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Exam 201: Tasks and Sample Questions

LPI Level 2 Exam 201 tests basic capabilities in these areas:

• Linux Kernel
• System Startup
• Filesystems
• Hardware
• System Maintenance
• System Customization and Automation
• Troubleshooting

Sample Questions

The following are sample questions relating to LPI Exam 201. None of these items actually appear on the real
exam, but they were actual submissions and are representative of the types of questions and the content covered
by the exam. Please note however that the items below are flawed in some way and have been rejected; they are
presented only as an illustration.

OBJECTIVE: 2.201.3 Patching a kernel. TYPE: fitb

__________ and __________ are two commands that are typically used to patch kernel sources. (Do NOT
include any paths to commands with your answer.)

1. bzip2, bunzip2, gzip, gunzip, patch, patch-kernel

OBJECTIVE: 2.202.1 Customizing system startup and boot processes TYPE: MCSA
You have just added PCMCIA to your system so you can add a PCMCIA Ethernet adapter to connect to a
wireless network. Upon testing you discover it works properly when you enable it manually, but it does not
initialize during boot. Which of the following is most likely the problem?

1. Card services is not configured properly to initialize during the boot process.
2. The init scripts do not include PCMCIA initialization or are not initializing in a suitable sequence.
3. PCMCIA support must be compiled into the kernel.
4. Hot-plug support is not enabled in the kernel at boot.

OBJECTIVE: 2.203.2 Maintaining a Linux filesystem TYPE: MCMA

You suspect your ext2 filesystem has bad blocks. You wish to do a non-destructive test for bad blocks. Which of
the following programs will perform a non-destructive test for bad blocks? (Please select all that apply)

1. fsck
2. mke2fs
3. tunefs
4. badblocks
5. e2fscan

OBJECTIVE: 2.204.1 Configuring RAID. TYPE: MCSA

You have a system with five separate drives and wish to get the greatest throughput from these drives by
implementing RAID. Which of the following will provide the greatest throughput using all five drives?

1. A. RAID 0
2. B. RAID 1
3. C. RAID 3
4. D. RAID 5

OBJECTIVE: 2.209.1 Configuring a samba server. TYPE: FITB

Question: You are on a network that has both UNIX and Windows servers and clients. From a Linux client, what
command would be used to browse Windows shares on a given server? Please do NOT include any options or
arguments or paths with your answer.

1. smbclient

OBJECTIVE: 2.211.1 System logging. TYPE: MCSA

You are testing some new settings for syslogd in /etc/testlog.conf but none of your changes seem to take effect
when you send a SIGHUP to syslogd. What is likely to be the problem?

1. You have errors in your configuration file that are causing them to be ignored upon reading of the
configuration file.
2. syslogd does not respond to SIGHUP
3. The wrong configuration file is being read on SIGHUP.
4. You cannot use alternate configuration files with syslogd and you must rename your testlog.conf file.

OBJECTIVE: 2.213.1 Automating tasks using scripts. TYPE: FITB

You have written a script to monitor logins but it does not report on any local machine logins via XDM. What file
must you monitor to include this type of login?

1. wtmp or /var/log/wtmp

OBJECTIVE: 2.214.2 Creating recovery disks. TYPE: MCMA

Question: Which of the following are typically used to zero a device to be mounted via loopback?

1. mkloop
2. dd
3. /dev/zero
4. /dev/loop
5. mke2fs

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