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Table 1. Concentration of Persulphate Ion and Time Taken for Solution to Turn Blue

Concentration of Persulphate Ion, moldm-3 Time, s

0.020 34.97
0.015 39.33
0.010 59.57
0.005 111.29

Table 2. Concentration of Iodide Ion and Time Taken for Solution to Turn Blue

Concentration of Iodide Ion, moldm-3 Time, s

0.020 32.92
0.015 40.32
0.010 47.94
0.005 144.88

Observation: The solution turned to dark blue colour period of time after the addition of
ammonium persulphate solution into the mixture.

Analysis and Calculation:

Equation of formation of iodine:

2 I- + S2O82- I2 + 2 S2O42-

Equation of consumption of iodine:

I2 + 2 S2O32- 2 I- + S4O62-

Rate of reaction = k [I-]m[ S2O82-]n

Rate of reaction is the rate of formation of iodine in the solution, which can be calculated as:
∆[I2 ] ∆[Na2 S2 O3 ](Initial)
1. ∆t 2. ∆t

Given, [Na2S2O3] = 1.00 x 10-3 moldm-3

Rates of formation of iodine when concentration of persulphate ion varies can be calculated
from data obtained in Table 1 and tabulated as follow:

Table 3. Rates of Formation of Iodine

[S2O82-], moldm-3 Time, s Rates of Formation of Iodine, moldm-3s-1

0.005 34.97 4.49 x 10-4
0.010 39.33 1.68 x 10-4
0.015 59.57 3.81 x 10-4
0.020 111.29 5.71 x 10-4

Graph 1. Rate of Formation of Iodine against [S2O82-] was plotted based on Table 4.

Rates of formation of iodine when concentration of iodide ion varies can be calculated from
data obtained in Table 2 and tabulated as follow:

Table 4. Rates of Formation of Iodine

[I-], moldm-3 Time, s Rates of Formation of Iodine, moldm-3s-1

0.005 144.88 3.45 x 10-5
0.010 47.94 2.09 x 10-4
0.015 40.32 3.72 x 10-4
0.020 39.92 5.01 x 10-4

Graph 2. Rate of Formation of Iodine against [I-] was plotted based on Table 5.
The overall calculations can be tabulated as follow:

Table 5. Tabulation of Overall Results

[S2O82-], [I-], moldm-3 Temperature, K Time, s Rate,

moldm-3 moldm-3s-1
0.005 0.020 RT 34.97 4.49 x 10-4
0.010 0.020 RT 39.33 1.68 x 10-4
0.015 0.020 RT 59.57 3.81 x 10-4
0.020 0.020 RT 111.29 5.71 x 10-4
0.020 0.005 RT 144.88 3.45 x 10-5
0.020 0.010 RT 47.94 2.09 x 10-4
0.020 0.015 RT 40.32 3.72 x 10-4
0.020 0.020 RT 39.92 5.01 x 10-4
*RT means Room Temperature (≈ 298K)

Rate of reaction = k [I-]m[ S2O82-]n

When [I-] constant,

[(1.68 x 10-4)/ (5.71 x 10-4)] = [(0.010n)(0.020m)]/[(0.020n)(0.020m)]

0.2942 = 0.5n

nlog0.5 = log0.2942

n = 1.77


When [S2O82-] constant,

[5.01 x 10-4]/[ 3.72 x 10-4] = [(0.020n)(0.020m)]/[(0.020n)(0.015m)]

1.3468 = 1.33m

mlog1.33 = log1.3468

m= 1.04

Rate of reaction = k [I-][ S2O82-]

Table 6. Rate Constant at Constant Temperature

[S2O82-], moldm-3 [I-], moldm-3 Rate, moldm-3s-1 Rate constant, mol-1dm3s-1

0.005 0.020 4.49 x 10-4 4.49
0.010 0.020 1.68 x 10-4 3.36
0.015 0.020 3.81 x 10-4 1.27
0.020 0.020 5.71 x 10-4 1.43
0.020 0.005 3.45 x 10-5 0.35
0.020 0.010 2.09 x 10-4 1.05
0.020 0.015 3.72 x 10-4 1.24
0.020 0.020 5.01 x 10-4 1.25

Each of the rate constants values obtained was summed and divided to get the average rate
constant value at constant temperature:

Average rate constant, k = 1.81 mol-1dm3s-1 at room temperature.

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