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Recorded by Court Basie PTE baL TO SaxoPHONE count me in trranged by: BILL BYERS Modul Su 4 7 z £ Pee ee te Fo ee Fo — hp —— aS — 75 6 a a A>? =p pi. afte geste 3 EEE pp 6 © we a | ee — > > > op 2 eee 4 gin + o> S j eS 8 a 3 ‘apap fap poy © 3 Copymght © MCMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO, Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission International Copynght Secured Mace in USA. All Rights Reserved Alto Sax 1 es “Count Me In” a —~ + S| hoe SS a> p=pP inp =P ; d ex f= | ‘ a * asl a + SH fi al mul al shee Recorced by Court Basie Behar saxoPHONe count me in Modecatdy Slow 4 Arranged 6: BILL BYERS 1 ‘ . mp =p 6 9 > ree ee fay A> =p i T a fe eee > y? 3 2 ot st = fp A=? pop Copyright # MCMLXWY TARPON MUSIC CO. Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission Tnternotional Copyright Secured Made in USA. All Rights Reserved @ “commer” ae ee 8 Alto Sax 2 SSS = a 4 = pe > para at <0 4-9 ¥¢. ~4—t9 be 2 eS eere Rgntite EE — a * pp h=p a =" Recorded by Court Basie Féremesnoane COUNT me in Moderately Slow & aa ea \ af =p J 3+ —_ gee! amp A=? Copyright ® MEMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO, USed by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission International Copynght Secured Mace in USA. All Rights Reserved Tenor Sax 1 “Count Me In” Recorded by Coure Basie count i 2 BOTENDR SAXOPHONE. ee Arranged by: Moderttly Shw 6 inged by: BILL BYERS t 4 " fF “Bo Aa, fmf jmp Copyright © MMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO. USed by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission International Copyright Secured Made in USA. All Rights Reserved. mu Ate > 8 > > at = eS i — = — > Gy Ale eS “ = a 8 firhe Aa _, Qe ee SSS = Recorded by Court Basie E> GARITONE SAXOPHONE count me in Moderately Sb 4 Arranged by: BILL BYERS 4 5 a & Sa FS Se SF a>? fap - oso F hop? aes =f ~ AEP fp Copyright © MCMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO. Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission. Interavonel Copyright Secured Made in USA. All Rights Reserved @ “Count Me In” 2 Baritone Sax ae — = => . ps0 s1 Sy 53 Recorded by Coure Basie count me in Arranged by: BILL BYERS 1% BRUM PET a Nodurtly Slaw & IeKEf] > > amp h=p D. Se A + oo cc Ss = w fe Sear 2 ee oo" eee eS 3 4 fp ae SS = Fe ae a ===> t —— Se is ame 3s 26 8 nf SSS oS SSS = 29 y___ 3" 3e a Copyright ® MCMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO. _US€d by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission international Copyright Secured Made in USA All Rights Reserver “Count Me In” 2 Trumpet 1 > A=? As a a om (he) ee a en o SuCKEN| > z = 1 a 2 Se See e prey % fee hep fp , se naa SS nee Se === x aera eee ee ae aSesee ae oe 4 = Sa — = er fe P : e Cs Sr EE qj oe oe ae w —— Recorded by Count Basie count me in GY TRUMPET Modeatdu Slow 4 Arranged fy: BILL BYERS -_ 9 y “pep © ppp 4 ! L > \ 4 fap S foe 3) = > _frem Gam ev)? ee a hD 3s (adi) 3 , a Dr > — = oS ea eS ee 3 Copyright © MCMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO, Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission international Copyright Secured Made in USA All Rights Reserved! 2 Trumpet 2 “Count Me in” Cais 5 5 = £ == e ye Te a ‘52 Recorded by Count Basie ° count me in 3 GbTRUMPET Modertaly Show 4 8 Arranged by: BILL BYERS 2 A> a , 8, 4 & aes (Sea SS aaee— ny we hops 3r 20 = 0 — Ce I = on # SS fp me Dh ge to is G5 = = % =e 2 = ta Sa ey PS = nl oH eam p Copyright ® MCMLXW TARPON MUSIC CO. U#ed by JENSON PUBLICATIONS boy Permission international Coprignt Secured Mace in USA. All Rights Reserved “Count Me In” 2 Trumpet 3 fee == = Ms ‘op aoe * 8 n is 9 VBUCKEN » = 2 > SSS Se Aap aoe pop te Oe) ay? > a —_ LSS ae Se Ss eas hep # ce « % 2 2 for p z Sas, SS See 8 wlinhee fh>p Recorded by Coure Basie ee count me in Maderatdy Slow 4 Arranged fy: BILL BYERS aucKen i f>? o VIS a y= w— f2 > p Copyright © MCMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO. Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission International Copyright Secured Made in USA. All Rights Reserved “Count Me In” 2 Trumpet 4 FFAs 7% fe7 se bop Recorded by Court Basie PT TROMBONE count me in Modetately Slow 4 Arranged by: BILL BYERS i + We t ? aes a pop" 2 7 = Ets h>p we % 1 nf 4 > Fa 3 Sy tt 5 ih tet £408 i Ae yy as 37 a App be a iD 3s ¥ 7 i hoe pre copmight © MCI TARPON MUSIC CO, _USEd by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permsion So ean sesres “Mace m USA. Al igh Reserves 2m ‘Trombone 4 “Count Me In” 5 [OPEN -H1.0.8.| a 4 8 i ra y a 7 7 fe P —hn D hop ” Aap eB A>p Recorded by Court Basie 2 Ronee count me in Moderately Slow & “Arranged by: BILL BYERS Sucker] z ap = 3 thee DB . g. , oe pop? ee? cs ™ 1 re 7 1 frp @ 2 2» mf 38 p> Pp 34 A> p # 3b Copyright © MCMLXW TARPON MUSIC CO, USed by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission Incernetional Copyright Secured Made in USA All Fights Reserves “Count Me In” a = Trombone 2 a vy __foren-v0d] ey : _ — == : # = | 7 rs P 4 ao ? = a, ore y= 4 sort te eet j ° =, * rae 0 =f Ea Q = 3 OF oR 3 * 7 ae 4 —_ i 2 iS é thee $e 2 ft 4 a>p ” f>p ™ a fre Sy £ io F _——— cere c Zee — aS 2 eee Recorded by Cour Base 5° TROMBONE count me in Modeatey Sow 6 BveKe 2S ae 3 We + ee —- Sapo oy = 3 fh i+ mae 3 >e hop Copyright ® MCMLXW TARPON MUSIC CO. Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission Internationel Copyright Secured Made in USA All Rights Reserved Trombone 3 “Count Me In” * (45) ores 4.0.8.| re 8 37 7 P a i =~ y Gia - —=—,; * , ® —fA ” = ++ f a , ~ w @ eKET] «x E = 2 oR>?P . > > p zy Ld ‘ _ SS ae z 7 ; ~* ™ a> p wa ——~_ Ft, o> > z z eS 7 P—p>p 8 foe : < ae Bs fA > Pp Fp st nf Recorded by Coure Basie BASS TROMGNE count me in Medemtely Stow 4 Arranged by: BILL BYERS (Bick . T ee 2 + 3 + ad ee ee rea 8 B>p Y” Ag % hoe Copwisht ® MCMLXW TARPON MUSIC CO. Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission International Copyright Secured Mace in USA All Rights Reserves 7 a fis} fi) “count Het 8 “2 Bass Trombone 4 = 7 OFen Hos, t+ A te a = a = —— SS FPS —A> ep 2 a + Ss =] 7 Fee noe = PIANO Recorded by Coure Basie Hadid ve COUNT Me in Bail arian, z. P tu) FA cH9 9A? BO? A? |G? Donte Gait gh?] 2a cy 5 = thes. @ Abas? Abt Ab? Ae $ ¢ a Ebsus Anon pn Ratt = °F aR Eby Biss Cm? eH, fm? C2) Ba? ni? FAP Emi? Ami? po) a ot 4 t Te 7 78" "9 Copyright MCWLXIY TARPON MUSIC CC, USE by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permission Intemetional Copyright Secured Mage in USA. All Rants Reserves Count Me in” 2 Piano G3 co oy aay £ Dene if po Gm? 09 gle? Ally api et tat at 15 Fey FRETS 268 Abma? Abt Ab? Abt bm? —Gmi™S) DpPaus Cus C2 Gb? F9 Ge FF $ we aa ca om ths BD) BE py e$+2 44.) md) Fo y q 4 evs yr) glee NX om * 7 = ¥ 77 Fo Byus Bh sus ey? Gm, Db? cous cH? oe “Count Me In” ee tar 5° ain? ext) BD gyp : = 53 Fa y e 2 Piano Ae e's ae a7 An? Ay Bm? We Ant Dit) og? 4 a @ eye a # en) ey ay ay oi) Gy Te Dy JZ al? Gm? u 7 oe ee be eb “Count Me In” + Piano ~—~ - END cay > g ol) | pp? r Ve F9 CH £9 Abelha, Bi? Ay? Gm? ——Dbmin mb apd 9 C498 ~ F , Goa} : 5 i 5 wey a 4 ae _Abmilsy By? €9 Eins Abn? Abma? Abt Ape Ab Tp ee cd * Gm”) Dyes COs C9 Gb? FP 9 FF Bernsen ¥ Recordes by Coure Basie pass count me in Moderately Sbw 4 Arranged by: BILL BYERS An pall) Avy, GuPlisl C7488) pg tb BF gt SS Se Se fob — Fw t 4% t 5 5 z Go ote AO» abt Al Gat pin’/e Gm? gh? £9 ct 8 7 7 ® 3 Amal, ah? eo Eb Sous nl), fa iro Abt ab ar ® 7 E 7 2 ey Bus Cm? eM, Am? cll?) Bai? Goa 68° cu? Ami? 7!) 7 8 a a? cs gin flre fms Bie? go” ab? Gm? cP a ‘a 7 4) 7 Be ay # a be Bhmi"®’ plz) Alma Ab Ay = a ee ees 1 7 ca s cD Abt Ara? Git) op aus Car, Oy Gt FE CP EY Bae aH? 08 oa aa SSS stp Bae SS 5 p= Eby pitt) opt nl’) GP aifsis ah Gay op 38 8 a ie 37 Copyright © MCMLXIV TARPON MUSIC CO. Used by JENSON PUBLICATIONS by Permussion Intemational Copyright Secured Mace in USA All Rights Reserved “Count Me in" » cy Yous CH 6 Cm? 3% Bbw? ep? ae awe be oe be ne _ = sa ee =H x - : wa Se @ we ye ey Cn? 7 fin — Bf pee 2 . # = pert 7 3 == eB — pnt Want oil or age, a A SS (tee 7 = 7 7 '__—_———— *¢ a eto Gm” 07 bg ee ay Cy ey SSS SS Be 5 =o sublop. 7 Pe e Fea p 4 6 te fee z ge ete a cw? oy ek cat 8 ie Sis ¢ SSS subito Ca 5 we + p Fa ay eb pi) phot git FP ce? SSS at oF ve a 7 a 7 oo bustle au A? mi? Dontle Gui Fc Aly gy8 69 ess pyrtat tbe ate eS ae = ta ete 5 7 SS eS anleye, 87 Ama? bt Abe Ab — abmi? gn) npdey C8ous 09 ght a8 CH EH a \ at : — rode tit ot ry for: resort ee aa SS SEES = | 30 @ antlpf Gn D8) 108) fg? Bo? hh able i 255 Se SS Se po f - ® a a aan Recorded by Count Basie count me in GUITAR Moderately Slow 4 Arranged 6: BILL BYERS b Ani) AY Gomi9(¥9) or 4#8) Fd Ab B67 Ab" Gb gh? GaSe Ss pak, = a FY ce et Pome, Bi? ab? Gm? Dom, Gail Gh 9 ca? £9 o 2 7 Any a 1 eta arPley Ama” Abe aye a? z oe w TE 7 7 7 a eto» Briss Cm? ah, Am? cnt4) Bri? Gna? FH” Eni? Ani? prlbs) 2 S

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