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In 21st century India became the upcoming market for investment along with global
investment and economic transformation that defines the form of the city, which is
much visible in changing skyline of the city, with glass façade showing dominance over
the Indian form.

Along with business centers and offices, Mall is one of the western typology in India,
started from major centers and now slowly changing the built and socio-economic
structure of minor cities.

Mall defines, a large enclosed shopping area, usually lined with shade trees and
shrubbery, used as a public walk or promenade. Whereas shopping mall is the most
common design mode for regional and super regional centers. The walkway or mall is
typically enclosed, climate, controlled and lighted, flanked on one or both sides by
storefronts and entrances. It is the illusionary, exclusionary and controlled environment
designed for the sole purpose of separating the money from the consumer.

The agenda of mall is especially an exclusive one. It is a space in which the chaos of
the city is kept at bay and a manicured space created so that the business
consumption may be conducted in complete and illusionary comfort. In India,
shopping mall is new addition to the places that shape the Indian cities, being a closed
box, it goes against every tradition of urbanism specially market places in India.
Whereas Indian shopping is an experience, surrounding with the strong context of
public space, religious space, work place, etc. It is an experience of variety of spaces,
enclosures, juxtaposition of spaces, vibrancy, shades of color.

Together it gives the idea for shopping as an experience.

‘Let us make an enjoyable public space leading up from the street”

- Charles Correa
The integrated mall intends to adopt as its conceptual design theme: the famous
capital cities . Each floor must be representative of the continent by bringing to life the
characteristics and identities of its capital cities.

“Retail branding/design is getting increasingly competitive— This problem helps

students to creative platform to get ideas and it has the real potential to make the mall
stand out leaving a lasting impression with their quality and innovation.”

“Place making is vital in design and this Problem will put students to the test as they try
to capture the cultural, social and environmental nuances of the cities around the

This is a true challenge; one that will be hard to get right.

Interior Design Studio – II
Major Interior Design Schemes are:

 Residence for a Super Hero

 Integrated mall in Pariyatak Bhavan, Hyderabad

Time Problem:

Exhibition Display

Design process:

Data collection
Review & study

Issuses that need to solve during Design exercise are:

Design language
Visual coordination
and behavior patterns in the use of space

Design portfolio should include the following drawings:

Furniture layout
Electrical layout
False ceiling plan
Partition design
Flooring plans
Design of doors & windows
Colour schemes
Surface treatments
Study Goals :

•have acquired knowledge, insights and skills in the domains of architectural

and interior design, analysis, and presentation

•have the skill to establish the connection between idea, function and material
elaboration of a small scale design

•have knowledge of different cultural and social conditions, and awareness of

their implication and effects on architecture and the interior

•be able to develop a consistent architectonic / interior design. This covers the
materialisation of the overall space as well as the detailing

•have developed abilities in the targeted analysis of design precedents and the
effective representation and communication of findings, using various
representation techniques as well as digital and physical models.
Design Competition – SUPERHERO HOUSE

To design a house for a superhero!!!

To imagine and create a superhero – make a house for the superhero as you
think your superhero will need and like it. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU CAN’T

The complete freedom given to design the house on land, floating in the air,
floating on water or even under water.

Make sure that the house has the following spaces –

 Sleeping space
 Dining Space
 Kitchen
 Workspace / studio / laboratory
 Bathroom and toilet
 Apart from these you can add any other function that you find
 The design and the form of the house must have a strong concept
and a meaning. The visual and spatial forms should spring from an
original idea and concept of your own.

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