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Sex Education for primary schools


Children with HIV Faith Gune, P7,

Kawempe Decourous
School says:

can live healthier lives Avoid bad touches and

bad groups that can lead
to early pregnancy

A gnes, 14, from Amuru was born with HIV.

She goes to school. Agnes shares with you
her story: “E
If you have a friend or relative
rage them

in my bag. I tak ROORZLQJGRF-

me never to m

Like Agnes, som OQHVVHDUO\

when they are to avoid ma-
womb, during
breast feeding HWLQFOXGLQJ
gs, fish, meat,
These children s.
can live ONLQJDQG
healthier lives
if they start KPDNHWKHP
taking dangerous to
Antiretroviral .
(ARVs) 6D\12WRVH[
medicines o avoid getting
early. other types of
ARVs are medicines
for people with
HIV to help them

How to avoid HIV

live longer and
healthier lives.
BUT ARVs do not cure
H[ G
Not everyone with HIV needs ARVs. The doctor will ‡6D\12WRV UD]RUEODGHVQHHGOHVDQ
check you to find out whether you can start ARVs or ‡$YRLGVK
any sharp ob EORRGRU
‡ 8 .
f any person
body fluids o

Young Talkers,
Star School
n living with HIV.
ndly to them. If a friend
you that they are living Buwerero PS Lumino, Busia, is
the Young Talk k star school for
HIV, do not talk about July. The pupils in this school
em. When you have sent in 29 letters to Young Talk Do you live with
something to eat, share in May. Buwerero PS wins one someone who has
football and netball. All the 29 HIV? How do you
with them. SXSLOVZLQH[HUFLVHERRNV protect yourself from
Remind Headteachers and teachers, getting HIV while
please encourage your helping them.
them to pupils to read Young Talk Write to Young
and write to Young Talk:
take their 32%R[.DPSDODMake Talk, P O Box 22366,
your school a star school!
medicine. Kampala

Yt July 1.indd
d 1
2 .Young Talk, July 2010

Know more about ARVs

RVs reduce the amount or teacher. If you know
of HIV in the body. someone who is taking
They stop HIV from ARVs, remind them to
multiplying in the body. They
also help the body fight other take their medicine
diseases like cough, malaria everyday at the right
and diarrhoea. time.

ARVs work well if you follow doctor’s Joseph from Obiya PS in Gulu
advice. Take your medicine everyday says, “I do not take my ARVs all
to get well. the time. They make me weak. I do
not have lunch because my home is
Do not share your ARVs very far. My mother does not pack
with anyone. for me food. The school used to
give us porridge for lunch but they
Find someone to stopped.”
remind you to take your
Ask your doctor to talk to your
medicine daily. It can parents to always provide you with
be your sister, friend, something to ear before taking your
brother, parent, guardian medicine.

How to Pregnancy Quiz

manage side gine you are Jane’s

effects nd, what would

u tell her if she tells
u she is pregnant?

r story on page 1 says that when l in the bubble and

e takes her ARVs when hungry, she end to Young Talk,
ints. O Box 22366,
ARVs are very powerful medicine.
Like all medicines, they may make If you can not have
you vomit, feel tired and sleepy, get your own copy of
rash, headache, loss of appetite Young Talk, draw
and a dry mouth. or make copies
and fill in the
Always eat before swallowing the bubble.
medicine. Drink a lot of fluids
like juice so that you feel better.
Send to
By Dr Stephen Watiti,
Mildmay k.
Young Talk
W in
For Teachers books

Dear teachers, you can make the

life of children with HIV easy in
your school. Ongom Samuel, a
teacher in Loro PS, Apac says:
In our school, we support the
children to take their medicine.
We have a teacher responsible
for that. She makes sure the
children take their ARVs on

We also give them porridge

during lunch time though the
school does not provide lunch
for the whole school. Teachers Pupils of Agwata PS,
encourage parents to always Dokolo say they are
pack food for their children. protecting themselves by
not having sex.

Yt July 2.indd
d 1
Young Talk, July 2010. 3

Have hope, celebrate happy times

Having HIV is not the end of your life. With hope and positive living, you can live for long and achieve your dreams
Dr Sabrina Kitaka treats Fight stigma
children living with HIV in Did you hear Because of the ‡'RWKLQJVWKDW\RXORYH
Mulago Hospital. She says: that John has talk,he feared to ‡'RQRWDOORZSHRSOHWRKXUW\RX
As you grow up, be careful.Friendship died of HIV? take his medicine!
does not mean sex. If you are HIV NO! He died Sure? Then it’s ‡-RLQVXSSRUWJURXSV
wrong to talk bad
positive: of stigma because
‡Hope for the future. his friends were
taking about him people with HIV positively.
‡Celebrate happy times. ‡&RQWLQXHJRLQJWRVFKRRO
‡Cope with
hard times. Where to get help
‡Recognise ‡ All government hospitals
God in your ‡ TASO centres
lives. ‡ Uganda Cares
‡Your ‡ Baylor Clinic Mulago
not forget ‡ $,'6,QIRUPDWLRQ&HQWUHV
where you
come from. Dictionary: Stigma means
‡Your home: saying or doing bad things to others
do not forget your people or because they have HIV or you think
relatives. they are different from you.

Advice to Wamono Karatunga Raymond,

Kasubi CoU PS, Kampala
In Young Talk k May 2010 I feel sad for you. I was once told your grandmother is telling
Wamono M of Christian PS, the same by a sister. I talked to a \RX-XVWPDNHVXUHWKDW\RX
Mbale said: ‘’My grandmother teacher who advised me to work read hard and you will make it.
says I am stupid. She says I hard. I am doing well in class. Ask Respect her, with time she will
should stop going to school. someone to talk to your grandma. understand.
What can I do?” She may listen.
Were Francis, Bukwekwe
Young Talk received 150 letters Akullo Isabella, Lira PS, says: PS, Busia says: Education
from you to advise Wamono. Talk to your grandmother. Tell is important. If she continues
Thank you! her the importance of school. If telling you that, talk to a
she does not listen, ask a trusted relative who will talk with your
Batsurana Mashhilin, person to talk to her. She may grandmother about the benefit
Lhuhiri PS, Kasese says: understand. of education.

The puzzle below has important words: Damage, virus, body, infect, ARVs,
HIV, cells, blood, germs, TASO, medicine, immune, STDS, adhere, health,
drugs, doctors, people and life. Find and circle them. The words are across
and down as shown in the marked examples in the puzzle.
PUPILS OF AFERE PS, NEBBI: We have friends who are HIV
positive.We play and eat with them. You cannot get HIV
through sharing and playing with with them. We avoid
sex, sharing sharp things like razor blades and needles to
avoid HIV.


Age: .........................Class......................................................

Yt july 3.indd 1
4 Young Talk, July 2010

Young Talk Quiz
PO Box 22366 Kampala Some children do
wrong things and
they are taken to
What enzymes does HIV prison. Write and
attack? Andiru Peace,
tell us stories of
wrong things done
11yrs, P7, Ediofe Girls’
PS, Arua
Peace, HIV doesn’t attack enzymes. by children in your
It attacks the white blood cells community, school
which is part of the immune and why they
system. This system protects us commit them.

WIN prizes
from diseases. When your immune
system is attacked by HIV, it is Mayombe PS, Busia: Say “success comes
weakened and it’s very easy for you
to fall sick. So protect yourself from
from hard work”

Is it true if you beat

a girl on the back
she can’t give birth
in future? Asiimwe
Andrew, P7, York PS, Bugiri
Why would you want to beat her?
It is wrong to beat anyone. You
might be jailed, and you will lose
your respect. If the girl is beaten on
the back, she might get problems Nakabiri
which might affect her health.
and Win
Can a boy make a
girl pregnant if he Rebecca Nakabiri, P6, Serina
withdraws before PS, Wakiso says: A shop
releasing sperms? keeper wants to give me
Okabo Gloria, Agwata PS, money so he can have sex
Dokolo Yes, a boy can make a with me. I told him I am
girl pregnant even before releasing too young to have sex but
sperm. There are fluids that come he refused to listen. I fear
out of the penis before the male Excel Junior PS, Kampala: Take off time to to tell my parents because
ejaculates. These fluids contain relax. They are saying “NO” to early sex. they will not believe what I
sperm so a girl can get pregnant. tell them. What can I do?
connected to losing virginity. Keep
What causes white I like riding bicycles,
your virginity. It is healthy.
things to come out of but my friends tell
my vagina? NA, P7, me that I will lose my
Is it true when a boy
Serina PS, Kasangati, virginity due to that, yet
touches your breasts
Wakiso I have never had sex. Is this
they become bigger?
When a girl reaches puberty, she true? Nagudi Evelyn, P6,
Barasa Leona, 12,
experiences many body changes. Mbarara PS
Moroto Municipal Council
One of the changes is vaginal Continue saying no to sex. Since
discharge which is clear with no you have never had sex, you are
Is there a boy wanting to touch
smell. It is very normal. But if it is still a virgin. One can only lose their
your breasts? Keep away from
yellowish with a smell, you should virginity through having sex. Riding
him. That is a bad touch. Touching
see a doctor very fast. a bicycle or climbing trees is not
breasts does not make them grow.
The body releases sex hormones

Boys, know your body at puberty which determine the

size of your body. Don’t let anyone
touch your private parts. They

TESTICLES development of deep voices and

erections in boys. It is normal for one
testes to be slightly bigger than the
might defile you. Report any boy or
man who attempts to touch you.
Counsellors: Stella Magomu
other, and for one to hang slightly and Dr Alex Kakoraki
lower than the other.
Publisher: Straight Talk Foundation 4 Acacia Avenue, PO Box 22366,
Boys, take care of your testicles. Kampala, (U) Tel: (031) 262030/1, E-mail:, President: C. Watson Executive
Wear loose pants. Avoid tight pants, Director: J. Wiltshire Print Director: T. Agutu, Editorial Manager: M. Akello, Editors: F Ouma,
they could hurt you. If you feel any J Abongowath, P Kiwuuwa, J Nafula Chief Designer:
Testicles are two small oval
pain or swellings in your testicles M. Kalanzi, Designers: GB. Mukasa, Allan B. Dentine
shaped organs that hang below
see the doctor. It could be a sign of Printer: The New Vision. Young Talk k is funded
the penis. Testicles produce a
an STD. Feel your testicles for any by CIVIL SOCIETY FUND: DANIDA, DFID, SIDA,
hormone called testosterone IRISH AID, USAID
swellings. By Dr Semugoma
which is important in the

Yt July 4.indd
d 1

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