Economics Assignment Sample Problems With Solution

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Gilles Saint-Paul
14.462 Spring 2004 Problem Set 1
Problem set 1

When does it pay to use two technologies at the same time?

Assume that output can be produced using two technologies, labelled by 1
and 2. The production functions are given by

Y1 = K1α L1−α

Y2 = K2β L1−β

1. Show that if the two technologies are used, the capital labor ratio in
technology 2 must be equal to
� � β−α
α � � 1−α
K2 α 1 − α β−α
k2 = =
L2 β 1−β

� � α−β
β � � 1−β
K1 β 1 − β α−β
k1 = =
L1 α 1−α
Show that this entirely determines factor prices and the allocation of labor
and capital between the two technologies.
2. Show that if α = 1/3, β = 2/3, total capital is K and total labor is L,

k2 = 2
k1 = 1/2
2K − L
L2 =
4L − 2K
L1 = .
3. Between which bounds must the aggregate K/L lie for the two technolo­
gies to be used in equilibrium?
4. Show that if K/L is between these two bounds, then they will actually
be used in equilibrium.
5. Can you explain what is going on in the (K, L) plane?

14.462 Advanced Maroeconomics
Spring 2004

Problem Set 1 Solution

The case α = β is not interesting, so assume β > α. Let r and w be the (shadow)
prices of capital and labor. The cost functions corresponding to the two technologies are
� r �α � w �1−α � �β � �1−β
r w
α 1−α
and β 1−β
, respectively. So using technology one is cheaper if
� α � 1
(1−α)1−α β−α
ω <ω ¯ where ω ≡ wr and ω ¯ ≡ αβ β (1−β) 1−β . If labor is relatively cheap, it is cheaper
to use the labor intensive technology. The capital-labor ratios used as a function of the
α β
relative price of labor are given by κ1 (ω) = 1−α ω and κ2 (ω) = 1−β ω, respectively. We
have k1 = κ1 (¯ ω) and k2 = κ2 (¯ ω). These are the capital-labor ratios employed if both
technologies are used.
Now there are three regions for the capital-labor ratio. If k ∈ [0, k1 ), then κ−1 1 (k) ≤ ω̄
and it is an equilibrium if only technology one is used: if technology one operates with
capital-labor ratio k, this induces a relative price of labor given which it is cheaper to use
technology one. Clearly it is not an equilibrium for both technologies to be used since the
capital-labor ratios k1 and k2 are too large to be consistent with an aggregate ratio of k.
Similarly, if k ∈ [k2 , +∞), then κ−1 2 (k) ≥ ω ¯ and the only equilibrium is that only
technology two is used.
Finally, if k ∈ (k1 , k2 ), then both technologies must be used in equilibrium. If only
technology one is used, then κ−1 1 (k) > ω̄ and technology two is cheaper, a contradiction.
If only technology two is used, then κ−1 2 (k) < ω̄ and technology one is cheaper. There is a
unique equilibrium in which both technologies are used: the two equations k1 L1 +k2 L2 = kL
and L1 + L2 = L have a unique solution and this solution has k1 , L1 , k2 , L2 > 0.
We have determined the allocation of capital and labor for all three regions, which in
turn pins down marginal products and factor prices.
ω κ1 (ω )

κ 2 (ω )

k1 k2

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