Chapter 1

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Construction of a Stirling Engine type BETA

David Alejandro López Silva

Miguel Alejandro Araujo
Dario Paredes

Physics and Mathematics

September 6, 2017

Stirling engines are capricious machines that require a lot of dedication, patience and
commitment in their assembly. The operating principle of this engine is based in the application
of the laws of thermodynamics. The change of temperature makes the engine works by using
a system of pistons connected to a crankshaft that transforms linear motion into circular
motion. Due to faults such as friction, heat leaks and lack of pressure our prototypes usually
failed. Even more the importance of the straightness and shape of the crankshaft is not taken,
keep in mind this motion is not possible. This Project is about how make a Stirling beta engine,
following the thermodynamic cycle. Our group is integrated by three people, all of us are going
to try to build the engine, by doing calculus, drawings to make sure that it will work.

Beta configuration has single cylinder for displacer and power piston with relatively complex

With this method the engine can have a higher efficiency compared to steam engines and it’s
very practical because it can use a great number of heat sources to work.

Abstract ....................................................................................... 2

Introduction................................................................................. 5
Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 5
General Objective ....................................................................................................... 5
Specific objectives ...................................................................................................... 5
Methodology .................................................................................................................. 5
Justification .................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1 ..................................................................................... 7
1. Thermodynamics .................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Thermodymanic cycles ........................................................................................ 7
1.1.1 Carnot Cycle ................................................................................................ 7 Parts ......................................................................................................... 7 Diagram .................................................................................................... 8
............................................................................................................................... 8 Figure ....................................................................................................... 8
1.1.2 Otto Cycle .................................................................................................... 8 Parts ......................................................................................................... 8 Diagram .................................................................................................... 9 Figure ....................................................................................................... 9
1.1.3 Diesel cycle .................................................................................................. 9 Parts ....................................................................................................... 10 Diagram .................................................................................................. 10 Figure ..................................................................................................... 10
1.1.4 Brayton cycle.............................................................................................. 10 Parts ....................................................................................................... 11 Diagram .................................................................................................. 11 Figure ..................................................................................................... 11
1.1.5 RANKINE CYCLE ...................................................................................... 12 Figure ..................................................................................................... 12 Diagram .................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2 ................................................................................... 13
2. Stirling Cycle ......................................................................................................... 13
2.1 History ............................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Description ........................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Chart ................................................................................................................. 13
2.4 Parts.................................................................................................................. 14 Isothermal expansion.............................................................................. 14 Constant-volume .................................................................................... 14 Isothermal compression.......................................................................... 14 Constant-volum ...................................................................................... 14
2.5 Diagram............................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Efficiency ............................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Uses ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.8 Advanges ............................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................... 17
3 CALCULATIONS: ................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Volume of the chamber .................................................................................. 17
3.2 Compression ratio .......................................................................................... 17
3.3. Thermal efficiency ............................................................................................. 17
3.4. Max pressure..................................................................................................... 18
3.5. Frequency ......................................................................................................... 18
3.6. Angular Velocity................................................................................................. 19
3.7. Outgoing Energy................................................................................................ 19
Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 20
Recomendations .......................................................................................................... 21
Bibliography.............................................................................. 22

Linkography .............................................................................. 22

General Objective
To identify the work of a Stirling engine by constructing it.

Specific objectives
 Understand thermodynamics properties and its uses in the fabrication of engines
 Apply correctly the formulas and calculus to measure and predict the power of the
 Gain experience about the fabrication of an engine, and its functions.

Research methods will be used for the search more information about the topic, as well as the
method of experimentation when building the Stirling Engine.
This project has as objective understand the function and the applications of the “Beta Stirling
Engine”. This can be useful for students specially who want to study a career related with
engineering, and need to develop skills in design and fabrication of engines.

The build of engines like the Beta Stirling is an important step to begin strengthen abilities, to
increases the comprehension about the function, principles and structure of engines. From the
movement and power given by the pistons to the use and size of a correct crankshaft.

This project concerns the Stirling engine, which can be defined as a thermal engine operating
by compression and cyclic expansion of air or other gas. It engine can transform the external
combustion to work. The Stirling Engine has three types, which are: Alpha, Beta and Gamma.
Chapter 1

1. Thermodynamics
Chih Wu in his book “Thermodynamics Cycles” published in 2004, say “Thermodynamics is a
science in which the storage, transformation, and transfer of Energy E and entropy S are
studied.” So, we can say that the Thermodynamics is the science that studies energy. Also,
the thermodynamic have 4 laws the first is called zeroth and this study

1.1 Thermodymanic cycles

“Two important areas of application for thermodynamics are power generation and
refrigeration. Both are usually accomplished by systems that operate on a thermodynamic
cycle.” (Cengel, 2009, p. 488)

1.1.1 Carnot Cycle

“The Carnot cycle is of historical importance. The reversible cycle was introduced by a
French engineer N.S. Carnot in 1824 and led to the development of the second law of
thermodynamics.” (Wu, 2003) Also, Cengel adds “The Carnot cycle is composed of four
totally reversible processes: isothermal heat addition, isentropic expansion, isothermal heat
rejection, and isentropic compression.” The Carnot cycle was discovered a lot of years ago
and was a very important impact because this created a reversible processes and could be
working in a close or steady flow system. Parts
Isothermal compressor

Isentropic compressor

Isothermal turbine

Isentropic turbine Diagram

Figure 1. Diagram of Carnot Cycle (Cengel, 2009) Figure

Figure 2. A steady-flow Carnot engine. (Cengel, 2009)

1.1.2 Otto Cycle

Cengel (2009) said The Otto cycle is the ideal cycle for spark-ignition reciprocating engines.
It is named after Nikolaus A. Otto, who built a successful four-stroke engine in 1876 in
Germany using the cycle proposed by Frenchman Beau de Rochas in 1862. In most spark-
ignition engines, the piston executes four complete strokes (two mechanical cycles) within the
cylinder, and the crankshaft completes two revolutions for each thermodynamic cycle. These
engines are called four-stroke internal combustion engines. (p. 494) Parts
Spark plug

Intake port

Fuel-air mixture

Exhaust port Diagram

Figure 3. Diagram of Otto Cycle (Cengel, 2009) Figure

Figure 4. Schematic of a two-stroke reciprocating engine. (Cengel, 2009)

1.1.3 Diesel cycle

The Cl engine, first proposed by Rudolph Diesel in the 1890s, differing mainly in the method
of initiating combustion. In spark-ignition engines, the air-fuel mixture is compressed to a
temperature that is below the autoignition temperature of the fuel, and the combustion
process is initiated by firing a spark plug. In diesel engines, the air is compressed to a
temperature that is above the autoignition temperature of the fuel, and combustion starts on
contact as the fuel is injected into this hot air. (Cengel, 2009, pág. 500) Parts
Spark plug


Air-fuel mixture

Fuel injector

Fuel spray Diagram

Figure 5. T-s and P-W diagrams for the ideal Diesel cycle. (Cengel, 2009) Figure

Figure 6. In diesel engines, the spark plug is replaced by a fuel injector, and only air is compressed during the compression
process. (Cengel, 2009)

1.1.4 Brayton cycle

The Brayton cycle was first proposed by George Brayton for use in the reciprocating oil-
burning engine that he developed around 1870. Today, it is used for gas turbines only where
both the compression and expansion processes take place in rotating machinery. Gas turbines
usually operate on an open cycle Parts
Isentropic compression (in a compressor)

Constant-pressure heat addition

Isentropic expansion (in a turbine)

Constant-pressure heat rejection Diagram

Figure 7. T-s and P-w diagrams for the ideal Brayton cycle. (Cengel, 2009) Figure

Figure 8. An open-cycle gas-turbine engine. (Cengel, 2009)


Rankine cycle is a reversible thermodynamic cycle formed by four stages:

1. Isentropic compression. The pressure of the fluid is increased by means of a pump.

2. Heat absorption at constant pressure. A heat source heats the fluid by keeping the
pressure constant causing it to begin to evaporate.

3. Isentropic expansion. It expands the evaporated fluid in a turbine generating work and
reducing its pressure.

4. Heat transfer at constant pressure. The fluid is cooled in a condenser causing it

toliquefy. Figure

Figure 9: Rankine cycle Diagram

FIGURE 10: Rankine Cycle 2

Chapter 2

2. Stirling Cycle
A Stirling engine is a heat engine that works by cyclic compression and expansion of air or
other gas (the working fluid) at different temperatures, such that there is a net conversion of
heat energy to mechanical work.

The Stirling engine is a closed-cycle regenerative heat engine with a permanently gaseous
working fluid.

2.1 History
The Stirling engine (or Stirling’s air engine as it was known at the time) was invented and
patented by Robert Stirling in 1816. It followed earlier attempts at making an air engine but
was probably the first put to practical use when, in 1818, an engine built by Stirling was
employed pumping water in a quarry.

2.2 Description
Like other heat engines the Stirling engine converts heat energy into mechanical energy. The
essential features of the Stirling engine however are that it is a closed cycle, external
combustion engine. This means that it uses a fixed amount of working fluid, usually air, but
other gases may be used, enclosed in a sealed container and the heat consumed by the engine
is applied externally. This allows the engine to run on just about any heat source including
fossil fuels, hot air, solar, chemical and nuclear energy. It can also work with very low
temperature differentials, as low as 7°C, between the heat source and the heat sink so that it
can be powered by body heat and even the steam from a cup of coffee.
2.3 Chart
Figure 11: Diagram of Stirling Cycle

2.4 Parts Isothermal expansion
The expansion-space and associated heat exchanger are maintained at a constant high
temperature, and the gas undergoes nearisothermal expansion absorbing heat from the hot
source. Constant-volume
The gas is passed through the regenerator, where it cools, transferring heat to the
regenerator for use in the next cycle. Isothermal compression

The compression space and associated heat exchanger are maintained at a constant low
temperature so the gas undergoes nearisothermal compression rejecting heat to the cold
sink Constant-volum

The gas passes back through the regenerator where it recovers much of the heat transferred
in 2, heating up on its way to the expansion space.

2.5 Diagram

Figure 12: Diagram of the efficient Stirling Cycle

2.6 Efficiency
The efficiency of Stirlng engines should theoretically reach the Carnot efficiency:
Eff=(Thot- Tlow)/Thot

This efficiency correspond to the one of the theoretical ideal Stirlng cycle, which considers
two isothermic (expansion and compression) and two isochoric (heating and cooling)
processes. However, real engines present many difficulties on the design and these
isothermic and isochoric processes are impossible to reproduce.

2.7 Uses
2.7.1 Stirling engine is used in some submarines because this engine produce very
less noise thus serving its purpose for submarine which is used for secret purposes.

2.7.2 It is used as solar stirling engine in some countries like New Zealand to
generate electricity.

2.7.3 It works on temperature difference, so reversly it can be used to generate

temperature difference by providing mechanical energy.

2.8 Advanges

 Stirling engines can run directly on any available heat source, not just one produced
by combustion, so they can run on heat from solar, geothermal, biological, nuclear
sources or waste heat from industrial processes.
 A continuous combustion process can be used to supply heat, so those emissions
associated with the intermittent combustion processes of a reciprocating internal
combustion engine can be reduced.
 Some types of Stirling engines have the bearings and seals on the cool side of the
engine, where they require less lubricant and last longer than equivalents on other
reciprocating engine types.

2.8 Disadvanges
 Stirling engine designs require heat exchangers for heat input and for heat output,
and these must contain the pressure of the working fluid, where the pressure is
proportional to the engine power output.
 The expansion-side heat exchanger is often at very high temperature, so the
materials must resist the corrosive effects of the heat source, and have low creep.
Typically these material requirements substantially increase the cost of the engine.

3.1 Volume of the chamber

In the Stirling Engine, the chamber containing the piston is where the air acts in relation to
the isothermal and isochronal reactions. With the following formula you can determine the
volume of the camera.

𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ

𝑉 = 𝜋 × (3,25)2 × 10,5

𝑉 =348,42

3.2 Compression ratio

This is defined as the limit of greater and smaller capacity of the volume of the chamber,
which is measured by the volume of the chamber in relation to the piston, or also the same
volume of the piston plus the volume of the displacement.

𝑅𝐶 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ 𝑅𝐶 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
𝑅𝐶 = 𝜋 × (3,25)2 × 5,5 𝑅𝐶 = 𝜋 × (3,25)2
𝑅𝐶 =182,51 𝑅𝐶 = 33,18

3.3. Thermal efficiency

This means the relationship between the work done and the heat absorbed during the cycle
in order to obtain the maximum possible work. This process is based on the relation of the
coefficient between the energy supplied and the power that is transformed.
𝑊 𝑄𝑓 𝑄𝑓
e= , 𝑒 = 𝑄𝑐 − ,𝑒 = 1−
𝑄𝑐 𝑄𝑐 𝑄𝑐

𝑒 =1−

𝑒 =0.89

3.4. Max pressure (for the lowest pressure, use the atmospheric pressure in Quito)
The maximum pressure of Stirling engine is obtained when the hot chamber piston is in the
dilated chamber media.

Atmospheric pressure in Quito= 731.12 hPa

731.12 hPa → 73,112 kPa

𝐾𝑝𝑎 × 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥

73,112𝐾𝑝 × 182,51

𝑃 = 402,16

3.5. Frequency

1 = [𝐻𝑧] = [𝑟𝑝𝑚]

𝑓[𝐻𝑧] = 90[𝑟𝑝𝑚]
90 3
𝑓= [𝐻𝑧] = = 1,5[𝐻𝑧]
60 2
1[𝐻𝑧] = 60[𝑟𝑝𝑚]
𝑓 = 1,5 [𝐻𝑧]

3.6. Angular Velocity

𝑤 = 2×𝜋×𝑓
𝑤 = 2 × 𝜋 × 1,5

𝑤 = 9,42 [𝑟𝑎𝑑⁄𝑠𝑒𝑔]

3.7. Outgoing Energy

𝐸 = 0,002 × 𝑤 2
𝐸 = 0,002 × (9,42)2
𝐸 = 0,177 [𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠]

 Engine not having a cooling system, after 5 minutes of working the nylon thread will
burn and and the engine is going to be damaged.
 The selection of the material type of the elements is vital. It is important to consider
hardness, proper weight and resistant to heat of each element.
 The power piston must have a width, length and height required.

 The Engine needs a thorough and accurate construction especially the crankshafts of
the cold and hot cycles must be perpendicular to exactly 90 degrees so that the cycle
has its normal course.

 The speed of the motor depends on the length of the crankshafts and pistons.

 The engine was only made for demonstration, if you force it to run more than 2
minutes the engine will be damaged.
 Use heat resistant glue to prevent fouling.
 Ensure that there is no leakage or lack of pressure in each cycle for the engine to
function properly
 Use thin and light metal wires that give more freedom to movement.
 Be sure to polish the edges of the circumference when locating the plastic elbow in
the can, so that the piston is transferred to the cold cylinder without pinking with the

Cengel, Y. (2009). Thermodynamic. Nevada: McGraw-Hill.

Huarapil, D. (2009). Guía Práctica Experiencia Motor Stirling. Universidad de Chile.

Wu, C. (2003). Thermodynamic cycle . New York: Marcel Dekker.


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