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EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349

Assessment task 2
EDUC 4726 - 9311
Assessment task 2: Geography “Inquiry” Lesson Plan with justification

Geography lesson.

1  Title: What is a home?
 Outcomes
→content knowledge: (Inquiry and skills)
Draw simple conclusions based on discussions, observations and information
displayed in pictures and texts and on maps (ACHASSI008)
→skills: Share observations, pose questions, explore point of view, draw simple
→achievement: Identify the features of familiar places and recognise why some
places are special to people.
 Time: e.g., 50 min lesson
 Year level: Foundation
 Resources required: Randomiser APP (on IPad), PowerPoint slide, mind map
template, rubric and stationary.
 Key inquiry question: What is a home?

 General background information

 Initial lesson: first lesson in a unit.

This lesson will be done as an introductory lesson in a HASS unit on location and

3  Concept focus

 The environment and place in which we live.

 Introduction to the lesson

 Class discussion: Display PowerPoint slide on the whiteboard.

Ask: What do you notice? What are they? What lives in them? How do we know? Are
those homes special? Is your home special? What are homes used for? What do we
do in them? How do we behave in our home?
 Write students answers on the whiteboard.

 Body of the lesson

 Home mind map: Introduce the mind map activity.

 Discussion: What is a mind map?
 In the middle bubble are the words ‘What is a home?’
Students are to fill in the 4 outside bubbles with their ideas of a home in picture
format. Students can then attempt to write what their picture is of or can get help
from the teacher.
EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349

Pictures can be: what homes are used for, who lives in your home, what leisure
activities are done in your home etc.

Note: Let students know that they will be showing the rest of the class their work and the
randomiser will pick what order. This will motivate students to get their work done so they have
something to show (free randomiser apps can be found on the internet).

 Conclusion to the lesson

 Students are to bring their work to the front of the classroom in a circle on the floor,
the randomiser APP will pick out students in a random order to show the rest of the
class something they have written or drawn.

 Reflection/Assessment (formative and/or summative)

 Reflection discussion: reflect over the lesson through questions such as… what have
we found out about our homes? What makes our homes special? Who lives in your
homes? Etc.

 Formative assessment: observing the students work and/ or listening to their ideas
and conversations to gauge if they have understood the concept of the lesson.

8  Evaluation:

Please refer to appendix 3.

Evaluation of this lesson can be done via this simple rubric whilst the students are
sharing their mind maps that they have drawn and written on, or can also be done
through listening to the conversations of the students throughout the duration of the

Written justification
9 Starting off the lesson with a PowerPoint slide with deliberately no title is a useful tool to
spark curiosity and discussion in the students. Implementing a simple activity like this
captures students’ attention through the incorporation of an ICT element, and visually aids in
creating a deeper thought process and discussion.

The activities chosen for this lesson have been carefully constructed to suit both the needs
and skills of the students in the class. By having class discussions each child is able to
contribute based off of their own experiences of geography (where they live) and recognise
that everyone and ‘every creature has a home and is part of the environment’ (Catling et al.,
2013, p. 188). Discussing this enables the development of foundational geographical ideas
and concepts that will create a basis for future learning in following lessons (Catling et al.,
2013, p. 189).

With the incorporation of the mind map worksheet (see appendix 2), students are able to
complete it within their own personal levels of ability. All students are expected to copy the
structured sentence in the middle bubble (‘what is a home?’) and from that point can either
draw or write in the other bubbles, or both. Creating this tier to the lesson and differentiation
EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349

means that each student has access to the important content and ideas based upon their
readiness to learn and abilities, maintaining the lessons learning achievement (Doubet,
Hockett & Jessica A, 2015, p.195) without the stress of being unable to write.

With the incorporation of the randomiser APP (see appendix 4), the students who have sensory
issues are able to maintain focus and build on their abilities to deal with multisensory stimuli
(Hilton et al., 2010). The randomiser APP has sound effects and bright colours which intrigue
the entire class and develops the urge to share their work by publically speaking, as seeing their
name flash on the APP is exciting and a fun way to be selected.

Utilising a simple rubric (see appendix 3) allows the teacher to be continuously observant
throughout the duration of the lesson. It can be easily ticked off at any point within the lesson,
and even after the lesson if need be. This rubric can be done by analysing the end result of the
mind maps and listening to the students’ conversations. As not all of the class can write yet, it
is important to listen out for knowledge, ideas and understanding as well as taking into
consideration what they have drawn to gauge if they have understood the content (Fahey, 2012,

Reference list

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (2014) Foundation to year 10
curriculum: HASS (ACELA1428). Retrieved from

Catling, Simon, Willy, Tessa & Butler, John 2013, 'Planning geography teaching', in Catling, Simon,
Willy, Tessa & Butler, John, Teaching Primary Geography for Australian Schools: Early Years to
Year 6, Hawker Brownlow Education, Moorabbin, Victoria, pp. 185-206.

Doubet, Kristina & Hockett, Jessica A 2015, 'Differentiating according to student readiness', in Doubet,
Kristina & Hockett, Jessica A, Differentiation in middle and high school: strategies to engage all
learners, ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 173-206.

Fahey, Jo 2012, 'Inquiry, assessment and the primary years programme', in Fahey, Jo & International
Baccalaureate Organization., Ways to learn through inquiry: guiding children to deeper
understanding, International Baccalaureate, Cardiff, pp. 6-24.
EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349

Hilton, Claudia L., Harper, Jacquelyn D.,Kueker, Rachel Holmes, Lang, Andrea Runzi, Abbacchi, Anna M.,
Todorov, Alexandre, Lavesser, Patricia D.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2010, Vol.40(8), p.937-945.
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EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349
EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349

Appendix 3

Assessment Rubric

Name Identify and pose Describing or drawing Understand why Compare who lives in Compare and
questions in regards special places, what homes are special and their house discus similarities
to what a home is makes them special important places and difference
and suggesting how between houses
to behave when there
(adapted (adapted
from (ACHASSI001) ( (ACHASSI009) from (ACHASSK015)
Student A

Student B

Student C

Student D

Appendix 4

Randomiser APP
EDUC4726 | Caitlin Button | 2120349

In grading the lesson plan, you will be assessed on the extent to which:

Perf Perf Perf Perf Perf

Indica Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators
Assignment 2 RUBRIC tors

Student seminar presentation F P CR DN HD

Criteria Not To an To a To an To a
achie adequate sound advanced distinguished
ved extent level level of level of
50-64 65-74 mastery mastery
0-49 75-84 85+
The student has devised attainable age – 10%
appropriate objectives/outcomes for the
lesson in accordance with the Australian
Curriculum framework or PYP framework
and has constructed a lesson with clear
structural coherence and progression

The student has built an effective 10%

assessment rubric

The written justification explains how and 20%

why certain learning activity(s) were selected

The justification clearly explains how the 20%

learning activity(s) assist the learner to
develop knowledge or skills or
understandings in line with Australian
Curriculum requirements for HASS

The student draws on relevant peer 20%

reviewed readings in support of the choice of
learning activity(s) for an effective
geography lesson

Minimum of two peer reviewed readings are


The justification is written with clarity, correct 20%

grammar , and academic form in line with
the University’s conventions for essay
writing and referencing

Write your name here please

Caitlin Button.

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