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1. What are these people doing?

Look at the pictures and complete the sentence:

a) She for her family.

b) The woman .
c) Peter and Alice
d) My name is Tina and I .
e) Tom .
f) Dave . He a magic trick.
g) to the beach with your family? Yes, I am

2. Choose the correct option:

a) Peter
is reading a novel at the moment.
are reading a novel at the moment.
am reading a novel at the moment.
b) We
aren't plaing tennis, we are plaing volleyball.
isn't playing tennis, we is playing volleyball.
aren't playing tennis, we are playing volleyball.
c) Our younger sister
isn't have dinner with us today.
isn't having dinner with us today.
aren't having dinner with us today.
d) My English teacher
are writing something on the blackboard.
is writting something on the blackboard.
is writing something on the blackboard.

3. Change the following sentences into the negative: (Use short forms)
a) Anna is writing a composition. .
b) Our parents are visiting my grandmother. .
c) I am thinking of buying a new car. .
d) Ignacio is reading a very interesting book. .
e) You are doing your homework. .

4. Change into the interrogative:

a) I am waiting for Tom.

b) You are cooking dinner.
c) My grandmother is baking a chocolate cake.
d) She is checking the grammar reference.
e) They are listening to rock music.

5. Look at the pictures and write true sentences:

a) John isn't walking. He . (run)

b) Mark and Sara aren't playing golf. They (plant) trees.
c) Victor isn't playing tennis. He (play) American football.
d) The children (visit) a museum. They are visiting the zoo.
e) We (study) French at the moment. We are studying geometry.
f) It (rain) right now. It's sunny.

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