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Lucas 1

Connor Lucas Process Book:

Playing Cards
Content Lucas 2

1.Concept Development 3
2.Concept Application 4
3.Numbers and Letters 5
4.Marker Layout 6
5.Digital Layout 7
6.Final Design 8
Stage 1: Concept Development Lucas 3

Concept Development
In this stage I used 10
letters to abstract the
spade suite. I tried my
best to keep them as
flat, graphic, and true
to the original form.
Ultimately I ended up
choosing Shatter, In-
complete, and Geome-
try to develop further.
For shatter I chose the
design that has a tran-
sition from larger to
smaller shards, for in-
complete I went with
the jigsaw puzzle de-
sign, and for geometry
I chose the hexagon
Stage 2: Concept Application Lucas 4

Concept Application
In this stage I used
the action words Ge-
ometry, Shatter, and
Incomplete to devel-
Geometry op. For the geometric
abstraction I wanted
a pattern that used a
hexagon to create a fu-
turistic design. Shatter
was designed to have
Shatter a transition from larg-
er shards to smaller
which made the ef-
fect of glass shattering
rather than breaking.
As for incomplete I
Incomplete decided to use puzzle
pieces to make missing
pieces appear in the
Stage 3: Numbers and Letters Lucas 5

Numbers and Letters

The four cards I de-
signed used the numbers
3, 4, 6 and letter Q. I de-
veloped my different ab-
stractions for each shape
Shatter Incomplete Geometry
Shatter Incomplete Geometry twice designing a mi-
nor change to each with
Shatter Incomplete Geometry shatter having a more
Shatter Incomplete Geometry straight line vs. intri-
cate design, incomplete
uses the missing pieces
either around the form
or in the middle, and
geometry uses two dif-
ferent patterns one being
a brick style design and
the other the hexagon. I
then used my preferred
designs to develop fur-
ther into the Queens de-
Shatter Geometry Incomplete
Stage 4: Marker Layout Marker Layout
Lucas 6

The word I used for

my final design is shat-
ter.At this stage it was
about figuring out how
Radial Axial Grid Bilateral Grid
to incorporate the de-
sign of shatter into the
actualy layout of the
playing card. For the
inital marker concept
it was more about the
Random Radial Radial Dilational Bilateral actual placement of
where the words,let-
ters, and suite symo-
bls were going to be

Axial Grid Axial Grid Axial

Dilational Modular Bilateral Axial Dilational

Stage 5:Digital Layout Lucas 7

Digital Layout
From the previous
marker layout, these
Radial Axial Grid Bilateral Grid cards include the ab-
stracted word into the
design. The design of
shatter I used from
stage 4 had the more
linear quality so I kept
Random Radial Radial Dilational Bilateral that design consistent
throughout the forms.

Axial Grid Axial Grid Axial

Dilational Modular Bilateral Axial Dilational

Final Lucas 8

Design Final Design

Overall I’m really happy
with how the cards were
designed. I created cards
that illustrate an action
word that abstracts the
form and also keeps the
original shapes intact.
These designs clearly il-
lustrate the use of the
word shatter. It was im-
portant to consider what
the actual word shatter
would represent, as to
distinguish it from a
word like break or snap.
In order to create this
design, it was necessary
to have a single point
where the design actu-
ally “shatters” across all

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