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MAppendix 1

Year Level: 2 Time: 11am-12pm Date: 28th May 2018 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
 Students recognise the names of seasons and
Learning Area: Mathematics – Measurement and months
Geometry  Students can associate temperature/events with
seasons (hot in summer, birthday in March,
Christmas in December etc.)
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Name and order months and seasons (ACMMG040)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
✓ ✓ competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Name and order months
 Name the four seasons and the months that correspond with each season

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

 Make and photocopy season/month template for  If the classroom gets too noisy or students get
each student off task, use clapping or ‘stop, look and listen’
 Months and season printed and laminated to refocus attention
 PowerPoint
 Work with Ellie during main activity and scribe
her answers onto the page

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
The activity I planned worked out to meet the criteria of my lesson objectives. I could improve them, again, by working
on my ability to differentiate the same task for different students. We will continue this topic on Wednesday and I will
hopefully extend these objectives and remind students constantly of the order of months and seasons.

Also, there were students who struggled to read the months and seasons so perhaps I could have given them a
separate sheet that listed the months and seasons for them to copy down onto the chart.

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

I felt extremely anxious prior to this lesson and it showed throughout the lesson. I did not provide enough
differentiation in the activity and the extension kids finished very early, which freaked me out and left me asking for
help from Caitlin. I also ended up finishing the lesson earlier than planned. This lesson has given me perspective that
there is a lot to think about when planning lessons and it is better to over-plan than to leave some students without
work to do.


[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
11am  Welcome students onto the front mat and explain that the WALT of
the lesson is “Naming and ordering the months and seasons.” In this
lesson we will be focusing on recalling the months and seasons of the
year and then discovering which months belong in which season.

 Use PowerPoint as a guide for the lesson structure/for students to PowerPoint slides
follow along the lesson plan.

 Introduce the topic by telling students that in a year there are four
seasons. See what they know by asking four different students to
state one season each and write them on the board. Then ask, “Who
knows what season we are in at the moment?”

 Explain that in Australia (the southern hemisphere) there are three full
months per season.
Summer in December, January and February
Autumn in March, April and May
Winter in June, July and August
Spring in September, October and November
Then the cycle continues and it is Summer again!

 While seated on the mat, students will watch a short descriptive video Interactive months and
explaining the different seasons and the months of the year in each seasons video

 After they have watched the video reiterate that there are three full
months in each season, there are four seasons, which means there
are twelve months all together (3 x 2)

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

11:15am Worksheets
 Students will each be given a worksheet containing a template of a
circle divided into four sections each with an image that represents
each of the seasons.

 Around the outside of the circle are three blank sections per season
which is where students will fill in the corresponding months to the
season. There is also a place to label each diagram with the season
that matches the image. All months and seasons will be written at the
bottom of the page for students to refer to.

 During the individual working time, students will fill in the correct
name of each season and months in each season.


 If any students finish early, they can use the space on the back of the
11:30am worksheet to draw pictures related to each season. This will help
them to remember which month belongs in each season as they will
relate it to events such as Christmas, Easter, winter sports, summer
holidays etc.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

11:40am  Have month cards jumbled up at the bottom of the board. Place January
at the top to jog students’ memory.

 Bring students back to the mat and ask them one at a time to put the next Month and season
month on the board in the correct order. laminated cards

 Then once all months are stuck to the board, see if students can
remember the seasons that correspond with them.

11:45am  Remind them that there are three months per season and to think about
events that happen in certain months and if it is cold or hot during those
months (e.g. Christmas)

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

11:50am  Instruct students sit quietly on the front mat and wait for instruction
from Mrs C. for the next lesson

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

 Use students’ worksheets to decipher which objectives have been

met, then record observations/notes in the table below with any
necessary comments.


28tht May 2018 Name and Name the four

order months seasons and
the months that
correspond with
each season

Keelie X X
Cohen ✓ ✓
Taylan X X
Izzy ✓ ✓
Bella ✓ ✓
Casey ✓ ✓
Lawrence ✓ ✓
Maya ✓ ✓
Skye ✓ ✓
Eva ✓ ✓
Hayley ✓ ✓
Shiloh X ✓
Jordi Constantly ✓ completed his
questioning activity with
the order of guidance
months due to
starting in Dec
Millie X X
Chloe ✓ ✓
Carla ✓ ✓
Mia X Mixing up which
months are in
each season
Hunter Rubi X Mixing up the
months and
Rebecca X X Began march
in Summer and
couldn’t finish
the activity
Brodie ✓ ✓
Ellie ✓ ✓
Hudson X X Months not
matching up to
correct season

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