CFP Bil Education Conf 2018

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“Contemporary Approaches to Learning and Teaching”

Alcalá de Henares, November 16-18, 2018

Call for Papers

Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá and Comunidad de Madrid are organizing
the 4th edition of this international conference, which has established itself as a forum
for meeting and analysis in the field of bilingual education in Spain. The subtitle
“Contemporary Approaches to Learning and Teaching” refers to the main objective of
the Conference: to share and to explore knowledge and methodological trends in
the classroom. Furthermore, the Conference intends to assess the implementation of
bilingual programs with the aim of introducing new perspectives.

The conference is addressed to all actors involved in bilingual education: teachers

from all educational levels, specialists, researchers and other professionals involved with
bilingual education.

Paper presentations will be organized in panels concerning the following topics:

1. Curriculum that Works

- Outcomes that Work
- Curriculum Development
- Action Research
- Adapting Curriculum for Student Needs
- Implications of Brain Research for Curriculum
- Early Childhood Literacy
- Teaching to Read

2. Working with Diverse Populations

- Culturally Linguistically Diverse Students
- Training Educators to Work with Students from Diverse Backgrounds
- Professional Development
- Using Technology to Reach Every Child
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
- School Culture

3. Effective Technology in the Classroom

- Levels of Technology Implementation
- Technology and Literacy
- Digital Literacy
- Teaching with Technology
- Technology or Not: When to Use Technology
- From Pencils to IPads: Advances in Instructional Technology

4. Learning Science
- Improving Instructional Methodologies
- Brain and Behavior: Implications for Teaching
- Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Qualitative Research in the Classroom
- Teachers and Principals as Researchers

5. Assessment Reliability and Validity

- Reliability and Validity
- Measuring Teacher Quality
- Assessing School Outcomes
- Culturally Relevant Assessments
- Using Tests to Advance Learning
- Causal Modeling in the Classroom

6. Innovative Educational Practices

- Applying Psychological Theories to Classroom Instruction
- Language Instruction
- Inquiry-Based Instruction
- Developments in Teacher Preparation
- The Role of the Principal in Fostering Academic Achievement
- Implementing Innovative Practices
- Action Research
- Professional Development for Educators
- Implementing Innovative Practices

Proposal submission: Paper proposals should include a title and a brief abstract (250-
300 words) in either English or Spanish. They should be submitted via the electronic
form available on the Conference website.

Papers: Presentations will be no longer than 20 minutes and will be organized in panels
consisting of three papers. Panel proposals consisting of three papers related to the
same topic are also welcome.

Important deadlines:

 April 30th: Deadline for proposal submission

 June 5th: Accepted proposals communication
 June 18th: Provisional program and registration form publication
 July 17th: Reduced registration deadline
 October 15th: Deadline for speaker registration

Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos Benjamin Franklin

Universidad de Alcalá

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