression on her face.
She was just borrowing this body so she naturally didn’t have much feelings toward this
body’s mother. Moreover, she just wanted to make use this body’s innate talent and the
power of the powerful Immortal Doctor Sect…
“Young mistress,” You Lan hesitated for a moment before continuing, “The sect master
seems to be receiving an honorable guest. I heard a rumour that the guest possess powers
superior to that of the Immortal Doctor Sect. That guest is the son of the lord who is the
actual owner of the Immortal Doctor Sect! If you can make a connection with him, you
may be able to obtain benefits.”
The girl remained silent before raising her ice-cold face after a long time.
“I understand. You are dismissed. I will soon check that person out.” She replied to Yao
Lan in a tone that was cold enough to freeze all of the blood in her body.

When the girl just entered the luxurious hall, she saw the man that was sitting at the chief
seat. Astonishment subconsciously surged in her eyes when she saw that man, even after
seeing such a handsome man like Ye Wu Chen.
If Ye Wu Chen’s appearance was described as charming and noble like an Asura, the man
before her could be said to be extraordinary.
She had never seen a man that was so unblemished by the mundane world. He was so cold
and unfeeling as though he was an immortal that was not eating the food of the common
His silver hair flowed with the breeze, grazing against his face that was so fair to the point
of almost being transparent. The man’s slender and long fingers were holding onto a
teacup before him. His action of sipping tea was elegant and captivating.
He had a different grandeur as compared to Ye Wu Chen, but he similarly looked perfect.
However, the girl came back to her senses after being stunned for a short moment.
In her point of view, only Ye Wu Chen, that was a charming yet ruthless Asura-like man,
could attract her. On the other hand, the man before her was too emotionless like an
immortal, giving people a fictitious vibe.
More importantly, such an immortal-like guy usually wouldn’t have blood stained hands.
A guy that was too clean wasn’t one that she could love…
But such a guy was pleasant to the eyes.
The immortal-like man lifted his head slightly as he cast a gaze at the woman seated
beneath him. Coldness filled his eyes. There wasn’t the slightest gentleness in his eyes like
when he looked at Mu Ru Yue.
“Feng Er, you’re back?” The middle aged woman that was sitting at a seat lower than the
man’s stood up abruptly and introduced smilingly, “Let me introduce this guest to you. He
is Murong Qing Chu1, Mr Murong…”

1. Miki: Sorry guys, I kinda screwed up his name for quite some time… Looks away
There shouldn’t be a gap between Mu and Rong as I just realized that Murong was
his surname. I’m really sorry for this correction. ↩
Chapter 698: The Event Begins And The
Despised Pill Tower(1)
Murong Qing Chu gradually placed his cup down. There wasn’t the slightest ripple in his
cold eyes, making people unable to guess his current mood.
“Mr Murong,” The girl known as Feng Er lightly nodded her head at the cold immortal-
like man that was sitting in the highest position in the hall while being completely stone-
The middle-aged woman seemed displeased by her attitude as she knitted her brows
tightly. She then relaxed her brows after a long time before shifting her gaze toward
Murong Qing Chu and introduced, “Mr Murong, this is my daughter, Shangguan Feng.
May I ask a favour from Mr Murong? Mr Murong not only has an outstanding innate
talent, you have a superior cultivation. Thus, I don’t know if Mr Murong will be able to
tutor my daughter in her cultivation.”
Even though she was said to be the sect master of the Immortal Doctor Sect, it was only
by name. The true founder of the sect was that lord while Mr Murong was the son of that
As for that lord, there were still rumours regarding him in the current Central Region.
It was rumored that he had previously pursued after a girl for a couple of decades, but the
girl already had a husband. Yet, he didn’t give up on her, persistently staying by her side.
The girl’s husband finally fell in love with someone else after a couple more decades,
deeply hurting her. Following that, the lord took advantage of the situation and obtained
her heart.
Half a century had passed before he got to marry her. Yet, although it was long, it wasn’t
long enough since the girl’s ex-husband regretted giving up on her and wanted to get back
with her. Who knew that the lord already held a position in her heart. Thus, he raped her
under his rage when the lord was out.
Following that, the lord was enraged carrying out a bloody calamity in the Central Region.
He didn’t mind that she was sullied, but the girl’s mind was severely damaged. She left the
world in the end, leaving just their son Murong Qing Chu behind.
That lord only had a son at such a late stage of his life and his son was from the woman he
loved fondly. Hence, the lord naturally doted on him tremendously. But it was a pity that
Mr Murong had to be sent away from the sect when he was young due to his poor body
condition to recover, unable to inherit the Immortal Doctor Sect. She was then chosen by
the Immortal Doctor Sect at that time to govern the sect temporarily.
However, the actual owner of the Immortal Doctor Sect was still him…
If Feng Er was able to obtain the affections of Mr Murong, perhaps her position would be
more stable. Mr Murong was said to be single after so many years and was still a virgin. If
Feng Er could marry such a guy, it wouldn’t be a bad deal for her…
“I’m sorry.” Murong Qing Chu smirked lightly, but without a single ripple in his cold eyes
as he replied, “I’m not interested in giving her pointers in her cultivation.”
Shangguan Lan was stunned for a moment as she didn’t expect Mr Murong to reject so
Moreover, her daughter had a devastatingly beautiful face. She also wasn’t like the rest of
the love-struck fools that were unable to shift their eyes away from Mr Murong after
seeing his appearance. Why was Mr Murong so unwilling to interact with her then?
It seemed that Mr Murong really had an extremely high sight as rumoured.
But Shangguan Lan was really confident that there wasn’t anyone except her daughter
would be compatible with Murong Qing Chu.
“Mr Murong has come here to attend the Immortal Doctor Banquet?” Glimmers danced in
Shangguan Lan’s eyes as she asked respectfully.
Murong Qing Chu replied to her lightly, but his handsome and fair face was still as cold. It
was as though this man didn’t have other expressions except his current one.
A flawless face suddenly appeared in Murong Qing Chu’s mind, making him smile
Chapter 699: The Event Begins And The
Despised Pill Tower(2)
Shangguan Feng was stunned for a moment as she raised her head to look at the man’s
immortal-like handsome face. Astonishment surged in her heart again.
So, this cold immortal-like man could smile and even smiled so captivatingly. The world
seemed to have lost its luster at that instant…
Murong Qing Chu regained the coldness in his eyes as though he felt Shangguan Feng
looking at him with astonishment. He then looked lightly toward her
It was just a light glance but it was unknown to Shangguan Feng why her breath seemed to
have tightened from it. It was like a hand was crushing her heart, making her unable to
breathe at that moment.
She had originally thought that this immortal-like man wouldn’t casually hurt people. Yet,
in contrast with his immortal-like appearance, he could hurt people with just his gaze…
It seemed that nobody should judge a person by his appearance…
Shangguan Feng’s complexion paled slightly, hastily lowering her head. She felt the
pressure that was locked on to her was gradually diminishing the instant she lowered her
“If you’ve nothing else to report, you all are dismissed.”
Murong Qing Chu raised his teacup with his slender fingers gripping tightly onto it. He
had a cold immortal-like expression as he said that in an indifferent tone.
“Mr Murong, if you are in need of something, please summon us anytime.”
Shangguan Lan nodded slightly at Murong Qing Chu before briskly leaving the hall,
pulling Shangguan Feng along with her.
The pressure on Shangguan Feng’s heart vanished the moment she left the hall, making
her take in a deep breath.
If Ye Wu Chen gave her the horrifying feeling as though he came from hell, this man that
could pressure people without any warning made it impossible for people to guess his
“Mother.” Shangguan Feng couldn’t help but frown as she thought back to what
Shangguan Lan had said. She then complained, “I’ve already told you that there is already
a man in my heart so no matter how outstanding Mr Murong is, I won’t be able to develop
interest toward him.”
How could she not know that Shangguan Lan was trying to pair her up with Mr Murong?
Murong Qing Chu was indeed an outstanding man, but it was a pity that only that man
stayed in her heart…
Shangguan Feng’s gaze darkened slightly with a ruthless glint that shone past her eyes.
‘That man can only be mine in this life no matter what! I will snatch him away from that
wretch girl even if I have to overturn the entire word, regardlessly!’
“Feng Er,” Shangguan Lan frowned slightly before continuing, “I know that you love
someone, but how can he be comparable to Murong Qing Chu no matter how strong he is?
Murong Qing Chu is that lord’s son. He also has such a superb cultivation so if you can
marry him, our mother and daughter’s position will be much stable. You can treat it as
mother begging you this time.”
Shangguan Feng smiled coldly with a tinge of disdain that flashed past her eyes.
Nonetheless, she didn’t express her displeasure on her face. She just bit her lips and
lowered her gaze before replying, “I will listen to what mother says then.”
She could only temporarily listen to this old granny for the power of the Immortal Doctor
“That’s my Shangguan Lan’s obedient little girl.” Shangguan Lan smiled in satisfaction. In
her point of view, it was her daughter’s poor attitude that provoked Murong Qing Chu.
If her daughter was to soften up to him, which man would be able to resist her charm?
Even if it was that cold immortal-like man, there would not be an exception!
“Feng Er, I am aware of your every action during this period of time. But with Mr Murong
here now, some rules need to be followed. You are forbidden to make any moves on the
competitors. If you do, even mother will not be able to protect you.”
Chapter 700: The Event Begins And The
Despised Pill Tower(3)
Shangguan Lan frowned as how could she as the sect master of the Immortal Doctor Sect
not know what Shangguan Feng had been doing?
She just usually turned a blind eye to it. But currently, they mustn’t leave behind any
evidence that could be used against them. Otherwise, if Mr Murong was to report to that
lord, the sect master of the Immortal Doctor Sect would mostly likely be changed.
Shangguan Feng lowered her gaze to hide the sinister glint in her eyes as she replied
softly, “I understand!”
‘Let her go? How can I?
‘The person that I hate to the point of desperately wanting to rip her heart apart instantly is
right before me. How can I possibly let her go? If I don’t kill that girl, it will be hard to
appease the hatred in my heart!’
Shangguan Feng sneered with an ice-cold face…

The event was held at the plaza of the Immortal Doctor Sect. Hence, the surrounding of
the plaza was crowded with people at the break of dawn.
Moreover, only the Pill Tower, excluding the three large powers, had gotten the
qualifications to participate in the Immortal Doctor Banquet…
Thus, when Mu Ru Yue appeared, she attracted the attention of the crowd…
“She should be a person from the Pill Tower. It can’t be that she is the only one from the
Pill Tower that will be participating in the competition, right?”
“Tsk! How can she be able to stand victorious against so many competitors by herself?”
“Haha! The Pill Tower is just a newly emerged small power. There are rumours that it
recently had nearly faced annihilation.They most probably be getting the last place in this
competition. I wonder who gave her the invitation…”
The crowd was discussing among themselves while looking with disdain towards Mu Ru
Mu Ru Yue seemed to not have heard what the crowd was discussing as she just shot a
gaze through the crowd and focused on Feng Jing Tian. With a slight raise of her brows,
she said, “Holy Sect? Feng Jing Tian is with the Holy Sect?”
‘Moreover, the Holy Sect seems to be treating Xiao Jing and him with tremendous respect.
I wonder what has happened to Feng Jing Tian during this period of time…’
“Quickly look, it is Fairy You Lan from the Immortal Doctor Sect.”
“Her grandeur was as pure as the air in an empty valley with a nature as gentle as an
orchid. Fairy You Lan has always been so beautiful.
When another figure appeared, everyone shifted their gazes to the white-robed girl that
was like an orchid in an empty valley that was walking forth into the plaza.
It was undeniable that female disciples of the Immortal Doctor Sect were indeed
extremely beautiful. It was especially so with Fairy You Lan as her beauty was
The crowd was unable to withdraw their gaze from such a breathtaking sight for this
“It’s you!”
Yao Lan swept a gaze through the crowd. Her gaze momentarily turned cold once her
sight landed on Mu Ru Yue. Fury surged forth from her body.
“You Lan, you know her?”
An elder at her side looked at You Lan before shifting his gaze to Mu Ru Yue again,
asking with a frown.
“Hmph!” You Lan snorted coldly as she explained, “The young mistress was previously
acquainted with that girl before she returned to the sect as the young mistress. She had
treated that girl like her own sister, caring for her and rescuing her from danger numerous
times. The young mistress was also kind enough to let her stay with her when she had
nowhere to go. Who knew that that girl would snatch away the fiancé of the young
mistress and also has been trying to kill the young mistress!”
Clamours rose vigorously among the crowd as they looked at Mu Ru Yue with contempt.
They didn’t expect that the girl with such an outstanding temperament was actually an
ingrate that snatched away the young mistress’s fiance. She wasn’t worthy for the young
mistress to have treated her so well initially.
The young mistress should have just let her perish on her own!
Anger burst forth from Feng Jing Tian’s body. Undisguised killing intent filled his ruthless
and bloodshot eyes. With his aura surging forth from his body, he yelled furiously, “Shut
Author: Xiao Qi Ye
Translator: Miki
Epub: GashaconGamer

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