Whitefield Literacy Block Map

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Michelle Whitefield

Literacy Bock Map

Literacy Block Schedule

12:40 - 2:10 Writer’s Workshop Topics & Activities

•Spelling Instruction
Whole Group Mini
12:40 -1:00 •Author’s Purpose
•Analyzing Strategies

•Independent Writing in Writer’s Notebooks

1:00 - 2:00 Individual Work •Teacher Conferences 1:1 with Students /
Small Groups

2:00 - 2:10 Share •Students share work with one another

2:10 - 3:40 Reader’s Workshop Topics & Activities

•Read Aloud
•Vocabulary Development
Whole Group •Phonics
2:10 - 2:30
Mini Lesson •Phonemic Awareness
•Segmenting Sounds
•Blending Strategies

•Guided Reading Instruction

•Meaningful Reading Activities
• Segmenting Sounds
Small Groups • Word Building
2:30 - 3:40 (10-15 minute • Complex Blending Strategies
rotations) • Vocabulary Development
• Phonemic Awareness
• Phonics
•Independent Reading / Buddy Reading
Michelle Whitefield
Literacy Bock Map

Literacy Block Explanation

An effective literacy block should be a balanced program of literacy instruction including the teaching and
learning approaches to support reading and writing. The elements that are included in an effective literacy
block should be comprehensive and balanced, always supporting students to help them understand the
relationship between oral language, reading and writing. The literacy block should not all be taught in one
manner; meaning, all in a whole group lesson, independent or small group. It is important to differentiate
based off of the needs of the students. In addition to developing proficient readers and writers, the the two
portions should support students to become better authors of text and to become better readers.

12:40 - 2:10 Writer’s Workshop Topics & Activities

•Spelling Instruction
Whole Group Mini
12:40 -1:00 •Author’s Purpose
•Analyzing Strategies

•Independent Writing in Writer’s Notebooks

1:00 - 2:00 Individual Work •Teacher Conferences 1:1 with Students /
Small Groups

2:00 - 2:10 Share •Students share work with one another

Explanation & Reflection:

In Writer’s Workshop, modeled writing can happen during a large group mini lesson.
This is where the teacher is the writer and demonstrates the crafting and recording of
a text. During the lesson, the teacher models how effective writers formulate ideas,
translate ideas to writing, construct sentences, apply vocabulary, spelling, and even
punctuation. Teachers should provide explicit instruction of skills for some students.
Explicit instruction is designed for the needs of individuals. It is best accomplished
with an introduction to a whole class and then give explicit instruction in small groups
or on a one-to-one basis (p.387)

Guided Writing can occur during the individual work portion. Here, a teacher can
differentiate writing instruction to suit the needs of learners. This will allow the
teacher to work with a small group of students (or one on one) with a common writing
goal if needed, as well as providing support and scaffolding. This approach provides
students with the opportunity to learn writing skills in context and by constructing and
recording their own texts based off of their individual needs. Researchers have found
that in small-group instruction, teachers are better able to retain students’ attention
and they also offer the opportunity for more student participation (p.387).

Share Time allows for students to take real ownership of their writing and to feel like
real authors. This helps them feel like their work is more meaningful and provides
students with a real purpose for their writing, rather than just for a grade or for the
Michelle Whitefield
Literacy Bock Map

2:10 - 3:40 Reader’s Workshop Topics & Activities

•Read Aloud
•Vocabulary Development
Whole Group •Phonics
2:10 - 2:30
Mini Lesson •Phonemic Awareness
•Segmenting Sounds
•Blending Strategies

•Guided Reading Instruction

•Meaningful Reading Activities
• Segmenting Sounds
Small Groups • Word Building
2:30 - 3:40 (10-15 minute • Complex Blending Strategies
rotations) • Vocabulary Development
• Phonemic Awareness
• Phonics
•Independent Reading / Buddy Reading

Explanation & Reflection: The components of Reader’s Workshop that make the
literacy block effective include modeled reading which can be incorporated during
guided reading or through a mini-lesson in a whole-group setting. This occurs when
teacher reads a difficult text and models how effective readers sound, solve and think
about texts when reading. The “think aloud” strategy can be used by the teacher to
model thinking and problem solving strategies.

Guided Reading occurs when a teacher differentiates reading instruction to suit the
needs of learners. Doing this allows a teacher to select a text which matches the
specific needs of a small group of students and support the group by applying
problem solving strategies. It also supports students by providing them with
opportunities to practice problem solving independently; as well as for a teacher to
revisit a text and to monitor a student’s progress.

There are many different types of activities and stations that students can rotate
through during the guided reading portion of the literacy block. It is imperative that
whatever activities and stations that the teacher has students rotating through are
truly meaningful to the students. Center activities attend to differences in children
since they can be completed in a complex way for the advanced reader or less
complex manner for the struggling reader (p. 399). The meaningful reading activities
listed above have been included because this plan is for a first grade literacy block
where building the foundation skills are necessary for becoming a fluent reader.

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