Vacsb Quality Management Agenda 8-8-14

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VACSB Quality Management

Date | time 8/8/2014 10:00 AM| Location VACSB 10128-B West Broad Street Glen Allen Virginia 23060

Type of meeting VACSB QM/QA Committee Call In Information

Facilitator Heather Rupe, Melissa Constantine Conference line: 1-888-285-0307
Note taker Code: 4405108#

Agenda Items

Topic Presenter Time allotted

☐ Review Agenda, Update Contact info Committee 5 Min
☐ Minute Taker & Time Keeper – Volunteers Heather 1 Min
☐ Other VACSB Committee Reports: Technical, Regulatory, DMC Committee 15 Min
☐ Innovations and Best Practices Committee Jennifer Kirkland 10 Min
☐ Audit List/Review Heather 5 Min
☐ CCCP Update Committee 10 min
☐ Update on Licensure Verification Process Mike Leeman 4 min
☐ Policies/Questions--- Committee 15 Min
- Video Camera Policy Guidance from Jennifer K
☐ Presentation: Andy Rieman Modern Image 11:00a – 60 Min
☐ Roundtable: Les Saltzberg- Office of Licensing 12:00p- 60 Min
☐ Clinic Services :Physicians involvement in the ISP and QPR Jennifer Kirkland

Other Information

Next Meeting: October 10, 2014 10a

Next Meeting Agenda Items: Performance Contract- QI Plan

Training Opportunities:
- Grand Round Training Presentation: “An Overview of Confidentiality” by Karen Taylor- August 21, 2014 at
Eastern State Hospital

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