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Second Quarter Examination

Name ________________________ Schedule ___________

I. Answer the following items by choosing the letter of the best answer.

1. This may be described as “getting meaning” from written text.

A. Writing C. Reading
B. Speaking D. Listening

2. This reading strategy uses mental images that emerge from reading the text to aid in
A. visualizing C. interpreting
B. surveying D. thinking aloud

3. It is usually has some visual elements (like pictures, video clips, hyperlinks, and graphs,) between or
within paragraphs and sections.
A. Internet article B. Text messages C. Electronic mail

4. It is the prior knowledge of rhetorical structures and conventions.

A. Linguistic schemata B. Formal schemata C. Content schemata

5. In this stage the writer uses several techniques like brainstorming, researching, outlining, and using
diagrams to list down map out their thoughts.
A. Revising B. Finalizing C. Prewriting

6. An initial composition is done at this point.

A. Outlining B. Proofreading C. Drafting

7. This is when the writers share their final draft with the group or the entire class.
A. Publishing B. Securing feedback C. Analyzing

8. It is a genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and critically evaluates a work or concept.
A. Article B. Newspaper C. Critique

9. This is usually a very brief paragraph which includes, a statement indicating the overall evaluation of
the work.
A. Conclusion B. Assessment C. Review

10. It includes all resources cited in a critique.

A. Summary B. Reference list C. Evaluation

II. Identify the rhetorical patterns that match each of the following thesis statements. Write narration,
description, exemplification, definition, comparison, classification, cause and effect, or process.

__________1. Real Italian food, the kind that is eaten in Italy, is very different from American Italian
__________2. Italian food in Italy is very different from American Italian food because of regional
variations and because of availability of ingredients.
__________3. Baking and sharing Christmas cookies is my favorite holiday tradition.
__________4. The table at my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner is covered with delicious, great
smelling, and colorful holiday dishes.
__________5. Because they cannot easily prepare their own food, many college students who live in
the dorms are on a diet of fast food, junk food, or snacks.
__________6. A pizza is a flat bread, which may be covered with tomato sauce, cheeses, and a variety
of toppings.
__________7. Baking bread is a process which consists of three main steps: kneading, shaping, and
__________8. Although traditionally pizza is an Italian dish, Greek pizza, Mexican pizza, and
Hawaiian are becoming increasingly popular.
__________9. Cat Stevens and Bruce Springsteen are both popular rock singers but their styles
contrast sharply.
__________10. A well-educated person is a harmonious blend of intellectual, moral, and emotional

III. Identify the following characteristics of academic writing. Write accuracy, complexity, formality,
objectivity, or precision.

_________1. This comes from the fact that the standard written form of the English
language, which is compulsory to be used, is different than the language we
speak daily.
__________2. Under no circumstances will academic writing make use of colloquial
expression that we consider natural in daily dialogues we have with friend or
__________3. Factual information, figures or charts, should all be provided and
nothing written there should leave room to interpretation.
__________4. It should focus on the main theme and offer information about it, without the
writer getting involved in a personal manner.
__________5. Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately.

IV. Identify the following phases of the process approach to writing. Write prewriting, drafting,
securing feedback, revising, editing, or publishing.

_________1. An initial composition is done at this point. However, the writer

should not be concerned with language, grammar, and organization yet
because the goal n doing the first draft is to write down all their ideas to
convey a particular idea.

_________2. In this stage, the writer uses several techniques like brainstorming,
researching, outlining, and using diagrams to list down map out their thoughts.

_________ 3. Guided by a rubric or some questions, writers exchange work and give
comments and suggestions to improve the draft.

_________4. Writers proofread and correct errors in grammar and mechanics, and edit
to improve style and clarity.

_________5. This is when the writers share their final draft with a group or the entire class.

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher II

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