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THE STRESS ANALYSIS OF CRACKS HANDBOOK THIRD EDITION Hiroshi Tada Washington University Paul C. Paris Washington University and George R. Irwin University of Maryland Copyright © 2000 by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘Tada, Hitoshi, 1939— ‘The Suess Analysis of Cracks Handbook / Hiroshi Tada, Paul C. Paris, and George R. Irwin; ed P. em, ISBN 0-7918-0153-5 1, Fracture Mechanics. 2. Strains and Stresses, 1 Paris, P. C. (Paul Croce), 1930- HL Irwin, George Rankin, 1907-1998 Mi. Title TA409.T33 2000 (00020557. 620.1°126 — de2 cp All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America, Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form oor by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WORK HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS FROM SOURCES BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE, HOWEVER, NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS OR EDITORS GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY INFORMATION PUBLISHED IN THIS WORK. NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS AND EDITORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION. THE WORK IS PUBLISHED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ASME AND ITS AUTHORS AND EDITORS ‘ARE SUPPLYING INFORMATION BUT ARE NOT ATTEMPTING TO RENDER ENGINEERING OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. IF SUCH ENGINEERING OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARE REQUIRED, THE ASSISTANCE OF AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE ‘SOUGHT. ASME shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced ia papers or... printed in its publications (B7.1.3). Statement from the Bylaws. For authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under those circumstances not falling within the fait use provisions of the Copytight Act, contact the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; tei: 978-750-8400; e-mail: DEDICATION On 9 October 1998, Dr. George R. Invin passed away. We, the surviving authors of this book, have lost a reat friend and colleague, who deservingly has been called “the Father of Fracture Mechanies.” He was our inspiration in continuing to develop new items for the second and third editions of this book. Therefore, we feel compelled to dedicate our effort on this third edition to him, as well asour effort on previous editions. We are proud of the privilage of having worked closely with him, Paul C. Paris and Hiroshi Tada, May 2000 TABLE OF CONT. NTS of Symbols Foreword by G. R. Irwin Preface - Third Edition Preface - Second Edition Preface - First Edition Acknowledgments to the First Edition Part I Introductory Information Introduction Crack-Tip Stress Fields for Linear-Elastic Bodies Altemate Expressions for Crack-Tip Elastic Fields Slender Notches and Stress Concentrations from Stress Intensity Factors Energy Rate Analysis of Crack Extension Relationships between G and K Superposition of G and K Results Meaning of Plane Stress and Plane Strain for Fracture Mechanies Purposes Effects of Small Seale Yielding on Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics Introduction to Stress Function Methods Additivity of Crack Stress Fields and K Values Boundary Collocation Method Successive Boundary Stress Correction Method K Estimates from Finite Element Methods Additional Remarks for Part I ‘A. Unified Formulation for In-Plane Two-Dimensional Problems B. On Completeness of Westergaard Single-Function Method for Analysis of Cracks C. Effect of Surface Interference of Partly Closed Cracks Part 11 Stress Analysis Results for Common Test Specimen Configurations ‘The Center Cracked Test Specimen The Double Edge Notch Test Specimen ‘The Single Edge Notch Test Specimen ‘The Pure Bending Specimen The Three-Point Bend ‘est Specimen The Compact Tension Test Specimen The Round (Disk-Shaped) Compact Specimen ‘The Are-Shapod (C-Shaped) Specimen Other Common Specimen Configurations Electrical Potential Calibration vill xvi wil xvi xix 1 20.1) 2011-138) 6(1.3b-1.3¢) 8(1.4-1.6) 1(.6-1.7) 120.7-1.8) 13(1.8) 14(19-1.10) 16(1.11) 1701.12-1.17) 22(.17-1.18) 23(.:8-1.19) 24(1.:9-1.20) 25(1.20-1.21) 26(1.21) 26(1.21-1.22) 27(1.22-1.26) 31(1.26-1.33) 39 40(2.1-2.5a) 46(2.6-2.9a) 52(2.10-2.12) 55(2.13-2.15) 58(2.16-2.18) 61(2.19-2.21) 64(2.22) 65(2.23) 66(2.24-2.37) 802.38) vi_Table of Contents Part I ‘Two-Dimensional Stress Solutions for Various Configurations with Cracks A. Cracks Along a Single Line A Semi-Infnite Crack in an Infinite Plane ‘Two (Opposing) Semi-lafinite Cracks in an Infinite Plane A Finite Crackin an Infinite Plane Multiple Cracks in an Infinite Plane ‘A Periodic Array of Cracks in an Infinite Plane ‘An Bdge Crack ina Semi-Infinite Plane ‘A Semi-Infinite Crack (Leaving a Finite Ligament) in a Semi-Infinite Plane Finite Crack(s) ina Semi-Infinite Plane ‘An Intemal and Edge Crack(s) in a Finite Width Strip or in a Rectangular and Circular Regions B. Parallel Cracks Parallel Semi-Infinite Cracks in an Infinite Plane Opposing Parallel Semi-Infinite Cracks in an Infinite Plane Finite Parallel Cracks in an Infinite Plane Parallel Edge Cracks in a Semi-Infinite Plane A Semi-Infinite Crack Parallel to Edges of an Infinite Strip ‘A Finite Crack Parallel to Edges ofan Infinite Strip ‘Transverse Crack(s) in an Infinite ora Finite Strip C. Cracks and Holes or Notches ‘Crask(s) Emanating from a Hole or a Notch in an Infinite, a Semi-tnginite or a Finite Plane Crack(s) ata Juncture of a Strip and a Semi-Infinite Plane ‘A Finite Crack Near Hole(s) in an Infinite Plane D. Curved, Angled, Branched, or Radiating Cracks Curved, Angled, Branched, or Radiating Crack(s) in an Infinite Plane E, Cracks in Reinforced Plates Finite Crack(s) in an Infinite Plane with Reinforced Regions Part IV ‘Three Dimensional Cracked Configurations A Semi-Infinite Crack in an Infinite Body ‘An Embedded Circular Crack in an Infinite Body ‘An Extemal Circular Crack (a Circular Net Section) or a Circular Ring (an Annular) Crack in an Infinite Body ‘An Elliptical Crack or Net Section and a Parabolic Crack in an Infinite Body ‘An Extemal Circular Crack in a Round Bar ‘An Internal Circular Crack in a Round Bar ‘An Internal Circumferential Crack in a Thick-Walled Cylinder ‘An Extemal Circumferential Crack in a Thick-Walled Cylinder ‘A Kalf-Circular Surface Crack in a Semi-Infinite Body ‘A Quarter-Circular Comer Crack in a Quarter-Infinite Body Part V Crack(s) in a Rod or a Plate by Energy Rate Analysis Bending, Shearing, and Tension/Compression a 82 (3.1-3.12) 96 (.1-4.16a) 124 6.1-522a) 165 (6.1-6.5) 1701-711) 193 (8.1-8.18) 219 (.1-9.6a) 227(10.1-10.4) 232 (I1.A-11.15) 247 (12.1-12.6) 253(13.1-13.3) 256(14.1-14.7) 264 (15.1-15.2) 266 (16.1-16.6) 272.(17.1-17.13) 285 (I8.1-18.4) 289 (19.1-19.17) 306 (19.18-19.19) 308 (20.1-20.6) 314 @1.1-21.17) 331 @2.1-22.2) 333 334 (23.1-23.8) 342 (24.1-24.26) 369 (25.1-25.10) 384 (26.1-26.6) 390 (27.1-27.3) 396 (27.4-27.6) 402 (27.7-27.8a) 406 (27.9-27.10a) 410 (28.1-28.2) 412, (283-28.5) 45 416 (29.1-29.15) Part VI Strip Yield Model Solutions Introduction to Strip Yield Model Analysis, Additional Notes on Strip Yield Models, ‘Two-Dimensional Problems of Strip Yielding from Crack(s) ‘Two-Dimensional Problems of Strip Yielding from a Hole with or without Crack(s) ‘Three-Dimensional Strip Yielding Solutions Part VIL Crack(s) in a Shell ‘A Circumferential Crack in a Cylindrical Shell Multiple Circumferential Cracks in a Cylindrical Shell A Longitudinal Crack in a Cylindrical Shell ‘A Crack in a Spherical Shell Appendices ‘A. Compliance Calibration Methods B. A Method for Computing Certain Displacements Relevant to Crack Problems C. The Weight Function Method for Determining Stress Intensity Factors D. Anisotropic Linear-Elastic Crack-Tip Stress Fields E. Stress Intensity Factors for Cracks in a Plate Subjected to Pinching Loads F. Cracks in Residual Stress Fields G, Westergaard Stress Functions for Dislocations and Cracks H. The Plastic Zone Instability Concept Applied to Analysis of Pressure Vessel Failure I. Approximations and Engineering Estimates of Stress Intensity Factors 4. Rice's J-Integral as an Analytical Tool in Stress Analysis K. Elasto-Plastic Pure Shear Stress-Strain Analysis (Mode 111) L. Table of Complete Elliptic Integrals M. Table and Properties of Gamma Funetion References Reference Index Subject Index Free Software (SmartCrack-Lite) Software Guide __Table of Contents_ vii 81 432 (30.1-30.2) 433, 0.2) 434 (30.3-30.25) 457 LIL) 462 (32.1-32.6) 469 470 (33.1-33.6) 479 (G4.1-34.4a) 485 (35.1) 486 (36.1) 487(A.1-A.6) 493 B.1-B4) 497 (C.1-C.16) 513 (D.1-D2) 515 (E.1-E.14) 529 (F.1-F.17) 547 (G.1-G.33) $981 (H.-L) 593 (LI-1.18) 611 J.1-.12) 623 (K1-K.12) 635 (L1-L.2) 637 (MI-M3) 641 RAR) 663, 667 676 om LisT OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS Only the principal symbols are listed here. So many symbols are needed thatthe notation is not necessarily consistent throughout the book. However, most symbols are clearly defined within each solution page and those not included in this list will be readily identified. In many two-dimensional configurations, forces and moment (P, Q, etc, and M) implicitly designate forces and moment unit thickness. The definition will most often be obvious from the context; otherwise, confirm the definition so that the stress intensity factor, K, yielded has the dimension: force/(length)””” or stress (length)? 1, I Il (subscripts) 4 Ay ay B(Br, Bu, Bur) Designations for Mode I, Mode ll, and Mode II, respectively Area of erack surface ‘Area of erack opening ‘A crack tip @-D) or a point on crack front (3-D) Coefficients for series expansion of Z(2) Elastic constants for anisotropic solid Half length of crack in plate or shell Depth of edge crack Length or haf length of net ligament (2-D) Radius of circular crack or circular net liggment Semi-major axis of elliptical crack or elliptical net ligament Elastic constants for anisotropic solid A crack tip (2-D) oF a point on erack front (3-D) Width of crack surface for rod or beam. Strength of Bueckner-type erack-tip singularity List of Principal Symbols ix Cla) D D(x/a), Dy), ee. a Ei) Bly, k) ‘Width or half width of strip Depth of bend specimen Radius of cracked dise or cireular hole Radius of round bar with circular crack ‘Semi-minor axis of elliptical erack or elliptical net ligament Semi-major axis of elliptical hole or depth of semi-clliptical notch Half width of rectangular hole Coordinate or length-defining position of concentrated or distributed load Half length of second crack (collinear cracks) or of vertical crack (cruciform crack) Elastic compliance Elastic constant: | for plane stress, 1 / ‘VI? for plane strain Elastic compliance of cracked body at ith load point by jth load Coordinate or length defining position of concentrated or distributed load ‘Semi-major or minor axis of elliptical hole or depth of semi- elliptical notch Radial width of annular crack Model crack size for strip yield analysis (actual crack size + plastic zone size) ‘Model net ligament size for strip yield analysis (actual ligament ize - plastic zone size) Coordinate of zer0 crossing of residual stress distribution Diameter of (cracked) dise Configuration functions for crack opening displacement Semi-minor axis of elliptical hole or half width of semi- elliptical notch, Distance between center of crack and center of circular hole Young's modulus Elastic constant plane strain 4 0G: E for plane stress, £/(1 — 12) for ‘Complete elliptic integral of the second kind Elliptic integral of the second kind Eccentricity of erack in strip Base of natural logarithm Concentrated force x _List of Principal Symbols F(a/b), F(@), FO) Fi(a/b), Fs(a/b) Fi(a/b), Fula/b) F (a/b). ee. Fly, k) In(s, @) G Gla/b), ete: G@), GO), ete. Gr, Ga, Gu) H H(a/b), et. h Ih, hy ete 10) Im) J K(K;, Kn, Kr) Kya Kase. K, K(k) k ¥ Configuration correction factors for stress intensity factor Elliptic integral of the first kind Weight function determined from mth loading system, Shear modulus ‘Altemate forms of configuration correction factors for stress- intensity factor ‘Configuration functions for erack opening area for shells Crack extension force Distance between parallel cracks Configuration functions for crack opening displacement Half depth of beam Height or half height of strip with crack vertical to side edges Half width of strip with crack parallel to side edges Half distance between parallel cracks Half width of rectangular hole Half thickness of uniform wedge Distance from free surface to crack parallel to it in semi-infinite plate Moments of inertia of cross section of rods or beams Configuration function for crack opening area for cylindrical shell Imaginary part of () J-integral Stress intensity factor Kyatx =a, Ky at A, et. Stress concentration factor ‘Complete elliptic integral of the first kind ‘Modulus of elliptic integral ‘Complementary modulus of elliptic integral LL, Ly, da ete. ‘ hb ba Ee. Omax Onin Re() List of Principal Symbols xi Dimensions defined in solution pages Length of normal for ellipse Total length of crack and hole (or notch) Length of plastic zone for strip yield model Length of crack surface contact Dimensions defined in solution rages Bending moment In-plane moment per unit thickness Slope of tapered double cantilever specimen ‘Maximum value of () Minimum value of () ‘Number of radial cracks for star-shaped crack Origin of coordinate system Concentrated load Concentrated load per unit thickness (2-D) ith applied load Distributed load (stress) Internal pressure in shell Line force (force/length) Concentrated load Concentrated load per unit thickness (2-D) Distributed load (stress) Concentrated load Radius of circular are crack Radius of circular hole Radius of cylindrical or spherical shell Real part of () First (radial) coordinate of polar, 8, (2)] coordinate system Inner and outer radius, respectively, of thick-walled cylinder xll__List of Principal Symbols S(a/bi, ete Ts) u Ur Ula/t), Ui(a/b) Uala/d), ete sme v V(a/b), Vila/®) Ve(a/?), ee ¥i(a), Fi(ao) V,{a), Va(ao) v(x, 0), v7, 0) M4, % 10,3) ¥(0, 5), v0, 0, 5), ete. w W(a/), Wi(a/b) W,(a/), ete. Plastic zone size and size index, respectively (rp = 2rr) Configuration functions for crack opening area or rotation Span between supports of bend specimen Distance from crack plane to point of concentrated load application ‘Normalized half vertex angle of eracked wedge Dimensionless parameter characterizing geometry of cracked body, eg, s = a/(a-+ b) Concentrated load per unit thickness (Mode 1) Twisting moment Distributed traction over surface s Distributed load (stress) ‘Thickness of shell Elastic energy density Total strain energy in cracked body Configuration functions for displacement x = x-+ iy and z* =x — iy. Ifthe problem can be arranged so that the crack of interest occupies a straight segment of the x-axis (y" = 0), a simpler, one-function approach suggested by Westergaard (1939) is often useful. Westergaard discussed several Mode I crack problems that could be solved using +y Im{Ze)} (36) where and, for subsequent use, (7) From Eqs. (36) and (31) Red — y Iz! Rez +y Imz" (38) Red! Fora straight crack on y = 0, loading symmetry such that Fy automatically furnished by Eq. (36). The displacements, assumi ony = 0,, corresponding to Mode I is planesstran, are given by 1-20) Rg -yinz (1 v) ImZ — y Rez G9) For plane-stress, v in Eq. (39) can be replaced by v/(I +»). In checking the derivation of Eq. (38) from Eq. (36) and of Eq. (39) from integration of Eq. (32), itis helpful to use the Cauchy-Riemann equations. These are refs! ifs b= ReF, (any Lad Introductory Information 19 ‘The solution of one of the crack problems briefly discussed in Westergaard (1939) is given by (a) vi-(a/z¥ The problem solved with this stress function is the erack problem studied by Griffith (1920) with the aid of previous work by Inglis (1913); a central crack of length 2a, with 6 = 0; = ¢ at distances remote from the crack, In terms of the vectors (43) Equation (42) can be expressed as (4) From differentiation of Bq. (42) (45) and can be expresses as (46) From integration of Eq. (42), (an) and can be expressed as (48) ‘The angles in the preceding equations are restricted to the range x to + (radians). Equations (44), (46), and (48) are helpfuul in forming the real and imaginary part of functions as indicated in the equations for stresses and displacements using the identity e!” = cos -+ isin @. From these equations itis clear that ReZ,y Rez”, 20 Part 1s and y ImZ" are all zero along the line segment occupied by the ctack |r| < a and y = 0. Thus free boundary conditions along lines ofthe erack are provided. Remote from the crack, as [| approaches infinity, y ReZ’ and y ImZ’ are again zero and ReZ = a. Thus the remote stress field is 6, o and Ty = 0. In the limit of small enough values of r,/a, taking r = a,r, = 2a, = 0, and 0, = 0, Bq. (44) becomes ®) This teaton ean be written as 26) =k] Jk (50) where Gane =2-@ (SI) and K=K, =ovra (52) ‘The Mode I stresses and displacements very close tothe cracktip (as shown in the introductory comments) can be derived using Bq. (50), the associated values of 2’ and Z, expressing these in vetor form as illustrated above, and substituting eal and imaginary pars (as appropiate) into Eqs. (38) and (39) “The single stress function approach of Westerzard is conveniently extended to Mode Il crack problems by assuming (Irwin 1958) Da -yRE (33) In terms of Eq. (35), Eq. (83) corresponds to the choices (sa) The stresses are given by Ind + Rez! y Rez" (85) Rez mz" The displacements (plane strain) ate given by 2Gu=2(1 —v) m2 y Rez 2Gv= (1 2») ReZ rea} (6) 116 Introductory Information 21 ‘The solution of the Mode Il counterpart of the Griffith crack problem is obtained by (7) The remote stresses are 0 = oy = 0, yy = 7. The crack-tip siresses and displacements are again provided by Eq. (50) with (s8) ‘The use of essentially the same stress function, Z, to solve Mode I and Mode II problems is applicable to ‘many crack stress field problems and can be extended to Mode III by means of the equation Gu = WZ (89) The stresses are given by ws) Further use ofa Z funetion, which solves a two-dimensional Mode I crack problem in an isotropic material, in the solution of two-dimensional crack problems (of similar configuration) in orthotropic and anisotropic elastic materials is discussed in Appendix D. To provide relations that remain generally valid, it is most convenient to define the three K’ values as follows [consistent with definitions in Eqs.(1)—3)]: \here r is the length of a small vector extending directly forward from the erack-tip In the case of Mode I, the invariants used in computing principal stresses are Tae = (a) For plane strain, the stress field energy density, U, is given by Law Use Rez) + (63) The coresponding relationships for Mode Tl are EB m2, tau = yal ty" i2"| —2y im(z'Z") (64) va imal +sbr (65) 3G 367 22 Part 117 Williams (1957) called attention to the possibilty that studies of U neer the leading edge of a crack might be of interest in predicting crack extension behavior. Irwin (1958a) noted that the largest tensile stresses at fixed small distance from a Mode I crack-tip were at 60° to the line of expected crack extension. Either viewpoint predicts a tendeney for the location of advance separation to cause roughening of a flat tensile fracture surface. Of course, the subject of these comments pertains tothe facture process zone and a treatment based on stress-strain relations within the erack-tip plastic zone would be more appropriate. ADDITIVITY OF CRACK STRESS FIELDS AND K VALUES From the additivity oflinear-elastic stress fields and the definitions of K, Eg. (61), several conclusions are evident: (a) the addition of a stress field that does not possess an inverse square root stress singularity atthe crack-tip does not alter the value of K for that erack-tip; (b) when each of several superimposed stress fields contributes o the K values, the K’values are separately additive for each o° these modes; and (e) when several loading configurations are applied to the same crack and the Westergaard Z functions for each ate known, the Z functions can be added together, and the stresses and displacements czn then be derived from the total Z function using methods discussed in the previous section For illustration consider the Z function Using the Mode I value of , Eq. (36), the problem solved is that of central crack of length, 2a, opened by «pair of splitting forces, P, acting against the crack surfaces atthe position y = 0, x = b. The value of K at (6) ‘i, the total value of Z becomes Vea Jae ‘Simple addition shows that Eq. (69) is the sum of Eq. (67) plus the same expression after substitution of —b for b inside the radical, Assume next that P = adb. From the additivity rule, the stress field for a uniform pressure, 0, acting against the crack surfaces can be derived from the following Z function: (70)

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