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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Reg. No. :
(A Constituent Institute of Manipal University, Manipal)


02 January 2009


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 50
Note : Answer any FIVE full questions.
Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.
Table of Transforms may be used.

1A. Test whether the following signals are energy or power signals.
i) x(t) = e j (2 t + π /2)
ii) x[n]= cos 4n u[n]
1B. Consider the signal
x(t) = t/T +1/2 -T/2 ≤ t ≤ T/2
=1 t ≥ T/2
0 t < -T/2
⎛ T⎞
which is applied to a differentiator. Plot the output of differentiator y(t) and hence plot y⎜ t − ⎟ .
⎝ 4⎠ (03)
1C. Given the z-transform pair x[n] ↔ z/(z +4) with ROC z < 2.Determine the z-transform of the

following signals i)y[n]=2 nx[n] ii) y[n]=(n-3)x[n-2] (05)

2A. Check whether the following systems are stable, linear, time invariant and causal.
i) y(t)=x(2-t) ii) y[n]=cos(2 π x[n+1]) +x[n] iii) y(t)= x(cost)
2B. The response of an LTI system to an input signal
x[n]= (1/3) n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 3
0, otherwise
is y[n]= (1/4) n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 6
0, otherwise
Find the impulse response of the system. (04)
3A. A three term filter has an impulse response of h[k] = (1/3) , k=0,1,2
0, otherwise
Draw the block diagram depicting the system function. Is the system FIR / IIR? (03)
3B. The system impulse response is h(n) = {α n u[n]}; 0<α<1. Is this system causal and BIBO stable?
3C. Consider the LTI system initially at rest and described by the difference equation
y[n] − y[n − 1] = 2 x[n] − x[n − 2]
Find the response of this system to the input given below


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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4A. The system described by the difference equation

has initial conditions y[-1]=2 and y[-2]=12. Find the complete response. Do not use transform
method. (05)
4B. The step response s[n] of a discrete time LTI system is given by s[n] = α n u[n]; 0<α<1. Find the
impulse response h[n] of the system.
4C. 1
A system has an impulse response of h[ k ] = k . Construct the direct form –I implementation of the
system. (03)
5A. Solve the difference equation for the step input using z transform method
y[n]+y[n-1]+0.25y[n-2]=x[n] y[-1]=6 y[-2]=-12
5B. z 2 + 5z
Let X ( z ) = 2 , which of the following describe a valid ROC, find x[n] in the closed
z − 2z − 3
a ) z <1 b) z > 3 c)1 < z < 3 d ) z < 1 and z > 3 (04)
5C. Find x(t) using synthesis equation for the magnitude and phase spectrums shown in Fig. 5C

∠ X ( jω )

-1 1 ω ω

Fig 5C.
6A. Use Property table to determine the Fourier transform of the following signal
⎛ sin t ⎞
x(t ) = t ⎜ ⎟
⎝ πt ⎠
Hence determine the numerical value of
∞ 4
2 ⎛ sin t ⎞
A= ∫− ∞ t ⎜⎝ πt ⎟⎠ dt (04)
6B. Find the Fourier transform of the signal

x[n]= δ[n+2]+δ[n+1]+δ[n]+δ[n-1]+ δ[n-2]

Hence find DTFT of ⎜ ⎟ u[n − 2]
⎝2⎠ (04)
6C. Find DFS of the periodic signal described for one cycle as
x[n]= [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3]

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