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Chapter 7 Solutions Ta Te 3 x(a)= [7 ame mtars [~ aie cosutat 3 [™ aepsinat at If x(t) is an even function of t, 2(t)sinwt is an odd function of t, and the second integral vanishes. Moreover, 2(¢) coswt is an even function of ¢, and the first integral is twice the integral over the interval 0 to co. ‘Thus when 2(1) is even X(e)= af atyeonstat ay Similar arguinent shows that when 2(t} is odd X() = 2) f 2(Q)sinutdt 2 If 2() is also real (in addition to being even), the integral (1) is eal. Moreover from a s X(-w) =f (0) coswtdt = X(w) Hence X(w) is real and even function of wv. Similar arguments can be used to prove tthe rest of the properties. a0 = Ef xm wed [ roemonra, 1 2n Lr [X(w)leaslot + 2X wl] de tg L 1X(w)|sinft + exto)iae| Since |X ()| is an even function and £X(w) i in the second integral is an odd function of w, and therefore integrand in the first integral is an even function of w, and therefore the integrand Moreover the * 1X(u)|coslut + 2X (w))do (a) Because 2(t) = x9(t) + elt) and eM = cos wt + jsin wt xo) = [lest recoiema 324 7 [ie + ae()looswtdt ~7 f leo(t)+2(e)}sinatat Because ae(l) cost and 9(Q)sinwt are even functions ond z9(t)cosut and z(d)sinwt are odd funetions of t, these integrals (properties in Eqs. (B.43), p. 38) reduce to Xu) =2 [” z(thooutat 93 [ e(sinane Also, fom the results of Prob. 7-1, we have Fledg) =? [ sa(eosutat and Fleo()} = 25 [ ssinaeae @ From Eas. (1) and (2), the desired result follows (b) We ean expres ut) in tems ofits even and odd components as follows a) = Flee ro} + Fle) ~ w-0) = Baton 2 Ye Re ais : Kel) =n5le) and Xolw) = 5 Clearly, Xo(w) is the real part and Xp(w) is Ue odd part of X(w) We follow the same procedure for 2(t) = e~#*u(t) Mul = Fleet) ete} + Blea) eal —1)] zo = Abo 1 1 1 Ee le) = 5 [wre soea] “Bre and fa 1] Bw =i lore pea) “oe Clearly, Xow) is the veal part and Xo(w) is the odd part of X(w). Tad. (a) [loteriarn [etetngy een jera (b) = erterar Xe) eet ats [bn d= 75. (a) 4 267 — 29798 7) seria [2M at = ©) xan temas [ ‘This result. could also be derived by observing that 2(¢) is an even function, ‘Therefore from the result in Prob. 7.1-1 $0 dt = Faleoswr +ursiner -y teosut dt = 2 fooswr + wrsinwr ~ 1] 116. @) : Lest - == wel! diy = — Sony [-wt? — 2jut 1 = Ef wren FEEL 7 +a, ast acto oe (0) ‘The desvaion ean be simplified by observing that X(u) canbe express as a sum of two gate functions (a) and ala) as shown in Figure 71-8, ‘Therefore a= ff prvteyexstoye de = ff etd [tae = Seen 7 Xea> 2 4 Xa jee 4 = — + a “Tf 2 =2 ° z ~V ye # Figure $7.1-6 Tat. (a) 1 pe a) = AL conve da O= af, 7 {jteosw + sinw} 2, = = a cos (TE - army (3) ) 1 ie an 52) as shown in Fig f. diese ony [nisin] 37 Figure $7.21 128, 1p sot eet pe HOEY _ i(10~n}¢] 20 = ey, OOM FeGtl ye Hana EO = | = Fepbeisin mt = sne(wtpe™ 72-4. (a) . a(t) = (b) xt) = Bf sete [10a] = deel’ = ote 1 125 (a) When a > 0, we cannot find the Fourier transform of e*tu(?) by setting s = jw in the Laplace transform of e**u(t) because the ROC is Res > a, which does not include the ju-axis. (b) ‘The Laplace transform of a(¢) is xip= [eietinn [i otmonatn Interestingly, because 2(t) has a finite width, the ROC of its X(s) is the entire splane, which includes ju-axis. Hence, the Fourier transform 0) =X) ease = A [1 HOF] 328 ‘To verify this, we find the Fourier transform of 2(¢) Xw = [tema fe on adtgy = = [t-e tuner] je Which agrees with X (jw) 731. (a) u(t) <> xi(w) +E =) “2a oe) Application of duality property yields 1 nil) + 5 o> 2aul—w) are) 20 faa] Application of Bg (4.35) yields i [x-o - zal = ule) But 6(£) is an even function, that is 5(—t) = é(t), and Flot) + Za ule) () 008 wot = ald(w + wo) + 4(w—wp)} Se wt rio) leon) 0 xo Application of du ity property yields 2li(t + 49) + S(t - wo)] + 2ercos (wie) = 2 005 (uni) eae) Setting wo = T yields S(t) + 6(E =) > 20s Tur © sin aol <> jnl6lu +a) ~ 5(w ~ wo}) mm Application of duality property yields Gxl6(e-+ vo) — S(t - wo)] > 2rsin(—wow) = x0 pany 329) Setting wp =7 yields S(t+7) Ot T) o> 258m Tw 7.3-2. Refer to the solution of Prob, 1.2-3 for description of these signals co) a(t) =a(t+D +2010) a(t +1) 9 Xu) ‘Time inversion of z(t + 1) yields x(-t +1), Hence (1-0) = X(-w)e* Hence 2y(t) + X (ue + X(-w)e* a=2($4) es) #(t4§) > xwre® (b) wt 2(21) <2(b4) er oxtae rostre =(234) eraxt-nse™ Hence —xa(t) 49 2[X (Qu) + X(-2e}e] dG) (2) 2). 2 (#2) 3 AX (dw)e™ 2 (2) awnr(* (FE) arcane 2(§) axe.) amd 2 (A) a2) Hence — a(t) <=> 4 [X(4w)e™ + X(—du)e™ 4 2X (Qu) + 2X(—20)] wi$e(*S2) (5!) (BES) (SB) maxes ant 2 (2p!) orexeanem 2 330 2(B2) esau me 2(2!) coerce Hence ag(t) = 3 [XQu)e™ + X(—2wYe YF fx (Ha)eI™ 4 X(—da)e-P™] © s(t)a(t-+ 05) +2(0.5 -t) +2(¢+1.5) +2(1.5— 0) Hence a(t) => X(w)eF + X(-wheF + X (we + X(-wye Inallthece expresions, we substitute X(w) = 3 [ew ~ jue —1] 133. (@) X(u) = Toine ( 4) [coer P2 ewer) = rte (FP) sin = Bev (4) (b) From Figure $7.3-3b we verify that x(t) = sintu(t) + sin(t — m)u(t — x) Note that sin(t~n)u(t—n) is sin tu(t) delayed by x. Now, sintut) > Z[5(w~ 1) - S(w+1)]-+ phy and sin(t — x)u(t— 2) => { Recall that g(z)6(x — 9) = g(xo)6( — ao). Therefore S(w + 1)(1-+e-I™) = 0, and [6(w — 1) - 6+ 1)) + ‘Therefore X(w) Fleder a+ ts base 4 X(w)= lees 331 (©) From Figure S7:3-3e we verify that 2(0) = cost [u(e) ~ u (t~ 5)] = costu(t) - costu (r- 5 But sin(t ~ §) = ~ cost. Therefore e(Q) = costu(t) +sin (¢— 5)u(t-$) XW) = Fw 1) +50 ap 2G + {Ee -n serie the smu Also because g(2}6(e ~ 20) = o(za)6(e ~ 20), Blu + le Pl? = Glee Net? = 455(u +1) ‘Therefore “ais X@)= 44+ 1 tie tetera] @ x(t) = e°*fu(t) — ult —T)) = e-M*u() — eMule — 7) = ev ult) — eee Mult ~ 7) ‘ 1 jore - a en lotserr jora" Xe) = o| c , > a? sint ntule (b> Hatem) wen? Cost ules | crs (e-E) uted) Figure 87.33 7.34, From time shifting property (27) a> X(w)et™" Therefore (C4 T) + eft —T) > X(w)eT +X (eM = 2N(w) coswT ‘We can use this result to derive transforms of signats in Figure P7.2-4 (a) Here =(t) is a gate pulse as shown in Figure $7.3-4a, x(t) = rect (5) ex 2sinelu) 992 Also T = 3. The signal in Figure S7.3-4a is 2(t +3) +a(t — 3), and a(t +3) + 2(t — 3) <=> 4sinc(w) cos 30 (b) Here 2(¢) is a triangular pulse shown in Figure $7.3-4b. From the Table 4.1 (pair 1) ‘ , x)= (5) a ane’ (3) Also T = 3. The signal in Figure P7.3-4b is x(t +3) + x(t ~ 3), and 2(t4+3) + x(t — 3) <> 2sine® (2) cose mrt) ZS w) t= Figure 87.3-4 7.35. Frequency-shifting property states that a(thett a X(w Fu) ‘Therefore 2(O)sinagt = lx(et + a(t}eM"t] = Zee ~ uy) + X(w—wo)] 5 ‘Tio-shifting property states that, {4 T) = X(w)etT ‘Therefore (47) —2(t—T) 9 Xue? — X(w)e™T = YX (w)sinwT and diet +7) —2(t- Ty] = X(w)sinTw ‘The signal in Figure P7.3 is x(t +3) - x(t — 3) where x(t) = rect (3) = Psine(w) ‘Therefore a(t +3) -2(t 3) <=» 2j[2sine(w) sin 3a] = 47 sine(w) sin du 7-6. (a) The signal 2(0) in this case is a triangle pulse A(;E) (Figure $7.3-6) multiplied satya (5) 333, ‘Also from Table 4.1 (pair 19) A(;£) <> wsinc?() From the modulation prop- erty (4.41), it follows that 20) = (2) ow rot eae F {aint [EEO] ne =} ‘The Fourier transform in this case is a real function and we need only the amplitude spectrum in this case as shown in Figure S7.3-6a. (b) The signal z(t) here is the samme as the signal in (a) delayed by 2x. From time shifting property, its Fourier transform is the same as iu part (a) multiplied by e-2"), Therefore ise fone [FO] ae [BEEN ome ‘The Fourier transform in this case is the same as that in part (a) multiplied by e-F"~, ‘This multiplying factor represents a linear phase spectrum ~2nw. Thus ‘we have an amplitude spectrum (same as in part (a)} as well as a linear phase spectrum ZX (e) = ~2nw as shown in Figure $73-6b. the amplitude spectrum Jn this ease as shown in Figure $7.96. Note: In the above solution, we first multiplied the triangle pulse A(sL) by cos 10¢ and then delayed the result by 2x. ‘This means the signal in’ Cb) 4 expressed as A(552*) con 10(t — 2x). ‘We could have interchanged the operation in this particular ease, that is, the triangle pulse A(;) is first delayed by 2x and then the result is multiplied by cos 10t. In this alternate procedure, the signal in (b) is expressed as AC) cos 100. ‘This interchange of operation is permisible here only because the sinusoid cos 10¢ executes integral number of eyeles in the interval 2x. Because of this both the expressions are equivalent since cos 10(£ ~ 2x) = eos 10 (c) In this case the signal is identical to that in (b), except that the basic pulse is rect (i) instead of a triangle pulse A(zt). Now rect (32) <> 2esinc(nw) Using the same argument as for part (b), we obtain X (w) = x{sine[x(w + 10)] + sinefr(w — 10))}e™ (@) te)= nes (254) ve (4) in) a rat (2) st) = 2ene(et 384 a fr at \n jo eee Ws Xo) 4 Mt (» Figure S7.3-6 ®) serea("t)0(%54 Also Lance 0 (2) ‘Therefore 7.38. (a) Mult) = 1 1 Jory wd ult) > rhe) + Ha(t) = Mu eu(), then xt) = (45) (swr+3) *lawe=al 5 ~ ~fouy+ [Be = Hgts (wer 2)] because 9(x}6(x) = g(0)5(z) ‘Taking the inverse transform of this equation yields Liew (0 = F(e = 1yult) (b) tu) and Mult) => wk joe Te a(t) = eM*u(t) + e*u(t), then = 1 X= Tie XO GT RGET I FSA wa Therefore = Eterna @ and eu(—t) <= That) = eMu(t) «cut, then . Ge RIGA) GU X(w) at Therefore a= 1 ature) 4 etl Tole) betao) Note that because Az > 0, the inverse transform of <=4- is e'fn(—t) and not ~e"u(i). The Fourier transform of the latter does not exist because X > 0. (a) Mult) — and u(t) => — If 2(t) = etu(—1) etu(—2), then - 1 =e *O)* Gor aGE= He) 7 jw Jody Therefore a(t) = Set ‘The reimarks at the end of part (c) apply here also. 7.3.9, From the frequency convolution property, we obtain i 1 FU) EEX le) + X(w) Because of the width property of the convolution, the width of X(w) + X(w) is twice the width of X(w). Repeated application of this argument shows that the bandwidth 336 of x(t) is mB Hz (n times the bandwidth of z(t). 7.310. (0) X(w) = fie wa fe de = 2 cos ut = Bsn? (SP) () st) = ret (27) — root (2) eet (E) oo Tae (SF) weet (ATP) sine (22) or Xe) = eine (F) [eft2 3012] = apnsinc (2) sin = Bon (22) © g = bt +7) —26(0) + (t= 7) ‘The Fourier transform of this equation yields seo) eT are MT =a cost) «as (2) ‘hertre . x= Boat (2) TBAL (a) xeye f° avema ant Bat [Pamema Changing the order of differentiation and integration yields a an mjety f e-Sut Fa f” Rewme my f" taateye tae ‘Therefore aF mite) FE 337 ) (a) (b) te) (a) X(u) ¥(e) Mul) jon oat af.) -i wate) wea) "He teu(t) os wee + 1 HO) = oF x) = jor Yu) = 1 1 1 Gor NGF joel” ord Wi) = (ete )ult) 1 jor 1. Gore wt) = temetu(e) Xe) = ¥(u) = XW) = a pp Wor G1) jest = Fert) + Fetul—0) Ye) = = ww) + z = 6) + [becauseg()5(x) = 9(0)4(2)} —1 jae FI) 1 1 = x8) 5 55y = (le ult) 338 X(w) = jou and and = 1 Y= Go=HGeFH ~ 3 beri ~aeal Therefore vO = A feta + uo) ©) and Hu) = and a a YO)" Go-NGe-®) ~ Fe ‘Therefore u(t) = [et — e*Ju(—8)] Xy(w) = sine (ggiq5) and Xa(w) = 1 Figure $7.4-3 shows X;(), Xo(u), Hi(u) and Ha(w). Now Yale) = Kalu) Pale) Yaw) = Xa(w)H2(w) ‘The spectra ¥;(w) and Ya(w) are slso shown in Figure $7.4-3. Because y(t) = an (Oya), the frequency convolution property yields Y(u) = Yi(u) * Yalu). From the width property of convolution, it follows that the bandwidth of ¥(w) is the sum of bandwiduhs of Yi(w) and Ys(w)- Because the bandwidths of ¥i(w) and Ya(w) are 10 kilz, 5 kHz, respectively, the bandwidth of ¥ (w) is 15 kHz. H(«) = 10" sine (gijq) and Pw) = 0.5 x 10S sine? (ge) ‘The two spectra are sketched in Figure $7.4-4. It is clear that H(w) is much narrower than P(w), and we may consider P(w) to be nearly constant of value P(0) = 10-6/2 cover the entice band of H(w). Hence, vG (wo) H(w) = PO)H(w) 5x 10H (we) > y(t) = 0.5 x 10-%A(¢) Recall that A(t) is the unit impulse response of the system. Hence, the output y(t) is, equal to the system response to an input 0.5 x 10-®5{w) = AB(w). Ho) = 10-Ssine (gigs) and Plus) = OSsinc®(4) ‘The two spectra are sketched in Figure S7.4-5, It is clear that P(w) is much narrower than H(w}, and we may consider H(w) to be nearly constant of value H(0) = 10-* 339 Xen = o—= Tgoewt | aot ‘ a £ CI Hc | iD sale 2oerey O-> — 31 ier o> 4 cagecor | oem] o> adr Side Om Figure $7.43 Hl) ~ con ' — Ww 2 TT @ Figure S7.4-4 over the entire band of P(w). Hence, ¥(w) = Pw) H( P()H(0) =10-°Pu) => yl) = 1010) Note that the de gain of the system is k= H(0) = 10-8. Hence, the output is neatly KPO) 14-6. s3 yw ! D> | é Hw Pl D> tt Os Ht art lv! ec o> 10nc1" [wy Figure 7.45 ‘ Every signal ean be expressed as a sum of even and odd components (see Sec. 1.5-2). Hence, h(1) can be expressed as a sum of its even and odd components a Alt) = hell) + ho(0) 340 Afa(t}u(t) + h(—t)u(—t)} and h(t) = }{h(t)u(t) — A(—t)u(—t)]. From ‘hese equations, we make an important observation that h(t) =ho(t)sen(t) and alt) = helt) sen(t) a provided that h(!) has no impulse at the origin. ‘This result applies only if A(t) is causal. The graphical proof of this result may be seen in Figure 1.24 Moreover, we have proved in Prob. 7.1-1 that the Fourier transform of a real and even signal is a real and even fametion of w, and the Fourier transform of a real and odd signal is an imaginary odd function of w. Therefore, if Xu) = R(w) + 5X w), then h(t) <=» Rw) and — hot) > FX(w) (2) Applying the convolution property to Bq. (1); we obtain XW) ay F hic O—¥ Lt Whey Le Hoo WY * y= Loxeye2 ax 1 2 BROS Xw Hw) =o ete Using pair 22 (Table 4.1) and time-shifting property, we get 1 2 hit) = hee tte ) vank his is noncausal. Hence the filter is unrealizable. Also 0 kat [Sortie [oiene Hence the filter is noncausal and therefore unrealizable. Since A(t) is a Gaussian function delayed by fg, it looks as shown in the adjacent figure, Choosing tg - 3V2K, nO) = e-4® = Q.011 oF 1.1% of its penk value. Hence fo = 3V2K is « reasonable choice to make the filter approximately realizable. Figure 97.51 3a 752. 761 2x1 oye nhte Hl) From pair 3, Table 4.1 and time-shifting property, we get 10°)+tal ‘Tho impulse response is noncausal, and the filter is unrealizable, ‘The exponential delays to 1.8% at 4 times constants. Hence fp = 4/a = 4 x 10-° 40us is a reasonable choice to make this filter approximately realizable. Figure 87.5-2 ‘he vi ple eeponse che iverse Fore rns of H(4). Hence, we hae i= (ayosrect (=) sne%a0, 00052) (6) All the three systems are noncausal (and, therefore, untealizable) because all the three impulse responses start before ¢ = 0. For (a), the impulse response is a rectangular pulse starting ab t = -10-®. Hen delaying the h(t) by 1 jsccond will make it realizable. Tis will not change anything in the system behavior except the time delay of 1 jzsocond in the system response. For (b), the impulse response is « sine square pulse, which extends all the way to ~co. Clearly, this system cannot be made realizable with a finite time delay. ‘The delay has to be infinite. However, because the sine square pulse decays rapidly (see Figure 4.24d), we may truncate it at t = 104, and then delay the resulting, h(é) by 10-4, This makes the filter approximately realizable hy allowing a time delay of 100 pseconds in the system response For (), the impulse response is 1, which never decays. Consequently, this filter cannot be realized with any amount of delay. [* x(oytdoe 2 [7 rr ae Letting ow = J; and consequently dur = bade 1 een, vin maa or ae 7.6-2. Consider a signal 2(0)=sinc(Kt) and X(w) = Freet( snctande = Bb yp ao 7.63. If 22(t) <=» Aw), then the output ¥(w) = A(w)H(w), where H(w) is the lowpass filter transfer function (Figure 87.6-3). Because this fiter band Af — 0, we may express it as an impulse function of area 4A. Thus, H(w) = (4 jP(we) and ¥(w) = [4rAQw)Af6(u) = [47S Here we used the property 9(z)6(2) = 9(0)é(z) (Eq. (1-23a)]. This yields y(t) = 2A)AF Next, because 2%(¢) <= Alw), we have Aw) = £ ear sora AO)= f° BQu= Be Henee, y(t) = TT >> eras = ATA $e Oo > 2 o> Figure $7.6-3 7.64. Recall that stk [wets ot [agettaance rte [oxo ae dt [awl Xplwyel du] dt a3 © xatonf andere de 2 f xy(-wyxatodds Interchanging the roles of 21(t) and ra(¢) in the above development, we can show that £ ay(Q)za(0) dt = tf. Xj(o)Xa(—w) des 7.6-5. In the generalized Parseval’s theorem in Prob. 7.6-4, if we identify 9: (t) = sine(Wt— mm) and ga(t) = sine(Wt nx), then ilo) = Fret we and Gow) = rect (555) oA ‘Therefore [nonsoan£ (i) [bop] But rect (sf) = 1 for fol < W, and is 0 otherwise, Hence [hose ee gy [ot aoe { q tim In evaluating the integral, we used the fact that e2%" = 1 when k is an integer 7.6-6. Application of duality property (Eq. (4.81)] to pair 3 (Table 4.1) yields 2a. geet reno Bra ‘The signal energy is given by B= ef ome"? cs The energy contained within the band (0 to W’) is Bw aan [aa = Ee) If By = 0.998, then eH 001 7 = 2 ay = 2888 He 7.71. (3) For m(Q) = eos 10008 aclt) = m(t)cos 10, 0001 = Hse +0 LSB USB os 0s 10004 cos 10, 000 (i) For mn(¢) = 20s 1000¢ + cos 20008 Poen-sc(l) = m(t)cos'0,000t = [2c0s1000¢ + cos 2000! cos 10, 0008 344 = c059000¢ + c0811, 0004 + Z{e088000¢ + e052, 0004 [eos 90008 + 5 eos8000¢| + foos11,000¢ + 5 ec 12, 0001] eeeEeoeeeee 188 Use (ii) For mn(t) = cos 1000% cos 3000 Posa-selt) = m(t) cos 10,000 = 3feos2000t + eos 4900 cos 10,0008 = Hesatoe cn 1,00 + ste +014, 00 = Fiees8000% + cos 60004 + 3 feos 12, 000¢ + cos 14, 0004 LSB usp ‘This information is summarized in a table below. Figure $7.7-1 shows various spectra. “M02? Hoduloted Signal speetwm| a) i ! - o> ft wor Teer eo tet —A 1 . © tt tt t THe OUP bree > TAK TORR Ola aR aR TR ttt =n - wo itt th tt tt 46K Of aK HK ih “126-3 -EK ce o> 68k 12K TR Figure S7.7-1 ‘ease | Baseband frequency | DSB Frequency | LSB frequency | USD frequency” i 1000 9000 and 11,000 9000, 11,000 i 1000 9000 and 11,000 | 9000) T1,000- 2000 3000 andl 12,000 | 8000 12,000. ili 2000 8000 and 12,000 3000 12,000 000 {000 anc 14,000 | 6000) 14,000 142. (a) The signal at point bis a(t) = m(t)cos wet 3 L mfp [Soe bonds ‘The term 3m(t)eosuct is the desired modulated signal, whose spectrum is centered at':tu.. ‘The remaining term 4n(t)cos3u¢ is the unwanted term, ‘which represents the modulated signal with carrier frequency 34 with spectrum 345, centered at 434, as shown in Figure $7.7-2. The bandpass filter centered at tu allows to pass the desired term 4m(#)coswet, but suppresses the unwanted term 4m(t)cos3ut. Hence, this system works as desired with the output I(t) cosuxt. (b) Figure $7:7-2 shows the spectra at points b and ¢ (6) The minimum usable value of we is 203 in order to avoid spectral folding at de @ ml) 9 + cos 20ct] : = Bru + tot m(t) cos wet = ‘The signal at point b consists of the baseband signal }m(t) and a modulated signal 4m(t) cos 2uct, which has carrier frequency 2ugt, not the desired value ct. Both the components will be suppressed by the filter, whose center center frequency is ,. Hence, this system will not do the desired job. (0) The reader may verify that the identity for cos uct contains a termn coswict whim nis odd. This is not true when n is even. Hence, the system works for a carrier cos" wet only when 7 is odd, a LZ. i \ +® a Om Buoys a © o> Figure $7.7-2 7.7-3. This signal is identical to that in Figure 3.8a wi the Fourier series for this signal as i period Ty (instead of 2m). We find alt $3 fea Leoeaats Foe eo] Hence, y(t), the output of the multiplier is yom mint am [E12 (oneaLeoraae Foe sat] ‘The bandpass filter suppresses the signals m{t) and m(t) cos nwt for all n #1. Hence, 346 th as rota i n(n Bien 7.74. (a) Figure $7.7-4 shows the signals at points a, b, and c. (b) From the spectrum at point c, it is clear that the channel bandwidth must be at least 30,000 rad/s (from 5000 to 35,000 rad/s.) (c) Figure $7.7-4 shows the receiver to recover m(t) and ma(t) from the received modulated signal at @ at ® “10K BIS 10K (5K WO 10K DK 10 15K o> a@ AMA. | ARAN 35K 20% “BK Le BK 2K BBK 20s mes Lee_.—_»>— tos 20000C cos te coct matt > Lee pS Figure St 77-5, (a) Figure S7-7-5 shows the output signal spectrum ¥ (w. (b) Observe that Y(w) is the same as M(w) with the frequency spectrum inverted, that is, the high frequencies are shifted to lower frequencies and vice versa. ‘Thus, the scrambler in Figure P7.7-5 inverts the frequency spectrum. ‘To get back the original spectrum M(w), we need to invert the spectrum ¥(w) once again. This ‘can be done by passing the scrambled signal y(t) through the same serazbler 7.7-6. walt) = [A+m(0)] coswct. Hence, alt) = [A+ m(t)] cos? wet . Flat mio) + FIA +m(O)cos2uet ‘The first term is a lowpass signal because its spectrum is centered at w = 0. The lowpass filter allows this term to pass, but suppresses the second term, whose spectrum 347 7M. Figure S1.7-5, is centered nt 4:2., Hence the output of the lowpass filter is ul) = A+m(0) ‘When this signal is passed through a de block, the de term A is suppressed yielding the output m(). This shows that the system can demodulate AM signal regardless of the value of A. This is a synchronous or coherent demodulation, * = A=20 10 # Bos ‘This means that js = 00 represents the DSB-SC case, Figure $7.7-7 shows various waveforms. Figure S7.7-7 a'y(t) has Fourier Transform given by X(w) = information, MATLAB program #S7P2 is modi ‘The signal z(6) B, = &. Using tol), if (relerr>0), %W too small WeWrstep; % Increase W by step elseif (relerr> [WE_MJeUS7P2n0d1 (1, .95, 16-9) We 12.7062 EW = 0.4750 ‘Thus, w 2.7062, From the text example, ‘the essential bandwidth corresponding to 95% signal energy is derived as W = 12.706a radians per second. For a nicely with the computed value of Wy == 12.7002, 1, this corresponds (b) Setting a = 2 ond using 90% signal energy results in >> (W,E_W]=NS7P2m04! (2, .90, 16-8) w= 12.6275 EW = 0.2250 ‘Thus, We 2.6275 () Setting a = 3 and using 75% signal energy results in >> [W,ELW]-HS7P2a0d1 (3, .75, 10-8) We 7.2426 EW = 0.1250 ‘Thus, Wa = 7.2426. 7.M-2. To solve this problem, program ¥S7P2 is modified to solve for the pulse width to achieve a desired essential bandwidth, rather than solving for the essential bandwidth ‘that corresponds to a desired pulse. function [tau,E_¥] = MSTP2n0d2(W, beta,tol) % NSTP2n0d2.m % Function M-file computes essential bandwidth W for square pulse YINPUTS: W = essential bandwidth [rad/s) % beta = fraction of signal energy desired in W % tol = tolerance of relative energy error % OUTPUTS: tau = pulse width 349 % E.W = Energy contained in bandwidth W tan = 1; step = 4; 1 Initial guess and step values Kequared = inline (? (taueNS7P1 (onegaxtau/2)) .-2? , omega’, "tau’); ELW = 1/(2rpi)equad(k_squared,-W,W, (0), 0,tau); E = betarvau; % Desired energy in W relerr = (B ~ E.W/E; while(abs(relerr) > tel), Af (relerr>0), % tau too small taustautstep; % Increase tau by step elseif (relerr<0), { tau too Large step = step/2; tau = tau-atep; % Decrease step size and then tau. ELM = 1/(2epi)squad(X_squared, -W,W, (1, {1 tau) E~ betartau; Desired energy in W relerr = (E ~ E.N)/E; end (a) Set W = 2n5 and select 95% signal energy >> [eau,E_W) = MS7P2u0d2(2+pie5,.95, 16-9) au = 0.4146 EM = 0.3939, Thus, ny = 0.4146. (b) Set 1Y = 2710 and select 90% signal energy: >> Feau,EW) = MS7P2m0d2(2+pi+i0, 90, 1¢-9) tau = 0.0849 EM = 0.0764 ‘Thus, 2 = 0.0849. (o) Set W = 2720 and select 75% signal energy. >> [tau,£_W] = MS7P2n0d2(24pi*20, .78, 12-9) tan = 0.0236 EW 0.0177 ‘Thus, 75 = 0.0236. 7M ‘To solve this problem, program ¥S7P2 is modified to solve for the decay parameter a to achieve a desired essential bandwidth, rather than solving for the essential bandwidth, ‘that corresponds to a desired decay parameter. function [a,BW] = MS7P2n0d3(W,beta,to2) % NS7P2n003-n) 1 Function M-£ile computes decay parameter a needed to % achieve a given essential bandwidth. INPUTS: W = essential bandwidth (rad/s} beta = fraction of signal energy desired in W tol = tolerance of relative energy error 300 % OUTPUTS: a = decay parameter % EW = Energy contained in bandwidth W a= 1; stop = 1; 4 Initial guess and step values X_squared = inline(*t./(omega.~2+a.~2)” , omega’ a’); EW» 1/(2api)squaa(X_squared, -W,¥, 1, 0 ,a); E = bota/(2ea); % Desired energy in W relerr = (E ~ E_W)/E} while(abs(relerr) > tol), Af (relerr<0), a too small aratstep; % Increase tau by stop elseif (relerr0), % a too large step = step/2; a= a-etep; 1% Decrease step size and then tau. end EW © 1/(2spi)*quad(X_squared,-W,W, 01,0 ,a); E = beta/(2#a); % Desired energy in W relerr = (E ~ ELW)/! end (a) Set W = 2n5 and select 95% signal energy. >> [a,EW) = MS7P2mod3 (2*pi*5, .96, 10-9) a= 2.4725 . EM = 0.1921 ‘Thus, ay = 24725, (b) Set. 1Y = 2710 and select 90% signal energy. >> [a,E.W] = MS7P2x0d3(24pi*10, .90, te 2 = 9.9524 EW = 0.0452 ‘Thus, ay = 9.9524. (c) Set W = 2720 and solect 75% signal energy. >> [a,E.W] = MS7P2u0d3 (2*pin20, .75, 16-9) 2 = 52.0899 EW = 0.0072 ‘Thus, ag = 52.0499, 7.M-4. Call the desired unit-amplitude, unit duration triangle function (0). First, notice that -2(f) ean be constructed by convolving two rectangular pulses, each of width 7 = 0.5 and height A = V3. The energy of a(t) is Ez = 2 {25(2t)?dt = 1/3. Furthermore, using the convolution-in-time property and spectrum of rectangular pale, we know that X(e) = ($Esinalu/4)) Next, programm NS7P2 is modified to solve for the essential bandwidths of this signal for various signal energies. 351 7M. function [W,E_W] = HS7P2mod4(beta, tol) % NSTP2mod4.a 4% Function M-file computes essential bandwidth W for a % unit-amplitude, unit duration triangle function. Y INPUTS: beta = fraction of signal energy desired in W % tol = tolerance of relative energy error % OUTPUTS: W = essential bandvidth [rad/s] % EW = Enorgy contained in bandwidth W W= 0; step = 4; 4 Initial guess and step values X_squared = intino(? (sqrt (2)/2=NSTPI (onega/4)) .~4” ,"onega") ; E = beta/3; J Desired energy in W relerr = (E-0)/E; Ji Initial relative error is 100 percent vhileCabs(relerr) > tol), if (relerr>0), WW too small WeWestep; % Increase W by step elseif (relerr> [WE] = MS7P2u0d4(.95, 1¢-9) W = 6.2877 EW = 0.3167 Use 90% signal energy to compute the essential bandwidth: >> [WELW] = MS7P2n0d4(.9, 10-9) W > 5.3350 EW = 0.3000 Use 75% signal energy to compute the essential bandwidth: >> [WELW] = MS7P2a0d4(.75, 10-9) w= 3.7672 ELW = 0.2500 ‘Thus, the essential bandwidths are = 6.2877rad/s, Wo. 3.7872rad/s. 5.3360rad/s, Wo Following the example in MATLAB Session 7, the first 10 Fourier series coefficients of 1/3 duty-cycle square wave are (a) Setting Ty = 20 and 7 352 TM6. MATLAB is used to evaluate and plot the first ten coefficients, >> tau = 2api/3; TO = 2pi; a 01; >> D_n = tau/T_O+NS7Pi (nepistau/T_0) ; >> stem(n,Dn,’k?); xlabel(’n); ylabel Dn"); >> axis({-0.5 10.5 -0.2 0.551); Figure S7.M-Sa: Fourier series coefficients Dy for x(t), (b) Setting T = x and 1/3 yields Notice, the coefficients D,, depend only on the duty-cycle of the signal, not the period. Since the duty eyele is fixed, the coefficients Dj are identical to those determined in 7.M-5a, Refer to solution 7.M-5a for the MATLAB code and plot. X(w) = [SR a(themtar foetemat Ect asset 0a agp SIGTET pm ct Substituting V3 = and at!) V2 = de yields ve X= ye [Leworenay However, oe [ee at = 1 for any a, s0 Je view MATLAB is used to plot 2() and X(w) >> t = Limepaco(-10,10,1001); x = exp(-t.72 >> omega = linspace(-10,10,1001); X = sqrt (pi)+exp(-omega.°2/4); 353 >> subplot(2it); pov(e.x, 7k): >> xabel('t?); ylabe1?x(4)95 >> subplot(212); plot (t,x, 7%); >> elabel(’\omega’); ylabel(°X(\enege)”); Figure S7.M-6: x(t) = e~® and X(w) = Vme~""4, Figure $7.M-6 confirms that X (w) is just a sceled and stretched version of z(t). Thisis something remarkable; the Fourier Transform of a Gaussian pulse is itself a Gaussian pulse! 354

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