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Lesson Plan Template

Name Brittany Graft
Subject Social Studies
Grade Level 4th Grade
Date/Duration April 5th, 2017/Approx. 20 minutes
Big Ideas  Identify characteristics about themselves that make them unique
 Understand different ethnic backgrounds/cultures
Essential Questions  What do I like about myself?
 What sets me apart from my classmates?
 What ethnicity am I?
 What is a culture? What is my culture?

PA/Common Standard - 8.4.3.A

Core/Standards Identify the elements of culture and ethnicity.
Objective  After discussing the elements of culture and ethnicity, 4th grade
students will then construct a paper crayon and write what makes
them unique on it from their classmates, using the given
materials, one time with 100% accuracy.
Formative &  Formal – the finished paper crayon that displays what the
Summative students like about themselves and what makes them unique
Assessment  Informal – asking the students about what they feel their favorite
Evidence part about themselves is

Accommodations,  If a child cannot write/decorate their crayon, they could use the
Modifications Crayon Maestro app on the iPad which would create the same
type of project. If a child has a sensory disorder or even ADHD and
has problems holding the markers or pens, the Handiwriter tool
that attaches to the utensil helps the child be able to write.
Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
 Discuss what ethnicity, culture, and diversity means to them.

Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
 Read the book “The Crayon Box that Talked”
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions  Though we come from different backgrounds, we are all people
and we are all important
Essential Questions Statement
 What makes me unique?
Key Vocabulary
 Diversity, culture, ethnicity, unique, individualism
Lesson Procedure PreAssessment of Students
 Discuss how people are all different based on their ethnicity and
culture, but how no one person is more important than another
Modeling of the Concept
 After the students have finished their crayons, they will place them
in the large classroom crayon box
Guiding the Practice
 Walking around the room to ask students what they like most
about themselves and one thing that they think sets them apart
from their fellow classmates
Providing the Independent Practice
 Let students put their finished paper crayons in the crayon box
once they have finished, then later discussing what they put on
their crayon to the class
 Listen to “Imagine” by John Lennon or “One Love”
Supplies  Songs and “The Crayon Box that Talked” book
 For the project: construction paper, markers, scissors, colored
pencils, crayons
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
 After all the students have finished making their paper crayons,
they will have the chance to share their creativity with their
classmates by discussing the characteristics that they chose to
include about themselves on their crayon.
Teacher 
Self-reflection 

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