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Catalog 60-000

Lighting Westinghouse
Gondensed Gatalog

wesiinghouse Eleclric Corporation

Lighting Division

July, 1978
caraloq 60-000, Page 2

Lighting Gondensed Lighting Gatalog
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Division Gontents
Page No. Types Page No,

wlaparound Reqessed Parabolic s

WE Design Parabolic Design

Becessed HID

Squaie HID 17

cP Design

Round HID t8
WM Design

lnduslrial Fluorescenl
Surlace and Sugpended

PH Deslgn

Bare Lamp

SP Design Encloeed Fluoaeacenl

SL Deeiqn

Reces8ed Fluotescent PEG Design

Lowatt Design

vertillex Desisns
-- tl,rj
w 26-28
\ ,/ r r ffi
\ -/
cala oq 60-000. Paqe 3

Westinghouse Electric Corporatlon
Lighting Division Contents

Types Page No. Types Page No.

Floodlight Roadway Lighting

MRF Oesigns OV-400 Deslgn

Dayliler ll Design
VB-i5 Deeign 40

RMA Deslgn 41

Pinio D$ign 42

Wallguard Design 35
Footcandle Sighl Guides
tor Flood Type Luminaires
and Roadway Type Lumlnaires
Roadway Lighting
Gene6l lnlormallon

Ov-1s TU-DOR Design 36 Pricing lnlormation 45-49

Accessories 50

OV-25 TU-DOR Design 37

Mounling Acceggodea Seleclor for Floodlighls 51

OV-50 Desiqn
\' 38 M-Room Width - 2 x mtg. height
-..-.-:r: (above floor)
N-Room Width : mtg. height (above floor)
lnterior 100 F C Sighl Guide Estimator Mercury To find number of luminaires required to
The approximate area (sq. ft.) per luminaire 400 w deluxe color corrected-23,000 provide 100 footcandles illumination, take
to obtain 100 footcandles maintained can be lumens room area (sq. ft.) and divide by
found in the Sight-Guide charls for each 1 000W deluxe color corrected-63,000 fixiure number for appropriate Room Factor.
luminaire type. The chart is developed using lumens Example: Room 40 feet wide, 65leet long, 8'
the f ollowing assumptions: mtg. height.
2. Rellectances
l. Lamps Commetcial gOY" I 50"/. / 20"/" Roomtactor=40n,8-5=W
Fluorescent lndusltial 50"/" / 50"/. 120"/" Select luminaire-2 x 4, 4 lamp pg. 1 1, for W
room, the sq. ft./4'fixture tor 100 toot-
425 MA 40W U Bent-2950 lumens(2ft.)
3. Maintenance Factor-good candles is 67 sq. ft.
425 MA 40W- 3200lurnens (4 ft.)
No. luminaires required =
425 MA 75W- 6400 lumens (8 ft.) 4. Room Faclol
Roofi area 40 x 65
800 MA 110W- 9000 lumens (8 ft.) W-RoomWidth = 4x mtg. height J9 lrxtutes
1500 MA 215W-15000 lumens (8 ft.) (above floor) Sq. ft./fixtures 67
Cala oq 60 000. Paqc 4

WE Design
Lighting Wraparound-2 and 4 Lamp
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Liqhling Division

The WE Design of wraparound luminaire is
designeo'or direct lighting of ,1ter:ors
such as schools, offices, stores, etc.

Fealures-Benef ils
Lens basket hinges from either side-
speeds and simplifies installation and
relam ping.

High photometric eff iciency-minim izes the Shallow 3" depth-enhances appearance
number oi fixtures to do a given of ceiling and makes lighting source
lighling job. unobtrusive.

Spacing to mountirg height ralio 1.3- Low density version-permits intallation of

permits wide spacing oi luminaires and luminaire on low density ceilings with
permits reduced wattage per square foot. uL approval.

'100 FTC Sighl Guide

Ordering lnlormation-Order by Type Number
Lamps Unit Channel Approx. Shipping Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Type Numbers No. Type Wattage Length: lnches Wt.: Lbs. Type 4' Factor Fixtu re

WE24OA F4A 95 48 N 17
WE24O M 25
WE44OA F40 190 48 21
WE24OALD O F40 95 48 17
N 34
wE44oALD O F40 190 WE44O t\t 49
(, For mounling on low densily cell ng.

Standard unit 120V tot 277v add suilix-277 to type number.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.


rl 4-Lamp

caralog 60-000, Page 5

GP and GU Design
Lighting Wraparound-l and 2 Lamp
Wegtinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighiing Division

CP Design
The CP Design is a high elliciency, low
bnghlnes. u'ninaire to -se.r schools,
stores, offices, etc. For companion corridor
unit, see "CU" Design.
Lens hinges e lher side bolh lamps can be
replaced without removing basket relamp
from either side.

Cu Design

lntegral molded end caps on basket

unrnlerrupted continuous lluminaled sides. Full through wiring channel no nipples or
bLrshings required in continuoLrs row mount-
Dp.orarrve. i'1reclion rro'deo e1d cap- ing. Fixture supplied standard wilh com- Prismatic basket low brightness; uniform
provides a dist nctive appearance. bination end p ate connector. lighled appearance on sides and bottom.

Ordering lnfojmalion-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

Type Numbers Lamps Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Acrylic Shieldinq ..
No. Unit
-rype Wattaqe Channel Approx. Shipping fype 4' Factor Fixture
Lenqth lnches Wt.:Lbs.
N 19
cP240A F40 '14 cu240 t\t 28
2CP240A 36
F40 190 96
N 10
cu140A 13 cu140 t\4 15
2Ct)1404 F40 17 19

Also available with black channel and black end cap. Contact factory.

Standard lnit is T20V for 277V add srllix,277 10 type number

Dimension in Inches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

96 Without End Cap
967a With End Cap


48 Wirholrr End Cap

4874 With End Cap
qr I
I l
i f----------'1"
Cara oa b0 000 PrqP 6

WM Design
@ t''n""' Wraparound-2 and 4 LamP
westinghouse Eleclric corporalion
Lighting Oivision

The W[,4 Design oi wraparound lumina]re,
leaturing an injection molded basket, is
designed lor dlrect lighting of interiors
such as schools, oll ces, hospitals,
slores, elc.

Fealures-Benef ils
Lens basket hinges from either side-
speeds and simpllfies instaLlation and
relamp ng.

lnlection molded basket- insures prism

quality for efieciive brighlness control Spacing to mouniing height ralio 1.3-
and highest eff iciency. permits wlde luminaire spacing at minimum
total wattage.
Low oersily r'ers'on-pe n ls '']sla alron
ol luminaires on low densily ceilings with High eff iclency-minimizes number of
UL approval. iixiures required lo do a given lighting job.

'100 FTC Sight Guide

Ordering lntormalion-Order by Type Number
Lamps Unit Channel Approx.Shlpping Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Type Numbers No. Type Wattage Length: Inches Wt.: Lbs. Type 4 Factor Fixlure

wt\4240A F4A 18 N 1B
wM240A M 28
wt\4440A F40 190 24 35
wNr24oALD O F40 19
N 31
WM44OALDCD F40 1S0 wM440A M 4B
W 60
O For mo!nlrnq or ow densitv cellins.

Standard unit 120V lot 277V add suffix-277 tc type number'

Dimension in lnches-D jmensions not for construction purposes.

2-Lamp 4-Lamp
Caia oq 60 000, Page 7

J Design
Lighting Surface- 21 31 4 Lamp
Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporallon
Lighting Division

The J Design oflers more unlform illumi-
nation in direcl d stributions combined with
shallow appearance for applicatlon in
almosl any commercial interior.

Sha low depth,3f, inches-blends laste-
iul y w th modern lower ceilings.

Slide action latches-assures positive door


Door can be hlnged lrorn either side Units also available with aluminum flush or
re amping possible lrom e ther side, lens 'ecesced doors or premium steel door.
removal not necessary. Conlact factory.

Ordering lntormalion-O rd e r by Type N umber 100 FTC Sighl Guide

Type Numbers Nom. Lamps Unil Channel Approx. Shipping Fixture Boom Sq. Ft.
Size No. Type Wattage Length: lnches Wt-: Lbs. Type 4' Factor Fixture
Solid Top-Solid N.4etal Sides-Tri-Optic Arylic Shielding N 14
J240SSF14TOPA M 21
J240SSF14TOPA 1x4 2 F4o
J21J4SSF22TOPA 2x2 2 F40(U) 95 N 29
J440SSF24TOPA 2x4 4 F40 190 48 50 J440SSF24TOPA t\,4 41

J44oPFX4ToPAC) t6x4 4 F4o 190 48


OPremium stee door slandard. Not avaiable w lh standard steel door.

Standard unit is 120V lor 277V add suffix 277 to type number

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

i- 24Vs --+1
."JII L- laaul


r ll fu
End View
End View

Cara os 60 000 Paqe 3

Square HID
Lighting Surface or Suspended
Westinghouse Electric Corporalion
LighlinE Oivision

Designed for use where architecturai con
s derat ons musl be integrated with a need
ior adequate lighting levels.

All slee housrng with aluminum trim and
alum num door insures dimenslonal
stabil ty and at the same lime provides
crisp c eanness ol line.

D arnp d ag ona ly rnounted-deve opes

maxim Lr m lurninaire efficiency while
irnprov ng overa I ghted appearance.

Suriace or pendant mounted adapts io

the specific building parameters and
nstallalion requirements.

Ordering lnlormalion-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Lam p
Type No. Pendant Type Fixture
Type Type No. Surtace
N 74
400 Mercu ry AFSM4O22-TOPA AFPM4O22-TOPA
400 Mercury M 100
400 Metal Halide AFSH4O22-TOPA AFPH4O22-TOPA 126
175 Metal Halide AFSH1722.TOPA AFPH1722-TOPA N 109
AFSS1522-TOPA AFPS1522-TOPA 400w [,4H N4 154
150 HPS
N 52
Standard unit is 120V for 277V add sulfix 277Vto type number. 15OW HPS M 74
For pendant moLinted fixtures, order separately by style number (4-'19" stems and
hardware). S#4253468G01

Dimension in Inches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Cala oq 60 000 Pagp 9

SP Design
Lighting Bare Lamp.l and 2 Lamp
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Oivision

The SP Des gn is an economica , yel durable
unil that can be applied n many ways lor
stores, uiility areas, markeis. concealed
coves, stairways, valances, corridors, elc. '.\
47a" ChannelWidth improves the installed
appearance by covering wiring outlet box
open ing. sFI t
J-'{ Mo
H Lar. "Dl"

One movable/one fixed latch on channel

Ful through wiring channel with integral covers-only one ladder position (per 8 ft
connector no nipples or bush ngs are section) is needed lor maintenance or Ofl center knockouts-Srmplifies wrr ng
required for lhrough wrring n cont nuous replacement of amps and ballasts:saves entrance when unit is direct mounted on
rnaintenance tirne, inverted T-bars.

Ordering lnlormation-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight cuide

Type Number Lamps Unit Channel Approx. Shipping Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
No. Type Wattaqe Lenqth: lnches Wt.: Lbs. Type 8' Faclor Fixture
SPl4OR F40 13 25P140 N 20
SP24OR 95 48 17 sP175 M 30
sP175S 100
2SP240 N
2SP140R F40 17 sP275 M 5B
SP275S 76
175 96 24
2SP240R F40 1S0

Also available in 20W and 30W units.

For mounting accessorie$-see page 50 and 51,
Standard unit is 120V for 277V add sulfix -277V to type number

Dimension in lnches-.Dimensions not for const.uction purposes.

End Caps Add li 10 Overall Row Lensth
Cara oa 60 000 Prge 10

SL Design
Lighting Bare Lamp-l and 2 LamP
Westinghouse Electric Corporalion
Lighting Division

The SL Des gn s a heavy duty, elf cient unit
desrgned for durability when appl ed to such
commercial nieriors as supermarkets,
wd'el ouse". ul lrly ared ' dnd 'orido's.
Nrelal backed lampholders/Metal enc osed Hedvy dul) , onneLlor \ Len useo Io,or'l
w ring all lampholders, even those in con- lixtures in continuous rows permlts N + 1

tinuous rows, are complelely metal backed hangers reducing nstallation lime.
and i lted to provide amp and lampholder
Full through wLring channelwlth heavy duty protection and ass!re positive elecirical 14 turn fastener-Ass!res secure channel
connectot no nipples or bush ngs are re- conlact;wiring is protected from djrt cover and saves installai on and rnainte-
quired when mouniing in continuous rows. and abuse. nance time.

Ordering lnlormation-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

rype Number Channel Fixture Room Sq. Ft.

hilo. -r
rype 8' Fuglgl l!1r'"
SLR,140 F40 2SLR240 N 38
sLR275 t\,1 58
sLR240 95
(425na) 77
SLH160 F4AI12/HO S0 4B
SLH260 2 F4BT12/HO 150 48 SLH2l
2 F40 g5 32
w 109
29!!40 190 34
Accessories Order Separalely by
sLR175 F96T12 100 96 Style Number
SLR275 F96T12 175 96 StYle Number

sLH1100 F96T12/HO 135 40 Slandard Length

Connector 890D832G01
SLH2l OO Fs6r12/HO 245
Extra Long
osLE1200 F96T12/SHO 220 96
Connector 6232D88G01
osLE2200 F96T12/SHO 450 96 41

a-r Slspens o. mounting on v

(6" m nimum oll ce I ng) For near surlace mounlinq conlacl tactorv For mounling accessories-see page 50
Standard unit ls 12OV for 277V add sufiix -277V to type number and 51.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construclion purposes.

r------1-T -T

End Caps Add rr." lo Overall Row Lenqth

425 MA

800 and 1500 MA

Calaloo 60-000, Paae 1l

SF3 Static
Lighting Recessed Fluorescent
Flush Steel Door
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighting Divislon

Des gned and engineered to f! f ll both the
performance and appearance demands of
the des gner's overalLcei ing p an

Design Fealures
This is the newest addition to the Economy
Line of lighting Jixtures, featuring the
Westinghouse concept of Energy Cost
lManagement, and olfering attractive advan-
tages to lhe distributor, ihe contractor and
and construction that provide greater
versatillty n application and efliciency of
The SF3 s a static only 2'x 4'trofler operation yet ii is compelitively priced
available n two, three or four larnp configura- aqainst other qrid ceiling iixtures.
tions for grid ceiling application. lt incorpo-
rares a 4umber o' 'nprovements in des gn Lens is 100% prismatic virgin acrylic.

Ordering lnformation 100 FTC Sight Guide

No. Catalog Number Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Size Lamps Slandard Steel Door Type 4' Factor Fixture
2x4 27) SF3 SG 2424 TOPA N
SF3SG4424TOPA M 55
2x4 3 (,1 SF3 SG 3424 TOPA
2x4 SF3 SG 4424 TOPA
it A so avai able lor use with KSH 3e !ens TOPA lo K 3e
SianrJard unit ls 12OV lot 277V add suffix -277V to type number

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for consiruction purposes.

calaloq 60-000, Paae 12

SF2 Static
Lighting Recessed Fluorescent
Flush Steel Door
Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporation
Lighting Division

Designed and engineered to lulfill both the
performance and appearance demands of
the desigrer's overall ceiling plan lhis
series ofiers a flexible variety of sizes and
lighting capabilities.

Overall visual comfort is enhanced by the
fullwidih door.
Fixture appearance is de-emphasized by
the complete luminous appearance.

Simplicity of installation and maintenance

insures long, trouble-free liie.

Ordeling lntormation-Order by NEMA Type Number

No. Type NEMA Type G NEMA Type F 100 FTC Sight Guide
Size Lamps Lamps Lay-in Ceiling Flanged Housing
Room Sq. Ft.
2-Foot 2x4 2 F40 SF2-SG 2424-TOPA SF2-SF 2424-TOPA Type Factor Fixture
F40 SF2-SG 3424-TOPA SF2-SF 3424-TOPA N
SF2-SG 4424-TOPA
2x4 F40 SF2.SG 4424.TOPA SF2-SF 4424.TOPA 67

2x2A 2
SF2-SG 6424-TOPA
SF2-SG 2414.TOPA
SF2-SF 6424-TOPA
SF2-SF 2414.TOPA
N '17
30 i)
1x4 F40 SF2-SG 3414-TOPA SF2-SF 3414-TOPA
20-lnch 2Ox48 2 F40 SF2-SG 24T4-TOPA
20x48 4 F40 SF2-SG 44T4.TOPA
20x60 2 SF2-SG 24T5-TOPA
20x60 4 SF2-SG 44T5-TOPA

Osrandard unit accepls 6-inch U-shaped lamps. Wh€n 3%-incn lamps 6re to be used, please specifv
by notalion on the order.
Standard unit has 120V ballastry. Fot 277V add suffix 277V to type number.
Lamps not included.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions nol for construclion purposes.

(Overal Length)---

11'ls Overall for One Foot Wide,

2372 Overallfor Two Fool Wide

ot 24" \Olerc)t Length)- ---

Cata oq 60 000, Pase 13

PF2 Static
Lighting Recessed Fluorescent
Flush Premium Steel Door
Westinghouse Electric Corpotallon
Liqhting Division

Finished Appearance F ush steel door,
wlth spr ng loaded latches and heavy 'C"
channel construction p aces lens on same
pld1. as Inis'led ce lirg. A l"leel hous'19 Funclion-Static troif er
is dirnensional y accuraie and offers the
over all qua ity necessary lor loday's Ceiling Type-Two ce linq types are cata-
modern buildings. loged:
1. NEN,4A iype G-Lay-jn inverted T ceiling 2. NEMA type F-Flange mounting Ior most
Lens is 1007. prismatic virgln acrylic. g rid acouslica llle or pJaster ce lings

Ordering lnlormalion-Order by NEMA Type Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

Size Lamps NE[,4A Type G Type F
NEl,.4A Fixture Floom Sq. Ft.
Lay-in Ceilinq Flanged Housing Type Factor Fixture
Type Housinq-Shield Housing-Shield N
2x4 F40 PF2-SG 2424-TOPA PF2.SF 2424.TOPA PF2-SG 4424-TOPA M 55
PF2-SG 3424-TAPA PF2.SF 3424-TOPA
N 17
F40 PF2-SG 4424-TOPA PF2-SF 4424.TOPA PF2-SG 2U22-TOPA t\,4
F40 PF2-SG 6424 TOPA PF2-SF 6424-TOPA
2x2l, u40 PF2-SG 2U22-TOPA PF2-SF 2U22-TOPA
1x4 PF2-SG 2414-TOPA PFZ-SF 2414-lOPA
F40 PF2-SG 3414-TOPA PF2-SF 3414-IOPA
Gl Slandard unil accepls 6-irch U-shaped lamps. When 3% inch lamps are lo be used. pl€ase specily by
notalion on lhe order.

Standard unit is '120V for 277V add sufJjx -277V to type number

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions nol for construction purposes.

12" at 24" 44".r 24" l0\etat Lenslh) ----

117, Overal lor One Foor Wide.
237s Overa I lor Two Foor wide

11r, lor One Foot wide. 23ya for Two.Foot


13" Over. I for One Foot Wide.

25" Overal for Two Fooi
Cataloq 60-000, Pase 14

SF2 Heat Ertraction

Lighting Recessed Fluorescent
Steel Door
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighting Division

Finished Appearance Iu
places lens on same plar]e as ' \leF doo'
ceiling. All steel housing ls dimensionally
accurate and oflers the overall quality High volume air return capabrlities increases
npcessary {orloddy s modern butldi'lgs. applicatlons. Lens is '100% prismatic virgin acrylic.

Ordering lnlormaiion-Order by NEt,4A Type Number Negaiive Slaric Pressure v3 a€rutn Air Flow

Size Lamps NEMA Type G NEMAType F

Lay-in Ceiling Flanqed Housinq
No. Type Housins-Shield Hor"llg:9lEld
SF2-EG 2424-TOPA SF2.EF 2424-TOPA
2x4 F40 SF2-EG 4424-TOPA SF2-EF 4424-TOPA
F40 SF2-EG 6424.TOPA SF2-EF 6424-T0PA
2x2a SF2-EG 2U22-TOPA SF2.EF 2U22-TOPA € ooz
F40 SF2-EG 2414-TOPA SF2-EF 2414-TOPA
1x4 E oo5
F40 SF2-EG 3414-IOPA SF2-EF 3414-TOPA
O standard lnit accepls
noratron on lhe o de'.
6 nch U-shaped ramps wheo 3%_ nch lamps are lo be used, please specilv bv r 003

Standard unit is 120V for 277V add suffix -277V to type number 6 ao2
100 FTC Sight Guide*
Fixture Room Sq. Ft. Fixture Roo m Sq. Ft. 10 20 30 40 50 60
Type Factor Fixture Type Factor Fixture Relurn Air Flow, CFM
N 43 N Ar Fellrn Thr! Lamp cav ly
SF2-EG 4424-fOPA M 63 SF2.EG 2U22-TOPA t\,4 27
"Based on ninimuh ol 30cim lhru lirlLre

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not lor construction purposes.

48 .r 24" (Q\er.t
at 24"-


1I r; Overal lor One Foor Wide.

23t s Overalr for Two Foor Wide

8" or 24" lOvera lLensnr)----

r r,,/s lor One Foor Wide 23\/eI.t awo Foal


13" Overa llor One Fool Wide

Overa I for Two Foot Wide

cata oo 60-000. Paqe 15

Lighting Air Supply/ Heat Extraction
Recessed Fluorescent
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporallon
Lighting Division Aluminum Door

Finished Appearance Flush a um num door
p aces lens on same plane as fin shed
ceiling. All steel housing oilers economy
without sacrifice oi desrgn concept.

A r passaqes in top oi recessed side slot

plus a r return through end of door and
exhaust through porls in housing. Heat
exchange or heat exchange and a r supply. Lens is 100% prismatic virgin

Ordering lnformalion Order by NEt'lA Type Number N€galive Slalic Pr€ssure y! Belllm Air Flov
Size Lamps NEMA G NEI\,4A F
No. Type Catalog Number Catalog Number
2 F40 AF2-CG2424-TOPA 4F2.CF2424-TOPA
AF2-CC 3424-TOPA AF2-C| 3424 TOPA
AF2-CG 4424-TOPA AF2-CF 4424-TOPA
F40 AF2-CG 6424-T0PA AF2-CF 6424-10P4 o.010

2 x 2t!) u40 AF2-CG2U22-'|OPA AF2-CF2U22-rOPA 5.ooz

AF2.CG 2414 TOPA AF2-CF 2414-lOPA
'1 x4 g oos
F40 AF2-CG 3414-TOPA AF2-CF 3414 TOPA
O Standard unrt accepis 6-inch. U-shaped lamps When 3%-inch lamps are to be used please specity by
nolation on lhe orde..
a 003

Standard unit rs 120V {or 277V add sullix -2l/V to type number 6
6 .oo2

100 FTC Sight Guide*

Fixture Room Sq. Ft. Fixture Room Sq. Ft. 10 20 30 40 50 60
Type Factor Fixture Type Facior Fixture Felurn Air Flow. CFM
N 43 N 19 Air Return Thru LamP Cavily
AF2-CG4424IOPA M 63 AF2-CG2U22TAPA M 27
77 35
'Bised nn minrmrm ol30clm lhru tirlure

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

l- t, ., ^r .-.'.-....'.-............................i


1rl^ lor One Foot Wide 23L'a ior Two Fool

13" Overa I ior One Foot Wlde
25" Over. llor Tw. F.ol Wlde
Cala oq 60-000, Pase 16

Parabolic Static
Lighting Recessed Fluorescent
Aluminum Louver
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Division

F nished appearance-Large cell aluminum
louver offers utrnost in visual appearance
and corriorl. Unils are avar,able slal c. air
supply, heat exchange or combination.
Large cell design improves luminaire
maintenance thus keeping light levels at
design point.

Ordering lnloimation-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

NEMA G Lamps No. of Fixture Room Sq. Ft.

Type Numbers No. Type Cells Size Type(Static) Factor Fixture

AFSB-SG1414-108 1 F40 8 1x4 1x4 N 20

AFSB-SG2414-108 2 F40 I 1x4 2 Lamp M 30

8 Cell 37
AF8B-SG34T4-318 F40 1a 20x48
FB40/6 2x2 2t2 N 18
AFBB-SG2U22-309 2 Lamp M 26
AFSB-SG3424-318 3 F40 18 2x4 9 Cell
aFaB-sG4424-432 4 F40 32 2x4 2l 4 N
Standard unit is 12OV for 277V add suffix -277V to type number 4 Lamp M
32 Cell 54
For additional information on other configurations
and surface applications, contact factory'

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Bottom View Bottom View Bottom View Bottom View

End View End View lo---o-----o End View

f--''=l F-"---l
Cala og 60-000, Paqe 17

Square HID Recessed

Lighting Aluminum Door
Flush and Regressed
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporatlon
Liqhting Oivision

Designed specifically tor use where archi-
tectural considerations must be integraied
wilh a need for higher illumination eve s,
the square design provides a lighling sou rce
with comp ete symmetry and uniformiiy ol
appearance from all directions.

The fixtures are 24' square and avai able

for mercLrry, meta ha ide and HPS lamps oi
various wattages A specia heal resistanl
acryl c shie d ng oi TOPA pattern ls sland-
ard Availab e with 120V or 277V ba lasts. regressed a umjnum door also ava lable coTners to assute perfect alignment and
p aces the lens on a plane % " above the cflsp. clean dppeardn( e. Llod rng black
The t ush a u minurn door places the lens on 'rn snpd ce ling Bolh rl'e e. Lded a un'i- maite we ls are slandard
the same plane as the f n shed ce linq;the num tr m and door irame have m tered

Ordering lnformation-Order by Type Nurnber 100 FTC Sight Guide

Lam p NEMA G NEMA G Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Type Type No. Flush Door Type No. Regressed Type Factor Fixture
400 Ivlercury AF2L SGM4O2-TOPA AR2L.SGM4O2-TOPA N 74
400W Mercury M 105
400 Metal Halide AF2L-SGH4O2-TOPA AR2L-SGH4O2-TOPA
175 AF2L-SG H1 72-TOPA AR2L.SGH 172_TOPA
N 109
150 HPS AF2L-SG S 1 52-TOPA AR2L-SGS152-TOPA 400w MH M 154
N 52
Standard unit 120V tot 277V add suffix-277 to type number.
15OW HPS M 74
NEMA F available contact factory. 88

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Quick Access Wiring Ko's
caralog 60 000, Page r8

Round HID Recessed

Lighting Open Bottom
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lightinq Division

An open bottorn, high inlenslty dlscharge
lighting unlt for app icalion in slores, super-
markels, discount ho!ses and the ike:This
unit is designed lo operate the 400W coated
rnercury lamp, the 400W coaled meial
halide larnp, lhe 400W clear metal halide
and the 150W HPS lamp. The luminaire
utillzes an integral mounled ballast.

'100 FTC Sight Guide

Ordering lnlormation
lntegral Ballast Oesign Fixlure Room Sq. Ft.
Tvpe Factor Fixture
Type Numbers Type Lamp Watts 40OW Mercury t\,4 115
OBBL.SG M402 Mercury
N 112
OBBL.SG H4O2 N/etal Halide 400W Iletal M 169
Halide 212
OBBL.SG S152 150

Standard unit is 120V for 277V add sullix 277 lo type number N
15OW HPS l\l B1

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions nol for construction purposes


18" dia.
23th" sq.
lnlegral Ballasl Unit
calaloc 60-000. Paoe 19

PH Design
Lighting lndustrial Fluorescent
Polyester Reflector
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Liqhting Division

Applicalion ---..'-.---
The PH Design is a heavy duty luminaire ..::..<
designed for better lighting of induslrlal
interiors. *:--\
Ventilated-10% uP-light.

Heavlly embossed ref lector

One movable/one lixed atch per four foot Full through wiring channel and heavy duty
reliector conneclor

N/axim!m w dth and parabclic conlo!r Spr nq sieel lampholder s!pport plate

Ordeiing lnformation-Order by Type Number 100 FTc Sight Guide

Ventilated Reflector
Room Sq. Ft.
Type Number Unit Channel Approx. Shp.
Fixture Factor Fixture
Ventilated No. Type Wattage Length: ln. Wt.: Lbs.
Type 8 N 37
PH24ORV F40 95 26
2PH240RV(S) M 56
2PH240RV F40 't 90 100 50 PH275RV(S) 72
PH340RV F40 150 50 31 (425'f'al N 51
100 60 PH2100HV(S) M 100
2PH340RV F40
(800ma). 7g
PH275RV F96T12 175 96 51
' For 1500ma lamDs multiply sq. lt, x 1.5
PH375RV FS6T12 275
PH26OHV F4aT12HO 150 36 Acceaaodes (Not included).
Order separately by Style Number.
PH2l OOHV F96T12HO 96 51

PH36OHVO F4BT12HO 44 Style Number

PH3100HVO) F96T12HO 375 Connectors:
Standard Length 890D832G01
PH2l OOEVO F48T12SHO 245 48 39
Extra Long 6232D88G01
PH2200EVO F96T12SHO 470 70
End Plates:
O) For pendanl mountins only (6" or more). For surface mounlins, conlact laclory.
425 ma and Slimline
Channel 106D856G01
Standard unit is 120V for 277V add sullix-27 7V to type number.
800/1500 ma Channel 106D856G02

For mounling accessolies-see page 50 and 51.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

40 W Tandem 997,
Slimline,800 and 1500 MA 96

End Caps Add 7s " to Overall Row Length

calalog 60,000, Pase 20

P Design
Lighting lndustrial Fluorescent
Polyester Reflector
Westinghouse Electric Corporalion
Lighting Division

Designed for application in most industrial
interiors where fluorescent is the proper
eqLripment choice.

The P Design was engineered io produce
high e"iciency w'rile at the same t'me irLor-
porat'ng al l_eavy duty iluorpscenl lum -
nd re lealLres iequired ir tl'e indu"try.

Competitively designed reflector gives the

{ixture one of the highest eiliciencies among
any of ihose available on the market today.

l\,4aintenance and installation time is reduced No dust or dirt catching retlector edges. The
to a minimum because of refleclor installation uplight reflector design also assures lamp
and latching from one position. cleanriness due lo a "flu dction" elfecl

Ordering lnlormalion 100 FTC Sight Guide

Uplight Direct Lamps Unit Channel Approx. Fixtu re Roo m Sq. Ft.
Reflector Reflector No. Type Wattage Length: in. weight Type B' Factor Fixture

limline P238RU P238BD 2 F4AT12 '100 N 40

P27sRU N,l
P27,RU P275RD F96T12 17s 40 77
800MA (HO) P260HU P260HD F48I12lHO 150 N 57
P2lOOHU P2lOOHD 2 F96T12/HO 245 s6 P2l OOHU M B5
1500MA (SHO) P2100EU NA F4BI12/SHO 245 48 28
P22OOEU NA F96T12/SHO 470 P2200EU lV 134
w 171
Standard unit is 120V ior 277V add suffix -277V to type number

Accessories (Not included, For mounting accessories-see page 50

order separately by Type Number). and 51.
Connector PCN Uses same mounting accessories as
End Plale (Pair) PEP H Design.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Cala oq 60 000, Page 2l

B Design
Lighting lndustrial Fluorescent
425ma only
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighting Division

The B Designs are particularly suited ior
warehouses, active storage areas and other
light industrial uses.


tr;;f @
ffi L-''
Variety of reflectors allow ilexibility in
mounting and light distrjbution and
direction for specific needs.
474 " channel width-channel widlh covers
standard outlet box enhancing the instal-
lation's appearance.
Off-center knockouts-wire enlrance is
possible when mounted directly on inverted
T ceilings; saves time and elfort during

Ordering lnlormation-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

Type Numbers Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Solid Ventilated Lamps Unit Channel Approx. Shippinq Type8' Factor Fixture
Narrow Wide No. Type Wattage Length:lnches Wt.: Lbs. N 38
Reflector Reflector 2BV24OR
BN14OR BV14OR F40 16
BN24OR BV24OR F40 48
BN175S BV175S F96r12 100 96 26
2BN14OR 2BV14OR 2
2BN240R 2AV240R 4 F40 175 s6
BN275S BV275S 2 F96T12 190 96 28
Also available in single lamP.
Standard unit is 120V for 277V add suffix -277V to type number

Dimension in Inches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Cala os 60 000 Pase 22

EG Design
Lighting Enclosed Fluorescent
Aluminum Housing
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighling Division

The EG and EGL Designs are designed lor
Lnter or or protecled outdoor instal alions
where hiqh hum dity or corros ve lumes are
present. These incl!de cold storage lockers,
iood processing areas, auto garages,
canopies, loading docks, theater marquees, 100% acryllcc prisrnatic
00% virgin acryl prrsr cover
underground parking areas. eic.
Cam action latches
Extruded aluminu m housing Cast a uminu m end caps

Ordering lnlormation-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sighi Guide

Type Numbers-Prismatic Acrylic Cover Fixture Room Sq. Ft.

u/L Listed Ull LamPslD Unit Channel Approx. ShP. Type 8' Faclor Fixture
Enclosed and Listed No. TYPe wattage Length: ln
2EG240C N 2a
Gasketed EG275C M 41
EGLl40RP EG'14ORP (425ma)
95 9B 54 N 36
2EGL'14ORP 2EG14ORP F40 EG2100HC M 54
EGL240RP EG24ORP F40 95 50 (800ma)

2EGL24ORP 2EG24OAP F40 190

EGLl75SP EG175SP F96T12 100 9B Othet Shielding Available

F96T'12 175 98 lo order. drop leller P from lype numbe'
and add letter D or C.
EGLl60HP EGl60HP F48T12HO 90 Example: EGL140RD
F48T12HO 150 56 D-Diffused acrylic cover
EG26OHP F48T12HO 150 50 30 C-Clear acrylic cover
2EGL26OHP 2EG26OHP F48T12HO 300 98
F96T12HO 135 30
FS6T12HO 245 58

2EGLlloOHPo 2EG1100HP@ F48T125HO 245 98

EGL2lOOEPO EG2l OOHP€) F48T12SHO 245 50

F48T125HO 490 62
F96T125HO 220 9B 34
EGL22OOEPO EG22OOEP€) F96T125HO 450 s8

conlacl lactory'
O For suspenslon mounling only (6" ninlmum) For surlace mounting'
Standard unit is 12OV for 277V add sullix -277V to type number

Dimension in lnches- Dimensions not for construction purposes

Card oq 60 000 Pate 23

PEG Design
Lighting Enclosed Fluorescent
Weslinghouse Electric Corpoaation
Lighling Division

The PEG Design is designed ior max murn
protection against corrosion, dust and
weathering, even exlremes such as sali
spray. lt is therefore suiied ior installation
in exposed parking garages, dock areas,
food process ng plants. gravel mi ls. etc.

High impaci ABS plastlc housing.

Closed cell polyethylene gasket.

Detachable and replaceable plastic latches

[,4ounting lL]gs ior ballast and channel are

rno ded into housing

Standard unils suitable for Damp Locations.

Wet Location label optional.

Ordering lnlormalion-Order by Type Number 100 FTC Sight cuide

Approximate Chan nel
Catalog Lamp Un it Sh ipping Length Fixture Roo m Sq. Ft.
NumberO Number Type Waitage Wt. Lbs. lnches
lype 4' Factor Fixture
N 7
PEG 140 R 20 517/e PEG 140 M 11
PEG 240 R F40 517/a 11

2PEG 140 R 2 F40 95 9A1/B

PEG 240
N 13
t\.4 20
2PEG 24O A 4 rsb 987/a 26
PEG 175 S F96T12 '100 42 987/a
PEG 275 S F96T12 17s 43
PEG 11OO H 1 F96r12/HO 135 987/a
PEG 2'1OO H 2 F96T12/HO 245 987/e
O Fixlure is slandard wilh "S!ilab e lor Damp Locatron labe . For tixture wilh ,,Su rabte for Wel Locat on
abel, add pref x W Ex: PEG 240 becomes WPEG240.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Top View
Typical Cross Sections
Cala oq 60-000, 24

Fleroliner" Design
Lighting lndustrial HID
Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporation
Lighting Dlvi8ion

iAgixr- : '1 -''

Flexoliner design provides hlghly efficient
long lived i lum nat on for all class of indus-
tria llghting. Whether il be sleel miils or
electronic assemb y, forging operalions or
machine shop, the Flexoliner with mercury,
metal ha ide or HPS can handle il.

D e casi ballast housing rugged constr!c-

tion protects ballast components and dis-
slpates heat. ins!ring ong bal ast life Tandem Bef lector Design

F ex lock dojusl'ner I plov dp5 q- ck pos -

tlve posilioning of reflector for optirnum Quickie hanger speeds instalLat on and Srnqle Ref ector Design
light d slribution without removing Jamp permanently secures luminair in position.

Ordering lnformalion-Order by Catalog Number 100 FTC Sight Guide

Fixture Fixture Room Sq. Ft.
Lamp lnput lnstalled Reflector Catalog Type Factor Fixture
Type Number Wattage Wattage Voltageo Weight Type Number
400w N '1
HPS 245 120 40 Difiuse Single FC20-120-H2 Metat Hatide t\.4 159
HPS 250 300 120 41 Dilfuse Single Fc2s-120-H2 S/MH - 1.4 188
N 183
HPS 310 360 120 44 DiffuseSingle FC31-120-H2
HPS t4 253
HPS 465 120 DifluseSingle FC4O-12O-H2 S/MH-'1.7 306
Metal 1 120 31 Diltuse Single FH4O-120-H2 1000W Coated N 379
Halide Metal Halide M 462
Metal 2 88s '120 DitfuseTandem FHB0-120-H2
l\.4etal 1 1000 1090 120 DiffuseSingle FH00-120-H4 Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for
Halide construction purposes.
Mercury-1 250 120 Semi-Specular FM25-120-42
Sing le

Mercury 1 455 120 Semi-Specular FM40-'|2O-42

Sing le

Mercury 2 880 120 Semi-Specular FMB0-120-42

Mercury 1000 1080 120 Semi-Specular FM00-120-A4

O Arso avairabre lor 208,240,277 and 4gOlJ opetation or Mulli-Tap 120/20a/240/277v lot sinste tamp
units except 2oo wall and 310 wall HPs
Enclosed units are availabte. Contact lactory lor information

Oiameler C D (Max.)

Cataloq 60,000, Paoe 25

LoWatt Design
Lighting lndustrial HID
Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporation
Lighting Division

The Lowatt design produces econominal,
efficient, long lamp life HID lighting where
mounting heights are reslricted. Use in low
ceiling areas, remote or hard to re-lamp
areas, such as stotage rooms, warehouses,
stairwells, tunnels, restrooms, catwalks, etc-

Variety of HID sources-uses mercury,
metal halide or HPS light sources for
maximum flexibility.

Reflector or ref ractor-aluminum reflector Plastic Relractor

gives wide horizontal lighl distribution
while open or closed bottom refractor
give superior vertical footcandles under
a variety ol uses.

Available in both standard Refractors are available in a number of Aluminum Reflector

and wet locations versions. standard light distribution patterns.

Ordering lnlolmation. Order by catalog number. 100 FTC Siqhl Guide

Lamp type Wattage Voltageo Optics Catalog Number
Fixtu re Room Sq. Ft.
Standard lJnit Type Facior Fixture
HPS 150 120 ll"AluminumReflector LWC15-120-AR N 27
't20 175W M 40
Metal Halide '175 16" Enclosed Refractoro LWH 17-120-EAS16
Mercury 250 120 11" Aluminum Reflector LWM25-120-AR
LWM 25.AR N 42
Mercury 120 ll"AluminumReflector LWM17-120-AR 250W t1
Mercury 100 120 'll"AluminumRetlector LWI\,I10-120-AR
Mercu ry
LWC 15-AR N 57
Wet Locations L,nil 150W M 71
HPS '150 120 16" Enclosed Refaaclor wLWC15-120-EAS16 HPS 81

t\4etal Halide 175 '120 16" Enclosed Relractor WLWH17-120-EAS16

Mercury 120 '16" Enclosed Ref ractor wLwM25-120-EAS16
Me rcu ry 175 120 16" Enclosed Refractor WLWMt T-120-EAS16
Mercu ry 100 120 16" Enclosed Refractor WLWMl0-120-EAS16

O Also available for 2o8,24o,277 and 480 V. operation.

@ 175 W. Metal Halide not offered in open reflector or refractor.
O Other rellector-refractor types available. Contact factory.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

caraLog 60 000, Page 26

Vertiflex Design
Lighting lndustrial HID
Westinghouse Electric Corporalion
Lighting Division


The Vertiflex design is a whole new con-
cept in ind!strial lighting. Based on the
premise that not al visual lasks are flat or
horizontal, the vertiflex Luminaire puts its
I ght towards vertical interrupting surfaces
ke mach nes, dials, spindles, handles and
the like, lathebeds, draw dies, punch
presses, conrrol panels, etc lI does lhis
irom many individual locations and from lar
distance mlnimizing body shadow and
reflected glare.

Ordeiing lntormalion
120VO) Ballasted Remote
Lamp Unit Ballasted Wet Location Ballast@
Type Wattage Vertiflex Vertiflex Vertiflex
HPS 2so vc25120PA WVC25120PA VC2sRPA
Metal Halide 250 VH2512OPA WVH2512OPA VH2sRPA
l- t[] "
Metal Halide 400 VH4O'12OPA WVH4O12OPA VH4ORPA
l-']--_lt /ii
Mercury VM2512OPA WVM2512OPA VM25RPA
lf-lf_ ]L /,4 N\ vertittex svstem
Mercury VM4O12OPA WVM4O12OPA VM4ORPA l--lf_-ll'/^\'
O Atso availabte ror ?08, 240v, 277v and 480v or
@ Order remote ballast s€parately, contacl lactorv
Multllap 120/2oa/240/277v
F- r- ll/\
Note: Standard enclosure 100% virgin acrylic. Also available
in polycarbonate.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

261/z 261/z
Remote Ballast Unit lntegral Ballast Unit
Calalo'r 60 000. Paqe 27

Vertiflex FL Design
Lighting lndustrial HID
Westinghouse Electric Colporation
Lighting Division

I Applicalion
The Vertiflex design is a whole new con-
cept in jndustrial lighting. Based on the
prernise that not all visual tasks are flat or
horizontal, the vertillex luminaire puts its
light towards verlical interrupting surlaces
like machines, dials, spindles, handles and
the like, lathebeds, draw dies, punch
presses, control panels. elc. lt does this
from many individual locations and from far
distance minimizing body shadow and
reflected glare.

Ordering lnlormation-Order by catalog number

Lam p Fixture
Type Number Wattage lnput Wattage Voltage WeightO Catalog Number

120 vFc20-120-EAS16
HPS 120 41 vFc25-120-EAS16
Metal Halide 120 VFH25-120-EAS16

For Optional Vollage Subslitute

208 Volt
240 Volt
277 VolI
480 Volt
120/ 208/ 240/ 277V N.4T (Not available in 200 watt HPS)

Standard refractor is 100% virgin acrylic. Polycarbonate available on special request.

O Weisht rs rotal installed weisht.

fill rT A Dimension in lnches-

- -\l- Dimensions not for
lF#l /,i t\ construction purposes.
It+l /) 1\ Verlillex FL Syslem
ltl,lll\ /,r\
Calaloq 60-000, Paqe 28

Vertiflex LW Design
Lighting lndustrial HID
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Divi8ion

The Vertiflex design is a whole new con-
cept in industrial lighting. Based on the
premise that not all visual tasks are llat or
horizontal, the vertiflex lum,naire puts its
light towards vertical interrupting surfaces
like machines, dials, spindles, handles and
the like, Iathebeds, draw dies, punch
presses, control panels, etc. lt does this
lrom many individual locations and from far
distance minimizing body shadow and
reflected glare.

Oldering lnlormation-Order by catalog number

Fixture Catalog Number
Lamp type Number Wattage lnput Wattage Voltage Weighto Standard Unit Wet Locations Unit

wvlc 15-120-EAS16

HPS 100 't28 120 17 vLc 10-120-EAS16 wvlcl0-120-EAS16

Metal Halide 175 2'lo 120 VLH17-120-EAS16 WVLHl7-120-EAS16
Mercury 250 120 17 VLM25.12O-EAS16 wvLM25-120-EAS16
Mercury 120 vLM 17-120-EAS16 WVLMl7-120-EAS16
Mercury 100 120 15 vLM10-120-EASI6 wvLM 10-120-EAS16

208 Volt
240 Volt
277 Voll
480 Volt

O woight is total installed weight.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for

construction purPoses.

lrrl ii
It--lfll'/n|N\vertittex lw svstem

lF- r-l/\
caraloq 60-000, Page 29

MRF Design
Lighting HID Floodlight
westinghouse Electric corporalion
Liqhting Division

NrRF Design heavy duty tloodlight is of the
wide beam type for general area lighting or
building floodlighting.

Heavy duty cast aluminum housing, llat

heat and impact resislant lens, and galva-
nized steel mounting bow protect ihe lamp
and ballast, providing long life.

Lens is gaskeled and bolted firmly to hous-

ing. Replacement can be accomplished
within 5 minutes wlth no loose hardware
or need to demount entire lloodlight.

Ordering lnlormation Ordering lntormation

Catalog No. Description Gatalog No. Description
Ceramalux 250 Watt Ceramalux 1000 Walt
R4G-SNGK-76A 120 V. CW with PC receptacle BIG-SSLK-76A 120 V. HiReactance HPF with PC receptacle
R4G-SNG6-76A 120 / 2Oa/ 24O / 277 V. CW with PC receptacle RI G-SSLM-76A 240 V. H iReactance HPF with PC receptacle
R4G-SNGI\,4-764 240 V. CW with PC receptacle R1G-SSRE-76A 480 V. Reactance HPF without PC receptacle
R4G-SNGE-76A 480 V. CW wiihout receptacle Melal Halide 1000 Watt
Ceramalux 400 Watt R1G-JSAK-76A 120 V. CWA with PC receplacle
R4G.SPGK.76A 120 V. CW with PC receptacle R1G-JSA|-76A 240 V. CWA with PC receptacle
R4G-SPG6-76A 120/20a/240/277 V. CWwith PC receptacle R1G-JSAE-76A 480V. CWA without receptacle
R4G-SPGM.764 240 V. CW with PC receptacle Mercury 1000 Watt
R4G-SPGE-76A 480 V. CW without receptacle R1G-DSAQ-76A 120/24OV. CWA with PC receptacle
Metal Halide 400 Watt R1G-DSA6'76A 120/208/ 240/277 V. CWA with PC receptacle
R4G-JPAQ-76A 120/240 V. CWA with PC receptacle R1G-DSAE-76A 480 V. CWA without receptacle
R4G-JPAE-76A 480 V. CWA without receptacle Modificalions
Mercury 400 Wall Description Catalog No.
R4G-DPAQ.764 120l240 V. CWA with PC receptacle Four loot s-conductor Change 1oth digit of luminaire
R4G-DPA6.764 120/ 2Oa/ 240 / 277 V.CWAwith PC receptacle #14SO cord attached. catalog number to "L"
R4G-DPAE-764 480 V. CWA without recePtacle Fused,600 V. KTK with holder. Change loth digit ol luminaire
calalog number to "K"
Modilications Both four foot 3-conductor Change 1oth digit of luminaire
Description Cataloq No. catalog number to "J"
#145O cord attached, and
Four foot 3-conductor Change 1oth digit of luminaire fuse 600 V. KTK with holder.
#145O cord attached. catalog number to "L"
Fused, 600 V. KTK with holder Change 1oth digit of luminaire
catalog number to "K"
Both four foot 3-cond0ctor Change 1oth digit of luminaire
#145O cord attached, and catalog number to "J"
fuse 600 V. KTK with holder.

Eflective Projected
Projected Area-3.4 sq. ft.
Dimensions Aroa-2.4 sq. ft.
in lnches Estimated
Estimated Weight-80 lbs
Weight-48 lbs with Mercury
with Mercury Ballast Ballast
calalog 60 000, Paqe 30

Dayliter Il
Lighting HID Floodlight

Westinghouse Electric Corporalion

Lighting Division

The Dayliter ll Floodlight is designed to illu- The Dayliter ll Floodlight is designed and
minate indoor or outdoor sports fields and engineered to provide optimum efliciency
work areas which require high wattage HID and io give maximum light output for the
light sources in a variety of beam spreads- energy consumed. Dayliter ll is the logical
High mounting height and long throw give the choice for those applications requiring high
Dayliter Il a capabrlity lor elleclively illumi- wattage light sources in a highly elficient
nating indoor arenas, all outdoor stadiums, luminaire. Standard product is prewired with
race tracks, buildings, signs, industrial and four feet 3C #14SO cord.
railroad yards.

Olderirg lnlormalion Moditications

(lncludes DescriPtion Description Catalos No.
heavy duty NEMAO (lncludes heaw NEMA Fused, 600 V. Change 1oth digit ol
reflector Beam duty reflector Beam
KTK with holder luminaire catalog
Catalog No. housing) Spread Catalog No. housing) Spread number to "K"
ceiamalux 400 Watt ceramalux 1000 Watt General Purpose Change 2nd digit of
DSG.SPGA-22A 120 V. CW DSG-SSLA-33A 120 V. HiReactance 3 Luminaire (less luminaire catalog
heavy duty number to "W"
DSG-SPGC-22A 240 V. CW DSG-SSLC-33A 240 V. HiReactance 3 reflector housing)
DSG-SPGE-22A 480 V. CW DSG-SSRE-33A 480 V. Reactor With Photocontrol Change 1oth digii of
DSG-SPGA-44A 120 V. CW DSG-SSLA-66A 120 V. HiReactance 6 luminaire catalog
number lo "D"
DSG-SPGC-44A 240 V. CW DSG-SSLC-66A 240 V. HiReactance 6
DSG-SPGE-44A 480 V. CW DSG-SSRE-66A 480 V. Reactor
Metal Halide 1000 Watt Metal Halide 1500 Watt
DSG.HSAA-22A 120 V. CWA 2 DSG.HTAA.22A 120 V. CWA
DSG-HSAC-22A 240 V. CWA 2 DSG.HTAC-22A 240 V. CWA
DSG-HSAE-22A 480V. CWA 2 DSG-HTAE.22A 480 V. CWA
DSG-HSAA-33A 120 V. CWA 3 DSG-HTAA-33A 120 V. CWA
DSG-HSAC-33A 240 V. CWA 3 DSG-HTAC-33A 240 V. CWA
DSG-HSAE-33A 480 V. CWA 3 DSG-HTAE-33A 480 V. CWA
DSG-HSAA-44A 120 V. CWA 4 DSG-HTAA.44A 120 V. CWA
DSG-HSAC-44A 240 V. CWA 4 DSG-HTAC-44A 240 V. CWA
DSG-HSAE-44A 480 V. CWA 4 DSG-HTAE-44A 480 V, CWA
O orher distributions available. contacl ractory'

in lnches
not tor

Effective Proiected
Area-3.1 sq. ft.
Cata og 60 000 Page 31

MLS Design
Lighting HID Sealed Floodlight
Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporatlon
Lighting Division

The MLS Floodlight was des gned speciii-
ca ly for stadium ighting. However, it is
s!rtable ior many other app icaiions where
high candlepower is desired such as rail-
road yards, tal structures. smoke stacks,
towers, go f coutses. etc,

Thls revolutionary concept of sealed optlcal

system operates without breathing, conse-
quently, the rnterior of the optical syslern re-
mains c ean throughout the life of the arnp.

Ordering lnlormation - U n its cataloged provided with jnstalled bow

for crossarm mounting and lamp in place. Moditications
NEI\,,IA NEMA Description Catalog No.
Beam Beam
CatalogNo. Description Spread Catalog No. Description Spread Slraight bow lor Change 2nd digit
mounling on ol lumina re cata-
ceramalux 1000 watt Metal Halide 1000 Watt horizontal suriace, log number to "2"
L1G-SSLA-22C 120 V. HiReactance 2 LtG-HSAA-22C 120 V. CWA 2 bracket or sliplitter.
L1G-SSLC-22C 240 V. HiReactance 2 LIG-HSAC-22C 240 V. CWA 2 Four fooi 3-con- Change 1oth digit
ductor #14SO of luminaire cata-
L1G-SSLE-22C 480 V. Reactor 2 L1G-HSAE-22C 480 V. CWA 2 cord attached. log number to "L"
L1G-SSLA-ssC 120 V. HiReactance 5 L1G-HSAA-ssC 120 V. CWA 5 Fused,600 V. Change 1oth digit
LlG-SSLC-ssC 240 V. HiReactance 5 LtG-HSAC-ssC 240 V. CWA 5 KTK with holder- of luminaire cata-
log number to "K"
L1G-SSLE-ssC 480 V. Reactor 5 L1G-HSAE.ssC 480 V. CWA 5
Both four foot Change 1oth digit
Melal Halide 1500 Watl Mercury-Cleai 1000 Watt
3-conductor of luminaire cata-
L1G-HTAA-22C 120 V. CWA L1G-CSAF-44C 120/240 V. # 14SO cord log number to "J"
CWA attached, and
fuse 600 V. KTK
LlG.HTAC-22C 240 V. CWA L1G-CSAE-44C 480 V. CWA 4 with holder.
L1G-HTAE.22C 480 V. CWA Mercury-Deluxe 1000 Watl
L1G-HTAA-ssC 120 V. CWA L1G-DSAF-76C 1201240V. 7xo
L1G-HTAC-s5C 240 V. CWA L1G-DSAE-76C 480 V. CWA 7x6
L1G-HTAE-ssC 480 V. CWA
Atl fixtures cataloged above utilize HPF ballasts.

Optional Standard

m m
Straight Bow Crossarm
Mounting Mounting F--2o 'l -
For s,g Dia. Bort K 1% R.
Fot vz Dia. Bott+f

in lnches JH
not for
u=/ \\\>\ I
Estimated Weight
1000 watt---49 lbs.
1500 watt*g7 lbs.
l-ro, t 20Ea -l Proiected Area 4.8 sq. ft.
cataloq 60-000, Paqe 32

IUlFB Design
Lighting HID Floodlight
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Division

IvIFB Design Floodlights are designed for
use with 1000 watl mercury, 1000 and 1500
watt metal halide, and 1000 watt high pres-
sure sodiLrm lamps. The MFB is particularly
suited to ighling parking areas, golf
courses, outdoor work and loading areas,
buildings and monuments.

Ordering lnlormalion
Catalog No. Description
Modilications to Ballast Assembly
Rellector Assembly
Description Catalog No.
B1G-CSXX-764 Reflector assembly with plain lens for clear lamp.
Fused, 600 V. Change 10th digit
Bl G.DSXX-66A Reflector assembly with plain lens for coated lamp. KTK with holder. of luminaire catalog
Ballast Assembly number to "K"
B2X-DSAF-XXA 120/240 V. CWA. 1000 W. Mercury
B2X-DSAE.XXA 480 V. CWA 1000 W. Mercury
B2X-HSAA.XXA 120 V. CWA 1000 W. Metal Halide
B2X-HSAC.XXA 240 V. CWA 1000 W. Metal Halide
B2X-HSAE-XXA 480 V. CWA 1000 W. lvletal Halide
B2X-HTAA-XXA 120 V. CWA 1500 W. Metal Halide
B2X.HTAC-XXA 240 V. CWA '1500 W. Metal Halide
B2X-HTAE.XXA 480 V. CWA 1500 W- Metal Halide
B2X-SSLA.XXA 120 V. Hi Reactance HPF 1000 W. HPS
B2X.SSLC-XXA 240 V. Hi Reactance HPF 1000 W. HPS
B2X-SSRE-XXA 480 V. Reactor HPF 1000 w. HPs

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

15s,6 R. max

Net Wt.
Maximum is 413,6 inches Reflector Assy: 31 lbs max.
Effective Projected Area-2.8 sq. ft. Maximum Width is 24 inches Ballast Assy: 58 lbs. max.
Caraloq 60-000, Page 33

VRC 18 Design
Lighting lncandescent Floodlight
Weslinghouse Electric Corporatlon
Lighting Division

Iype VRC 18 incandescent floodlights are
dpsigned Ior all soorts ighting reqJire-
ments from smallsports lields to major
league ball parks and iootballstadiums.

These floodljghts are especially effective for

other ground area appiications, particularly
when higher ilJumination levels are required.

The VRC 1B can be used with a 400 watt

mercury lamp when equipped wilh a special
socket stilt and an appropriate tank type
ballast. Stilt and tank type ballast available,
but not included. Contact factory.

Ordering lntormalion
Catalog Number Description
'I8G-NTXX-22A Narrow Beam Type 2, plain lens
18G-NTXX-334 Narrow Beam Type 3, plain lens
'18G-NTXX-44A Medium Beam Type 4, plain lens
18G-NTXX-55A Wide Beam Type 5, plain lens
18X-NTXX-55A Wide Beam Type 5, no lens

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construclion purposes.

% Slot
Effective Projected
Area with Bracket :rk Dia. Hole
VRC-18: 1.6 sq. ft. 1% R.

Net Wt. with Bracket

VRC-18:21 Ibs.
C.ta oq 60 000. Page 34

Quartz Design
Westinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighling Oivision


These lighlweight, weatherproof Quartz
Floodl ghts are designed lor applications
requ ring a wide horizontal and relatively
na|ow ve.lico beam spread. deal for
s gns, arch tectural and decorative outdoor ir
dlsp ays, llood ighting parking and recrea-
tionai areas. Available in 500 or I500 Watt
size and choice ol wide. med ura or narrow
beam spread.

Ordering lnformation
CatalogNumber DescriPtion
QZG-QOXX-54A 5Oo W. Medium Beam-/r " Swivel Knuckle
QZG.OQXX-55A 5Oo W. wide Bean-Yz "Swivel Knuckle
QZG-QTXX.61A W.-Narrow Beam-72" Swivel Knuckle
OZG-OTXX-63A 1500 W.-Medium Beafi-1/z" Swivel Knuckle
oZG-OTXX-66A 15OO W.-Wide Beam-7z " Swivel Knuckle

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes. 500 w. 1500 w.

Weight 3lb. B oz. 5lb.2 oz.
Projected .65 1.05
Area ft.
sq. sq. ft.

500 Watt 1500 Watt

Cata o9 60-000 Page 35

Wallguard Design
Lighting HID Floodlight
Weslinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Oivision

The Weslinghouse "WALLGUARD" is a
specialized Jloodlight designed for rnount-
ing on vertical surlaces. lts polycarbonale
refractor and cast aluminum housing make
it impervlous to alrnost any form oi
vanda isrn or rough service.

The WALLGUARD comes packed complete

including lamp and built-in ballast ready ior
convenient rnounting and wiring.

The ballast comparlment and the optical

syslem are cornpletely gasketed and
impervious to dirt or moisture.

Nelther sticks nor stones, BB's, etc., can

h!rt the prlsrnatic polycarbonaie refractor- upon exposure to u traviolet. For this reason
it is almost unbreakable. For highlighted we recomrnend use of polycarbonate in
area, substituter Polycarbonate material has conjunction wiih HPS lamps wherever
the inherent characterisiic ol yellowing possib le.

Ordering lntormatlon
Ballast Modilications
Catalog Number Type Wattage Voltage Description Catalog Number
WGP-SDMA-77C HPS 120 V. Hi Reactance NPF Photocell-factory To order, change
'100w 20 V. Reactor NPF installed in bottom 10th djgit of cata-

side of housing log number to "E".

WGP-SJMA.77C HPS 150W 120 V. Hi Reactance NPF
WGP.DGAA.77C Mercu ry 100w 120 V, CWA HPF

Other ballast voltages availalble, contact factory.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction

Cata og 60-000 Pase 36

OV-15 TU-DOR Design

ttrn,,nn HID Roadway Lighting
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Division

TU-DOR OV-15 Luminarres combine ap-
pearance and optical performance with
convenient installation and maintenance.
Adjustable socket and tilted optical system
provide flexible illumination with oplimum
comJort ior parking areas, residential
neighborhoods, and roadways.

Ballasts are availab e for 70, 100, '150, 200, lnstallation

250 Watt Ceramal!xo and for 100, 175, and Two "u" brackets are provided for slipfitter bolts may be tightened from inside or oul-
250 Watt i,4ercury lamps. mounling on 1/4 " to 2" pipe. Ny'ounting side for convenient leveling.

Ordering lnlormation
aalbsto Barlasto
NelO Glass Felraclor Glass Renacbr Neto Felractor
Glass Glass Felractor
Powsr wr, wilh Pholocell without Pholocell Pholocell
wirh without Phoroce I

Becaplscleo Receplacle

Tu-Dor OV-l51OOt{ t €rcury-lll Med. sco oillributioro Tu-Dorov-'5 100wHPS-Ill Mcooillrlbuliono


120 HiFeactance T1G'CGMK.3EA TlG.CGMA-3EA

12o Hi Reactance N 27 TIG.SKMK-3DA TIG.SKMA-3DA


240 Feactor N 20 T1G-oLSM 3DA T1G-CLsc-3oA TlG.SKGE 3DA

Tu-Oor OV-l5 25OW Mercury-lll llSCO Olllrlbutlon@ Tu-Dorov-15 20ow HPs-lll CO Dbtriburiono
T1G-SDFK,2OA TlG'SDRA-2DA 4a0 cw H 33 T1G-SUGE.3DA

Tu-Dor ov-151oow HPs-lll McO Dilrrlburb.O TlG-SNGL-3EA T1G-SNGB.3€A





Luminaires do not include lamps or photo controls; order separately. O Weiqht with slass retractor. For plaslic @ Luminairos to operale
Wir€d ror two-wire input' For 120 volt rotracior deducl (3) pounds.
O combinalions O
Olher wattage and voltase
ava rabre o;,equest. 'fl,::ja,","%"ili'*:ix?"jli:i'""";,:.'
O Other lypes ol dislribution avajlable on available on requesl.

Dimensions Modifications
in lnches Description Catalog No.
not for
construction Acrylic Change 3rd digit of
purposes refractor luminaire catalog
number to "A".
Elfective Ballast Change 2nd digit ot
Projected Area mounted luminaire catalog
.7 sq. ft. on door. number to "3".
Cala oq 60 000 Paqe 37

OV-25 TU-DOR Design

Lighting HID Roadway Lighting
Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporation
Lightinq Division

TU-DOR OV-25 luminaires combine appear-
ance and opticaL prelormance with conven-
lent instalLal on and rnaintenance. Adjust-
able socket and tilted oplical syslern pro-
vide flexible i lumination with optim!m
comfort for all types oi roadways and park-
ing areas where hrgher levels of il umina-
tion are required.

Ballasts are availab e ior 200,250,310,400

watt Cerarnalux, (400) watt mercury and
(400) wait metal ha ide.

Ordering lnlo]mation

NerO Glass Relraclor Glass Reiractor Nel(t Gtass Feiractor Glass Boiiacto.
Wilh Pholo.el W lhout Photocell with Pholoce I w thoul Photoceli
Receptac eO Feceplacle Recepiac eO Receptacle
Tu-DorOV"25400WMercury-lll McO Dilrributio. Tu-Dor OV-25 250W HPS-lll MCO Dislribulion
124 Hi Feaclance N T2G-SNGL 3DA TzG.SNGB-3DA
Tu-Dor OV-2s 400W $errlH.lidFlll MCO Dlskiburion Tu-Dor ow-25 3r0w BP$-lll luco oisrriburion
Tu.Dor OV-2s 4o0W HPS-Ill MCO Di.tribulion T2G SWGL 3DA T2G.SWGB 3'JA
120 H Beactance H
T2GSPGL,3DA T2G.SPGA-3EA Luminaire does not include Iamp or phol ocontrol; order separately.
T2G SPGM 3DA T2G-SPRC 3EA Other types of distribution avajlable on request.
T2GSPGNSOA T2G,SPGO.3€] O Wlred tor lwo-wire input. For 120 voli
range use 120 volt photoconlroli for 240
54 T2G SPGE-3EA volt range use 240 voll pholocontiol.
1!"Dor ov-2s 20ow HPs-llr Mco Dblributi6n

Dimensions Modifications
in lnches
not for
Description CatalogNo-
construction Ballast Change 2nd digit of
purposes mounied luminaire catalog
on door, number to "4".
Ellective Optional Accessory
Projected Area Cutoff Visor-Style No. 6720D15G01
'1.0 sq. ft.
caraloq 60,000, Paoe 38

OV-5O Design
Lighting HID Roadway Lighting
Westinghouse Electric Coryoration
Lighting Division

Westinghouse Type OV-s0 luminaires are
designed ior lighting wider roadways and
heavy traffic areas. They are particularly
suited to use for downtown thoroughfares,
shopping areas and highway interchanges
.. . or anywhere the highest illumination
levels are required.

The tilled optical system uses 1000 or 700

walt clear or phosphor coaled mercL.lry
lamps and 1000 watt metal halide, and 310,
400, 1000 watt Ceramalux lamPs.

Ordering lnlormallon
Ballsro &llasro
NerO Gl6ss Relraclor Ner@ class Retaclor Glass Felraclor
Power Wl. With Pholocell With Photocell Wilhout Pholocelr
Factor Lbs, Feceplacle@ Receptacle Voltaq6 TYPe Receplacle@ Receplac €

Ov-50 70ow lrercu.y-lll McO Di.rrlbution@

VsG,CRGN.3DA VsG-CFGO.3DA OV-5O 40oW Cer.mslqr-lll MSCO Diskiburiono
For Exlernal Ballast 700/1000wO VsG.SPGM.3EA V5GSPGC-3EA
ov-so 1000wMercurt-lv lsco Dblribuliono 277 CW V5G-SPGN'3EA VsG-SPGD.3EA


VsG,CSGK4EA VsG'CSGA.4EA ov-so 1ooow HPs-lv Msco Dl.rriburbno

Luminaires do not include O other watlags and voltaqe combinalions
ava'lable on requesl'
tamps or pholo controls;
order seoaratelv. O Wi,ed lor lwo'wrr€ inpLrl For 120 voll ranse
V5G-CSSE 4EA ' use 120 voll pholoconlroli lor 240 voll
ov-50 rooow Metll Hslid+llt co Dklribuliono range use 240 voll piloloconlrol,
62 VsG-JSAK 3OA VsG JSAA.3DA O Weiqhi with glass reliaclor. For plastic
relractor deduct (3) Pounds
O Other types o, distribution available on
VsG-JSAM.3DA VsG-JSAC3DA requesl.

in lnches
not for

Effective Projected Area-1.3

Cataloq 60-000. Faae 39

OV-4OO Design
Lighting Roadway Lighting Package
Wegtinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighling Division

Parking areas, security lighting, streets and
walkways are examples of the many appLi-
car.ons for which Lhe OV-400 is sL.ted

These automatically controlled llghts lurn

or ar dL5k ard off ar daw'r-prov'd n9
1. more protection discourages prowlers
2. more productron extends useiul work-
ing hours
3. more bJsirpq"-.llrd ls cusro'nerc
4. more pleasure-night recreation
5. more safety for vehicle or boat parking
Quality ighting performance at low initial
cost. All items included to facil tate installa
tion. Line leads attached to minimize instai
lation time.

Coinpletely sealed and tilied opiical system

directs more of lhe available ljght to area
wl_ere aeeded. Rellecror desrgn n rrrrr/pj
trapping oi light for greater and more even
illuminatron. Glassware is mechanically
interchangeable with other rnanuJacturers
who offer interchangeable glassware.

Ordering lnformation
Ballast Cataloq Number
Voltaqe Type Net Wt. Glass Refractor
Factor Lbs. With Photocell Beceptacle
OV-400 400w Mercury DX Lamp-lll SSCO Distribution
120 Fli Reactance V1G-DPMK-3BG
240 Reactor 25 ViG-DPSI\.I-3BG
OV-400 400W Mercury Clear Lamp-lll MSCO Dislribution
120 Hi Reactance 25 V,1G-CPMK.3EG
240 Reactor V1G-CPSM-3EG
OV-400 400W Mercury DX Lamp-lll SSCO Distribution
120 Hi Fleactance V1G-DPLK-3BG
Reactor V1G-DPRM-3BG

Note: OV-400 5 pack includes lamp, two 7' line leads, photocell,30" bracket and
pole line hardware packed in one carton.

in lnches
not for

Effective Proiected Area-.8 sq.

CalEloC 60 000 Paqe 40

VB-15 Design '

Lighting HID Roadwly Lighting
',.,'r t '\-

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Lighting Division
.t ll/ir' r,

I he Westirghouse Type VB- I5 Lunlnaire is
a uniiized design which is particu larly suited
to the lollowing area lighting applications: -.t

Alley Lighting, Type I Distribution. prygK&xr

Suburban Street Lighting, Type I or Type V
Distribution. The unit incorporates an
adjustable socket which, when used with
the Type I refractor and a clear lamp can
be easily sel for Type ll or lll distribution

lndustrial Parks

City Parks

Open Parking Garages

The VB-15 uses 175, 250 Watt Mercury

lamps and 70, 100, 150 Watt Ceramalux

Ordeling lntolmaiion Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for

construction purposes.
Ballast Catalog Number
Side Mounted
Power Refractor Net Wt. Luminaires lnclude lnse rtion
Voltage Type Facto. Type Lb9. Photocell RecePtacleO
VB-i5 175W Mercury Side Mounted Polycarb Relractor
120/240 CW 21 VSP.CLGQ-1JA
120/240 CW 21 VSP-CLGO-5JA
VB-15 l75W Mercruy Top Mounted Polycarb Retractor
120/240 CW 21 VTP-CLGF-'1JA

120/240 CW 21 VTP-CLGF.5JA
VB-15 25OW Melcury Side Mounted Glass Retractor
120/240 cw VSG-CNGQ.lJA
120/240 cw VSG-CNGQ-5JA
VB-15 25OW MercuryTop Mounted Glass Relractor 141/a Dia.

120/240 CW VTG-CNGF-1JA
120/240 CW VTG-CNGF-5JA Effective Proiected Area-.7
- sq. lt.
Add 0.1 sq. ft. for Photocontrol
VB-i5 70W HPS Side Mounted Polycalb Refractol
120 Hi Reactance N 20 VSP-SDMK-1JA
120 Hi Reactance N 20 VSP-SDMK-5JA
VB-15 1oOW HPS Side Mounted Polycarb Relractol
120 Reactor 21 VSP-SGSK-'IJA
120 Reactor 21 VSP-SGSK-5JA
VB.l5 150W HPS (lOO V Lamp) Side Mounted Polycarb Rellactor
120 Hi Reactance N 21 VSP-SJMK.1JA
120 Hi Reactance N 2'l VSP-SJIVIK-5JA

not included. Order separately.
Luminaires do not include lamps or photo controls; ordor separately.
Cataloo 60-000. Paqe 41

RMA-IO Design
Lighting Area Lighting Package
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Divicion

Applicalions Luminaires are available in a unit package.

RMA luminaires are designed to illuminate These unit packages boxed in one carton,
residential areas and roadways with medium contajn the following material required for
to light vehicular traffic. They are also ideal making the installation:
{or off-street ljghting applications, such as 1-Universal metal head, with (175 watt 120
in rural areas. volt Hi Reactance mercury, 100 watt 120
voll reactor ceramalux, or 150 watt 120
Quality lighling performance at low inilial volt Hi Reactance ceramalux ballast)
cost. prewired with 7' or 30" (ior RMA with
'l2" mounting bracket) #14 cross link
Prismatic refractor effectively controls and poly 105'C 600 volt wire leads.
direcis light where it is needed. 1-Type V distribution ref lector-ref ractor
Refractor is open at bottom, permitting easy 1-Photoelectric control, 120 volt circuit
lamp replacemenl from ground level, i' and 1000 watt capacity.
desired. 1-Larnp (N4ercury or Ceramalux)
1-Pipe bracket {aluminum '17a x 30, 26, 12)
Flefractor is stabilized acrylic plastic- 1-Set of bracket mounting hardware
resistant to wealher. discoloration, crazing
or cracking.

Ordedng lnlormallon Dimensign in lnches-Dimensions not for

Ballast CatalogNumber constructionpurposes.
Power Net Wt. Bracket AcrylicRefractor
Voltage Type Faclor Lbs. Size T.L. Receptacle
RMA l75W Mercury DX Lamp
120 Hi Reactance 20 A1A-DLMK-55I\,,l
120 Hi Reactance 20 12" A1A-DLMK.55F
RMA 175W Mercury Clear Lamp
120 Hi Reactance 20 26" A1A-CLMK.55F
120 Hi Reactance 20 12" AlA.CLMK-55M
120 Reactor 20 30" AlA-SGSK-55G
RMA l50W HPS (100 V Lamp)
120 Hi Reactance 30" Al A.SJMK-55G

Nots:12" mountins bracket is skaisht horizonlallor wall or wood pole molnling. 26" and 30" mounling
brackels are upsweep braclets lor wall or wood pole mounting.
Cata oq 60-000, Paae 42

Pinto Design
Lighting HID Area Lighting
Westinghouse Electric Cotporation
Lighting Division

This posl top lLrrninaire is designed lor use
w th mercury and h gh press!re sodiunr
larnps. l\,4ounting he ght is normally 12 to
1B Ieet making lt ldea for il uminating
residentiai streets, parks, ma ls, campuses,
country clubs. etc. A I IES lateral distribu-
tion patterns meet any applicaiion

Ordering lnlormation Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for

Photo- Net construction purposes.
Catalog Ballast tEs-ASA€) control
Number Wattage Type Volts P F trstrtbuflon Voltage Lbs.

Type A Canopyo Mercury

PEA.CGAO-55A 1OO CWA 120/240 H 120 22

PEA-CLAK.ssA 175 CWA 120 120

PEA-CLAM-554 175 CWA 240

High Pressure Sodium
PEA-SDMK-55A Reactor 120 120

PEA-SDMI\,4-55A 70 Reactor 240 23

PEA-SGSK-55A 1OO Reactor 120 120

PEA-SGMM-55A 100 HiReactance 240 24

PEA-SKLK-55A '150 Reactor 't20 120 29

PEA-SKMM-ssA 150 HiReactance 240 240 29 l__171/,- 1

O ll Canopy B, C, or O is required, chanqe second character in catalog number to 8, C, or D
qontact faciorv
€) Olher dislributor patierns avaiLable

l- ft1, sq u are ------.1

L-- 2^v,
t---------*--- i
Effective Projected Area-.9 sq. ft.
cata oo 60-000 Paqe 43

Promenade Design
Lighting HID Area Lighting
Westinghouse Electric corporation
Lighting oivision

The Promenade is a post-top lum nalre
designed for 175 to 400 watt mercury, plus
up to 250W HPS lamps, and oifers a wide
choice of distribution types 10r roadways,
shopping centers, malls and other applica-
tions where the appearance of a posFtop
rnit is desirable

Ordering lnformation
photo_ Net
Catalog Ballast IES-ASAO conlrol
Number Wattage Type P.F. Distribution Voltage Lbs.
Type A Canopy Mercury
PRA.CLAQ-ssA 175 CWA 120/240 H 120
PRA-CLSM-55A 175 Reactor 240 31
PRA.CNAK-ssA 250 CWA 120/240 H 120 38
PRA-CNSM-55A 250 Reactor 240 240
PRG.CPAA.ssA 4OO cwA 120/240 H 120 43
PRG-CPSM-55A 4OO Reaclor 240
Hjgh Pressure Sodi0m
PRA.SNLK-55A 250 Hi Reactance 120
O Other distribution pallorns availabl€. Coniact lactory.

Dimension in lnches-Dimensions not for construction purposes.

Colonial Design

Type A Canopy
Effective Projected
Area-o.8 sq.ft. Effective Projected
Add 0.1 sq. ft. for Area-o.8 sq. ft.
Add 0.1 sq. ft. for
lf Pole Exceeds lf Pole Exceeds
3 to 3% O.D. Pole Diameter Shown 3 to 3% O.D. Pole Diameter Shown
Tenon Must be at Tenon Must be at
Least 3% Long Least 372 Long
cataloa 60-000, Paoe 44

Footcandle Sight Guides

Lighting For Flood and Roadway-
Type Luminares
Westinghouse Electric Corporalion
Lighting oivision

Applicalion EXAMPLE: li 68-floodlights are required 10

The following guides provide approximate provlde I{c over an area, then, to provide
square-ieet coverage (per luminaire) of var- 5Jc over the same area, (5)(68)=340
ious F ood and Roadway type luminaires lor iloodlights would be requited.
general areas and parking areas illuminated
to an average maintained level ol l-fc* EXAMPLE: Llght a parking area 500'long
by 300'wide to an average maintained
Square Feet Per Luminaire lor l-fc (Average Mainlained)
* footcandle level of l{c using Roadway-type
Lurninaires with 4oo-watt metal halide
Lamp Type lam ps.
Waitage Mercury Vapor Metal Hallde High PressureSodlum
Floodlights (General Area Llghllng) No. Lumiraires- ^^- - l1 Lumina res
=IJ d3U
xFor lighting evels above J{c, iind the
5,760 8,650 16,320
number oi uminaires required tor l-fc and
1000 14,350 26,190 43,910 multiply it by the required number of
1500 s1,180 footcandles.

Roadway-Type (Parking Area Lighting) The above tables assume a "Medium-Dirt"

14,700 area and a cleaning cyc e of once-a-year.
For othe. cleaning cycles use lhe following
8,380 13,830 28,480 table:
1000 20,520 45,740 71,320
N,4ultiply Number ol
1500 89,320 Cleanlnq Cycle Luminaires by:
Recommended min mum molnt ng height ior lnlts with 4OO watts and essis 30 leet; and 40 leel lot Yearly 1.00
wallaoes above 400 wa11s
2-yeats T .11
3-years 1.19
To calculate the number of luminaires, divide the area to be lighted by the SOUARE FEET
4-years 1.3'1
PER LUMINAIRE from the above tables. 5-years 1.39
Above s-years 148

General lnformation

General lnformalion on our quotation and do not imply or guar- otherwise, has occurred. This can only be
antee that such equipment conforms pre- done by a thorough examination of each
Plices cisely to the customer's "plans and speci- individual item received. An examination of
Prices and discounts are subject to change fjcations". Terms of Sellino Policy 60-000 the exlerior ol the carton will not suflice.
without notice. Prices on lighting equip- will apply to orders accepted, regardless of
ment do not include lamps unless so stated. terms stated on purchase order received. lf damage has occurred, the delivering
Orders are accepted for the quantities and carrler must be notified immediately and
Lamps prices shown on the acknowledgemenl and the proper claim filed, as a delay may
All luminaires are supplied without lamps. any changes must be approved by the c ause a rejeclion of lhe c laim by lhe
The lamp designations shown are 10r con- Lighting Djvision. All claims against any Under the terms of sale, the loregoing is the
venience when ordering lamps from the order must be received within 60 days responslbility of the buyer alone.
supplier. Only larnp iype is shown-select from the date of invoice.
the lamp color deslred for the application. Condilions of Sale
Minimum Billing Westinghouse hereby gives notice of its ob-
Ouotalions The minimum billing charge shall be $100.00 jection to any different or additional con-
Written quotations are good only if except on renewal parts. Renewal parts will ditions except for any such conditlons as
accepted wilhin thirty (30) days. Westing- be $50.00 plus freight and handling charges may be expressly accepted by it in writing.
house reserves the right 1o withdraw any as indicated under "delivery."
quotal ons dl any I me belore lhe order Addilional lnf ormation-For lurlher inlor-
is accepted by Westinghouse. Oamage in Transit mation see selling policy 60-000
Upon receipt of any merchandise, an im-
Order Acceptance-Claims mediate inspection should be made to
Orders accepted by Westinghouse are based establish lhat no damaqe, concealed or
Cataloq 60-000, Paqe 45

Pricing lnformation
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Division

Pricing lnfo.mation J Design

Order by Type Number-Specify Voltage

Type Numbe.s Price Type NLmbers Pr ce

Order by Type Number Order by Type Numoer

-Specify Vollaqe"
sLq140 s23.50
'yoe NJ, op c 3i:1:3 41 50 sLR275 36.50
$31.50 solid Top-solid MetaL sides Tri-optic Acrylic
","" sLH260 41.50 sLHl100 44.00
51.20 SLEl l OO 64.50 SLH2100 44.00
WE24OALD 34.00 sLE2t00 64.50 sLEl200 67.00
53 70 J240SSF14TOPA $50.00 25LBt40 37 25 sLE220 67.00
J2U4SSF22TOPA 52.00 SLspension mo!rtins only (6" minimum ofi ce llns)
68.75 For near surrace mount ng, contact faclory.
Accessories-Order by Style Number

Square HID 8900832G01-Standard conneclor $ .90

Surtace or 6232D88G01-Exlra lonq conneclor 160

Order by Type Number-Specify Voltage

cu140A $30.25
2CU140A 50 00
Order by Type Number Specify Voltage
Order by Type Number-Specily Voltage rype Numbers
rype No. surrace .. 11* 991-d"ll 9l:999",
$185.00 sF3 SG 2424 TOPA $39.00
247.25 sF3 SG 3424 TOPA 45.00
AFSH1722 TOPA 172.25 sF3 SG 4424 TOPA 45.00
AFSSr522-TOPA 226.75
AFSS1022-TOPA 216.75
Type No. Pendanl
Order by Type Number-Specify Volt_aqe 231.75
AFSS1g22-TOPA 226.75
Srandard unit is 120V tor 277V add sullix-277\J to

936.35 lype n umber.
T2.SA PendanlMounlingAssembly-checklactory.

Order by Catalog Number-Specify Voltage

Cala oq Numbei Price
SF2.SG.2424 TOPA $44.35
SF2-SG-3424 TOPA 54.35
sF2,SG-4424 TOPA 54.35
SF2-SG 6424 TOPA 69.35
SF2-SG-2U22 TOPA 41.25
sF2-SG-2414lOPA 40.00
sF2,SG,3414 TOPA 53.75
Order by Type Number-Specify Voltage SFz SG.24T4 TOPA 41.4O
Order by Type Number Type Numbers Price SF2-SG-44T! TOPA 59.50
$17.50 SF2 SG 44T5 TOPA 65 75
s57.50 sP220R 17.50
NE|,,4A F
85.00 SP130R 21.80
wM240ALO 60.00 sP230R 21.80 54.25
87.50 SP140R 20.00 SF2,SF-3424 TOPA 64.25
20.00 64.25
sP175S 26.50 sF2 SF 6424 TOPA 79.25
27.30 SF2-SF.2U22 TOPA 50.65
sP275S 26.50 48.75
2SP240B 62.50
Calaloq 60-000, Page 46

Pricing Inlormalion

Westinghouse Eleclric CoJporatlon
Lighting Division

AF2 Design (cont'd.)

Order by Catalog Number


Order by Catalog Number NEMA Type G

Order by Type Number Specify Vollage
NEMA G 53.75
PF2.SG 2424,TOPA $47.50 s37.20
PF2 SG 3424 TOPA 57 50 All air supply-al/ rel!rn unlls shipped with air slols 72.50
open. For air moditicalions and dampers see master 2PH24aAV
57.50 55.50
72.50 a4.75
PF2,SG 21J22-TOPA 43,75 54.75
42,50 NEMA F Adde.s 76 60
56.25 57,85
Car No. PH2IOOHV 6S.35
PU360HV 85.50
5T 40 2N4 $8.50 PH3lOOHV 1Q4.25
67.44 7.90 PH2lOOEV 92.25
67.40 7.25 PH22OOEV 96.00
42.44 For suspenslon mouilinq only (6" min mum).
PF2 SF2U22-TOPA 53.15
Accessories-Order by Style Number

890D832G01 Standardconnecior $ .90

6232088G01 Erlra onq connecloi 1.60
106D856G01-End p ale-425 ma/slim ine '25
106D856G02 End plale-8oo/1500 ma 1.24

Order by Type Number

Type Numbers Price Type Numbers Prlce
SG2414-108 80.00 AFSB-SG3424-318
AFSB 122.50
AFSB-SG34T4 318 115.00 AFEB-SG4424-432 130 00
Order by Type Number

2424-TOPA $51.00
Square HID
SF2.EG 4424-TOPA 60 75 Recessed
SF2.EG 6424,TOPA 75.75
SF2-EG 2U22-TOPA 44.50 Order by Catalog Number
SF2 EG 2414.TOPA 4375
53 75 Order by Type Number
NEMA F AddeTs Typ€ No. F ush Door P238RD $42.25
Plasl€r Frame Sels AF2L-SGM4O2-TOPA $138.65 P275FD 49.50
Size Cal.No. Price AF2L,SGH4O2.TOPA 157.65 P260HU P26OHD 50.35
2\4 or2; s6),r AF2L SGH172-TOPA 127 90 P2] OOHU P2i 00uD 61.90
17S 00 75.25
21 4 PF22 AF2L-SGS152 TOPA
174 00
725 AF2L-SGS1O2-TOPA P2200EL)

Type No. Reqressed Door

AFI2L SGM4O2-TOPA 136.6s
AR2L SGH4O2-TOPA 157.65
AF2L-SGH12-TOPA 127.90
A n2L-SG S1 52-TOPA 179.00

Round HID
Order by Catalog Number Order by Type Number-Speciiy Voltage

NEMA Type G SoLld Ventilaled Wide

Rer eclor Prlce Bef eclor Price
AF2-CG 2424-laPA $51.25
63.75 Order by Type Number-Specify Vollage BNl40R $23.10 BV14OR $23.85
63.75 BN24OF BV24OR 24.O4
Type Number Price
36.40 BV1755 37 90
AF2.QG 2U22IOPA 46.25 OBBL SG M4O2 $121.75 2BN140R 34.30 2BV140R 35.80
45.00 OBBL-SG H4O2 169.25 2BN240R 46 30 2BV24OR 47.AA
AF2 CG 3414-TOPA 57.50 on request BN275S BV2755 37.75
Caia og 60-000, Page 47

Pricing lnformation

Weslinghouse Electric Corporalion
Lighting Division

Flexoliner Design (cont'd.) Vertillex FL

Order by Type Nurnber-Specify Voltage
H gh Pressure Sodium
Order by
FC3112AH-2 $ 213.00
FC40120H-2 Catalog Number

FH25t0H 2 ooo on vFc20-120-EAS16 $275.00

FH4A120H-2 114 iO VFC25-120-EAS16 275.00
Order by Type Number-Specify Vollage 258 OO vFH25120-EAS16 200 00
For Mulli-Tap add $4.s0 (See paqe 27)

FM2512AA-2 121.25
FM4A12QA.2 122.75 Vertiller LW
Gasketed Pric€ FM00i20A-4 153.75
FM80120A 2 180.00
EGL140RP $ 79.75 EG140FP S 76.75
2EGL140nP 140 50 2EG140RP 137.50 For MuliiTap add $4.50 (See paqe 24)
EGL240RP 80.50 EG240RP 77.50 Order bY
2EGL240RP 155.25 2EG240RP 152.25 Catalog Number
EGL175SP 153 00 EG175SP 150 00
EGL275SP 153.00 EG275SP 150.00 LowatDesisn
EG160HP 93.00
2EGL160HP 159.75 2EG160HP 156.75 vLc15-120,E4516
EGL260HP 96.00 EG260HP 93.00 s162.50
2EGL260HP 192.00 2Eo260NP 189 00 vLcl0-120-EAS16 162.50
EGL1100HP 167.00 EGI100HP 164.00 L__/t ___{L _-, \ / vLH17-120-EAS16 121.40
EGL2100HP 168.00
2EGL1100EP 188 00
EG2100HP 165.00
2EG1100EP 185.00
/\ open cqe'p-ro'
vLM17n 20-EAS16
EGL2100EP 133.75 EG2100EP 130 75 L __l vLM10-120-EAS16 103.60
2EGL2100EP 262.0A 2EG2100EP 259.00 A umin0m Bet eclor
EGL2200EP 245.00 EG1200EP 242.04 wvlcl5-120 EAS]6 165.00
EGL2200EP 245.00 FG22AOFP 242 AO
.or s r(pFnc.on aouiri.q o. / (6 ri.irJm,. Order by Type Number-Specily Voltage wvLcl0-120-EAS16 165.00
wvLHlT-120-EAS16 132.90
Olher shielding available. wvL M25-1 20,EAS1 6 133.20
D-Add $2.50 per 4 ft. unlt, $5.00 per I lt. unil. wvLM17-120-EASr6 118.65
$143.50 wvLM10-120-EAS16 116 10
C No add lional charqe. LWH17120EAS16 100.25
LWM25-120AR 9g 50
3? 13 MRF 4oo

wLWCl5-120E4S16 187.00
wLwH17-120E4S16 143 25
wLwt\425-120EAS16 143.00
wLwl,t17 120EAS]6 127.25 Order by
WLWM]O.12OEAS16 124.54 Catalog Number

Ceramalrx 250 Wall

Order by Type Number Specily Voltage RlG-SNGK-76A S303.00 R4G,SPGK-764 $303.00
Prismatic Acrylic Lens a4G-SNG6-764 308 00 R4G-SNG6-76A 308.00
Tvoe Nunbers Pr ce Nombe. Price
Type R4G-SNGM-76A 303.00 F4G,SPGM-764 303.00
R4G SNGE 76,4 302,10 R4G-SPGE-76A 302.10
PEGl4OR $ 82.50 PEG175S $ 161.00
PEG24OR 83.25 PEG2755 161.00 Meral llalide 400 wart Me.cury 400 warr
2PEGl40R 148.00 PEG1100H 176.00 2r70u F4G DPAO 764 203 10
2PEG24OR 164.00 PEG2100H 178.00 ,261n F4G-DPA6,76A 215 00
R4G,DPAE-76A 208.10
Mo!nting Accessories (See Page 50 and 51)
Style Numbers Descriplio. Prlce
Order by Type Number-Specify Voltage
736801G02 Chain mounting assemb y $4.50 (12A, 2OA, 24O, 277, ot 4A0) MRF lOOO
6318021G02 Cha in set 315
lnlesra Ballasi (suitable lor Damp Locations) Price

@ vc25120PA
s375 00
3oo oo Order by

265.00 Cataloq Number
Bemoie Mounl Relraclor/Rellector Only Less Balast
215.00 Ceramatux lOOO Watt
215.00 F1G SSLK 764 $407.00
BlG SSLM-764 407.00
Order by Type Number-Specily Voltage R1G-SSLE-76A 406 00
For "Wei Locations' Add Prelix "W" lo above and
Mera Halide 1000 watt Mercu.y 1000 wart
H gh Pressure Sod um Price For'Po ycarbonale" Relraclor-Chanqe Cai. No. BIG,JSAK-76A $358.00 RlG,DSAQ,76A 336.00
$206.25 frorir_PA to "PP' and add $28.00 to
price FtG-JSAM-76A 358.00 BlG-D546-764 342 00
FC2512Ad-2 206.25 For Mu li-Tap add $4.50 {See pase 26) R1G-JSAE-76A 357.10 R1G-DSAE-76A 335.10
cataloq 60-000, Paqe 48

Pricing lnlormation

Westinghouse Elecl]ic Corporation
Lighting Division

Dayliler ll VRC Design OV-l5 TU-DOR Design (cont'd.)

Order by Catalog Number
Caralog Number
Glass Belraclor
W lhout Phoiocell
Price Receplacle Prlce

Order by Catalog Number Tu-Dor OV 15100W HPS-llL MCO Dislribution

Cala oq N!mber Price Calalog Number Pri.€ TtG-SGGK,3DA $125.00 T1G SGGA-3DA $ 124 00
Order by Catalog Number 1aG-NTxx 22a $72.45 lsG-NTXX-554 $72.45 TlG,SGSK 3DA 105,00 T1G-SGSA,3DA 104-00
18G,NTXX 33A 72.45 l8X-NIXX-5sA 62 45 T1G-SGGL-3DA 125.00 T1G-SGGB 3DA 124,00
13G NTXX-44A 72.45 T1G.SGMM,3DA 105,OO TIG SGMC-3DA 104.00
Ceramalux 400 Wall ceranalux 1000 watt TlG SGG\l3DA 125.00 TlG-SGGC,3DA 124.00
T1G SGGN-3DA 125.00 TIG-SGGD-3DA 124.00
DSS,SPGA,22A $269.40 DSG-SSLA-33A $380.00 TlG SGGE-3DA 124.00
DSG-SPGC-22A 269.00 oSG-SSLC-33A 380.00 Quartz Design
DSG-SPGE-22A 269.00 DSG-SSRE-33A 380.00 Tu-Oor OV'15 150W HPS {55 Volt Lamp) lll MCO
osG-sPGA-44A 269.00 DSG SSLA-664 380.00
DSG-SPGC-44A 26S.00 DSG-SSLC-66A 380.00 T1G-SKGK 3DA 126.00 TlG SKGA-3DA 125.00
DSG,SPGE-44A 269.00 DSG-SSRE'66A 380.00 TlG SKMK.3DA 106 OO TIG-SKMA-3DA 105.00
Mera IOOO Warr Ueta gar Oe ISOO Werr T1G-SKGL,3DA 126.00 T1G-SKGB,3DA 125.00
Order by Catalog Number TIG,SKSM 3DA 106.OO T1G-SKSC 3DA 105.00
DSO-'ISAA-22A 333.00 OSG-l]ten-:Ze ggS O_ti
TIG SKGM-3DA 126.00 TlG SKGC-3DA i25.00
DSG-HSAC-2zA 333.00 DSG'HTAC-22A 395.00 T1G-SKGN-3DA 126.00 T]G-SKGD-3DA 125.00
DSG-HSAE-22A 333.00 DSG-HTAE-22A 395.00 OZG-OQXX-544 $35.95 T1G-SKGE,30A 125.00
DSG-HSAA-33A 333,00 DSG-HTAA-334 395.00 AZG-QOXX-554 35.95
oSG-HSAC 33A 333.00 DSG-HTAC 33A 395.00 QZG-OTXX-61A 42.65 Tu-Dor OV 15 200W HPS-lll MCO Dlstnbulion'
osc-HSAE-33A 333.00 DSG-HTAE-33A 395.00 42.65
DSG-HSAA-44A 333,00 DSG HTAA-44A 395.00
DSG-HSAC-44A 333.00 DsG-HTAC-444 395.00 T1G-Sl-rGL 155.00 154.00
DSG-HSAE,44A 333.00 DSG-BTAE"44A 335.00 TlG SUGM-3DA 155 OO T1G-SUGC-3DA 154.00
T1G-SURM.3DA 145.00 T1G-SURC,3DA 144.00
T1G-SUSM,3DA 135.00 TiG-SUSC-3DA 134.00
Wallguard Design T1G-St_rGN-3DA 155.00 TlG,SUGD 30A 154.00

MLS Design T1G SUGE 3DA 15O.OO

TL Dor oV-15 250w HPs lll on'

MSCO Dlslribul
T1G-SNGK-3EA 155.00 T1G SNGA-3EA 154.00
Order by Catalog Number TJG,SNLK 3EA 140.OO Tl G-SNLA-3EA 139.00
T]G SNGL-3EA 155.00 TlG.SNGB 3EA 154.00
$ i80.40 TlG SNRM.3EA 14O,OO TlG SNRC-3EA 139.00
WGP SGSA-77C 180.40 T1G-SNGM-3EA 155.00 TIG SNGC-3EA i54.00
186.40 TIG,SNGN 3EA 155.00 TlG-SNGD-3EA 154.00
Order by Catalog Number 102.00 T1G-SNGE-3EA 154 OO
Calaloo Number Price Calalog Number
Ceramalux i 000 Wall
L1G SSLA-22C s785.00 L1G-SSLA 55C s785.oo OV-15 TLj-DOR Design OV-25 TU-DOR Desisn
LIG-SSLC-22C 78500 LlG,SSLC 55C
LIG-SSLE 22C 7350o rlG ssLE-55C 785.00

Meral Halide 1500 walt Mela Hallde 1000 wati

LlGHTAA-22C 505.00 L1G-l-ISAA-22C 450 00 Order by Catalog Number
LtG-UTAC-22C 505 00 LIG-HSAC 22C 450.00 Catalos Nlmber Calaloq Number
L1G-t-tTAE-22C 505.00 LlGHSAE-22C 450.00 Glass Reiracior Glass Refraclor Order by Catalog Number
L1G-HTAA.5sC 5O5.OO L1G.HSAA.s5C 450.00 With Photocell Wllhout PhoioceLl
LlG HTAC-55C 505.00 L1G-HSAC 55C 450.00 Receplac e Price Receplacle Price
L1G-UTAE,s5C 505.00 LIG-HSAE 55C
Tu Dor OV-i5100w Mercury-lll Med. sco
Mer.Lry C ear 1000 Watt Merc!ry DeL!xe 1000 Wal
tlG,DSAF-76C Tu-Dor OV 25 400W Mercury-lll
L1G CSAF 44C 390 00 405.00 T1G-CGAQ,3EA $ 91.00 T1G-CGAF-3EA S 90.00
LlG CSAE-44C LtG-DSAE-76C 405.00 T1G-CGGO 3EA 100.00 T1G-CGGF 3EA 99.00 T?G-CPGO 3DA $i32.00 T2G-CPGF.3DA $]3J.OO
T1G.CGMK,3EA 79.00 TIG CGMA.3EA 78.00 T2G CPMK-3DA 114.00 T2G CPMA.3DA 113.00
TIG-CGSM-3EA 81.00 TIG-CGSC-3EA 80.00 T2G-CPAL 30A 129 00 T2G-CPAB-3DA 128.00
MFB Design T2G CPSM-3oA 111.00 T2G-CPSC,3DA 110.00
Tu-Dor OV l5 175w Mercury-lll MCO Dislribuiion' T2G CPAN-3DA 129.00 T2G,CPAO 3DA r28.00
T1G-CLAO 3DA 100.00 T1G CLAF.3DA 99 00 T2G CPAE,3DA
TlG CLGQ-3DA ] 11.00 T1G.CLGF,3DA 110.00
Tu'Dor OV'25 400w Melal HaLide-lll MCO
TlG,QLGE 3DA 110.00
T1G-CLMK 3DA 88,00 TlG CLMA-3DA 87.00
T1G CLSM-3DA 90 OO T1G-CLSC-3DA 39 00 T2G-JPAQ-3DA 139.00 T2G,JPAF.3DA 138,00
Order by Catalog Number T2G.JPAR3DA ]3S.OO T2G-JPAG'3DA 138.00
Ir.Do OV-15 250W Ve (L y-lllMSCO D's, oLliol' T2G.]PAL-3DA 139.00 T2G,JPAB,3DA 138.00
TlG CNGQ-3EA 117-OO TlG,CNGF 3EA 116,00 T2G.JPAN'3DA 139.00 T2G JPAD-3DA 138 OO
T1G-CNGL-3EA 117.00 TTG.CNGB 3EA 116.00 T2G-JPAE-3DA 138.00
B]G CSXX.76A $204 00 T1G CNGE-3EA 116.00 Tu,Dor OV 2s 400W llPS-lll MCO Dlstribulion
B1G.DSXX,66A 160.00 Tlc cNMK-3EA 102 00 T1G-CNMA-3EA 101.00
T1G-CNSM-3EA 92 00 T1G-CNSC 3EA 91.00 T2G-SPGK 30A 180 00 T2G-SPGA-3EA 179.00

a2t-DsAF XXA
S145.00 B2X-HTAC XXA $242.00
T!-Dor OV.15 70W HPS-lll MCO Dislribut on' TzG-SPGL,3DA 180 OO T2G SPGB 3EA ]79.00
B2X.DSAE-XXA 145.00 B2X HTAE,XXA 242.00 TlG SDnK-2DA 110.00 T1G-SDRA 2DA 109.00 T2G-SPBM 3DA 155.00 T2G SPBC.3EA 154,00
BzX-HSAA-XXA 180.00 B2X SSLA-XXA 21O.OO TtG-SDRM,2DA 110.00 TlG SDNC.2DA lO9.OO T2G SPGM-3DA 180.00 T2G,SPGC,3EA 179.00
180.00 B2X-SSLC XXA 210.00 T1G-SNRN,20A 1i0.00 T1G-SDBD-2DA 109.OO T2G-SPGN-3DA 180.00 T2G,SPGD 3EA 179.00
B2X.HSAE-XXA 180 OO B2X-SSRE XXA 210.00 T1G-SDRE 2OA 109.00 T2G.SPGE-3EA 17S OO
Cataloq 60-000, Paoe 49

Pricing lnlormation

Westinghouse Eleclric Corporalion
Lighling Division

OV-25 TU-DOR Design (cont'd.) OV-50 Design (cont'd.) VB-l5 Design (cont'd.)
Order by Catalog Number Order by Catalog Number Order by Catalog Number
Calaloo Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Calaloq Number
G ass Felraclor Glass Felraclor G ass nefracior G ass Relraclor
Wilh Pholo.e I W lhort Pholo.e I With Photoc,"ll Wlthout Phorocel vB'r 5150W HPS (100 v Lamp) Side Mounled
Feceptacle Pr ce Receplacle Price Receptacle Price Receptacle Price
VSP.SPMK-IJA $161.00
Tu-Dor OV-25 200W HPS lll MCO Distribut on OV 50 400W Ceramalux-lll MSCO Distribullor" VSP-SJMK-5JA 161.00
T2G-SUGK-3DA $ 164 00 T2G.SUGA-3DA s163.00 vscSPGK 3EA S365.00 VsG,SPGA 3EA $364.00 ' For 120 volt inpLrt, use 120 voLl pholocontrol; lor
T2G-SUGM.3DA 164.00 T2G,SUGC-3DA 16300 V5G SPGL-3DA 365.00 V5G SPGB 3EA 364.00 240 voLl nput, use 240 photoconlrol. Photoconlrol
T2G-SURM,3DA 139.00 T2G,SUFC 3DA 129.00 VsG-SPGM-3EA 365,00 VsG-SPGC-3EA 364.00 not inclLded. Order separareLy.
T2G S|ISM,3DA 129.00 T2G.SUSC 3DA 163.00 VsG-SPGN-3EA 365.00 VsG-SPGD-3EA 364.00
T2G-SUGE-3DA 163.00 VsG-SPGE-3EA 364.00
T2G-SUGL.3DA 164.00 T2G SLJGB,3DA 161 00
T2G-SUGN,3DA 164.00 T2G.SUGD.3DA r;i;; oV '0 c00w ros lV MscO D -lr'oLuol'
RMA Design
Tu-Dor OV-25 250W HPS-lll MCO O stilbulion v5G-SSLK,4EA 365.00 VsG-SSLA-4EA 364.00
vsc SSLL-4EA 365 00 V5G SSLB-4EA 364.00
I2G-SNGK,3DA 164,00 T2G-SNGA 3DA 163.00 vSG,SSLM-4EA 00 VsG-SSLC,4EA
365 364.00
T2G-SNLK-30A 144.00 T2G-SNLA-3DA 143 00 V5G,SSLN-4EA 365.00 VsG SSLD 4EA 364.00
T2G-SNGL-3DA 164.00 T2G.SNGB-3DA 163.00 v5G SSnE 4EA 364 00
T2G-SN8M-3DA 139 00 T2G SNRC-3DA 138.00 Order by Catalog Number
'01her iype ot d slrib!lion available on requesi.
T2G SNGM-3DA I64.00 T2G.SNGC-3DA 163.00
T2G,SNGN 3DA 164 OO T2G.SNGD.3DA 163.00
r,!lrg!i9a 163 00 FMA 175W Mmlry DX Lamp

T!-Dor OV 25 310w HPs-lll OV-400 Oesiqn A1A-DLMK-55F $60.00

T2G-SWGK.3DA 180 OO T2G-SWGA 3DA 179.00

T2G-SWGM-3DA 180.00 T2G.SWGC 3DA 179.00 FMA 175W Mercury C ear Lamp
T2G,SWRM-3DA 155,00 T2G.SWRC.3DA 154.00 Order by Catalog Number AlA.CLMK-55F 5S.00
T2G-SWSM,3DA 145.00 T2G,SWSC-3DA 145.00 A1A-CLMK.55M
T2G SWGE-3DA 179 00
T2G-SWGL-3DA 180,OO TzG.SWGB 3DA 179.00

OV 400 400W Mercury DX Lamp lllSSCO RMA r50W HPS (100V Lamp)

OV-s0 Design AlA-SJMK,55G

V1G-DPMK.3BG s131.00
OV 400 400W Mercury C ear Lamp-lil MSCO Pinto Desiqn
Order by Catalog Number
Catalog Number V]G CPI\,IK 3EG 130.00
Catalog Number VlG.CPSM 3EG
Glass Felraclor Glass Relra.ior
With Pholoce I Without Pholocell OV 400 400W Mercury DX Lamp ll SSCO Order by Cataiog Number
Receplac e Price Receptacle Price
OV-50 700W Meicury-lll MCO Dist.ibution' VlG DPLK 3BG
v5G-CRAO-3DA S195 00 V5G,CRAF 3DA
$194 00 VIG-DPRM 3BG 15J,OO PEA CGAQ,55A s129 00
VsG-CRGK-3DA 198,00 VsG-CRGA.3DA 197,00 "Lamp, Photocel, 30" Brackel, 7' Leads included. PEA.CLAK,55A 129.00
VsG.CRAL-3DA 195 OO V5G-CRAB-3DA 194 00 PEA-CLAM-55A 129 00
VsG CRGL 3DA 198.00 VsG-CFGB 3DA 197.00 PEA-SDMK-554 180.00
VsG CBAN.sDA 195.00 VsG CRAD 3DA 194.00 PEA-SDMM-55A 180.00
v5G-CFGN-3DA 198.00 v5G-CRGD-3DA 197.00 VB-15 Oesign PEA SGSK-55A r80 00
V5G,CRAE.3DA 194,00 PEA-SGMM-55A 180.00
v5G CRGE 3DA 197.00 PEA-SKSK-55A 200 00
Order by Catalog Number Canopy A C, or D is required, change secord
' lf
OV-50 100W Mercury- V MSCO D strlbution' characler in Catalog No. to B, C, or O. tl tES V s
V5G-CSAQ-4EA 210.00 V5G-CSAF-4EA 209.00 requ red, chanse eichih characler i. Calaloq to 5.
V5G-CSGK-4EA 215 00 V5G-CSGA-4EA 214.00 VB-15175WMerc!ryTopMounredPolycarb Relraclor'
VsG CSAL-4EA 210.00 V5G CSAB 4EA 209.00
VSP CLGO lJA $108.00
V5G CSGL.4EA 215 00 V5G-CSGB-4EA 214.AO
VSP-CLGO 5JA 108.00
V5G-CSGM.4EA 215.00 V5G-CSGC.4EA 214.O0 Promenade Design
V5G.CSAN-4EA 210.00 V5G-CSAD-4EA 209.00 VB-15175W Mercury Top Mounted Polycarb B€fracior
V5G,CSGN-4EA 215.00 V5G,CSGD-4EA 214.00
V5G-CSAE,4EA 209.00 113.00
V5G.CSGE 4EA 214.40 1i3.00
V5G.CSRE 4EA 200.00 VB 15 250W MercLry Side Mounted Glass Reira.lor'
V5G.CSSE-4EA Order by Catalog Number
VSG,CNGQ-1JA 117.00
OV 501000W Meial Halide-lll MCO Dlstribution' VSG,CNGQ,5JA 117.00
v50-JsAK-3DA 268.00 VsG JSAA,3DA 26T AO VBJ5 250W Merc!ry Top Mo!nled Glass Feiracior
V5G JSAL 3DA 268 OO V5G.JSAB.3DA 267.40 $149.00
vsc-JSAM-304 268.00 v5G-JSAC,3DA 267.04 VTG,CNGF-1JA 122 A0 149.00
v5G,JSAN-304 268 00 V5G JSAD-3DA 267.A0 122 A0 164.00
VsG.JSAE-3DA 267 OO VB-15 70W HPS S de Mounled Polycarb Felraclor
PRG-CPSM-554 154.00
CeramalLx-lll MCO DisrribLtion'
oV-50 310W VSP-SDMK-1JA 161.00 PRA,SNLQ,55A 17244
v5G-SWGK-3DA 355.00 vsc SWGA-3DA 354.00 161.00
v5c-swGM,3DA 355.00 V5G-SWGC-3DA 354.00 VB-15100W HPS Slde MoLnled Po ycarb Refraciorr
vsc SWRM 3DA 345.00 v5G,SWRC-3DA 344.00
vsc SWSM 3DA 335.00 v5G SWSC,3DA 334.00 VSP-SGSK-1JA 161 00
v5G-SWGE-3DA 354.00 161.00
Catalog 60-000, Page 50

Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighting Division

lnduslrial and Bare Lamp General Price Additions Hook Only-Suttix

Adder (A) jii.-\
Mounting Accessories
Ballast Additions Accessory hook only (Type --=i **.
HO) is threaded into the l>::_-
Single Stem Hanger for: SP, SL, HS, H, P,
277 Vott Y4 " conduli fitting in ballast
B Designs
s1.25 housing.
.-T- 1.25
S imlne 1.65 Loop Only-Suflix
High OulPut 2.40
II 2.50 Adder (B)
! Premium Operalrn g-40 Walt
Loop only (Type LO) is
factory threaded into Y4 "
Order by Style Number 1.50 conduit fitting in ballast
Very Low Heat Prem um 1.80
c711 6 $3.25 Low TemDeralure (0") Stariins
c711-8 3.60
12" cT11-12 4.35 12.54 Loop WiJed with Cord
21" c711-21 6.25 and Plug tol DuAll
24" c711-24 7.00 Hanger-Suffix Adder (C)
Accessory loop (Type LW-
DA) is factory threaded into
Chain Mounling Bracket lor: SL, HS, H, P Elecl.ical Additions 7a " conduit fitting in ballast
Designs housing. A suitable length of 3 #14 Cord

(Type ST-105'C) with a safety locking Plug
40Wall EmersencY Li9hiing $275.00 is attached and wired to the ballast.
GMF (slow BLow) Fose & HoLder 1.50
cLF (Fasl Blow) Fuse & Holder 1.25
safety Chain on . .- l'
Radio S!ppressors & F lters Ballast Housing- {:'l!\\
GE 89G635 10.50 Sultix Adder (H) --"1.-\
.--:.,.{:V'" Co.nell Dubler IF24 5.60 A a lenglh ol corrosion- "\
':.' Sprague 41325 resistant coated steel chain
with approximalely 600# test strength is
Order by Style Number
attached to lhe ballast housing.
Style Fixtu.eAddirions
3;::;'',i:?,,", Bracker (standard) !':; When installed to appropriate ceiling
supports. care must be taken to restrict
1568628 Chain and S-Hook Set Greenfield (Allached) accidental fixture drop to 6" or less.
122O4Ol (2 5 Chains l-s Hooks) 315
6' Prewired w th 6%'ol 2# 18 Leads $5.00
6' Prewired w lh 6Y,' of 3# 18 Leads 5.50 Fused Ballast Housing-
6' Prewlred wilh 6Y2' ol3# 14 Leads 6.00
Heavy Duty slide Hanger tor: SL, HS, H, P
Single-Sulfix Adder (F)
Single fuse holder (Bussman
Oesigns HPC or HPCL iype) is in-
5%" oi 3# 16 SJ with Molded Cord and
P ug, NEMA 5']54, 120V 5.00 stalled and wired in series with one of the
57," or 3# 16 sJ wlth Molded Cord and ballast leads. Fuse included.
Plug, NEMA 7-15A, 227V
Housing- \if.-:R
(c) -{iS\
Fused Ballast
oLick Access w rinq Plate Double-suffix Adder
Same as Single except two ':r\i!
Order by Style Number fuse holders are installed and
Slyle wired in series with the ballast lead wires.
Number Descrlption
1569370 112" SLde c amp orCe linq spacer $1.75 lnduslrial HID Accessories 3_ Super HiTemp 65oC Ballast-
Sultix Adder (T)
DuAll Hanger- '!;xt- The ballast design js modified to provide
Type c Slide Hanger for: SP, sL, HS, H, P Type DuAll ./ added thermal isolation to the capacitors.
B Designs The hanger is designed

}""fi iifl ;:J""1','#'ili

for /
Q-? Standby Lighting Auxiliary-
Sullix Adder (J)
(thin wall) or rigid conduit. When HID lamps have been extingr.tished
Ay4" lhrcaded hole in top permits rigid due to momentary power outages or
conduit suspension. extreme voltage djps, an auxi iary quanz
unit can be provided. This "standby" sys-
Wire Guard (18") tem also operates durjng normal start-up
Order by Style NLr mber Type WG-l8 procedure. The auxiliary system remains on
cuard is formed from plated until HID lamps have achleved at least 40%
425MA 800/ steel wire and welded for of lheir normal output.
1500MA Description rigidity. Fits onto the re-
GT GTD Direct Mo!nlinq io Cei jnq T $1.00 flector step f,ange and locks in position- A standard photo control re ay is the con-
G5 GD5 5/l6" Miq Ho e lor 74" Bod 1 00 Center aperture permits access to lamp- lrol device. lt offers "fail safe" operatlon.
G7 GD7 7/16' Mtg. Flole lor 3/s" or
1 00 wi.e cuard (221/2"1f,rpe wc-22 Quartz lamp is Type 250Q/CL 250
G9 GD9 s/16' Mls. Hole lor
S ng e Stem 1.00 Same as above except for larger reflector. watt quartz.
Catalog 60-000, Paqe 51

Mounting Accessory
Lighting Selector
I Westinghouse Electric Corporallon
Lighting Division

Fig. Fis. Fig. 4 Fiq.

s*632C927G02 P pe Sracker is 3 ',x

S11563915 Warr Srack€r s Ga va s*632C927GOr War Ecckd s3! t4 Garvan zodsr€6 PrarewirhTwo 1ri
nizod 11 1 sa. St6.r and ndrudes 2, %' GdrvanizedSreor Prrle and x t!"s s Frar Plar€ Pipe Ctampsaid
r,fi "-11 i 17,-Bo1 Nu!andWash€r sr390D490G32 Wood Pote BDcker s*390D490G34Wood Po 6 3'.cker
and Lockwasher and r, ,,!' -13 t 1 V," t3, tti-Bo\ Nur3ndwasher is r v. Garvani.dsreetP oe h 2 Ga vani?.dsreetPtpe
4, % .13x 21-Boc,NursandwasheG

Fi9 Fig, I Fi9.

S#395439OGo1 Po€andWarr
Bracksr ls Galv.nDed High Sren€ih

lt' x lO"Thru Solr, Nutand

S*6713D72Go4 H6.vy Duiy 2" Pipe Sj6713072Go5 Heavy Dury Wa I
Sradket is. Hish Srensth Garv,nized Bracket is H sh Strensrh G3rvanned S$5125D74G01 Sl pt(er san
w rh Adju*able swivsr Bracker wirh adju*able Swlver Bracker arumrnumcan nswirh qd' 1r r 2-
Lockwa.h3r Bnd 2 W r Washers 30l,WasherandLockwasher

Flq. 11 Flg. t2 Fig. 13 Fis.

sr67l3o72cor C,ossa,mSw ve ss67r 1DSgGO1 Arum num To! s*6711099G02 Arum num ToD and
Fa ened by Two Top cover
Visor is Sid€ V sor is Fas6^dd by rwo Top
S*490o224G01 2 SliDr(er anlCaninqwrh tl' r1 rrZ" Eoh. Screwsor Floodlghrand Two side Covs' dt Froodr shrandSide


1 1568915

2 632C927G01

4 Wood Po e Bracket. 1Ya" s1eel 890D490G32

5 Wood Pole Bracket 2" steel 890D490G3.1

6 Wal8PoeBracl'et
7 2" Heavy Duty P pe Brackel

I Neavy Dlty Wa lBracker 6713072GA5

I 889887

I 10


2" S ipt

2" Sl ptiller

Cross Arm Sw ve Bra.kel




iq 6711D99G02
Weslinghouse Electric Corporation
Lighling Division
Vicksburg, M ississippi 39180


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