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Indicators Source India

Assam Bihar

A.1 TFR NFHS III 2.68 1.79 2.31 4.00

A.2 MMR ( per 100,000 live births) SRS 2003 407.00 195.00 490.00 371.00
A.3 CBR ( per 1000 population) SRS 2005 23.80 19.10 25.00 30.40
CDR ( per
A.4 1000 SRS 2005 7.60 7.30 8.70 8.10
Sex Ratio
( per Census
A.5 thousand 2001
927.00 961.00 965.00 942.00

Fully Immunised Children (12 to 23

B.1 months) %
NFHS III 44.00 46.00 32.00 33.00
Infant Mortality Rate ( per 1000 live SRS Bulletin
B.2 births) Oct 2007
57.00 56.00 67.00 60.00

SRS Bulletin
B.3 Infant Mortality Rate - Male
Oct 2007
56.00 55.00 67.00 58.00

SRS Bulletin
B.4 Infant Mortality Rate - Female
Oct 2007
59.00 58.00 68.00 62.00

B.5 Neonatal Mortality NFHS III 39.00 40.30 45.50 39.80

B.6 Postneonatal Mortality NFHS III 18.00 13.20 20.60 21.90
B.7 Child Mortality ( per 1000 live births) NFHS III 18.40 10.20 20.20 24.70
B.8 Under five Mortality NFHS III 74.30 63.20 85.00 84.80
B.9 Perinatal Mortality NFHS III 48.50 47.30 63.30 58.70
B.10 Children with anaemia % NFHS III 79.20 79.00 76.70 87.60
Children's Nutritional Status (under
B.11 age 3):-
B.12 Stunted (too short for age) % NFHS III 38.40 34.00 34.80 42.30
B.13 Wasted ( too thin for height) % NFHS III 19.10 13.00 13.10 27.70
B.14 Underweight % NFHS III 45.90 37.00 40.40 58.40
B.15 Child's weight at birth : -
B.16 Less than 2.5 kg % NFHS III 21.50 19.40 19.40 27.60
B.17 2.5 Kg or more % NFHS III 78.50 80.60 80.60 72.40
B.18 Birth weight reported % NFHS III 34.10 62.70 20.00 11.60

C.1 Any Antenatal

Received Care % types of
all recommended NFHS III 77.00 96.00 71.00 34.00
C.2 Antenatal care (3 ANC checks, 2 TT NFHS III 15.00 28.20 9.60 5.80
injections & 100 IFA Tablets) %
C.3 Institutional Deliveries % NFHS III 41.00 68.60 23.00 22.00
Deliveries assisted by health personnel
C.4 %
NFHS III 48.30 39.30 31.20 30.90
C.5 Deliveries with post natal check up % NFHS III 41.20 73.30 15.90 17.80
Deliveries with post natal check up
C.6 within two days of birth %
NFHS III 36.40 69.80 13.80 15.30
Neonates breastfed within one one hour
C.7 of birth %
NFHS III 23.40 22.40 50.60 4.00

Current Use Of Contraception %

D.1 ( Modern Method) :-
NFHS III 48.50 67.00 27.00 28.80
D.2 Female sterilization NFHS III 37.30 62.90 13.00 23.80
D.3 Male sterilization % NFHS III 1.00 2.90 0.20 0.60
D.4 Pill % NFHS III 3.10 0.30 10.30 1.30
D.5 IUD % NFHS III 1.70 0.50 1.30 0.60
D.6 Injectibles % NFHS III 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.20
D.7 Condoms % NFHS III 5.20 0.50 2.40 2.30
D.8 Unmet need for family planning % NFHS III 13.20 4.70 10.50 22.80
D.9 Met need for family planning % NFHS III 56.30 67.60 56.50 34.10
D.10 Total demand for family planning % NFHS III 69.10 72.30 67.10 56.90
D.11 Demand satisfied % NFHS III 81.50 93.50 84.30 59.90

Number of persons per 100,000

E.1 suffering from TB ( includes medically NFHS III 445.00 449.00 654.00 797.00
treated TB)
E.2 Medically treated TB NFHS III 418.00 409.00 605.00 735.00
Health Indicators - All States
Jammu & Madhya Maharasht
Harayana Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Orissa Punjab
Kashmere Pradesh ra

A - General
2.69 2.38 3.31 2.07 1.93 3.12 2.11 2.37 1.99
162.00 NA 371.00 228.00 110.00 379.00 149.00 358.00 178.00
24.30 18.90 26.80 20.60 15.00 29.40 19.00 22.30 18.10

6.70 5.50 7.90 7.10 6.40 9.00 6.70 9.50 6.70

819.00 941.00 965.00 946.00 960.00 932.00 913.00 953.00 798.00

B - Child Health
65.00 67.00 35.00 55.00 75.00 40.00 59.00 53.00 60.00

57.00 52.00 49.00 48.00 15.00 74.00 35.00 73.00 44.00

57.00 51.00 42.00 48.00 14.00 72.00 35.00 73.00 39.00

58.00 53.00 57.00 50.00 16.00 77.00 36.00 74.00 50.00

23.60 29.80 48.60 28.90 11.50 34.90 31.80 45.40 28.00

18.10 14.90 20.20 14.30 3.80 24.70 5.70 19.30 13.70
11.10 6.80 26.10 12.10 1.00 26.50 9.50 27.60 10.80
52.30 51.20 93.00 54.70 16.30 94.20 46.70 90.60 52.00
36.70 37.60 57.60 35.30 10.80 46.10 35.80 55.60 33.20
82.50 68.10 77.70 82.70 55.70 32.60 71.90 74.20 80.20

26.80 27.60 41.00 25.50 11.90 39.90 24.90 32.10 27.90

21.00 15.40 31.10 18.10 34.00 33.30 17.10 7.60 9.00
14.40 29.40 59.20 14.00 24.30 60.30 49.70 6.90 27.00

32.70 19.40 19.10 18.70 16.10 23.40 22.10 20.60 27.70

67.30 80.60 80.90 81.30 83.90 76.60 77.90 79.40 72.30
29.69 14.80 16.90 62.90 97.00 22.30 70.30 36.70 40.40

C - Maternal Health
89.00 85.00 61.00 91.00 100.00 81.00 93.00 87.00 91.00
14.70 17.50 7.50 29.60 63.60 7.20 21.06 18.40 19.60
39.00 54.00 19.00 67.00 100.00 30.00 66.00 39.00 53.00
54.20 60.50 28.70 71.30 99.70 37.10 70.70 46.40 68.60
55.90 48.40 19.60 66.90 87.40 33.80 64.00 40.90 63.70
40.60 48.00 17.00 61.00 87.70 27.90 58.80 38.30 55.30
22.30 31.90 10.90 35.60 55.40 14.90 51.80 54.30 10.30

D - Family Planning
58.30 44.90 31.10 62.50 57.90 52.80 64.90 44.70 56.10
38.20 26.30 23.40 57.40 48.70 44.30 51.10 33.10 30.80
0.70 2.60 0.40 0.20 1.00 1.30 2.10 1.00 1.20
2.80 4.70 3.80 0.80 0.40 1.70 2.40 7.00 2.90
4.70 2.70 0.60 2.50 2.30 0.70 3.00 0.50 5.50
0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.20
11.80 8.00 2.80 1.70 5.50 4.80 6.20 3.00 15.50
8.30 15.00 23.10 10.20 9.00 11.80 9.60 15.00 7.40
63.40 52.60 35.70 63.60 68.60 55.90 66.90 50.70 63.30
71.70 67.10 58.80 73.20 77.50 67.20 76.20 65.60 70.60
88.40 78.40 60.70 86.90 88.60 83.20 87.70 77.30 89.60

E - TB
340.00 104.00 659.00 141.00 275.00 353.00 321.00 418.00 201.00
324.00 96.00 598.00 136.00 268.00 331.00 311.00 341.00 201.00
All States
Uttar West Arunachal Himachal Meghalay
Rajasthan Tamilnadu Goa Manipur
Pradesh Bengal Pradesh Pradesh a

3.21 1.80 3.82 2.21 3.03 1.79 1.94 2.83 3.80
445.00 134.00 517.00 194.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00
28.60 16.50 30.40 18.80 23.30 14.80 20.00 14.70 25.10

7.00 7.40 8.70 6.40 5.00 7.10 6.90 4.10 7.50

909.00 942.00 916.00 960.00 964.00 938.00 896.00 957.00 973.00

27.00 81.00 23.00 64.00 28.40 79.00 74.00 46.80 32.80

67.00 37.00 71.00 38.00 40.00 15.00 50.00 11.00 53.00

65.00 36.00 70.00 37.00 38.00 16.00 45.00 10.00 53.00

69.00 37.00 73.00 40.00 43.00 14.00 55.00 13.00 52.00

43.90 19.10 47.60 37.60 34.00 8.80 27.30 18.70 23.60

21.40 11.20 25.00 10.40 36.70 6.50 8.90 11.10 21.00
21.50 5.30 25.60 12.20 28.80 5.00 5.60 21.60 27.10
85.40 35.50 96.40 59.60 87.70 20.30 41.50 41.90 70.50
49.40 33.00 59.50 46.80 40.20 12.40 30.20 26.30 23.40
79.60 72.50 85.10 69.40 66.30 49.30 58.80 52.80 68.70

33.80 25.10 46.00 33.00 34.20 21.30 26.60 24.70 41.70

10.20 21.50 13.50 19.00 16.50 12.10 18.80 8.23 28.20
8.40 33.20 47.30 43.50 36.90 29.30 36.20 23.80 46.30

27.50 17.20 25.10 22.90 14.10 22.20 24.80 13.10 18.00

72.50 82.80 74.90 77.10 85.90 77.80 75.20 86.90 82.00
20.90 88.40 8.30 43.00 27.80 84.90 44.20 44.80 33.50

76.00 99.00 67.00 93.00 59.00 98.00 90.00 88.00 68.00
8.60 34.00 4.10 12.30 6.50 55.70 17.40 10.50 8.10
32.00 90.00 22.00 43.00 30.80 93.00 45.00 49.30 29.70
43.20 93.20 29.20 45.70 33.40 94.30 50.20 61.70 31.70
31.80 91.30 14.90 44.30 23.70 82.80 50.60 50.10 33.20
28.90 89.60 14.20 37.80 23.30 78.40 40.80 79.10 28.80
13.30 55.30 7.20 23.70 55.00 59.70 43.40 57.20 58.60

44.40 60.00 29.30 49.90 37.30 37.20 71.00 23.60 18.50
34.20 55.00 17.30 32.20 22.50 25.80 49.00 8.20 9.50
0.80 0.40 0.20 0.70 0.10 0.10 6.30 0.50 0.10
2.00 0.20 1.70 11.70 8.10 1.50 2.70 5.30 4.90
1.60 2.10 1.40 0.60 3.40 2.20 1.40 5.30 1.50
0.10 0.00 0.10 0.30 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.30
5.70 2.30 8.60 4.30 2.80 7.50 11.50 4.10 2.40
14.70 8.90 21.90 8.80 19.30 13.20 7.30 12.60 35.10
47.20 61.40 43.60 71.20 43.20 48.20 72.60 48.70 24.30
61.80 70.00 64.80 79.20 62.00 61.30 79.80 61.10 59.30
76.40 87.80 67.30 89.90 69.70 78.70 90.90 79.70 40.90

371.00 508.00 450.00 605.00 1111.00 166.00 182.00 818.00 593.00

359.00 483.00 425.00 575.00 1096.00 166.00 171.00 804.00 446.00
Mizoram Nagaland Sikkiim Tripura

2.86 3.74 2.02 2.22 2.55

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 517.00
18.80 16.40 19.90 16.00 20.90

5.10 3.80 5.10 5.70 7.40

964.00 964.00 963.00 966.00 908.00

46.40 21.00 70.00 49.70 60.00

25.00 20.00 33.00 36.00 43.00

24.00 17.00 26.00 31.00 42.00

25.00 23.00 40.00 41.00 44.00

16.30 19.80 19.40 33.13 27.60

17.70 18.50 18.30 18.30 14.30
19.50 27.50 6.70 8.20 15.50
52.90 64.70 40.10 59.20 56.80
26.60 22.50 16.00 42.00 38.10
51.70 NA 56.90 67.90 61.50

30.10 30.30 28.90 30.00 31.90

9.20 14.60 13.10 19.90 16.20
21.60 29.70 22.60 39.00 38.00

7.60 11.00 10.30 27.30 24.60

92.40 89.00 89.70 72.70 75.40
84.10 10.00 54.20 44.00 23.70

75.00 57.00 90.00 79.00 75.00

8.70 1.90 27.20 10.60 16.10
64.60 12.20 49.00 48.90 36.00
69.40 25.90 55.80 50.00 41.50
53.50 11.80 52.40 33.70 35.80
51.50 11.30 48.50 26.70 30.20
65.40 51.50 43.30 33.10 32.90

22.50 22.50 48.70 44.90 55.50

9.90 9.90 21.20 17.60 32.10
0.00 0.00 4.50 0.50 1.80
4.70 4.70 12.80 21.80 4.20
5.20 5.20 3.00 0.90 1.50
0.00 0.00 2.90 0.90 0.10
2.60 2.60 4.10 3.20 15.70
17.40 26.30 16.90 10.50 11.30
59.90 29.70 57.60 65.70 59.30
77.20 55.80 74.50 76.00 70.10
77.50 53.20 77.40 86.50 84.60

528.00 633.00 613.00 647.00 345.00

461.00 585.00 583.00 545.00 329.00
A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10

Fully Infant
Sex Ratio ( Infant Infant Child
Indicators MMR ( per CBR ( per CDR ( per
Immunised Mortality
Mortality Mortality Neonatal Postneonat Mortality Under five Perinatal
TFR 100,000 1000 1000 Children Rate ( per with
thousand Rate - Rate - Mortality al Mortality ( per 1000 Mortality Mortality
live births) population) population) (12 to 23 1000 live anaemia %
males) Male Female live births)
months) % births)
Source NFHS III SRS 2003 SRS 2005 SRS 2005
Oct 2007 Oct 2007 Oct 2007
India 2.68 407.00 23.80 7.60 927.00 44.00 57.00 56.00 59.00 39.00 18.00 18.40 74.30 48.50 79.20
Health Indicators - All States

Andhra Pradesh 1.79 195.00 19.10 7.30 961.00 46.00 56.00 55.00 58.00 40.30 13.20 10.20 63.20 47.30 79.00
Assam 2.31 490.00 25.00 8.70 965.00 32.00 67.00 67.00 68.00 45.50 20.60 20.20 85.00 63.30 76.70
Bihar 4.00 371.00 30.40 8.10 942.00 33.00 60.00 58.00 62.00 39.80 21.90 24.70 84.80 58.70 87.60
Harayana 2.69 162.00 24.30 6.70 819.00 65.00 57.00 57.00 58.00 23.60 18.10 11.10 52.30 36.70 82.50
Jammu &

B - Child Health
2.38 NA 18.90 5.50 941.00 67.00 52.00 51.00 53.00 29.80 14.90 6.80 51.20 37.60 68.10
Jharkhand 3.31 371.00 26.80 7.90 965.00 35.00 49.00 42.00 57.00 48.60 20.20 26.10 93.00 57.60 77.70
A - General

Karnataka 2.07 228.00 20.60 7.10 946.00 55.00 48.00 48.00 50.00 28.90 14.30 12.10 54.70 35.30 82.70
Kerala 1.93 110.00 15.00 6.40 960.00 75.00 15.00 14.00 16.00 11.50 3.80 1.00 16.30 10.80 55.70

Children's Nutritional Status (under age 3)

3.12 379.00 29.40 9.00 932.00 40.00 74.00 72.00 77.00 34.90 24.70 26.50 94.20 46.10 32.60

Maharashtra 2.11 149.00 19.00 6.70 913.00 59.00 35.00 35.00 36.00 31.80 5.70 9.50 46.70 35.80 71.90
Orissa 2.37 358.00 22.30 9.50 953.00 53.00 73.00 73.00 74.00 45.40 19.30 27.60 90.60 55.60 74.20
Punjab 1.99 178.00 18.10 6.70 798.00 60.00 44.00 39.00 50.00 28.00 13.70 10.80 52.00 33.20 80.20
Rajasthan 3.21 445.00 28.60 7.00 909.00 27.00 67.00 65.00 69.00 43.90 21.40 21.50 85.40 49.40 79.60
Tamilnadu 1.80 134.00 16.50 7.40 942.00 81.00 37.00 36.00 37.00 19.10 11.20 5.30 35.50 33.00 72.50
Uttar Pradesh 3.82 517.00 30.40 8.70 916.00 23.00 71.00 70.00 73.00 47.60 25.00 25.60 96.40 59.50 85.10
West Bengal 2.21 194.00 18.80 6.40 960.00 64.00 38.00 37.00 40.00 37.60 10.40 12.20 59.60 46.80 69.40
3.03 0.00 23.30 5.00 964.00 28.40 40.00 38.00 43.00 34.00 36.70 28.80 87.70 40.20 66.30
Goa 1.79 NA 14.80 7.10 938.00 79.00 15.00 16.00 14.00 8.80 6.50 5.00 20.30 12.40 49.30
1.94 NA 20.00 6.90 896.00 74.00 50.00 45.00 55.00 27.30 8.90 5.60 41.50 30.20 58.80
Manipur 2.83 0.00 14.70 4.10 957.00 46.80 11.00 10.00 13.00 18.70 11.10 21.60 41.90 26.30 52.80
Meghalaya 3.80 0.00 25.10 7.50 973.00 32.80 53.00 53.00 52.00 23.60 21.00 27.10 70.50 23.40 68.70
Mizoram 2.86 0.00 18.80 5.10 964.00 46.40 25.00 24.00 25.00 16.30 17.70 19.50 52.90 26.60 51.70
Nagaland 3.74 0.00 16.40 3.80 964.00 21.00 20.00 17.00 23.00 19.80 18.50 27.50 64.70 22.50 NA
Sikkiim 2.02 0.00 19.90 5.10 963.00 70.00 33.00 26.00 40.00 19.40 18.30 6.70 40.10 16.00 56.90
Tripura 2.22 0.00 16.00 5.70 966.00 49.70 36.00 31.00 41.00 33.13 18.30 8.20 59.20 42.00 67.90
Uttarakhand 2.55 517.00 20.90 7.40 908.00 60.00 43.00 42.00 44.00 27.60 14.30 15.50 56.80 38.10 61.50
B.11 B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 B.18 C.1 C.2
recommen C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7
ded types
Birth of Deliveries Deliveries with
Wasted Any Neonates
Stunted Antenatal assisted by Deliveries with post natal
( too thin Underweig Less than 2.5 Kg or weight Institutional breastfed within
(too short
for height) ht %
Antenatal care (3 health post natal check up
one one hour of
for age) % 2.5 kg % more % reported ANC Deliveries % personnel check up % within two
% Care % birth %
% checks, 2 % days of birth %
100 IFA
Tablets) %
38.40 19.10 45.90 21.50 78.50 34.10 77.00 15.00 41.00 48.30 41.20 36.40 23.40

34.00 13.00 37.00 19.40 80.60 62.70 96.00 28.20 68.60 39.30 73.30 69.80 22.40
34.80 13.10 40.40 19.40 80.60 20.00 71.00 9.60 23.00 31.20 15.90 13.80 50.60
42.30 27.70 58.40 27.60 72.40 11.60 34.00 5.80 22.00 30.90 17.80 15.30 4.00

C - Maternal Health
26.80 21.00 14.40 32.70 67.30 29.69 89.00 14.70 39.00 54.20 55.90 40.60 22.30
27.60 15.40 29.40 19.40 80.60 14.80 85.00 17.50 54.00 60.50 48.40 48.00 31.90
41.00 31.10 59.20 19.10 80.90 16.90 61.00 7.50 19.00 28.70 19.60 17.00 10.90
Child's weight at birth

25.50 18.10 14.00 18.70 81.30 62.90 91.00 29.60 67.00 71.30 66.90 61.00 35.60
11.90 34.00 24.30 16.10 83.90 97.00 100.00 63.60 100.00 99.70 87.40 87.70 55.40
Children's Nutritional Status (under age 3)

39.90 33.30 60.30 23.40 76.60 22.30 81.00 7.20 30.00 37.10 33.80 27.90 14.90

24.90 17.10 49.70 22.10 77.90 70.30 93.00 21.06 66.00 70.70 64.00 58.80 51.80
32.10 7.60 6.90 20.60 79.40 36.70 87.00 18.40 39.00 46.40 40.90 38.30 54.30
27.90 9.00 27.00 27.70 72.30 40.40 91.00 19.60 53.00 68.60 63.70 55.30 10.30
33.80 10.20 8.40 27.50 72.50 20.90 76.00 8.60 32.00 43.20 31.80 28.90 13.30
25.10 21.50 33.20 17.20 82.80 88.40 99.00 34.00 90.00 93.20 91.30 89.60 55.30
46.00 13.50 47.30 25.10 74.90 8.30 67.00 4.10 22.00 29.20 14.90 14.20 7.20
33.00 19.00 43.50 22.90 77.10 43.00 93.00 12.30 43.00 45.70 44.30 37.80 23.70
34.20 16.50 36.90 14.10 85.90 27.80 59.00 6.50 30.80 33.40 23.70 23.30 55.00
21.30 12.10 29.30 22.20 77.80 84.90 98.00 55.70 93.00 94.30 82.80 78.40 59.70
26.60 18.80 36.20 24.80 75.20 44.20 90.00 17.40 45.00 50.20 50.60 40.80 43.40
24.70 8.23 23.80 13.10 86.90 44.80 88.00 10.50 49.30 61.70 50.10 79.10 57.20
41.70 28.20 46.30 18.00 82.00 33.50 68.00 8.10 29.70 31.70 33.20 28.80 58.60
30.10 9.20 21.60 7.60 92.40 84.10 75.00 8.70 64.60 69.40 53.50 51.50 65.40
30.30 14.60 29.70 11.00 89.00 10.00 57.00 1.90 12.20 25.90 11.80 11.30 51.50
28.90 13.10 22.60 10.30 89.70 54.20 90.00 27.20 49.00 55.80 52.40 48.50 43.30
30.00 19.90 39.00 27.30 72.70 44.00 79.00 10.60 48.90 50.00 33.70 26.70 33.10
31.90 16.20 38.00 24.60 75.40 23.70 75.00 16.10 36.00 41.50 35.80 30.20 32.90
D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10 D.11 E.1
Number of E.2
Total per
Use Of Unmet Met need
demand for 100,000
Contracepti Female Male Injectibles Condoms need for for family Demand Medically
Pill % IUD % family suffering
on % sterilization sterilization % % % family planning satisfied % treated TB
planning from TB
( Modern planning % %
% ( includes
Method) :-

48.50 37.30 1.00 3.10 1.70 0.10 5.20 13.20 56.30 69.10 81.50 445.00 418.00

67.00 62.90 2.90 0.30 0.50 0.10 0.50 4.70 67.60 72.30 93.50 449.00 409.00
27.00 13.00 0.20 10.30 1.30 0.00 2.40 10.50 56.50 67.10 84.30 654.00 605.00
28.80 23.80 0.60 1.30 0.60 0.20 2.30 22.80 34.10 56.90 59.90 797.00 735.00
D - Family Planning

58.30 38.20 0.70 2.80 4.70 0.00 11.80 8.30 63.40 71.70 88.40 340.00 324.00
44.90 26.30 2.60 4.70 2.70 0.50 8.00 15.00 52.60 67.10 78.40 104.00 96.00
31.10 23.40 0.40 3.80 0.60 0.00 2.80 23.10 35.70 58.80 60.70 659.00 598.00
62.50 57.40 0.20 0.80 2.50 0.00 1.70 10.20 63.60 73.20 86.90 141.00 136.00
57.90 48.70 1.00 0.40 2.30 0.00 5.50 9.00 68.60 77.50 88.60 275.00 268.00

E - TB
52.80 44.30 1.30 1.70 0.70 0.00 4.80 11.80 55.90 67.20 83.20 353.00 331.00

64.90 51.10 2.10 2.40 3.00 0.10 6.20 9.60 66.90 76.20 87.70 321.00 311.00
44.70 33.10 1.00 7.00 0.50 0.10 3.00 15.00 50.70 65.60 77.30 418.00 341.00
56.10 30.80 1.20 2.90 5.50 0.20 15.50 7.40 63.30 70.60 89.60 201.00 201.00
44.40 34.20 0.80 2.00 1.60 0.10 5.70 14.70 47.20 61.80 76.40 371.00 359.00
60.00 55.00 0.40 0.20 2.10 0.00 2.30 8.90 61.40 70.00 87.80 508.00 483.00
29.30 17.30 0.20 1.70 1.40 0.10 8.60 21.90 43.60 64.80 67.30 450.00 425.00
49.90 32.20 0.70 11.70 0.60 0.30 4.30 8.80 71.20 79.20 89.90 605.00 575.00
37.30 22.50 0.10 8.10 3.40 0.40 2.80 19.30 43.20 62.00 69.70 1111.00 1096.00
37.20 25.80 0.10 1.50 2.20 0.10 7.50 13.20 48.20 61.30 78.70 166.00 166.00
71.00 49.00 6.30 2.70 1.40 0.10 11.50 7.30 72.60 79.80 90.90 182.00 171.00
23.60 8.20 0.50 5.30 5.30 0.10 4.10 12.60 48.70 61.10 79.70 818.00 804.00
18.50 9.50 0.10 4.90 1.50 0.30 2.40 35.10 24.30 59.30 40.90 593.00 446.00
22.50 9.90 0.00 4.70 5.20 0.00 2.60 17.40 59.90 77.20 77.50 528.00 461.00
22.50 9.90 0.00 4.70 5.20 0.00 2.60 26.30 29.70 55.80 53.20 633.00 585.00
48.70 21.20 4.50 12.80 3.00 2.90 4.10 16.90 57.60 74.50 77.40 613.00 583.00
44.90 17.60 0.50 21.80 0.90 0.90 3.20 10.50 65.70 76.00 86.50 647.00 545.00
55.50 32.10 1.80 4.20 1.50 0.10 15.70 11.30 59.30 70.10 84.60 345.00 329.00

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