End Semester

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Question 1

(a) The results obtained from a one dimensional consolidation test on a specimen of clay are
shown in the table below. Each stress loading was maintained for a period of 24 hours.

Stress (kN/m2) 0 40 80 160 0

Thickness (mm) 20.0 19.81 19.63 19.22 19.85

The final moisture content at the end of the last unloading was found to be 25.4%. The specific
gravity of the solid particles was 2.70.

Using the above data, calculate the void ratio corresponding to each stress loading.

(10 Marks)

(b) A square foundation (5 m x 5 m) is designed to carry a load of 100 kPa on a 4 m thick clay layer
shown in Figure 4. The clay sample in Part (a) is taken from this site. The saturated unit weight
of the clay is 20 kN/m3, and the water table is at the ground surface (as shown). The clay
overlays stiff bedrock.

The clay layer is sub-divided into 2 sub layers. Determine the stress increase at Point A and
Point B of the two sub-layers directly below the centre of the foundation due to the loading.
(8 Marks)

(c) Then using the stress increase values from Part (b) and the test results from Part (a), estimate
the long term consolidation settlement due to the foundation loading.
(7 Marks)
Question 2

(a) In a series of unconsolidated–undrained triaxial tests on specimens of a fully saturated

clay the following results were obtained at failure.
I. Determine the values of the shear strength parameters cu and 𝜑𝑢 .

All – round pressure 200 400 600

Principal Stress difference 222 218 220
(10 Marks)
(b) A specimen of saturated sand was consolidated under an all-around pressure of 600
kN/m2. The axial stress was then increased and drainage was prevented. The specimen
failed when the axial deviator stress reached 455 kN/m2 The pore water pressure at failure
was 340 kN/m2 .Determine
I. Consolidated-undrained angle of shearing resistance, 𝜑
II. Drained friction angle, 𝜑′
(10 Marks)
(c) Briefly explain the following;
I. The difference between unconsolidated–undrained triaxial test and
Consolidated-undrained test
II. Advantages of triaxial test over direct shear test in obtaining the soil strength
(5 Marks)

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