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Prce Lrsl 60-020 Page 'j

lr @
stingiouse Outdoor Lighting

Mat 24, 1971

SL,pers-..1--s PL 6O 020 p.!r.s I 8, d.lel
30 1970
Ap, I
t D c 2r,1r 2l6t 21116 2176 2l7i
Pr ce L st 60 O2O Page 2


This Price List is designed for use wilh the Guide Ior Outdoor CAK-14 and 16 Floodlights
Lighting Design (Application Dala 60 030).
Shipment on all luminaires in this price list can be made from
stock to 30 days for normal quantities, except where noted.
Ouartz Floodliqhts-50o and 15Oo Watt

Rugged, weatherproof
flood ghts for construction
Weatherproof lloodlights areas, rai road yards,
des gned for relat ve y outdoor work and ioad ng
narrow vertica and w de areas, bu ldings or
horizonta beam spread monuments, etc
app cations display. Sryle
architectura, b llboard,
parking and recreationa 306P676G01 14 n.h Narrow Bezm Pra,n Lc.r $ I32. OOaLI
area, plaza and service 306 P6 78G 0l I4 nch Narrow Beam Hor Spread Lens 132.0Oa!
fac ity I qhtinct. 306P679G01 14 n.h Wrde Be.m Pla n Lens 132. OOil'
3 06 P681 G 01 1,1 nch W de Beam, Horz Spre.d Lens 132.001
woF 500 3 06 P688G 0l l6lnch Na(ow Beam. Pla n Le.s r 68.00!
306 P690G01 161..h N.rrow Beam, Horz Spre.d Le.s 16a. OO(1,1
Sry e
3 06 69 1G01
P T 6lnch W de aeam, P a r Lens 168.0Oat
3 06 P69 3 G01 I 6 l..h W de Beadr, llorz Spreaa Le.s 168.0oif
3 94P861 C 01 50OW Narow Bea t $38 20
394P86I G02 50OW Med !n 38 20
3a.20 Slyle
WOF 50O A..-.ssor es E89887 Sl plitte 2" $ 880
394P862G r O 2'PosrTop Mr! Erac ier 5.30 r566rr3 14.00
394P862G r l W,r i!t Cha..e Jor 2 or 4 632C927G01 24 40
500 Warr Un rs l5 60 il
394P862G 27 4.OO
3 94P86 2G r 5 a 00.11
3 9,1P86 2G 1 6 W r. Gu.rd 500 Wal1 9.OO r'
3 9.1F86 2G 18 1 1.80 ',i
3 94 P80 2G 20 8.80:jl
394P862G 22 Gra,eShed Sdes 8.80

woF- I 500

394PU63G0I l5O0 W Bednr- Sw ve SrLd 54.20

394P863G02 l5OOW-Narrcw
Mcd !n, Swive Slud 54.20
394P863G03 I5OOW Bcam SwlclStld 54.2Q
For! Wh€nnrounreda.da medaboleho.zofr.l
as S m lar ro Srv c N. er.crr H T€.rp Co, re Lens Add to alrove

WOF 150O Accessor -.s

3 94F 8€ 2G 27 $ 4.00
3 !4P8 6 2G r 0 2" Posr Top Mtg (Use w,rh
Knlck c Mo!nt On y) 5.30
394P862G 15 P p. orWa
Brackel iUse
W rh Cross..m Ui t) a oo .11
3 94P86 2C 1 2 W .g Ch.nie ior 2 or 4 I 500 W Ui ts 50 ao il
3 94P8 6 2G r 3 W n.g Ch!..e Jor 3 or 5 I 500 W U. ts 54.20 1.
394P862G 14 W rnq Channe lor 6 or 8 1 500 W Un ts 92 00 il
3 94P862C 1 7 W,reG!ard I50OWatr 9.50 t_l
3 94 P86 2G r 9 Lo!ver 1 500 Watt 14.80 11

394P862G21 11.a0 .1)

394P862C22 Sh eld S des

Prices effective April 30, 1971; sublect io change w

notice For standard terms and conditons of sale
Se ling Policy 60'000
8.00 rll


Ava lable w th n 30 60 days Trom receipt ot order.

Price L sl 60 020 Page 3

O utdoor Lig hting

AH- 14 and 16 Floodlighls VRC-18 Conversion Kit tor 1000 W. Metal Halide

Bal ast. Lanip and hardwarc

L-ightwe !lht floo(l rghts for assemb y lo operale
genera purpose use in MH 1000 arnp n VRC-1B
decoral ve, nr ino r sports llood ght Appllcation
area anal construct on area spor1sfrc d and general
ictht nct clc

I4 N:,,.w e...r P. n L..s s74 80
AH i.1 NH 1.1 ..rr N..nn! B,.nnr H.,: 5t)r... L.'- rs 74 aO
1.1 ..h \'! de Bernr P. r Le rs 66 00 APF
l:11..h W .. H.rz Sp,er! Le.s 66 00
I 6 N:,,.vJ Fi.n.r F. r 88 00
AH ]6 NI] I6 .ch N.rtuDr' Beifr H.r: Sp,r..lL.r.s 88 00
l6 n.rt\.leBea.r P: r ..s 77 00
AHl6WH I 6 ..h \'!.c Be. n H.z Srrea.Le,rs 77 00

s aa0
I 7tioz I4 1 1.60 Compacl nrcrcury va l)or
2iAl5!5L02 400 floodllght tor bu ld n!l
8lllA7.12H0l Sir Sr rnrr4llll\\ M!r.L ! la.rt 7.50 s {ln bil board, undcrpass.
l5{i6tr3 14 00 or general {lrorrnd area
app catiorl
VRC-18 Flood lights
T:o rl.,,. ',q r"r lr,-*r Er',r*.r'
6 71 5D21G04 25(l lr!:r LrO ,:l(l V. r s260 00'
tiTlSLr2rcro ':100 w.ll I20 r,10 \r. r 290.00'
20 Hols,=2 S r Fii., Kn!.ii, M.!rrf!
671:lD.15C(17 I75 WnrL I20 2.10!or 250 00'
67r2D4lGtl ,5(l !!.rr I20- 2.10 !. r 215 AA'

Wcalherproof tloodllclhts
lor use where h gher 219C6/bCO.l 4 lCo.(l!.to,C.,r <i s1000'
il Lrnr nat of evels are
Ari .tr., .l! : ] rI
requiredr pan cuLarly sports
f cld app icat ons Nrl! FL; r:- i ra.Nhr-. ,lf.Lirs.v..reDrrerL?5r

588 00
5r2jD33G03 88 00
5r t3t33C07 81 00
5t2lD33Clrl 76 00
58 00
r5689r5 900
S..(et Sr ri! l0O\\ /l,r..rryLn.rp 750
ilr. !. ta!e b. .!r5 .,,' f.,.r.r! ...,rc.rcn lor.ii ar or or r1,1.,i, ri!. Lrr{ier ne.
Cnr ,,ri .n ii .r..r vo cr', lie nrle .L r nr. .t .sr; it D,, Lit ,,sr. e
Pr ce List 60 020 Page

Westingh 0use

@ (

MRF 400 Flood lights MRF 1000 Flood lights

Mercury f ood ghts for

w de beam appllcations Mercu ry 1000 watt
such as bu ilding f oodi ghts for wide beam
floodl ghting or general f oodi ghting of genera
aTea use areas or buildings

4688630G29 ated Me cury T L

120 240 Re!r! $310 00 6711D75Gt4 L2ll 240 Fe9!laled-Mer.ury T L s3ao oo
4688630G32 2AB 211 aesr aled Mercu'y T L 310.00 208 Reg!.led-Mer'cury I L 3ao.oo
468B630G37 480 Begul.lcd Merc!ry No T L 304.00 6711D75G16 277 Reg! arcd Me.cury T L 380.00
6711D75G13 480 8eg! arcd Mcrc!ry No T L 372.OO
3 9 4P85 0G 06 120 240 Fell! ated-MelalHa de T L 355 00.1- 671 1D75G06 1 20 Alto Trans Met: Ha ,dc T L 404.OOia
394P850G04 208 Fealu ate.l-l\4elalHa de T L 356 00.i' 240A!ro T,.ns \,4era Ha d. T L 4O4.OO ii,t
394P850G08 277 nelrr .ted M.1all. cle T L 356.O0 rrl 671 1D75G07 208Alto Trans Mel. Ha de T L 404.00.1-:
3 94 P8 50G O9 480 F.!! .ted M-"r!lH!lde NoT L 356 OO r' 67r r D 7 5G09 277AltoTr.fs Met. H. ne T L 404.00:Ll
671 1D75GO5 4a0ALrt. Trans Mela Hd deNoT L 400.00 ii.
4 68 B6 30G 48 120 Ce anra ur T L 39O.OO il. Accessories fo. MRF 40O and N/lRF 1000 (
468 B630G 50 208 Ce,. .l!x I L 390.OOril
468 B{i 30G 5 3 240 Cera na !x T L 390.00 r.L] Sry e I Descr pt o.
,r68 B6 30G 5 6 277 Cerama !r T L 39O.OOi1'
4688630G 58 480 Cer:ma !x No T L 3a4 OO.i 5I 25D74G01 2" Sl pfittcr $26.00
632C927G01 24.40
Noie C.rr.raLlx ala .b.' 2.d Oua te I971
Lln 1s
07r 1D99GOl 22.OO
67r r D99G02 25.OO
8954890c0l Wa or Pole M.!.1 .!r Bra.kel 16.00

.il Ava lab e w th n 30 60 days {rom rece pt of order

Dla vo bd .srs ar€ fa.lo,y cof.e.r d lor .p€rat of or ll,e lolra.J€ ! ]d.r re.l
Cof...r on lor othe, !. ta.j€ ... lrr- al I e .l nslal .r of by nstal er
Pr ce List 60 020 Page

Outdoor Lighting

MLS-1000 Floodlights M FB-4OO Floodlights

1 000 watt m ercury

flood ight des gned for Weatherprool genera

stadium lghting and such purpose mercury
appl cations as rai road f ood ghts for use n
yards, towers, go f courses, parking areas. outdoor
etc where h gh work and loading a reas,
cand epower is desirab e. bu ldrnels, mon Lrmenls, elc.

Sry c Des.r pl on

F ood rghl Les\ Bdlld5t

Clear Mercury

1:9 24ov Bd asr Assemb y Only

512 506 7G r O I 12! 240 Feg!lale{l Merc!,y 100.80
5125Dti7Gl6 480 100.80
Color Corrected Mercury 5 r25D67G22 I 2OE 277 Beg!lared Merc!ry 100 80
E90D5l,iG! Ir20
r 2'10 Beg!lared Mel. H. de 124.2O 1

444.OO:' 5rr5D6rG r 1208 Segulalcd Meta H ilnle 124.2O 1

8 90D5I5G.O 2r7 Re!ru alcd Met. H. de 124 20 1

5125D67G02 4E0 Fegu ared Mct. H. rde 124 20 1

Metal H. dc
8 90D 22,1G 0l 34 00
632492/G0l 24 4A
5l2.lD:10G01 67t I DO3Gt6 550.O0i, 012c9 27G02 Po. Mo!nt n.j Br.cker 29.60
u95AU90GO 1 Wa1 or Pol. Mo! rt n!r BrJ{rke1 r6 00
N.te C.,.n,. !r b, nsr.rl | . rs.!r
5r 2,,1D40G0? 6711D03{i17 550.00:.2.

5r 19010C06 67l tD0lGln 550.00 ?'

5l MD 10G07 6frD03Gr9 550.00 ?'

b I24D40G07 6tr rD03G20 550.004

,180 V
N01. I500 l\alr M,"rd H. d€ ava .b e, s ai 1..trove meta ra .e styLe
rr n r.i er.flr lll I !o(l fl.! ope.r.. Lisrfr.e9l9llllL)

Sry e

5r 25D 74G0 r $ 26.00

6 32C927G0l 24 40

j Avarlable wilhin 3O-60 days lrom rece pt ol order

, Ava lable w thirr 60-90 days from rece pt oi ord-ar
LrLr !D r.r' trr i\ri r. lr.trr.or'r!.l.l ltr 1r1.,.r.... rre ! ) rrqe ! rrlr' r,r
(:. r,ljr r. ru, orrrlr !! ra!.,.d. b ni.. rt r rr, .l rrrl.r riron bf ,:ra .r
Price Llst 6O-020 Paqe


MFB-1OO0 Flood lights Adliner

General purpose mercury

un ts designed for even
i lum nation and wide beam
spread when ightlng Fluorescent sign light for
parking areas, golf courses, aim ng down and offering
bui d ings, etc an adjustab e reflector
Sly e I Lisr
1SL48AP 890D212G09 38.60
] SL72AP 890D212G10 42.40
890D226G06 $226.60 1SL96AP I90D2 r 2Gr 1 45.00
890D226G07 202.40 890D212G04 7.00
1 OOO Wafi
5125D30G11 120
-Resu ated Mercury 204.60 Sataliner
5125D30Gr 2 208 Regu ared-Merc!.y 204 60
5r25D30G13 277 Reg! atcd- Merc!ry 204 60
51 25D30G r 4 480 Reg! aled Mcrc!ry 204.60
890D220G19 120 Beg! arcd Meta Ha de 279.4Ot: (
890D220G20 208 Regulared Mela Ha de 279.4OiN
5125D30G01 240 Feg! aied Mela Halde 219.4o'-a:
5 r 2 5 D30G 02 277 qeg! ated-Metal Halde 279 40.!
51 2 5D 30G 03 480 Beg! atcd Metal Ha ,dc 279.4O'1'

90 D22 4G 01 34.00
24.40 Fluorescent sign ight for
632C927G02 Pole Mo!nt.g Brac(et 29.60 aiming up or down and
895AA90GO l Wa or Pole Molnt ng Brackel 16.OO leaturing an adjustab e
ref lector and weatherproof
ARC-20 Floodlights door assembly


lSL4EDW 890D003G 1 1 r 4 $ 88.20

] SL72DW
Eg0Doo3Gr2 890D003G15 1 19.90
1SL96DW 890D003G 13-890D003G 1 6 144.9Q
TK 750

Narrow beam general Weatherprool Ballasts

purpose flood ght for long (For use w th Ad ner and Sata iner)
prolection in uses such as
monu ment lighting and
oLrtdoor work area liqhtinq wPB 48 I20 21800MA4-r20V $40.00:t
wPB 68 I20 21800MA6 20V 42.00a1
wPB 88 r 20 2L800MA E-r 120V 42.Q0
wPB-415.120 2Lr 5001\44 4', 120V 58.00C
$110.00 wPB 61 5 120 2L1500MA 6 20V 60 004,1
2Lt 500MA 8 -r I20 V
120.00 wPB.8I 5 1 20 60.00
ARC 2OH 120.00

Sryle O Ava lable within 30 60 days from rece pt of order'

889887 $ 8.80 Note (
r 566r 13 14.00 D!a !orage ba asts a,e lacrory.onneded lor operll'on on rh. volag€ u.derl.ed
632C927G01 Cornecr o. lor orher vo laq€ ca. be inade at I me or .sral al o. bv nsbler
Price Lisl 60 020 Page 7

Outdoor Lighting

BSL P into
For iop rnounted externa photo contro

Fluorescent sign light for

aim ng up on y from the Post top lum na re suited
bottom of a.sign or bu d ng for various uses n lghting
at vary ng distances for campuses, country cl!bs,
maxim u m iliumination. parks, malls and res dentia
Sty e

106D062G04 2L800MA4 r 20V $ 154.Ooail

r06 Do6 2G r 2 2Ll500MA,l 120V 17O.OOif l94P86OG r ! llr5W l20Relru!ieJ, $r 67.oo(i
1060062G 16 218004/A 6', r 20 V 2OO.0Oii) 394P860G21 | l75W r20Feouare.r 16 7.0oirl
r o6D063G04 211500MA6120V 226.OOaa- 394P860G24 | l75W 120Requl.recl 182.Ooiil
106 D063G08 21800NlA8 r 20V 237.OO!,: 394P860G 29 ll75nr 182.OOit
r o6D063G I 2 ,11500MA A r 20V 260 00i' Nore 204 or 240 vor egu ar,ad balasls aso avr Jbc al srnrr p,cr
ab.v€ ny r w th e.t! ,ed vo iale

I Pinto
Fhoro.ontrol nor ln. ud.d orrer sepa/are v

Post top lum naire suited for

various uses in lght ng
campuses, country c ubs, Post top lum naire with a
parks, ma ls and res dent a wide choice of distr but ons
for roadways, shopping
centers, rn a lls, etc
5r/ .
b B4O.O I'-^.0- o',' \o l $ 139.0O[]
63I B4Or GO8 ll75W I 2 0 H .r rr F e a cIa . c eN P F V 139 Oo:i,l 890D5r 9Gr 3 l75W 115 23OBeg!.tenOLtplt T L I $r93.5041
63r B4O2G?7 1175W 240Re..rorNPF ! 1 r 9.Ooail 890051 9G I 5 175W 115 230 Feg! .ted Oulpur T L V 193.50(1,i
63184O?G32 I 75 W 2,10, NPF V 1 19 OOal: 890D520G I 3 25OW l_Ls 230 Rc!! ared Oltput-T L I 212.OO1)
Adder for Optional Canopies I90 D5 20G r 5 250W LL5 230Fe!r!ar.dolrplr T L V 2l2.OOa1:
890D521G13 r100w L!5 230 Fes!.1e{l o!tprr
Sryle B 17'Da Srepped C.nopy $ 15.OOri' 2s2.ootj')
Sty e C I8" Sq!are Canopy 15.OOir- 890D521G r5 40OW ll5 230 Requ ated O!rp!r
SlycD 24'D a Mushroonr Canopy 15 OOri' 232.OO,i)
For n,odtcat.ns a!3 abe ,ere,roDar.rel2 Fu,nlLlf!J u.".r dLL re alc l2
Phfnr.irtu, n.1 Ln. udeo ortl.r leo;rate v

1' Ava lable w th n 30 60 days from rece pt ol order

o Note
Dla volage ba asls d,e fd.lory.o.fccr.d lor op€,at on o. rhe vol!!le under
Cornecton lo, other volase... be mdde al lnre or nstalal.n by .sr. €i
Pnce Lst 60-020 Page


C olon ia I Ball Globe

Post top uminalre and

Post top roadway lunr naire po e featuring a variety of
featurinU gasketrng ar)d a ball g obe diameters: 12,
cast aluminum housrncl 15, 18,21 and 24 nches

w- l00 lll L 100 W 120 Hrgh Rc..r.ricu N PF T s225.OOrr l wBG2t luoru l2l B. oow lo'i hr s58O.OO:l
W ]OOV L I O0W 1 2O Hrgh NPF T 225.OO.1,) WBG2I 175l0 | 2l Br l7!!r l01r hr 61 5. OOir)

w I00 | R2 100 W 24OFe.clorNPF T L 22O.OO 1 AB.)t /1A 2 '-l 1B'l .0,^ 1 6,' 67O.OOia
W ]OOVR2 lO0W 240BeaclortiPF lL V 22o. )O a) wBG244oO.t5 124 8. 400W,15tu hr 7l O.OOii)
i.l!rr S[]lJ,alr" 3nv!r!e slrlOV Orhcrar d,afier-"r pocht!hrs
W 175 L 175 W 120 H,9h Re.cra,r,:e NPF T 225.OO:.1) 3a G obt inJ pore are r.u{led i lvpt rlnrbr
W ]75V1 l75W l2OHighRe.clanc.NFF T 225.OOttj
w 1751 B 175W 24OBe..torNPF TL ll 220.OO i ov-15
W ]75VR l75W 24OReactorNPF TL V 22o.00,1.

115 ot 254 watl mercurY

roadway urlinarre tor
aPP cation 1() Park ng
areas, res dentlal or other
roadways c assif ed for
mediu rn to light vehicular
Post top unrinaire for
parks, plazas. ma ls or
parkll]g areas teaturing all
a unrnum construction. G lass Relractor
8r tA213G0l 250 W 115 230 Regllated Outplt s 144 00
8rrA213GO4 250 W 1 15 230 Fegllated Oltput -T L 192.00
8r rA?r 3G2l 250 \{r 240 F.icto, T I 130 00
8|42r3G23 250 V\r I 20 rl !h Hc.clJnce- T L 14a OO
4 1000 w 1 20 Fe!! aled s2120 OOiLI
11000W-l20Req!.red 890 O0l, 8t 1A:207C27 1 75 W !10 240 Frc(r! oted 158.00
1 400w 120 Re!r! aten 640.00 il 81 1A:07C:19 1 75 W I rc 2,10 lr.!! .!al T L 160.00
PIF 254 I 250 W t2O Regu .t.d 8l la2O7G0,r \'V
I 75 I M30 V R,-guLled Olr|rl I L 162.00
8t 14207G23
1 75
175 \,\l
2.10 V Herclor T L
120 V H Fl.!clirr.:. T L
118 00
132.00 j
Acr/LLL FFfrdclor
8t tA308Cr7
8r r A308C29 --ffi
i .\'. , | 16000
al IaJ0lCo.1 /",. c 'r , o rL 116200
8r r a308G2l r\ o 11800
31rA308G23 r,\'r",. 13200
-i Ava lable wLthin 30 60 days from recerpt of order
.,r Ava labl(r wilhin 60 90 days from receipt of order
DL. v!lr.!le ha Lasts are'y cornccrLrl t.r oL,!( !,1 ,,,, rlrr vlltJU'r !f.lLY .ed
ll.n,icrrdr 1.' rlher !.raqc... bt, rrirr-" !l r rr .l rsr. !r o. trY .sia f F,rn!,r1Lr' n.'r r+! r r!"12
Pr ce L st 60 020 Page

Outdoor Lighting

OV-25 Buitr,in Battast OV-50 Buitt in Battast

700 or 1000 wati nrL)cLry

road!,r'ay lumllrairal
rL0O watl mercury roadway featLrr ng a I lted opi cal
Lrminaire lealuring a t lted system for h igher
optica syslsm for hl{Jher il uminat on and a built n
levcls of il Lrnrinat r)n ba llast
Sly e o.' ' n,'"' I000 Watt
Sry e

.1688600G01 1 I5 230 Fequ.rcd Ourpu $198 00

5r?3D71G06 I20 240 Hc!r l.lrirl $348 00
,168 8602 G 04 208 Reg!l.1ed O ! rp!1 198.00
512:lD7tClll 348 00
4688605G04 2li 5 Beg!l.tef O!tp!1 i 98.00
5t?lu/rti05 r48 00
4688604G01 400 F e.J!l.rcd O !1pL 1 I98.00 5123LrtrG03 348.00
4688600G04 I I 5 230 Rc!! al.d Olrpll T L 200.00
468 860 7 GO r 1:O 240 Feg!laled 194.00
5r23D/rG09 ilc.l I
120 240 Reglr.led-T L 196.00 LZ:O 2rlo Rcal! L 356 00
408 8607 GO4 5123D7 r G02 208 Relr!lar.d T L 356 00
208 ?lJ Res! aled 194 00
5123D7I G04 277 R.!l!l.1ed T L 35 6.00
468 8608G 20 2oB Zfl Fesu.ted r L 195.00
464 B609G 0l 194 00 700 Watt
Sty (l

394P85 tG 1 3 S218.00l
39'1F85rGr4 226 OO I 51:'0D.:{iGt2 I20 ]1! F.s $340.00
39,rP85rGr5 226 OO l 5t2li)4lic0/ 208 F,:s 340 00
394P85 t G 16 2t I R':11 340.00
Cerama ux
J80 n, ! 340.00
,i I: tjD.1jir I 1 r 2ir Ll! F ,! 348.00
071!D04GOl 120 V L!9 t320 001 ,rI Ilt fr.irl-o I 348.00
6715D04G02 l20 V L.g T 322.OO?: 348.00
67r 5DO4CO3 208 V L.!l 320.OO?
67r 5DO4G04 208 v Lag T 322.OO2'
6715DO4G05 277 V Lag 320.OOtt. OV-50 EB (Remote Ballasr)
6715D04G06 277 V La! T 322OO7) iB! asl ,in nr.t of .n I2l
6715D04G04 2.10 V L.!J 320 00 i'
ri /l5Do4GO1l 2.lO V L.g T 322.OO2
480 V Las 320.00,r.
5l2lD l0G07 IO0OW \r1. . s150.00
OV-25 EB (Remote Ballasl) 512:D70(i0ll lO(IOW Mnr T L 158.00
(Balasr ntormalioi or Paoe 12) Fo, nrlil f. ! rs r i' .,L e rll r!, I2

SLy e

4640 700G 0l i 94 00
464D700GO8 102 00
Accessories for OV.25 and OV 25EB
5', I

5rr9049G01 lShalow) 5.00

$ 3
n 90 D4:1nG 0l 70 00
F,n n.n:L.,ir irr rvi rh P ,rn,,

, Ava lirble w thin 30 6O days from receipt of order

,. Avar ab c w tlr n 60 90 (lirys from rcce pt of order
DLLn ,.,tli(r ), 1,, r!: ,r,, ! d.d/,.d
C. ,,,j l.l
Price List 60 020 Page t0


o (

RMA-10 RMA-175 Package

Mercury um naire for Package conslsts of
ightrng residential areas prew red head-ba ast
and roadways with medium assem bly, 20" alum num
to I ght veh culartraff c and bracket, photocontro , 1amP,
featurlng a 175 watt one mounting hardware and
box, unit package ready to type V refractor retlector
install. assemb y.
RMA-10 Package Style

394P871G05 5 PackrypeV 175 W $ 106 00

5 P..k rypc V I 75 W I 20 V Sla.dard CC Lamp 104.00

m&N.! {0it lf,lt

/ 394P87rG07 5 P..n typeV l75W 108.00
cr8r 394P871G08 5 Pack lype V I75 W I20V De uxe Wh te 10a.00

* OV-4O0 Package

' CJl.-
,(-_J (
Package consrsts of
um naire, 400 W lamp,
3 94 P8 5 2GO8 s bracket, wire eads. and
3 94 P85 2GO9 11O.0Orii mount nq hardware.
394P852Gr0 1 10.004)
,50 Wafi
394P868G43 FMA Fa.k I20V C ear Larnp 394P870G01 120 V De ux. Wh te 126.00
394P868G44 FMA Pack I2OV CC L. p 12O.OOli) 394P870G02 124 00
394P868G06 FMA Pa.k I20V Wh 1e L..rp 120.OOa 394P870G03 240 V Dellxe Wh re Lanrp 130.00
Pa.k I20V DeluxeWh le LanrP 120.OOii' 394P870G04 124 00
3 94P86 8C 45 FMA

.f Ava lab e wlihin 30-60 days from receipt of order

o (
a- Price List 60'020 Page 11

Outdoor Lig hting

Open Viscou nt DLU 72

Mercury !m na res of
un l zed des gn for light ng Underpass urninaire lor
res dentia and suburban app ications where
roadways, industrial parks. re atively narrow bearr and
commercia areas and farm lower mounting height are
or rural areas

o-r4DOr'rd l r-Q doo o..rPo | | s 86.00i,, 464D8 7 5G 01 , IE.).)MA ft l rn v

5714D03G36 1175w 120 24OFes!ated r v a6.oo:!
890D569G23 1250 w llJ 230 F--s!l.ted 0utplt T 96.00.1) FU-72
890D569c25 i:sow L15 230 oltplt T 96.O0 rl
N.te Plrol!c.nlrll s.01 nc !ded Ord€, Sr-p.rat.rv
Fo mod f cal ons ava ab e ei€, ro p.9. I 2

Enclosed Viscount-VB- 1 5

Underpass lum inaire for

use where a wide bea rn and
ower mounting height are
Mercury lum na res for des red for re{lected
light ng resident al and illumination
suburban roadways,
industria parks, ruralareas.
etc , featuring pos live
gasket ng and enc osed

l" "

I i;:.
G ass Rclr.r.or Type Dist
5123D03G20 250 W ll5 230 Beg!l.1ed O!lp!t
5 r 23DO3G 70

Weatherproof underpass
uminaire for use where a
wide beam and d ffused
llu minal on are preferred

5r 23D30G02 3L800MA 8 20 V $488.00!i'

sr23D30Cr0 -r I20 V
3Lt 500MA 8 532 Oolil
2r 9C594G06 14 OO(il
atl Avarlable wrth n 30 60 days from rece pt of order
DLa !oh.qe b.rasls are faclo,y c!.,ie.roa tu,ope,ar.. o. rh.!ora!c !nacr r.,n
Co..ecr.n ior otner volaqe c.n be mad€.1 I nre or ato. try e,
'sla 'sld
P r:c st 6O O2O Pagc 1)


Mercury U nderpass Remote Ballasts

Mercury underpass
lum na re prov ding uselll Mercury ba asts lor poLe
uniform i lun-rinat on wl-reri top, po e base and vaLl I
lower mou nling heights arc nstallation. Fealu res a
used. A so excellent for corros!on lree. rghlwe g ht.
wa Lkways, al eys, elc. a umirlum lank
5,, c

fl90D200G 16 175 !{] 120 240 Re!llaten s 96.00

.raOW r 5 2luRelu.rc.l Our.ll 890D200G 21 250 w 1 15 230 R!at! nted 111.00
br 22D8 5GO3 230 460 qelr!laren
5t22D85Gtu rrru, ![ -:oa r -" o, '
r60 oo 890D200G 22
8 90D200G23
W 208 Fe!r a1.d
143 00
Mercury Underpass 890D 200G 4 6 ,100 W 120 240 Re9!lIef 111.00
U (J D : Or )(j .tll 400!"!r.180Fl' 111.00
u !10 D 2|{'c 1l .100 W 2OE 277 Relrr .l.l 111.00
5l, .iLItliG I l 2 L W l2O 2r108.!url.d
.l1jll 210.00
5r23090Gr2 2L.IOO W 20E 277 F..r! ated 210.00
5r 23090Gr3 21,1Q0 W 480 n,i.r! ar.d 210 00
5123D90C10 700 W I20 240 Rc!! .led 210 00 (
! r :3D90G09 700 W .1E0 Felr!.led 210.00
5I -231r!0G06 I 000 W I 20 210 ReguLalcd 231.00
512 3D !10{102 I000 w 208 Feg! ated 2A2 00
5r 23D90G04 j O00 W 277 F,"r! arcd 231 00
512 3D90G05 I O0O w 480 Fc.r! .te.l 231 00

Sty e
320C693C0l Po . Top Aditt.r lor 6ra Ba asr lt i t 3') ,1" P" F
320C693G02 Pri. Top Adrpler lo' Br, Ba asl lo i I3'2 4'P. ts
21aB22AHA1 Trr";.,,1 B r<h rL, l,l (:or.lur

Photo Control

1 Bu 1 in fuses availab e on OV 15. 25 and 50 umlna res
Add $ 10 O0 rst per unil
2 L ghting Arresters ava allle in OV 15.25 & 50 um riaire':
Fot 12A.2AB, ot 240 volt ancsters add $T0 00 stper Lrn 1
tat 2f I q 480 volt arresters. add $20 0O list per un t
3 Optiona Pa nt co ors avai ab e for Pinto. Promerrade.
Visc.rLrnt. OV-15 25 & 50 !u n rrir ros See Desct pt ve Bullet ns
for ava ab e colors
1 I0 Lrnrts pcr sty e adcl S I 5 00 List each
1 1 24 unrls per stylc add s 12 00 st cach
25 or nrorr: Ufrls p.rr sly c acld $ 5 00 sieacll FEC ] 2O rooow r20v s20 00
PEC 240 r 000 w 2.10 v
Note 3 20C70t)G0l 5 rori ,! Ca r (
iiLr,r !,r!, 1,i,,:., 1 L\rf ,,.,r"(l ['.rir']r! ,, rlr.(r.rt,.rl ' n'1
a , ,.,. ,, , fi,, ,rt r !,, ,, ,n ,' , ,1. 1,! , ,rJ
i-= Prce Lst 60-020 Pagc 13

O utdoor Lighting

Relays and Swilches:f Aluminum Floodlighting Poles

Mo!.il,'q I No oi I Tlr e
Hc,lrt lr*"r Nu.,ber
Desicr n W 65
MR YG 631,r $ 207.ooir) 2A A', 1 w6520T1 $ 363 00
6350 66.OOll, 20'.0_ 2 w6520T2 37 6.50
MF UG 633E 142 OOrll 20 0" 3 w6520T3 422.OO
20 0 w6520T4 505.50
6 342 132.50 I
MR OD 6212 11O.7Oiil 25 0" 1 w6525T1 434.50
6 356 37 SOaf 25 0" 2 w6525T2 463.50
25',0" 3 w6525T3 514.00
6214 108.0oai,l 25 0' w6525T4 640 00
M F.ZH 6406 223.2041-)
aN 2-120 61218 405. OOai,i 30 0" l \,4/ 65 30 Tl 509 00
SPB ] ]20 62tt) 247.OOa) 3010" 2 w6530T2 585.50
3 w6530T3 67a.OO
w6530T4 910.00
Steel Floodlighring Poles 35 0 1 w6535Tl 624.50
Molnr.n lN! oi T)p. 35 0- 2 w6535T2 760.50
He,qt , l-..".. Nlmb.r 35!O- 3 w 65.35 T3 933.00
Deslgn No W 60 35',0', w6535T4 1 155.50

24', A" l w6020Tl s233.OO 40 0' 1 w6540Tl 1060 50

2A A' 2 w-60 20 T2 253.00 40 0- 2 w 65 40-T2 1080 00
2AA 3 w6020T3 2/A.QO 40 0' 3 w6540T3 11a3 00
2A A' w6020T4 301.50 40 0" 1412.50

254 1 w6025T1 27 / .QO

254 2 w6025T2 307 00 Aluminum Poles lor Area Light Luminaires
254 3 w6025T3 320.0O
.^o.,.., t, ,," "
25 4- w6025T4 L "
| ' .'
30'0" l w6030T1 322.OO Design No W 55
30'0" 2 w 60 30.T2 351 00
30'o' 3 w6030T3 365.00 14 4" 9147.50
30'o w6030T4 390.00 20 0' 236 00
25 0_ 388 50
35', A' 1 w6035T1 395 00 30'0" 434.OO
35',0" 2 w6035T2 425 00 Design No W 56
35',0" 3 w6035T3 438 00
35 0" w6035T4 463.OO 25 0" 406.00
30'o' 483.00
40'o- l W 60,r0.T1 41tOO 35',0' 573 50
400 2 w6040 t2 500.00 785 00
400 3 514.00
53C 00 Des gn No W 57
30 0" w5730
35 0" w 57 -15
40 0"

Availab e within 30-60 days from rece pt of order

Price Lisi 60-020 Page l4


Steel Poles for Post Top Lu m inaires Aluminum Brackets

I r,, I Pric.
ris! So edd F s. I Type
I I'n n",
l. o I
Design W 75-1
Des gn W'35 Anchor Base a" P pe
30 w750031 $17 60
10'0" w35 tL) s118.OO w7500A1 19.80
12 "O" w35r2 121.80
6', w750081
14 4" w35 14 125.00
16 0" w35 16 133.00
18 0 w35 18 148.00 32' w 76 00.42
2A A' w3520 32' w760082
Des gn W l6 Pedeslal Base
r0 0
Pole Mounling Brackets
12 4 176.00
I4',-0" w 36-14 180.00 Style
16',0- w36r6 184.00
r8'0- w36r8 191 00 890D490G01 I7.60
20'0" w .16 20 198.00 890D490G03 30" stee 14.30
890D490G05 18.70
Des gn W l7-Embedded Type 890D490G07 15.40
10'o- w37 ro 74.OO
12 0" w37 12 80.20
14 0" w 37.t 4 8 7.00 Wall Mounting Brackets
16.0" w 37-16 92.50
r8 0" w 37 r8 104 50
24', A- w3720 11100

Aluminum Poles lor Post Top Luminaires Galvan ized Steel Brackers (
I ^l:n, Des!.W70 l, Prpe
Des gn W 40 Anchor Base
30 w700031 14 30
10'0" s 100 00 16.50
12 0" w 40.12 109.00 6', 22.OO
1,1 0" w40 14 1 18.00
a' 27.OO
16 0- w40 16 127.50
1s',0' w 40 r8 160.00 Des,qnWTl 2 Ppe
24', A" w4020 1qq oo 32 w-7 r 00 42 23.10
32' w 71 00.82 30.40
Des gn W 41 Pedesta Base 32' w7t 00c2 37 40
to'0" w4i t0 124.OO
12 4" 130.50
14 0" 13 7.50
16 -0" 142.OO
r 8'-0" w41 18 172.OO
24', 4" w 41 20 212.OO

Desian W-42 Embedded Type

10 0' w42 t0 65.50
12 4" \t't 42 12 74.50
r4'0 w42 r4 41.50
r6 0" w42 tll 88.50
18',0', W,12 l8 I19.00

Pr ce List 60 020 Page t5

Outdoor Lighting

Round Steel Poles

Nom'.:l I T"r.. I rtt"
M.!nt nq HF rhr I N! iber
Design No W'14 Anchor Base Design No W 1B Anchor Base
24',6" s263.00
21 6 w t4 246 82 217 00
25 0" w r8 25 D2 $330.00
24 -6 \N 14 246 C2 285 00
25 O', w r 8 25-E2 338.50
25 0' wr82sF2 368.00
26 0- l/!t42642 272 50
30'o_ w.r8 30 D2 364.50
26 0" w l4 26 82 280.00
30'.0' wr830E2 372 50
26 4" W 1:1 26.C2 289.00
:0 0" W ]E 30 F2 385 00
3r'0" w143tA2 325 00
31 0' w 14 3r.82 332.00 35',0" w1835E2 407.00
w 14 31 C2 340.00 w-18 35 F2 419.50
Des gnNo W 15 Transformer Base
26 2' w 15 262 42
10' a' w1840D2 493.00
432.OO 40 0" w t8 40 E2 501 00
26',2' wr526282 446 00 40 0" w 18 40.F2 514 00
26',2' w 15 262 C2 455.00

21 8' wr527842 44',4" w1844D2 522.O0

441.OO 44 4' w r8 44 E2 530.50
2J a' w r 5 2 78,8 2 448.00 44',-0' w1844F2 543.00
274 \,N.15 21A C2 456.00 For Tw n Arnrs !dd
D2 103.00
32 8', w 15 328 42 493 00
E2 11 1.50
32,n' w r5 328 82 501 00
w r5 328 C2 F2 124 00

Heavy Duty Square Hinged Steel Poles

Design No WSH
Des n No W 12 Anchor Base 20 4' WSH 20 A2OTI
254 \,,t 12 25 A2 $265.00 20 t)' WSH 2Q A2OT2 376.00
25',0', \1\l 12 25 82 269 50 2A .O' WSH 20 A2OT3 392.00
25 O', \! 12 25 C2 273 50 20A WSH 20 A2OT.1 417.OO

30',O" wr230A2 300 50 25 4' WSH 20 A25T] 368.50

30 0 !! t2 30 82 304 00 25 4' wsu 20 A25T2 398.00
30'0" \,\l 12 3Q C2 310 00 25 -O WSH 20 425T3 412 00
254 WSH 20 42 5T.l 436.50
32 6" w 1, 326 A2 331 00
326 w 12 326 A2 335 50 30 0' WSH 20 A3OT] 404 00
w 12 326 C2 339 50 30'0" WSH 20 A3OT2 433.00
30'o_ WSH 20 A3OT3 446.50
35',0" wt235A' 351 50 30 0" wsF 20 a30T4 471 50
35',0" \,'\t 12 35 82 36 7.00
35',0" w 12 35 C2 371.50 Extra Heavy Duty Square H nged Stee Poles
!5 0" WSH 35 A35T1 647 00
40'0" wr24042 348.50 !5',0" WSH 35-A35T2 676 50
40 0" w 12 40 82 396.00 3s',0' WSH.35 A35T3 690 00
w1240C2 35 0" WSH 35 A35T4 715.00

40 0' WSH 35 A4OT] 134.OA

A2 4A A" wsr'r 35 440T2 763.00
B2 40 0" WSH 35 A4OT3 771.OO
40 0" 799 00
Price Lst 60-020 Page T6

O utdoor Lighting

Mountinq Arrangements For Hinged Steel Poles

MT32t62 $43.00
MT 322-6 2 70.00 Des gn No W 3O Anchor
Mr32442 128.50
MT 102 36 2 30.00 6',0' w30 29 82
MT rO3 60 2 43 00 6',0 w30 33 82
MT lO4 30 2 68 50
w30 29 C2
MT r 04X .18 2 84 50 w30 33 C2
(Ar 90 )
t0 0 w30 29.D 2
For He.vy Drly Sreel Po es s54 00 r o'o
I FeqL red Per l.sra .t o. No W 31-Transformer Base
lStyLe-WLD 35rl
6o 29 J' w3r 30 82
60_ w3r 33 82
Transformer Bases for Hinged Steel Poles
ao" 29 J' W31.30 C2
8',0 33 3 w3r 33 C2
2A' s 168.50
245.OO to 0 29.1 w31 30 D2
ro 0 33 3"

Fabricated Steel Brackets Aluminum Poles

r\. I isr
\.a L q" - PtrcP
'' l\"
MT40tHl22 O.e way Ior S ng e Lunr na'rc s37.OO
Desiqn No W 20 Anchor Base
Mr402H12) Two w.y. Two Anns.l 1 80 51 .50
N4T 403 H.1 2 2 Three way, Two Arf)s.l I80 Degrees 2AA
& o.e ar 9O Dellrees 66.10 200 v't 2A 20 B2 422 00
MT-404 H 12 2 Fou, way. Four Arnrs.t 90 De!rees 40.80 2A A' \,\J 20 20 C2 431 00
vr4421122 Twow.y Two Arnrs al90 Dc!r-'-'s 51 30
MT403Y122 Three way, Thrc. Arms.l 1 20 Dcg,ccs 66 30 25 0" 'N 20 25 A2 468 00
25 0" w202582 471.50
25',0 w2025C2 487.50

30'0_ w 20 30.a2 569 00

30'o \,\r 20 30 82 579 00

Des gn No W 2l Transfotmer
200 \N 21 2A A2 $ 520.00
20 0" \,\r 2l 20 B2 530.00
200 w21 20 C2 540.50

25 4' w2r ?5 42 549.50

25 0 \,! 2l 25 82 559.50
25 0 5 70.00

300 wzr 30 42 641 00

30'0" w21 30 82 651 00
30 -0" w 2t 30 c2 661.00

s50 00
B2 56 00
c2 62 00

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

OLrtdoor Llghting Departrnent, Cleveland. Ohio 44101

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