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Pitfalls, Problems, and Progress in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Anita Bhandari and Vineet Bhandari

Pediatrics 2009;123;1562-1573
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1962

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Pitfalls, Problems, and Progress in

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Anita Bhandari, MDa, Vineet Bhandari, MD, DMb

aDivision of Pediatric Pulmonology, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Hartford, Connecticut; bDivision of Perinatal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, Connecticut

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a chronic lung disease associated with premature
birth and characterized by early lung injury. In this review we discuss some pitfalls,
problems, and progress in this condition over the last decade, focusing mainly on
the last 5 years, limited to studies in human neonates. Changes in the definition,
pathogenesis, genetic susceptibility, and recent biomarkers associated with broncho- doi:10.1542/peds.2008-1962
pulmonary dysplasia will be discussed. Progress in current management strategies, Key Words
chronic lung disease, prematurity,
along with novel approaches/therapies, will be critically appraised. Finally, recent pulmonary sequelae, noninvasive
data on long-term pulmonary and neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants with ventilation
bronchopulmonary dysplasia will be summarized. Pediatrics 2009;123:1562–1573 Abbreviations
BPD— bronchopulmonary dysplasia
GA— gestational age

T HE OLDER DEFINITION of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), the commonest

cause of chronic lung disease in infancy,1 was based solely on the duration of
supplemental oxygen requirement, which is intricately linked with the pathogenesis
BW— birth weight
PMA—postmenstrual age
TA—tracheal aspirate
and management of this disease.2 To surmount this problem, specific criteria were VEGF—vascular endothelial growth factor
RCT—randomized controlled trial
proposed for the diagnosis and severity of BPD (Table 1).3 CPAP— continuous positive airway
INCIDENCE FIO2—fraction of inspired oxygen
Earlier studies focused primarily on infants with a gestational age (GA) of ⬍32 weeks iNO—inhaled nitric oxide
SOD—superoxide dismutase
and birth weights (BWs) of ⬍1500 g.4 The bulk of cases today (“new” BPD) is seen CT— computed tomography
in infants ⬍30 weeks’ GA and ⬍1200 g BW. In a recent study, the incidence of BPD Accepted for publication Sep 24, 2008
(using the 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age [PMA] definition) was 42% (BW ⫽ 501–750 g), Address correspondence to Vineet Bhandari,
25% (BW ⫽ 751–1000 g), 11% (BW ⫽ 1001–1250 g), and 5% (BW ⫽ 1251–1500 g).5 MD, DM, Yale University School of Medicine,
Infants with a BW of ⬍1250 g account for 97% of all patients with BPD.6 Division of Perinatal Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics, LCI 401B, PO Box 208064, New
A physiologic definition based on an oxygen-reduction challenge at 36 weeks’ Haven, CT 06520-8064. E-mail: vineet.
PMA decreased the incidence of BPD by 10%.7 Adverse pulmonary and neurode-
velopmental outcomes are increased in infants with increasing BPD severity.8 PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2009 by the
American Academy of Pediatrics
With the shift in the population to infants with lower GA and BW, pathologic
findings of new BPD in the lung reveal more uniform inflation and less fibrosis with absence of small and large airway
epithelial metaplasia and smooth muscle hypertrophy, compared with “old” BPD.
One problem has been reaching a consensus about whether the pulmonary microvasculature is decreased9 or
increased.10,11 The controversy stems from findings in animal studies12 and the technical difficulties in obtaining and
conducting careful pathology on human samples.10,11 The pulmonary vasculature is undoubtedly dysregulated in
BPD.1,13 Vascular changes observed include marked angiogenesis proportionate to the growth of the air-exchanging
lung parenchyma,11 abnormal distribution of alveolar capillaries,14 prominent corner vessels with variable capillary
density in adjacent alveoli,15 and vessels that are more distant from the air surface.11,16

Although an immature lung on which a variety of “environmental” factors (infection, hyperoxia, barotrauma/
volutrauma) act to cause injury has been the cornerstone of the pathogenesis of BPD, an improved understanding
of this process has occurred over the last 5 years. Antenatal/postnatal factors contribute to the release of “proin-
flammatory and antiinflammatory” cytokines. An imbalance in these mediators leads to activation of the cellular
death pathways in the lung, which is followed by healing (resolution of injury to a normal lung architecture) or
repair.17,18 The latter is characterized by impaired alveolarization and dysregulated angiogenesis, which lead to fewer,
larger simplified alveoli and a dysmorphic pulmonary vasculature (Fig 1): the pathologic hallmarks of BPD.1


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TABLE 1 Diagnostic Criteria for BPD
Age at Birth, Mild Moderate Severe
wk GA
⬍32 Supplemental O2 (for 28 d) and RA at Supplemental O2 (for 28 d) and ⬍0.3 FIO2 at Supplemental O2 (for 28 d) and ⱖ0.3 FIO2 or
36 wk corrected GA or at discharge 36 wk corrected GA or at discharge positive pressure support at 36 wk corrected GA
or at discharge
ⱖ32 RA by postnatal day 56 or at discharge ⬍0.3 FIO2 by postnatal day 56 or at discharge ⱖ0.3 FIO2 with or without positive pressure support
by postnatal day 56 or at discharge
RA indicates room air.

GENETICS ation in the smaller studies not yet replicated. This

Genetic and environmental factors that make an indi- makes sense if BPD is at least partly polygenic, because
vidual more or less likely to develop a disease constitute no single gene will have a large enough effect to be
liability or susceptibility. Heritability constitutes the ge- evident in small studies. Candidate-gene approaches
netic component of the disease. The large sample size of have been limited to only a few or single candidate genes
a multisite study that corrected for major covariates19 and, therefore, miss important molecular determinants
allowed the results to be generalizable to the preterm of disease that are not intuitively targeted for BPD. Fur-
population, because no additional risk for BPD could be thermore, publication of irreproducible results due to
attributed to twinning,20 independent of prematurity. small sample sizes will diminish the credibility and en-
Identification of a genetic component (contributing thusiasm for robust genetic studies in BPD.
⬎50% susceptibility) of BPD has transformed a disease
traditionally considered to be exclusively secondary to
“environmental” factors to one resulting from “gene- BIOMARKERS
environment” interactions.19,21 The establishment of a A multitude of biomarkers detected in tracheal aspirates
familial tendency and heritability in twin studies should (TAs), blood, and urine have been proposed for early
boost the efforts to identify reproducible allelic associa- identification for infants who subsequently develop
tion to the genetic susceptibility to BPD.21–24 BPD. TA specimens may be suitable substitutes for bron-
There are multiple pitfalls of the published studies. choalveolar lavage samples in preterm infants,25 but con-
Approximately half of the initial genetic-association troversy exists whether measurements of the markers in
studies, even those with strong effects (odds ratio: ⬎2.0) the TAs are valid without “normalization.” Although
or with low P values (⬍.001), have not been replicated. some have advocated use of total protein,26,27 secretory
The reasons include population admixture (unmatched component of immunoglobulin A,28–32 and serum urea,33,34
cases and controls), phenotypic heterogeneity (inclusion others have espoused that no normalization is required.35–38
of both genetic and nongenetic cases), and, commonly, TAs have the additional disadvantage that data from
underpowered studies. Follow-up studies in larger sam- nonintubated (healthier) infants cannot be obtained
ples will probably diminish the initial reports of associ- for comparison. TAs and blood analytes, usually

Postnatal factors: ventilator trauma, oxygen

Antenatal factors: chorioamnionitis
toxicity, pulmonary edema, sepsis

Cytokines Genetic susceptibility

Proinflammatory Antiinflammatory
(eg, IL-1) (eg, IL-10)

Immature lung

Pathogenesis of new BPD. Cell death

Normal lung Resolution Repair

Impaired alveolarization Dysregulated angiogenesis

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 6, June 2009 1563

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TABLE 2 Use of TA Analytes as Biomarkers for BPD TABLE 3 Use of Blood/Serum Analytes as Biomarkers for BPD
Analyte Total No. Association With Reference Analyte Total No. Association With Reference
of Infants BPD No. of Infants BPD No.
Angiopoietin 2 14; 60a Increased 27, 146 C-IV 39 Decreased 161
Cathepsin-K 13 Decreased 147 CD9 44 Decreased 162
CCSP 45 Present 148 ECP 44 Increased 162
ET-1 29 No association 35 8-isoprostanes 83 Increased 163
FGF-2 29 Increased 35 KL-6 42 Increased 164
HGF 22 Decreased 30 PICP 36 Decreased 111
IL-4 69 Absent/variable 149 PlGF 61 Increased 165
IL-6 75 Increased 150 Soluble E-selectin 30; 44a Increased 156, 166
IL-6/VEGF 17 Decreased 26 Soluble L-selectin 44 Decreased 166
IL-8 20; 31a Increased 151, 152 C-IV indicates type IV collagen; CD9, cellular surface antigen; ECP, eosinophilic cationic
IL-10 69 Absent/variable 149 protein; 8-isoprostanes, 8-epi-prostaglandin F2␣; KL-6, a circulating high molecular weight
IL-12 69 Absent/variable 149 mucinous glycoprotein that is the extracellular soluble region of MUC-1 mucin possessing
IL-1RA 35 Increased 153 an undefined sialylated carbohydrate chain that is recognized by the KL-6 antibody; PICP,
KGF 32; 91a Decreased 30, 154 C-terminal fragment of type I procollagen; PlGF, placental growth factor.
a Per study cited.
MCP-1 35; 56a Increased 31, 151
MCP-2 56 Increased 31
MCP-3 56 Increased 31
MIF 26 Decreased 155 has been replicated but showed variable results (Table
MMP-2 49 Decreased 32 2). Most of the comments made above are also true of
MMP-8 16 Increased 29 the blood and urinary markers. At the moment, there is
MMP-9/TIMP-1 49 Increased 32 no “magic” biomarker for the early identification of in-
Neutrophil counts 30 Increased 156
fants who subsequently develop BPD. Proteomics is a
NF-␬B 32 Increased 28
promising new approach in this field.
PAI-1 37 Increased 157
PTHrP 40 Decreased 158 Another pitfall is that the majority have only shown
TGF-␤1 69 Increased 149 an association with BPD. To prove a causal relationship,
TIMP-1 49 Increased 32 they need to be studied in developmentally appropriate
TIMP-2 16; 49a Decreased 29, 32 animal models and human lungs with BPD. Some
Trypsin 2 32 Increased 159 progress in this direction has been made with elastin,42,43
VEGF 29; 16a No association; phasic 35, 160 cathepsin-S,44,45 hepatocyte growth factor,46 keratinocyte
pattern growth factor,47 IL-1␤,48 IL-6,49 monocyte chemoattrac-
CCSP indicates Clara cells secretory protein; ET, endothelin; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; tant protein 1,50 transforming growth factor ␤1,51,52
HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; KGF, keratinocyte growth factor; MCP, monocyte che- VEGF,53–58 bombesin-like peptide,59 and angiopoietin 2,27
moattractant protein; MIF, macrophage migration inhibition factor; MMP, matrix metallo-
proteinase; NF-␬B, nuclear factor-␬B; PAI, plasminogen activator inhibitor; PTHrP, para-
but additional work is needed.
thyroid hormone-related protein; RA, receptor antagonist; TGF, transforming growth
factor; TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases. MANAGEMENT
a Per study cited.
The classification of robustness of the evidence and the
recommendation for use in the clinical setting guidelines
are shown in Table 4. The current status of the thera-
obtained in the first week of life, are summarized in peutic approaches in the 3 phases (early, evolving, and
Tables 2 and 3. established) of BPD are summarized in Table 5. In older
Urinary levels of F2-isoprostanes are not correlated (n ⫽ survivors of BPD, inhaled steroids and ␤-agonists are
24),39 but elevated urinary bombesin-like peptide levels are used for symptomatic relief irrespective of the severity of
associated with a 10-fold increased risk of developing BPD BPD during infancy. No randomized, controlled trials
(n ⫽ 50).40 (RCTs) exist to either support or negate this approach.
Infants with BPD (n ⫽ 15) have shown a significantly Prevention of BPD would be ideal. Among antenatal
lower blood vessel area and greater vascular network factors, prevention of premature birth is the single most
complexity in the lower gingival and vestibular oral effective preventive measure. Understanding the biology
mucosa than controls.41 of preterm labor60 and targeting therapies to inhibit it
The pitfall of these studies is that a majority com- safely would be important goals. The use of progesterone
prised small numbers of infants. Most attempts to in prevention of premature labor has shown promise,
identify biomarkers have been to access the pulmo- although the prolongation of gestation with this ap-
nary compartment. TAs collected at variable time points, proach has yet to improve infant outcomes.61 Tackling
measurements usually of single markers, with or with- the social and educational issues pertaining to preterm
out normalization and variable definitions of BPD are birth62 could potentially have a significant impact.
additional issues. Few have been replicated in different Antenatal steroids still remain the single most effec-
cohorts. Those with consistent results include angiopoi- tive intervention for lung maturation. The impact of
etin 2, interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-8, monocyte chemoattrac- antenatal steroids on BPD has been controversial, with
tant protein 1, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase studies reporting no or some benefit. This is not surpris-
2 (Table 2). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ing given the complex nature of the disease (Fig 1), and


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TABLE 4 Levels of Evidence and Recommendations for Clinical nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) com-
Use Based on the Guidelines Developed by the US pared with later selective surfactant replacement and
Preventive Services Task Force continued mechanical ventilation with extubation from
low ventilator support is associated with less need for
Levels of evidence
mechanical ventilation, lower incidence of BPD, and
I Evidence obtained from at least 1 properly
designed randomized, controlled trial fewer air-leak syndromes.76 Use of a cutoff value of
II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) of 0.45 to decide on
controlled trials without randomization transient intubation and surfactant replacement seems
II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed to decrease the incidence of air leaks and BPD.76 The
cohort or case-control analytic studies, Cochrane review, however, did not include the results of
preferably from ⬎1 center or research the CPAP or intubation at birth (COIN) trial, which
group reported that in infants born at 25 to 28 weeks’ gesta-
II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series tion, early nasal CPAP did not significantly reduce the
with or without the intervention; dramatic
rate of death or BPD, compared with intubation, and the
results in uncontrolled trials might also be
CPAP group had a higher incidence of pneumothora-
regarded as this type of evidence
III Opinions of respected authorities based on ces.77 The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
clinical experience, descriptive studies, or Child Health and Human Development–sponsored Neo-
reports of expert committees natal Research Network SUPPORT study, which is ex-
Levels of recommendations amining the same issue in addition to optimal oxygen-
for clinical use saturation ranges, is ongoing. Another approach is to use
A Good scientific evidence suggests that the nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation, both in
benefits substantially outweigh the the synchronized78 and nonsynchronized79 modes that
potential risks have been found to decrease BPD in RCTs. The ongoing
B At least fair scientific evidence suggests that
nasal ventilation in preterms (NTP) trial is a large mul-
the benefits outweigh the potential risks
ticenter international RCT aimed at confirming the find-
C At least fair scientific evidence suggests that
there are benefits provided, but the ings of the initial studies. An attractive alternative to in-
balance between benefits and risks are tubation and delivery of intratracheal surfactant would
too close for making general be aerosol delivery. A new synthetic surfactant (lucinac-
recommendations tant) that contains the novel peptide sinapultide, a sur-
D At least fair scientific evidence suggests that factant-associated protein B mimic,80 seems to be similar
the risks outweigh potential benefits to animal-derived surfactant in 2 multicenter random-
I Scientific evidence is lacking, of poor quality, ized clinical trials when used intratracheally.81,82 A meta-
or conflicting, such that the risk/benefit analysis of these studies revealed no statistically different
balance cannot be assessed differences in the outcomes of death and BPD.83 To date,
however, no effective aerosolized surfactant preparation
is available for routine clinical use. Additional progress
other factors may mask their benefit.63 Weekly courses in this area is awaited.84,85 Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO)
of antenatal steroids are not recommended.64 Beta- may86,87 or may not88,89 be beneficial; hence, more stud-
methasone is preferred over dexamethasone.65,66 ies are needed to better identify potential benefits to
Considerable research has gone into understanding the target population likely to develop BPD.90 The use
the role of antenatal and postnatal inflammation in the of iNO does seem to be safe in this population,91
pathogenesis of BPD.67–69 Although use of maternal an- although it does not seem to affect surfactant compo-
tibiotics is recommended when intraamniotic infection is sition92 or pulmonary function.93 At present, routine
suspected/diagnosed,70 antenatal interventions to treat use of iNO to decrease BPD in the preterm population
chorioamnionitis have not decreased BPD; postnatal in- is not recommended,94 pending long-term outcome data.
terventions may be too late to be effective.71 The use of postnatal steroids, of which dexameth-
Novel approaches/therapies being used for man- asone has been the most well studied, has been quite
agement/prevention of BPD include ventilatory and controversial, with the pendulum swinging from one
pharmacologic strategies. Studies performed by using extreme to the other.71 Another steroid, hydrocorti-
patient-triggered ventilation have not shown any sone, did not improve survival without BPD in an
reduction in the incidence of BPD,72,73 although it has RCT, and the trial had to be terminated early because
been suggested that it may be more beneficial for infants hydrocortisone-treated infants who received indo-
with a BW of ⬍1000 g.74 In a meta-analysis that com- methacin had more gastrointestinal perforations.95
pared volume-targeted ventilation to pressure-limited The well-documented efficacy in extubation96 needs to
ventilation, there was no difference in the incidence of be balanced with the potential for causing neurode-
BPD between 2 groups.75 Research is ongoing to better velopmental harm,97 and more research is needed to
define the parameters that may be potentially benefi- find the “just-right” steroid preparation and its dosing
cial.73 Because none of the new devices have been and timing.
shown to be superior in preventing BPD, avoiding ven- In most circumstances, maintenance of target oxy-
tilation might be the best approach. Toward that end, gen-saturation ranges of ⬎90% to ⬍95% is prudent in
early surfactant-replacement therapy with extubation to preterm neonates to avoid oxygen toxicity in an attempt

PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 6, June 2009 1565

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TABLE 5 Management of BPD According to Phase (Early, Evolving, and Established)
Therapeutic Intervention Current Status Evidence Recommendation
Level Level
Early phase (up to 1 postnatal week)
Oxygen supplementation A wide variation in the acceptable oxygen-saturation levels exists across I A
centers but it is generally ⬍95%73
Ventilatory strategy Avoid intubation; if intubated, give ‘early’ surfactant167 I A
Use short inspiratory times (0.24–0.4 s),168 rapid rates (40–60 per min) and I A
low PIP (14–20 cm H2O), moderate PEEP (4–6 cm H2O), and tidal volumes III B
(3–6 mL/kg)72
Extubate early to SNIPPV/nasal CPAP143 III B
Blood gas targets: pH 7.25–7.35 I A
PaO2: 40–60 mm Hg; PaCO2: 45–55 mm Hg169 III B
High-frequency ventilation for ‘rescue’ if conventional ventilation fails73 I C
Methylxanthines Improves successful extubation rate170 I A
Decreases BPD144 I A
Vitamin A If considering use, dose is 5000 IU administered intramuscularly 3 times per I A
week for 4 wks; 1 additional infant survived without BPD for every 14–15
infants who received vitamin A171,172
Fluids Restrictive fluid intake may decrease BPD110,116,173 II-2 B
Nutrition Provide increased energy intake174 I B
Evolving phase (⬎1 postnatal week
to 36 weeks’ PMA)
Oxygen supplementation Same as for early phase I A
Ventilatory strategy Avoid endotracheal tube ventilation; maximize noninvasive ventilation I A
(SNIPPV/nasal CPAP) for respiratory support143
Blood gas targets: pH 7.25–7.35; PaO2: 50–70 mm Hg; PaCO2: 50–60 mm Hg72 III B
Methylxanthines Same as for early phase I A
Vitamin A Same as for early phase; if using, continue for 4 postnatal weeks I A
Steroids Dexamethasone is effective in weaning off mechanical ventilation when I A
used “moderately early” and “delayed”175,176
Increased incidence of neurologic sequelae with early use (⬍96 h)177 I D
Diuretics Furosemide: may use daily or every other day with transient improvement I B
in lung function178
Spironolactone and thiazides: chronic therapy improves lung function, I B
decreases oxygen requirements178
Nutrition Same as for early phase I B
Established phase (⬎36 weeks’ PMA)
Oxygen supplementation For prevention of pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale; a wide III C
variation in the acceptable oxygen saturation levels exists across centers,
but it is generally ⬃95%73,179
Ventilatory strategy Blood gas targets: pH 7.25–7.35; PaO2: 50–70 mm Hg; PaCO2: 50–65 mm Hg72 III B
Steroids Oral prednisolone may be helpful in weaning oxygen180 II-2 C
Diuretics Chronic therapy as for evolving phase I B
␤ -agonists Transient relief: increased compliance and reduced pulmonary resistance178; I C
no significant effect on incidence or severity of BPD181
Anticholinergics Used in combination with ␤ agonists in infants with bronchospasm; II-3 C
Increased compliance and decreased respiratory system resistance182
Nutrition Same as for early phase I B
Immunization Prophylaxis against RSV and influenza decreases incidence of I A
rehospitalization and morbidity
The references noted refer to the sources of information for the requisite level of evidence and recommendation for clinical use. PIP indicates peak inspiratory pressure; PEEP, positive end
expiratory pressure; SNIPPV, synchronized nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation.

to prevent the development of BPD,98 although achiev- BPD was reported in 2 trials and was found to be signif-
ing intended targets may be difficult.99,100 Identification icantly reduced.101
of the optimal target oxygen-saturation ranges is an area
of intense research.
Other drugs studied include the following: Macrolide Antibiotics
Erythromycin has not been shown to decrease BPD in
Inositol infants when treated prophylactically or after known
In a meta-analysis of RCTs using inositol supplemen- Ureaplasma colonization.102 In a pilot study, azithromycin
tation in premature infants, the outcome of death or did not reduce the incidence of BPD.103


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TABLE 6 Checklist of Specific Outstanding Questions in BPD
Question Comment
How is the pulmonary vasculature dysregulated, and what is the role of Understanding the causal role of specific molecular targets (including biomarkers
epithelium in the impaired alveolarization in BPD? listed in Table 2) in animal models of BPD is needed; proteomic approaches
may be useful to identify novel markers in humans
What are the candidate genes contributing to BPD? Unraveling the candidate genes and their validation will be important steps
before therapeutic targets can be addressed21; validation of experimental
findings in developmentally appropriate in vivo models, given the unique
responses of the newborn, is critical183
Should infants be managed primarily with noninvasive ventilatory The timing and use of intratracheal surfactant is a related issue
techniques to decrease BPD?
What is the most appropriate target oxygen-saturation ranges to This critical question still needs to be worked out184,185
prevent/manage infants with BPD?
Do steroids, diuretics, and iNO make any impact on The type, dose, and duration of steroids to be used needs to be worked
preventing/managing BPD? out71,96,97,185,186; although frequently used, diuretics have been the least studied
for efficacy in BPD185,187; and the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of iNO
in preterm neonates to prevent BPD is still unresolved90,94,185
What are the long-term outcomes of survivors with the new BPD? Pulmonary and neurodevelopmental outcome studies need to be performed to
assess the potential health impact of BPD up to adulthood

N-Acetyl Cysteine Morbidity

In a large RCT, use of a 6-day course of N-acetyl Infants with BPD have higher rates of rehospitalizations
cysteine did not prevent BPD or death in infants with (up to 50%) in the first year of life.118,119 Respiratory
BWs of ⬍1000 g.104 symptoms in patients with BPD persist beyond the first 2
years of life into the preschool years,120 adolescence, and
early adulthood.121,122 It is unclear whether BPD severity
Recombinant Clara Cell 10-Kilodalton Protein or prematurity per se influences the persistence and
Use of an antiinflammatory protein, recombinant hu- severity of symptoms.
man Clara cell 10-kilodalton protein (CC10), has shown
some initial promise.105 Radiologic Findings
Chest radiograph and computed tomography (CT) scan
abnormalities persist into adolescence and adulthood,
Recombinant Superoxide Dismutase
with CT being more sensitive.123,124 CT scans of infants
Although the antioxidant recombinant Cu-Zn super- with new BPD are not much different from those of old
oxide dismutase (SOD) has not shown any difference in BPD except for the absence of bronchial involvement.125
outcome,106 in one study infants ⬍27 weeks’ GA who A more severe clinical course correlates with greater
received SOD had decreased hospitalizations and emer- radiologic and pulmonary function abnormalities.125 A
gency department visits and less-frequent use of bron- CT scan scoring system may help with BPD prognosis.126
chodilator therapy at age 1 year compared with the
infants who did not receive SOD,107 suggesting that SOD
may have interrupted an inflammatory cascade involv- Pulmonary Function
ing reactive oxygen species and possibly conferring a Patients with BPD continue to have significant impair-
long-term benefit. ment and deterioration in lung function into late ado-
Given the complex nature of BPD (Fig 1), it is un- lescence.127,128 An inverse relationship has been reported
likely that a single “magic bullet” (with the possible between forced expiratory volume in 1 second at school
exception of prevention of preterm birth) will make a age and duration of supplemental oxygen.129 Conversely,
significant impact on BPD. Incremental improvements others have reported poor correlation between duration
possible by targeting multiple aspects of this condition of mechanical ventilation and duration of oxygen sup-
include early diagnosis and treatment of antenatal and plementation and forced expiratory flow in infants with
postnatal sepsis, optimal maintenance of oxygenation BPD.130 Another problem is that there have been few
and fluid/electrolyte status, and aggressive early paren- studies comparing various modes of ventilation with
teral/enteral nutrition, along with appropriate ventila- pulmonary function of BPD survivors. Infants who re-
tory strategies.108–116 The potential of using such a com- ceived either high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
bined approach has shown promise.117 (HFOV) or conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV)
demonstrated low expiratory flows at 6 and 12
months.131 At 12 months, however, infants who under-
PULMONARY OUTCOMES went HFOV had significantly better lung function.131
It is important to keep in mind the limitations of most of Another study compared lung function of preterm in-
these studies, which included preterm infants born be- fants with a history of respiratory distress syndrome or
fore extensive use of antenatal steroids and surfactant. BPD at 8 to 9 years of age treated with CMV to similar

PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 6, June 2009 1567

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groups who received HFOV.132 There was no significant ● The efficacy and safety of caffeine in the prevention of
difference in the degree of mild obstructive lung disease BPD144,145
as a function of ventilation mode, suggesting that other
factors influence long-term pulmonary outcome.132 Some specific outstanding questions are detailed in
Another problem is that not many studies have ex- Table 6.
amined whether abnormal lung function in infancy cor-
relates with extent of abnormality at a later stage. Filli-
pone et al133 measured lung function in the same group
Progress has been made, but problems persist, and addi-
of children at school age and reported a significant cor-
tional research is required to improve outcomes. Focus-
relation between the functional residual capacity (Vmax
ing on aspects of basic biology (lung development, iden-
[FRC]) measured at 24 months and both forced expira-
tification of biomarkers, genetics, animal models) and
tory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced midexpira-
pharmacotherapeutic approaches6 will have the maxi-
tory flow (FEF25%–75%). No serial data have been re-
mum potential to make such an impact. Significant im-
ported for adolescents and adults.
provements in the future will likely depend on our
Most studies have shown no reduction in exercise
ability to identify the genetic components of BPD and
capacity in children with BPD when compared with
target specific therapies.19
healthy term infants or preterm infants without lung
disease.134 From recent studies of large cohorts of pre-
mature infants, significant decrease in exercise capacity REFERENCES
was reported despite normal mean lung function or mild 1. Baraldi E, Filippone M. Chronic lung disease after premature
small airway obstruction and gas trapping,135 which sug- birth. N Engl J Med. 2007;357(19):1946 –1955
gests that impaired exercise tolerance was perhaps sec- 2. Bancalari E, Claure N. Definitions and diagnostic criteria for
ondary to poor fitness that may be improved with an bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Semin Perinatol. 2006;30(4):
exercise training program.136 164 –170
3. Jobe AH, Bancalari E. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Am J
Lung abnormalities that may persist into adulthood
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PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 6, June 2009 1573

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Pitfalls, Problems, and Progress in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Anita Bhandari and Vineet Bhandari
Pediatrics 2009;123;1562-1573
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1962
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