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grievances and complaints in a form of free

The danger of Internet trolls and speeches, posting it online with unverifiable
Keyboard warriors in Cyber information that are unstructured, opinionated
and unfiltered content. In worse case scenarios,
exponential population of social media users has
been sharing and influenced with hoaxed
Alejandro T. Corona, Jr.1, Jhon Allain A. information and fake news which circulates
around the cyber space, creating a massive chaos
Hisola2, Joyce Q. Sugarol3, Lesley
within user’s proximity and in conflict with
another person’s interest. Nevertheless, this
problem has been a contemporary issue with,
media ecosystem which is known to be cyber
3, politics.
“Cyber politics” refers to the conjunction of two
processes or realities: politics and cyber space
Rationale (Choucri, 2012). Choucri (2012), on his depth
analysis on the relation between politics and
Cyber space makes the spread of ideas cyberspace, the characteristic of cyber politics
faster and more suitable, making it easier for extends to human interactions surrounding the
communication to connect in a convenient way. determination of politics which refers to “who
The complexity of digital age through cyber gets what, when and how” [1]. Thus, cyber space
space enables such propaganda material to reach which refers to cyber space which refers to those
social media users. Social media, as an outlet for enabled by the uses of a virtual space as a new
a multitude social discussion, motivates user to arena of contention with its own modalities and
create content and comment on communications realities.
by interaction, user-generated content, and On the other hand, these combinations allowed
multi-directional mode of conversation. Hence, Laswell’s definition of politics as the
social media, in the context of politics, is a authoritative allocation of values in society
platform to discuss political insights, interests noted that the “study of politics is the study of
and sentiments which is an effective way for influence and the influential (Choucri, 2012).
agenda-setting and spreading of unevenly The influential people “are those who get the
saturated information and biased propaganda for most of what there is to get” and expanded its
political matters. manifestations through enhanced potential for
political participation, and created new
Social media, on the other hand, has been an possibilities for expressing views, voicing
essential communication tool in today’s political positions, and joining political activity.
generation. Where freedom to universal access
of information has been guaranteed in the cyber Today, in the Philippines, the cyber
space, social media sites are now accessible space in social media sites are dominated mostly
without qualified preferences– whether rich or of political engagements. While it is true that
poor, geeks or uneducated, right-wing or leftist. political participation in cyber space doesn’t
Due to the free access of information in social limit anyone who is involved and what matter is
media granted the opportunity to express their being involved with, contentions are much being
focused on what is influential and what matter is examples include (the proper
being influenced with – the danger of internet url for BBC is, has been currently
trolls and keyboard warriors. circulating and shared among social media users.

Galvez (2012), in her article analyzing Statement of the Problem

the behavior of social media users, identified
that “internet trolls” are personalities in the This paper aims to expand the
Internet who set conflict by starting arguments characterization on the danger of internet trolls
or upsetting through inflammatory and and keyboard warriors since it has never been
extraneous posts, or even in a off-topic dealt with in depth discourses. In addition, this
commentaries in an online community with the paper aims to broaden the discussion of the
deliberate intent of provoking readers into an current status quo of cyber politics in the
emotional response or otherwise disrupts normal Philippines which primarily focuses on the
on-topic discussion [2]. danger of internet trolls and keyboard warriors
through set of questions needed to be analyzed:
On the same manner, Geddes (2016)
conducted a research examining the intersecting 1. What are the roles of internet trolls
forces of new technology, social conditions and and keyboard warriors in cyber politics?
the form of political extremism that emerges 2. How politically motivated are
under these conditions [3]. He examined that
internet trolls and keyboard warriors in
those political-affiliated supporters whose influence cyber politics?
activities are confined to the virtual component
who doesn’t partake any direct confrontation 3. What are the contributions of internet
using the networking sites via their mobile trolls and keyboard warriors through
phones or personal computers to interact and cyber politics in the mainstream
express themselves tend to be regarded as politics?
“keyboard warriors”.
Review of Related Literature
In a related study of Bradshaw and Howard
(2017) characterized that both internet trolls and Cyber space encompasses a great leap of
keyboard warriors involve overarching every individual’s experiences from
governmental communications through conventional political discussion to more
applications, websites and platforms for interconnected social world that redirect the
spreading propaganda using real, fake and dissemination of information. Hence, the
automated media accounts in a form of blog internet breakthrough brought innovation and
posts [4]. modernization on the means of human
interconnection and profoundly impact
As supporting facts, Bueno (2017) has classified cyberspace [6].
the predominant fake news and biased
information circulating online that victimized of The Power in Cyberspace
social media users in a form of “clickbait”, a
Jordan, in his study about technopolitics
news headline often regarded to be sensational
regarding with cyber space, identified that the
[5]. This kind of sensationalizing headline entice
power in cyberspace is governed by the ever
readers to click, since URLs being used are
increasing reliance by users on technological
mimic with legitimate news websites Some
tools, which appear as neutrally pointing the way
to greater control over information but transition where citizens can engage in fair dialogue and
of time result in different forms of information access accurate information, thus critical to
constituted by the values inherent in the new modern democracy and human rights. Further, in
tools [7]. As a result, cyber space is contained of the recent research of Tucker affirmed that
infinite data of information which needs wildly despite the fact that social media democratizes
an obstruct which will never be satisfied access to information, those using it can
simultaneously censor and manipulate
Cyber space has undergone technological information to try to silence others’ voices [12].
transition which is transformed in reality, but it
has not had nearly the effects on society that Internet Trolls, Keyboard Warriors and the Rise
either its proponents or its detractors predicted of Fake News
[8]. Soriano posited that cyberspace as an
extraordinary driving force for the dissemination Deb, et.Al. characterized that social media acts
of freedom [9]. Historically, in mid-nineties, as an accelerated content platform and
when this technology arose on its primitive stage distribution channel for “fake news” [13]. A
in a limited community, mostly within the growing proportion of internet activity is ‘user
academic and governmental fields, the then generated’, supported by the study of Burroughs
United States Vice-President, Al Gore, did not means that content produced by users, which
hesitate to attribute to it the capacity to enters public life directly, without the
strengthen democracies, foster sustainable intervention or mediation of any kind of expert
economic growth, resolve environmental or professional gatekeeper, whether a newspaper
problems and even generate a feeling of editor, publisher, academic peer reviewer or
belonging to one single “human community” anthologist [14].
(Soriano, 2013).
This has made more information readily
For Hashim, in his study about the leveraging of available to more people, and democratizes the
cyber space, concluded that with the ubiquitous production of information, but it results in more
predominance of smart phones and media of misleading information being available too. One
communication, coupled with the existence of of the user generated personalities that misleads
social media and messaging applications, the information are the Internet Trolls.
instant accessibility and sharing of information In context, Schwartz supported to the idea to
in cyber space has come to be regarded as the Internet Trolls are characterized as deception
most transparent, engaging and interactive form provocation, and futile conversation, online
of public relations [10]. However, as transitions
political trolls are branded in primarily negative
go by, Contreras challenged Hashim’s terms [15]. These trolls are presumed to be
assumption, that the realm of cyberspace has “maneuvers” said to be behind fake social media
exposed post-relative truth and mythology of accounts that advance the cause of particular
expertise which further destabilized the political candidates by ‘infiltrating online
foundations of factual knowledge, namely conversations, specifically on Facebook, to
scientific knowledge and state power [11]. promote causes or candidates, and in the 2016
As reliance on social media and the Philippine elections succeeded in using this
Internet for news and information rises organization to disparage political opponents,
exponentially, political discourse is also rapidly among others’ [16].
moving online. It is a free and open Internet,
Furthermore, Ramsden characterized that Internet on the abovementioned personalities, it
trolling is a relatively abusive online behavior is with no doubt that social media has been a
which allows offensive communication and factor for the electoral result [19].
provoke particular reaction ranging from
annoyance to extreme cruelty via posting online Freedom House showed that the Philippines
[17]. belong to one of 30 countries in the world which
deploy some form of “manipulation to distort
On the other hand, Wright identified that online information.” It only shows that “trolls”
keyboard warriors often hide with outmost and “trolling” has become something of an
username anonymity which viciously attack epidemic [21].
people online since virtual communication allow
greater distance than a physical attack than a Moreover, there is a phenomenon called
face-to-face communication [18]. Commercial Trolling – a type of trolling that
most Filipinos have been accounted of.
Internet Trolls and Keyboard Warriors in the
Philippine mainstream media Montelibano defined that internet trolls can do
their perverse work, get away with hurting
Mass media form part of a typical Filipino’s others, and then actually earn from it. The
existence. In a study of Frago in depth poverty line which less privileged Filipinos
discussion with media and politics in the belong makes trolling an easy income source
Philippines, mass media in all their forms have which can be done in Internet cafes or through
two basic functions: agenda-setting and mobile phones with data connection provided by
surveillance function [19]. Agenda-setting the exploiter of a politician or partisan [22]. On
manifests in their ability to set the public agenda the other hand, it has not stopped at recruiting
by prioritizing and projecting, in a positive or people. Trolls have been utilizing devices to
negative manner, individuals, organizations, and increase the volume of trolling, computers,
issues that are worthy of public attention and mobile phones or tablets that multiply the same
media coverage. Nevertheless, this function messages managed by the human troll.
makes media become powerful tool of influence.
Bradshaw and Howard, through the
Evidently, during election campaign and setting Computational Research Propaganda Project,
political agenda, the Internet has become an looked at the strategies used by political parties
avenue for promoting political activities and and candidates to win over elections using social
engagements. As manifested over the past years, media engagement in numbers. The study
both U.S. President Donald J. Trump and asserted that hired “internet trolls” and
President Rodrigo R. Duterte have utilized social “keyboard warriors” have been involved in
media in their respective political campaign, in amplifying political agenda set by political
which, then, has shifted the means of social parties [23].
media influence.
Research Methodology
During 2016, the Philippines has an estimated
75.4 million mobile users and about 40 million This chapter covers the research design and
smart phone owners in 2015, in which at least methodology, a phenomenological study among
85-90% has access to Facebook, Twitter and media practitioners and students of mass
other social media applications [20]. Halpern communication and political science who
agreed with this abundant utilization of the actively used social media and engaged in
political discussion in cyber politics. The study subjects by the use of audio recorder for
focused on the lived experiences and encounters collection of such comprehensive record.
of the respondents with the internet trolls and
keyboard warriors and emphasizes on people’s A research-constructed interview guide was used
subjective experiences and interpretations of the that comprises a set of structured and
world [23]. unstructured questions. Interview questionnaire
were validated beforehand by the respected
This study utilized non-probability purposive professors and research faculties of Cebu
snowball sampling techniques in selecting the Normal University to establish rigor for the
informants which a person’s likelihood of being credibility, validity of the interviews to the
selected for membership in the sample is questions. Each interview questions have
unknown [24]. Furthermore, this study utilizes corresponding translations in Cebuano language.
purposive sampling which begins with specific As explained by Annum, unstructured interview
perspectives in examining and seeking research was conducted where the interviewers freely
participants to cover the full range of modifies the sequence of the questions, changes
perspectives; and snowball sampling which the wording and sometimes explains the
involves primary data sources nominating informants during the interaction this was to
another potential primary data sources to be used allow the interviewee for the freedom of
in the research. In other words, snowball interaction and give insights, feelings, emotions
sampling method is based on referrals from and narrate personal experiences [26].
initial subjects to generate additional subjects.
3.6 Data Collection
To qualify the research respondents, informants The researcher sent letters to media practitioners
must be: (1) active users of social media, (2) for plotting the scheduled time, place or venue
expert on the practice of journalism and media of the interview and it was based on the
press and (3) media practitioners on the related availability of the key informants. For the
field. Before researchers conducted actual students, the researcher’s accessibility and
interviews, verification of personal background convenience were the basis of the interviews.
was done to qualify such personal information.
In sum, those determined to qualify were ten (5) The researcher took down notes of the responses
media practitioners; five (5) mass and personal observations of the informants and
communication students and five (5) political at the same time conduct an audio-visual record
science students who study at different and transcribed tape recording as soon as
universities and colleges in Cebu City. possible after each of the interviews. The
analysis of the data began during the interview
Personal interviews and observation were used and continued as they were transcribed to
as instruments for data gathering. Interview is ascertain sufficient data to represent the various
necessary when researchers feel the need to meet dimensions of the phenomenon. Content
face-to-face with individuals. Dr. Godfred analysis was employed to examine the data in
Annum supported to the idea on interaction and which is a procedure for the categorization of
generation of ideas in a discourse [25]. verbal or behavioral data, for purposes of
Observation strategy was used in able to obtain classification, summarization and analysis.
first hand information about objects, and
In times of confusion and difficulties of Cyber politics: Current Status Quo in the
informants in comprehending to certain Philippines
terminologies and wordings in the
questionnaires, the researcher explained in a way A. Political Motivation
understandable and undertaken carefully not to
alter and divert the direction of the discourse
during the interview. All translation of the
questionnaire were available for the informants
to choose between the language or dialect of
convenience, this was to ensure no language
barrier in the communication.

Results and Discussion

Characterization on the danger of internet trolls

and keyboard warriors

A. The Roles of Internet Trolls and Keyboard

Warriors in Cyberpolitics

The study of Bradshaw and Howard asserted

that hired “internet trolls” and “keyboard
warriors” have been involved in amplifying
political agenda set by political parties [23].
When asked about their perceptions on keyboard
warriors and internet trolls, key informants

B. Provocation Attack to the Users

Social media users have often much experienced

on the provocation and personal attacks executed
by the Internet Trolls and Keyboard Warriors.
These personal attacks and emotional
provocation allow many users to be potentially
abused, discriminated and cyber-bullied inside
the virtual communication. When asked about
their relative experiences on provocation and
personal attack, they revealed:

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