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Battle of the Bands


A. Each group will perform to any music as long as there are no obscene, lewd or green
words in the lyrics. (note: too much amplification of instruments that will obscure or over
power the volume of the vocals is not allowed).

B. Each group will perform their choice of music with a time limit of 4 minutes. Beyond
this limit, a total of five (5) points will be deducted from the group’s total score.

C. Each group will have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 members.

D. The members of the group may be composed of all males or females, or any
combination of both.

E. The use of pyrotechnic gadgets, smoke or combustible materials as props are not

F. Medley arrangement of songs is not allowed.


Percentage Points

A. Musicality 50%
(harmony, rhythm, sound quality)

B. Performance 40%
(stage presence, style)

C. Audience Impact 10%

TOTAL 100%

Criteria for Judging (Battle of the Bands)

1. Evidence of performance planning
2. Preparation. Tuning – were the instruments and equipment made ready prior to
performance? Did the band start on time?
3. Evidence of rehearsal e.g. lyrics learnt, etc.? Appeared ready and prepared to play?
1. Material. How unique did the songs sound? Did the songs fit the set? Did the
songs fit the genre?
2. Appearance. Did the band look original? Did the band stand out?
3. Improvisation. Did the band demonstrate any level of original improvisational
1. Verbal interaction? Did the band introduce themselves at all? Did the
band talk to or with the audience?
2. Physical interaction? Did the band physically participate with the
audience e.g. Eye contact, head nod, acknowledgement, waving,
gesturing, dancing with the audience or giving hand signals.
3. Confidence. Was the band confident in their interaction with the
1. Confidence/ Competence. Did the band look at ease while
playing? Did the band appear to be able to do what they
wanted to do?
2. Stage presence. Did the band use the stage effectively? Did
the band appear positive about their performance? Did the
band interact effectively on stage? How did the band cope
with any problems they may have encountered?
3. c. Conformance to contest rules. Did the band follow the
rules stated in the contest (no profanity!)
1. Attitude. Did the band’s on-stage attitude appear
suitable to the contest genre?
2. Appearance. Did the band show personality on
stage? Did the band appear to enjoy what they were
3. Entertainment factor/ Showmanship. Did the band
entertain? Did one or the entire band display
showmanship towards the crowd?


All contestants participating in the MUNATO FESTIVAL 2011 BATTLE OF THE BANDS must meet
the following requirements:

 No band is qualified to enter the grand finals without passing the screening round. Screening will be
on ________________________at_______ Participating bands may or may not play their original
composition or contest piece during the screening round.
 Open to all amateur bands within SOCSKSARGEN.
 No age limit.
 Must compete in groups with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 members per band.
 Each band will be given 15 minutes to render their songs on stage.
 Each band will be given a maximum of five minutes on stage for preparation (tuning instruments,
 Each band must perform one original in English, Tagalog or Bisaya, and two cover songs or warm-
up songs. Only the original song will be judged.
 The original composition must be not less than 3 minutes in full length.
 Sarangani Province deems co-ownership of the winning original song with the band as a promotional
material for the province.
 The champion will be given an additional fund of P10,000.00 for the recording of the song as a jingle
to be used as a material in promoting the province.
 Bands must fill up and complete the registration form and submit on or before
________________________ (date must be before the screening round).
 Participating bands should bring their own musical instruments.
 Participating bands are encouraged to research and explore Sarangani Province’s people and
culture to know more about the celebration and to have a better thematic composition.

Criteria for Judging (Grand Finals)

 Arrangement and originality 30%

 Mastery and synchronization 20%
 Voice quality/ blending 20%
 Relevance to the theme 20%
 Audience impact 10%


 1st prize 15,000.00

 2nd prize 10,000.00
 3rd prize 5,000.00
 Consolation prizes 1,000.00

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