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Working with
with percentages
percentages Percentages

1 Colour an amount in each column to make a set of three, eg 50% of 300 is 150.
Use a different colour for each set of three.


50% 75 300

25% 240 750

30% 7.5 1000

10% 4 16

75% 300 400

60% 150 10

2 Jeffrey made 60 runs in the cricket match and Jesse made 20 fewer than Jeffrey.
a How many runs were made altogether? ____________________________
b Who made 40% of the run total? ____________________________
3 There are 10% more cats than dogs in the street. If there are 2 more cats
than dogs, how many cats and dogs are there? ____________________________
4 Alene spent 20% of her money on a T-shirt. She now has $80 left.
How much did she have to begin with? ____________________________
5 Last year 1500 people attended the school fete. This year 1800 attended.
By what percentage did the attendance increase? ____________________________

Challenge! Write each set of cards in ascending order.

41% 0 .39 8 0.83

0.5 _________________________ _________________________
36 0 .18 81%
100 _________________________ _________________________

ACMNA132 Money and financial mathematics • Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. • Investigate and calculate percentage
discounts of 10%, 25%, 50% on sale items, with and without digital technologies.

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