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Molloy College

Division of Education

Peter Clark Professor Nussen

Course EDU 595 01 Date 6-21-18
Grade: 12 Topic: Gay Adoption Content Area: History

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

After listening to a brief lecture about Gay Adoption, Students will participate in a
classroom debate on the topic of Gay Adoption. Students will create questions regarding
Gay Adoption that they will ask a guest speaker from the LGBT community. Students
will have understood the difficulties of Gay Adoption vs Heterosexual Adoption.


(you may need more than one standard)
CCSS. Social Studies-12.G2
The United States Constitution aims to protect individual freedoms and rights that
have been extended to more groups of people over time .These rights and freedoms
continue to be debated, extended to additional people, and defined through judicial
In engaging in issues of civic debate, citizens act with an appreciation of differences and
are able to participate in constructive dialogue with those who hold different
Indicator: This will be evident when students learn and discuss Gay adoption and
the process of adoption for the LGBT.

CCSS. Social Studies-12.G2d

The definition of civil rights has broadened over the course of United States history, and
the number of people and groups legally ensured of these rights has also expanded.
However, the degree to which rights extend equally and fairly to all (e.g., race, class,
gender, sexual orientation) is a continued source of civic contention.

Indicator: This will be evident when students learn about Gay adoption and
discover the history of Gay adoption and how far the LGBT community has come to get
these rights.

 Power Point
 Video- “What Would You Do?”
 KWL Chart
 Exit Ticket
MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*)
Upon entering the room students will fill out a KWL chart for Gay adoption. After
students fill in the K&W parts of the chart they will watch a Video from abc news called
“What Would You Do? Gay Adoption.”

(including Key Questions)
1. First the class will fill in a KWL chart in regards to Gay Adoption.
2. Following the KWL chart students will watch an abc news “What Would You
Do?: Gay Adoption.” video and answer questions prompted by the teacher
(Questions: How would you feel being the couple with their adopted children,
What would you say to the women harassing the couple, If you were the pregnant
woman what would you say to the woman harassing the gay couple, What would
you do as a bystander and what would you say)
3. After the video students will engage in a turn and talk with their partner about
what they thought of the video and discuss the question ‘What Would You Do?”
4. The teacher will begin a lecture on Gay Adoption using a powerpoint. Students
will be provided guided notes as well as take their own notes on the lecture.
5. Following the lecture students will create appropriate questions they would like to
as the guest speaker from the LGBT community.
6. Students will engage in a classroom debate on the topic of Gay Adoption as well
as listen to the answers of questions from the guest speaker.
7. Following the classroom debate and questions for the guest speaker students will
fill in the last section of their KWL chart.
8. Class will conclude when students hand in their exit ticket for the teacher to


Discussion: (engaging in meaningful discussions about the content)

Indicator: This will be evident when students are having a turn and talk with their
partner, as well as having a classroom debate on the topic.

Discussion: (engaging in meaningful discussions about the content)

Indicator: This will be evident when students are discussing what they thought
about the video.

Direct Instruction:( showing a powerpoint presentation )

Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher is providing background
knowledge of Gay Adoption.

Demonstration: (showing,explaining,clarifying the correct way to do something)

Indicator: This will be evident when the students must justify answers from the
KWL chart.

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)
 The students with learning disabilities will be able to use Dragon Dictation which
is an easy-to-use voice recognition that allows you to easily speak and instantly
see your text or email messages.
 The student who is an english learner will be provided with google translate.
 The student who is an English learner be paired up with another student to help
read and answer the KWL chart
 The student who is an English learner be paired up with another student to help
create questions to ask the guest speaker

 For students who thrive in watching or seeing. A video and Powerpoint
presentation will be used for students to succeed.
 The content is accompanied with a video so that visual learners can develop their
own thoughts on the subject matter presented.
 Visual learners have the option to read the PowerPoint content before getting
started on the class activity.
 These learners have the option to read the content before getting started on the

 The student will benefit by listening to information they gathered from their
peers. These students will also have the opportunity to take part in discussions and
verbally answer teacher directed questions.

 Students will write their own thoughts and ideas down as well as information
from their peers on the KWL chart.
ASSESSMENT (artifacts* and assessment [formal & informal]*)
Each students will fill out an exit ticket that will be handed in to the teacher. Each student
will be asked to write two things they found interesting about the topic, one question they
still have about the topic, and one possible solution.

For homework students will use resources to fill in a venn diagram on Gay adoption vs
Heterosexual adoption. They are to use at least four credible sources when completing the
venn diagram.Students are encouraged to use their class notes as well to fill in the venn



Direct Teacher Intervention

If there are any students who do not understand how to fill in the KWL chart provided.
The teacher can sit with the student and provide in more detail information on Gay
Academic Enrichment
Students who have finished the lesson before their peers will be encouraged to write a
letter to a local,state,or national official on the topic of Gay adoption.
“Adoption: Cause for Concern.” Focus on the Family, 23 Feb. 2009,

Adoptions, Lifelong. “Lgbt Adoption.” Life Long Adoptions,


Cooper, Leslie. “Same-Sex Couples Are Being Turned Away From Becoming Foster and

Adoptive Parents.” American Civil Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union, 25

Sept. 2017,


Harris , Elizabeth A. “Same-Sex Parents Still Face Legal Complications.” The New York Times,

20 June 2017,

Perkins, Tony. “Suffer the Little Children: Adoption in Crisis.” Should We Legalize Voluntary

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide?, Family Research Council,

“Same-Sex Adoption.” Adoption Network, Adoption Network Law Center – Safer Than

Adoption Agencies,

What Would You Do?: Gay Adoption. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2018, from


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