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Our LED lighting systems are cost-effective, safe & most importantly green.

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How do LEDs Work?
1. Contrary to how normal bulbs work, LEDs (light-emitting diodes) do not have filaments that burn out.
2. They remain cool, which in itself is an energy-saver.
3. They've an enhanced color rendering index (CRI).

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1. LED lights are environment friendly using 75% less energy than normal lights
2. An average LED light's lifespan is about 80,000 hours, which comes to about 20 years of illumination.
3. Their lighting lasts about 35 times more than normal lights, which again saves on energy & your costs

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1. CFL (Compact florescent lamps) for instance (CFLs) have about 5 milligrams of toxic mercury; if mistakenly
you drop a CFL the toxic vapour of the mercury can at times be fatal to pregnant women & children when this
vapour mixes with the air.
2. LEDs on the other hand do NOT have ANY toxic materials & are could be RECYLED.
3. Having no filament as in normal bulbs, the heat they generate is far less, & thereby even if you or your kids
mistakenly touch a LED when it's switched on, you wouldn't be harmed.

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Our Salient Features
1. We use a cutting LED chip technology which allows our LED light fixtures to have a life expectancy of over
150,000 hours, whereas the general LED lights have a typical life expetancy of 80,000 hours

2. Our efficient LED Lighting Systems can additionally reduce about 30% of your lighting costs using
occupancy sensors and timers.

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