Republican Rally June 2018 Newsletter - Convention Edition

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There’s still time to register
for the state convention!
and register today!

June 2018 - Republican State Convention Edition!

Kristi Noem and Dusty

Johnson to lead GOP Ticket!
would next send to Washing-

After many months of cam-

paigning that saw as many
as five Republicans actively
campaigning in the contest for
Governor, the race to succeed
Governor Dennis Daugaard as
our state’s chief executive finally
With an impressive 41% of came to Republican voters de-
South Dakota Republicans tak- finitively selecting one person.
ing part in the primary election,
the members of the South Dako- On June 5th, voters emphatical-
ta Republican Party made bold friends and family, Congress- energized and active Republi-
ly declared to Congresswoman
choices to represent the party woman Kristi Noem was de- can volunteers ready to canvass
Kristi Noem that her time in
against the Democrats in the fall clared the winner on a vote of 56 neighborhoods, knock on doors,
Washington is done and they
election. to 44%. and put up signs to continue a
want her to be the next Gover-
tradition of strong Republican
nor of the State of South Dako-
Republicans nominated former As the nominees for the South Leadership of our state.
Public Utilities Commissioner & Dakota Republican Party, both
Governor’s Chief of Staff Dusty Johnson and Noem will have Now, on to November!
After seeing Republicans Mark
Johnson to be the party’s nomi- the support of thousands of
Mickelson, Lora Hubbel and
nee for Congress, selecting him Terry LaFleur enter and exit
from a field of three candidates
including Secretary of State
the contest for Governor over
many months, once the race A Message from
Shantel Krebs, and South Dakota
State Senator Neal Tapio, all of
was set, Congresswoman Noem South Dakota
whom campaigned hard for sev-
and Attorney General Marty
Jackley ran neck in neck as they Republican Party
eral months asking Republicans
to consider their background &
visited every county and spoke Chairman
to the Republican faithful who
experience in choosing who they gathered to hear them. Dan Lederman:
Sioux Falls, SD

As we prepare for the largest gathering of Republicans in the state, it’s

Permit No. 32

Both ran strong

US Postage

worthwhile to point out that Republican voter registration has jumped


races and spoke by 2500 new voters this last month while Democrats continued their
about issues downward trend. Why does party registration matter? The GOP will
important to the demonstrate why once again with yet another clean sweep of statewide
Republican elec-
torate including Clean sweeps are what happens when you have quality candidates to choose
immigration, from. That’s what happens when you bring fresh ideas to the table. You
attract people who might have been apathetic or disillusioned with the
taxes, econom- political process. You get people to take a hard look at what they actually
ic develop- believe, and you draw them to your cause because they want to be a part of
ment, opposing something great.
Obamacare, and After a vigorous primary election, the Republican Party is coming together
supporting Pres- for an exciting fall campaign as we forge ahead with Kristi Noem as our
ident Trump’s candidate for Governor, who will lead the party to a historic win this fall.
And Dusty Johnson who has carried water for the Republican elephant in
initiatives. so many roles is set to lead the party once again as our next Congressman.

Ultimately, the The Republican Party is the party of ideas and the party of candidates that
South Dakota Republican Party

vote came down reflect the views of everyday South Dakotans. And we’re going to win this
to choosing one
Pierre, SD 57501-1099

candidate and on Let’s work together for a victory in November!

election night,
PO Box 1099
Paid for by the

surrounded by a
cheering group
of well-wishers,
News from the Republican National Committee
I became a Republican at eleven-years-old. That may South Dakota voters have spoken! I am always im-
seem young to some, but even at that young age I pressed with the many great candidates The Repub-
knew what I was doing. I understood how the Ameri- lican Party is blessed to have, those, along with their
can economy—indeed, the entire country’s attitude— families, who are willing to put in time, talent and
improved after Ronald Reagan took office. His belief in treasure to be a part of our election process. Thank
American excellence and implementation of conser- you to everyone who worked so hard. You met so
vative economic policies saved this country after years many people, shook so many hands, listened to con-
of President Carter’s disastrous Democrat malaise. I cerns, gave your best solutions and met new friends
witnessed firsthand in my own home how the “Reagan and in the end You are all winners!!! Thank you again.
Revolution” improved lives. I have never since wavered
in my support for conservative ideals and my belief that they are what Congratulations to Kristi Noem on her primary election win as our
makes America great, and, in times of trouble, can return us to greatness. candidate for Governor. She will be facing a formidable candidate in the
general election and will need all our help to make sure she is the one
I tell this story because I am certain we are undergoing another such taking the oath of office in January.
revival. After only 500 days in office, President Trump has positively
transformed America’s economy and, with it, the lives of countless peo- Thank you to Marty Jackley for running a good hard race as well and
ple. Unemployment is lower than it has been since 1969, and consumer thank you for serving our state’s Attorney General. Best Wishes to you
confidence is at a 17-year high. Three million new jobs have been created and your family.
since Trump took office. Take-home pay for all workers continues to rise,
and quality of life improves with it. African-American unemployment A big shout out to Dusty Johnson! Congratulations on becoming our
is the lowest it has ever been, and the rate for Hispanics is similarly low. candidate for the U.S. Congress. Your energy and enthusiasm is always
Even the liberal New York Times admitted that, “We ran out of words to an inspiration and we look forward to working toward your win to be-
describe how good the jobs numbers are.” come our Representative to Washington D.C.

I am convinced there are many young African-Americans and Hispanics Shantel Krebs and Neil Tapio ran incredible races. Both are appreciated
who are learning to be lifelong Republicans just like I did decades ago. for giving their all, loving our state and wanting to make a difference.
They see how Trump’s policies are improving their family’s lives. They We want to thank Shantel for being our Secretary of State these last four
are figuring out that decades of disastrous Democratic policies have only years and for the difference she made. I am sure the future is bright for
perpetuated poverty and problems. both Shantel and Neil as we wish them well.

For this reason, I remain optimistic about the upcoming midterm elec- I’ve been reflecting on past elections and was reminded it wasn’t long ago
tions. Historically, the party that controls the White House loses scores that we were focused on defeating the Democrats who were holding our
of congressional seats. However, the Republican National Committee has state’s positions in Washington DC. We worked hard pulling together
adopted the slogan: “Defy History!” We believe by campaigning on the to defeat each of those candidates. We prevailed by working together.
Republican economic boom that we can show voters how their lives are We registered voters to our party, many times on only the pro-life issue.
better having GOP control of both the House and Senate. Today the situation is quite different, perhaps we are more idealistic. We
seem to be qualifying our folks by asking, “Are you Republican enough?”
This won’t be easy. Democrats are filled with vile hatred for our President While I am a full proponent of our state and national platform, I know
and they are energized to vote. Conversely, Republican enthusiasm here that others may be less. For too long we have been circling the wagons
in South Dakota might wane after our contentious primary elections. and shooting inward. What is left for the Democrats to do when we
Do not lose hope, however. A vigorous primary simply means we have a have given them the fodder needed to defeat us? We all know President
healthy party. Also, unifying behind our Republican candidates reinforces Reagan’s 11th Commandment, “Never speak ill of another Republican”
what makes our GOP the great hope for America’s future. (particularly publicly) I would implore our party to implement its prac-
So keep the faith and keep fighting the good fight both here and nation-
wide. We are winning! People see the success under Trump, and they Thank you for the privilege of serving as your National Committeewom-
contrast that with the disaster that was Obama. They know, or will soon an on the RNC. I have the privilege of visiting with others from various
learn, that such success comes through optimistic, conservative leaders. states who only dream of being a “red” state. They envy South Dakota
Rabid liberal partisans and fake news outlets might attack and obstruct, having a long bench of qualified Republican candidates willing to serve.
but the truth cannot be hidden. I know many Americans are learning that The thought of Republicans holding super majorities and all the Consti-
truth right now, just like I did at a young age. tutional offices is but a pipe dream. Friends, we are family, we may not
always agree, we may have serious differences but in the end, we link
Sincerely, arms to accomplish the bigger picture and the cause. We have too much
to lose and so much to win.
Ried Holien
National Committeeman for South Dakota The RNC is providing tools, resources and training that we may utilize
in making our best better. I am so honored in calling each of you friends
and colleagues as we continue securing our Constitution Republic, as
Benjamin Franklin said, “If you can keep it.”

“Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you
shelter, feed your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you are ill,
all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or slave. They don’t understand
that we also DREAM.” - Ronald Reagan

Don’t we love this quote from one our most cherished presidents? Let’s
continue to dream and go forward together!


Sandye Kading
National Committeewoman for South Dakota

Paid for and authorized by the South Dakota Republican Party.

PO Box 1099, Pierre, SD 57501. Justin Bell, Treasurer
A message from Senator Mike Rounds
Many of you know I come from a large family. I can’t count the number of meals
around the dinner table or the campfire when our discussions have become pretty
animated. But while the rivalry is intense and the disagreements sometimes per-
sonal, there’s not a one of my siblings that wouldn’t be there on a moment’s notice
for another sibling if adversity strikes.

As I think of the gathering in Pierre for the 2018 Republican convention, I think
of people I’ve known for decades. I also think of newer attendees who have a fresh
perspective. South Dakota is a small state. Whether new to the party or a long time
member, the people you see at this convention are South Dakotans who will be a
part of your life for years to come. You may have kids, or grandkids, that will meet
in a sporting tournament or in 4-H at the state fair. You may be paired together in
a hunting group or run into each other hiking in the Hills. Possibly you’ll see these
acquaintances at a USD-SDSU game.

Just like family, for better or worse, we’re in this together. This is our state. We’re all
here because we care about South Dakota’s future.

The primary was a hard-fought battle. Some of the votes at this convention may
unveil internal disagreement. Passions are high and losses will sting.

We need to thank all the candidates that put their name in the hat, from precinct
chairman to statewide office. As Teddy Roosevelt said, “the credit belongs to the
man who is actually in the arena.” I believe you have dedicated yourself to a worthy
cause and our party and our state are better because of it.

I’m glad that as South Dakota Republicans, we have a big and a strong ‘family.’
We’re blessed to have many competent, respected candidates willing to give their
time as public servants. I’m also so grateful that we live in a democratic nation able
to have weekends like this.

When the hospitality rooms are swept up and the pamphlets and stickers are col-
lected, we should leave this weekend remembering there’s far more that unites us
than divides us. The race is not over; we need to remain together as a party. Where-
as the disagreements of the last several months and this weekend will subside, our
interest in having conservative South Dakota leaders extends to November and

Enjoy the weekend. I hope to see and visit with many of you. Thank you for being

Senator Mike Rounds


I would like to personally thank all of our friends, family, volunteers and
supporters who gave it The Full Dusty in the Primary campaign.

I know the hard work is yet to come and you know me – I won’t rest for
a minute. Just like I did in the Primary, I’m going to give it the Full Dusty
from now until November.

Thank you for your continued support as we work to win the

general election.

Visit our website to see how you can get involved.

DustyJohnson . com Paid for by Friends of Dusty Johnson.
South Dakota Federation
of Republican Women
Calling all Republicans to help and DONATE at Convention
Who: All Republicans who attend the State GOP Convention in June

What: Support Veterans through the Fort Meade Shop for Veterans
Joanann Goeringer (Ft. Meade Gift shop chairman):
Our gift shop is set up so our vets can shop at no charge for their families, so we need items that can go to men or women like kitchen items,
tools, jumper cables, throws, towels, some jewelry, house hold things then we also make up a package for the vets with pull on pants, hoodies,
socks, underwear in sizes from medium to XX Large. Hats, gloves for kids, action figures, games, activity type craft sets. Anything you can
get would be greatly appreciated.
Ramkota in Pierre during the State Convention June 21-23
& When:
-FIRST AND FOREMOST: Support our beloved Veterans
Why: -Show how SD Republican values and SDFRW respect our Veterans

How: All Clubs and attendees to the convention in June are asked to donate items.

NOTE: Out of respect, all items donated HAVE to be new.

For more information, contact: Penny Sattgast at (605) 215-3298 or Gail Brock at (605) 350-2729
6 p.m. Executive Board Meeting
7 p.m. Staff Planning Sessions

THURSDAY (All committees to have reports prepared by 3 p.m.)

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration – Lake Oahe Lobby
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Committee Sessions
• Credentials – Lewis and Clark B
• Site Selection – Amphitheatre I
• Platform – Lake Francis Case
• Resolutions – Lake Sharpe A
• Rules – Lewis and Clark A
• Training by Delve Communications from Jeff Berkowitz – Amphitheater II
• Training by Advertising Arts from Matt Bonacker – Lake Sharpe B
3 p.m. Coffee Break sponsored by Hy-Vee
3:30 p.m. Convention convenes for the following business: – Gallery A
• Election of temporary convention chairman and temporary secretary
• Adoption of the Report of the Credentials Committee
• Adoption of the Report of the Rules Committee
• Election of permanent convention chairman and secretary
• Adoption of the convention schedule
5 p.m. Convention Adjourns until 9 a.m. Friday
6 p.m. Stanley and Hughes County GOP Hosted Dinner at Fischers Lilly Park in Fort Pierre
9 p.m. Hospitality Suites

FRIDAY (No Committees - Just Convention Sessions to approve Resolutions and Platform)
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration – Lake Oahe Lobby
8 a.m. Constitutional Breakfast with Statewide Constitutional Officers and Candidates hosted by Americans for Prosperity – Grand Galleria
9 a.m. – Noon Convention reconvenes to consider Platform and Resolutions – Grand Galleria
10 a.m. Coffee Break Sponsored by Black Hills Energy
Noon Congressional Luncheon with Guest Speaker, US Senator John Thune and Congressional Nominee Dusty Johnson
hosted by POET – Grand Galleria
1 p.m. General Session – Grand Galleria
3 p.m. Coffee Break sponsored by South Dakota Medical Association
3:30 p.m. General Session – Grand Galleria
4:00 p.m. End of debate and amendments on platform and resolutions - votes will be taken on all pending motions or resolutions—
any resolution not yet considered will not be voted upon
5 p.m. Convention adjourns until 10am Saturday
6 p.m. Governor’s Reception and Dinner sponsored by Jack Links at Ramkota
9 p.m. Hospitality Suites hosted by Statewide Candidates at Ramkota Hotel

SATURDAY (Only Candidate Nominations and Site Selection Committee Report)

8 – 10:00 a.m. Early morning coffee service hosted by Woods Fuller
8 – 9:30 a.m. Registration – Lake Oahe Lobby
Registration will close 30 minutes prior to start of convention for Credentials Committee to organize registration
U.S. Senator
9 a.m. Convention Brunch at Ramkota Free to all paid registered guests hosted by Senator Mike Rounds – Grand Galleria Mike Rounds

10 a.m. General Session – Grand Galleria

10 a.m. – noon Late morning coffee service sponsored by May Adam

Election of Constitutional Officers

• Lt. Governor • Secretary of State • Treasurer • Auditor • School & Public Lands • Public Utilities Commission • Attorney General

Report of Site Selection Committee

Convention Adjourns Sine Die

South Dakota Republican Party State Convention in Pierre |

Paid for by the South Dakota Republican Party
Not Authorized by any Candidate or Candidate Committee
I was raised by a dad who
worked hard every day,
hoping to build an ag op-
eration large enough that
all his kids could return by Kristi Noem
home and farm one day,
if we wanted. As most With those principles in mind, I’ve committed to Four Pillars
reading this know, my dad of Protection. First and foremost, I will protect South Dakotans
didn’t make it to see my from tax increases.
siblings and I farm to-
gether. He didn’t get to see Second, I will protect citizens from government growth. We
me earn a seat in the state must look to scrub each agency, find efficiencies, and cut red
legislature, a college de- tape.
gree, or a place in the U.S.
House of Representatives. Third, I will protect South Dakotans from federal government
Nonetheless, the dreams he had for his family live on today. intrusion into every aspect of our lives, working to protect our
constitutional rights, our resources, and our way of life in the
What my dad really wanted is what most parents work to pro- Mount Rushmore State.
vide: The opportunity for our kids to thrive. And that dream
is the foundation of my vision for South Dakota. Finally, I will protect the integrity of our state programs by fight-
ing government secrecy, promoting transparency, and giving
While we have just been through a competitive Republican citizens unprecedented access to the decision-making process at
primary, we now unite around a platform that promotes free- all levels of government.
dom and conservative ideals.
Each of these pillars stands
to protect the dreams par-
ents, like my dad, have for
our children. That’s why
I want to kick-start our
economy and improve our
public safety. It’s why I’m
committed to improving
our infrastructure, devel-
oping our workforce, and
expanding rural broad-
band. It’s why I will fight
to make sure our kids can
grow up in strong families
and come home to com-
munities that solve prob-
lems together.

Thank you for giving me

the opportunity to share
this dream with South

Over the next few months,

we will continue to build
momentum behind this
vision and will need your
support and your vote to
be successful on the No-
vember ballot. But for now,
let me say thank you. My
family and I are humbled
by the trust you’ve placed
in us, and we are deeply
grateful for the encourage-
ment, support, and out-
pouring of prayers.

May God richly bless you,

and may He continue to
bless the great state of
South Dakota.
For counties looking to book speakers for GOP and community
events, contact the campaigns of our statewide candidates:

Dusty Johnson for Congress -

Kristi Noem for Governor -

John Fitzgerald for Atty General-

Jason Ravnsborg for Atty General- jasonforsouthdakota@yahoo.


Lance Russell for Atty General -

Rich Sattgast for State Auditor -

Steve Barnett for Secretary of State -

Josh Haeder for State Treasurer-

Ryan Brunner for School & Public Lands Commissioner - ryan.

Kristie Fiegen for PUC -

Contact the GOP

PO Box 1099
429 Kansas City Street
PO Box 299
Your trusted
Pierre, SD 57501 Suite #4 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 voice on the
Rapid City, SD 57701 605.521.2331
605.348.8396 PUC!
Paid for by Chris Nelson for Public Utilities Commission

Paid for by Jason for South Dakota

Advancing the GOP Agenda The men who would be our
By Sen. John Thune next Attorney General
Among the races that South Dakota Republicans will be voting
Welcome to our capital city for an-
on at the State Republican Convention in Pierre June 20-23rd is
other grand gathering of the GOP!
This is the 66th time since statehood
the contest that has drawn the most candidates this election cy-
that South Dakota Republicans have
cle - Attorney General. Currently, three Republicans and as of
gathered for a state convention and this writing two Democrats are competing to be South Dakota’s
the 25th we have convened in Pierre. Chief Law Enforcement officer, and Attorney for the State.

Throughout all of these historic con- John Fitzgerald has been a practicing attorney in South Dakota
ventions, South Dakota Republicans since 1980. John was the Butte
have been fighting the good fight for County State’s Attorney from
less government intervention and 1981-1995 and a Deputy State’s
fewer taxes. We have been fighting Attorney in Lawrence County
to let South Dakotans govern them- from 1990-1995. In 1995 John
selves and prevent Washington DC became the Lawrence County
from running our lives. State’s Attorney and has been
serving Lawrence County ever
Luckily, we have been able in recent years to advance this agen- since.
da in Washington and reduce the power and reach of the federal
government. Over the last year and a half alone, despite the histor- John is a working State’s At-
ic levels of obstruction we’ve faced from my Democrat colleagues torney who spends countless
in the Senate, Republicans have achieved numerous legislative hours in the courtroom prosecuting felony cases, abuse and
accomplishments that will have a positive and lasting effect on the neglect proceedings, as well as juvenile cases. John is an experi-
country for generations to come. enced trial lawyer having successfully tried over 250 jury trials,
including capital murder, rape, robbery, burglary, arson, kid-
In the short time since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act became law, napping, distribution of controlled substances, and just about
more than 1 million jobs have been created. It’s an important every other crime imaginable.
milestone that fulfills a promise Republicans made to the Ameri-
can people when we debated the bill in Congress, and it’s welcome John is the former Chairman for the Butte County Republican
news for American workers. Central Committee and the former Vice-Chairman of the Law-
rence County Republican Central Committee. He was awarded
More than 500 companies, including several here in South Dakota, (Continued on next page)
have already passed tax savings on to their customers and employ-
ees in the form of pay raises, bonuses, and utility rate reductions.
Today, the unemployment rate matches a near five-decade low, and
for the first time ever, there are more job openings than there are
job seekers in the United States.

The Republican-led Congress devoted a significant amount of

time to rolling back burdensome Obama-era regulations that were
hamstringing growth and opportunity. We used a congressional
oversight process that, up until last year, had only been successfully
used one time in history. That process, the Congressional Review
Act, gives Congress the ability to undo regulations that were imple- CONSERVATIVE LEADER FOR
mented by the executive branch. We didn’t just use it once, twice, SOUTH DAKOTA
or even 10 times. We used it a record-setting 16 times. As a result,
we provided much-needed relief to businesses and consumers
across the country.

While Senate Democrats have done everything they can to delay

and obstruct the president’s nominees to the executive and judicial
branch, we’ve continued to plow ahead. Despite the obstruction, in
2017, the Senate set a record for confirming circuit court judges.
Today, one-in-eight of all circuit court judges in the United States
have been nominated by President Trump and confirmed by this

We also confirmed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch,

passed multiple bills to help our veterans, strengthened our mil-
itary with the greatest investment in 15 years (plus the largest
troop pay increase in nearly a decade), fought sex traffickers, and
repealed Obamacare’s individual mandate, the cornerstone of the
failed health care law, just to name a few.

We’ve accomplished a lot of big things over the last 18 months, but
there’s more work to do, and to get it done we need the help of all
of you who make the state GOP strong and the dominant party in
South Dakota. Thanks for your dedication to the state GOP and I W WW.JOH N TH U N E.COM
look forward to seeing all of you in Pierre for the convention.
(Continued from previous page) topics like the History of Islam, the Islamic State, and the
the prestigious award of Prosecutor of the Year for 2012. In May Iran Nuclear deal. He has most recently traveled the state
of 2016, State’s Attorneys from every county in South Dakota conducting over 50 town hall meetings and presentations,
unanimously elected John as Vice President of the South Dakota leading the effort to defeat a number of ballot measures
State’s Attorneys Association. during the 2016 election cycle. Jason pledges to run his
campaign and serve as Attorney General as he has done his
Jason Ravnsborg is a graduate of the University of South Dako- life. Jason notes that if elected, he will be grounded in his
ta with a B.S. in Political Science Christian faith, his Midwestern work ethic of growing up on
and History as well as an Army a farm and serving with integrity and honor.
commission through ROTC.
Jason received his Juris Doctorate Lance Russell is the current
from the University of South Da- State Senator from District
kota School of Law while simul- 30 and serves as Chair of the
taneously obtaining an M.A. in Senate Judiciary Committee.
History and also while serving as
an editor on Law Review. Russell has over 17 years
in public service, formerly
He participated in a clerkship serving as the District 30
after graduation before becom- Representative and as Fall
ing a partner in the law arm of Harmelink, Fox & Ravnsborg in River County and Shannon
Yankton, SD where he is licensed to practice law in South Dakota, County State’s Attorney.
Iowa, and Nebraska as well as the federal courts of South Dako- Russell runs his own private
ta and Iowa, the Federal Court of Claims and the Eighth Circuit practice as an attorney in Hot Springs, South Dakota, where
Court of Appeals. Jason also serves as a Deputy States Attorney he and his wife Starla are raising their four children, Julia,
for Union County in South Dakota. Madison, Warren and Grant. He previously served as the
Executive Director of the South Dakota State Party, and for
Jason is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army the Pennington County Party before that, and has served as
Reserves and has been deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ger- the Chairman of the Fall River County Party.
many during his military career. He has been awarded the Bronze
Star along with many other awards and has been honored for his Russell earned a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of
service by Congress. Jason has had four company commands and South Dakota School of Law and a Master of Laws Degree in
currently serves as a battalion commander overseeing approxi- Natural Resources and Environmental Law from the Uni-
mately 1,000 soldiers in South Dakota and Nebraska. versity of Denver College of Law. He represents Grassland
Grazing Associations and is City Attorney for several munic-
Jason has traveled around the state educating
SD-GOP-Convention-Tabloid-RAS-2018-No-1-Writer_Layout the2:33public
1 6/8/2018 about
PM Page 1 ipalities in the southern Black Hills.

that promote a
safe, healthy, Workers’ Compensation.
and productive It’s what we do. It’s who we are.

No. 1 Writer of Workers’ Compensation in South Dakota.

Lederman names Platform
Committee for 2018 GOP
State Convention
South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman an-
nounced today that he has chosen a select group of South Dakota
Republicans to serve on the platform committee for the upcoming
2018 convention for the state Republican Party.

“As compared to conventions of the past, people will find we’ve

named a small, conservative committee. They’re dedicated to
preserving the values of the Republican Party. After a brisk hear-
ing process in the field and at the convention, the group will pres-
ent the platform planks to the assembled convention as a whole,”
Lederman said.

The Republican State Convention’s Platform Committee will be

chaired by Speaker Pro Tempore of the South Dakota House Steve
Advocating for patients and physicians Haugaard and includes:

State Representative Steve Haugaard (Sioux Falls, SD) – Chair

State Senator John Wiik (Big Stone City, SD)
State Senator Phil Jensen (Rapid City, SD)
State Rep. Lynn DiSanto (Box Elder, SD)
Dale Bartscher (Rapid City, SD)
Anne Beal (Colman, SD)
Matt Bruner (Winifred, SD)
Sara Timothy (Sioux Falls, SD)
Marilyn Oakes (Keystone, SD)

Pre-convention platform meetings will be held in Rapid City (June

16, 8am - 10am, 429 Kansas City Street, Suite 4, Rapid City), Aber-
deen (June 16, 6pm - 8pm, Millstone Restaurant, 2210 6th Avenue
SE, Aberdeen), and in Sioux Falls (June 18, 6pm - 8pm, 1601 East
69th Street, 3rd Floor Conference Rm, Sioux Falls). Final meetings
2600 W 49th St, Ste 200 will be held at the state’s largest gathering of Republicans at the
Sioux Falls, SD 57105 GOP Convention in Pierre from June 20th through the 23rd at the
Ramkota River Center.




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Paid for by Daugaard for South Dakota. Linda Mickelson Graham, Treasurer.
A History of
South Dakota
Republican State
1889 – September 4, Huron
1890 – August 27, Mitchell
1892 – July 27, Madison For Your Insurance Needs
1894 – August 25, Yankton
1896 – July 8-9, Aberdeen
1898 – August 25, Mitchell
1900 – May 23, Sioux Falls
1902 – June 4, Sioux Falls
1904 – May 4, Sioux Falls Farm & Ranch Home Auto
1906 – June 6, Sioux Falls
1908 – July 18, Mitchell 605.854.3337 |
1910 – July 5, Sioux Falls “Serving South Dakota from South Dakota”
1912 - July 2, Huron Since 1916
1914 - January 5, Pierre
1916- July 5, Huron
1918- July 2-3, Sioux Falls
1920 – August 9, Huron
1922 - no date or location
1924 – July 18, Huron
1926 - no date or location
1928 – August 17, Huron
1930 - May 20, Pierre
1932 - May 24, Pierre
1934 – May 29, Pierre
1936 - June 2, Pierre
1938 – June 27, Pierre
1940 – July 22, Pierre
1942 – June 6 – Pierre
1944 – May 29, Watertown
1946 – July 8, Pierre
1948 – July 12, Pierre
1950 – July 17, Pierre May, Adam, Gerdes & Thompson LLP offers superior legal
1952 – July 21, Pierre representation from the foremost South Dakota attorneys.
1954 – July 26, Pierre
1956 – July 16, Pierre Our clients can be assured their legal matters will be
1958 – July 14, Pierre handled with expertise and the utmost professionalism.
1960 – August 1, Pierre
1962 – July 15-16, Pierre
1964 – August 1, Pierre
1966 – July 30, Pierre 503 S. Pierre St - PO Box 160 - Pierre, SD 57501
1968 – July 15, Pierre
1970 – July 13, Pierre
605.224.8803 or call Toll Free 800.636.8803
1972 - June 26, Pierre
1974 - July 13, Rapid City
1976 - July 10, Pierre
1978 - June 22, Sioux Falls
1980 – June 27-28, Aberdeen
1982 – June 24-26,Yankton
1984 – June 28, Rapid City
1986 – June 28, Mitchell
1988 – June 22, Watertown Best Wishes for a
1990 – June 29, Sioux Falls
1992 – June 26, Spearfish
1994 – June 24, Pierre
Successful Convention
1996 – June 27-29, Aberdeen
1998 – June 25, Pierre
2000 – June 22-24, Spearfish
2002 – June 21-22, Sioux Falls
2004 – June 24-26, Mitchell
2006 – June 22-24, Watertown
2008 – June 19-21, Oacoma
2010 – June 25-26, Huron
2012 – June 21-24, Sioux Falls
2014 – June 19-21, Rapid City
2016 – June 24-25, Aberdeen

Special thanks to Jon Lauck!

Convention Chair
Ried Holien

Convention Parliamentarian
BRett KoenecKe

Convention SeCretary
MaRilyn oaKes


Platform Committee
cHaiR steve HaugaaRd dale BaRtscHeR PHil Jensen anne Beal
Matt BRuneR JoHn WiiK lynn disanto saRa tiMotHy MaRilyn oaKes

reSolutionS Committee
cHaiR JiM Bolin van Pace KaRon guBBRud cRaig eRicKs Justin Bell
sue PeteRson cHaR coRnelius sHane Penfield KRis langeR

ruleS Committee
cHaiR Julie JoHnson Pete BuRKett RogeR MeyeR KaRin MuelleR
aaRon loRenzen WilliaM Beal JiM WHite

CredentialS Committee
cHaiR david WHeeleR teResa BRay Beau ByRd catHeRine BaRRanco
Janet Jensen sandye Kading JaKe scHoenBecK

Site SeleCtion Committee

cHaiR MiKe MeHlHaff Wayne BieRMan caRolann scHWaRzenBacK
RogeR MeyeR linn HendRicKson Judy tRyzinKa MaRgaRitte McPHilliPs
doug aBRaHaM Maggie sutton Betty otten


Did you enjoy this edition of the Republican Rally?

Check the box and select Help support this newsletter and the South Dakota Republican

Dakota Campaign Store Party by making a donation for the support of the Republican
Party’s day to day activities today!
For your next campaign or printing project! Amount: $______________________


District 17 Senate

e Russell Family (from left): 12-year old Julia, Lance and Starla, 17-year old Grant,

Clay & Turner Counties

14 year-old Madison,, and in front is 10-year old Warren.

ti Community, Protecting
Family and Growing Jobs


ECTED “In the race for District
t 24 State Senate, I’m
been a solid vote for
or conservative government,
and will alwayss uphold
R rights.”
our second amendment
Find Art on-line at - District 24 resident
esident Mike Rounds


South Dakota’s headquarters for campaign materials City: State: Zip:

Signs • postcards • banners • door hangers • and more!


Occupation (For Donations over $100)

Mail to:
South Dakota Republican Party
PO Box 1099
Pierre, SD 57501
Call 605-690-6853 Today!
Thank you for your support!
2018 GOP
primary winners
The South Dakota Republican Party would
like to congratulate the legislative candidates
who won their Republican Primary races on
June 5th:


Dist. 5 - Lee Schoenbeck

Dist. 9 - Wayne Steinhauer
Dist. 10 - Maggie Sutton
Dist. 14 - Deb Soholt
Dist. 25 - Kris Langer
Dist. 29 - Gary Cammack
Dist. 30 - Lance Russell
Dist. 33 - Phil Jensen
Dist. 35 - Lynne DiSanto


Dist. 13 - Sue Peterson & Rex Rolfing

Dist. 14 - Tom Holmes & Larry Zikmund
Dist. 19 - Kyle Schoenfish & Kent Peterson
Dist. 24 - Mary Duvall & Tim Rounds
Dist. 25 - Jon Hansen & Tom Pischke
Dist. 32 - Scyller Borglum &
Sean McPherson*
Dist. 34 - Jess Olson & Mike Diedrich

*Due to passing of Sean McPherson, position

will be selected by precinct committeemen
and committeewomen representing District
32 voting precincts.


Americans for Prosperity–South Dakota To transform America by inspiring
has over 7,000 citizen leaders and an people to embrace the principles of
ever-expanding base of local donors. economic freedom. We believe in
Together, we work hard to keep taxes low liberty because free people are capable
and increase opportunity for everyone. of extraordinary things.


Visit our website,, or let us know
how you’d like to help by texting AFP to 46262.

South Dakota GOP Party

Leadership Directory
Dan Lederman –

Vice Chair:
Linda Rausch -

National Committeeman:
Ried Holien –
SOLUTIONS DON’T HAVE TO BE. National Committeewoman:
Sandye Kading –

BUSINESS IS COMPLICATED. That’s why we take a no-nonsense approach to find direct

and efficient solutions to complex business problems. That way, you can make informed
decisions and get on with your day. Marilyn Oakes –
Justin Bell -

Regional Directors:
Lee Felder - Karon Gubbrud -
300 S. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Judy Jelbert - Doug Knust -

 (605) 336-3890 
Simplify the Complicated SM David Wheeler - Anne Beal -



Fitzgerald for Attorney General ★ Republican State Convention ★ June 21-23 ★ Pierre, SD

. . . Because Experience Matters!!

John H. Fitzgerald has prosecuted over 250 jury trials.

That’s more than double the jury trials prosecuted by
the other four Republican and Democrat candidates for
Attorney General . . . combined!

That’s why State’s Attorneys across South

Dakota have endorsed John H. Fitzgerald to be
South Dakota’s next Attorney General.

They know firsthand that, in

the office of Attorney General
. . . Experience Matters!

Please visit our website

Paid for by the Committee to Elect

Fitzgerald, Attorney General, Spearfish, South Dakota

is an

At POET, we understand that when it comes to energy solutions, the earth

provides everything we need, no drilling required. Right here in South Dakota,
we use renewable resources to create biofuels, nutrient-rich proteins and oil
alternatives. Even after three decades, brand new innovations keep sprouting.

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