Bikol Reporter June 10 - 16, 2018 Issue

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DepEd: Bicol school

opening, peaceful
LEGAZPI CITY -- The opening of classes for the 1.65 million students in the en-
tire Bicol Region was peaceful and orderly, according to the Department of Education
(DepEd) Bicol regional office.
DepEd Bicol regional in- continuing enrollment. classrooms, Jumamil ex- students in the rural areas.
formation officer Mayflor Ju- She said following the plained that backlogs in the Jumamil further said that
mamil said the enrollment for standard 1:35 classroom-pu- classroom are reported in ur- some PHP364 million would
this school year 2018-2019 pil ratio, the students enrolled ban areas such as cities and be spent this year for the
rose by 12 percent from 1.5 this school year are accom- capital towns, where there is maintenance and repair of
million recorded the previous modated in close to 58,374 influx of learners. 11,224 classrooms in the six
school year due to the imple- classrooms spread over the six She said the availability of provinces of Bicol.
mentation of the senior high provinces of the region. classroom is sufficient enough She also bared that the
school and because of the On the issue of lack of to cope with the new and old department earmarked some
PHP6.4 billion for the con-
struction of 2,580 new class-
rooms for this school year.
Asked about the class-
rooms destroyed by typhoon
“Nina”, Jumamil said "based
on the reports, it was done
(Turn to page 6) Sec. BRIONES

36 Bicol colleges to raise tuition

LEGAZPI CITY -- The the requests of these schools ratories and a small percent
Commission on Higher Ed- to implement tuition hike. of return of investment,” he
ucation (CHED) on Tues- "Thirty-four are private said.
day approved the increase and two are community col- These schools are located
in tuition in 36 private and leges, which are under the in Albay, Camarines Sur,
government colleges and supervision of local govern- Sorsogon province, Cama-
universities in Bicol Re- ment units or LGU. These rines Norte, Masbate and
gion for this school year. universities and colleges had Catanduanes.
CHED regional adminis- asked to implement 5 to 50 Their tuition increase per
trative officer Dr. Dominador percent increase of tuition unit for school year 2018-

City dad lauds MNCCI

Mediavillo, in an interview fees for the salary of their 2019 ranged from PHP25
Tuesday, said the central of- teachers, personnel, upgrade to PHP150. Jorge Hallare
fice in Manila has approved of their equipment and labo- (PNA)

for a job well done Subsidy as TRAIN safety net urged

LEGAZPI CITY -- Sena- lic Services Chairman Poe and “But there are safety nets
NAGA CITY – City May- significant changes in the pied one of the highest tasks tor Grace Poe has called for Senator Bam Aquino visited that we should be implement-
or John Bongat raised his city’s business landscape. of priorities in so far as gover- urgent distribution of the the Albay province on Friday ing immediately in the hands
hats off to the officers and “The business sector has nance – seeing governance in subsidy meant to help Fili- to conduct a public hearing on of the government to make
members of the Metro Naga been an integral part of my a manner the city decides for pinos cope with the impact the effects of TRAIN law. sure those subsidies, such as
Chamber of Commerce and governance as mayor of the its present, is concerned. The on prices of the implemen- "Many people feel the ef- the fuel subsidy or the Panta-
Industry (MNCCI), Inc., city of Naga. Since day one business sector has always tation of the Tax Reform for fects of higher prices not just wid Pasada Program for our
for their commendable con- when I first assumed office in been there, particularly the Acceleration and Inclusion brought by TRAIN but also drivers and the Unconditional
tribution in propelling the 2010 up to this day, the busi- MNCCI.” (TRAIN) law. by world market, the prices on Cash Transfer (UCT), are dis-
city’s economy and bringing ness sector has always occu- (Turn to page 6) Senate Committee on Pub- oil,” said Poe. (Turn to page 6)

BR_June 10-16.indd 1 6/13/2018 10:45:31 AM



Goodbye, Ben Literacy Atty. TONY (APA) ACYATAN

(Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan & Co., mist entity said on the average, this SALNs. This way, the respectability
When Ruben F. Babar entered the local CPAs-DFK International – is past chair of would add around 0.4 percentage point of the submitted data may be assured.
media scene 25 years ago, a local newspaper ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PICPA past to headline inflation. However they said The accountants’ participation here is
called him “a new kid on the block.” president and Hall-of-Famer, and AC- any increase will prove short-lived and akin to their involvement in the Bidding
PAPP Lifetime Achievement Awardee). may return to normal in the second se- and Awards Committee for govern-
He was not, however, a newbie in the CAUSE FOR ALARM: Financial liter- mester. ment projects. CPAs must have civic-
workings of the media when he did. As a boy acy level of the average Filipino remains While a temporary rise in inflation of consciousness!
growing up in the riverine town of Camaligan, alarmingly low – a problem that begins this magnitude was unlikely to be too QUEZON MEDALYA: The provin-
he would wake up early to peddle the dailies with poor childhood education that per- much of a concern for policymakers giv- cial Search Committee for the Quezon
from Manila in the centro of Naga City so he sists until their adult years, according to en the inflation rate in most countries, the Medalya ng Karangalan has opened
could send himself to school. His simple BSP. In a study by World Bank, Filipino two exceptions are the Philippines and the 2018 nominations for outstanding
adults surveyed could correctly answer India, where inflation is already above citizens of the Province of Quezon.
joy then, as he said, was a hot pandesal and
only three out of seven financial literacy– target. It is likely that interest rates here This yearly search is done for the me-
coffee after his daily round. He would in related questions covering basic numer- will be raised in the coming months. Just dallion to be given to qualified award-
later years land a job in the major printing acy, computing compounding interest, this month, BSP increased its policy rate ees in time for the birthday of the late
presses of the city, working up to midnight fundamentals of inflation and investment by 25 basis point to 3.25%—the first president Manuel Luis Quezon on
to beat the deadlines of the local weeklies. diversification. since September 2014, mainly due to August 19. Maximum of ten award-
During the Martial Law years, he would carry The study also showed that Filipi- high inflation at the start of 2018. Braise ees are chosen to receive the regular
the required Media Pass to show he was legit nos lack specific knowledge to make yourself for higher prices! Medalya ng Karangalan. Past and
and exempted from the curfew imposed by informed financial decisions. It also in- CPA ADVOCACY: With the present present awardees become members
the military. dicated that money management habits position taken by the Supreme Court on of the QMK Foundation, Inc.
formed in childhood stay into adulthood. the strict requirement for the submission A higher category is the Gintong
In short, he was a survivor. He rose from Those who began saving as children of the Statement of Assets and Liabili- Medalya ng Karangalan granted to
a newsboy to a newspaper publisher. He display better attitudes to saving, and ties, Opinions Unlimited proposes that those with higher contributions for the
survived Martial Law as well as the taunt of tend to outperform their peers who did the major organizations of accountants welfare of the province and its citi-
some “parasugot sa Kantong Putikon,” that not develop the habit early - in the ar- like PICPA, GACPA and ACPAPP under- zenry and promotion of the ideals and
eas of choosing financial products and take projects on the analysis of SALNs advocacies of president MLQ. “Ginto”
oft-lamented habitue of local media, that
services, monitoring expenses and plan- of our elective officials. First would be recipients include Sen. Lorenzo Tana-
the Bikol Reporter which he started in 1993 ning for retirement. Start them young on to check with the regional and provincial da, Gen. Guillermo Nakar, Cardinal
would fold up after only several issues. money lessons! DILGs the updated submission by local Ricardo Vidal, Fr. Horacio dela Costa,
HIGH OIL PRICES: Currently in- officials of the required SALNS. Bishop Alfredo Ma. Obviar (proposed
Because community journalism, is a very creasing oil prices are expected to fur- Then actual analyses of the contents for sainthood) and civic-religious lead-
stressful undertaking. The pressure, mostly ther weaken the peso, which already of the SALNs may follow. Local CPA or- er Hermana Fausta. The last “Ginto”
comes from printing presses that do not put touched nearly 12-year lows last week, ganizations can visually check whether awardee is now ERC Chairman Agnes
into bed the newspaper unless one has fully London-based Capital Economics said. the submitted values are fair and rea- Devanadera.
paid the rate or at least half of that. This is This will put upward pressure on “energy sonable. There are available informa- PROVERB: Through patience, a
understandable of course, printing presses inflation” as Brent crude now costs $80 a tion on these “balance sheet” items ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle
like newspapers are businesses. They need barrel (from $45 last year). The econo- that may prove misdeclarations in the tongue can break even a bone.
money to survive.

Ben survived that, even if the Bikol

Reporter gets to come out late, sometimes.
Ben from the eyes FROM MY
Yet, certainly, it was not because he sold
his soul to the devil. He has that simple
principle in life he learned early on, that one
of a columnist WINDOW
can maintain one’s name if one works hard.
His path was that clear and simple: tread Ben, I do not want to let you go views to help in public information, years by St. Peter Baptist Catholic
on it with the truth as guide. That certainly without giving you my respect, and to help educate and entertain, and Mass Media Awards.
helped him and defined the Bikol Reporter as thanking you for your true and loyal to use this column for my apostolate. You told me you worked in the
a local community newspaper. There is also friendship which is rare in these times. The views and opinions of the writers Capitol during the administration
one other thing: Ben was a devout follower When you came to my house in in the Bikol Reporter are many and of Gov. Felix A. Fuentebella and
of Ina. In September, during Her fevast, the 1999 to invite me to write a column in different, and it shows that democracy you described him as “maray asin
front page will always be Ina. BR had not the Bikol Reporter published by you, is alive here in Bicol. mabuot.” I say the same about
diverged from that. I asked why, you told me a woman’s Ben served our country through his you, a good family man, a good
views and opinions is needed in the newspaper that is fair with balanced citizen and a loyal friend of the
He did not survive the sickness that Bikol Reporter, then I asked will I be information and as a proponent of Fuentebella family, Peñones family
expectedly comes at old age. Certainly, free to write everything I want, you said development and progress in our and Morandarte family. We are
however, his dream and vision for Bikol yes except libel, then I agreed and our region. There are many ways of saddened by your departure. A
Reporter as an exponent of the progress of friendly relations begun thru the Bikol serving God and our country and Ben man like you has surely a place in
Bicol, will live on. Reporter until today 2018. Nineteen did this through his newspaper. heaven. Take our love and prayers
years of sharing our hope together for No wonder the Bikol Reporter has as your baon. For me you just
His wife, Evelyn and son, JR; as well as we a better Philippines and especially to been awarded the most outstanding transferred to a new address. God
in the staff of Bikol Reporter will make sure our province. I accepted to write my local newspaper for five consecutive speed Ben. - Nenita
of that; for Ben, for Bikol.

Goodbye, Ben!
How Atheism and Populism TIP OF AN
Related? (Part 1 of 4) HOMAR MURILLO

Very few political philosophers and base structure and the superstructure is to call on them to give up a condition
sociologists could adequately explain of society. The sacred meanings of old that requires illusions. The criticism of
the rise of atheism and populism without religious symbols are lost in the modern religion is, therefore, in embryo, the
paraphrasing or at least alluding to the age as the means of production and social criticism of that vale of tears of which
writings of Karl Marx. His conception of relationships/hierarchies become more religion is the halo.”
materialist historical determinism is a dependent on the scientific (empirical) In this passage Marx implied that
good lens through which we can examine understanding of the universe rather than religion is a type of coping mechanism
the seemingly contradictory modern- on the metaphysical and dogmatic views through which the oppressed find solace
day phenomena of neo-atheism and of religion. and relief from suffering. However, he
populism. Why do some atheists despite Marx famously stated in Critique of also emphasized that religion is illusory
of their self-proclaimed adherence to Hegel's Philosophy of Right: and should be abolished as prerequisite
secular humanism and rejection of the “Religious suffering is, at one and the for the people to achieve real happiness.
concept of absolute divine totalitarian rule same time, the expression of real suffering Marx was correct in his assumption
are seduced by authoritarian populism and a protest against real suffering. that people who are oppressed and
and its penchant for violence? Why do Religion is the sigh of the oppressed suffering are the ones who tend to cling
some religious people give their support creature, the heart of a heartless world, to religion. No other sector in society can
to immoral and narcissistic demagogues and the soul of soulless conditions. It is be considered as the most oppressed
who have contempt for human rights and the opium of the people.” and marginalized than the poor, which
traditional values? “The abolition of religion as the illusory is comprised mostly of the working class
In terms of Marxist analysis, the rise of happiness of the people is the demand for (proletariat) and the peasant class.
atheism in rich countries is just a product their real happiness. To call on them to Many neo-atheists – just like some
of the interplay between the economic give up their illusions about their condition (Turn to page 6)



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Pading Ben *KURSO
PUTIKON! Dakulang balaog sa buhay ko na Customs Week. Alagad, ta garo sa-

sa Vanguard ni Tiyo Doming Alar-

nanabatan, nakaibahan asin nakatra- rong journeyman an mga journalists. kon; abot na magtrabaho akong
Gud bye Ben Babar, baho an mga pusog na mohon kan
lokal na media sa Bikol. Kan paka-
Naglipat ako sa Nation Broadcasting
Corporation kan mga Yabut, dangan
Information Officer kan Ciudad nin

we luv u much! gradwar ko, si Pay Pidong Tria an

nagbukas kan pwerta sako sa lokal
sa ABS-CBN; asin sa Gulf News,
sarong newspaper na nakabase sa
Sa pangangaipo nin mga net-
works sa local media, pigbilog ko
na media sa paagi kan saiyang Han- Dubai na may bureau sa Manila. Du- kadto si Association of Rinconada
Rinibong parabasa nin dyaryo y peryodiko an diong, dawa ngani dai man ako nagh- man sa Manila, kaibahan sa mga na- Media asin kadto ako inimbitaran
nagpahayag nin grabeng kapungawan sa biglang aloy duman ta nagtrabaho ako sa sa- gin amigo ko asin nagtaong magay- ni pading Ben Babar na magsurat
pagtalikod sa kinaban kasoodma ni ruben f babar sr, 68, rong showbiz magazine na yaon sa on na ladawan sako kan trabaho sa sa Bikol Reporter.
publisher kn nangnengenot na tabloid Bikol Reporter. Sampaguita Studio an opisina. Nag- media iyo si Manoy Nick Prieto, Clay Poon idto nin sarong magayon
Tolos pakautasan guinhawa sa mother seton hospital balyo ako sa Radio Veritas Asia, sa Clavecilla asin Diony Tubianosa. ming iribahan, kaiba an mga ka-
sa naga 7:30 nin aga, an social media ska mga radyo Overseas Department kaini kun sain Kan magbalik ako sa Bikol, huli tood mi digdi arog ki Lee asin si
sa bikol naganunciar kn mamundong bareta. Katabang kinapotan ko an Publication Office. sa imbitasyon kan depuntong Gob. Manny. Dai mo malilingawan na
an agom na c evelyn morandarte babar, ska solong aki Sa Veritas ko inagihan an pinakama- Juancho Trivino asin si Wewe Del basta-basta an sarong tawong
na c 'JR', pinamahalaan nya an 25 anyos na 'bicol's halaga kong eksperyensya, an cover- Rosario, kinaputan ko sa halipot na arog ni pading Ben. An kontribus-
regional exponent for progress', multi-awarded & age kan Edsa Revolution, kun sain panahon an Balalong na sakong yon niya sa kasaysayan kan lokal
premyadong dyaryo lokal kn catholic media awards. naisurat ini sa Philippine Star asin sa pigrekomendar kadto ki Nonong na na media, siguradong iiba ko sa li-
Aki pa sa camaligan cs, c ruben saro nang newsboy sa Business Day. Kan mawaran akong saradohan na ta nagibo na kaini brong sakong sinusurat manongod
naga, nagtrabaho sa ams press, nageskuela sagkod trabaho huli sa akitbidades ko sa Un- an papel sa kasaysayan. Dangang sa satong sektor na kaibahan man
nagraduar sa unc, naguin desk editor kn city newsweek yon, sinalo ako ni Manoy Bubby Dac- nagtabang-tabang akong dikit sa si mga nagin parte kan sakong bu-
kadto ni depuntong wing sto domingo ska paco felicidario er sa paagi kan pagsurat sa saiyang Bikol Standard ni Gil Basmayor, asin hay sa media.
antes nagsolo bilang publisher. Konsideradong mahigos,
maboot & amigo kn gabos, c ben babar dae nagpayaman
pero propesyonal na mediaman. Ben, Paaram. Motivating Students to Learn Mathematics
An bikol bakong 'dialect' kundi xtra ordinaryong Teacher III
lenguahe o tataramon. Sgun ini mismo k rufo tuy jr, Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
pnakabantogan na parabareta sa radyo sa kabikolan Iriga City
sagkod ngonian. Sa exclusive intrview kn kbp camsur To many students Math is not actually a very easy subject. so-called “birthday problem.” Then there are practical appli-
antes kn taonan na accreditation exam sa sm city naga Not much like Pilipino or Health or even English. There are, cations that can be adopted arousing genuine interest. There
dae pa lang nahahaloy, cnabi nyang an bkol tunay na however, many who take to Math like a delicious gum ready to are also recreational materials that can be adopted to make
lenguahe, magayon pa kesa sa english. Sa pkikipagolay be chewed anytime with much gusto. But, these are students Math interesting and thus increasing the students; motivation.
nya sa 2ng veteranong brodkasters na pareho naguin kbp who belong to the minority. There are more students who find Pertinent stories are related. The story of Carl Frederick
chair sa prov, cnabi ni rufo tuy na gusto syang maglecture Math difficult than those who find it the other way around, But Gauss is one story. Carl Frederick was just 10 years old when
dapit sa lenguaheng bkolnon maski nuarin, maski saen the Math teacher can always motivate students to learn and he was able to add 1 to 100 in a minute. This tickles the stu-
mapaipaprobaran nya lang an bagay na yan. Bko lang c love Math just as well. It takes a passionate teacher to put dents imagination, inspires them and they could dream if not
fr james obrien sj kn ateneo na bistadong amerikanong passion in his teaching. Oftentimes, one hears…Math is his do the same thing..
bkolano kundi c pati c dpuntong fr frank lynch sj na waterloo. But that is not the end of the rope. The Math teacher Sure enough, Math can be interesting and can be learned
can adopt strategies which are very practical that may not and love when the teacher can himself be the main motiva-
nagestar sa canaman cs, an harong kn standard bikol,
be found in books. The experiences of a Math teacher are tion in making his students learn and love the subject.
nin 1ng taon an nagdeklarang mayor na lenguahe an bkol enough to motivate students to learn Math. After, Math, to ev-
sa mundo. Sangkap pati. An wash 1 sana sa english pero
sa bkol may termino poon puramos sgkod popo, sgun k
ery student, whether he likes it or not, is there to stay. Nobody
ever passed the elementary grades without undergoing Math
Benefits of K to 12 Program
toots tuy. and it goes without saying the student meets Math again in By ENGR. SHEILA L. GUEVARA
********** his upper grades and even in college. Head Teacher III
Basketbol kawat nin team o grupohan bkong buaya. So, how does a Math teacher motivate his students. Pri- Rinconada National Technical Vocational School
Leksyon para sa mga mga pinoy basketbol fans lalo sa marily, the teacher must love to teach Math in the first place Iriga City
mga juvenes. and that the teacher’s love of the subject makes it contagious
********** to his students. To prove that K to 12 system is more than just adding two
An lubong k xkonsehal ramon aguilar tena sr kn These are practical strategies to motivate students to learn more years to high school, below are three of the many practi-
Math and love it as well. cal benefits of schooling under a 13 year education cycle.
mlaor cs, 93, noodma nang domingo junio 3 2018.
The teacher must discover the void the students’ per- Preparedness for tertiary learning – with adaptation of the
Napapatintihan pa ngonian sa res sa bgy sto domingo.
ception of the subject lies. From there, the teacher can do K to 12 scheme, students are expected to graduate at age a
May misa sa mlaor cath cath church 1pm antes kn lubong something to fill the void. The teacher focuses on the learn- bit older than past graduates. This is an advantage, accord-
sa kampo santo kn mlaor. Hali sa tena family kn mlaor. ing process. New techniques may be assorted to. This learn- ing to DepEd as graduates will be considered young adults.
********** ing process should involve using math questions that could Hence, they will be more equipped to deal with a much higher
PS: Final funeral dtails para k depuntong Ruben interest the students. Activities may be used and they pose level of learning as they enter college education.
Federizon Babar, publsher kn Bkol Reporter weekly challenges to the students, whether are not motivated just as Readiness to join the workforce – unlike the old system,
newspaper. Napapatintihan pa ngonian sa funeria much as the motivated ones. In the process, a kind of strat- K to 12 does not compel each student to take college after
imperial francia naga city. An necrological services na egy is for the teacher to use sequential achievement, a desire completing Senior High School (SHS). In fact, this scheme
paparticiparan kn mga tga dyaryo, tv, radyo ska social of increasing students’ motivation and eventually increasing empowers students to make a choice of their own. They may
media, mga unc batchmates, barkada/kapamilya noodma their knowledge of the subject. not pursue college education especially if they have chosen a
nang domingo june 3, 7pm sa funeraria imperial mismo. The teacher can formulate a practical pattern for teaching, track other than academic track. The good thing is that Senior
one that will work out because ot its practicality. He chal-
An lubong sa lunes june 4. May misa ngona 10am sa High School graduates will be equipped with skills (through
lenges the students. Challenges therefore must be presented
penafrancia shrine nc. Pkatapos tolos kn misa ilulubong electives) that will make them good at certain field(s).
for the students to meet them practically but intellectually. The
na sa eternal gardens balatas naga city. Nagpapaisi c Skill competency in the global job market – K to 12 sys-
students must likewise be enticed by presenting to them ac-
evelyn morandarte babar ska 'JR' Babar, agom ska aki tem aims to improve Filipino students’ mathematical, scientific
tivities that are interesting. Math teachers are aware of the
kn gadan. and linguistic competence. With the new curriculum, DepEd
********** promised to offer higher quality education through tracks.
Hapot ngonian, arin an mapagana nin kandidato sa
Each track will give students enough time to master a field
Old age is not a surprise, it has come to us. So make d maabot na eleksyon: propaganda, media o kuarta?
and enhance their skills. In the end, K to 12 graduates will
most of it. We may not be as fast on our feet & d image in ********** become globally competitive and are set to obtain spots in the
our mirror may not be good. But if we are still functioning& Minus One Amateur Singing Contest June 22, Friday. stiff labour market.
not in pain, be grateful. Enjoy life to d fullest. Don't count Sn Juan, Nabua, CS. Open to all Bicolano 14 to 40 yo. The government believes that the K to 12 curriculum in the
our age in years, but count our years in life! For more info call 09285956697 Tnx... Philippines will put Filipino students at par with the rest of the
********** ********** world. Truly, investing in education is the key toward reaching
Marhay na ugali nin politiko, marhay na politika! Some people live longer than others, national growth and development. All in all, the enhanced K to
********** or live healthier lives & happier lives than others. 12 curriculum is designed to provide a holistic education for all.
Mas maogma ska trankelo an mayong radyo tv ska cp Their secret? They live in moderation. Now decongested, it will give students ample time to master
ta dae aram an problema kn pinas ska kinaban. A little of everything but not too much of anything! basic academic skills as well as to participate in co-curricular
In this life, one of the greatest gifts GOD has equally and community activities. (
given us, RICH or POOR is - T I M E ! No room for selfishness & greed. As to labour impact, the K to 12 program implementation
********** The more we do things unselfishly also resulted in a two-fold impact on the Philippine higher
Life has so many reasons for us to enjoy, make The more we live abundantly! education sector. A reduced college enrolment which resulted
sacrifices, endure trials and spark changes. But there will in reduced teaching load and workload for faculty and staff
and the loss of jobs is alignment of the general education
always be one reason why life is so great... It's because I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will
curriculum and the program standards and guidelines at the
the blessings we receive are far greater than the burdens smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry undergraduate level with the K to 12 curriculum. Hence, the
we experience... for anything. commission has been tasked to contribute to the effective
The joy of life comes from the wisdom of COUNTING ********** implementation of the K to 12 program by harmonizing the
OUR BLESSINGS, NEVER OUR TROUBLES! Happy weekend po. curricula conducting teacher training, ensuring labour rights of
********** GODBLESS ALWAYS! MAGANDANG BUHAY! staff and HEI sustainability.

BR_June 10-16.indd 4 6/13/2018 10:45:38 AM

Bongat to announce this year’s mayoral awardees
By JASON B. NEOLA of the major awards, along Of the rest of the award- the names of the awardees on es for the mayoral awards Pelikulang Pilipino, colum-
with three other people and ees, 31 will be conferred the Monday next week. is chaired by Tito Valiente, nist and writer, professor, and
NAGA CITY --- A total of two private institutions for mayoral recognition for their This year’s board of judg- chairman of Manunuri ng socio-antthropologist.
fifty-one nominees, the big- their contributions to Naga’s excellent performance in
gest haul in years, have been growth and development, as sports, in the academe, and
recommended for confer- well as their contribution to in the practice of their pro-
ment by the city mayor for society in their respective fession. They are being rec-
this year’s Mayoral Awards. fields of endeavor. ognized for bringing singular
While members of the The two major awards are honor and positive impact to
Awards Committee begged the Juan Q. Miranda Award, the city by the award given
not to reveal the names of the or Mayoral Distinguished them in the national or inter-
successful nominees because Award – the highest city national level.
that privilege is reserved for award named after the father Eleven more awardees
the mayor to public announce of the Naga City Charter that are recommended for special
the winners in a press con- only goes to one awardee ev- community service award.
ference as one of the much- ery year – and the Leon SA This award is given to Naga
awaited pre-events of the Aureus Award that has slots citizens whose voluntary act
forthcoming 70th or Platinum for maximum of 5 awardees, of charity, civic duty, com-
anniversary of Naga City’s also for their outstanding munity participation and in-
declaration as a chartered achievement and service as volvement, and strong sup-
city, clues have leaked to this citizens of the city. Among port and cooperation have
paper as to who the winners the awardees in these catego- made an impact on the lives
will be. ries are a youthful animator of their fellow Nagueños and/
Naga was granted its own that has conquered Holly- or significantly contributed
charter on June 18, 1948, the wood, Europe and Singapore to the development thrusts of
first in Bicol and one of the in the field of visual effects the city government. TOWARDS A STRONG, INTEGRATED TOURISM INDUSTRY
few throughout the country, and film animation and a lady Siruma Accord Signing conducted today at Siruma, Camarines Sur, in aim of integrated tourism
City Mayor John Bongat is
efforts and development to strengthen economy of and among the coastal municipalities
by virtue of a house bill au- Nagueña lawyer who is mak- reportedly going to announce involved in the Metro Naga Development Council (MNDC).
thored by Rep. Juan Q. Mi- ing it good in a big law firms
randa, a Bicolano guerilla in Japan.
leader. Still, it was hinted that
It was hinted that a univer- at least 2 were picked for
sity founded during the Span- the Jesse M. Robredo Youth

Message of Thanks
ish period in Bicol had been Award and one for the Lt.
picked as among the winners Delfin Rosales Award.

CARD Bank launches

cardless ATM We, the bereaved family of the late
The microfinance clients of The future of banking
CARD Bank can now do Auto- In 2017, CARD Bank
mated Teller Machine (ATM) launched the konek2CARD, a
withdrawals even without a mobile application that allows
card as the bank launched its the clients of CARD Bank enjoy
cardless cash machine in its a hassle-free banking transaction
Maharlika branch in San Pablo anytime, anywhere using their
City, Laguna on June 1, 2018, smart phones.
Friday. By using the konek2CARD
By using only a QR Code app, clients can check their ac-
generated from the konek- count balance and transaction
2CARD mobile application, cli- history, pay their bills, insur-
ents can withdraw their savings ance, and loans, buy a load for
even without using their Matapat their mobile phones, and transfer
ATM card, or their Pledge Sav- funds.
ings account. One of the newest features
The new banking initiative of the app and now the most
is considered by CARD Bank as feted innovation of the bank
another milestone in its microfi- is the cardless cash machine.
nance operations. “We are proud “The newest feature enables its
of this innovation and this is a users to generate QR Code for
manifestation of our never-end- the cardless cash machine. The
ing journey to financial inclusion code is used as an alternative in
through technology,” said Mariv- withdrawing savings even with-
ic Austria, president and CEO of out using Matapat ATM card or
the bank. bring Pledge Savings account
The launching was graced by passbook to the bank,” said Aus-
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas tria adding that this is the future
(BSP) Monetary Board members of microfinance banking.


Antonio Abacan, Jr. and Juan De Innovation, according to
Zuñiga, Jr., BSP Deputy Gov- Austria, is not new to CARD
ernor Chuchi G. Fonacier, BSP Bank. “Since then, CARD Bank
Managing Director Pia Berna- always make sure that it is rele-
dette Roman-Tayag and other vant and responsive to the needs

(August 24, 1950 - May 30, 2018)

representatives from the BSP. Af- of its clients. Innovation coupled
ter the launching, they visited the with technology are always the
clients of CARD Bank in Mang- key,” deemed Austria.
gahan, Dolores, Quezon Province
where they met the clients and the
konek2CARD agents of the bank.
The konek2CARD mobile
application is one of the alterna- Founder, Bikol Reporter
tive delivery channels realized
Clients shared how the bank
because of the Core Banking
helped them in their financial
needs and are now glad about the
System (CBS), a centralized
banking system, in collaboration
wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and
convenient and faster transac-
tions they are experiencing be-
with collaboration with CARD
MRI Information Technology
sincerest appreciation to all who offered
cause of the konek2CARD.
At first, Austria said that their
(CMIT) and Fortress Data Ser-
vices (FDS). masses and prayers, sent flowers and messages
clients are hesitant in using the
technology. “The reactions are
“As we continue to embrace
digital transformation, we will of sympathy and who in countless ways,
valid, but all of these are part of
the innovation we are bringing.
We also understand because for
keep on upholding the core value
of CARD MRI. We will retain it condoled with and comforted us in our hours of
within the institution, the staff,
the very long time our clients are
used in doing traditional banking and to our clients” Austria con- bereavement.
transactions,” said Austria. cluded.
“We are very happy because CARD Mutually Reinforc-
ing Institutions (CARD MRI)
gradually our clients find the
technology relevant and conve- is a group of 21 institutions in- Dios mabalos saindo gabos!
nient to use,” added Austria. “I cluding CARD Bank, all aim to
also thanked the management eradicate poverty through micro-
and staff for the tireless support in finance and community-based
making this innovation possible.” development programs.

BR_June 10-16.indd 5 6/13/2018 10:45:39 AM

6 BIKOL REPORTER JUNE 10 -16, 2018

SUBSIDY AS TRAIN SAFETY . . . law will be received),” she people affected by TRAIN “if
ERRATUM ON THE PETITION FOR CHANGE OF FIRST added. the inflation is too high.”
tributed on-time to our country- “Madaliin na nila na ipama- She noted PHP28-billion Meanwhile, other local of-
men,” she added. hagi ito para yong kinikita ng revenue from the implementa- ficials such as Representatives
SOLA published February 4 and 11, 2018 wherein the
The senator said the govern- TRAIN na dapat talaga ma- tion of TRAIN law must be Joey Salceda (Albay 2nd dis-
CORRECT NAME is registered in the Local Civil Reg-
ment thus must prioritize the punta sa kanila ay mapunta na distributed to the poorest of the trict), Albay Governor Al Fran-
istry Office, Libmanan, Camarines Sur and the PSA
distribution of such subsidies (They should fast track the dis- poor. cis Bichara, and Albay Vice-
copy should be corrected.
to support the needs of the Fili- tribution so that revenues that Poe also assured that the Governor Harold Imperial were
pino people. are generated by the TRAIN Senate Committee in Ways and also present during Friday’s
Published: June 10, 2018
Means could look for ways to public hearing. - Connie Calipay
safeguard the welfare of the (PNA)
Bongat delivered these
words in front of business-
national food chains and served
as home for growing BPOs.
men, leaders of organizations, “We have also seen the Leninists and Maoists in the early decades of Soviet Russia
members of the press and growth of other industries that and Communist China – are mistaken into thinking that religion
should be eliminated to give way to progress. Neo-atheists
other stakeholders during the the city has put premium on, typically cite the Scandinavian and Nordic countries as perfect
MNCCI’s 2nd Quarter General like the BPO, from 1,000 to examples of irreligious societies that have very low crime
Membership Meeting, Business 5,000 employees dependent rates, excellent education, impressive healthcare system,
Forum and induction of new on the BPO industries, from socio-political equality, high prosperity, and high happiness
members Thursday, June 7 at Sutherland in Pili, to IBM, Stel- index. The semi-utopian status of these countries, however,
La Piazza Hall, Avenue Plaza lar, Concentrix, and Quantrix. is not the result of non-religiosity but rather it is fundamentally
Hotel, here. These are not just branches. because of economic progress, social mobility and equitable/
He continued by saying that These are major branches in the just distribution of wealth. The non-religiosity in these countries
one of the priorities of his ad- BPO industries that they have is just an incidental result of equitable economy, not the other
ministration was and has been chosen to locate themselves in way around.
Both neo-atheism and modern-day authoritarian populism
to put emphasis on the role that Naga despite of limitations.” can be explained in terms of materialist historical determinism,
the business sector plays in the Naga City has been ad- which is fundamentally economic in nature. The election of
development of the city. “And judged as the most competitive Trump and Duterte to high office seem antithetical to the
when we talk about business component city in the Philip- traditional values that society hold dear but the contemporary
sector, we talk about the main pines for the past 4 consecutive success of these politicians has little to do with moral values of
driver of economic develop- years and got its 5th this year, society but rather more on economic values.
ment for the city and the role of a testimony how it continues Similar to the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1920s, the
the city of Naga plays, vis-à-vis to inch forward in terms of recent global rise of authoritarian populism can be explained
the province in the entire Bicol improving a competitive land- in terms of a failing base structure and the remolding of
scape for the business sector society’s superstructure. It can be blamed largely on the failure
region,” he added.
of neoliberalism to deliver its promise of social equality and
Aside from the great cul- and industry players. prosperity for the masses. In other words, the old system is
tural heritage that the city has MNCCI, Inc., headed by losing its economic and cultural meaning (base-superstructure
to offer, it also takes pride in its Chairman, Ferdinand Sia interplay). This is true for both industrialized countries like the
being the preferred location of vowed to sustain the business U.S. and semi-feudal countries like the Philippines.
momentum and engage more As the masses became frustrated, they turned to false
stakeholders in maintaining its messiahs whom they think are sincerely challenging the status
who are considered going to stature. The chamber is a Hall quo. Hence, the populist politicians are the embodiment of
the city for higher education. anger and frustrations of a significant portion of the masses that
This is his position in the com- of Famer as an outstanding lo-
cal business chamber among catapulted them to power. (To be continued…)
munity. He is someone who is
looked upon as a strong com- the other business chambers na-
munity leader. He is therefore tionwide for the past three con- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
someone who should be very AUCTION SALE/SUBASTA
familiar with issues such as secutive years. - (LSMacatangay-
family planning, responsible PIAV/Camarines Sur)
parenthood and the likes, All unredeemed items/articles pawned at R. M. ASPE
PAWNSHOP, Cor. Panganiban & Elias Angeles Street, Naga
even political issues.
But despite all these “add-
DEPED . . . City, pawned from JANUARY 1-31, 2018 whose terms have
The Teacher as a Community Leader ed responsibilities” if these are already and if not, the class- expired will be sold to public auction sale on JULY 02, 2018
from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
responsibilities the teacher rooms were replaced".
By MILADEE B. REGALADO, Teacher III looked at them as opportuni- Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
Rinconada National Technical Vocational School, Iriga City ties to serve. But he sticks to “We are closely coordinat- above-mentioned date will be honored until JUNE 30, 2018
his primary duty and that is not ing with the Department of only.
Time was, in the past, on problems of various kinds. putting on the side his obliga- THE MANAGEMENT
Public Works and Highways BIKOL REPORTER
when a teacher was relegated His opinions are important in tion to teach, mold children’s
to his classroom. He teaches many community issues. He mind, body and soil and help (DPWH), (which was) tasked Published: JUNE 10, 2018
the whole day and goes home stands as a pillar in the com- them to become responsible to construct the programmed
when the day is done. Then, munity a strong pillar who citizens and future leaders additional school buildings,” NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
he goes through a similar ac- can be relied upon. In cases of the country... these young
tivity, doing the same activ- of emergency, in times when men that Jose Rizal thought she said. AUCTION SALE/SUBASTA
ity day in and day out. It be- there are calamities, he is ex- so highly as the hopes of the Currently, there are 60,539
comes routinary. But times pected to lead the community fatherland. public school teachers in the All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE EX-
have changed. The teacher, members in saving lives, res- This is the teacher, a com- PLORER PAWNSHOP, Ground Floor, Bichara Complex, Abella
especially the elementary cuing those in grave danger. munity leader. a multi-faceted, elementary and secondary St., Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from JANUARY 1-31, 2018
public school in the barrio has He is also considered to be multi-tasked individual and oh, levels. whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale
taken other responsibilities. active in the community’s so- so versatile. The education Jumamil added that DepEd on JULY 02, 2018 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
He is looked upon as a com- cial activities. This is the same that a teacher has earned in Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
munity leader. He leads the commitment that the teacher his studies is paying off. This would also hire 6,000 new above-mentioned date will be honored until JUNE 30, 2018
community in activities such gives even spiritually much is the meaning of the well- teachers to meet the ideal only.
as mediating even problems less physically. accepted statement that a student-teacher ratio of 1:45. THE MANAGEMENT
among family members. He So, he is likewise consid- teacher maintains his position - Mar Serrano and Connie Calipay BIKOL REPORTER
is looked upon as a person ered in making decisions for as the holder of the world’s Published: JUNE 10, 2018
of authority. He is consulted children’s education like those noblest profession. (PNA)



JOSE W. CHIU MAY 12, 2018
EDGAR T. TUSI MAY 17, 2018
JOSE J. TAN MAY 27, 2018

BR_June 10-16.indd 6 6/13/2018 10:45:41 AM

JUNE 10 - 16, 2018 BIKOL REPORTER 7
The PLDC also demonstrat-
ed the mechanized stripping us-
In terms of its drying capac-
ity, with equal fiber quality and
‘Banig’ and the women in Mamali
ing the abaca spindle machine. environmental conditions, the
Using this machine is more con- abaca fibers stripped from the People in the rural areas “This is the kind of liveli-
venient than the manual strip- abaca spindle machine dries or provinces in the Phil- hood that the people in Ma-
ping since the abaca farmers easily compared to the abaca ippines mostly use banig mali embraced. Learning how
can save more time and money. fibers stripped manually which
Concerning to its sustainability, dries for 4-5 hours. (sleeping mats) for sleeping. to weave mats is easy if the
Tasarra also said that the abaca “Nasa modern stage na kita It may not be as comfort- learner is eager,” Ofelia said.
wastes from the abaca spindle ngunyan. Ang paghag’ot na ma- able to others unlike foams Indeed, banig is not only
machine are also manufactured no-mano, awat nang panahon
into abaca papers in Brgy. Sta. an. Dapat mag-mechanized na- or latex mattresses, but it is for sleeping or sitting. It is the
Isabel, Bato, Catanduanes. man kita tanganing magian ang affordable. source of livelihood that most
The Provincial Agricultur- satong pagbuhay,” said Gov. According to the National women in Mamali depend on
ist, Ms. Nelia B. Teves, asserted Cua.
that there are a lot of benefits “Dai kami matunong hang- Commission on Culture and for their daily survival. Ofe-
that the abaca spindle machine gang dai kamo nakamatid the Arts (NCCA) website, lia clearly knew this fact that
can offer compared to the man- maghag-ot sa makina ta matao banig is a handwoven mat is why she always encourage
ual stripping, saving more time kami ning makina sainyo. Mag-
and exerting less effort in abaca kooperar kamo ta para sainyo that was traditionally made in the women in Mamali with
stripping. ini,” he added. the Philippines. Technically, CARD Bank’s financial sup-
“It has a capacity to strip an Also present during the event it is not a textile. Moreover, port to continue weaving as
average of 100 kilos per day were PhilFIDA-Catanduanes
while a skilled abaca stripper officer, Ms. Lorgen Z. Garcia depending on the region in the a way to contribute towards a vides microfinance loans, needs of its clients, especially
can strip an average of 10 kilos and the OPAg staff. - (G.O. Infor- Philippines, the mat is made more developed community. SME loans, and other loans the socio-economically chal-
per day,” Teves added. mation Unit) of buri (palm), pandan or sea CARD Bank, tailored-fit to the evolving lenged women and families.
grass leaves, or native leaves.
Republic of the Philippines
Province: Camarines Sur
The leaves are dried, usually
dyed, then cut into strips and K to 12 Transition Program - Overview
City/Municipality: Libmanan woven into mats, which may By ENGR. SHEILA L. GUEVARA, Head Teacher III
be plain or intricate. Rinconada National Technical Vocational School, Iriga City
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC In Mamali, Mati City,
Before the K to 12 cur- according to the Depart- ditional two academic years
CFN- women weave banig for a liv- riculum was implemented, the ment of Education’s (DepEd) for senior high school covers
CCE-CCE-0060-2018 ing. Mat-making in Mamali, Philippines was one of only briefer, also view the 10-year eight learning areas of its core
In compliance with the publication requirement and accordingly, started back in three countries in the world education cycle as insufficient curriculum and adds specific
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1
1970s, although the people in and the only one in Asia that (https://ph theasianparent. tracks based on the four dis-
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative
the present generation were still had only 10 years in ba- com). As a result, Filipino ciplines (academic,technical-
Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is students have trailed behind vocational-livelihood, sports,
not able to trace back its his- sic education. This has been
hereby served to the public that ARCHIE LIONA RESTUM students around the world and arts and design) .
tory. seen as disadvantageous for
has filed with this Office, a Petition for Correction of the our students who are compet- in math, languages, and sci- The K to 12 curriculum is
Child’s Sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE” in the certifi- Ofelia Elan, 59, was one of
ing in an increasingly global ences. The new curriculum designed to enable graduates
cate of live birth of ARCHIE L. RESTUM at Libmanan, these women weavers. Weav- job market. The longer edu- is aimed to fix that disadvan- to join the workforce right af-
Camarines Sur and whose parents are JULIO RESTUM ing has been part of her life; a cational cycle of the K to 12 tage. (https://ph theasianpar- ter high school and suitably
and ROSELINE LIONA. skill that has been passed on curriculum is seen as critical prepare those who want to go
Any person adversely affected by said petition may from generation to generation. in giving Filipino students a Republic Act 10533 or the to higher education. The new
file his written opposition with this office not later than higher quality of education. Enhanced Basic Education curriculum will also support
Ofelia, however, decided
June 23, 2018. The Southeast Asian Min- Act of 2013 resulted in the college graduates seeking
to stop weaving because of her
isters of Education Organiza- extension of the years of the work abroad. This underlies
(Sgd.) EMILIE S. AGNES-DAIRAO age. She opted to use her loan
tion – Innotech (SEAMEO- basic education in the Philip- the enactment of the K to 12
Municipal Civil Registrar from CARD Bank in buying pines from 10 to 12 years or Basic Education in the Phil-
Innotech) found the previous
BIKOL REPORTER raw materials and have it done 10-year educational cycle to from Kindergarten to 12 years ippines which recently pro-
Published: June 10 and 17, 2018 by her neighbors. “I want my be congested with a 12-year of Basic Education to provide duced the first batch of gradu-
neighbors to also experience curriculum squeezed into 10 sufficient time for the mastery ates in Senior High School as
Republic of the Philippines weaving at the same time earn years. Developed countries of concepts and skills. The ad- of March of the current year.
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE from it,” she added.
Province: Camarines Sur A finished product is sold
City/Municipality: Libmanan in the market for PhP100-160,
depending on the size. Some
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC people buy in bulk to be sold
CFN- house to house, while some
CCE-0059-2018 R.A 10172 buy for personal use.
In compliance with the publication requirement and
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative
Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice
is hereby served to the public that ROSELYN BARREDA Myla A. Cruz of DSWD
AREVALO has filed with this Office, a Petition for Cor- RO V gave an orientation
rection of the Child’s Sex from “MALE” to “FEMALE” and updates on the Republic
in the certificate of live birth of ROSELYN BARREDA Act 9994 or the Expanded
AREVALO at Libmanan, Camarines Sur and whose parents Senior Citizens Act of 2010.
Her discussion focused on
Any person adversely affected by said petition may
file his written opposition with this office not later than
the benefits and privileges as
June 23, 2018. enclosed in the republic act.
An open forum where se-
(Sgd.) EMILIE S. AGNES-DAIRAO nior citizens raised their con-
Municipal Civil Registrar cerns were also given time
BIKOL REPORTER during the event. Inquiries
Published: June 10 and 17, 2018
were answered by the re-
source speakers.
Republic of the Philippines The event was participat-
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE ed by Municipal Social Wel-
Province: Camarines Sur fare and Development Of-
City/Municipality: Libmanan ficers (MSWDO), Barangay
Association of Senior Citizen
Provincial Federation of Se-
In compliance with Section No. 5 of R.A. No. 9048
Notice is hereby served to the public that MA. GRACIA nior Citizens’ Officers, and
HERMO MARASIGAN has filed with this Office, a Petition Office of Senior Citizens’ Af-
for Change of First Name from “MARIA GRACIA” to “MA. fairs (OSCA) chairman from
GRACIA” in the certificate of live birth of MARIA GRA- different municipalities in the
CIA ADAN HERMO who was born on August 27, 1973 at province.
Pagoring Nuevo, Libmanan, Camarines Sur and whose Meanwhile, the local gov-
parents are GUALTERIO HERMO and TERESITA ADAN. ernment headed by Gov. Cua
also gave shirts and caps to
Any person adversely affected by said petition may
BASCA Presidents during
file his written opposition with this office not later than June
23, 2018. the awarding ceremony.
Present also in the occa-
sion are PBM Vincent Vil-
(Sgd.) EMILIE S. AGNES-DAIRAO laluna, Committee Chairman
Municipal Civil Registrar on Family, elderly and Per-
sons with Disability and Vice
Published: June 10 and 17, 2018
Governor Shirley Abundo. -
(G.O.- Information Unit)

BR_June 10-16.indd 7 6/13/2018 10:45:42 AM

Abaca growers in two Catanduanes towns were the recipients of cash incentives from the Abaca Rehabilitation Fund, during

Abaca farmers
the Abaca Farmer’s Day held last May 26, 2018 at the Convention Center, Provincial Capitol Compound Virac, Catanduanes.

get incentives
107 abaca farmers from the municipality of Bato and Baras whose plan- the provincial government
which is to speed up the dis-
tations were damaged by typhoon Nina in 2016, received their “Cash for bursement of the abaca reha- PAGE 8 JUNE 10 - 16, 2018
Work” incentives taken from the ₱50M counterpart of Department of Agri- bilitation fund as it cannot be
culture (DA) on the Abaca Rehabilitation Fund, during the Abaca Farmer’s
Day held last May 26, 2018 at the Convention Center, Provincial Capitol
done since there should be a
systematic process that should
be followed in giving the cash
Catanduanes PLGU,
Compound Virac, Catanduanes.
This is the second time in formerly monitored and vali- nity tax certificate and other
incentives to the abaca farm-
ers. They should be monitored
and validated by the PhilFIDA
PSWDO awards P20k
acial government released
cash incentives to the abaca
farmers. The previous release
dated by the Philippine Fiber
Industry Development Au-
thority (PhilFIDA) regular
documents to claim their cash
Representing the group of
and the responsible agencies.
The local chief executive
emphasized the high demand
to 2 centenarians
of the “Cash for Work” incen- technicians, municipal abaca the abaca farmers on the cer- of abaca abroad and lesser The provincial Gov- months from now, igwa na
tives was last April with 81 focal persons and technicians emonial awarding of “Cash production of abaca in our ernment of Catanduanes kitang dialysis center… then
abaca farmers granted and the from the Office of the Provin- for Work” incentives were country due to the manual and the Provincial Social comes end of this year, igwa
next one will be on the Farm- cial Agriculturist (OPAg) in Mr. Romulo Altabano, Mr. stripping. He expounded the
ers’ and Fisherfolks’ Month coordination with the Provin- Alfredo Chavez, Mr. David benefits of the mechanized Welfare and Development kitang CT scan… kaya hope-
Celebration on May 30 where cial Government covered by Chavez, Mr. David Esteban abaca stripping and also gave (PSWDO) gave 20,000 to fully within the year, makah-
180 abaca farmers will be its ₱5 million counterpart. The and Mr. Adolfo Icaranom. gratitude for the PhilFIDA as centenarians, Mrs. Nativi- ang ta su CT scan sa EBMC ta
awarded cash incentives. abaca farmers presented their Governor Joseph C. Cua well as to the DA for the ₱50 dad T. Tolledo age 101 from kung dai kamong pang-bayad
These abaca farmers were identification card, commu- responded to criticisms on million abaca rehabilitation San Miguel, and Mr. Guill- puntahan niyo ako ta palibre-
“Ang paggamit kan maki- ermo S. Tumala age 100 hon ko kamo,” he added.
na parehas an sa molinohan, from Pandan during the Meanwhile, Maria Zaila
pagnag-ani kamo ning paloy, Senior Citizens’ Congress. B. Romero, Office Chief of
nagbalad kamo, dai na kamo On the event held on Local Health Insurance, dis-
mabayo,” he added. May 22, 2018 organized cussed the rights, privileges
In his message, PhilFIDA
Executive Director Kennedy and headed by PSWDO and and benefits Senior Citizens
T. Costales explained that the the Provincial Government, can enjoy.
celebration of Abaca Festival Governor Joseph “Boboy” Emily D. Mendoza, Social
is to honor the efforts of the Cua expressed his support to Worker II of DSWD RO V,
abaca farmers, adding that the senior citizens. discussed RA 10868 or the
province has a very special
place in their hearts because “Kumpleto tabi an sain- Centenarian Act of 2016. It
"Heart of Bicol" of its biggest share in abaca dong sector. Mga retired covered the scope and cov-
A digital painting by Ray Ubaldo depicts the mayors of Naga City from 1948 to the present, production. teachers, mga pulis, kumple- erage of the republic act,
marking the city’s 70th Charter Anniversary. “Ang Catanduanes po is to, iba-ibang ahensya adyaon awards and incentives from
the biggest producer of Aba- sa sector ning senior citizens the National and Local Gov-
ca hindi lang po sa Pilipinas
kundi sa buong mundo. Cat- kaya talagang grabe ang res- ernment and the Identifica-
anduanes has about 14, 168 peto mi tabi sa senior citizens tion Documents needed to be
abaca farmers covering 92, kaya ano man na programa qualified as a centenarian.
067 plants with 216 barangays nindo, piyatawan ko tabi ning Oriel Bonagua, Focal
involved sa abaca out of 315 kahulugan asin susuportahan Person on Senior Citizen
barangays,” said Costales.
“Kapag mawala ang Cat- ko kung anong mga programa Program DSWD RO V gave
anduanes sa ngalan ng abaca magpoon sa provincial level, updates on Catanduanes’ im-
industry, patay na po ang sa municipal level, down to plementation of Social Pen-
industriya ng abaca kaya in- the BASCA,” Cua said. sion Program.
aalagaan po namin ang Cat- Gov. Cua added that the Bonagua said that the total
anduanes kasi po napakalaki
ng kontribusyon niyo sa Phil- senior citizens’ health will be target of Social Pension Pro-
ippine abaca industry,” he of paramount priority under gram in the 1st and 2nd quar-
added. his administration. ter of 2018 is 15, 574.
(Turn to page 7) “Ang EBMC tabi, three (Turn to page 7)

Pili, Pineapple & “Laing”

featured in Daet Festival
DAET, CNorte - Pre- testants will have to unshell will be held at Bagasbas
paring foods identified 200 pieces of pili nuts to take Beach, Daet’s famous surfing
with Bicol will be high- out their kernel. In the sec- destination; and is sponsored
lighted in a unique com- ond, they have to peel and by the Vice Mayor Conne
petition marking the 25th serve ready-to-eat, 100 pieces Sarion and the Vice Mayors
year of this town’s Pinyas- of pineapple; and in the third, League of the Philippines-
an Festival on June 16, this the contestants will unhusk Camarines Norte chapter.
year. 100 pieces of coconuts which The Pinyasan Festival is a
Dubbed “Pili-pinya Coco meat they will grate and ex- brainchild of this town former
Laing Challenge,” the compe- tract for the milk. The latter mayor, Tito S. Sarion who
tition will involve four teams will be used for cooking the proposed it in Aril 1993 to
completing tasks distributed “laing” or “natong,” Bicol’ promote Camarines Norte’s
in four designated stations. signature dish. prime agricultural product,
In the first station, the con- The unique competition the Formosa pineapple.

BR_June 10-16.indd 8 6/13/2018 10:45:47 AM

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